Pelagia Yachting


Vendre son yacht, yacht management, construction, gestion locative.


Accueil 2024

Acheter ou vendre un yacht & yacht management avec Pelagia Yachting

Pelagia Yachting est votre partenaire de confiance pour tous vos projets de vente et d’ achat de yachts , voiliers ou catamarans , ainsi que pour la gestion et la réalisation de constructions navales de luxe. Notre équipe de yacht brokers est là pour vous accompagner tout au long de votre parcours et vous offrir une expérience personnalisée et réussie. Le personnel de Pelagia Yachting est hautement qualifié et formé pour offrir un service personnalisé à chaque client. Ils sont très bien informés sur le marché des yachts et des bateaux à moteur, et peuvent donc aider les clients à acheter ou à vendre un bateau selon leurs besoins spécifiques. Faites confiance à notre équipe passionnée pour réaliser tous vos projets yachting.


Nous vous accompagnons à chaque étape de votre projet d’acquisition de yacht, de la recherche jusqu’à la finalisation de l’achat, en vous proposant des conseils avisés pour vous aider à prendre les meilleures décisions. Nous sommes également spécialistes de la vente de yachts de luxe. Nous proposons un service personnalisé pour les propriétaires souhaitant mettre leur bateau en vente.


Notre équipe professionnelle de yacht brokers est réactive, disponible et à l’écoute de vos besoins. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour répondre à vos demandes dans les plus brefs délais et vous offrir une assistance personnalisée. Notre connaissance approfondie du marché du yachting nous permet de vous aider à trouver le navire qui correspond le mieux à vos critères.


En plus de la vente et l’achat de yachts, nous proposons également un service de gestion locative pour vous permettre de profiter pleinement de votre yacht sans vous soucier de l’entretien et de la maintenance. Nous nous occupons de tout, de la réparation aux formalités administratives, pour que vous puissiez naviguer sur les eaux cristallines de la Côte d’Azur en toute tranquillité.

Yacht sur-mesure

La construction d’un yacht est une occasion unique de réaliser un rêve pour les armateurs. Nous proposons également un accompagnement pour la construction de votre yacht sur mesure, en fonction de vos exigences et de vos besoins, pour répondre à toutes vos demandes en termes de design, de technologie et de performance. Venez réaliser votre rêve de construire un yacht sur mesure.

Nos services yachting

You fantasize, We advise.

Acheter un yacht chez Pelagia Yachting, c’est opter pour l’exclusivité et l’excellence. Nous nous efforçons de sélectionner des navires uniques qui répondent parfaitement à vos attentes.

Vendre votre yacht avec Pelagia Yachting, c’est profiter de notre réseau élargi pour mettre en valeur votre navire et le proposer à une clientèle haut de gamme. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour trouver l’acheteur idéal qui saura apprécier votre yacht.

Retrouvez la raison pour laquelle vous avez choisi d’en devenir propriétaire. Nous nous occupons de toutes les tâches administratives et techniques pour vous permettre de profiter pleinement de votre navire.

Faire construire un yacht avec Pelagia Yachting, c’est donner vie à vos rêves les plus fous. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les meilleurs chantiers navals pour réaliser votre projet selon vos exigences et vos souhaits.


Notre catalogue en ligne vous permet de découvrir les dernières opportunités sur le marché du yachting. Il est peut-être temps de vous offrir le navire de vos rêves !


Chez Pelagia Yachting, nous proposons des marques exclusives pour des yachts haut de gamme.

Notre service de gestion locative vous permet de rentabiliser votre investissement en louant votre yacht lorsque vous ne l’utilisez pas.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur nos services, notre équipe de professionnels sera ravie de vous aider !


Nous sommes fiers de vous accompagner dans tous les aspects de votre aventure de yachting, de la recherche de votre bateau de rêve à sa gestion quotidienne.

Acheter un yacht avec une équipe de yacht brokers

Chez Pelagia Yachting, nous sommes des experts en matière d’ acquisition de yachts de luxe . Nous nous spécialisons dans la recherche et la vente de navires prestigieux pour nos clients exigeants. Nous mettons un point d’honneur à offrir une expérience sur mesure à chaque client pour répondre à leurs besoins et désirs en matière de yachting .

Quentin et son équipe de yacht brokers expérimentés sont à votre disposition pour vous aider à trouver le yacht idéal en utilisant notre relation privilégiée avec les chantiers navals et notre vaste réseau de contacts professionnels . Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les propriétaires et les courtiers pour sélectionner des yachts prestigieux qui répondent aux critères de nos clients. Si vous ne trouvez pas le yacht de vos rêves parmi notre sélection en ligne, nous avons également accès à une liste de navires “ off-market ” qui pourraient être adaptés à votre projet. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour en savoir plus sur nos services de recherche de yachts de luxe.

Lorsqu’il s’agit d’acheter ou de vendre un yacht, un voilier ou un catamaran, Pelagia Yachting est le bon choix pour obtenir le meilleur service . Avec son personnel hautement qualifié et ses nombreux services, vous êtes assuré d’obtenir l’expérience dont vous avez besoin pour acheter ou vendre un bateau.

Être accompagné pour la vente de son yacht

Chez Pelagia Yachting, nous sommes fiers de vous offrir un service d’accompagnement exclusif pour la vente de votre yacht de luxe . Nous mettons notre passion, notre expertise et notre réseau de contacts établis au service de votre projet. Nous nous engageons à maximiser la visibilité de votre navire auprès des acheteurs les plus qualifiés en utilisant les dernières technologies de communication et en mettant en avant les atouts uniques de votre yacht.

Nous vous accompagnons tout au long du processus, en vous aidant à préparer votre bateau pour la vente , en rédigeant une annonce captivante et en gérant toutes les formalités administratives. Nous sommes déterminés à trouver le meilleur acheteur pour votre bateau, et à vous faire vivre une expérience de vente agréable et efficace. Faites confiance à notre équipe de professionnels pour vendre votre yacht de luxe au meilleur prix et dans les meilleurs délais.

Nous sommes toujours disponibles pour répondre à vos questions et pour vous fournir des conseils sur les meilleures stratégies pour la vente de votre yacht . Nous croyons que la transparence, la communication et la collaboration sont les clés pour une vente réussie. C’est pourquoi nous vous fournirons des mises à jour régulières sur les intérêts des acheteurs potentiels.

Lassau Matthieu


Nos sélections sont 100% uniques pour correspondre à vos critères. Faites-nous confiance pour vous permettre de réaliser un achat judicieux !


Faites usage de notre vaste réseau pour mettre en avant votre yacht. Il y a toujours un acheteur qui cherche la bonne opportunité.

Une équipe de pro à vos côtés pour l'achat et la vente de votre yacht

Nos bateaux à la vente.

M/Y PHOENIX 2 2024

Plaquette présentation services Pelagia Yachting

Découvrez les projets de construction de nouveaux yachts, l’actualité pelagia yachting.

Accueil 2024

Le marché de l’occasion dans le yachting de luxe

Le yachting de luxe, symbole de prestige et d’aventure, attire de nombreux amateurs

Accueil 2024

Engager un yacht broker pour l’expertiser un yacht avant l’achat

L’univers du yachting est un monde de luxe, de confort et d’aventure,

Accueil 2024

Les destinations de rêve accessibles uniquement en yacht : découvrez les paradis cachés

L’envie d’évasion est plus que jamais présente dans notre quotidien, et

Accueil 2024

Catamaran contre Monocoque : le choc des titans sur l’eau

Le monde de la voile est en perpétuelle évolution, et depuis quelques années, deux

Accueil 2024

Les services exclusifs de pelagia yachting pour votre achat de yacht de luxe

  Pelagia Yachting, votre courtier en yachting de luxe, vous propose et vous

Accueil 2024

Combien coûte une expertise de bateau ou de yacht ?

L’expertise d’un yacht requiert une bonne connaissance des facteurs

Accueil 2024

Les innovations technologiques dans le yachting de luxe

Sur les chantiers navals, la recherche technologique pour améliorer la navigation et le

Accueil 2024

L’élégance et l’hospitalité sur un yacht de luxe

Imaginez naviguer sur les eaux cristallines, entouré de paysages à couper le souffle et

Accueil 2024

Personnalisez votre catamaran pour une expérience nautique inoubliable

Les catamarans sont des bateaux de plaisance très prisés pour leur stabilité, leur

Accueil 2024

Guide de gestion des finances pour les équipages de yacht

Face à la précarité potentielle des métiers du yachting, il est essentiel de

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Logo Pelagia Yachting | Acheter & Vendre un yacht

Pelagia Yachting est une société spécialisée dans la vente de yachts de luxe. Avec une équipe de professionnels expérimentés et passionnés, nous nous engageons à offrir une expérience personnalisée à chaque client afin de répondre à leurs besoins et leurs désirs en matière de yachting. Nous mettons à leur disposition notre réseau de professionnels et notre connaissance approfondie du marché afin de trouver le navire idéal pour eux. Nous accompagnons nos clients tout au long du processus d’achat, en leur fournissant toutes les informations nécessaires et en leur offrant un soutien complet. Nous croyons en la qualité plutôt que la quantité et nous mettons un point d’honneur à offrir une expérience privilégiée à chacun de nos clients.

Services Yachting

  • Acheter un yacht
  • Vendre son yacht
  • Yacht Management
  • Construction
  • Gestion locative

Nos marques

  • Bateaux de luxe Prestige Yachts
  • Catamarans de luxe Lagoon

Pelagia Yachting | Yacht Broker

Récentes news

Le marché de l'occasion dans le yachting de luxe 2024

mars 7, 2024

Engager un yacht broker pour l'expertiser un yacht avant l'achat 2024

mars 5, 2024

Les destinations de rêve accessibles uniquement en yacht : découvrez les paradis cachés 2024

février 25, 2024

Catamaran contre Monocoque : le choc des titans sur l'eau 2024

février 22, 2024

Les services exclusifs de pelagia yachting pour votre achat de yacht de luxe 2024

février 15, 2024

Combien coûte une expertise de bateau ou de yacht ? 2024

février 5, 2024

Les innovations technologiques dans le yachting de luxe 2024

janvier 29, 2024

L'élégance et l'hospitalité sur un yacht de luxe 2024

janvier 20, 2024


Pelagia yachting.

  • +33 6 69 46 09 45

yacht broker cannes

Explore the Best of Yachting

A relaxed attitude lengthens a man's life.

Sailing Yachting Cruising EVENTS

yacht broker cannes


For your nautical projects , you wish to be accompanied by a team of professionals ?

Based in Cannes on the Côte d'Azur in the heart of the yachting world, we will bring you the seriousness and confidence you are looking for in a recognised and appreciated professional.

Call on Bella Yacht for :

Buy , Sell or Rent a Boat , Yacht , Superyacht , Motor or Sail . 

Succumb to the pleasures of yachting by contacting us now!

Yachting services on the French Riviera

Looking for a professional team to guide you in the yachting world ? You are at the right address!

yacht broker cannes

Bella Yacht offers a wide range of high quality services :

  • Yacht charter with professional crew
  • Discover our yacht listing for sale
  • Marketing your yacht
  • Customised search for your next yacht
  • Organisation of corporate events
  • Organisation of private events
  • Rental management
  • Management of your yacht

Bella Yacht is a company specialised in yachting on the Côte d' Azur. We do everything possible to offer you a unique and unforgettable experience !


Joel Coulon

Bella Yacht offers a wide range of new and used yachts , exclusively selected by our yacht brokers.

Would you like to buy a yacht ? In direct contact with the owners, our team ensures a personalised search for your yacht purchase.

Benefit from a VIP service and privileged support throughout your project! Bella Yacht guarantees you a fast and secure transfer of ownership and a transparent transaction , to make your purchase a successful experience.

Discover our different models of yachts for rent and for sale! All our yachts are available for virtual visit, with photos and HD videos.

yacht broker cannes


Cast off and discover the world on board a sumptuous yacht! Bella Yacht advises you on the most beautiful destinations on the French Riviera and in the world to make your sea cruise a unique journey .

The Mediterranean coastline is full of magnificent landscapes to discover without delay. "For every month of the year, we have destinations to recommend."

Exotic , luxurious , secret or intimate destinations ... Trust our team to share with you the most beautiful spots on the French Riviera and in the world. The word of adventurers !

Rent a Yacht

yacht broker cannes

You want to charter a yacht with crew ? Bella Yacht offers you a selection of over 1500 vessels in France and abroad. We offer boat / yacht / superyacht charter by the day or by the week.

On the French Riviera and all over the world, contact us to privatise a yacht for your private or professional events !

Buying a Yacht

yacht broker cannes

Do you want to buy a yacht ? Bella Yacht will accompany you in this project and offer you a multitude of solutions. With a highly developed professional network on the Côte d'Azur and internationally, our team will carry out a personalised search for you, according to your needs and your programme. Calling on our services will save you time in your search for a yacht and provide you with a privileged after-sales service .

Selling a Yacht

yacht broker cannes

Bella Yacht is a recognised and valued broker in the yachting industry and will assist you in the sale of your boat or yacht ! The Bella Yacht team is motivated and dedicated to helping you through the sales process . With a large portfolio of clients and prospects, you can be sure of a quick sale at the best price .

yacht broker cannes

Are you looking for a berth for your vessel ? Bella Yacht has an important network of owners, marina and marinas all over the world: France, Monaco, Italy, Spain, Caribbean, Croatia, Corsica, etc... Contact us for any berth purchase .


Bella Yacht International

Allied Yachting

Yachting Consultants

Allied yachting agents.

Allied Yachting Agents is a team of highly qualified professionals providing efficient services to the growing community of yachts and boaters, mainly throughout the Mediterranean (but not limited to) and its various world-class cruising destinations.

With headquarters in the South of France and spread in strategic locations including the French Riviera, Monaco, the Italian Riviera and Tuscany in Italy, the Province of Alicante (Valencian Community) on the Costa Blanca of Spain, as well as Istanbul and the Turkish Riviera on the Aegean Sea, we also provide representation and reliable collaboration across the Mediterranean.

Other partnership alliances are established in Madeira in Portugal, in Croatia and Greece on the Adriatic Sea, the United Kingdom and Florida in the United States.

A team of professionals providing efficient yachting services

Our services.

' title=

Yachting Management

' title=

Crewing Services

' title=

Construction Of New Yachts

' title=

Speculation Yachts

' title=

Large Eco-Friendly Vessels

' title=

Berths & Moorings

' title=

Yacht Refit

' title=

Boat Registration & Flag Selection

' title=

Commercial Yacht Certification

' title=

Boat Relocation

' title=

Yachting Concierge Services

' title=

Yacht Brokerage

' title=

Luxury Yacht Charters

' title=

Charter Destinations

' title=

Event Yacht Charters

' title=

Yacht Shows

' title=


Princess S65 (2019)

Princess S65 (2019)

Sanlorenzo SL106A (2022)

Sanlorenzo SL106A (2022)

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 28 (2017)

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 28 (2017)

Sanlorenzo SL102 Asymmetric (2020)

Sanlorenzo SL102 Asymmetric (2020)

Sanlorenzo SX 112 (2020)

Sanlorenzo SX 112 (2020)

Benetti Oasis 40M (New – 2025)

Benetti Oasis 40M (New – 2025)

yacht broker cannes



34 Rue Caffarelli 06000 Nice, France

Front Office:

Boulevard de La Croisette – Port Canto 06400 Cannes, France

T.: +33 493 43 82 83 Email: [email protected] Website:


Yachts for sale in Cannes

Yacht specification

Haven't found what you are looking for? Send us a request and we'll find you a perfect yacht!

Aluminium yachts

Steel yachts

Used yachts

Trawler yachts

Expedition yachts

Elite yachts

Mega yachts

Small yachts

Yachts 10–20 meters

Yachts 30–40 meters

Yachts from 50 meters

Yachts for sale in Cannes Princess 30M

Princess 30M

2019 | €8,750,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes ISA 120 WHISPERING ANGEL


2008/2012 | €5,500,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Sunseeker Paloma 30m

Sunseeker Paloma 30m

2009 | €3,300,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Benetti Oasis 40M

Benetti Oasis 40M

2024 | Price on request

Yachts for sale in Cannes DREAMLINE DL 26


2019 | €5,900,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Amels 272

2023 | Price on request

Yachts for sale in Cannes Amels 180

2022 | €46,000,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Dynamiq GTT 135

Dynamiq GTT 135

Yachts for sale in Cannes Benetti 67M

Benetti 67M

2022 | Price on request

Yachts for sale in Cannes Sanlorenzo 40 Alloy

Sanlorenzo 40 Alloy

2018 | €17,900,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Moonen MARTINIQUE 36m


2025 | €25,500,000

Yachts for sale in Cannes Riva RIVALE


2013/2015 | €1,475,000

The heart of French Riviera, Cannes with its fabulous spirit of never-ending celebration and joyful carefree life, elegant people, expensive cars, restaurants and hotels, and above all two well-equipped huge marinas full of glittering luxury yachts - fascinates and attracts tourists from all over the world.  Cannes is located quite centrally along the French Riviera in hours of navigation to Antibes, Nice and Monaco in the north and St Tropez in the south that turns this place into ideal base for private motor or sail boats.

Taking into consideration solely growing demand on yacht charters in this region, buying motor yachts in Cannes could be not only a whim, but a visionary and profitable investment. This is also the best solution for those who eager to take part in glamorous social life of Cote d’Azure and annual festivals like the Cannes Film Festival as there is no better way to experience such kind of events than on board of private motor yacht.

Arcon Yachts helps its customers to find best offers for yachts for sale in Cannes on the most favorable terms and for the best price. We provide full range of brokerage services including overall consulting, VAT issues, multiple surveys, technical maintenance and work with subcontractors. 

Yachts Invest

  • Luxury Yachts Charter SEE ALL YACHTS
  • New and PreOwned Yachts for Sale SEE ALL YACHTS
  • Monaco Yacht Show
  • Charter Destinations Learn more
  • Cannes Boat Show

Yachts for Sale and Charter

Versilcraft 138 (2022)

Versilcraft 138 (2022)

Custom Line Navetta 42 (2023)

Custom Line Navetta 42 (2023)

Benetti Oasis 40 (New – 2025)

Benetti Oasis 40 (New – 2025)

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 30 (2022)

Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 30 (2022)

AB 80 (New – 2024)

AB 80 (New – 2024)

Sanlorenzo SL106 Asymmetric (2023)

Sanlorenzo SL106 Asymmetric (2023)

yacht broker cannes


Yachts Invest – Luxury Yacht Sales and Yacht Charters.  Yacht Broker – Boat Dealer – Sale, Brokerage, Charter & Management of Luxury Yachts in Cannes, French Riviera and the Mediterranean.

Yachts Invest in Cannes , is a team of experienced and professional  Yacht Brokers , inevitable actors in  Luxury Yachting , based in Port Canto.

We develop brokerage activities (new and pre-owned), Charter and Management of Luxury Yachts in Monaco, Antibes, Cannes, Saint Tropez, Ibiza, the Balearic Islands, Spain, Turkey and the rest of the Mediterranean.

Specializing in Superyachts (30Mt) and Megayachts (50Mt), we propose the best financial, tax and legal solutions in order to allow our Clients to invest in the most favourable conditions. We successfully provide crew management, berths throughout the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur) and a full management program of our Charter Yachts.

Besides the large and renown shipyards with whom we collaborate (PALMER JOHNSON, MONDOMARINE, DL YACHTS DREAMLINE, ITALIA SUPER YACHT, CNM, GULF CRAFT-MAJESTY…), we distribute, because of their undisputable quality and innovation, ASTONDOA YACHTS from Spain, GIANETTI YACHTS from their shipyard in Viareggio, whilst actively promoting in Europe other new construction yachts and designs. We are also direct partners with The Italian Sea Group (ADMIRAL and TECNOMAR) and GOLDWATER TRAWLERS for France, the Principality of Monaco and Turkey.

We offer a wide variety of products and services in order to satisfy our demanding International Customers, for whom Yachting reflects the results of success but especially and above all, the pleasure of sailing freely and without constraints.

Whether its  pleasure or commercial Yachting, Motor or Sailing , our  multilingual broker team  is at your entire service to achieve your  nautical project  as the preferred source of  Luxury Yacht Sales  as well as  Luxury Yacht Charters  in Cannes and the French Riviera.


Thanks for selling us the perfect family boat. Greetings from Corsica!

I always admire your work and the way you are doing it. You are so professional that it is very easy to work with you. It will be an honour for me to meet you in person and develop further business with YACHTS INVEST

I wanted to thank you for coordinating the shipping of our Marquis 500 SB to the States!!! – I am glad you were able to make it happen :-) I appreciate all that you did for us while we were in Europe. You really helped make our trip unforgettable. I can’t express all my gratitude to you for everything.

Thank you for the efficient and quick sale of my boat, your customer data-base and your advice as well as your continuous assistance were truly remarkable.

Tomorrow, our beautiful cruise comes to an end … It was impeccable and I can only recommend this boat with her crew but also your agency that I will not hesitate to recommend as well. It was absolutely brilliant, everything went well: the crew is perfect, we are in heaven and still thrilled – thousand thanks and see you soon

It was your experience and your advice that made the difference in the purchase of our yacht. We will recommend you in Latin America and certainly will do business with you again in the future. We wanted to thank you for making a reality our nautical project dream.

Thank you for your hard work and for your patience. Perfect from initial inspections to our boat’s departure and delivery in final destination. We were very happy

We were delighted to meet a serious broker, experienced, professional, trustworthy and knowledgeable. Thank you for all the work and for your help in the negotiation, purchase and refit follow-up of the yacht we needed in the appropriate budget.


yacht broker cannes

Charter Destinations

Blog and news.

Yachts Invest - Season's Greetings and happy new year 2024


yacht broker cannes

Brexit & Yachts – Frequently Asked Questions

yacht broker cannes

YACHTS INVEST LONDON LTD. Sale-Charter-Brokerage-Management

New London House, 6 London Street EC3R 7AD London, United Kingdom

International Yachting and Business Corporation Registered in the United Kingdom under number 08863694

Tel.: +44 (0) 121 299 1335 Email: [email protected] Website:

  • Yacht Management
  • Berths and Moorings
  • New Yacht Construction and Refit
  • Marine Online Communications
  • Yacht Shows
  • Event Yacht Charters
  • Fine Yachts Provisioning
  • Blog and News


  • Privacy Policy

Moana Yatching-01

Cannes yacht brokerage

Moana yachting.

Your boutique brokerage with a worldwide yachts database. Watch a video about our brokerage below:

Foulques de Raigniac


Sales broker & founder

  • +33 6 24 77 51 07
  • [email protected]

Bryan Somerset Mehut


sales BROKER

  • +33 6 62 09 29 58

Martin bouilly


  • +377 6 80 86 76 22

Pierre elliott Duverneuil


  • +33 6 12 06 23 54

Rouge Saad Eldin

unnamed (3)

Sales broker

  • +44 7767 062058

Worldwide charter

20+ yachts for sale, 18 years in business, 50 yachts sold, boutique brokerage company.

We offer the involvement of an experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated team of professionals with many years of experience in the yachting industry.

Our company takes pride in understanding the needs of yacht buyers, sellers, owners and charterers to ensure the most rewarding experience possible. 

Whether you are looking to sell, purchase, charter or build a new yacht, we are ready and able to assist you in a timely, efficient and discreet manner.


Yacht Brokers French Riviera - Team

Foulques started his yachting career in 2003 at International Marine Shipyard as project manager for refits of 20 to 50 meters yachts. IMS is now the largest refit shipyard in all the Mediterranean Sea.

Yacht Brokers French Riviera - Team

Then he did his first yacht sales joining Gaspard Yachts in Cannes in 2006 as sales broker and yacht manager. His missions in this dynamic human sized company also included charter management, charter retail, crew placement, marketing, yacht show organisation, company strategy and more.

Yacht Brokers French Riviera - Team

5 years at Camper & Nicholsons remains another great memory and experience meeting amazing people with the highest levels of yachting expectations. 2013 also marks the creation of Moana Yachting in Cannes.

Yacht Brokers Monaco - Team

In 2018, Foulques launched the Moana Yachting brand and realised in its first year of activity an impressive record of 6 sales, including two 40 meters yachts. Then, he created his first website. That year, he took part in 4 International Yacht Shows: Antigua, Phuket, Palm Beach, Miami.

Yacht Brokers Monaco - Team

To follow the evolution of the company, Moana Yachting has developed a new website and invested in SEO and communication. With a wide network, Moana Yachting has international partners in Bali, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney, Miami, London, Istanbul, Sao Paolo, Tahiti, New Delhi.

sales & charter

Yacht refit, yacht management, maritime law, crew placement, flag registration, yacht finance, new build yachts, concierge services.

monaco yacht show 2021

Monaco yacht show

Dubai boat show.

MIPIM yacht charter

MIPIM Yacht Charter

Our partners, anp superyacht.

ANP Superyacht Insurance

  • visit website

bel air fine art


Gereje Finance

Gereje Corporate Finance

Jupitair Monaco

Jupitair Aviation & Yachting

Stay in Touch

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the finest deals in the yachting business and the best opportunities.

Copyright 2024 © All rights Reserved. Moana Yachting.

Privacy Policy

yacht broker cannes

Yachting is our Passion

About sh prestige yachts.

SH Prestige Yachts makes it possible for you to either charter or buy some of the best yachts available on the market in the Mediterranean sea. We have an exclusive selection of yachts for charter in Cannes, Monaco, Saint Tropez, Antibes and Nice.

SH Prestige Yachts is an official exclusive distributor of Vanquish, Numarine and DL Yachts Dreamline Yachts. Let us help you make your yachting dream come true with a brand new yacht delivered just for you.

Take a look at our numbers

Customer satisfaction.

We place high value on customer satisfaction and take pride to see happy returning clients.

In yacht sales

With 12 years of experience, we have successfully sold more than 100 yachts.

Successful charters

Large charter fleet, excellent crew and beautiful places exploring the Mediterranean coast.

We have only one goal: To give you the best experience onboard

Our team will help you to choose the best yacht for your budget and to deliver the best experience onboard. Whether you are looking for a family trip, party with friends or romantic getaway, SH Prestige Yachts will deliver the most unforgettable yacht charter holiday in the Mediterranean.

SH Prestige Yachts - our goal is to provide the best experience on board

Happy yacht owners

We will help you to find your dream yacht.

SH Prestige Yachts is a well established yacht broker with a large database of used yachts for sale. As experts in our field we will find the right yacht for your needs. We always make sure that the yachts we represent are in good condition corresponding the asking price. For those who dream big, looking to purchase a brand new yacht, we are the official distributor of Vanquish, Numarine and DL Yachts Dreamline.

Come and visit us at our office in Cannes

Open 6 days per week, we are here to assist you with choosing the best yacht to charter / buy and manage.

SH Prestige Yachts office Cannes Interior

Cannes - France

Our Agents will assist you with choosing the best yacht for charter or sale on the Mediterranean coast. We can discuss your preferences and your yachting dreams to find your perfect match.

We are open from Monday to Saturday 9am - 12 pm and 2pm - 7pm

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Yachts for Sale in Cannes

Cannes yachts for sale.

Cannes, renowned for its glamorous allure and prestigious events, presents a remarkable array of yachts for sale that exude sophistication and grace. As a prominent yachting destination on the French Riviera, Cannes attracts discerning buyers seeking the epitome of luxury and elegance. The market features a diverse selection of yachts, ranging from sleek motor yachts with sleek lines and impressive speeds to opulent superyachts boasting lavish amenities and unrivaled comfort. Impeccably maintained and meticulously designed, these yachts offer a seamless blend of style, performance, and opulence. With Cannes’ picturesque coastline and renowned marinas, purchasing a yacht here grants access to idyllic cruising grounds and a vibrant yachting community.

56m | Swiftships | 1992

44.57m | Hakvoort | 2002

44m | Heesen yachts | 2003

43.5m | Dyb | 2010


41.8m | Custom line | 2020

36.57m | Gulf craft inc | 2022


35.15m | Princess yachts | 2018

34m | Fittipaldi yachts | 2010

34m | Rmk marine | 2006

32.8m | Custom line | 2015

102' 2007 BLUBAY 102

31.08m | Blubay argo boats | 2007


30.47m | Sanlorenzo | 2007


28m | Eurocraft | 2004

28m | Pershing | 2012

27m | Cantiere navale arno | 2007

26.8m | Terranova yachts | 2020


24.02m | Sanlorenzo | 2020

23.99m | Shipman shipyard | 2010

23.3m | | 2015


22m | Absolute | 2010

72' 2007 BLUBAY 72 GP

21.94m | Blubay argo boats | 2007

21.6m | Sunseeker | 2008

21.3m | Permare | 2000

20.49m | Sunseeker | 2021

20.45m | Riva | 2021

64' 2002 OUTREMER 64 "ALIZE"

19.5m | Outremer | 2002


18.28m | Fountaine pajot | 2008

If there are no brokerage yachts available on the market, you can get in touch with our brokers to find an off market one or build a new one. 

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Luxury Yacht Charters

What makes 212 Yachts special?

Wondering why you should charter with us? Read on to find out what makes 212 Yachts unique.

Wondering why you should charter with us? Read on to find out what makes 212 Yachts unique. 212 Yachts is a bespoke luxury yacht broker company operating global yacht charters from its prime location on the gorgeous French Riviera. But we are much more than that.

Small team of native English-speakers

small team

We are a small, dedicated team of English (and French!) speakers with backgrounds in customer service , management and, of course, yachting (with ex-crew members making up some of our team). As a select group, we have been able to build strong professional relationships with members of the yachting community. Including captains, boat owners and other yacht broker agencies. In fact, our commitment to honesty and integrity entails that we are always happy to recommend other companies to clients in cases where we are not best suited to help. We have a number of local partners and contacts offering similar services in yachting.

Worldwide luxury yachts

Worldwide luxury yachts

Our base in Cannes, France has allowed us to culminate detailed local knowledge of the French Riviera (Nice, Antibes, Monaco etc.) But our expertise is not limited to the South of France. 212 Yachts has a global reach, with exclusive access to the world’s largest yacht database . We are a luxury yacht broker on the French Riviera, but we facilitate charters all around the world. And on some of the world’s biggest yachts. We charter out tenders, RIBs and yachts of all shapes and sizes.

Events Expertise along the French Riviera 


Our prime port location in Cannes is ideal in the organisation of charters for events in the South of France. The French Riviera is host to a number of glamorous world-renowned events, including Cannes Film Festival, Monaco Grand Prix and MIPIM . We plan charters for these events every year and are on hand during the madness to assist in any and all issues.

Bespoke Concierge Service

concierge service

We provide a personalised service tailored to your needs. Whether it be making restaurant reservations , booking limousines or planning itineraries. All this to ensure you get the most out of your yacht charter. On the boats managed by us as an agency, including the highly sought after VanDutch 40 and VanDutch 55 , we personally provide complimentaries and towels to ensure our guests are comfortable and happy.

Yacht Brokers Contactable 7 days a week

7 days a week

Unlike our competitors, namely the larger yacht companies, our office is open 7 days a week. We are contactable by telephone or by email. You can also pop into our office if you find yourself in the French Riviera! Furthermore, we can accommodate short notice bookings . Say you decide, quite spontaneously, you would like to charter a yacht tomorrow. Here at 212 Yachts, someone will be in the office on hand and ready to assist.

For our boat owners, we provide a guardianage service – including maintenance and upkeep – as quality control for all our direct fleet, ensuring a seamless process for owners.

Rapid Response Time

response time

Another benefit of remaining open all week is that we have an unrivalled customer response rate . At heart, we are a customer-focused company, with our main focus being to ensure all our clients get the best possible charter experience. It is undeniable that yacht charters aren’t always plain sailing. Unforeseen circumstances, such as poor weather conditions, can affect the success of the trip. Having a team that is able to respond quickly and efficiently and deal with any problems that may arise is vital.

Thousands of satisfied customers

satisfied customers

Our work ethic of putting the extra degree of effort into everything we do is perhaps best illustrated by our customer reviews (average of 5 stars!)

Let us go the extra (nautical) mile for you. Start your journey with 212 yachts and  hire a boat today .  View our extensive catalogue of boats to hire  at  or contact us on +33(0)4 96 95 83 06

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Cannes Yacht Sales Charters

Cannes yacht sales.

Welcome to the Cannes yacht sales, your resource for comprehensive information on mega yachts, motor yachts, sailing yachts and any type of dinghy with Cannes Yacht Sales

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Cannes Harbour

Cannes Harbour, or Old Port, sits in the heart of the glamorous city, below the historic old town. Filling its berths are a mixture of sailboats, yachts and super yachts,

Cannes Sailing

Yachting Festival accommodates an eclectic offer of 3 to 45-meter in-water boatsThe Sailing Area welcome sailing boats, monohulls and multihull

Cannes Powerboats

View a wide selection of all new & used boats for sale in Cannes, France Whether it's an entertaining and informative boat tour or a relaxing sunset dinner

A yacht is a shelter, a home, and a mean of transportation, an entertainment platform, a working platform, a promise land, a territory and extension of ourselves. Our job is to filter what is the best for our industry. The world is transforming faster. New technologies are created to make our lives easier and more dependent. One has to make many more decisions, and faster than we use to. To give prospective owners the best experience, we carefully pick the brands and models we work with. We listen to our clients and tailor their experience to their specific needs and boating program. There is always a perfect fit for each client; We are committing to find it.

Sailing in Cannes

Whether it's an entertaining and informative boat tour or a relaxing sunset dinner

Cannes Sailing Charters

Hire a boat with or without skipper in Cannes, France Cannes Luxury Yacht Charter Guide With two stunning beaches,

About Cannes Yacht Sales

We are defined by the story of our founder, a story of discoveries, ongoing learning, education, travel, adventures, taking risk, reaching for perfection, for the magical instant when the mind disappear and the spirit takes over.We love yachting and boating too much to compromise. Our mission is to communicate, educate, share, be at service, train, manage, assist, inspire, transform, and enhance our client’s experience. Our expertise ranges from sale and brokerage to maintenance, service, care, management, accounting and legal issues. Sailing is an ongoing learning. There is no room for cynicism and resignation into boating. One has to keep going until the goal is reached. We challenge you to go beyond what you have know and done so far in your life.

Cannes Boat Hires

Mediation in sales and purchase of sailing and motor yachts, technical yacht service, yacht management and many other boats and yachts related information: you can find it all on this website.

Cannes Vacations

Want to book a holiday to Cannes? Whether you're off for a romantic holiday, family trip, or an all-inclusive holiday, Mediterranean climate and sleek reputation,

Cannes Holidays

Cannes is a great place to visit. This city, on the glittering French Riviera, Elegant & sophisticated, Cannes is the epitome of chic on the Côte d'Azur. Book Cannes city breaks

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Accueil DLB Yacht

Concessionnaire Yachts à Cannes

Concessionnaire yachts à cannes : bateaux de plaisance - vente de bateau.

Implanté en 1977, DLB Yachting est un protagoniste essentiel dans le domaine maritime sur la Côte d’Azur.

Depuis 1977

DLB Yacht Broker s'est formé une forte popularité dans le domaine de la vente de yachts de 40 à 130 pieds sur la Côte d’Azur Il est un protagoniste incontournable exposant des bateaux de premier ordre des plus grands chantiers : Princess, Sunseeker, Fairline, Ferretti, San Lorenzo, Prestige.

Vente de bateaux d’occasion

Pourquoi nous faire confiance ?

Que vous désiriez de vendre ou d’acheter un bateau à moteur d’occasion, DLB Yachting et son équipe de spécialistes saura répondre à toutes vos exigences. Depuis plus de 50 ans maintenant, nous nous efforçons de vous fournir des annonces de bateaux à vendre, haut de gamme. Fasciné par le monde nautique et la plaisance, notre équipe est indéniablement spécialisée dans la vente de yachts neufs et d’occasion.

Achat & vente de bateaux à moteur d’occasion

DLB Yachting vous présente aujourd’hui, une importante gamme de bateaux à moteurs à vendre sur la Côte d’Azur : Fly, Open, MotorYachts. Que vous recherchiez un yacht de 2, 3, 4 cabines pour d'inoubliables croisières, vous trouverez forcément votre bonheur parmis toutes les annonces de bateaux à vendre sur notre site internet.

Plaisanciers ? Réalisez votre croisière : Bateaux de plaisance neufs et occasions

Avec DLB Yachting, la navigation à bord d’un bateau de luxe n’a jamais été si simple. Avec notre éventail de bateaux d’occasion, dénichez le bateau de luxe de vos rêves, tout en maîtrisant votre budget. Parcourez la mer à bord d’un luxueux Super Yacht. Qui n’a jamais pensé à cela ?

Naviguer sur la Côte d’Azur

Vous êtes mordu de plaisance et désirez réaliser votre rêve de naviguer en Méditerranée ? Bandol, Fréjus, Monte Carlo, St Tropez, Saint Raphaël ou encore Mandelieu. De nombreuses destinations qu’il vous sera facile de rejoindre à bord de votre nouveau bateau de plaisance.

Un large choix de bateaux neufs et d’occasion toutes marques

Découvrez toutes nos occasions à vendre : Léopard, Fjord, Princess, Bénéteau, Jeanneau, Ferretti Yachts, Sunseeker,... DLB Yachting, votre concessionnaire exclusif de bateau d’occasion.

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Yachts for Sale Cannes


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EUPHORIA II , yacht for sale


View yacht IRAMA, available for sale

IRAMA , yacht for sale


View yacht ROGUE, available for sale

ROGUE , yacht for sale


View yacht MAC BREW, available for sale

MAC BREW , yacht for sale


View yacht S7, available for sale

S7 , yacht for sale


View yacht MILLESIME, available for sale

MILLESIME , yacht for sale


View yacht MI AMORE JULIA, available for sale

MI AMORE JULIA , yacht for sale


View yacht SEA SHELL, available for sale

SEA SHELL , yacht for sale


View yacht ROBBIE BOBBY, available for sale

ROBBIE BOBBY , yacht for sale


View yacht TECHNOMARINE, available for sale

TECHNOMARINE , yacht for sale

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162  Crewed Luxury Yachts for Charter in Cannes

Cannes Yacht Charters

Although known as being one of the most famous and popular superyacht charter destinations, for much of the time the charming seaside town of Cannes is a tranquil Mediterranean retreat. Its idyllic town houses and beautiful harbour setting epitomise the effortless elegance of the Côte d’Azur until the prestigious Cannes Film Festival arrives and the town comes alive in an explosion of glittering hedonism and unabashed luxury.

Cannes Luxury Yacht Charter Guide

With two stunning beaches, two well-equipped superyacht harbours and a host of world-class hotels and fine dining restaurants, there is plenty to keep even the most discerning travellers busy in Cannes. For charter clients looking for a quiet yachting vacation, go in the spring or as the summer season is coming to close. For those wanting to experience the Cannes Film Festival that happens every May in ultimate style then a superyacht charter is the only way to travel.

Yacht Charters in Cannes

Many Cannes luxury yacht charters will begin in the beautiful Old Port town, home to an array of historical sites, from Le Suquet and the castle built 15th century to protect the community of monks, to the Chapel of St Anne and La Croisette. Day trips can include any of the well-known spots along the French Riviera coast as well as the unspoilt Lerin Islands that are situated just off the coast. A selection of the world’s most impressive motor yachts can be found in the nearby marina in Antibes year-round, but the cruising grounds are also perfect for sailing yacht enthusiasts looking to sail the West Mediterranean coastlines.

Charter Itineraries in Cannes

A visit to Cannes is a must-see during a luxury charter itinerary of the French Riviera . This celebrated stretch of coastline is renowned for its high profile yachting destinations that each summer attract a who’s who of the world’s social and business elite.  Home to hotspots such as Monaco , Nice, Antibes and St Tropez , a Cannes superyacht vacation provides the perfect opportunity to cruise from one exclusive French port to another.

Chartering a Private Yacht in the Cannes

For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in the Cannes please contact your preferred Yacht Charter Broker , they can help you book your yacht, plan your dream itinerary by combining your party's needs with recommendations about the best time to visit this idyllic destination.

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Creole Yacht Charter in Cannes

65m   Camper & Nicholsons

from $205,000 p/week ♦︎

Emir Yacht Charter in Cannes

Triple Seven

Black Pearl Yacht Charter in Cannes

Black Pearl 14

105m Oceanco

105m   2018

Aquarius Yacht Charter in Cannes

Aquarius 12

92m Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Athena Yacht Charter in Cannes

90m Royal Huisman

90m   2004/2019

from $326,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dar Yacht Charter in Cannes

90m Oceanco

from $1,303,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Grand Ocean Yacht Charter in Cannes

Grand Ocean 12

85m Blohm + Voss

85m   1990/2019

from $703,136 p/w eek

Meridian A Yacht Charter in Cannes

Meridian A 12

85m Lurssen

85m   2011/2019

from $1,032,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Emir Yacht Charter in Cannes

83m Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

83m   2004/2022

from $815,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Triple Seven Yacht Charter in Cannes

Triple Seven 10

68m Nobiskrug

68m   2006/2022

from $584,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Global Yacht Charter in Cannes

67m Shadow Marine

67m   2007/2008

from $120,000 p/w eek

Creole Yacht Charter in Cannes

65m Camper & Nicholsons

65m   1927/1985

from $205,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Shemara Yacht Charter in Cannes

65m Vosper Thornycroft

65m   1938/2014

from $275,000 p/w eek

Virginian Yacht Charter in Cannes

Virginian 12

62m Feadship

62m   1990/2024

from $266,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Sarah Yacht Charter in Cannes

62m   2002/2016

from $353,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Satemi Yacht Charter in Cannes

Lou Spirit 12

56m Elsflether Werft

56m   2004/2017

from $194,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Purpose Yacht Charter in Cannes

55m Trinity Yachts

55m   2006/2023

from $293,000 p/w eek ♦︎

O'Neiro Yacht Charter in Cannes

53m Golden Yachts

from $168,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Maria Yacht Charter in Cannes

52m Feadship

52m   1995/2014

from $230,000 p/w eek

Masquenada Yacht Charter in Cannes

Masquenada 12

51m Penglai

51m   2006/2021

from $190,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Amantis Yacht Charter in Cannes

50m Benetti

Platinum Yacht Charter in Cannes

Platinum 12

50m   2009/2016

Solinda Yacht Charter in Cannes

50m Feadship

50m   1990/2023

from $201,000 p/w eek ♦︎

My Bro Yacht Charter in Cannes

48m Dunya Yachts

MITseaAH Yacht Charter in Cannes

MITseaAH 10

48m Pendennis

from $147,000 p/w eek

Roxane Yacht Charter in Cannes

47m SuMarine Denizcilik

47m   2010/2014

from $87,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Stormborn Yacht Charter in Cannes

Stormborn 10

from $212,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lulworth Yacht Charter in Cannes

46m White Brothers

46m   1920/2006

Big Aron Yacht Charter in Cannes

Big Aron 10

46m Royal Denship

46m   2004/2020

from $165,000 p/w eek

Mistress Yacht Charter in Cannes

Mistress 11

46m Benetti

46m   1990/2022

from $92,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Aiglon Yacht Charter in Cannes

45m Abeking & Rasmussen

45m   1970/2009

Extra Time Yacht Charter in Cannes

Extra Time 10

44m Conrad Shipyard

from $240,000 p/w eek

Alaska of George Town Yacht Charter in Cannes

Alaska of George Town 9

44m Shipworks Brisbane

44m   2004/2015

from $125,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Dione Star Yacht Charter in Cannes

Dione Star 12

44m Scheepswerf Friesland

44m   1991/2013

from $76,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lalibela Yacht Charter in Cannes

Lalibela 12

42m Benetti

42m   1972/2013

from $81,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Legenda Yacht Charter in Cannes

41m Mondo Marine

41m   2009/2016

from $147,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Okko Yacht Charter in Cannes

from $103,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Seven S Yacht Charter in Cannes

41m   2010/2014

from $141,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Jojo Yacht Charter in Cannes

40m C.N. Officine Meccaniche Rossat

40m   1993/2022

from $98,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Asteri Yacht Charter in Cannes

40m Sanlorenzo

40m   2011/2020

from $152,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Number Nine Yacht Charter in Cannes

Number Nine 11

40m Carp Navi

40m   1990/2020

Samja Yacht Charter in Cannes

40m   2004/2015

from $130,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Vaimiti Yacht Charter in Cannes

39m Tréhard Marine

from $63,000 p/w eek

Indiana Yacht Charter in Cannes

39m Bilgin Yachts

from $106,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Taransay Yacht Charter in Cannes

Taransay 10

39m Rossinavi

Cheetah Moon Yacht Charter in Cannes

Cheetah Moon 10

39m Cantieri Navali Nicolini

39m   1986/2015

from $71,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Safe Haven Yacht Charter in Cannes

Safe Haven 11

37m Tecnomar

37m   2015/2019

from $133,000 p/w eek

Zeepaard Yacht Charter in Cannes

Zeepaard 10

37m JFA Chantier Naval

37m   2003/2011

from $95,000 p/w eek

Alluria Yacht Charter in Cannes

37m Benetti

from $160,000 p/w eek

Legend Yacht Charter in Cannes

Natural 9 10

37m Sunseeker

37m   2009/2023

The Palm Yacht Charter in Cannes

The Palm 10

37m Canados

from $109,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Lafayette Yacht Charter in Cannes

Lafayette 10

Mana I Yacht Charter in Cannes

36m Mulder Shipyard

36m   2020/2021

Tiziana Yacht Charter in Cannes

36m Abeking & Rasmussen

36m   1963/2015

Gaja Yacht Charter in Cannes

35m Hotchya Shipyard

35m   2006/2013

from $77,000 p/w eek

Joan's Beach Yacht Charter in Cannes

Joan's Beach 10

35m Mengi-Yay

from $53,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Spellbound Yacht Charter in Cannes

Spellbound 9

35m Admiral Yachts

from $80,000 p/w eek ♦︎

V. Bahria Yacht Charter in Cannes

V. Bahria 10

35m SBF Shipbuilders

from $78,000 p/w eek ♦︎

C Side Yacht Charter in Cannes

34m Feadship

34m   1979/2014

from $59,000 p/w eek ♦︎

L'Ayazula Yacht Charter in Cannes

L'Ayazula 10

35m Canados

35m   2004/2008

from $54,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Avella Yacht Charter in Cannes

34m   1991/2013

from $42,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Amata Yacht Charter in Cannes

33m Cantieri di Pisa

33m   2009/2014

Tigerlily of Cornwall Yacht Charter in Cannes

Tigerlily of Cornwall 8

33m Cochrane

from $37,000 p/w eek ♦︎

Wally B Yacht Charter in Cannes

33m Pendennis

33m   1998/2012

from $49,000 p/w eek ♦︎

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Our charter experts will:

  • Discuss your vacation plans
  • Check availability & shortlist suitable yachts
  • Negotiate booking & prepare your itinerary

Enquire now for yacht availability & free consultation.

Crewed Luxury Yachts in Cannes

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The biggest yachts for sale at Cannes Yachting Festival 2023

As excitement builds for Cannes Yachting Festival, BOAT International looks ahead to 10 of the largest yachts for sale that will be on display from 12 to 17 September. Whether you're heading to Port Canto or the Vieux Port, be sure to look out for these yachts. 

Length : 46m Builder : Wider Year : 2017

Bartali has only been used privately to date and, consequently, has low engine hours and is in immaculate condition. She boasts a clever layout by Ideaeitalia , interior volume and operational efficiencies – with a sculptural exterior by Fulvio De Simoni . Her impressive diesel-electric power system significantly minimises noise, vibration and fuel consumption. Powered by a hybrid propulsion system, the yacht for sale has a transatlantic range of 4,700 nautical miles at 10 knots and a top speed of 14 knots.

Asking €22,800,000 with Moravia Yachting .

Length : 44m Builder : ISA Year : 2023

UV II's exterior lines were penned by Enrico Gobbi while the custom interior was designed by Luca Dini . She accommodates up to 10 guests and sports a Jacuzzi on the main deck, close to the beach club. The broker said that "the attention to detail is evident in every corner, from the meticulously selected materials to the exquisite furnishings". The yacht for sale has a range of 3,700 nautical miles, cruising speed of 14 knots and top speed of 15.5 knots.

Asking €24,900,000 with Fraser .

Baron Trenck

Length : 43.5m Builder : Eurocraft Year : 2011

Baron Trenck was delivered in 2011 to an in-house design and has since benefitted from multiple refits. Most recently in 2023, the yacht received a new teak deck and a repaint. Accommodation is for up to 12 guests in six cabins, including a full-beam master suite on the main deck with large oval windows. Up top, a 120-square-metre sundeck sports a raised Jacuzzi forward flanked by sunpads on either side, as well as sofas and shaded seating options. Her top speed is 14 knots with a cruising speed of 10 knots coming from twin 1,632hp MTU diesel engines. The broker said that this yacht for sale sports "incredibly low engine hours", as well as being commercially compliant for charter operations.

Asking €13,500,000 with Camper & Nicholsons .

Length : 43.1m Builder : Italyachts Year : 2011

Genesis is a high-speed, sports yacht, built in GRP in Italy in 2011 and delivered as a Leopard 43 model. Designed by Andrea Bacigalupo , she features a striking golden hull and is offered for sale having completed her 10-year class survey and full engine service. Her interior, by Cristiano Gatto Design , comprises a full-beam master suite, VIP double, guest double and a twin cabin with an additional Pullman berth. Genesis is said to have the feel and capacity of a far larger yacht yet – with her shallow draft of 1.45 metres – she can anchor close to beaches or in secluded bays. The yacht for sale has a top speed of 33 knots and a cruising speed of 29 knots.

Asking €7,000,000 with Camper & Nicholsons .

Length : 38.1m Builder : Benetti Year : 2018

Built of GRP, Charade was delivered in 2018 as the sixth hull in Benetti's Fast 125 series. The yacht's sporty exterior was designed by Stefano Righini , with contemporary interiors embellished by sharp metal accents from RWD . Large floor-to-ceiling windows fill the yacht's main living spaces with natural light. A focus on lighting throughout the design process led to an abundance of thin light panels used throughout the yacht's interior, coupled with colourful exterior lighting Onboard highlights include a plexiglass grand piano, flatscreen TV and gaming table for entertainment in the upper lounge area. The yacht features a customised steel and glass aerial stairway by RWD, with backlit stone step tops leading to the upper deck. The yacht for sale draws its power from twin MTU engines, providing a comfortable cruising speed of 17.5 knots and a top speed of 22 knots.

Asking €16,450,000 with Arcon Yachts .

Norfolk Star

Length : 37m Builder : Perini Navi Year : 1996

Norfolk Star received a revamp in 2020, described by the broker as "a multi-million euro refit. This included a new main engine, two new generators, PLC system, Inmarsat VSAT dome, 505 Williams tender, Doyle sails and Reckmann rigging". The interior and exterior furnishings have been recovered, all surfaces and marble have been professionally cleaned and coated. The teak decks have also been professionally sanded. She offers a "family-friendly layout" with accommodation for six guests. The yacht for sale's interior is finished in cherry wood, and the large hull portholes give a particularly light and airy feel. From the upper saloon a generous stairway forward leads to the main saloon. There are two sofas and a more formal dining area in the main saloon which features an extendable walnut table.

Asking €5,950,000 with Burgess .

Mi Amore Julia

Length : 36.6m Builder : Benetti Year : 2010

Mi Amore Julia's voluminous interior, by François Zuretti , has an open-plan layout that provides guests with a great sense of space. Accommodation is for up to 12 guests in a full-beam master suite, two double staterooms and two twins with Pullman berths. On the upper level, Mi Amore Julia boasts an inviting sky lounge with a bar and comfortable seating area. The sky lounge offers an exceptional view of the surrounding vistas or, if preferred, the blinds can be closed to enjoy movies on the large screen television home theatre system. Twin 1,550hp MTU engines power the yacht for sale to a cruising speed of 13 knots, top speed of 16 knots and range of 3,300 nautical miles.

Asking €6,950,000 with Blackorange.

Length : 36.9m Builder : Benetti Year : 2015

Safad has been upgraded to include a sundeck featuring a Jacuzzi with a wraparound lounging area, complemented by a bar and cooling mist jets. The extended hard top provides additional shaded exterior deck spaces. The broker pointed out that thanks to the extensive use of glass and open-hatch portholes across the vessel, Safad " welcomes fresh and naturally lit corridors". Interior design is by François Zuretti and is described as “laid-back” yet “elegant”. Accommodation is for ten guests across five cabins, comprising a main-deck owner’s suite with panoramic views. Power to the yacht for sale is from a pair of MTU 12V 2000 M72 engines that deliver a cruising speed of 11 knots and a range of 3,300 nautical miles.

Asking €10,900,000 with Northrop & Johnson .

Length : 36.6m Builder : Benetti Year : 2009

Bunty belongs to the Benetti Classic 120 series designed by Stefano Righini . The yacht has benefitted from seven refits over the past five years, with her most recent (2023) involving a jet pump, watermaker and Jacuzzi overhaul alongside a complete replacement of all interior carpets and galley vinyl. The bootstripe was also resprayed in the shade "Royal Blue". Accommodation is for up to 12 guests across five cabins, including a full-beam main deck master cabin with a private study, two doubles and two twins. Bunty' s glossy, classic interiors are by Francois Zuretti , who opted for dark-wood bulkhead panelling complementing cream sofas and armchairs. The spacious main saloon is furnished with vibrant statement furniture and features a central bar and formal dining for up to ten guests forward. This yacht for sale has a maximum speed of 15.8 knots, cruising speed of 13 knots and a range of 3,300 nautical miles when pared back to 11 knots.

Asking €7,600,000 with Northrop & Johnson .


Length : 33.3m Builder : Overmarine Year : 2007

Designed by Stefano Righini and accommodating eight guests, Technomarine is a speed machine, constructed of GRP, with a top speed of 34 knots and cruising speed of 30 knots under twin 2,735hp MTUs. The broker pointed out that the yacht for sale has been extensively refitted and meticulously maintained by a passionate owner and crew.

Asking €3,350,000 with TWW Yachts .

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Location bateau Cannes Golfe Juan Antibes Mandelieu

Retrouvez les bateaux et services proposés par galayacht voir tous les bateaux.

location bateau sur mer calme à Cannes Mandelieur Golfe Juan

Bienvenue chez Galayacht, votre partenaire de confiance pour la location de yachts sur la splendide Côte d'Azur, notamment à Cannes, Golfe Juan, Antibes, Mandelieu, et au-delà. Notre société est spécialisée dans la location de yachts de prestige et l'organisation d'événements nautiques mémorables. Nous sommes là pour concrétiser vos rêves maritimes, quel que soit la dimension de votre projet ou votre budget.

Que vous souhaitiez louer un yacht, un voilier, ou un maxi-catamaran, Galayacht vous offre une flotte de bateaux et de services associés d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Notre équipe de professionnels passionnés se tient prête à répondre à toutes vos attentes, que ce soit pour une location de bateau ou la planification d'un événement unique en mer.

Louer un yacht sur la Côte d'Azur est le choix idéal pour des événements privés ou publics. Imaginez-vous à bord de votre propre yacht, amarré dans le port de Cannes, de Golfe Juan, d'Antibes, de Mandelieu, profitant de moments uniques pour sublimer votre événement ou vous détendre en vacances.

Chez Galayacht, nous mettons tout en œuvre pour que votre expérience soit inoubliable. Vous avez la flexibilité de louer un bateau pour une journée ou plusieurs semaines, que ce soit pour une soirée glamour, un événement exclusif, ou des vacances en famille. Nous sommes là pour créer un projet sur mesure, depuis la magnifique Côte d'Azur jusqu'à d'autres destinations de rêve dans le monde entier. Optez pour Galayacht et découvrez le plaisir de la navigation ou toute tranquillité.

Réservez dès maintenant votre yacht de rêve et préparez-vous à vivre des moments exceptionnels en mer. Notre passion, c'est de rendre vos rêves de navigation réalité. Pour une expérience maritime inoubliable, faites confiance à Galayacht, votre expert en location de bateaux.

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The 10 Most-Exciting Yacht Debuts at the Palm Beach International Boat Show

Besides the debut of smaller vessels, more than 60 yachts over 100 feet will be at palm beach this week. it promises to be a banner event., howard walker, howard walker's most recent stories.

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Palm Beach International Boat Show

For superyacht shoppers, the Palm Beach International Boat Show, kicking off its four-day run this week, is set to break records with more than 60 yachts over 100 feet long on display. Last year was also a banner year for superyachts at the show. 

Headliners will include the likes of the 295-foot Corsair Nero ,  the 278-foot Victorious by AKYacht, the 230-foot Turquoise-built Talisman C , and 213-foot Benetti Triumph among brokerage yachts, and in new yachts, the 113-foot Ocean Alexander Puro 35 is making its world debut.  

There are so many gleaming white vessels over 100 feet, in fact, that the fleet will be split between the Palm Harbor Marina at the main show site on the downtown West Palm Beach waterfront and the Safe Harbor Rybovich Marina two miles north. 

Now in its 42nd year, PBIBS will also showcase hundreds of models of dayboats, cruisers, and fishing boats, as well as marine accessories. Running from this Thursday through Sunday, the show coincides with the Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary art show, a fortuitous opportunity for yacht owners wanting to add new art to their collections.

Here are 10 must-see boats at this year’s show.

Corsair Yachts ‘Nero’

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The undisputed star of this year’s Palm Beach show? That would be the 295-foot, classically styled superyacht Nero , built in 2007 and inspired by American financier J.P. Morgan’s legendary 1930s steamer Corsair IV . Nero ‘s attendance at PBIBS marks its return to the charter market after an extensive refit in 2021. Now better than new, the boat is being managed by Burgess. With weekly charter rates from $497,000, the vessel offers five-star accommodations for 12 guests in six cabins, with pampering from a crew of 20. Part of the refit included a full interior refresh by Italian interior designer Laura Pomponi, plus a major focus on wellness. That meant the construction of a new, state-of-the-art gym and spa, the assistance of a certified onboard trainer, a masseuse and beautician. After PBIBS, Nero will spend the winter in the Caribbean before returning to the Med for the summer season.

Ocean Alexander Puro 35P

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Ocean Alexander is debuting the first of its new Puro superyacht series at PBIBS. The 113-foot Puro 35P comes from the drawing board of Italian designer Giorgio M. Cassetta and is a step back from the polarizing lines of OA’s recent Revolution and Explorer series with their bold, vertical bow designs. Aimed at long-distance cruising, the 35P can carry over 5,000 gallons of fuel and is powered by twin 2,000 hp MAN V12s for a 24-knot top speed. Twin 55kW Kohler generators can also keep the yacht powered at anchor for long periods. Other standout features include extensive glazing in the chiseled fiberglass hull, a forward deck plunge pool, and spacious accommodations for 10 guests. 

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Think of it as the “starter” Sirena. Aimed at a younger demographic, the Turkish builder’s brand-new Sirena 48 is making its U.S. debut at PBIBS after a global reveal at last fall’s Cannes boat show. Such is its appeal that 27 hulls have already been sold, with 13 of the orders coming from North America. Looking like a scaled-down version of Sirena’s popular 58, its distinctive, trawler-style lines are from Argentinian designer Germán Frers. With more interior space than a typical 48-footer, the yacht offers three staterooms—plus a crew cabin—a spacious, light-filled salon, a large cockpit, an oversized flybridge, and a vast forward social area. Take your pick from twin 550 hp Cummins QSB, or 670 hp Volvo D11 turbo diesels. Or the builder is also offering hybrid power with twin 285 hp electric motors charged up by variable-speed generators that are good for a 30-mile battery-only range.

Feadship ‘Olympus’

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Picture purchasing a classic 180-foot Feadship superyacht, and then getting a $10 million bill for a major refit. That was the case with Olympus , built by the Dutch masters at Feadship in 1996 to a design by Britain’s Andrew Winch and the celebrated naval architect Frits De Voogt. Sold in 2022, the new owner sent it to the Monaco Marine refit center in La Ciotat, France for a major makeover. It included overhauling the 2,600 hp Caterpillar engines and generators, repairs to the structure, substantial upgrades to the guest areas and crew quarters, and new paint throughout. With the work completed just last year, the vessel is said to be in mint condition. Offered jointly by brokers Fraser and Edmiston, Olympus has an asking price of $28.5 million. With accommodations for 16 guests in eight cabins, the boat’s highlights include two primary suites, tropical-spec air conditioning, and Palm Beach-chic decor.

Benetti ‘Triumph’

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Italian yachting powerhouse Benetti is showing off its superyacht-building skills with the 213-foot Triumph . Delivered in 2021, this Giorgio M. Cassetta-designed steel-and-aluminum world girder features six decks, a 1,400-square-foot primary suite with outdoor terrace and adjoining lounge, a 750-square-foot beach club, and a touch-and-go helipad. What sets Triumph apart, however, is its lavish interior furnishings put together by the owner along with Benetti Interior Style and Monaco-based Green & Mingarelli Design. It includes pieces by French glassmaker Lalique, marble from Marfil, Statuario and Armani, furs, silk and wool carpets, plus a collection of cool black-and-white wildlife photographs by British fine art photographer David Yarrow. The pièce de résistance? That would be the owner’s Triumph Bonneville motorcycle displayed in the salon.

Fjord 39 XP/XL

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Germany’s Fjord Yachts, part of the Hanse Group, has a new 39-foot day boat that it’s unveiling at the Palm Beach show. The 39 XP and XL keep all the bold design cues of the bigger Fjord 41 XP and XL, like a big, open cockpit, walkaround center console, vertical bow, mile-high windshield and stretched hardtop. As for the differences between the XP and XL, it’s all about power. The XL comes with a choice of twin 320hp Volvo D4 diesels, or bigger 440 hp D6 versions, both with Volvo stern drives. Likely more appealing to U.S. buyers will be the XP powered by twin 400 hp Mercury Verado V10 outboards giving a 50-knot top speed. Pricing starts at around $500,000.

Turquoise ‘Talisman C’

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Chandeliers don’t come more dramatic than this. Cascading down the central spiral staircase of the Turkish-built, 231-foot superyacht Talisman C , this jaw-dropping piece of art comprises an array of multi-colored glass balls threaded on stainless-steel rods and illuminated by hanging fiber-optic strands. It’s the creation of Prague-based Crystal Caviar and is one of a number of glass installations on this sleek, low-profile superyacht. Built in 2011 by the Proteksan Turquoise shipyard, Talisman C was designed inside and out by London-based studio H2 Yacht Design, with naval architecture by Italy’s Hydro Tec. With cabins for 12 guests, one of its highlights is a huge primary suite, which boasts more crystal chandeliers and a private library. Twin 2,447 hp Caterpillar diesels give a top speed of 18 knots and a transatlantic range of 7,000 nautical miles at 12 knots. It’s listed with Burgess for $59.9 million. 

Sanlorenzo 44 ‘Kamakasa’

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Delivered in 2020 and sold to a new buyer just last August, the 146-foot Sanlorenzo 44 Alloy Kamakasa will be for sale at PBIBS. The asking price, through the Italian Yacht Group, is $23.75 million. Lack of use might also be the issue here; the yacht’s twin 2,600 hp MTU V16 diesels have a mere 289 hours on the clock. Built in aluminum to a design by Rome-based Zuccon International Project, Kamakasa was the second hull in the Sanlorenzo 44 Alloy series. One of the top features is a primary suite that spans three levels and almost 1,600 square feet; it also comes with a private Jacuzzi, separate bathrooms, a walk-in closet, and a private study. The yacht’s lightweight construction and MTU power combine to deliver an impressive 20-knot top speed.

Bahama 41 GT2

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As ultimate, reel-’em-in, fishing center consoles go, the Bahama 41 from West Palm Beach-based Bahama Boat Works is as hard-core as they come. But when owners kept asking for a little more comfort for the family, the builder responded. The result is the brand-new flagship 41 GT debuting at PBIBS. While the proven, wave-slicing hull stays the same, the cockpit layout is new. In place of the single bench seat, there are now three-across bucket seats with a second row behind. The wider console now has space for a pair of 22-inch Garmin screens, while the new extended hardtop features sun shades and even a rain shower. Outboard choices stay the same with either twin Mercury V12 600s, or four 400 hp Mercury V10s, good for a 65-knot-plus top speed. Pricing is from around $920,000.

Heesen ‘Book Ends’

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Launched in 2022, this 164-foot Heesen is part of the Book Ends collection, owned by an American couple who have had more than 18 yachts with the same name. The exterior design of this Heesen was by Omega Architects, while Dutch studio Van Oossanen did the naval architecture. The yacht is part of Heesen’s fast cruising series, which is more efficient than other vessels its size, and can reach 23 knots at full speed with its MTU 16V 4000 M65L engines. The yacht is listed through Ocean Independence for 42 million Euro, or about $45.7 million.

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  22. The biggest yachts for sale at Cannes Yachting Festival 2023

    BOAT International looks ahead to 10 of the largest boats for sale on display at Cannes Yachting Festival 2023. The yachts will be located in both Port Canto and the Vieux Port. ... The broker said that this yacht for sale sports "incredibly low engine hours", as well as being commercially compliant for charter operations. Asking €13,500,000 ...

  23. Galayacht

    Retrouvez les bateaux et services proposés par GALAYACHTVoir tous les bateaux. Bienvenue chez Galayacht, votre partenaire de confiance pour la location de yachts sur la splendide Côte d'Azur, notamment à Cannes, Golfe Juan, Antibes, Mandelieu, et au-delà. Notre société est spécialisée dans la location de yachts de prestige et l ...

  24. The 10 Best Yachts at the 2024 Palm Beach International Boat Show

    Headliners will include the likes of the 295-foot Corsair Nero, the 278-foot Victorious by AKYacht, the 230-foot Turquoise-built Talisman C, and 213-foot Benetti Triumph among brokerage yachts ...