What does Motorboat mean?

motorboat vulgar slang

Other definitions of Motorboat:

  • To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Motorboat that should be included here, please let us know .

How to use the term Motorboat :

It's doubtful she derives much pleasure other than seeing your amusement when you're motorboating.

Oh, motorboat me harder, baby! Yes, just like that!


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What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here’s What You Need To Know)

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to motorboat someone? But what is motorboating, and what are the potential consequences of doing it? Before you start motorboating, it’s important to understand the different types and the importance of consent.

In this article, we’ll discuss motorboating in both romantic and professional settings, and offer some tips for motorboating discreetly.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about motorboating.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Motorboating is when someone puts their face between two peoples chests and makes a loud vibrating noise with their lips.

Depending on the context, motorboating someone can be seen as either funny or offensive.

The reaction a person has to being motorboated will depend on how they perceive the gesture and the relationship they have with the person motorboating them.

What is Motorboating?

Motorboating is the act of pressing one’s face into someone’s chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture.

The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

This act has been around for many years, but recently it has become more popular as a result of a few viral internet videos.

Motorboating is often seen as a funny and harmless way to show affection.

It can be done between friends, family, or romantic partners and usually results in laughter and good-natured teasing.

In some cases, it can even be seen as a sign of endearment and a way to show appreciation.

However, it is important to remember that motorboating someone without their consent can be seen as disrespectful and inappropriate.

It is important to be mindful of the relationship between the two parties and motorboat someone only with their permission.

Different Types of Motorboating

motorboat vulgar slang

Motorboating is a term that has been around for quite some time, but most people don’t really know what it is.

Motorboating is a gesture of affection, usually between two people, where one person presses their face into the other person’s chest and moves their head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

This gesture is seen as humorous and often sexual in nature.

It is most commonly seen in popular culture, such as movies and TV shows, and is often used as a way to show affection between two people.

There are a variety of different types of motorboating that can be done.

For example, some people may choose to motorboat someone with their eyes closed, while others may choose to motorboat someone with their eyes open.

Other variations include motorboating someone with a tongue, or motorboating someone from behind.

Each type of motorboating has its own unique effects, so it is important to choose the method that best fits the situation.

Another type of motorboating is called the double motorboat, which is a combination of two different motorboating techniques.

In this type of motorboating, both participants press their faces into each other’s chests and move their heads from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound.

This type of motorboating is often used to show a greater level of affection between two people and can be a very intimate gesture.

No matter what type of motorboating is done, it is important to always be respectful of the other person and to make sure that both parties are comfortable with the action.

Motorboating someone should never be done without their consent, as this could lead to legal repercussions.

Motorboating is a fun and often humorous gesture, but it should always be done with discretion and respect.

The Potential Consequences of Motorboating

Motorboating is a gesture that can be funny, affectionate, or even provocative, depending on the relationship between the two people involved.

Depending on the situation, motorboating someone can have a variety of different consequences.

If motorboating is done between two people who are in a relationship, it can be seen as a fun and innocent way to show affection.

It can also be used as a playful tease between two people who are flirting or in a budding relationship.

However, if motorboating is done without the other person’s consent, it can be viewed as disrespectful and offensive.

Depending on the context, it could even lead to legal repercussions.

In a professional setting, motorboating can be highly inappropriate and should be avoided at all costs.

In some cases, it may violate the employer’s code of conduct or even lead to a hostile work environment.

For example, if an employee motorboats a coworker, it could be seen as sexual harassment and result in disciplinary action.

Ultimately, motorboating someone should be done with discretion and respect.

It is important to be aware of the potential consequences before engaging in such an activity.

If motorboating is done without the other person’s consent, it could have serious legal and professional repercussions.

On the other hand, if it is done in a respectful and consensual manner, it can be a fun and playful way to show affection.

Motorboating and Consent

motorboat vulgar slang

Motorboating someone without their consent is never acceptable and can lead to serious legal repercussions.

It is important to ensure that the person you are motorboating is comfortable and willing to partake in the act before proceeding.

When motorboating someone, it is important to remember that it is an intimate act and should never be taken lightly.

Consent should always be sought before motorboating someone and both parties should be comfortable with the act.

In some cases, motorboating someone without their consent can be seen as sexual assault.

For this reason, it is essential to be aware of the laws in your region regarding motorboating and sexual assault.

In some areas, motorboating someone without their consent could be considered a criminal act.

It is also important to remember that even if the other person has agreed to the act, it is still possible for them to change their mind at any time.

Respect their wishes and stop the motorboating immediately if they are not comfortable.

Motorboating in a Romantic Relationship

When it comes to motorboating in a romantic relationship, there are both positive and negative consequences to consider.

On one hand, motorboating can be a fun and silly way to show affection and flirt with ones partner.

It can be seen as a playful and lighthearted gesture that can help to break the ice and bring some levity to a relationship.

Additionally, motorboating can be a form of sexual foreplay, which can increase the intimacy between two people.

On the other hand, motorboating can be seen as inappropriate or even disrespectful in some cases.

It is important to always have respect for your partner and their wishes – motorboating should not be done without their consent.

Additionally, motorboating can also be seen as a sign of disrespect or a lack of intimacy if done too frequently or in a negative or mocking manner.

It is important to be aware of the dynamics of the relationship and the feelings of both parties before engaging in motorboating.

Motorboating in a Professional Setting

motorboat vulgar slang

Motorboating someone in a professional setting is a risky move and should be avoided at all costs.

While motorboating can be seen as a humorous and often sexual gesture, it is highly inappropriate in a professional environment.

Doing so could be seen as disrespectful and offensive and could lead to legal repercussions if done without the other person’s consent.

It is important to remember that motorboating someone in a professional setting can be misconstrued as sexual harassment.

Depending on the relationship between the two parties, it could have serious repercussions for the perpetrator, ranging from a reprimand up to potential legal action.

Even if the other person is a friend or colleague, motorboating them in a professional setting is still a bad idea.

Before engaging in any kind of potentially inappropriate behavior, it is important to consider the potential consequences.

For example, if you motorboat someone in a professional setting, you may be creating an uncomfortable and hostile work environment for those around you.

Additionally, it could also put you at risk for termination, suspension, or even legal action.

At the end of the day, it is important to respect the boundaries of those around you and to exercise discretion when engaging in any kind of potentially inappropriate behavior.

Motorboating someone in a professional setting is never a good idea and should be avoided at all costs.

Tips for Motorboating Discreetly

Motorboating someone should always be done with respect and discretion.

Before you motorboat someone, make sure that they are comfortable with the gesture and have given their consent.

Respect their wishes if they decline or ask you to stop.

If you are unsure of the other persons reaction, start by asking if they would like to be motorboated.

If you are in a relationship with the person, it is important to make sure that your motorboating is consensual.

Talk to your partner about what they are comfortable with and respect their wishes.

If you are not in a relationship, it is best to avoid motorboating altogether, as it can be seen as disrespectful and offensive.

When motorboating someone, try to be discreet.

Do not do it in public or in front of children.

Make sure that the person is comfortable with the gesture and that you are not making them feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Finally, make sure to be aware of the legal implications of motorboating someone without their consent.

Depending on the situation, it may be considered sexual harassment or even assault.

Respect the other persons boundaries and be aware of the potential consequences of motorboating someone without their consent.

Final Thoughts

Motorboating is a fun and often humorous way to show affection, but it must be done with discretion and respect.

Depending on the relationship between two parties, motorboating someone can have a variety of consequences, including legal repercussions if done without consent.

If you choose to motorboat someone, be sure to practice consent, use discretion, and be aware of the potential consequences.

Now that you know what happens if you motorboat someone, it’s up to you to decide if this is something you would like to experience or share with someone else.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Motorboat n. 2.

( US ) the act, typically performed when a stripper is giving a lap-dance, of pushing one's face into her cleavage and rocking the head from side-to-side.

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  • Post author By Rap Dictionary
  • Post date April 13, 2022

Motorboat (slang)

Type: verb , slang

Pronunciation: /mow-ter- boat /

Also spelled or known as: Motor boat , Motor- boat

Related: Motorboated

What does Motorboat mean?

To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat.

Example sentence: “She let me motorboat her at the party.”

Motorboat in songs :

“If life is a woman, she’s got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ’ em ” – Watsky, IDGAF.

“See them titties , wanna motorboat it” – Childish Gambino, Dream / Southern Hospitality / Partna Dem .

“In a six, told her suck a dick , motorboat her tits ” – A$AP Rocky, Goldie.

“Wish I was big pimpin ’ on a yacht wit Hova But I’m happy that my girl lemme motorboat her” – Lil Dicky, Jewish Flow .

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  • 1.1 Alternative forms
  • 1.2 Etymology
  • 1.3 Pronunciation
  • 1.4.1 Translations
  • 1.4.2 See also

English [ edit ]

motorboat vulgar slang

Alternative forms [ edit ]

Etymology [ edit ].

motor +‎ boat

Pronunciation [ edit ]

  • ( UK ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈməʊtəˌbəʊt/
  • ( US ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈmoʊtəˌboʊt/

Noun [ edit ]

motorboat ( plural motorboats )

  • ( nautical ) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard ), but especially a small one.

Translations [ edit ]

See also [ edit ], verb [ edit ].

motorboat ( third-person singular simple present motorboats , present participle motorboating , simple past and past participle motorboated )

  • To ride in a motorboat.
  • 2011 October 10, Molly McCarthy, Stella Blake-Kelly, Peter McCaffrey, “Year In News”, in Salient , Victoria University of Wellington, page 9 : ACT on Campus President Peter McCaffrey allegedly motorboated Heather Roy at the ACT Party offices over the newly-passed piece of legislation.
  • 2012 June 8, “ Underwood takes her 3rd video of year win at CMTs ”, in Bali Post , page 12 : Kellie Pickler pretended to motorboat an imaginary pair of breasts to introduce Little Big Town's performance of “Pontoon,” [ … ]
  • 2013 October 25, “Breast cancer awareness gone too far”, in The Daily Athenaeum , West Virginia University, page 4 : Other promotional events, such as “No Bra” day or the “ motorboating girls for breast cancer awareness” campaign, also take things a little too far.
  • 2013 , "19 Most Lustable Celebs", VIBE , April/May 2013, page 84 : You're blind to the blue Pacific water and glaring sun as your entire face is buried in Sofia's bosom—you're motorboating on a motorboat!
  • 2014 , Madison Holmes, "Big boobs: The bane of my existence", The Orion (Chico State University), 15 October 2014, page A6 : While talking to some dude at a party, he bent over and motorboated me.
  • 2015 , Jill Sorenson, Shooting Dirty , unnumbered page : Tiffany put her hands on Janelle's hips and motorboated her breasts.
  • 2016 July 19, Shane Allison, You're the One I Want: A Novel , Simon and Schuster, →ISBN : Tangela has these huge titties, the kind I like to motorboat .
  • 2013 August 1, Ben Brooks, Lolito , Canongate Books, →ISBN : 'And we can fucking smash his dick in. Elliot's coming. And Hattie.' 'Are you lying?' 'I am not lying.' 'If you are lying, I am going to smash your dick in.' ... Amundsen pushes his whole head into the bowl, motorboating his food.
  • 2021 April 6, Natasha Osiris, Transformed into a Ts-Girl (M2F) by a Dice , AuthorHouse, →ISBN : Immediately I started to lick, to suck, to kiss, to blow and to motorboat her pussy .
  • 2012 07 , Karen Alterisio Nelson, Millions of Reasons to Lie , iUniverse, →ISBN , page 118 : She wanted to straddle him and motorboat him right there. She thought about his chest again, and his lips. His dark eyelashes made his dark chocolate eyes so much darker, especially when they softened with desire.
  • 2017 April 9, Harvey C Gordon, SEXciting PUNography , eBook Partnership, →ISBN : A man who was having trouble recalling an important piece of information put his head between his girlfriend's breasts and had her motorboat him. You might say the man was racking his brain trying to remember.
  • 2019 April 24, Cassandra Dee, Buy Me: A Forbidden Romance , Cassandra Dee Romance: Some guys would have welcomed the opportunity to motorboat his face between two huge bags of saline, enjoying the artificial bounceback.
  • 2020 January 28, Joe Ide, Hi Five , Mulholland Books, →ISBN : “Why didn't you just take your tits out and motorboat him?” “He was nice and polite, okay?” she said. “Something you should learn about. Where's the fucking car?” As good a time as any, Isaiah thought.
  • 2020 August 18, Ashley & JaQuavis, Money Devils 1: A Cartel Novel , St. Martin's Press, →ISBN : It was the same girl from the boat earlier that day, but she was the one driving this go-around. She motorboated his face as he licked away. A petite-framed Latina woman was giving him oral while massaging his sack.
  • 2021 September 1, Goran Radanovic, 10 Erotic Short Stories Vol. 1 , Goran Radanovic, →ISBN , page 51 : He smiled as I motorboated his face between my breasts.
  • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:motorboat .

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17 Sex Terms You Were Too Embarrassed to Ask About, Defined

Especially with the rise of social media, new terms are coined all the time, including in the arena of sexuality. For instance, while the word "cuck" has become an insult hurled by the right-wing trolls, it's related to cuckolding, which can (and should) be a hot and consensual sexual activity that all involved parties enjoy. If you weren't quite sure of what that particular word's definition is — or you're unclear on terms like felching, docking, or queening, for that matter — I've written a near-comprehensive guide.

Additionally, if you're wondering if any given sex act is really a thing, keep in mind the wise words of sex educator Jimanekia Eborn : " Everything is a thing, is basically what I have learned working in sex education." In other words, if you can dream it, you can do it — or at least rest assured that someone else has probably tried to. With that being said, here are 17 sex terms you probably didn't learn in sex ed, explained.

1. Pearl Necklace

As Samantha explained to Charlotte on a memorable episode of Sex and the City , a pearl necklace is what results when someone ejaculates on or around their partner's neck or chest (yes, so that the semen is roughly where a pearl necklace is when worn). If you're not someone who enjoys wearing this kind of pearl necklace, feel free to stick to Charlotte's preferred version, which you can find at Bloomingdale's.

2. Impact Play

Impact play refers to any impact on the body done for sexual gratification, from spanking to whips and crops . When engaging in impact play, remember to pick a safe word and continually check in with one another to ensure the level of pain is desirable. It's also important to stick to areas on the body which are safe to spank or tap on with a crop, which means fleshy, meaty areas away from the organs, such as the butt and thighs. If this sounds appealing to you, be sure to check out my guide to first-timer BDSM tips .

Dungeon Dwellers And Domination Enthusiasts Descend On DomconLA

3. squirting.

Squirting is when a person with a vagina ejaculates fluid during sex. Eborn says she is frequently asked if squirting is a myth, and she's only too happy to share that it is not, nor is it "just peeing." Research suggests that the fluid involved comes partly from Skene's glands, also known as the "female prostate" — but as with many subjects that don't focus on a penis, more research is required. Not everyone squirts, and among those who do, some squirt from clitoral stimulation and some squirt from G-spot stimulation (that is, stimulation of the sensitive front wall of the vagina).

You may be familiar with cognitive behavioral therapy , a helpful form of talk therapy. However, within the world of kink, CBT refers to "cock and ball torture." This form of CBT can be therapeutic for people with penises interested in having a dominatrix inflict pain on their genitals, through the use of ropes, whips, or even chastity devices.

Pegging refers to when a woman penetrates a man anally with a strap-on dildo . There's a now-infamous pegging scene in a Broad City episode that recently repopularized the term.

6. Queening

Queening is just a glamorous name for sitting on someone's face. There's nothing more to it than that.

7. Scissoring

Scissoring, also called tribadism or tribbing, is most often thought of as the territory of same-sex, female-identified couples. It's usually considered to be two partners rubbing their vulvas against each other's, but can also be defined as one partner rubbing their vulva against other body parts of their partner's (including the thighs and butt), as Autostraddle pointed out . In so-called "classic" scissor position, partners' legs intersect so that they look like — you guessed it — scissors. Porn (especially porn made for the male gaze) has probably hyped up scissoring as a more popular act among women who have sex with women than it actually is in real life, but plenty of people love it.

Women in lingerie touching each other

8. edge play.

When you first hear the term "edge play," it's easy to assume it refers to extreme sex acts that literally involve an edge of some sort, such as knives or needles (and yes, some people consensually incorporate those things into sex). But no sharp objects need to be involved in this type of edge play. The term means kinky sexual acts that push your boundaries (consensually) to the edge, which can be exhilarating for some. What is considered edge play differs from person to person, as we all have our own boundaries and limits. For some, psychological play such as name-calling may be edge play. If you are going to try pushing your boundaries , please do so with a partner you trust and use a safe word.

Figging is one of those sexual acts that are so interesting it's fun to know what it means, but you have to wonder if anyone actually does it. Figging is the act of inserting a piece of peeled ginger into someone's butthole, which would burn, sting, and be quite painful. Figging allegedly originated as a (non-sexual) form of corporal punishment on female prisoners by the Greek and the Roman empires. These days, the term also can refer to the general infliction of consensual pain on the anus.

10. Aftercare

Aftercare is a sexual practice that everyone should be doing, whether you're having kinky sex or vanilla sex. It's a term created by the kink community and simply means checking in with your partner(s) after sex to make sure all parties felt good and safe about what just went down and taking care of one another emotionally and physically. This can mean cuddling, bringing ice to the submissive partners if there are any spanking bruises, and talking about what you liked or what you didn't like. It really just means checking in post-sex, and if anything did happen that one or all parties felt weird about, making sure it doesn't happen the next time.

11. Felching

To felch is to suck up semen out of an orifice (using a straw is optional). For instance, someone may ejaculate inside their partner's anus and then suck their own semen out of the anus with their mouth; they then may or may not swallow. (Keep in mind that exchanging fluids in this way is associated with the risk of STIs , including HIV.)

12. Bukkake

Bukkake is both a sex act and popular genre of porn in which multiple men, typically three or more, ejaculate all over a woman.

13. Docking

"Docking is when two uncircumcised [people with penises] get together," Eborn explains. "[The first] pulls his foreskin back and holds it while [the second] stretches [theirs] open and outward as far as possible over the head and shaft of [the first partner's] penis." She says she is frequently asked if this act is real and possible, and her response is that with enough imagination and determination, most things are. (That said, remember that comfort and safety should take priority in all sexual encounters, no matter how creative.)

14. Cuckolding

Cuckolding is when a person in a relationship stands by as their partner has sex with someone else. There are many ways to cuck: The "cuckold" may look on while tied up in a corner, or the cuckold's partner may go out on their own, have sex, and report back. There is usually an element of humiliation involved: For instance, a wife may tell her husband all about how her other partner has a massive penis and can satisfy her in ways her husband cannot. Yes, some men are turned on by being told they suck in bed. (Important note: It's totally possible to share sexy fantasies about cuckolding with your partner without actually doing it.)

Professional dominatrixes often get requests to do cuckolding sessions in which they may have their submissive watch as they have sex with a different partner or tell the submissive to buy them lingerie for them to wear on a date with someone else. While cuckolding is primarily associated with married, opposite-sex couples, people can enjoy cuckolding play regardless of gender, orientation, or relationship status.

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15. water sports.

According to safe-for-work Google searches, water sports are aquatic activities such as jet-skiing. In the bedroom, however, the term refers to the incorporation of urine in erotic play. A golden shower, for example, is when one partner pees on the other. If you want to try this kind of play for the first time but are a little nervous, peeing on your partner (or being peed on) in the shower is a good way to dip your toe in the water, metaphorically speaking.

16. Fisting

Fisting is when one partner inserts their entire hand or fist into the other partner's vagina (or anus, for the highly talented). If you enjoy intense penetration but are dating someone with a small penis, remember that they have an entire fist to use on you. (And no, a penchant for fisting won't make your vagina loose ( nor will sex in general , so put that myth out of your head).

If you'd like to try it, go slow and use plenty of lube ; the fister can also wear a latex glove to keep things extra sanitary and help the hand slide into the orifice. And as with any sex act, enthusiastic consent and in-the-moment communication are key to enjoyment by all parties.

Medicine. Medical staff putting on latex gloves. Germany, Europe

17. queefing.

OK, so this one may not be a sex act, exactly, but it frequently happens during sex. Queefing is when air escapes from the vagina, often during or after penetration, and makes a farting sound. It's a form of flatulence, and it's totally normal. "At one point in time, it happens to all of us. We laugh [about it] to keep from being embarrassed," Eborn says.

Read more stories about sexuality and exploration:

11 of the Most Common Sexual Fetishes

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Xpert Rider

Decoding the Language of the Open Road: A Comprehensive Guide

motorcycle slang

Motorcycle culture is a vibrant and tight-knit community, with its own unique language and terminology. To truly immerse yourself in the world of motorcycles, it’s essential to understand and embrace the slang that motorcycle riders use. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the history and origins of motorcycle slang, the significance it holds in motorcycle culture, and how to use it in conversations.

Table of Contents

The History and Origins of Motorcycle Slang

motorboat vulgar slang

The roots of motorcycle slang can be traced back to the early days of motorcycle clubs and gangs. As these groups formed and grew, they developed their own language to communicate and distinguish themselves from the rest of society. This language, known as biker lingo, became an integral part of the motorcycle culture.

Biker lingo draws inspiration from various sources, including military jargon, outlaw culture, and the thrill of the open road. Some terms have their origins in the early days of motorcycling, while others have evolved over time. Understanding the history and origins of motorcycle slang gives us a deeper appreciation for the language and its significance within the community.

Common Motorcycle Slang Terms

motorboat vulgar slang

To navigate the world of motorcycle slang, it’s important to familiarize yourself with some commonly used terms. Here are a few examples:

  • Crotch Rocket: This term refers to a high-performance sportbike, known for its speed and agility.
  • Saddlebags: These are bags attached to the sides or rear of a motorcycle for carrying luggage or other items.
  • Pillion: The seat behind the rider, often used to describe a passenger seat.
  • Rat Bike: A motorcycle deliberately designed to have a worn, rugged appearance.

Biker Lingo and Its Significance

motorboat vulgar slang

Biker lingo serves multiple purposes within motorcycle culture. Firstly, it acts as a form of communication among riders. When two riders engage in a conversation filled with motorcycle slang, it creates a sense of camaraderie and belonging. It allows riders to connect on a deeper level, sharing their experiences and passion for the open road.

Secondly, biker lingo serves as a way to preserve the traditions and heritage of motorcycle culture. Many of the terms used today have been passed down through generations of riders. By using this language, riders pay homage to those who came before them and keep the spirit of motorcycle culture alive.

Lastly, biker lingo adds an element of excitement and mystique to the motorcycle world. It gives riders a way to express themselves and their love for motorcycles in a unique and memorable way. Whether it’s a simple greeting of “Ride safe, brother!” or a more elaborate phrase like “Live to ride, ride to live,” biker lingo encapsulates the freedom and thrill of the open road.

How to Use Motorcycle Slang in Conversations

motorboat vulgar slang

Using motorcycle slang in conversations and social media can be a fun and engaging way to connect with fellow riders. Here are a few tips to help you incorporate biker lingo into your interactions:

  • Listen and learn: Pay attention to the slang used by other riders and take note of any terms or phrases that interest you.
  • Practice in conversations: Start incorporating motorcycle slang into your conversations with fellow riders. Not only will it help you become more comfortable with the language, but it will also create opportunities for meaningful connections.
  • Use it responsibly: While using motorcycle slang can be exciting, it’s important to use it responsibly and respectfully. Avoid using slang terms that may be offensive or derogatory to others.

In the world of social media, motorcycle slang can be a powerful tool for building an online presence. Incorporate relevant terms and phrases into your posts and captions, and engage with other riders using the language they understand. This will help you connect with a wider audience and foster a sense of community.

Common Misconceptions

motorboat vulgar slang

Despite its rich history and cultural significance, motorcycle slang is often misunderstood or misrepresented. Let’s address some common misconceptions:

  • Motorcycle slang is exclusive to gangs and outlaw culture: While motorcycle gangs have played a role in the development of motorcycle slang, the language is not exclusive to them. Motorcycle slang is used by riders from all backgrounds and is a way to connect and communicate within the broader motorcycle community.
  • Motorcycle slang is vulgar or offensive: While some motorcycle slang terms may have a rough edge, the language as a whole is not inherently vulgar or offensive. Like any language, it’s important to use motorcycle slang responsibly and respectfully.

By dispelling these misconceptions, we can appreciate motorcycle slang for what it truly is—a vibrant and expressive language that brings riders together.

Embracing the Language of the Open Road

As a rider, embracing the language of the open road is an essential part of connecting with the motorcycle community. Motorcycle slang and terminology not only facilitate communication but also embody the spirit of adventure, freedom, and camaraderie that defines motorcycle culture.

By understanding the history and origins of motorcycle slang, familiarizing yourself with common terms, and using the language responsibly, you can fully immerse yourself in the world of motorcycles. Embrace the language of the open road, and let it become a part of your journey as you explore new horizons and forge lifelong connections with fellow riders.

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Motorcycle Slangs & Terms: Lingo Dictionary For Newbies

motorcycle slang

The world of sports bikes isn’t just about riding gears and engines. It’s a subculture brimming with its own vibrant language. Motorcycle lingo weaves a tapestry of terms, expressions, and jargon that transcend mere communication; they encapsulate the spirit of freedom, camaraderie, and adventure that riders share.

65 Motorcycle Slang All Bikers Need To Know

Motorcycle slang started with numbers.

Refer to riding with a passenger on the back seat of a motorcycle.

Example: We’re going 2-up to the concert tonight, so make sure the passenger seat is comfortable.

2. 3-Wheeler

A motorcycle with three wheels, often known as a trike. It provides more stability than traditional two-wheel motorcycles.

Example: My uncle prefers his 3-wheeler because he feels more secure on it.

Police code for a mentally unstable person. In motorcycle culture, it might refer to someone who rides recklessly or unpredictably.

Example: Did you see that experienced rider pulling a 5150 on the highway? They were swerving all over the place.

4. 7-11 Rider

A biker slang term for someone who only rides their touring bikes during good weather or when it’s convenient.

Example: Don’t expect him to join the ride this weekend; he’s more of a 7-11 rider.

Refer to a black leather jacket often worn by motorcycle riders. It’s named after the black ball in the game of billiards.

Example: He looked like a true biker in his 8-ball jacket and bandana.

A distress call used by police officers that can be adopted by motorcyclists to indicate an emergency situation on the road.

Example: He signaled a 10-33 on the radio after witnessing a crash up ahead.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter A

An acronym that stands for “All The Gear, All The Time.” It emphasizes the importance of wearing full protective gear every time you ride.

Example: Before we hit the road, remember ATGATT – helmets, jackets, gloves, and boots.

It means the point on a curve or corner where the motorcycle’s path is closest to the inside of the curve. Riders aim to take the apex for the best line through a turn.

Example: He took the apex perfectly, smoothly leaning his bike and accelerating out of the corner.

9. Assless Chaps

Leather chaps without a backside, often worn by motorcyclists as a part of their protective gear and style.

Example: He wore his assless chaps to the biker rally, adding a bit of edgy flair to his outfit.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter B

10. barn find.

It is an expression meaning for discovering a vintage or classic motorcycle that has been stored and forgotten in a barn or similar location for many years.

Example: He couldn’t believe his luck when he stumbled upon a rare Harley as a barn find.

11. Burnout

Revving the engine while holding the brakes, which makes the rear tire spin and creates a cloud of smoke. Often done for showmanship.

Example: He did a burnout at the start of the race, leaving behind a trail of smoke.

A term used for a well-worn, older motorcycle that might not be in perfect condition but is reliable and gets the job done.

Example: His beater bike may not look flashy, but it’s been with him through thick and thin.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter C

13. crotch rocket.

A colloquial term for sport bikes or high-performance motorcycles designed for speed and agility.

Example: He loves the adrenaline rush of riding his crotch rocket on the open highway.

14. Clutch Lever Puke

When a rider mistakenly pulls in the clutch lever while the motorcycle is in gear, causing an abrupt lurch forward due to disengaging the V-Twin engine power.

Example: He had a clutch lever puke moment at the stoplight, much to the amusement of onlookers.

15. Chicken Strips

The unused portion of a motorcycle’s tire tread on the edges, typically seen on less aggressive riders who haven’t leaned the bike much in corners.

Example: His chicken strips were so wide that you could practically see the entire logo on his tires.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter D

16. dresser.

A term used to describe a motorcycle that has been heavily customized or adorned with various accessories.

Example: His dresser is a true reflection of his personal style, with custom paint and added chrome.

17. Drafting

Riding closely behind another vehicle to take advantage of reduced wind resistance, similar to the technique used in bicycle racing.

Example: He was drafting behind the truck to save fuel on the open highway.

18. Daytona

Refer to the Daytona Beach Bike Week, an annual motorcycle event in Florida where enthusiasts gather to celebrate and showcase their bikes.

Example: They’re planning to attend Daytona this year to experience the excitement of the bike week.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter E

Short for “Evolution,” it refers to Harley-Davidson motorcycles with Evolution engines, a popular and reliable engine design.

Example: His EVO-powered Harley has been his faithful companion for years.

20. Exhaust Note

The sound produced by a motorcycle’s exhaust system, which can vary based on the engine and modifications.

Example: His bike had a deep and powerful exhaust note that turned heads wherever he rode.

21. Ejection Seat

Humorous slang for the action of being thrown off the motorcycle due to sudden acceleration or hitting a bump unexpectedly.

Example: He hit that pothole so hard, it felt like he was on an ejection seat for a moment.

22. Engine Guard

Also known as a crash bar or highway bar, it’s a protective rigid frame installed on the front of a motorcycle to shield the engine and other components in case of a fall.

Example: The engine guard saved his bike from major damage when he tipped over in a parking lot.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter F

A term used to describe various accessories or modifications added to a motorcycle for aesthetic or functional purposes.

Example: He spent the weekend installing new farkles on his bike to enhance its appearance and performance.

24. Fat Boy

Refer to a popular model in the Harley-Davidson lineup known for its distinctive wide front tire and muscular design.

Example: His Fat Boy turned heads as he rolled down the street with its bold presence.

25. Footpeg Scraping

When the footpegs of a motorcycle touch the ground while leaning into a turn, indicating aggressive cornering.

Example: He’s a skilled rider; he can take corners at high speeds without any footpeg scraping.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter G

Slang term for a Suzuki GSX-R sport bike model , known for its high-performance and aggressive design.

Example: He’s been a fan of Gixxers since he first saw one on the racetrack.

27. Ghostrider

A rider who wears all-black gear and often rides at high speeds, resembling the appearance of a ghost on the road.

Example: The ghost rider passed by so quickly that we could barely catch a glimpse of them.

28. Gremlin Bell

A small bell attached to a motorcycle to ward off evil spirits or bad luck, normally given as a gift to a fellow rider.

Example: He got a gremlin bell from his friend as a good luck charm for his new bike.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter H

29. hooligan.

It is a rider who enjoys aggressive motorcycle riding, performing stunts, or engaging in spirited riding on the streets or in controlled environments.

Example: He’s known as a bit of a hooligan on his sport bike, always pulling wheelies and burnouts.

30. Handlebar Monkey

A term used humorously to refer to a passenger riding on the back of a motorcycle, holding onto the rider’s waist or shoulders.

Example: She was jokingly referred to as the handlebar monkey during their group ride.

31. Helmet Hair

The disheveled and flattened hairstyle that results from wearing a motorcycle helmet while riding a motorcycle.

Example: After taking off his helmet, he had some serious helmet hair that required fixing.

32. Hogging The Road

When a motorcycle rider takes up more than their fair share of the road, often causing inconvenience to other drivers.

Example: He’s hogging the road and not letting anyone pass; it’s causing a traffic jam behind him.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter I

33. iron butt.

It means a long-distance motorcycle ride, typically covering over 1,000 miles in a single day.

Example: After a grueling 18-hour ride, John proudly earned his Iron Butt patch for completing a 1,200-mile journey in a day.

34. In The Wind

Riding a motorcycle without a windshield or fairing, exposing the rider directly to the wind.

Example: He loved the feeling of freedom while riding in the wind on his custom-built chopper.

35. Inline Four

It is a motorcycle engine configuration with four cylinders aligned in a row, creating a straight line.

Example: The sportbike featured an impressive inline four engine that produced a symphony of power at high speeds.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter J

36. jap bike.

A somewhat outdated slang term used to refer to motorcycles made by Japanese manufacturers.

Example: Back in the ’80s, you’d often hear riders debating the merits of Jap bikes vs. American cruisers.

Slang for a motorcycle engine’s cylinder, usually in reference to a single cylinder.

Example: He decided to rebuild the jug on his dirt bike to boost its performance in off-road races.

38. Joy Ride

A casual or recreational motorcycle ride taken purely for the enjoyment of riding, often without a specific destination in mind.

Example: On a sunny weekend, they decided to go for a joy ride along the scenic coastal highway, relishing the open road.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter M

A motorcycle used primarily for testing purposes, often in the development of new parts or technologies.

Example: The engineers took the mule out for extensive testing to see how the new engine would hold up under extreme conditions.

Short for “modifications,” refer to changes or alterations made to a motorcycle to enhance its performance, appearance, or functionality.

Example: His bike was loaded with mods, from aftermarket exhaust pipes to custom paint and LED lights.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter N

41. nac-nac.

A freestyle motocross trick where the rider kicks one leg over the handlebars while in the air, resembling the shape of the letter “N.”

Example: The crowd cheered as the rider pulled off a perfect nac-nac during the big jump at the motocross event.

42. Numb Bum

The uncomfortable sensation of having a numb or sore rear end after spending long hours in the saddle during extended rides.

Example: After a full day of riding on bumpy roads, he complained about having a numb bum that took a while to recover.

Worn-out tires with very little tread depth remain, reducing traction and increasing the risk of sliding or losing control.

Example: He was riding cautiously on his nubs since he hadn’t gotten around to replacing the worn-out tires.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter O

44. overdrive.

A gear ratio in the motorcycle’s transmission which allows the engine to rotate at lower RPMs than usual while maintaining a given speed.

Example: Engaging overdrive on the highway helped reduce the engine’s RPM and saved fuel during the long journey.

45. Oil Bath

A method of chain lubrication in which the chain is submerged in oil.

Example: Back in the day, riders often used an oil bath to keep their chains well-lubricated for smoother rides.

46. On the Pipe

Refer to a two-stroke motorcycle engine operating at its peak power band or RPM range.

Example: He leaned forward and held on tight as his dirt bike roared on the pipe, delivering a burst of acceleration.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter P

47. pillion.

The seat behind the main rider on a motorcycle, designed to carry a passenger, also known as a “passenger seat” or “back seat.”

Example: She hopped on the pillion seat and held onto the rider as they set off for a scenic ride.

48. Pit Stop

A brief stop during a ride or race to refuel, rest, make adjustments, or perform maintenance on the motorcycle.

Example: During their cross-country journey, they made a pit stop at a roadside diner to grab a quick meal and stretch their legs.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter Q

49. quiet core.

An insert placed inside the muffler or exhaust system of a motorcycle to reduce exhaust noise and meet noise regulations without sacrificing performance.

Example: To comply with local noise restrictions, he installed a quiet core in his aftermarket exhaust system.

50. Quart Of Oil Syndrome

A colloquial term used to describe older motorcycles that consume a noticeable amount of oil during regular operation.

Example: Despite its charm, his vintage bike had a quart of oil syndrome, requiring him to top up the oil more frequently.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter R

51. rev bomb.

A maneuver in which a rider rapidly twists the throttle to produce a loud and attention-grabbing burst of engine revs, often as a way to signal other riders or pedestrians.

Example: As they rode through a tunnel, one of the riders playfully unleashed a rev bomb, creating an echoing roar.

52. Road Rash

Skin abrasions or injuries that result from sliding on the pavement after a fall or accident.

Example: Even though the crash was minor, he ended up with some road rash on his arms and legs.

53. Rice Burner

A slang term that was historically used to refer to Japanese motorcycles, especially sportbikes, due to the perception that they were high-performance but lacking in authenticity.

Example: In the ’80s, some riders would jokingly call Japanese sportbikes ‘rice burners’ as part of friendly banter.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter S

A derogatory term for a reckless or inexperienced motorcyclist who rides without proper safety gear and engages in dangerous riding practices.

Example: The group of squids roared past, weaving in and out of traffic without helmets or protective clothing.

55. Skid Lid

A slang term for a helmet, emphasizing the importance of wearing proper head protection.

Example: Before hitting the road, he made sure to strap on his skid lid to stay safe during the ride.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter T

56. tail gunner.

The rider positioned at the back of a group formation during a group ride, ensuring no one gets left behind and helps manage the group’s safety.

Example: He volunteered to be the tail gunner for the charity ride, making sure all riders stayed together and safe.

57. Twisties

A colloquial term for winding and curvy roads that are fun to ride, allowing motorcyclists to lean into corners and enjoy dynamic handling.

Example: They headed out to the hills to tackle some twisties and make the most of the beautiful riding weather.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter U

58. up the creek.

A term used to describe a motorcycle rider who finds themselves in a challenging or unfavorable situation with limited options or support.

Example: After his bike broke down in the middle of nowhere, he realized he was up the creek without a reliable phone signal.

59. Urban Jungle

Refer to the bustling and challenging environment of city streets and traffic.

Example: Navigating through the urban jungle requires quick reflexes and a keen sense of situational awareness.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter V

60. vapor lock.

A condition in which fuel vapor forms in the fuel lines or carburetor of a bike, interrupting the normal flow of fuel and causing the engine to stall.

Example: On hot summer days, his vintage bike was prone to vapor lock, requiring him to let it cool down before restarting.

61. Vroom Vroom

An onomatopoeic term used humorously to mimic the sound of a motorcycle engine revving.

Example: As he started his bike, he grinned and let out a playful ‘vroom vroom’ before hitting the road.

62. Valve Float

A condition in which the intake or exhaust valves of an engine do not fully close due to high RPMs or inadequate valve spring tension.

Example: He noticed a decrease in power at high RPMs, indicating that his engine might be experiencing valve float.

Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter W

An undesirable oscillation or side-to-side movement of a bike’s front wheel, often caused by imbalanced wheels, misalignment, or other factors.

Example: As he reached a certain speed, he noticed a slight speed wobble in the front wheel that required immediate attention.

64. White Lining

A term used to describe the practice of riding between stopped traffic and slow-moving lanes, typically in congested areas. Also known as “lane splitting.”

Example: In heavy traffic, he skillfully maneuvered his bike by white lining, making efficient progress through the gridlock.

65. Washboard Road

A road surface is characterized by a series of ridges and depressions, resembling the surface of a washboard.

Example: They encountered a long stretch of washboard road, requiring them to slow down and carefully navigate the rough surface.

Final Thoughts

As we park our kickstands and bring this journey through motorbike slang to a halt, one thing is clear: it’s more than just language; it’s the heartbeat of a culture that lives to ride. These slang terms for motorcycle etch a map of experiences and passions that connect riders across continents.

See more: 85 Motorcycle Riding Quotes 50 Motorcycle Memes Motorcycle Hand Signals for Bikers

motorboat vulgar slang

Daniel Barker


Daniel Barker was introduced to racing in 2006 when he experienced his first track day on his Suzuki sv650. With more than 15 years of experience on his track. Daniel is known as for his high-energy riding, drifting, precision stoppies and technical riding ability on virtually any motorcycle.

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As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motorboat me " are listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to " motorboat me " (perhaps tenuously). This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works.

You might also have noticed that many of the synonyms or related slang words are racist/sexist/offensive/downright appalling - that's mostly thanks to the lovely community over at Urban Dictionary (not affiliated with Urban Thesaurus). Urban Thesaurus crawls the web and collects millions of different slang terms, many of which come from UD and turn out to be really terrible and insensitive (this is the nature of urban slang, I suppose). Hopefully the related words and synonyms for " motorboat me " are a little tamer than average.

The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary . These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary.

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Top 29 Slang For Motorcycle – Meaning & Usage

Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just a motorcycle enthusiast, it’s always fun to learn the latest slang and lingo associated with your favorite two-wheeled machine. From terms that describe the different types of motorcycles to phrases that capture the thrill of the ride, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to rev your engines and explore our list of top slang for motorcycles that will have you feeling like a true biker in no time.

Click above to generate some slangs

“Bike” is a common slang term for a motorcycle. It is a shortened version of the word “motorbike” or “motorcycle”.

  • For example , “I love riding my bike on the open road.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “I just bought a new bike and it’s amazing.”
  • In a conversation about transportation , someone might ask, “Do you prefer a car or a bike for commuting?”

A “hog” is a slang term specifically used to refer to a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The term originated from the company’s logo, which features a pig. It is often used by motorcycle enthusiasts and fans of the Harley-Davidson brand.

  • For instance , “He rode in on his hog and everyone turned to look.”
  • A Harley-Davidson owner might say , “I love taking my hog out for a long ride.”
  • In a discussion about motorcycles , someone might ask, “Do you prefer a hog or a sport bike?”

A “chopper” is a type of motorcycle that has been customized or modified, typically with an extended front end and a stripped-down frame. The term “chopper” comes from the act of chopping or cutting parts of the original motorcycle to create a unique look.

  • For example , “He rode by on his chopper and everyone admired its design.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “I’m thinking of building my own chopper.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycles , someone might ask, “Have you ever ridden a chopper before?”

4. Crotch rocket

A “crotch rocket” is a slang term used to describe a high-performance sport bike. The term “crotch rocket” is often used to emphasize the speed and agility of these motorcycles.

  • For instance , “He zoomed past on his crotch rocket, leaving everyone in awe.”
  • A sport bike enthusiast might say , “I love the adrenaline rush of riding a crotch rocket.”
  • In a discussion about motorcycles , someone might ask, “Do you prefer a cruiser or a crotch rocket?”

“Scoot” is a slang term used to refer to a scooter or moped. It is often used in a casual and lighthearted manner.

  • For example , “Let’s take a scoot around town and enjoy the nice weather.”
  • A scooter owner might say , “I use my scoot for short commutes.”
  • In a conversation about transportation , someone might ask, “Have you ever ridden a scoot before?”

6. Iron horse

This term refers to a motorcycle, often emphasizing its power and strength. It draws a parallel between the machine and a powerful horse made of iron.

  • For example , a biker might say, “I love taking my iron horse out for a ride on the open road.”
  • In a conversation about different types of motorcycles , someone might mention, “The Harley-Davidson is a classic example of an iron horse.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might proudly declare , “I’ve been riding my iron horse for years and it’s never let me down.”

7. Two-wheeler

A simple and informal term used to describe a motorcycle, highlighting the fact that it has two wheels.

  • For instance , someone might say, “I prefer riding a two-wheeler to driving a car.”
  • In a discussion about transportation options , a person might mention, “A two-wheeler is a great choice for navigating through heavy traffic.”
  • A motorcycle rider might ask , “Are you interested in learning how to ride a two-wheeler?”

This slang term is used as a verb to describe the act of operating or traveling on a motorcycle. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the motorcycle itself.

  • For example , someone might say, “I love to ride my motorcycle on sunny days.”
  • In a conversation about hobbies , a person might mention, “I recently took up riding as a way to relax and unwind.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might proudly declare , “I’ve been riding for years and it’s become a big part of my life.”

9. Steel horse

Similar to “iron horse,” this term refers to a motorcycle, emphasizing its strength and power. It likens the machine to a horse made of steel.

  • For instance , a biker might say, “I feel free when I’m riding my steel horse.”
  • In a conversation about different types of motorcycles , someone might mention, “The Indian Chief is a classic example of a steel horse.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might proudly declare , “I’ve always dreamed of owning a powerful steel horse.”

10. Road rocket

This term is used to describe a fast and powerful motorcycle, often emphasizing its speed and agility on the road.

  • For example , someone might say, “That Ducati is a real road rocket.”
  • In a discussion about motorcycle races , a person might mention, “The riders on the road rockets were reaching incredible speeds.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might proudly declare , “I love the thrill of riding a road rocket and feeling the wind in my face.”

A moped is a small motorized vehicle that typically has pedals like a bicycle. It has a small engine and is designed for low-speed travel. Mopeds are often used for short-distance commuting or recreational purposes.

  • For example , “I ride my moped to work every day.”
  • A person might say , “I’m thinking of buying a moped for my son to get around campus.”
  • In a discussion about alternative transportation , someone might mention, “Mopeds are a popular choice for eco-conscious individuals.”

“Rocket” is a slang term used to refer to a sportbike, which is a high-performance motorcycle designed for speed and agility. Sportbikes are known for their sleek design and powerful engines.

  • For instance , “He was riding his rocket down the highway.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle racing , someone might say, “Sportbikes are built for speed, making them perfect for the racetrack.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might mention , “Riding a rocket is an exhilarating experience.”

A bagger is a type of motorcycle that is specifically designed for long-distance travel. It typically has saddlebags or storage compartments for carrying luggage. Bagger motorcycles are comfortable and equipped with features to enhance the rider’s touring experience.

  • For example , “He packed his bags on the bagger and set off on a cross-country road trip.”
  • A person discussing motorcycle preferences might say , “I prefer riding a bagger for its comfort and storage capacity.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle accessories , someone might ask, “What’s the best brand of saddlebags for a bagger?”

14. Rice burner

“Rice burner” is a derogatory slang term used to refer to Japanese motorcycles. It originated from an offensive stereotype that Japanese motorcycles are inferior to American-made motorcycles. While the term is considered derogatory, it is sometimes used jokingly or ironically.

  • For instance , “He’s riding a rice burner because he couldn’t afford a Harley.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle brands , someone might ask, “Are you a fan of American cruisers or rice burners?”
  • A person might say , “I don’t care about brand loyalty, as long as the rice burner gets me from point A to point B.”

15. Hooligan bike

A hooligan bike, also known as a streetfighter, is a type of motorcycle that has been customized or modified for aggressive riding and street performance. These bikes often have stripped-down designs, high-performance engines, and sporty features.

  • For example , “He loves riding his hooligan bike and pulling off wheelies.”
  • A person discussing motorcycle styles might say , “I prefer the raw and aggressive look of a hooligan bike.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle modifications , someone might ask, “What’s the best exhaust system for a hooligan bike?”

16. Roadster

A roadster is a type of motorcycle that is designed for speed and performance on the road. It typically has a sporty design and offers a thrilling riding experience.

  • For example , “He loves his roadster because it allows him to take tight corners at high speeds.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Roadsters are perfect for adrenaline junkies who crave speed.”
  • In a discussion about different types of motorcycles , one might mention, “Roadsters are known for their sleek and aerodynamic design.”

17. Baggers

Baggers are a type of motorcycle that is specifically designed for long-distance touring. They are equipped with saddlebags or storage compartments that allow riders to carry their belongings on extended trips.

  • For instance , “He packed his baggers with all the essentials for his cross-country ride.”
  • A motorcycle traveler might say , “Baggers are the ideal choice for those who enjoy road trips.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle accessories , one might discuss, “Baggers often come with additional features like windshields and backrests for added comfort on long rides.”

18. Rat bike

A rat bike is a motorcycle that has been intentionally customized to have a worn-out and rough appearance. It is often created by modifying older or vintage motorcycles with various unconventional parts and accessories.

  • For example , “He loves his rat bike because it has a unique and gritty look.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Rat bikes are all about embracing the raw and rugged side of riding.”
  • In a discussion about different motorcycle styles , one might mention, “Rat bikes are for those who prefer a non-traditional and unconventional aesthetic.”

19. Street glide

The Street Glide is a specific model of touring motorcycle manufactured by Harley-Davidson. It is known for its sleek and stylish design, comfortable ride, and powerful engine.

  • For instance , “He enjoys cruising on his Street Glide and turning heads wherever he goes.”
  • A Harley-Davidson enthusiast might say , “The Street Glide is the epitome of Harley’s touring motorcycles.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle brands , one might discuss, “The Street Glide is one of the most popular models in Harley-Davidson’s lineup.”

20. Softail

The Softail is a specific model of motorcycle manufactured by Harley-Davidson. It is characterized by its unique rear suspension design, which gives it the appearance of a rigid frame while providing a smoother ride.

  • For example , “He loves the classic look of his Softail combined with the comfort of the hidden rear suspension.”
  • A Harley-Davidson enthusiast might say , “Softails offer the perfect balance between style and performance.”
  • In a discussion about different Harley-Davidson models , one might mention, “The Softail is a popular choice among riders who value both aesthetics and comfort.”

The term “Fatboy” specifically refers to a popular Harley-Davidson motorcycle model. It is known for its wide tires and muscular appearance.

  • For example , a motorcycle enthusiast might say, “I just got a new Fatboy, and it’s a beast on the road.”
  • In a discussion about different Harley-Davidson models , someone might ask, “What’s the difference between a Fatboy and a Softail?”
  • A rider might proudly declare , “I’ve been a Fatboy fan for years. Nothing beats the classic look and feel.”

22. Road king

The term “Road king” is used to describe a specific type of Harley-Davidson touring motorcycle. It is known for its comfortable ride and long-distance capabilities.

  • For instance , a rider might say, “I’m planning a cross-country trip on my Road king.”
  • In a conversation about different Harley-Davidson models , someone might ask, “Is the Road king better for long rides than the Street Glide?”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might express their love for the Road king by saying , “There’s nothing like the feeling of cruising on a Road king.”

23. Scooter

The term “scooter” generally refers to a small motorcycle or moped with a step-through frame and a platform for the rider’s feet. It is often used as a convenient mode of transportation in urban areas.

  • For example , someone might say, “I use my scooter to commute to work every day.”
  • In a discussion about different types of motorcycles , a rider might ask, “What’s the difference between a scooter and a sport bike?”
  • A person might recommend a scooter for city living by saying , “If you want to navigate through heavy traffic easily, get a scooter.”

24. Baggersaurus

The term “Baggersaurus” is a slang term used to describe a heavily customized touring motorcycle, typically with large saddlebags and other accessories. It is often used to refer to a unique and eye-catching bike.

  • For instance , a motorcycle enthusiast might say, “Check out that Baggersaurus, it’s one of a kind!”
  • In a conversation about custom motorcycles , someone might ask, “What modifications would you recommend for a Baggersaurus?”
  • A rider might proudly declare , “I spent months building my own Baggersaurus, and it’s a head-turner wherever I go.”

25. Thumper

The term “Thumper” is used to describe a motorcycle with a single-cylinder engine. It refers to the distinct sound produced by the engine’s thumping exhaust note.

  • For example , a rider might say, “I love the raw power and sound of my Thumper.”
  • In a discussion about different engine configurations , someone might ask, “What are the advantages of a Thumper over a multi-cylinder engine?”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might describe the Thumper experience by saying , “There’s something primal about riding a Thumper. It’s all about the connection between you and the machine.”

26. Streetfighter

A type of motorcycle that is stripped down to its bare essentials, without fairings or other bodywork. Streetfighters are known for their aggressive and sporty appearance, often with a powerful engine and upright riding position.

  • For example , “He rides a streetfighter with a loud exhaust and custom paint job.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Streetfighters are great for urban riding, with their nimble handling and torquey engines.”
  • In a discussion about different motorcycle styles , someone might ask, “What are the main differences between a streetfighter and a sportbike?”

27. Cruiser

A type of motorcycle known for its relaxed riding position, low seat height, and emphasis on comfort. Cruisers often have a V-twin engine and are designed for long-distance touring.

  • For instance , “He loves taking his cruiser on cross-country road trips.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Cruisers are all about laid-back riding and enjoying the journey.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle customization , someone might mention, “I’m thinking of adding a fairing and saddlebags to my cruiser to turn it into a bagger.”

28. Cafe Racer

A lightweight motorcycle that has been modified for speed and handling, often with a stripped-down appearance and low handlebars. Cafe racers are inspired by the motorcycles of the 1960s and are known for their minimalist style.

  • For example , “He enjoys the vintage look and nimble handling of his cafe racer.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Cafe racers are all about the thrill of riding and the connection between man and machine.”
  • In a discussion about motorcycle culture , someone might ask, “What are the key characteristics of a true cafe racer?”

29. Dual Sport

A type of motorcycle that is designed to be ridden both on and off-road. Dual sports are known for their versatility and ability to handle various terrains.

  • For instance , “He loves taking his dual sport on weekend off-road adventures.”
  • A motorcycle enthusiast might say , “Dual sports are great for riders who want to explore both paved roads and dirt trails.”
  • In a conversation about motorcycle touring , someone might mention, “I’m considering getting a dual sport for my next long-distance trip.”

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The Need-to-Know Dictionary of Motorcycle Slang

The Need-to-Know Dictionary of Motorcycle Slang

Relax—motorcycle culture has had over a hundred years to develop its own vocabulary, and you don’t have to learn everything in an evening. Use this dictionary of motorcycle slang to learn the crucial terms that will help you join the conversation. 

(Note: This dictionary focuses on slang terms, rather than the basics of motorcycle operation. If you’re brand new to motorcycles and don’t know a clutch from a foot peg, it’s better to start with an educational resource like a Basic Rider Course from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation .) 

Two riders looking pretty cool on their cruiser motorcycles. 

Adventure Bike/ADV Bike : A type of motorcycle that’s designed to handle a wide variety of road types, including dirt and gravel, without sacrificing performance on pavement. To accomplish this, adventure bikes use design elements from dirt bikes, such as high suspensions and knobby tires. 

Ape Hangers : An extremely tall style of motorcycle handlebars associated with cruiser bikes. Necessary on some types of hardtails because the rider has to physically pull themselves out of the seat when going over bumps, but serve a purely decorative purpose on any other kind of motorcycle. 

ATGATT : “All the gear, all the time.” A common saying among motorcyclists that emphasizes the importance of riding with the right gear . A helmet is the minimum legal requirement in most states, but wearing the complete package of gloves, jacket, riding pants and boots will help save your skin in a crash. 

Bagger : A touring motorcycle, originating from the numerous saddlebags associated with these models. 

Bike : Any motorcycle. 

Biker : A slightly tricky term—members of the general public often use it to refer to any person who rides a motorcycle. But among motorcyclists, it often means someone who’s in an MC , or possibly even a one percenter . 

Bobber : A style of cruiser or standard motorcycle characterized by removal or shortening of the fenders. Originally a style of bike customization, bobbers have been added to production lineups by several large motorcycle manufacturers such as Indian. 

Boxer : A type of motorcycle engine with horizontally opposed pistons, so called because the reciprocating motion of the engine resembles a boxer’s fists. Boxer engines are known for their even weight distribution, which gives the bike exceptional stability and cornering ability. However, they’re also easy to damage in a crash. Also known as a flat-twin engine. 

Cafe Racer : A stripped-down motorcycle with classic styling and forward-leaning position, designed for nimble riding in cities. So called because of their origin in European motorsport culture, where riders would race these small, sleek bikes from one cafe to the next. 

cc : Cubic centimeters, the metric used to measure the size and displacement of most motorcycle engines. 

Chopper : A heavily modified style of cruiser that originated on the West Coast in the mid-20th century. Often feature extremely elongated front ends, tall ape hangers , high sissy bars , outrageous decorations, large front wheels and other elaborate modifications. So called because they were often “chopped” together out of other bike parts. 

A chopper motorcycle, decked out and ready to rumble.

Clip-Ons : Motorcycle handlebars that attach directly to the front forks of a motorcycle. A style of motorcycle handlebars typically associated with sport bikes, since they offer good control and encourage a hunched-forward riding position. 

Cruiser : A classic style of motorcycle, typified by many Harley-Davidson models, that features a low, slightly elongated design and a laid-back rider position. Associated with hallmarks of biker culture such as Easy Rider and Sturgis . 

Dropping : When a rider allows their motorcycle to fall over while it’s not moving. Most riders, no matter what they tell you, have dropped a bike at least once in their riding career, and probably more than that. Drops often happen in situations like backing into a parking space, getting gas or cleaning the bike. Often, a drop won’t hurt anything or the damage will only be cosmetic—but the bike should still get a mechanical checkup just to be safe. 

Fairing : The assembly of windscreen and plastic parts attached to the front of some types of bikes. A fairing helps make the bike aerodynamic, which is why you’ll often find them on styles such as sport and touring motorcycles. 

Gremlin : A persistent, difficult-to-diagnose mechanical problem. 

Hardtail : An older style of motorcycle that has no rear suspension system. Once common, hardtails are now considered specialty motorcycles that aren’t recommended for beginners. Their lack of rear suspension can make for an extremely rough ride, so it’s important to choose a decently smooth road when riding one. 

High-Side : A type of crash in which a motorcycle tosses the rider through the air over the bike. Caused by a bike’s rear wheel slipping out of traction and then suddenly regaining it, rocking the bike violently and flinging the rider away. A high-side crash often results in serious injuries for the rider. 

Hog : A Harley-Davidson cruiser motorcycle. Typically applied to the larger and heavier end of the Harley lineup. 

Inline : A type of motorcycle engine with all of the engine cylinders aligned in a single row. Typically associated with sport bikes, which use an inline’s beefy torque to produce their crazy acceleration. Subtypes include an inline four, inline triple and inline six. 

Intercom : A motorcycle communication system used to communicate while you’re on the road. Today’s best motorcycle intercoms, like the Cardo Packtalk Bold , offer both direct communication with your fellow riders and the ability to answer phone calls and stream media hands-free while out and about. 

Low-Side : A type of crash in which the motorcycle slides out and hits the ground toward the inner edge of a corner. Usually, this will result in the rider sliding along the ground with the bike, rather than being flung away from it. Low-sides are generally less dangerous than high-sides, but they can still cause severe injuries, particularly if part of the rider’s body gets trapped under the bike or the rider isn’t wearing a full-face helmet. 

Motorcycle Club (MC) : A fraternal organization based around motorcycle riding that has a strong hierarchical structure and close social relationships. Usually requires a lifetime commitment and the regular payment of dues. MCs often hold events such as rallies or charity rides, and many are involved in service work in their communities. Note that the great majority of people in MCs are not one percenters . 

One Percenter : A member of an outlaw MC like the Bandidos or Hells Angels. So named because they represent a small fraction of the world’s motorcyclists. One percenters almost always wear three-piece patches and take their commitment to their clubs very seriously. Among people who are actually in an outlaw MC, “one percenter” isn’t always considered an insult—but it probably depends on who’s saying it. 

Pillion : A passenger riding on the back seat of a motorcycle. A motorcycle’s rear passenger seat is called the pillion seat. 

Pipes : A motorcycle’s exhaust. Sometimes engineered to be louder than it would otherwise be. 

Poker Run : A special kind of rally where participants receive a playing card at every stop along the route. At the end, the rider with the best poker hand wins a prize. 

Rally : A social gathering for motorcycle riders. Most rallies will include rides through local scenic areas, plus cool extras like bike shows and general socializing. 

Rider : Any person who rides a motorcycle. A more neutral term that doesn’t come with the cultural connotations of referring to someone as a biker . 

Ride Your Own Ride : A common adage among motorcycle riders that means you should avoid comparing yourself and your bike to other riders and their bikes. Don’t try to race that stranger down the straightaway, and don’t try to keep up with someone who’s on a much faster bike than you are—just enjoy the pleasure and freedom of riding your own bike at your own skill level. 

Riding Club : A motorcycle-based social group that’s devoted mostly to riding, talking about and/or working on bikes in a casual atmosphere. Contrast with the extremely tight-knit dynamics, hierarchical structures and lifetime commitment of a motorcycle club . 

Road Rash : The extremely painful abrasion that results when your skin hits the pavement in a crash. Riding ATGATT is the best way to prevent road rash. 

Sissy Bar : A back rest for the seat on a motorcycle. Most of the time, people aren’t using this term to insult someone—that’s just what this particular piece of gear has come to be called. 

Slicks : A type of motorcycle tire designed for racing. Slicks get their name from the fact that they have no or very little tread pattern. That “slick” design can improve speed and handling, but it also makes them not street legal. 

Softail : A type of motorcycle with a rear suspension, exemplified by its originator, the Harley-Davidson Softail . When Harley introduced the Softail in 1984, it popularized bikes with rear suspensions hidden by the body of the bike, and Harley still uses the Softail chassis in many of its cruisers. However, cruisers like the Kawasaki Vulcan and Honda Shadow are also often called softails because they use a similar suspension and body style. 

Squid : A derogatory term for an overly-cocky rider. Specifically applied to riders who flaunt their lack of protective gear and/or try to ride far above their skill level to maintain an image. 

Standard : A popular type of motorcycle with a slimmed-down profile thanks to its lack of a fairing and its small fenders. Available in a wide range of aesthetic styles, from vintage styles modeled after cruisers and cafe racers to more modern styles similar to a more minimalist sport bike. Also known as naked bikes or streetfighters. 

Sturgis : The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. One of America’s largest and most legendary motorcycle rallies, with hundreds of thousands of riders attending every year. Primarily focused on Harleys and other cruisers, but features bikes (and riders) of all kinds. 

Tank-Slapper : A sudden and extremely dangerous oscillation of the handlebars back and forth at high speed, so called because they sometimes move so violently that they strike the gas tank. Occurs when the front wheel loses traction, causing the bike to try to “buck” the rider off. Can be caused by a problem with the bike or by an operator error. Also known as a shimmy or death wobble.

Three-Piece Patch : A type of patch worn by one percenters . Features a central club logo, a top rocker patch with the club name and a bottom rocker patch with the club’s territory. Generally, non- one percenters should avoid wearing three-pieces, although one- and two-piece patches are fine. 

Touring : A large type of motorcycle made for long-distance rides. Typically packs a large engine and an even larger body, as well as comfortable seats and storage space such as built-in panniers. Also, a verb that refers to the thing you do on a touring bike—taking a road trip on your bike. 

Twisties : Curvy roads that are lots of fun for skilled riders. Some twisties, like the Tail of the Dragon, are so famous among riders that people come from all around the country (and the world) to ride them. Also known as hairpins. 

V-Twin : A style of motorcycle engine associated with cruiser motorcycles. Harley-Davidson is by far the most well-known maker of V-Twin engines and, in fact, the Twin is the primary engine style that Harley offers. 

Now that you know the key terms of the motorcycle world, you need a way to shoot the breeze with your buddies when you’re riding. The Cardo Packtalk Bold is the perfect answer: a rugged motorcycle helmet intercom with crystal-clear sound from a pair of JBL motorcycle speakers and groundbreaking dynamic mesh helmet communication technology . Take one on your next ride and find out what you’ve been missing! 

Image Credits

Source: Andrey Armyagov / Shutterstock.com

Source: James Steidl / Shutterstock.com

Source: oneinchpunch / Shutterstock.com

Source: Jaynothing / Shutterstock.com

Source: Jimbo_Cymru / Shutterstock.com

Source: Photostravellers / Shutterstock.com

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US Senate candidate apologizes for using racist slur while trying to say ‘bugaboo’

David Trone, a Maryland congressman, used a derogatory and offensive term for a Black person during a Capitol Hill hearing

  • US politics – latest updates

A Maryland Democratic congressman running for US Senate has apologised for using a racist slur during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

Speaking during a House budget committee hearing, David Trone said: “So this Republican jigaboo that it’s the tax rate that’s stopping business investment, it’s just completely faulty by people who have never run a business. They’ve never been there. They don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.”

“Jigaboo” is a derogatory and offensive term for a Black person. The Oxford English Dictionary says the word is of unknown origin, its first documented use found in a song from 1909.

Trone apologized in a statement to the Washington Post . “While attempting to use the word ‘bugaboo’ in a hearing, I misspoke and mistakenly used a phrase that is offensive,” he said.

“Upon learning the meaning of the word I was deeply disappointed to have accidentally used it, and I apologise.”

Merriam-Webster defines “bugaboo” as “an imaginary object of fear”.

In 2009, the rapper Jay-Z discussed with the Guardian his use of the N-word in his music, saying: “If you eliminate [it, racists will] say ‘monkey’ or ‘jigaboo’.”

The word “jigaboo” has recently been an occasional source of controversy .

Shalanda Young, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, to whom Trone was speaking on Thursday, is Black. She declined to comment to the Post.

In Maryland, Trone leads Democratic polling regarding the party race to contest the US Senate seat now filled by the retiring Ben Cardin.

Trone’s closest competitor, Angela Alsobrooks , a state politician, is Black. She also declined to comment.

In early polling, Trone and Alsobrooks trail Larry Hogan, the probable Republican nominee for Senate, a moderate who was a popular governor until 2023, when he was succeeded by Wes Moore, a Democrat and the first Black governor of the mid-Atlantic state.

Trone said the word he used “has a long dark terrible history” and “should never be used any time, anywhere, in any conversation.

“I recognise that as a white man, I have privilege. And as an elected official, I have a responsibility for the words I use – especially in the heat of the moment. Regardless of what I meant to say, I shouldn’t have used that language.”

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Dirt Bike Gear Guide

Motocross Slang and Phrases

October 7, 2019 August 12, 2019

motocross slang

Today we are doing something a little different and looking at motocross slang and phrases!

A motocross track is a hotbed for learning new words.  When you first begin riding, you may here some terms at the track and have no idea what they mean.  We are here to help.  This guide is a glossary for motocross slang and terms that you might hear at the track. 

Instead of having to hang your head in shame and ask for a definition, just look it up below!

Common Motocross Slang and Phrases

A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – L – M – P – Q – R – S – T – W

A condition that is the result of a dirt bike rider grabbing too hard on their handlebars.  This results in a restriction of blood flow making it hard for them to continue to effectively use their arms.

Back marker

The slowest rider in the pack.  Marks the back of the pack of riders.


The part of the jump that a rider lands on.

When a rider jumps off the bike

Riding across the top of a whoops section at high speed.  Generally “blitzing the whoops” is faster than jumping them, and is always faster than rolling them.

The noise a dirt bike makes.

As in “to case a jump.”  This happens when a rider comes up short on a jump.  The classic example is when a rider tries to jump a double, but instead lands with his/her rear tire on the face of the second jump and the front tire on the back of the second jump.  Results in a very hard landing!

Clapped or Clapped Out

A worn out dirt bike.  Dirty, poorly maintained, etc.

A flawless ride through a section of the track.

Crossrut or Crossrutted

This occurs when the front and back wheel are in different ruts.  Hard to steer and control in this type of situation.  Generally a result of rider error when picking a line.


A double is a set of two consecutive jumps where the rider jumps the gap between them.   For example, the rider would come up the face of the first jump and land on the backside of the second jump.

Dragon Back

A jump with a series of whoops on the face.

A style of woods riding.

Face or Face of a jump

The front side of the jump that you ride a dirt bike on.

The distance between two jumps that must be cleared.

When the suspension becomes fully compressed.  This typically happens during a sharp turn at high speeds.

When a bike suddenly gets traction while cornering.  The opposite of a low side.  The result is the rider gets tossed over the bike.  In general, high side crashes are nastier than low side crashes.

The section from the start of a race until the first turn.  Sometimes indicated by a white line on the track.  If you win the whole shot, you are leading the pack at the first turn.

Lap Traffic

Towards the end of a race when the leaders of the race have to navigate around the slower riders they are about to pass.

A rider that is a full lap behind the leaders in a race.

The path you take when riding your bike around the track, on the trail, or through the woods.  Ideally you want to find the fastest line (or fastest route) through a section.

When a dirt bike suddenly loses traction while cornering, causing the bike to land on top of the rider.

A motocross race.  There may be 2 “motos” per class in a single day, this means that each rider has to race twice.

A throttle that is wide open.

A series of 4 jumps.  

To ride aggressively.  As in ripping around the track.

A smooth obstacle that can either be jumped or rolled over.

The dirt and rocks that are thrown in the air by the rear tire.

A section of the track that has a lot of ruts in it.

A measurement that indicates the suspension travel that a dirt bike has at rest with the rider on the bike.

A type of jump that has the gap filled in.

Three consecutive jumps.  Jumping a triple means that the rider takes off on the face of the first jump, clears the second jump, and lands on the backside of the third jump.

Whiskey Throttle

When a rider twists the throttle too quickly and causes him/her to slide off the back of the bike.  Since the rider still has their hand on the throttle, the further back the side the further they twist the throttle.  It is a vicious cycle that almost certainly will end in a crash.

A section of track that has several consecutive small mounds in a row.  The idea being that a rider needs to decide how to attack these, either by blitzing them (skimming across the top) or jumping them.

So there you have it.  A list of common phrases that you will hear at the motocross track.  If there is something I have missed or something you would like me to add, go ahead and drop me a line in the Contact Us page.  Stay safe out there!

Additional Reading

Motocross Flags Motocross vs Supercross

Congressman apologizes for using racial slur instead of saying ‘bugaboo’

U.s. senate hopeful rep. david trone (d-md.) made the comment while discussing tax rates in a budget hearing.

motorboat vulgar slang

Senate hopeful Rep. David Trone (D) used a racial slur during a congressional budget hearing Thursday and later apologized, saying he misspoke and did not know what the word meant.

Trone dropped a derogatory word for Black people into a brief speech praising President Biden’s tax proposals toward the end of a friendly exchange with the director of the Office of Budget and Management.

After explaining that corporate tax rates did not influence how he invested hundreds of millions in his national liquor company, Trone continued:

“So this Republican jigaboo that it’s the tax rate that’s stopping business investment, it’s just completely faulty by people who have never run a business,” he said during a House Budget Committee hearing. “They’ve never been there. They don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.”

The slur is among the derogatory terms used to caricature Black people. After being contacted by The Washington Post hours after the remark, Trone apologized in a statement.

“Today while attempting to use the word ‘bugaboo’ in a hearing, I misspoke and mistakenly used a phrase that is offensive. Upon learning the meaning of the word I was deeply disappointed to have accidentally used it, and I apologize,” the statement said.

Trone, 68, is a leading Democrat in the May 14 primary race to succeed retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and represent the most diverse state on the East Coast .

Polling released this week shows the race is wide open, with 39 percent of primary voters undecided and Trone leading his chief opponent, Prince George’s County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks (D), by 7 percentage points. The winner is likely to face former Maryland governor Larry Hogan (R) in November’s general election.

Through a spokesperson, Alsobrooks declined to comment on Trone’s remark.

Trone began his comments Thursday appearing to read from prepared remarks and cordially welcoming OMB Director Shalanda Young, who is Black, and offering to yield his time to her if she had any points to bring up.

Young and Trone went on to agree that “something has to be done” about how little tax corporations and the wealthy pay, with Trone saying Biden’s proposed budget would help free up money to improve child care and increase pre-K access across the country. He calculated how many people could be put on food assistance programs if Amazon paid a 21 percent corporate tax rate.

“That’s a pretty good trade-off. Amazon can certainly afford that. Jeff Bezos can easily afford it, good Lord,” Trone said. (Amazon founder Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

Reached through staff, Young declined to comment on Trone’s remark.

Trone released an expanded statement later Thursday saying the word he used “has a long dark terrible history. It should never be used any time, anywhere, in any conversation. I recognize that as a white man, I have privilege. And as an elected official, I have a responsibility for the words I use — especially in the heat of the moment. Regardless of what I meant to say, I shouldn’t have used that language.”

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motorboat vulgar slang


  1. What Does the Term Motorboating Mean Sexually

    motorboat vulgar slang

  2. Motorboat

    motorboat vulgar slang

  3. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    motorboat vulgar slang

  4. How to pronounce 'motorboat' + meaning

    motorboat vulgar slang

  5. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    motorboat vulgar slang

  6. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    motorboat vulgar slang


  1. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    A slang term for the act of pushing your face between breasts, rocking your head back and forth, and blowing outward, simulating the noise of a boat's motor. Other definitions of Motorboat: To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and ...

  2. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  3. What Is a Motorboat Urban Dictionary? (Here's All You Need To Know)

    A motorboat urban dictionary is an online resource that provides definitions for slang words and phrases that are popular in urban communities. Created to be an accessible reference for those who wish to stay up-to-date with the latest slang, the motorboat urban dictionary is designed to provide users with definitions of words related to music ...

  4. What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here's What You Need To Know)

    Motorboating is the act of pressing one's face into someone's chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound. It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture. The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

  5. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    Urban Dictionary, our modern beacon of slang enlightenment, has an entry for 'motorboat' dating back to 2003. While it's challenging to pinpoint the exact year the term first cropped up, it's clear it's been part of our vernacular for at least a few decades, quietly bubbling under the surface before making a splash in popular culture.

  6. motorboating

    The act of travelling in a motorboat.· (slang) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.··present participle and gerund of motorboat 2010, Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You, page 183: (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are ...

  7. Slang for motorboating (Related Terms)

    Slang for motorboating. As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " motorboating " are listed above. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "motorboating" are: flapjacking, schooner, yachting, motorbate, and mud bogging. There are 125 other synonyms or words related to motorboating listed above.

  8. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    Today, I will address the question of what it means to "motorboat" someone. Please note that this term is slang and may not be suitable for all audiences. To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips while moving the head from side ...

  9. Definition of motorboat us

    to place one's mouth between a female's breasts, and exhale while turning one's head left and right. This creates a sound similar to a motorboat. See more words with the same meaning: sex activities, practices, moves. Last edited on Dec 30 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 11 2009. +

  10. motorboat, n.²

    Green's Dictionary of Slang. Home; Browse; Search; Bibliography; About. motorboat n. 2 (US) the act, typically performed when a stripper is giving a lap-dance, of pushing one's face into her cleavage and rocking the head from side-to-side. 2019:

  11. Urban Dictionary: motorboated

    a face shaken in boobs, as evidenced in wedding crashers, and in superpoke on facebook

  12. The 100 most vulgar slang words

    [email protected] ) A list of the 100 most offensive slang words on The Online Slang Dictionary.

  13. Motorboat

    To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat. Example sentence: "She let me motorboat her at the party.". Motorboat in songs: "If life is a woman, she's got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ' em " - Watsky, IDGAF. "See them titties, wanna motorboat it ...

  14. motorboat

    Verb [ edit] motorboat (third-person singular simple present motorboats, present participle motorboating, simple past and past participle motorboated) To ride in a motorboat. ( slang, intransitive, transitive) To press one's face between (another person's breasts ); to press one's face between the breasts of (another person).

  15. 17 Sex Terms You Were Too Embarrassed to Ask About, Defined

    17. Queefing. OK, so this one may not be a sex act, exactly, but it frequently happens during sex. Queefing is when air escapes from the vagina, often during or after penetration, and makes a ...

  16. Top 37 Slang For Boat

    A person describing a boat they saw might say, "It wasn't the most elegant boat, more like a floating barge.". 3. Ditch crawler. A "ditch crawler" is a slang term for a small boat, typically used for navigating narrow waterways or shallow areas. The term emphasizes the boat's ability to maneuver in tight spaces.

  17. Motorboat slang word

    1 Answer. Hello Mila! Assuming you mean the slang usage rather than the use of a boat with a motor. It means the activity of putting one's face between a woman's breasts, and rocking turning one's head rapidly from side to side while making a noise like a motorboat.

  18. Motorcycle Slang and Terminology

    Motorcycle slang is used by riders from all backgrounds and is a way to connect and communicate within the broader motorcycle community. Motorcycle slang is vulgar or offensive: While some motorcycle slang terms may have a rough edge, the language as a whole is not inherently vulgar or offensive. Like any language, it's important to use ...

  19. Motorcycle Slangs & Terms: Lingo Dictionary For Newbies

    Motorcycle Slang Started With Letter I. 33. Iron Butt. It means a long-distance motorcycle ride, typically covering over 1,000 miles in a single day. Example: After a grueling 18-hour ride, John proudly earned his Iron Butt patch for completing a 1,200-mile journey in a day. 34.

  20. Slang for "motorboat me" (Related Terms)

    Please also note that due to the nature of the internet (and especially UD), there will often be many terrible and offensive terms in the results. There is still lots of work to be done to get this slang thesaurus to give consistently good results, but I think it's at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

  21. Top 29 Slang For Motorcycle

    5. Scoot. "Scoot" is a slang term used to refer to a scooter or moped. It is often used in a casual and lighthearted manner. For example, "Let's take a scoot around town and enjoy the nice weather.". A scooter owner might say, "I use my scoot for short commutes.".

  22. The Need-to-Know Dictionary of Motorcycle Slang

    High-Side: A type of crash in which a motorcycle tosses the rider through the air over the bike. Caused by a bike's rear wheel slipping out of traction and then suddenly regaining it, rocking the bike violently and flinging the rider away. A high-side crash often results in serious injuries for the rider.

  23. US Senate candidate apologizes for using racist slur while trying to

    "Jigaboo" is a derogatory and offensive term for a Black person. The Oxford English Dictionary says the word is of unknown origin, its first documented use found in a song from 1909.

  24. Motocross Slang and Phrases

    August 12, 2019. by Dirt Bike Gear Guide. Today we are doing something a little different and looking at motocross slang and phrases! A motocross track is a hotbed for learning new words. When you first begin riding, you may here some terms at the track and have no idea what they mean. We are here to help. This guide is a glossary for motocross ...

  25. Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) says he misspoke when he uttered racial slur

    Senate hopeful Rep. David Trone (D) used a racial slur during a congressional budget hearing Thursday and later apologized, saying he misspoke and did not know what the word meant. Trone dropped a ...