CATAMARAN HAUTURIER 60-' - bateaux d'occasion - bateaux CATAMARAN HAUTURIER 60-' d'occasion

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Belize 43 Maestro à vendre

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2020 Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42 Maestro

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Lagoon 380 - 2002

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Corsair 31CC a Vendre

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Magnifique Bali 4.8

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Catamarans d'occasion à moins de 200 000 €

24 annonces, marsaudon ts3, aventura 36, outremer 40, louisiane 37, alexander 50 one off, robertson and caine leopard 384, lagoon 380 série 2, robertson and caine leopard 38, gemini 35 legacy, edel cat 35, recherches associées.

6 catamarans de croisière pour moins de 100 000 €

catamaran hauturier occasion

Stabilité, habitabilité, confort… Les atouts du catamaran en font le bateau idéal pour le grand voyage. Si de nouveaux modèles voient régulièrement le jour, ils ne conviennent pas aux budgets les plus modestes. Nous vous avons donc sélectionné 6 modèles de catas à voile pour partir en voyage en famille disponibles en occasion à moins de 100 000 € !

Chloé Torterat

Le catamaran , l'allié du grand voyage

Depuis quelques années, le multicoque a le vent en poupe ! Stable, spacieux, il est d'ailleurs le candidat idéal du grand voyage. À partir de 30 ou 35 pieds, il offre plus de volume habitable qu'un monocoque de même taille. On trouve dans les coques plusieurs cabines avec leur salle de bain, séparée de la zone de vie pour plus de confort. Un aménagement qui préserve l'intimité et que l'on appréciera en famille sur les longues croisières.

La zone de vie est également vaste et souvent de plain-pied avec le cockpit, pour pouvoir facilement profiter de l'extérieur.

En navigation, si le catamaran est beaucoup plus stable puisqu'il ne gîte pas, il aura tendance à tanguer à certaines allures. Le catamaran est certes plus rapide au portant, mais il remonte moins facilement au vent qu'un monocoque.

Aujourd'hui, plusieurs chantiers se sont spécialisés dans le multicoque à voile, mais les prix sont souvent élevés. Nous vous avons dégoté 6 modèles de catamarans d'occasion entre 57 000 et 85 000 € pour larguer les amarres !

Edel Cat 35 – 43 000 € 

Edel Cat 35

L' Edel 35 est un catamaran dessiné par Maurice Edel et construit par le chantier Edel de 1985 à 1995. Avec une longueur de 10,60 m il offre quatre cabines indépendantes. Bon comportement marin , facile à manœuvrer, il est l'un des modèles phares des années 80. En revanche le rouf est petit limitant ainsi le volume du carré. A noter que les coques sont accessibles depuis le cockpit (et non depuis le carré).

Maldives 32 - 57 000 €

Maldives 32

Le Madives 32 est un "petit" catamaran de croisière construit par le chantier Fountaine Pajot à la fin des années 80 sur des plans Nivelt. Avec une longueur de moins de 10 m, il offre jusqu'à 4 cabines mais son espace de vie est assez limité. Avec son design très arrondi – flotteur et roof – il est facilement reconnaissable. Facile à manœuvrer, il est facilement échouable et donc parfait pour s'approcher au plus près des côtes. Enfin, son grand trampoline à l'avant offre une belle zone de vie supplémentaire.

Aventura 36 – 59 000 € 

Aventura 36

L' Aventura 36 (10,89 m) est le plus récent de notre sélection puisqu'il a été construit à partir de 1993 par le chantier Go Catamarans. Il offre une zone de vie spacieuse et bien aménagé avec jusqu'à 4 cabines. Ici, le grand cockpit est ouvert sur l'arrière, facilitant l'accès à bord et la vie extérieure. C'est d'ailleurs le premier catamaran à proposer un carré directement en liaison avec le cockpit.

Outremer 40 – 85 000 €

Outremer 40

L' Outremer 40 est le premier plan officiel pour Outremer, dessiné par Gérard Danson. Lancé en 1985, ce catamaran de 12,10 m de long offre jusqu'à 4 cabines et de belles sensations de barre. Ce modèle se dote également d'un roof arrondi et d'un très grand trampoline avant, le cockpit étant assez réduit, comme la plupart des catamarans habitables de cette époque. Avec ses dérives sabres, ce voilier n'a pas peur du près. Mais malgré sa taille, il manque de volume dans les aménagements en comparaison avec la production moderne.

Concept 33 – 85 000 € 

Concept 33

Ce plan Lerouge de 10 m est facilement reconnaissable avec son roof en forme de soucoupe volante pourvu de vitrages rectangulaires. Comme tous les bateaux conçus par l'architecte, le Concept 33 est voilier rapide et marin . À bord, on trouve de quoi vivre confortablement en famille, couchages doubles et/ou simples, salle de bain, cuisine, etc.

Tobago 35 – 89 000 €

Tobago 35

Le Tobago 35 est un catamaran lancé en 1993 par le constructeur français Fountaine Pajot . Avec ses 3 cabines (mais une seule salle d'eau), il permet de naviguer confortablement jusqu'à 6 personnes. Petit bémol, les cabines n'ont pas de portes. Léger, le Tobago 35 est rapide et suffisamment sûr pour se prêter à de longues navigations. Assez simple au niveau de l'aménagement, il offre néanmoins un bon rapport qualité/prix pour les budgets serrés.

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Un catamaran hauturier, léger et performant

L’Outremer 4X ne fait pas de compromis sur les qualités nautiques que doit avoir un vrai catamaran hauturier. La construction est optimisée pour des gains de poids supplémentaires. Le plan de voilure et le plan de pont vous permettront d’affronter sereinement toutes les conditions.

Avec ses coques étroites et son poids plume, les accélérations sont grisantes. Les sensations de glisse, bien calé dans un siège confortable, barre franche en main, sont exaltantes.

Doté du même confort que l’Outremer 45, l’Outremer 4X repousse les standards connus de performance d’un catamaran de croisière. Il sera le compagnon idéal pour réaliser une grande croisière familiale et pourquoi pas un programme de régate !

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Un plan de voilure typé course – croisière

Génois et trinquette, la configuration préférée des navigateurs exigeants. Pour optimiser la performance dans le petit temps, et l’efficacité dans le gros temps, rien ne peut égaler la combinaison génois + trinquette. Bien entendu, il vous faudra manœuvrer plus, gérer virements de bord et établir l’étai larguable pour endrailler la trinquette, mais la satisfaction d’un plan de voilure bien réglé vaut bien quelques efforts !

Des gains de poids structurels

Composé de plus de carbone dans les éléments structurels forts : mât, cloisons, poutre de compression, épontille, bimini, etc. Il profite également de gains de poids additionnels : le souci du détail est poussé très loin ! Sur la balance, malgré un accastillage plus complet, le 4X affiche 500 kg de moins que le 45′, et accélère encore plus franchement !

Un niveau de confort excellent

Des aménagements simples et légers, mais une même qualité de finition. Pour alléger le bateau, nous vous proposons par exemple de remplacer les portes et certaines étagères par des structures textiles, fermées par des zip ou de simples aimants : simple et efficace. Les rangements sont les mêmes, et même si certains plans de travail en Corian ont été remplacés par du composite plus léger, le même souci de qualité transparait dans tous les détails.

catamaran hauturier occasion

Retours d’expérience

catamaran hauturier occasion

« Sail Puffin » Famille Hibberd

Cette famille australienne a débuté l’aventure à bord de Puffin en 2020. Il s’agit de leur 2ème Outremer et ils se plaisent à partager leur expérience sur les aspects techniques de la navigation.

Vous avez des questions ?

Qu'est-ce qui différencie l'outremer 4x de l'outremer 45 , peut-on faire de la croisière avec un outremer 4x , la charge utile est-elle la même que l'outremer 45 .

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Au-delà de vous construire un bateau, Outremer donne vie à vos rêves en étant à vos côtés à chaque étape de votre projet.

Pour toujours mieux vous accompagner nous avons créé Outremer Services. Cette structure, intégrée au sein de Grand Large Services, est en mesure de répondre à tous vos besoins, depuis le début de votre projet jusqu’à la revente de votre catamaran.

Séminaires sur le thème de la grande croisière, formations à terre et en mer, location, conciergerie, refit, réseau de partenaires agréés autour du monde, système de e-maintenance OCM™, brokerage, nous proposons un accompagnement complet et personnalisé selon vos souhaits.

Catamarans d’occasion

Impatient, incertain de pouvoir investir dans un catamaran neuf ou simple curieux ? Découvrez l’éventail de notre offre de bateaux d’occasions. Attention le marché est dynamique, n’attendez pas pour nous contacter.

Louer un Outremer


De l’ Outremer 45 au médiatique et superbe Outremer 55 en passant par le 51 et le 4X, une large sélection de bateaux de propriétaire est mise en location.

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OUTREMER 45’ Le successeur légitime

Roof reculé et ramassé, mât implanté sur le pont contribuent à la silhouette sport.

Les voûtes semi-immergées sont dessinées pour une bonne tolérance de charge, le sillage un peu turbulent à bas régime se lisse à haute vitesse.

La barre franche et le siège pivotant invitent au plaisir de pilotage par petit temps ou pour de vraies sensations dans le médium. La roue (et le pilote) prendra le relais lorsque les conditions deviendront plus musclées.

La pleine ouverture de la baie coulissante améliore l'interface du cockpit avec la cuisine.

Infos pratiques

  • Le chantier : OUTREMER YACHTING
  • La fiche technique

Video youtube

  • Financez votre Outremer 45
  • Articles autour du Outremer 45
  • Disponible dans le numéro 169

Prix de l'essai 5.00 €

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Ajoutez plusieurs essais au panier

et bénéficiez d'une réduction !

Concevoir le remplaçant du très apprécié 45' 1re génération constitue un véritable défi pour le chantier Outremer. Multicoque symbole de l'aventure sabbatique des années 2000, le 45’ est en effet à la fois un grand voyageur et un bateau rapide et amusant. C'est donc le successeur du mythe que nous avons eu la chance d'essayer...

Une image forte !

En 2000, Didier Le Villain a réussi l'exploit d'emmener le prototype du 45’ 1re génération en tête de la classe 3 de la Transat anglaise. Cette belle course allait consacrer l'avenir d'une série à succès. Gérard Danson (l'architecte / constructeur de l'époque) et son fidèle responsable de production Daniel Cailloux venaient de signer une copie exemplaire qui deviendra une référence pour toute une génération de passionnés. Mais voilà, l'outillage (prévu pour une stratification au contact) et l'ergonomie étriquée des flotteurs interdisent la poursuite en production d'un modèle qui exerce pourtant encore son charme sur de nombreux amateurs. Wally Wallou, une version légère équipée d'un mât rotatif carbone, reste redoutable dans toutes les conditions et montre l’évolution possible de ce catamaran performant et fiable sur le marché de l'occasion et du refit.

Essai Outremer 45

Les performances sont au rendez-vous !

Installer un nouveau 45' au sein d'une gamme équilibrée

La transition organisée par Xavier Desmaret et son équipe depuis la reprise du chantier en 2007 a été habile et porte aujourd'hui ses fruits. La forte image de marque et le lien indéfectible des premières g...

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catamaran hauturier occasion

Catamarans for sale :

CATAMARAN ERECTOR 33 (vendu-sold)

CATAMARAN ERECTOR 33 (vendu-sold)


catamaran MUMBY 48 (vente suspendue)















BMS 33′

BMS 33′

MARSAUDON/LOMBARD ORC 57′ (sous offre et expertise)

MARSAUDON/LOMBARD ORC 57′ (sous offre et expertise)







INDEPENDENT CAT 36′(Un Mini Gunboat à prix attractif)

INDEPENDENT CAT 36′(Un Mini Gunboat à prix attractif)

EOS 54′ (importante baisse de prix HT)

EOS 54′ (importante baisse de prix HT)







OUTREMER 40  (vendu)

OUTREMER 40 (vendu)


CATANA 42 (vendu)

CAT FLOTTEUR 41-43 (vendu)

CAT FLOTTEUR 41-43 (vendu)

OUTREMER 50 SL (vente suspendue)

OUTREMER 50 SL (vente suspendue)

fast catamaran boats for sale


32' DCB F32 Open Bow

2009 Lake Havasu City Arizona 32 DCB F32 Open Bow

21' Eliminator Daytona

1993 Lake Havasu City Arizona 21 Eliminator Daytona

28' Eliminator Fundeck

2021 LAKE HAVASU CITY Arizona 28 Eliminator Fundeck

31' Eliminator 31 XO Speedster

2021 LAKE HAVASU Arizona 31 Eliminator 31 XO Speedster

25' 1992 2017 Talon T25

1992 Townville South Carolina 25 1992 2017 Talon T25

39' MTI 390X Carbon

2022 Kimball Michigan 39 MTI 390X Carbon

36' Eliminator Speedster

2009 LAKE HAVASU Arizona 36 Eliminator Speedster

32' Ocean Express 32 Tournament CC

2008 Sapphire Beach Marina Smith Bay Rd Smith Bay St Thomas USVI  32 Ocean Express 32 Tournament CC

28' Vector V28

2007 LAKE HAVASU AZ Arizona 28 Vector V28

29' World Cat 295DC

2016 Cruz Bay St John  29 World Cat 295DC

18' Talon 18

1988 Lake Havasu City Arizona 18 Talon 18

26' Nordic deck boats

2014 LAKE HAVASU Arizona 26 Nordic deck boats

36' Nordic Hurricane

2009  Texas 36 Nordic Hurricane

27' Eliminator Daytona 27ICC

2006 Hesperia California 27 Eliminator Daytona 27ICC

28' Doug Wright Designed Fat Cat DW28

2019 Ponce Inlet Florida 28 Doug Wright Designed Fat Cat DW28

35' DCB M35

2012 LAKE HAVASU Nevada 35 DCB M35

20' Sanger Alley Cat

1984 Lake Havasu City Arizona 20 Sanger Alley Cat

28' Howard 288 Sportdeck

2018 Lake Havasu City Arizona 28 Howard 288 Sportdeck

The 8 Fastest Cruising Catamarans (With Speedchart)

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Cruising catamarans are some of the most comfortable boats to roam the water, making them fantastic for both long-term voyages and short-term vacations. Still, cruising catamarans can be great racing boats, but just how fast can they go?

Some of the fastest cruising catamarans include the Gunboat 68 (35 knots), Outremer 45 (25 knots), ORC50 (25 knots), FastCat 435 (20 knots), TS 42 (35 knots), and Lagoon 440 (20 knots). Yet, there are many more cats that can reach 35 knots safely. 

If you are interested in knowing about the fastest cruising catamarans, I have you covered. I will be discussing some of the most popular, fastest cruising catamarans and the features that make them so excellent for sailors in need of speed. You will learn more about each catamaran’s speed and amenities, and I will let you know a trick or two to maximize your speed under sail. 

How Fast Are Cruising Catamarans?

On average, cruising catamarans can reach top speeds of 15 knots , around 17.3 mph (27.84 kph). However, some exceptional, racing-designed cruising catamarans can reach up to 30+ knots in the right wind conditions. 

When you want to better understand catamaran hull characteristics, I suggest the book Catamarans a Complete Guide (amazon link) by the president of Aeroyacht catamarans and that you check out my article Why catamarans capsize .

Factors That Impact Speed

Weight & size.

When you consider a catamaran’s speed, you will need to keep in mind the boat’s weight and narrowness. A vessel that can travel at 15 knots will still move slower if the boat is heavy or has a wide, extensive hull. When increasing the total weight of the boat, the boat “sits” lower in the water, thus increasing water drag and reducing speed.

Why trimarans are faster than catamarans!

Now that we know how weight impacts sailing characteristics, it follows that; if you are planning on racing your catamaran, you should remove as much luggage or extra gear as possible. Eliminating as much weight as possible will help you travel at your cat’s maximum speed .

Narrow Hulls

The hydrodynamics of the ship will heavily affect your speed. Narrower boats can chop through the water with less effort, making slender ships with pointed hulls far faster than wide vessels. So if you are looking for the fastest one available, you should look for a slender hull.

Slim hulls vs. space is a common tradeoff for catamarans optimized for family sailing .

Wind will also affect your ship’s speed, so do not expect your cruising catamaran to reach the maximum speed without heavy wind. Generally, cruising catamarans have two large sails (at least) to power them through the water, and some are so efficient that they can travel even faster than the wind.

Although a strong wind is needed to energize the sails and move the boat, too much wind will instead make the sails less efficient, and maximum speed is most often attained at lower wind speeds but with flat water.

Light Weight Materials

Faster cruising catamarans are often made from carbon fiber materials and fiberglass to keep the weight down. If you are looking for the quickest catamaran that you can find, you should note the materials that the ship is made out of and try to get one that is primarily made from carbon, glass, and resin materials. 

While you are looking for the perfect catamaran for you, you should keep in mind what you NEED and what is NICE with your ship. Usually, this decision is between size and speed, but some of these excellent vessels have both. 

Lightweight materials are usually costly; for example, a carbon fiber mast will probably cost you +$20 000, depending on the cat’s size.

I have written a buyer’s guide that explains the concept of NEED vs. NICE , which will make choosing the right boat faster and more accurate.

Gunboat 68 (+35Kts)

Gunboat 68 is a cruising catamaran designed to reach the highest speeds possible. Made by Gunboat, the ship uses Grand-Prix racing boats’ designs to develop the speediest cruising catamaran on the market. 

Gunboat 68 is made entirely from carbon composites, which keeps the ship lightweight and fast. Gunboat 68 is the perfect catamaran for anyone who wants to reach the highest speeds possible while maintaining control of the vessel and not bouncing around too much. 

Gunboat 68 has comfortable, spacious living quarters, though it also has a spacious deck with luxurious seating. Indeed, this cat has it all, making it one of the best cruising catamarans for racers and casual sailors. The design maximizes all of the living spaces and uses lightweight materials to add elegance and luxury to a speedy racing catamaran. 

Gunboat 68 is one of the fastest cruising cats out there, with its maximum speed at more than 30 knots . Gunboat 68 can achieve these fast speeds, thanks to its lightweight construction and narrow hull design. 

Still, Gunboat can customize your ship’s plan to accommodate your needs. Whether you are looking for a faster, more lightweight boat with a more extensive sail or a more comfortable cruiser, Gunboat 68 is an excellent option for you. 


  • Maximum Speed: 35 knots
  • Length: 68 ft (20.75 m)
  • Beam: 29.9 ft (9.1 m)
  • Draft: 3.9 ft (1.2 m) board up and 9.84 ft (3.8 m) board down
  • Displacement: 23.7 tonnes

TS 42 (ORC 42)

The TS, or Tres Simple , cruising catamarans, designed by Marsaudon Composites, are some of the fastest cruising catamarans in the world. 

Marsaudon developed the ship’s plans using racing boats’ streamlined designs and combined them with a cruising catamaran’s comfortable living spaces. The TS 42 has an inverted hull which helps it glide on the water swiftly without requiring much fuel, but it also has a spacious below-deck area with plenty of luxuries.

TS cruising catamarans are often considered the fastest cruisers on the market, with their speed comfortably reaching upwards of 35 knots in the right wind conditions. Generally, TS catamarans can sail at 20 knots, even with moderate wind. They are the perfect catamaran for racers and high-speed travelers, and yet they still have the amenities of a pleasant live-in vessel. 

The TS 42 has a large galley and comfortable cabins, making it a cozy home or vacation vessel. With multiple bathrooms, large windows, and open lounge spaces, these catamarans are superbly comfortable to live in. 

The deck and cabin space are divided by a large, openable window, which adds extra light and ventilation to the living areas. It also has plenty of on-deck space, which is rare in such a small vessel with an inverted hull. 

If you think I’m using too many confusing nautical terms, you’ll find all the answers on my Catamaran parts explained page .

  • Length: 42.8 ft (13 m)
  • Beam: 24.3 ft (7.4 m)
  • Draft: 4.9 ft (1.5 m) with boards up and 7.5 ft (2.3 m) with boards down
  • Displacement: 5.8 tonnes

Outremer 45

Based in France, Outremer (pronounced uutremeer 😉 ) designed their Outremer 45 to be a long-lasting cruising catamaran that sails smoothly at high speeds. The Outremer 45 can reach about 15 knots, but the most comfortable sailing speed is 10 knots. However, it can travel up to 25 knots in the right wind conditions, making it a quick ship with all of a perfect cruising catamaran’s luxuries. 

It is made for durability from carbon, vinyl ester, and divinycell so that it can last many years without repairs. The Outremer 45 has a narrow hull, and it is designed to be as thin as possible to maximize speed and fuel efficiency. Outremer 45 still has comfortable living quarters with large windows and lounge spaces within the boat. Indeed, it sacrifices no comfort for speed.

In this article, I talk a lot about catamaran characteristics, both interior and exterior, if that’s something you want to better understand, then I recommend an article where I write about trade-offs in design choices .

The Outremer 45 was initially designed to be a boat that would last 50 or more years, and it excels in its durability. It has an open, uniquely expansive side deck and plenty of on-deck conveniences that make sailing a breeze in the ORC50.

With supreme safety features such as tall railings, slip-free grips on deck, and enclosed lounge spaces, it is one of the safest catamarans available (is safety your top concern? I wrote a list of the safest catamarans on the market). 

  • Maximum Speed: 25 knots
  • Length: 48 ft (14.6 m)
  • Beam: 23.3 ft (7.1 m)
  • Draft: 3.3 ft (1 m) with boards up and 6.7 ft (2.04 m) with boards down
  • Displacement: 8.2 to 11.1 tonnes

Marsaudon Composites ORC50

Marsaudon Composites designed the ORC50, or Ocean Rider Catamaran 50, with both speed and comfort in mind. The ORC50 can be used for cruising, but it is also a great racing boat that has been awarded honors from many races worldwide.

Marsaudon borrowed designs from racing skippers to plan the ORC50, bringing together a cruiser’s comfort with the speed of an award-winning racing boat. 

This cruising catamaran is lightweight, which allows it to gain speed at a fast rate, but still has comfortable living quarters inside the boat. It has a rotating carbon mast, which helps to eliminate turbulence over the mainsail and therefore increasing sail efficiency and speed!

With strong winds, the ORC50 can reach up to 23 knots , making it extremely fast for a cruising catamaran. The ORC50 can easily reach speeds much faster than the wind speed, which is a unique quality of this fast, yet comfortable catamaran.

The ORC50 is an excellent long-term living ship with its many organizational compartments, expansive galley, and well-ventilated sleeping cabin. It also has plenty of couches and seating areas built into the boat, and its intuitive design adds plenty of comfort to the cruising catamaran without weighing down the ship. 

  • Length: 50 ft (15.23 m)
  • Beam: 27 ft (8.2 m)
  • Draft: 5.6 ft (1.7 m) with boards up and 8.9 ft (2.7 m) with boards down
  • Displacement: 13 tonnes

FastCat 435

African Cat’s catamarans, including the FastCat 435, are designed for speed and racing. This ship is mainly composed of epoxy, fiberglass, and carbon components, making it very lightweight to ensure that it travels as swiftly as possible. 

The FastCat 435 may be as light as possible, but it is durable enough to last for many years in the most extreme conditions.

The FastCat 435 has comfortable living quarters and well-designed comfort spaces so that you can get the most out of your trips. The FastCat also has a green hybrid design, and it uses primarily electric power, which can help you prolong your sailing and use less fuel. 

I find solar-powered/electric cats pretty exciting, so much so that I wrote an entire article called The Best Solar-Powered Catamarans on the subject.

The FastCat is an excellent option for anyone who wants a smaller cat with a comfortable design and incredible speed. FastCat’s electric power is also a unique, favorable feature for anyone who wants to use less fuel. 

  • Maximum Speed: 20 knots
  • Length: 42.7 ft (13 m)
  • Beam: 24.4 ft (7.4 m)
  • Draft: 3.9 ft (1.2 m) with boards up
  • Displacement: 2.4 tonnes

The Lagoon 440 cruising catamaran, like the FastCat, has an electric powering version, which cuts down on fossil fuel usage and ensures that your ship will keep moving. The Lagoon 440 is also among the easiest catamarans to maneuver, thanks to its electric drivetrain and automatic engines. 

The speed of the Lagoon 440 usually maxes out at 10 knots with low winds, but with higher winds, it can quickly gain speeds up to 20 knots (some argue even higher, but I’m doubtful). The Lagoon 440 is an excellent cruiser and comfortable catamaran, but it is not an all-out racing cat.

Lagoon is a well-known brand, but there are some caveats, and are Lagoons still making good catamarans?

Below the deck, the living spaces in the Lagoon 440 are magnificent. The ceilings are high, allowing the tallest of passengers to stand in the cabin. The many storage compartments and furnishings have a modern, elegant design. The interior is one large primary cabin with a few private spaces below the deck. 

  • Length: 44.6 ft (13.6 m)
  • Beam: 25.3 ft (7.7 m)
  • Draft: 4.3 ft (1.3 m)
  • Displacement: 10.5 tonnes

Fountaine Pajot Astréa 42

Fountaine Pajot designs some of the most luxurious yet speedy cruising catamarans available in the world. They are renowned for their safe, durable designs that make sailing a comfortable, relaxing experience. And on a personal note, i think the name sounds beautiful!

Their cruising catamarans use an inverted hull design that has become a signature mark of Fountaine Pajot vessels. This hull type allows the water to pass beneath the ship quickly, which increases the speed and fuel efficiency of the cat. 

The Astréa 42’s primary benefit is its spacious, comfortable living quarters and large, open deck spaces. The ship’s interior spaces have large windows, large lounging areas, and plenty of storage compartments. 

The cabin’s ventilation is also excellent, which reduces the classic musty smells of sea living. You can also get two different models of this catamaran, either in a one-cabin option or a two-cabin option, making it an excellent vessel for larger or smaller families.

The Astréa is ideal for long-term sea living and family vacations (it is not as fast as some more racing-oriented cats). Although the Astréa is not the speediest cat available, with its speed maxing out at about 10+ knots, even in favorable wind conditions, its luxurious atmosphere and comfortable cabin spaces make up for its relatively slow speed. 

Don’t get me wrong, despite its lower speed compared to the boats on this list, the Astréa 42 can still get you places quicker than many other cruising catamarans (and most monohulls). So, if you want all of the elegance and comfort of a cat and are not too worried about racing, this ship is an excellent option for you.  

  • Maximum Speed: 10 knots
  • Length: 41.3 ft (12.6 m)
  • Beam: 23.6 ft (7.2 m)
  • Draft: 4.1 ft (1.3 m)
  • Displacement: 12.3 tonnes

Privilege Signature 510

The Privilege Signature 510 is a long-distance cruising catamaran designed for long-term voyages and sailing in extreme weather conditions. It features a durable, weatherproof design that will protect you from rainy and cold weather while sailing. 

The helm and living spaces are completely covered, making it safe to live in, even in cold or stormy weather. It also has an automatic sail adjustment system with the controls at the helm, allowing you to make any adjustments from the helm’s safety and comfort. 

Privilege Signature 510 also has an elegant, well-designed living space with plenty of amenities, including an accelerated cooling system, a spacious bathroom and kitchen, and plenty of windows for natural lighting.

With an elegant floor plan, this cozy ship is perfect for long-term living.

The Privilege Signature is not the fastest catamaran on the market, with a maximum speed of around 13 knots. Still, it is one of the quicker cats considering its elaborate amenities and comfortable size.

  • Maximum Speed: 13 knots
  • Length: 50 ft (15.24 m)
  • Beam: 26 ft (7.98 m)
  • Draft: 5 ft (1.57 m)
  • Displacement: 25 tonnes

Although cruising catamarans are great boats for slowly cruising along the water, they can also be swift, substantial racing boats that reach speeds of up to 35 knots. These speedy cruising catamarans still come with all of the amenities of leisure boats, but they also reach incredible speeds without rocking or tossing. 

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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Fast Boats For Sale

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Featured Boat: 2023 MTI 390XR Catamaran

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Skater At 50—One Monster Of A Build

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Featured Boat: 2019 Outerlimits SC 46 Catamaran—Jet

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FastCat14™ Catamaran

Inflatable boat, about the fastcat14™ catamaran inflatable boat.

The FastCat14™ can be rolled up and packed away for easy storage. However, because of its incredibly large super fun-size deck space designed for sunning, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, filming, fishing, picnicking, and all-around fun-filled days on the water - it's best used for extended days on the water and/or with a lightweight 18-foot bunk trailer with 12-inch high adjustable bunk risers.

The FastCat14™ is a rugged, dependable, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, rapid self-bailing, four-person, inflatable catamaran boat that provides exceptional deck space, "The Smoothest Ride On The Water", and is the perfect boat for family fun time!

Welcome to the future! Made from a LIGHTER, STRONGER, and EVEN MORE PACKABLE fusion drop stitch technology. Due to the latest technological advancement in double-layer, high-pressure, all-drop-stitch, fusion technology, the FastCat14™ is incredibly strong and much easier to fold and pack up. The future is here - order yours today!

About the FastCat™ Series

Don't purchase or consider another boat without checking out the new and incredible Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat™ Catamaran Boat for the smoothest ride on the water and sale prices!

Tired of being bruised up and bounced around by waves, back jarring rough rides, added fuel cost, and lack of cockpit room? The new Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat™ Catamaran Boat is the solution to all these problems and more!

This catamaran-style, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, easy to set up hull is the most innovative boat to hit the market! The catamaran hull design lifts the boat up and on top of the water as if you're riding on pillowy clouds with hydro foiling shock absorbers preventing the slapping of traditional hulls. Friction is reduced, increasing fuel economy, and with four independent high-pressure safety air chambers, you're guaranteed added safety.

The Sea Eagle FastCat™ inflatable catamaran series will entirely change the way you view inflatable boats!

Certifications, deflated hull size, when deflated and packed well, this hull will fit in:.

check_circle Backpack

check_circle Car Trunk

check_circle SUV

check_circle Truck/Large SUV

Standard Features

  • NMMA & CE Certified
  • Catamaran hull design provides the smoothest ride on the water
  • All rugged, high-pressure, reinforced, drop-stitch construction
  • Completely self-bailing
  • 4 Independent safety air chambers
  • 10 Conveniently located grab handles
  • Dual Quik-Cinch EZ-attachment seating system
  • Removable transom for easy storage
  • Heavy-duty bow ring
  • Non-slip EVA foam covered deck
  • Canopy attachment system (for optional sun/rain canopy)
  • Dual Universal Scotty Pads for use with optional Scotty accessories
  • Bottom and side protective bumper guard rubbing strakes
  • Rear D-ring attachment points for securing coolers and utility boxes

Top, Front & Side Views

top view

FastCat14™ Catamaran Reviews

My 3rd inflatable but my first Cat. WAAAY more space and 15% faster with the same 20hp motor. 24 mph Highly recommend.

I recently purchased the FASTCAT14 by Sea Eagle, and I couldn't be more thrilled with my decision. This inflatable catamaran offers an exceptional boating experience. The FASTCAT14's inflatable catamaran design provides ample space for four passengers. The user-friendly design makes it a perfect choice for spontaneous trips, and the inflatable nature of the boat ensures easy storage when not in use. The FASTCAT14 truly shines when it comes to cruising. The swivel seats make socializing a joy, and the canopy provides excellent shelter from the elements. The boat's stability, coupled with the Honda 9.9 engine, makes cruising a seamless and enjoyable experience. In conclusion, the FASTCAT14 by Sea Eagle has exceeded my expectations. It's the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and performance, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a versatile and enjoyable boating experience. Whether you're a seasoned boater or a first-time enthusiast, the FASTCAT14 is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Key Features

Catamaran design.

Catamaran Design

The Sea Eagle catamaran-style hull design provides the smoothest ride on the water. Side chambers create lift and reduce friction - increasing fuel economy, handling, and performance while providing an incredible cloud cushioned ride.

Protective Rubbing Strake & Bumper Guard

Protective Rubbing Strake & Bumper Guard

Protective full-length underside rubbing strakes and side bumper guards provide added protection against bumps and abrasions where it counts most.

Multiple Grab Handles

Multiple Grab Handles

Conveniently located heavy-duty grab handles for ease of carrying and water re-entry.

Universal Scotty Pads

Universal Scotty Pads

Two rear Universal Scotty Pads allow for the attachment of a vast array of optional Scotty accessories including but not limited to rod holders, triple rod holders, anchor locks, bait boards, camera mounts, transducer mounts, and more!

*Scotty accessories are additional optional purchases. See

Quik-Cinch Seat Straps System

Quik-Cinch Seat Straps System

Attaching your tandem seats with the Sea Eagle Quik-cinch system is as easy as 1-2-3!

Removable Transom

Removable Transom

The removable transom makes the FastCat14™ lighter, more portable, and easier to pack down smaller. Attach the transom and you're ready for up to a 20 hp outboard.

Canopy Attachment System

Canopy Attachment System

Protecting yourself from the sun and elements has never been more important. The FastCat14™ is equipped with a Canopy Attachment System for use with the optional Wide Sun & Rain Canopy.

*Wide Sun & Rain Canopy is an additional optional accessory. See

4 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers

4 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers

4 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers for added safety: Starboard Side, Bow, Floor, and Portside. Providing an added level of security and peace of mind.

FastCat14™ Catamaran Discount Packages

Deluxe package.

FastCat14 Deluxe

A great package for those who already have their own motors. Featuring (2) tandem bench seats with Quick Release Seatmounts, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and boat bag.

In Stock   Freight Quote to Russia

Swivel Seat Canopy Package

FastCat14 Swivel Seat Canopy

This Swivel Seat Canopy Package provides protection from the elements. Featuring a Wide Sun & Rain Canopy, (2) tandem bench seats with Quick Release Seatmounts, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and boat bag.

110w Solar Boat Package

FastCat14 110w Solar Boat

This 110w Solar Package provides protection from the elements. Featuring a canopy with a self-charging solar panel so you can spend an entire day on the water while the solar panel charges the electric motor battery (not included). The powerful Watersnake Advance 70 lb. thrust motor is a dual-purpose (salt/freshwater) electric motor.

Honda Motor Package

FastCat14 Honda Motor

An excellent package providing speeds of up to 16 mph. Features a Wide Sun & Rain Canopy, (2) tandem bench seats with Quick Release Seatmounts, (2) paddles, (2) Scotty Rod Holders, manual pump, repair kit, boat bag, and Honda 9.9 hp 4-stroke outboard gas engine.

Torqeedo Solar Package

FastCat14 Torqeedo Solar

This Solar Motor Package provides protection from the elements. Featuring a canopy with a self-charging solar panel so you can spend an entire day on the water while the solar panel charges the Torqeedo electric motor. The powerful Torqeedo long shaft motor is a quiet, efficient & waterproof.


download instructions

Sea Eagle Used Boats

  • have never been damaged, punctured or patched
  • have been test inflated for 48 hours
  • might have very minimal wear (no barnacles or algae)
  • are covered by our regular 120 day money back guarantee
  • and three year bow-to-stern warranty , just like our new boats.
  • might contain prior-generation components

Delivery Estimate

Fc14 tandem seat kit.

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Tandem Locking Swivel Seats w/ 7" Pedestals

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Adjustable Composite SUP Paddle

FC14 Boat Carry Bag

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Boat Carry Bag for FastCat14™

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SUP Pump w/ Pressure Gauge

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Wide Canopy

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Wide Sun & Rain Canopy

110w Solar Panel

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110 Watt Semi-Flexible Solar Panel w/ Charge Controller

Covered by the PowerFilm Solar Panel Warranty

All Sales are final. This item is not covered by the Sea Eagle 120 Day Trial.

Watersnake Brushless 70

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Watersnake Advance Brushless 70 lb. Thrust Electric Motor (Fresh & Saltwater)

Covered by the Watersnake 1 Year Warranty

Wide Solar 110 Canopy

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Wide Sun & Rain Solar 110 Canopy (For use with 110W solar panel)

Trolling Motor Power Center

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Minn Kota Trolling Motor Power Center

Covered by the Minn Kota Manufacturer Warranty

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Honda 9.9S (Short Shaft)

Covered by the Honda Marine Warranty

Torqeedo 1103CL

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Travel 1103CL Long Shaft w/915 Wh Battery

Covered by the Torqeedo Factory Warranty

138w Solar Panel for Torqeedo

fast catamaran boats for sale

138 Watt Semi-Flexible Solar Panel for use with Torqeedo

Covered by the Sol Go

Wide Solar 138 Canopy

fast catamaran boats for sale

Wide Sun/Rain 138 Solar Canopy (For use with 138 solar panel)

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Posted 2024-03-19 10:22

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Seawind 24 Catamaran - $10,300 (Scotch Plains)

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Seawind 24 Catamaran - boats - by owner - marine sale - craigslist

Seawind 24 catamaran, trailer included Priced to sell! Recession proof sailing on a trailerable 24 ft LOA, 16 ft beam. Daggerboards and rotating rudders allow you to float in less than one foot of...

Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia - Elektrostal Attractions

Things to do in elektrostal.

  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

fast catamaran boats for sale

1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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2. Statue of Lenin

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3. Park of Culture and Leisure

4. museum and exhibition center.

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5. Museum of Labor Glory

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7. Galereya Kino

8. viki cinema, 9. smokygrove.

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10. Gandikap

11. papa lounge bar, 12. karaoke bar.

  • Statue of Lenin
  • Electrostal History and Art Museum
  • Park of Culture and Leisure
  • Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Museum of Labor Glory

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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fast catamaran boats for sale

40' MTI. ( (SOLD)) Luxury 2009 40 MTI with the Tilt Trailer.$399K This boat is a one-owner powerboat used only in freshwater. Powered with two Mercury 700s stage 3 motors with original 150 HR this boat is nice. "Don't miss out" For viewing please make an appointment with us @ (928)208-8460..

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Aquila 42 Yacht. 2024. Request Price. Speeding ahead of the competition, the boat of your dreams is waiting for you. The Aquila 42 Yacht Power Catamaran is equipped with features that will bring a smile to any boater's face—whether you plan on cruising near or far. The 42 Yacht is built to CE Certification Category A and designed by world ...

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Fast Boats For Sale. Featured Boat: 2020 Skater 50 Catamaran Featured Boat: 2020 Skater 50 Catamaran. Created: March 2, 2024 . Share. 0 Comments. ... Featured Boat: 2018 MTI 340X Catamaran. Created: December 21, 2023 . Share. 0 Comments. MTI At 25—Stop! Hammertime! MTI At 25—Stop! Hammertime!

Find catamaran sailboats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! ... Catamaran sailing vessels for sale on Boat Trader are available for a variety of prices, from $46,667 on the relatively more affordable end all the way up to $5,535,789 for the biggest, most advanced ...

The Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat12™ Catamaran Boat is a rugged, dependable, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, two-person, inflatable, runabout boat that fits into a bag and provides the Smoothest Ride On The Water! No need for a trailer, storage fees, maintenance fees, or heavy fuel prices. Accompanied by a 3yr Warranty, Free Shipping, 120 Day Money Back Guarantee Trial Period.

She's fast and luxurious at the same time and designed for completely single handed sailing. 6kW solar panels, 44kWh Li-ion battery bank and 10kW inverters can handle all onboard appliances, even the air-conditioners without having to run the generator. ... There are a wide range of Catamaran boats for sale from popular brands like Fountaine ...

The Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat14™ Catamaran Boat is a rugged, dependable, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, four-person, inflatable, runabout, family pontoon boat that still fits into a bag and provides the Smoothest Ride On The Water! No need for storage fees, maintenance fees, or heavy fuel prices. Accompanied by a 3yr Extendable Warranty, Free Shipping, and 120 Day ...

2000 Voyage Yachts 440. US$337,000. United Yacht Sales | Tavernier, Florida. Request Info. Find Sail Catamaran boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from.

Seawind 24 catamaran, trailer included Priced to sell! Recession proof sailing on a trailerable 24 ft LOA, 16 ft beam. ... easily accommodating a crowd while still light enough to go fast (flat water, moderate breeze will bring a big smile on your face). Simple rig (100% jib, big roach, full-battened main on rotating mast) makes for easy short ...

Glowzone Jamestown-Scotland Ferry Stavros Beach Sandy Beach Park SeaQuest Woodbridge Colombo City Centre Burton Brooks Peach Orchard Valley of the Temples Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens Enchanted Forest Phong Nha Cave And Dark Cave Tour 3D Fun Art Museum Funchal Grand Cayman Catamaran Cruise with Snorkeling at Stingray Sandbar and Reef North ...

2022 Sunsation 32 CCX. $379,000. $2,966/mo*. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 | Private Seller. Request Info. <. Find high performance boats for sale near you by owner, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BETA GIDA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

Find Custom Catamaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Custom boats to choose from.

Its fuel assemblies for RBMK, VVER, and fast reactors are used in 67 reactors worldwide. 2 It also produced MOX fuel assemblies for the BN-800 and the fuel for Russia's first floating nuclear power plant in 2011. 3 Elemash manufactures BWR and PWR fuel assemblies for Areva, and also supplied fuel assemblies to start up China's CEFR fast ...

Find Power Catamaran Aluminum boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from.

Known as the "Motor City of Russia." Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.. Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant. Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

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catamaran hauturier occasion

Un catamaran hauturier?

À chaque salon, il y a des questions qui reviennent tout le temps… Voici le top 3 de cet automne avec leurs réponses.

16 février 2023

“Peut-on vraiment partir en navigation hauturière avec vos catamarans?”

– L’ Atlantic Rally for Cruisers  dit l’ARC est une course amicale entre plaisanciers pour traverser l’Atlantique des Canaries aux Antilles. L’édition 2011 réunissant plus de 200 bateaux est partie dimanche dernier avec 30 multicoques au départ dont 12 Lagoon. Ceci fait de Lagoon le premier chantier de catamaran représenté devant Catana et Alliaura. Or, on peut considérer que la traversée de l’Atlantique est un bon test comme navigation hauturière, non? Surtout que presque toute la gamme est représentée: deux Lagoon 380, un Lagoon 400, trois Lagoon 420/421, deux Lagoon 440, trois Lagoon 560 et un Lagoon 620!

Catamarans port

11 Lagoon traversent actuellement l’Atlantique avec l’ARC.

“Est-ce que les catamarans Lagoon sont des vrais bateaux ou juste des maisons sur l’eau?”

L’un des plaisirs de la croisière hormis la navigation est de trouver des mouillages, des plages désertes, de passer du temps à se baigner dans une mer chaude, rencontrer des poissons, découvrir des paysages, des gens… Selon les différents récits des personnes qui naviguent en grande croisière du type tour de Méditerranée ou tour de l’Atlantique, ils passent plus ou moins 30% de leurs temps en navigation et donc plus ou moins 70% au mouillage. Autant choisir un bateau qui vous offre le confort d’une maison. Les Lagoon sont donc des bateaux capables de traverser l’Atlantique tout en ayant un niveau de confort élevé à l’autre bout du monde également!

Bateau plage

Jaco Kruger et son Lagoon 500 au mouillage aux îles du Cap Vert durant son voyage retour de France – Afrique du Sud.

“Vos bateaux ne sont-ils pas juste destinés au marché de la location?”

L’année dernière nous avons vendu plus de 250 bateaux, ce qui représente la production la plus importante de catamarans à voile au monde. Environ 15 % de ces bateaux furent achetés par des professionnels de la location. Ce qui laisse 85 % achetés par des propriétaires particuliers. On ne peut donc pas dire que nos bateaux soient faits pour le marché de la location mais avant tout pour des propriétaires qui apprécient le confort et l’espace.

Catamarans en mer

Rendez-vous propriétaire Lagoon à Porquerolles, juin 2011

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Yoga catamaran

VOILE & YOGA Le combo gagnant pour sillonner les océans

catamaran hauturier occasion

catamaran hauturier occasion


  1. Quels sont les meilleurs catamarans d'occasion?

    Les meilleurs catamarans hauturiers à petit budget. Outremer 45. Maintenant, intéressons-nous aux multicoques de croisières hauturières. Pour ce type de programme, nous avons besoin d'un minimum de confort et d'un bateau marin et sécurisant. ... Si nous avions le droit de choisir un catamaran d'occasion récente, voire presque neuf ...

  2. Catamarans à vendre

    Marques de catamarans. Trouvez 802 des catamarans à vendre près de chez vous, y compris des bateaux neufs et d'occasion, des prix de bateaux, des photos et plus encore. Localisez les concessionnaires de bateaux et trouvez votre bateau sur Annonces du Bateau.

  3. CATAMARAN HAUTURIER 60-' d'occasion à vendre

    Jean Michel Mauri. Mobile : +33 (0)6 13 25 05 69. Bateau d'occasion CATAMARAN HAUTURIER 60-' en vente par Fetch Yachting. Pour plus d'information sur ce bateau CATAMARAN HAUTURIER 60-' CAROFF - BOUSCAREN à vendre contacter notre conseiller en vente CAROFF - BOUSCAREN.

  4. Catamarans à vendre

    Marques de catamarans. Trouvez 1758 des catamarans à vendre près de chez vous, y compris des bateaux neufs et d'occasion, des prix de bateaux, des photos et plus encore. Localisez les concessionnaires de bateaux et trouvez votre bateau sur YachtWorld.

  5. Catamarans occasion à vendre par des particuliers

    Toutes nos annonces de catamarans d'occasion à vendre par des particuliers près de chez vous. Comparez les prix. Afin d'assurer une utilisation optimale de notre site et de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour de sécurité, nous vous conseillons de mettre à jour votre navigateur.

  6. 5 catamarans de voyage d'occasion à moins de 100000€

    5 catamarans de voyage à vendre pour moins de 100000 euros. On ne retiendra ici que des catamarans d'occasion de 11 à 12 mètres. Ils ont l'avantage de ne pas encore coûter trop cher en entretien, tout en offrant un bon volume habitable. Pour le budget, nous resterons sur une limite à 100000 euros.

  7. Voiliers hauturiers à vendre

    Acheter voiliers hauturiers. Les voiliers hauturiers à vendre sur le sont listés pour une gamme de prix, allant de 1 899 € pour les modèles les plus basiques à 9 324 567 € pour les plus chers. Les bateaux peuvent différer en taille de 4,45 m à 45,3 m. Le plus ancien a été construit en 1897.

  8. Petites annonces

    A la recherche du catamaran ou trimaran de vos rêves, consultez toutes nos annonces ou publiez votre annonce sur

  9. Vente/Achat catamarans, trimarans occasion : Particuliers et pros

    A la recherche du catamaran ou trimaran de vos rêves, consultez toutes nos annonces sur 0; 0; Petites annonces; Dernier magazine; Essais; Fiches techniques; Boutique; Connexion; CGV; Mentions légales; Plan du site; Contact; FR; US; Catamaran occassion, les annonces de Multicoques Mag - Catamarans et Trimarans.

  10. Catamaran occasion à vendre

    Annonces de catamaran occasions en vente. Achat, vente de Catamaran occasions sur Youboat FR, le site spécialiste des annonces de vente de bateau occasion et neuf. Avec Youboat, retrouvez des milliers d'annonces vente et location de bateaux moteurs, voiliers, moteurs hors-bord & inbord, places de port, remorques et divers produits nautiques ...

  11. Catamarans d'occasion à vendre

    Toutes nos annonces de Catamarans d'occasion à vendre par des particuliers et professionnels aux meilleurs prix. Annonces vérifiées. Afin d'assurer une utilisation optimale de notre site et de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour de sécurité, nous vous conseillons de mettre à jour votre navigateur.

  12. Catamarans d'occasion à vendre

    Trouvez catamarans d'occasion à vendre près de chez vous, avec des informations sur les prix, des photos et bien plus encore. Trouvez votre bateau sur iNautia!

  13. Outremer 55

    LOCATION COURTE DURÉE AVEC SKIPPER. De l' Outremer 45 au médiatique et superbe Outremer 55 en passant par le 51 et le 4X, une large sélection de bateaux de propriétaire est mise en location. L'Outremer 55 est un catamaran de grand voyage facile à manœuvrer, offrant des espaces de vie, une ergonomie et une lumière incomparables.

  14. Catamarans occasion à moins de 300 000 €

    Toutes nos annonces de catamarans d'occasion à vendre à moins de 300 000 € près de chez vous. Comparez les prix. Afin d'assurer une utilisation optimale de notre site et de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour de sécurité, nous vous conseillons de mettre à jour votre navigateur.

  15. Catamarans occasion à moins de 200 000 €

    Toutes nos annonces de catamarans d'occasion à vendre à moins de 200 000 € près de chez vous. Comparez les prix. Afin d'assurer une utilisation optimale de notre site et de bénéficier des dernières mises à jour de sécurité, nous vous conseillons de mettre à jour votre navigateur.

  16. 6 catamarans de croisière pour moins de 100 000

    Stabilité, habitabilité, confort… Les atouts du catamaran en font le bateau idéal pour le grand voyage. Si de nouveaux modèles voient régulièrement le jour, ils ne conviennent pas aux budgets les plus modestes. Nous vous avons donc sélectionné 6 modèles de catas à voile pour partir en voyage en famille disponibles en occasion à moins de 100 000 € !

  17. Outremer 4X

    Doté du même confort que l'Outremer 45, l'Outremer 4X repousse les standards connus de performance d'un catamaran de croisière. Il sera le compagnon idéal pour réaliser une grande croisière familiale et pourquoi pas un programme de régate ! 14,63 mètres. 8,2 / 11,1 tonnes. 7,15 mètres.

  18. Catamaran boats for sale

    There are presently 34 yachts for sale on YachtWorld for Catamaran. This assortment encompasses 11 brand-new vessels and 23 pre-owned yachts, all of which are listed by knowledgeable yacht brokers predominantly in United States, Spain, French Polynesia, France and South Africa. Models currently listed on YachtWorld vary in size and length from ...

  19. Essai de Multicoques Mag du Catamaran Outremer 45

    Infos pratiques. Financez votre Outremer 45. Prix de l'essai 5.00€. Acheter. Concevoir le remplaçant du très apprécié 45' 1re génération constitue un véritable défi pour le chantier Outremer. Multicoque symbole de l'aventure sabbatique des années 2000, le 45' est en effet à la fois un grand voyageur et un bateau rapide et amusant.

  20. Catamarans for sale

    OUTREMER 50 SL (vente suspendue) 400,000€. Our selection of used catamarans currently available for sale.

  21. fast catamaran boats for sale

    There are a wide range of Power Catamaran boats for sale from popular brands like World Cat, Aquila and Twin Vee with 533 new and 701 used and an average price of $457,008 with boats ranging from as little as $18,176 and $7,244,759. High performance boats for sale.

  22. Un catamaran hauturier?

    Ceci fait de Lagoon le premier chantier de catamaran représenté devant Catana et Alliaura. Or, on peut considérer que la traversée de l'Atlantique est un bon test comme navigation hauturière, non? Surtout que presque toute la gamme est représentée: deux Lagoon 380, un Lagoon 400, trois Lagoon 420/421, deux Lagoon 440, trois Lagoon 560 ...

  23. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!