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  • Sailing Yachts

Luxury Sailing Yachts for Sale

149 sailing yachts for sale worldwide.

If you’re ready to feel the wind in your hair and the ocean rushing under the keel, then you are ready for a sailing yacht. Northrop & Johnson offers one of the industry’s most extensive and comprehensive inventories of sailing yachts for sale. A sailing yacht will be at the top of your list if you’re keen on a genuine connection to the sea. Northrop & Johnson’s dedicated sailing yacht brokers are experts in their field. They are able to match you with the perfect sailing yacht for your needs through our extensive global database and their personal network. Check out our selection of sailing yachts for sale and reach out with any questions or to begin the process of purchasing the sailing yacht of your dreams.

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Benefits of a Sailing Yacht

While they may be outnumbered on the water by motor yachts, sailing yachts present a unique showcase of features. If you’re interested in regatta capabilities to stellar eco-friendly performance, a sailing yacht is definitely for you. You just can’t beat the music of the wind in your sails while lounging on your deck.

Here are three benefits of sailing yachts:

  • Eco-friendly.  Hoist the sails, ladies and gentlemen. Your sailing yacht is more eco-friendly than its motor-powered peers.
  • Traditional elegance.  If aesthetics are important to you, sailing yachts feature unrivaled elegance in appearance. These yachts achieve an equilibrium of conventional beauty and modern comforts.
  • Cost-effective . Since your sails will be doing a lot of the work, the fuel costs with your new sailing yacht will be less than that of a motor yacht.

Is a Sailing Yacht Right for You?

If you’re looking for the spirit of adventure and exploration of vibrant destinations, a sailing yacht might be right for you. Sailing yachts offer you the flexibility to enjoy exotic adventures in extraordinary accommodations. 

Sailing yachts offer lower-tech construction methods that can be less expensive. Their motion comfort is superb, with smooth hull sections that lend to clean cruising. They also tack easily, with a mix of weight from a homogeneous mass and a pivotable keel. 

Proud to be part of the MarineMax family

© 2024 Northrop & Johnson

How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Turns out that owning a sailboat is pretty affordable. OK, it isn't cheap, but it can absolutely be done on a budget. In this article, I'll show you exactly what to expect.

Sure, super yachts are expensive, but so is everything super (except for maybe supermarkets). But a modest, used sailboat can be as cheap as $2,500 and an additional $1,400 per year.

It may come as a surprise to you that you can get a decent sailboat for as little as $1,500 on Craigslist.

Average sailboat costs at a glance

We've compared thousands of listings, so you don't have to. If you just want the ballpark figures, here they are:

The average price of new sailboats is $425,000 ($127,000 to $821,000). The average price of used sailboats is $278,000 ($67,000 to $555,000). Maintenance costs are on average $2,000 - $3,000 per year, and the average total annual cost is $3,000 to $7,000.

Of course the price of a sailboat depends on our choices. We decide whether sailing is a rich man's game, or actually a very good holiday investment. (It beats driving to a bungalow park for sure - both cost-wise and the experience itself.)

price of sailing yacht

How Much To Charter a Superyacht? (Less Than You Think)

Why you should trust us These figures are based on our latest research which was last updated September 26th 2023 . We do this research every year, giving us very accurate numbers and clear insight into the trend of sailboat prices. We've literally compared thousands of sailboat listings over the years, and we've done so methodically. The research is done by our researcher Tay, who is an engineer by trade.

This will be a long article because there are so many aspects to cover. I'd like to spend some time exploring the costs of actually buying the boat. Then I want to go into recurring costs , like mooring, maintenance, and insurance.

To really drive home what you're getting into , I'll give four real-life examples. These examples include every expense as a separate line-item. And we'll go over them line-by-line together.

Then I'll share our exact research results with you . This will include all our numbers: new vs. used, average price per foot, and much more. These are extremely detailed numbers (you don't have to read this if you don't want to).

At the end of the article, we'll discuss why a boat doesn't just cost money: she can actually make you some if you wanted.

  • A used family week-ender with a small cabin will cost roughly $30,000 (all-in for the first year).
  • If you dream of sailing around the world, expect to spend around $100,000.
  • New sailboats on average cost twice as much as used boats.
  • Maintenance cost are 5-10% of the boat's value per year. Docking costs are roughly $800 - $2,500 per year.
  • Sailboat prices have gone up 30% this year.

Lean sailboat in blue, protected waters with just the mainsail up

On this page:

Average sailboat cost: 2023 summary, examples of popular sailboats, and how much they cost, what does it cost to buy a sailboat, what does it cost to own a sailboat, make or save some money, related questions.

Before we really get into it, I first want to give you the quick rundown. So I've summarized our research for you.

Buying a sailboat

Small boats are up to 30 foot long . They'll be very capable and great for solo sailors or small families who want to go on day trips, or short week-end trips on inland waters. Some of them will have cabins and sleeping quarters, although small.

Medium boats are between 30 and 50 foot long . They'll host larger parties and will be more suited for longer trips, coastal sailing, or even bluewater cruising. Sailboat length isn't necessarily the most important feature for that, though.

Large boats are 50 foot and up . This is proper yacht territory, and they'll be a lot more luxurious, and also exponentially more expensive.

If you buy via a broker, you typically get more reliable boats, but also pay more. If you buy off of Craigslist, you get a fat discount, but there are more lemons on there too.

You could hire a boat surveyor who will inspect the boat before you buy it (much like when you buy a house). Those surveys are not very expensive and can be worth your money.

Owning a sailboat

There are a lot of costs involved with simply owning a boat. The biggest expenses will be docking and maintenance.

Those two alone will account for roughly 80% of your yearly expenses.

  • Maintenance : 5-10% of the boat's value
  • Docking : $800-$2,500 per year on average, depeding on location

If we want to know what we're getting ourselves into, we should know every expense to the dot.

Below, we'll go over four very different case studies. I'm hoping one of these will relate to your specific situation. It'll show you what to expect and how to budget for your purchase.

The four sailboat case studies

  • What does it cost if you want to keep your boat in good shape and have a good sailing experience? - aka: most people
  • What does it cost if you ONLY spend the absolute minimum amount to keep her floating?
  • If I want to sail the world on a budget, what's the absolute minimum?
  • If sailing is more of a status thing to you, how much money COULD you spend?

There are a lot of great boats out there for a good price and there are also some boats that are so expensive (or so cheap), it's not even fun to look at them.

But one thing's for sure: there are plenty of boats available, and even if you're on a very tight budget, you could absolutely still make it work. Sailing in and of itself is actually not that expensive: wind is free, water is free, boats can be cheap - if you're willing to look around a bit. It's all the little extras that add up quickly.

Listed below are 4 boats that make great beginner boats. Since more than 80% of all boats that are bought are second-hand, I'll use the prices of used boats I found on Craigslist.

If you want to know exactly where the numbers come from, don't worry, I'll explain them after the 4 examples.

1. Island Packet 26' for stressless weekends on the lake

The one-time costs are $24,860 Your total recurring costs are $5,650 per year, or $471 per month

Let's say you're like me and most other people and just want a nice boat without too much hassle. So you pay people for complex maintenance. You do the required maintenance and save up for future repairs. You do a little yourself, which saves you a couple of hundred of bucks a year. You also join a (cheap) sailing club to learn how to not trash the boat. You get the right trailer, and you save up some money for future repairs. You don't want to buy a bad boat, so you pay a fair purchase price

One-Time Costs:

Recurring costs:, 2. extreme low budget catalina 22'.

Catlina 22 white sailboat in marina

Ok, I'm very interested in how cheap you could actually go (in theory). Is it do-able to buy a very cheap sailboat and just keep her afloat, never change sails, and only pay for maintenance that is absolutely necessary to not sink?

In this scenario, I don't care about speed, so I don't change sails. I certainly won't join a sailing club, and I try to save some money on the marina by boondocking. I also happen to live in a cheap state registration and tax-wise.

Docking costs can get out of hand For an average sailboat, depending on your area and wishes, up to $5,000/year . Read everything about docking costs

I try to pay as little as possible for the boat itself (and I've actually found a Catalina 22 for $2,250 on Craigslist today!). I don't save up for rigging and hardware (tomorrows' worries). I try to get an extra 2 years out of my bottom paint and I only do the essential repairs, and I do them myself. But because I saved so much on the purchase, this little boat needs a lot of maintenance.

Luckily, I have time on my hands and know my way around engines and rigging, so I do all of it myself (with the help of YouTube).

I don't bother with winterizing my boat, I'll just sail somewhere warm. Oh, and I'll use the engine as little as possible to save on gas.

Will your boat be happy? Definitely not, but your wallet will be (for now). Can it be done? It's optimistic, but yes, I think it can be done. But you have to be mechanically inclined, and pretty creative.

The one-time costs are $2,428 Your total recurring costs are $1,380 per year, or $115 per month

Recurring Costs

3. low budget 35' ocean cruiser for traveling the world.

price of sailing yacht

If you dream of crossing oceans, you need a comfortable ride. Usually, most sailors pick a boat that's between 32' - 50' for two person ocean cruising. Anything under 32' gets pretty uncomfortable in high waves, although it can be done.

But this is also the range that gets expensive - quickly . So if we're on a tight budget, but also need a good and reliable boat: how much will it cost?

The boat will cost you $35,000. For this price, I've seen a beautiful 1983 wooden cutter (by Robert Tucker), multiple Beneteau Oceanis from '88 - '89, multiple Bavarias ... plenty of solid choices on the second-hand market here.

In this example, you don't join any sailing clubs (I assume you're pretty experienced if you want to cross oceans). You also don't winterize (you're sailing the Caribbean by now). No trailer, as you won't haul it out of the water any time soon.

You do pay a fair price for the boat because you don't want any surprises during your Tour du Monde. In need of a lot of bottom paint , since you're in saltwater most of the time. It's also a good idea to invest in at least SOME navigation equipment, so for $500 I've added a simple but capable GPS chartplotter and compass.

You can get a cheap but reliable chartplotter and compass for less than $500 - in total. If you want to learn more, head over to the recommended gear section .

The one-time costs are $37,590 Your total recurring costs are $5,425 per year, or $452 per month

4. Powerful 40' Yacht (and everything that goes with it)

Saloon of large yacht ready for dinner

Let's say you're in the game for the fame. What does it cost me to own a grande yacht with all luxuries (and costs) that go with it?

I join an expensive sailing club, hire pros that maintain the thing beautifully, and I also pay for winterization, the best trailer I can find. I replace my sails and running rigging every 5 years - since speed matters to me. Because she's my pride, I paint her every year. I spend an additional 500 bucks a year on special soaps and waxes.

I want a prime mooring location, so I pay a premium. I also get a small boat to hang from the large boat, to get to shore more quickly.

The one-time costs are $166,400 Your total recurring costs are $15,150 per year, or $1,263 per month

There are a couple of important factors that determine how much money you end up spending.

  • Size - length determines mooring costs, insurance, amount of paint on your hull, literally everything gets more expensive with every foot of length
  • New vs. used - of course, it makes all the difference whether you buy new or used. Typically, the price of a 25-year old used sailboat vs. a comparable new one is 3-4 times lower ($60,000 vs $200,000).

With used sailboats, I find that the price generally increases rapidly from 30 feet onwards

It's the same with new sailboats - or actually, it keeps increasing with every extra couple of feet. The reason is that as the boat gets bigger, it also gets more luxurious (upholstery, finishing, equipment).

The average price of a new sailboat per foot in USD:

  • under 30 ft: $3,217 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $7,625 - $11,128 ft
  • over 50 ft: $14,927 - $78,033 per ft

On average, second-hand sailboats go at 1/3 - 1/4 of the cost of a new boat:

  • under 30 ft: $1,773 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $6,473 per ft
  • over 50 ft: $10,091 - $36,889 per ft

If this is too much for you, you could always rent a boat instead. I recommend chartering. You can get great sailboats at great prices. Check out my charter recommendation here .

price of sailing yacht

Cost of buying a sailboat

Price of new sailboats.

I've looked at the prices of thousands of yachts (really) on one of the largest yacht marketplaces in the world (- not manually, don't worry: with the help of their search function). This is what I came up with:

Source: Yachtworld.com Q3 2023

The price of new sailboats ranges from roughly $1,765 - $78,033 per foot. I've used these numbers to calculate the following list:

Prices per foot in USD

Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Price of used sailboats

We did the same for used sailboats, comparing thousands of listings. Here are the complete data:

Source: Yachtworld Q3 2023

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $882-$36,889 per foot . Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Prices on Craigslist

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $476-$2,098 per foot.

To get an average of the price of a used sailboat, I went over to Craigslist. I took the first 20 relevant search results for sailboats under, and over 30 feet.

Of course, the averages here are very speculative, as prices vary from day to day. But it gives a broad range of what to expect.

Over 50 feet, listings become meagre. I believe people tend to not place their 80-ft sailboats on Craigslist, but sell it through a broker instead.

Median Craigslist price of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $11,065
  • over 30 ft: $87,020

I've calculated the median price , not the average. The median is the price that's most common within the price range. This way the highest and lowest prices don't have as much impact.

Average Craigslist price-per-foot of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $476 per ft
  • over 30 ft: $2,098 per ft

This is what I found on Craigslist under 30 feet:

Washington dc.

Source: Craigslist Washington DC Q3 2023

Los Angeles

Source: Craigslist Los Angeles Q3 2023

Source: Craigslist Houston Q3 2023

South Florida

Source: Craigslist Miami Q3 2023

Source: Craigslist New York Q3 2023

Here's what I found for 30 feet and up:

Sailboat price development.

Compared to our 2022 research, the median price of new sailboats has gone up 22.5% (from $251,000 to $307,500). The average price has gone up 33.6% (from $248,000 to $331,250).

The average price of used sailboats under 30 ft on Craigslist has gone up 30% (from $8,500 to $11,000).

Sailboat prices research archive

You can check our earlier research data here:

  • 2022 average sailboat price data
  • 2019 average sailboat price data

price of sailing yacht

Catamarans are 60% more expensive

If you dream of owning a catamaran, you should expect to pay roughly 60% more for the boat, and 60% more on annual cost like upkeep and mooring. There are exceptions, of course, and for some boat lengths, new catamarans may be slightly more affordable than a monohull.

I've researched thousands of catamaran listings as well to come up with those numbers. The exact numbers are summarized in my guide on the average cost of buying and owning a catamaran. It's very similar to this article, so if you like this and are curious about catamaran prices as well, I encourage you to check it out.

price of sailing yacht

Average Cost of Buying & Owning a Catamaran (With 4 Examples)

So let's take a quick look at the costs for owning a sailboat.

One-time costs:

  • Registration : costs of registration differ per state, but usually run anywhere from $3 - $10 per foot.
  • Taxes : differs per state and country. Most governments want you to pay property tax and sales tax. Sales tax is usually about 5%. Property tax varies and is more complex, so I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
  • Trailer : $1,000
  • Sailing club initiation fee : $1,500 - $4,000

Recurring costs:

  • Mooring : $10-15 per foot per year (can be much higher for prime locations)
  • Insurance : typically 1.5% of the total value of the boat. So a $50,000 26' cruiser will cost 750 bucks.
  • Maintenance : a good rule of thumb is 10% of the boat value. Expect to spend anywhere between $500 - $2,500 per year for small to mid-sized boats.
  • Fuel : depends on how much you use the boat and the engine, but on average something between $100 - $150. - Find out how much fuel a sailboat uses in my article here (opens in new tab).
  • International License : if you want to sail on international waters, you have to get your ICC (International Certificate of Competence ). Plan on spending anywhere between 400 to 500 dollars.
  • Safety equipment : plan on spending anywhere between 150 to 600 bucks for lifejackets, first aid kit, and distress signals.
  • Winterize boat : $2,000
  • Sailing club: $800 - $1,500

price of sailing yacht

Cost of owning a boat

Horizon of masts in marina


Your average maintenance cost will be roughly $144 dollars per month for boats under 30', or just under $2,000 per year.

Maintenance involves a lot of hidden costs We took an in-depth look at everything . The result is a comprehensive article that lays it all out for new boat owners. Read all about maintenance costs

Gas engines run for about 1,500 hours, diesel engines run for 5,000. After that, you'll need to change them out.

Most engines will last you about 20 years.

A standard 15HP or 20HP outboard gas engine will cost you about $5,000 - $6,000 and needs replacing every 20 years or so. If you do the work yourself, it's more something like $1,000 - $1,500.

A smaller engine uses less fuel, reducing your total cost You can actually use a pretty small engine for most sailboats. To learn how small (and efficient) you can go, I've written a guide on how to calculate it yourself. Read all about outboard engine size

Replacing the sails and rigging

Most people that own a sailboat will have to replace the sails and rigging at least once in their lifetime. Replacing the mast is uncommon, but if you're unlucky and get demasted, it will need to be fixed. So I've added it to the "be aware this might happen" list - but won't add it to the monthly recurring costs.

If you need to replace the mast and boom, prepare to spend anywhere between $15,000 - $25,000.

I won't go into detail, but I have written a long article about the cost of new sails (opens in new tab). It's a really helpful post (with a formula) if you want to know what to expect.

Good quality cruising sails will need to be replaced every 10 years or so.

The cost of new sails is on average:

  • 26' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $1,000 - $2,500.
  • 34' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $3,000 - $5,000.

The cost of the new rigging is on average:

  • Standing rigging - every 10 years at $4,000
  • Running rigging - every 5-10 years at $5,000

Bottom Paint

Your boat will need bottom paint roughly every 2 years (could be longer, but to be safe, let's keep it at two). It's also called antifouling paint because it helps to protect your hull from weeds, barnacles, and so on. Barnacles can slice through your boat's bellow! So you don't want them on there.

On average, it costs about $15 to $20 per foot to get your sailboat hull painted professionally.

For a 26' sailboat, that's just 500 bucks. Money well spent.

Replacing safety equipment

USCG safety regulations require you to replace safety gear regularly.

  • Lifejackets have to be replaced every 10 years.
  • Flares have to be replaced every 42 months. You could consider buying a LED electric distress light instead, which will last you a lifetime.
  • If you carry a life-raft you'll need to replace that every 12 years as well.

Adhering to the minimum safety requirements shouldn't cost you more than 150 - 250 dollars every 5 years. But if you want the good stuff, need more fire extinguishers, plan on spending more like $600. If you want a life raft, that's another $1,500.

To avoid you have to go cheap on your safety gear, I've put it in the budget for $500.

If you want to know exactly what the USCG safety requirements are, including checklists , definitely check out my article here.

Winterizing your boat

Winterization is an often overlooked cost, but it can be one of the largest expenses each year. If you're like me, and not so lucky to live in Florida, you need to winterize your boat.

Failing to winterize it will increase your maintenance cost over time, as the engine wears out more quickly, and your plumbing and equipment will fall apart. Winter storms and ice can damage the hull and mast as well. Learn all about the dangers of failing to winterize here .

It's the best way to protect your boat in wintertime, period.

It consists of two parts:

  • Winterizing - costs $500 to $1000 - This is the preparation for winter storage. You flush the cooling system with anti-freeze, and the boat gets wrapped in a shrink wrap cover.
  • Winter storage - costs $50 per ft on average

Boat wrapped in white shrink wrap

Some other maintenance costs:

  • Batteries: deep cycle batteries need replacing every 4-6 years at $600
  • Deck hardware: every 20-30 years (bullseyes, tiller, eye straps) at $1,500

Joining a Sailing Club

If you're new to sailing, you might want to consider joining a sailboat club. This might help you to get tips, make friends, and learn in a safe environment. Most clubs also organize races, which are a great way to quickly improve your sailing skills.

But it comes at a cost. Sailing clubs are very expensive.

Initiation fees range anywhere between $1,000 - $4,000. But that's not all.

Then there's an annual fee of $500 - $1,000 per year. And lot's of additional fees: for dining, lockers, etc.

If you're willing to skip Christmas, go for it.

How about making up for some of those losses? There's just no better feeling than earning back all that cash with the same thing that you've spent it on in the first place.

There are lot's of ways to earn a little extra with your boat - if you're willing to put in the effort. Here are a few ideas:

  • hire yourself out as the captain of a personalized cruise (for families, newly-weds, groups of colleagues)
  • take people to go fishing
  • hire your boat out to yacht charter companies
  • teach someone to sail
  • take photographers, film crews, and artists on tours
  • organize dolphin and whale watching tours
  • delivery of cargo - some places just can't be reached by car, for example, the city center of Giethoorn (Dutch Venice). So you have a competitive edge here!

Giethoorn, farmers manors standing besides water way (no road)

Some ideas to save money:

  • install solar panels (no more dock power)
  • buy a and cheap small boat (kayak or someting) to get to offshore anchorage (which are cheaper)
  • shop around for insurance
  • get gas at the gas station, not the marina
  • do your own maintenance as much as possible
  • find a friend with water access to avoid mooring
  • use it a lot (prevents stuff from breaking)
  • fix things that are broken immediately
  • keep your sails out of the sun
  • do your own upgrades
For example, convert your winches to self-tailing yourself. I was really surprised by how cheaply this can be done yourself. Read my article on how to do it here (opens in new tab).

How much does it cost to paint a boat hull? Painting a boat hull with antifouling paint will usually cost between $15 - $20 per feet. For example, a 25-foot sailboat will cost roughly $500. A 35-foot sailboat will cost $800 to repaint. You can get premium paints and services, which can quadruple the cost. Typically, a boat needs to be repainted every two years.

Why are used sailboats so cheap? Sailboats require a lot of skill and patience. They can be quite expensive to maintain and to keep in slip. Some people find they can't afford the marina rent, upkeep, and other costs; sometimes they simply don't want to; others don't want to sail anymore. In some cases, expensive and important parts are missing.

How much does it cost to charter a sailboat? The price of a charter depends on location, size of the vessel, crew or bareboat chartering, and so on. However, on average, a bareboat yacht charter will cost anywhere from $5,000 - $10,000 per week. Crewed charters cost anywhere between $10,000 - $15,000 per week. Superyachts may cost up to $150,000 per week.

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Bazard for letting me use his wrapped boat photo under CC BY-SA 3.0

Pinterest image for How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Excellent write up. This is honestly the type of information that’s hard to find as you’re trying to get into sailing. I’m a car guy. People think of car collecting like Jay Leno, but it can be done cheaply. I get the impression sailing is the same way.

Shawn Buckles

Hi Stephen, thanks a lot for your kind words, really appreciate it! It really is kind of the same, it’s all about how much time and effort you’re willing to put in. As with anything, lots can be achieved with energy and attention.

Thanks again.

Serious question. Why are you buying a trailer for a 40 ft yacht? That doesn’t even make sense.

Hi Christian, thanks for the remark. 40 ft boat trailers do actually exist, although I agree that most people probably won’t trailer a 40 ft yacht.

Thank a lot for the very useful information„ now you caused me to start thinking why don’t I start sailing lessons to do round the world in a sail boat ( instead of an aircraft)

Hello Hatem, you’re very welcome. Smooth sailing, or flying.

Hi, I am not familiar with boats. My boss just asked me to find a nice boat for him. Thank you for this informative post, this helps me so much. By the way, I already found a site selling yachts here in the Philippines, here’s the link https://rayomarine.com Do you have any suggestion with brand and boat type. Thank you! More power!

Very good information, but I am having a hard time matching these number here in Southern California. Cheapest slip I found so for is $375/month, on a very run down and far from the ocean marina. At the harbor that I want, the cheapest I found is $800/month. Even if I was given a boat for free, just keeping it in place would cost me almost 10k/year

Excellent writeup, Shawn! Thank you very much for all your hard work and I look forward to reading your other articles on the subject.

Great info! We are in the market for our first sailboat and this answered many of our questions. Although I do agree with Rafael that slip prices in Southern California our much higher than what you listed. The marina we like will run about $1000 a month.

Thank you for your artical…a LOT of useful information included in it sir. I have been thinking about buying one for two years now, since I moved to a harbor town near where I grew up. We always had motor boats when I was young. But, I always loved sailing MUCH much more! I love the quiet of it, and always something to do, rather than just sit, drive, gas it up, dock, repeat. Laugh!! It’s about a ten min walk to the marina from here..and I have nothing but time. However my health is pretty bad. I just don’t know if I could handle it all alone. I’m thinking maybe a 25-30 foot cruiser. Thanks again sir!! I look forward to reading your other articles. Sincerely, Gary Heaton Olcott, Ny

Thanks a million! First time I come across an article that complete and with so much effort. For people thinking about buying a boat the info you provide is priceless.

John Callahan

Good information, but any article on prices should have a date associated with it. I see no indication of when this article was posted.

Thank you so much for this well done article. We’re looking at getting a boat and you’ve answered questions we didn’t even know we had.

Awesome article good job i am from Slovenia and thinking about buyng sailboat and sail for 6 monhs per year.I hawe bean looking on Holland sites too buy one can i maybe find auctions too buy a sailingboat i bawe wach Troswijk but they do t hawe any up ther?

Many of the costs quoted look very low to me, especially in the first article. Was this written a long time ago?

Excellent article. Am wondering though how do I dispose of a used boat if I get tired of it and can’t sell it or possibly run it aground. Maybe a 40 ft sloop?

Chris Kenny

Thanks for this infor.

Peace sailing.

Benjamin Sklar

Extremely helpful and interesting article! Thank you!

John Wallace

This is the most accurate information I have ever seen about boat ownership costs.

Many thanks!!!!

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EUR 124,950,000† (EU VAT paid)

  • Length: 90.1m (295.5ft)
  • Guests: 14 guests in 7 cabins
  • Built: 2010 (refitted 2024)
  • Lurssen-Werft

price of sailing yacht


EUR 89,999,000

  • Length: 85m (278.8ft)
  • Guests: 23 guests in 10 cabins
  • Built: 2018
  • Golden Yachts

price of sailing yacht

EUR 79,750,000† (EU VAT paid)

  • Length: 80m (262.5ft)
  • Guests: 18 guests in 9 cabins
  • Built: 2007

price of sailing yacht


Price on application

  • Length: 75.8m (248.6ft)
  • Guests: 12 guests in 6 cabins
  • Built: 2025
  • Feadship, Royal Van Lent

price of sailing yacht

EUR 99,000,000 (EU VAT paid)

  • Length: 74m (242.7ft)
  • Guests: 14 guests in 6 cabins
  • Built: 2017

price of sailing yacht

EUR 55,000,000† (EU VAT paid)

  • Length: 70.6m (231.6ft)
  • Built: 2011
  • Proteksan Turquoise

price of sailing yacht

EUR 24,800,000 (EU VAT paid)

  • Length: 70.6m (231.4ft)
  • Built: 2002 (refitted 2022)
  • Royal Denship

price of sailing yacht

EUR 49,500,000†

  • Length: 65m (213.3ft)
  • Built: 2011 (refurbished 2021)

price of sailing yacht

EUR 35,800,000

  • Length: 64.8m (212.5ft)
  • Built: 2006 (refitted 2017)

price of sailing yacht


EUR 15,000,000

  • Length: 63.8m (209.3ft)
  • Built: 1986 (rebuilt 2019, refitted 2019)
  • Elsflether Werft

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PROJECT ACE – the perfect yacht?

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Price reduction on MESERRET II

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WILLOW is for sale

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Price reduction on 33.2m LEVANTINE II

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Charter RUYA

Remaining summer availability in the West Mediterranean

Huge sun deck with bar, BBQ, open-air jacuzzi and gym equipment for morning workouts

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Available from July onwards in the West Mediterranean

Lovely family yacht with great deck spaces, a large sunpad on aft and forward sunloungers

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We built with you in mind for over 138 years. We’ve transformed living spaces and the list of innovations in hull design and navigation continues to grow at a rapidly increasing pace. Since 1884, BENETEAU's philosophy of building the strongest, safest, most beautiful boats on the water is alive and well. The BENETEAU family’s pride in craftsmanship and passion for performance can easily be recognized in every FIRST, FIRST SE, FIGARO, OCEANIS, and OCEANIS YACHT built today.  

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The  world reference  in cruising. Oceanis is our range of long-distance, blue water cruisers that for years has set the standard for sailboat design and construction, with a hull that is a marvel in hydrodynamics,  Oceanis delivers superior performance  while providing stability and safety while under sail. Despite her strong sea legs, she doesn’t sacrifice luxury and comfort. You can choose your layout based on different configurations below deck and also have  your choice  of interior finishes. Your Oceanis will be a joy to sail and be  your home away from home . The Oceanis range continues to  appeal to all sailors  around the world.

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Oceanis Yacht

The  Oceanis Yacht  is the culmination of our Oceanis philosophy where cruising comfort, performance, and customization reign supreme. Her elegant design and luxurious interiors add a new dimension to life at sea with an enormous salon, impressive galley, spacious staterooms, and plenty of ambient light from the many large windows and skylights. Despite her lavish details, our Oceanis Yacht maneuvers as easily as a smaller yacht thanks to a perfectly centered sail plan and twin rudders. She is a yacht that represents the  art of sailing  at its regal best.

price of sailing yacht

40 years of iconic  brand heritage. The signature features of the FIRST range have not changed since its conception in 1977 – these boats have always been designed for  sailors  who enjoy club racing as much as cruising, joining them into one cohesive product line, the proverbial  best  of both worlds. Today, BENETEAU takes another step in this direction with the launch of the new FIRST range.  These boats offer simplicity, performances, and comfortable interiors and cockpits geared towards daysailing and coastal cruising. Renewing the competition spirit of the brand, they represent a true adaptation to the  needs and expectations  of the widest variety of sailors.

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High-tech performance from the cutting edge of racing into the hands of the recreational sailors.  First SE - Seascape Edition encourages and empowers sailors to expand their comfort zone by joining competitive one-design racing and adventure sailing . It grows a community of owners linked by shared values and a drive to strengthen their sailing skills. Whether owners are racing against others in one-design classes or are engaging in adventure sailing, the First SE connects them to the elements and helps them experience nature in the most authentic way. A carbon rig, laminate sails and other technological features give sailors the ultimate sailing experience, performance and control.

price of sailing yacht

A true legend. The Figaro is an ode to excellence in offshore racing. The one-design sailing yacht was initially designed for the Solitaire du Figaro, allowing some of the greatest skippers to compete at sea on equal terms, much to their pleasure. The sailor makes the difference on a Figaro.   

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Heritage BENETEAU sailboats

Our history has been told many times in these last fifty years, but, to understand it, you need to grasp our company values, and return to its origins, since it is nothing but continuity and progression.

- Annette ROUX

price of sailing yacht


Are you looking for a  sailing yacht dealer ? Leisure boating, short trips, competitive sailing, regattas – whatever type of sailing you like, BENETEAU has a wide range of  sailing yachts  and  luxury yachts , so there’s bound to be a boat to fulfill your dreams. 


We built our first sailboats over 138 years ago and many things have changed since then. The oak we once relied on has been replaced with strong but lightweight resin and carbon fiber. Where canvas once caught the wind, now it’s Kevlar and Vectran. We’ve transformed dark, confining salons and cabins into bright, open living spaces. And the list of innovations in hull design and navigation continues to grow at a rapidly increasing pace.

However, some things haven’t changed and never will. Benjamin BENETEAU’s philosophy of building the strongest, safest, most beautiful boats on the water is alive and well. The BENETEAU family’s pride in craftsmanship and passion for performance can easily be recognized in every FIRST, FIGARO, OCEANIS, and OCEANIS YACHT built today.  

Knowing what to keep and what to change – that’s why BENETEAU continues to set the bar in sailing.


Oceanis is our range of long-distance, blue water cruisers and for years has set the standard for sailboat design and construction. With a hull that is a marvel in hydrodynamics, Oceanis delivers superior performance while providing stability and safety under sail. Despite her strong sea legs, she doesn’t sacrifice luxury and comfort. You can choose your layout based on different configurations below deck and also have your choice of interior finishes. Your Oceanis will be a joy to sail and be your home away from home.


BENETEAU is also there to help you buy a top-quality boat. The OCEANIS Yacht line delivers  luxury sailing yachts  that satisfy this requirement perfectly. The line comprises two luxury craft of over 50 feet, designed by renowned architects and designers. 


 Our 7th generation of the First range offers you the experience of pure sailing joy while staying true to our standards for safety and stability. She is lightweight with a streamlined design, making her highly adaptable to whatever the wind and water have in store. The First is fast but forgiving, spicy but safe – perfect for the thrill-seeking novice or seasoned competitive sailor alike.


First SE - Seascape Edition encourages and empowers sailors to expand their comfort zone by joining competitive one-design racing and adventure sailing. It grows a community of owners linked by shared values and a drive to strengthen their sailing skills. Whether owners are racing against others in one-design classes or are engaging in adventure sailing, the First SE connects them to the elements and helps them experience nature in the most authentic way.


A marvel in racing innovation, the Figaro BENETEAU 3 is the first production foiling one-design monohull to ever grace the seas. Designed in collaboration between BENETEAU and Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost (the architects of the last two Vendée Globe winners), her greatest and most visible feature is the inverted foiling system created to reduce drift and improve the righting moment without increasing movement. The Figaro BENETEAU 3’s radical design makes her the logical choice when winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.


This diversity has led to the BENETEAU brand being represented on all the world’s seas. But wherever they are, BENETEAU boats are easily recognizable for their taut lines, innovative design, robustness and performance. No doubt this will continue, since BENETEAU is constantly reinventing itself to provide ever more enjoyable, high performing, safe and user-friendly recreational craft. BENETEAU achieves this by making the most of current and future innovations such as ship control, dock and go, foils, etc.

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For aspiring yacht owners looking for a luxury yacht for sale, we have put together a fine selection of luxury yachts and megayachts for sale from all over the world. Search BOAT International's collection of superyachts for sale and filter by type, length, asking price or age. Narrow the results by selecting specific features, or browse by speed, designer and much more.

Explore luxury yachts for sale

Search for everything from motor yachts for sale from renowned Dutch yards including Feadship and Heesen , premium Italian names including Azimut , Sanlorenzo and Benetti , popular British builders Sunseeker and Princess , and American megayachts for sale from US yards such as Westport .

Our collection also features sailing yachts for sale from legendary names such as Royal Huisman , Perini Navi , Nautor's Swan and Jongert , as well as some of the most well-known explorer yachts for sale .

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A legacy built on precision, innovation and unmistakable American craftsmanship.

Elevate your sailing experience with a touch of true American Luxury.


A key to our success and longevity is the relationship and communication with our owners, dealers and team. For more than 50 years they have propelled us forward as America’s largest sailboat builder.

We are a Catalina family.


We’re not just building sailboats; we’re creating experiences that resonate with the essence of American Luxury. Our fleet is a testament to a legacy built on precision, innovation, and the spirit of adventure, with the unmistakable touch of American craftsmanship.

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Catalina 425


Find your dealer.

We have a roster of dealers across the country who represent the Catalina fleet and there’s a good chance they’re planing a show, event or open house to showcase their in-stock Catalina models.



Performance hardware, sails, custom apparel, mats, sheets and much more!

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The official publication for thousands of Catalina Yachts sailboat owners around the world.

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From the past 50 years, and to the next 50, Catalina is devoted to providing owners and dealers with quality and value that has made Catalina America’s largest sailboat builder.

Frank Butler’s vision and philosophy carries forward with Sharon Day, who worked alongside Frank for 48 years, at the helm of a veteran leadership team.


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True North initiates Catalina’s entry into the growing market segment of Downeast-style powerboats and promises traditional style with great performance and Catalina value.


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7200 Bryan Dairy Rd

Largo, FL. 33777

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16 Yacht Charters That Make for a Strangely Affordable Family Vacation

Posted: December 11, 2023 | Last updated: December 12, 2023

<p> While a yacht may be the first thing that pops to mind when you think of the ultra-wealthy, chartering one might not be as expensive as you think.<br><br>When you're splitting the costs between several family members or friends you are paying for transportation and stay and it can make sense financially.</p> <p> You can also <a href="https://financebuzz.com/5k-a-month-moves-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=1&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=keep+money+in+your+wallet&synd_backlink_position=1&synd_slug=5k-a-month-moves-55mp">keep money in your wallet</a> by selecting an older vessel or taking charge of sailing yourself (hiring a crew always costs extra).</p><p>So let’s take a look at options that may be within reach for people who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck but aren’t brunching with the Kardashians either.</p><p class=""><i>Editor's note: prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the time of the year.</i></p><p>  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/top-travel-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=1&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Earn+Points+and+Miles%3A+Find+the+best+travel+credit+card+for+nearly+free+travel&synd_backlink_position=2&synd_slug=top-travel-credit-cards"><b>Earn Points and Miles:</b> Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel</a>  </p>

While a yacht may be the first thing that pops to mind when you think of the ultra-wealthy, chartering one might not be as expensive as you think. When you're splitting the costs between several family members or friends you are paying for transportation and stay and it can make sense financially.

You can also  keep money in your wallet  by selecting an older vessel or taking charge of sailing yourself (hiring a crew always costs extra).

So let’s take a look at options that may be within reach for people who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck but aren’t brunching with the Kardashians either.

Editor's note: prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the time of the year.

Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel

<p> The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. This huge vessel is capable of accommodating 36 guests in 18 cabins.  </p> <p> The cost to charter it starts at $21,000 per week plus expenses, not including a crew of eight (which we recommend). </p> <p> Divide the cost by capacity, and that’s only $583 per person per week to start. That’s practically unbeatable for a boat of this size, allowing you to make other <a href="https://financebuzz.com/5k-a-month-moves-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=2&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=savvy+moves+with+your+money&synd_backlink_position=3&synd_slug=5k-a-month-moves-55mp">savvy moves with your money</a>.</p><p>  <p class=""><a href="https://financebuzz.com/extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=2&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Get+expert+advice+on+making+more+money+-+sent+straight+to+your+inbox.&synd_backlink_position=4&synd_slug=extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

San Antonio motor yacht

The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. This huge vessel is capable of accommodating 36 guests in 18 cabins.

The cost to charter it starts at $21,000 per week plus expenses, not including a crew of eight (which we recommend).

Divide the cost by capacity, and that’s only $583 per person per week to start. That’s practically unbeatable for a boat of this size, allowing you to make other savvy moves with your money .

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p> Constructed in 2001 (with several subsequent refits), the Virginia Mia is another luxury motor yacht that’s 95 feet in length.  </p> <p> Custom-designed by Nuvolari Lenard, this vessel can sleep eight guests in four cabins as well as an additional crew of four.  </p> <p> Still, thanks to the age of the yacht, the cost of chartering starts at $15,000 plus expenses per week, or just under $2,000 per guest sans crew. </p>

Virginia Mia motor yacht

Constructed in 2001 (with several subsequent refits), the Virginia Mia is another luxury motor yacht that’s 95 feet in length.

Custom-designed by Nuvolari Lenard, this vessel can sleep eight guests in four cabins as well as an additional crew of four.

Still, thanks to the age of the yacht, the cost of chartering starts at $15,000 plus expenses per week, or just under $2,000 per guest sans crew.

<p> White motor yachts are convenient and luxe, sailing yachts promise a more traditional experience.  </p> <p> At nearly 125 feet, the Nautilus is a large option styled by Robert Delus. Built in 2008, it sleeps 10 guests in five cabins. At this size, you'll likely need a crew of six.  </p> <p> The cost to charter this beauty starts at $17,500 per week sans expenses, again just under $2,000 per person — which really isn't bad for all you're getting.</p><p>  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/money-moves-after-40?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=4&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Grow+Your+%24%24%3A+11+brilliant+ways+to+build+wealth+after+40&synd_backlink_position=5&synd_slug=money-moves-after-40"><b>Grow Your $$:</b> 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40</a>  </p>

Nautilus sailing yacht

White motor yachts are convenient and luxe, sailing yachts promise a more traditional experience.

At nearly 125 feet, the Nautilus is a large option styled by Robert Delus. Built in 2008, it sleeps 10 guests in five cabins. At this size, you'll likely need a crew of six.

The cost to charter this beauty starts at $17,500 per week sans expenses, again just under $2,000 per person — which really isn't bad for all you're getting.

Grow Your $$: 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40

<p> The Aegean Clipper is another sailing vessel, this one built all the way back in 1999 — which translates into cost savings for you.  </p> <p> The yacht is another biggie at nearly 135 feet. With 11 cabins, the boat can accommodate up to 24 guests plus five crew members as needed.  </p> <p> In total, your group will have to shell out a minimum of $13,000 plus expenses per week — just over $379 per person. That's a great deal, comparatively speaking. </p>

Aegean Clipper sailing yacht

The Aegean Clipper is another sailing vessel, this one built all the way back in 1999 — which translates into cost savings for you.

The yacht is another biggie at nearly 135 feet. With 11 cabins, the boat can accommodate up to 24 guests plus five crew members as needed.

In total, your group will have to shell out a minimum of $13,000 plus expenses per week — just over $379 per person. That's a great deal, comparatively speaking.

<p> If you're looking for something a little smaller that can go the distance, the Silver Fox expedition yacht might be for you.  </p> <p> Built in 2009, the 72-foot yacht accommodates six guests in three cabins for a more intimate experience. There's room for a crew of two if you need their expertise. </p> <p> With a starting cost of $16,500 per week, the Silver Fox will run each person over $2,700 per week, but the small group may be worth it. </p>

Silver Fox expedition yacht

If you're looking for something a little smaller that can go the distance, the Silver Fox expedition yacht might be for you.

Built in 2009, the 72-foot yacht accommodates six guests in three cabins for a more intimate experience. There's room for a crew of two if you need their expertise.

With a starting cost of $16,500 per week, the Silver Fox will run each person over $2,700 per week, but the small group may be worth it.

<p> Traveling with a group of the same size but want more length and a bigger crew?  </p> <p> The Tivoli expedition yacht, constructed in 2001 and remodeled in 2010, can fit four crew members. This stunner is just over 90 feet long and can take you on those long hauls. </p> <p> Yes, it will cost more at $25,000 per week, or over $4,100 per person. But if you can afford it, it’s a dream come true out on the open water.</p><p>  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/retire-early-quiz?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=7&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Retire+Sooner%3A+Take+this+quiz+to+see+if+you+can+retire+early&synd_backlink_position=6&synd_slug=retire-early-quiz"><b>Retire Sooner:</b> Take this quiz to see if you can retire early</a>  </p>

Tivoli expedition yacht

Traveling with a group of the same size but want more length and a bigger crew?

The Tivoli expedition yacht, constructed in 2001 and remodeled in 2010, can fit four crew members. This stunner is just over 90 feet long and can take you on those long hauls.

Yes, it will cost more at $25,000 per week, or over $4,100 per person. But if you can afford it, it’s a dream come true out on the open water.

Retire Sooner: Take this quiz to see if you can retire early

<p> Classics are classics for a reason, as they stand the test of time. Such is the case with the Shangri-La, a vintage yacht sure to take you to that magical place.  </p> <p> This vessel sleeps six in three cabins and promises to be child-friendly. The Shangri-La was constructed way back in 1965, and it is 82 feet long with space for three crew members.  </p> <p> A week on this rig will cost you $16,500, or just over $2,700 a pop. </p>

Shangri-La classic yacht

Classics are classics for a reason, as they stand the test of time. Such is the case with the Shangri-La, a vintage yacht sure to take you to that magical place.

This vessel sleeps six in three cabins and promises to be child-friendly. The Shangri-La was constructed way back in 1965, and it is 82 feet long with space for three crew members.

A week on this rig will cost you $16,500, or just over $2,700 a pop.

<p> Another vintage beauty, the Sai Kung classic yacht was born in 1975 and got a makeover in 2015. That updated this 79-foot vessel that can sleep nine people in four cabins.  </p> <p> Be sure you’re a nautical whiz, as there’s no room for additional crew here, but that will only save you money. </p> <p> All told, the Sai Kung will set your group back $17,500 per week, just under $2,000 per person.  </p>

Sai Kung classic yacht

Another vintage beauty, the Sai Kung classic yacht was born in 1975 and got a makeover in 2015. That updated this 79-foot vessel that can sleep nine people in four cabins.

Be sure you’re a nautical whiz, as there’s no room for additional crew here, but that will only save you money.

All told, the Sai Kung will set your group back $17,500 per week, just under $2,000 per person.

<p> Outdoor yachts are designed for those who truly want to live outside, which you can do easily on the Glorious.  </p> <p> This sporty 72-footer is ready to help you dive, scuba, and more, with room for six guests in three cabins. You can bring a crew of two for extra help, of course. </p> <p> Built in 2007 and remodeled nine years later, chartering the Glorious will run you $16,500 per week, again $2,700 per person.</p><p>  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/southwest-booking-secrets-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=10&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=9+nearly+secret+things+to+do+if+you+fly+Southwest&synd_backlink_position=7&synd_slug=southwest-booking-secrets-55mp">9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest</a>  </p>

Glorious open yacht

Outdoor yachts are designed for those who truly want to live outside, which you can do easily on the Glorious.

This sporty 72-footer is ready to help you dive, scuba, and more, with room for six guests in three cabins. You can bring a crew of two for extra help, of course.

Built in 2007 and remodeled nine years later, chartering the Glorious will run you $16,500 per week, again $2,700 per person.

9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest

<p> Looking for a bigger open yacht that’s perfect for swim buffs? Charter the Speedy T, a vessel that’s 80 feet long and primed for dips in refreshing ocean waters.  </p> <p> Like many of the yachts on this list, it accommodates six guests in three cabins and has room for three crew members. </p> <p> All told, one week on this sleek ship — built in 1994 and renovated in 2011 — is $19,500 before expenses, translating to $3,250 per head. But the adventure promises to be unforgettable. </p>

Speedy T open yacht

Looking for a bigger open yacht that’s perfect for swim buffs? Charter the Speedy T, a vessel that’s 80 feet long and primed for dips in refreshing ocean waters.

Like many of the yachts on this list, it accommodates six guests in three cabins and has room for three crew members.

All told, one week on this sleek ship — built in 1994 and renovated in 2011 — is $19,500 before expenses, translating to $3,250 per head. But the adventure promises to be unforgettable.

<p> With extra stability even at higher speeds, catamaran yachts like the Etoile Magique are great options for adventure.</p><p>This 80-foot vessel is roomy for its size, with room for 16 guests in eight cabins. There’s space for a three-person crew, too.</p> <p> Constructed in 2004 and remodeled a decade later, this is a budget-friendly adventure in the making. At $18,710 per week before expenses, that shakes out to a bit over $1,100 apiece. </p>

Etoile Magique catamaran yacht

With extra stability even at higher speeds, catamaran yachts like the Etoile Magique are great options for adventure.

This 80-foot vessel is roomy for its size, with room for 16 guests in eight cabins. There’s space for a three-person crew, too.

Constructed in 2004 and remodeled a decade later, this is a budget-friendly adventure in the making. At $18,710 per week before expenses, that shakes out to a bit over $1,100 apiece.

<p> Meaning “strong” in Spanish, the Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht — built in 2004 and renovated in 2010 — offers a more intimate experience than the Etoile Magique, with space for nine guests in four cabins.  </p> <p> On the smaller side, at 67 feet, you can bring two crew members along if you need them. The price tag for one week is around $22,000, or just over $2,400 a pop. This vessel is best in shallower waters.</p><p>  <a href="https://financebuzz.com/top-travel-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=13&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Earn+Points+and+Miles%3A+Find+the+best+travel+credit+card+for+nearly+free+travel&synd_backlink_position=8&synd_slug=top-travel-credit-cards"><b>Earn Points and Miles:</b> Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel</a>  </p>

Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht

Meaning “strong” in Spanish, the Fuerte 3 catamaran yacht — built in 2004 and renovated in 2010 — offers a more intimate experience than the Etoile Magique, with space for nine guests in four cabins.

On the smaller side, at 67 feet, you can bring two crew members along if you need them. The price tag for one week is around $22,000, or just over $2,400 a pop. This vessel is best in shallower waters.

<p> If your idea of the perfect vacation is sport fishing, this boat is for you. The Astrape sport fishing yacht comes with top-of-the-line fishing equipment so you can catch your dream fish.  </p> <p> Built in 2008 and remodeled in 2016, the 76-foot vessel sleeps eight in four cabins. It also has room for three crew members. </p> <p> On the pricier side at $29,000, a week will cost each person nearly $3,700 — worth it if you can show off that once-in-a-lifetime catch, though! </p>

Astrape sport fishing yacht

If your idea of the perfect vacation is sport fishing, this boat is for you. The Astrape sport fishing yacht comes with top-of-the-line fishing equipment so you can catch your dream fish.

Built in 2008 and remodeled in 2016, the 76-foot vessel sleeps eight in four cabins. It also has room for three crew members.

On the pricier side at $29,000, a week will cost each person nearly $3,700 — worth it if you can show off that once-in-a-lifetime catch, though!

<p> Giving us some real Orca energy, the Barefoot sport fishing yacht was built in 2006 — much later than that famed vessel from "Jaws."</p> <p> The 64-foot boat is designed for fishing in shallower waters, perfect for you and five friends who will share three cabins. Two crew members can fit, too. </p> <p> This yacht is cheaper than the Astrape at $17,500, so six folks will pay just under $3,000 a head per week. </p>

Barefoot sport fishing yacht

Giving us some real Orca energy, the Barefoot sport fishing yacht was built in 2006 — much later than that famed vessel from "Jaws."

The 64-foot boat is designed for fishing in shallower waters, perfect for you and five friends who will share three cabins. Two crew members can fit, too.

This yacht is cheaper than the Astrape at $17,500, so six folks will pay just under $3,000 a head per week.

<p> Gulet yachts are known for their tall masts, ample deck space, and Turkish origins — perfect for a Mediterranean voyage.  </p> <p> To that end, the Prenses Lila is an excellent option for groups of 18. At 114 feet with eight cabins and space for five crew members, this boat beckons. </p> <p> You can charter Prenses Lila — built in 2009 and remodeled in 2009 — for $17,500 per week in September.</p>

Prenses Lila gulet yacht

Gulet yachts are known for their tall masts, ample deck space, and Turkish origins — perfect for a Mediterranean voyage.

To that end, the Prenses Lila is an excellent option for groups of 18. At 114 feet with eight cabins and space for five crew members, this boat beckons.

You can charter Prenses Lila — built in 2009 and remodeled in 2009 — for $17,500 per week in September.

<p> The second gulet yacht and the final boat we’re covering is Dreamland, which will surely take you there. </p><p>Constructed in 2006, 12 guests can sleep in six suites on this 105-foot vessel as well as five crew members.  </p> <p> You can book Dreamland for around $26,000 in high season. Divide that by 12, and you land on about $2,200 per person. That might require some <a href="https://financebuzz.com/top-signs-of-financial-fitness?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=17&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=financial+fitness&synd_backlink_position=9&synd_slug=top-signs-of-financial-fitness-2">financial fitness</a>, but yachts like this don’t come around every day.</p>

Dreamland gulet yacht

The second gulet yacht and the final boat we’re covering is Dreamland, which will surely take you there. 

Constructed in 2006, 12 guests can sleep in six suites on this 105-foot vessel as well as five crew members.

You can book Dreamland for around $26,000 in high season. Divide that by 12, and you land on about $2,200 per person. That might require some financial fitness , but yachts like this don’t come around every day.

<p> Spending your days sunning and swimming aboard a luxurious yacht may seem like an out-of-reach proposition, but we’re here to tell you it’s possible.  </p> <p> In fact, with planning and savvy budgeting, you can score your dream seafaring adventure. You can even use your favorite credit card to book and <a href="https://financebuzz.com/top-travel-credit-cards?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=18&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=earn+travel+rewards&synd_backlink_position=10&synd_slug=top-travel-credit-cards">earn travel rewards</a>. </p> <p> Traveling by charter yacht is also more environmentally friendly than flying, which means you can feel good about your sailing vacation.</p><p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="https://www.financebuzz.com/shopper-hacks-Costco-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=18&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=6+genius+hacks+Costco+shoppers+should+know.&synd_backlink_position=11&synd_slug=shopper-hacks-Costco-55mp">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/offer/bypass/637?source=%2Flatest%2Fmsn%2Fslideshow%2Ffeed%2F&aff_id=1006&aff_sub=msn&aff_sub2=&aff_sub3=&aff_sub4=feed&aff_sub5=%7Bimpressionid%7D&aff_click_id=&aff_unique1=%7Baff_unique1%7D&aff_unique2=&aff_unique3=&aff_unique4=&aff_unique5=%7Baff_unique5%7D&rendered_slug=/latest/msn/slideshow/feed/&contentblockid=2708&contentblockversionid=21425&ml_sort_id=&sorted_item_id=&widget_type=&cms_offer_id=637&keywords=&ai_listing_id=&utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=18&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=Can+you+retire+early%3F+Take+this+quiz+and+find+out.&synd_backlink_position=12&synd_slug=offer/bypass/637">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/supplement-income-55mp?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=18&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=7+things+to+do+if+you%27re+scraping+by+financially.&synd_backlink_position=13&synd_slug=supplement-income-55mp">7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="https://financebuzz.com/extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=feed&synd_slide=18&synd_postid=14936&synd_backlink_title=9+simple+ways+to+make+up+to+an+extra+%24200%2Fday&synd_backlink_position=14&synd_slug=extra-newsletter-signup-testimonials-synd">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Spending your days sunning and swimming aboard a luxurious yacht may seem like an out-of-reach proposition, but we’re here to tell you it’s possible.

In fact, with planning and savvy budgeting, you can score your dream seafaring adventure. You can even use your favorite credit card to book and earn travel rewards .

Traveling by charter yacht is also more environmentally friendly than flying, which means you can feel good about your sailing vacation.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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Billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg spend six figures a year maintaining their superyachts. Here's how.

  • Superyachts  are one of the most expensive assets money can buy.
  • The true cost of ownership is even more, adding up to millions a year.
  • Here's how much it costs to own a superyacht — and what that money is going toward.

Financial advisors are quick to warn prospective owners that a boat is nothing more than a hole in the water in which to throw money. When it comes to superyachts , you'd better have bags and bags of cash.

As one luxury agent told Business Insider at the Palm Beach International Boat Show: "Buying a boat, it's a huge purchase — and nobody needs a yacht."

A superyacht, generally over 30 meters long, is one of the most expensive assets money can buy, with the largest costing more than a lot of real estate or a private jet. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs each spent nine figures on their megayachts.

That doesn't include operating costs. Owners should expect to pay about 10% of a yacht's new-build price each year, experts told Business Insider. That's tens of millions of dollars annually for the most luxurious boats.

"It's a small-to-medium-sized business in its own right," said Jeffrey Beneville, a senior vice president at insurance company NFP, where he specializes in consulting clients about yachts.

Unlike many smaller boats, superyachts need staff, not just a captain. Some superyachts have space for dozens of crewmembers , including a chef, engineer, and masseuse for the guests onboard. Each gets an annual salary — the highest-ranking members earn six figures — and benefits. Eric Schmidt's yacht fits a crew of 28 for a ratio of about two crewmembers per guest.

Then there's fuel, dockage fees, routine maintenance, and insurance. The latter hinges on everything from the reputation of a yacht's shipyard to where an owner wants to take it (if a vessel is taking frequent trips to the South China Sea, for example, expect to pay a higher premium). If a superyacht has a support yacht — or a support superyacht, in Bezos ' case — expect to pay another 10% of that boat's price annually.

"The cost to maintain a yacht is so high that they just think that money's getting lit on fire," Matthew Fleissig, the CEO of wealth management firm Pathstone, told BI of his clients who choose to charter rather than own.

One of his firm's clients who does own has a 23-meter yacht valued at $5.2 million. The annual cost to staff, maintain, dock, and insure the boat is $346,297, according to documentation provided to BI. The lion's share is spent on marina fees ($95,970) and maintenance work ($88,408.) While not exactly a Sunfish, that boat is too small to count as a superyacht.

At 106 meters, the Amadea, owned by a sanctioned Russian oligarch , definitely does. The $300 million yacht, which was seized in 2022 and is docked in San Diego, cost $922,000 a month to maintain, a court filing showed: $360,000 for crew salaries, $75,000 for fuel, $144,000 for insurance, $178,000 in dry-docking fees, and $165,000 for maintenance, waste removal, food for the crew, and miscellaneous expenses.

"And that's an inactive yacht that's in the water," NFP's Beneville said.

If it were operational and carrying guests, the costs would be about twice that, or between $20 million and $30 million a year, he added.

Of course, it makes more financial sense for the non-obsessives to charter, and many of Fleissig's clients do. And some owners choose to offer their yachts for charter — the most luxurious cost as much as $1 million a week — to offset the costs.

"If you charter the boat for 50 days a year, it's going to help a lot," Anders Kurtén, the CEO of brokerage firm Fraser Yachts, told BI.

Then again, the running costs don't matter as much at a certain point. "If you're worth $30 billion, it's nothing. And if you're worth $117 billion — and these are the guys we're talking about — they're in it as long as it's still enjoyable for them," Beneville said. "It's not a money thing."

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price of sailing yacht

  • Main content

A versatile sub 70 foot ocean sailboat that offers the perfect combination of space and sailing capability

The Oyster 675. Adventure awaits.

Capable of taking you anywhere in the world effortlessly – sail this ocean sailboat shorthanded, with family and friends, or with a crew.

oyster 675 sailing yacht blue sea

Provisioned for adventure

This 70 foot sailboat’s mighty hull offers luxury living space for eight friends, family or crew and all the stowage and tank capacity you need for long-distance adventures.

70 foot sailing yacht sailing with each on ocean

Sail with ease

Automated push-button sailing technology delivers effortless shorthanded sailing, and impeccable performance for fast, exhilarating passage-making on this 70 foot sailboat.

walnut interior on 70 foot sailing yacht

Space to enjoy

The Oyster 675 offers a variety of entertaining spaces, with a generous cockpit, open fore and aft decks, and a large welcoming saloon which connects seamlessly to the well-appointed u-shaped galley.


More information

American flag Oyster Yachts USA


For new yacht sales and our service operation in the Americas, visit our offices in the heart of the US East coast sailing scene, Newport, Rhode Island. We would be delighted to help.

The Oyster 675 is the centrepiece of the Oyster fleet, featuring iconic Oyster styling and a powerful hull form with twin rudders and extended transom option.

70 foot oyster sailing yacht at anchor sunset

Specified for performance and adventure

The oyster 675 is a beautifully proportioned 70 foot sailboat with a huge hull volume that makes her extremely versatile, with a wide variety of customised build options..

Well provisioned as an ocean sailboat, with large tankage, ample space above and below decks and plenty of stowage, including a vast, full-width lazarette. The spacious and sheltered cockpit, with space for eight features audio and a built-in refrigerator. Choose from the standard or optional extended transom, both of which can accommodate a telescopic passerelle along with a hydraulic bathing platform for easy access into the water and dinghy.

Unlike a production 70 foot yacht for sale, the Oyster 675 is a true bluewater adventure machine, designed and built to our meticulous and renowned build quality.

The knowledge, experience and skill of Humphreys’ naval architects, combined with Oyster’s in-house design studio and our craftspeople ensure complete reassurance and confidence at sea. The excellent stability is further enhanced by the intelligent placement of utilities throughout the hull form.

Her hull and deck are Lloyd’s Register certified. Constructed using the highest quality materials, her reinforced, monolithic composite hull structure offers superior strength, stiffness and weight optimisation. With further reinforcement in the slam zones and keel area, she is strong, safe and robust, built to adapt to any conditions, from the calm waters of the Mediterranean to challenging ocean passages. With her inspiring sailing capability and large sail locker for downwind sails, it should come as no surprise owners consider her the best 70 foot sailboat for long-distance bluewater adventures.

The Oyster 675 is a joy to sail shorthanded or with a crew. Her powerful 70 foot twin rudder hull form makes sailing a pure pleasure.

Despite her substantial displacement, the Oyster 675 is responsive and fast-moving, delivering consistently fast passage-making speed. Our design team have gone to extreme lengths to consider every aspect of the sailing experience to make her equally suited to shorthanded sailing or cruising with a full crew. When manoeuvring in tight spots, the retractable bow and stern thrusters, fitted as standard, provide complete control.

The ergonomically designed twin helm stations feature large helm seats with backrests, grab handles and sunken footwells for protection if conditions turn rough. She features a hydraulic push-button, in-mast furling and headsail furling is set up as standard. All navigation and automated sailing controls are located on the twin helm stations, with winches positioned within easy reach.

Designed to make life aboard relaxed and comfortable on extended passages, every convenience is incorporated into your customised interior design.

luxury interior onboard oyster sailing yacht

Designed for the way you live

The oyster 675 interiors can be customised to accommodate a variety of family, friends and crew..

Interior layouts include three double ensuite guest cabins, with a generous owner’s cabin with ensuites positioned fore or aft. Another option offers two double ensuite guest cabins and a separate crew cabin.

Balancing practicality and style the volume below deck accommodates every comfort. Notable features include standing-height ceilings, full-sized appliances in the galley, air conditioning and Oysters’ proprietary mood lighting system. The light and spacious saloon is naturally ventilated through the forward-opening saloon windows. The generous cabins feature quality deep mattresses, mirrors, island berths, cedar-lined wardrobes, and plenty of stowage and the ensuite heads have seamless walk-in shower trays and quiet flush toilets. As a result, the Oyster 675 offers a contemporary, luxurious home-from-home living space.

Below decks, this 70 foot yacht is designed for effortless and enjoyable living.

Considered design and space planning offers stylish, contemporary living spaces, proudly crafted and hand-finished in tried and trusted materials, including hand-selected hardwoods in oak or walnut.

The wide companionway and intuitively placed grab handles hint at considered practicality and safety throughout the Oyster 675. The large, welcoming saloon has wraparound windows above and triple Seascape windows in the hull, making it feel light and spacious, with magnificent panoramic views. The u-shaped galley opens onto the saloon, making it an integral part of this relaxed social space. Fully equipped, it has room for a large fridge freezer, microwave, cooker and built-in extractor fan. The generous saloon table seats eight comfortably and is perfect for gatherings of friends, family and crew.

Reflecting its long-distance capabilities, the latest technology is key to the Oyster 675’s versatility, comfort and work aboard potential.

The generous navigation station doubles as the ideal work-aboard space and technology hub, with an optional PC, lift-top large desk, plotter, VHF radio, power management, generator control, switchboard, and plenty of power sockets. It is also home to the Oyster Command™ system. This intuitive digital switching system connects everything from entertainment, utilities and lighting to monitoring systems. It can also be accessed from the helm station and optional additional touchscreens fitted in cabins.

There are a variety of infotainment and connectivity options available to meet every preference and to keep the yacht connected wherever she is in the world.

Oyster World Rally 2028 29 Circumnavigation of the world sailing adventure 1

Entries open for the Oyster World Rally 2028-29. Embark on the sailing adventure of a lifetime

yachts at anchor in beautiful location d

The joy of Oyster ownership

There is more than just pride on offer when it comes to owning an Oyster 675. Every new Oyster comes with a comprehensive warranty, personalised care, access to our global service network, unrivalled support, life-changing experiences and so much more.

On an Oyster the world is yours.


Ownership benefits rarely experienced in marine

oyster warranty


Specifications & features

Lloyd’s register certified hull and deck moulding.

675 hulls and deck mouldings meet EU RCDII standards, with strength, integrity and build quality also certified by Lloyd’s Register.

Hydraulic in-mast and headsail furling

Push-button Seldén hydraulic headsail furling and in-mast mainsail furling, combined with the swept-back rig, make precision control and shorthanded sailing possible.

Retractable hydraulic bow and stern thrusters

Powerful Sleipner Sidepower retractable bow and stern thrusters enable easy, close-quarters manoeuvring.

Hand-built oak & walnut interior

Hand-crafted joinery runs throughout the interiors, in beautiful hand-selected oak timber with a satin finish varnish. Crown cut, random width, and walnut veneered boards create solid cabin soles, with soft carpets enhancing the luxurious feel of the owner and guest cabins.

The Onan 11kw 4-cylinder diesel generator is more than capable of running all your 240v appliances. Almost silent in operation, it is easy to operate and monitor from the control panel in the navigation station.

Seascape windows

The interior is beautifully lit throughout, with two sets of Seascape windows in the saloon and two in the owner’s cabin with Oceanair manual blinds for privacy when moored in a marina.

Air conditioning

Keep the interior at the perfect temperature with air conditioning that cools and heats. Controls in each cabin provide guests with the ability to adjust temperature based on personal requirements. The system runs efficiently from the generator or a 230v dockside supply.

Interior layout configuration

The Oyster 675 offers two layouts to suit requirements, but the volume provides the opportunity for further customisation. With all three cabin configurations, there is a useful bunk room with two bunks situated amidships on the starboard side.

Wood options

In addition to the standard oak interior, hand-crafted maple, cherry or walnut woods can be selected to add a timeless feel to a contemporary Oyster interior.

Bathing platform

The generous, hydraulic-operated bathing platform, laid with teak decking and a drop-in stainless-steel ladder, offers easy access to the water. The bumper bar posts allow safe docking for the tender.

Extended transom

Enjoy the additional storage space in the full-width lazarette – a hidden benefit of the extra space created on the aft deck with our extended transom option.

Hull colours

Make the Oyster 675 your own with a choice of hull, mast and sail colours to suit your personal taste. You can also specify creative vinyl wrap and paint options to make an instantly recognisable look.

Hydraulic passerelle

The retractable hydraulic Besenzoni 2.7m passerelle is neatly hidden in the transom. Sleek and stylish, it has a teak footboard and a painted or polished stainless-steel finish. Operate from the cockpit, with a remote control or even from your smartphone.

Plans and interior layouts


Colour inspiration

Oyster 675 Yacht Tour

The Oyster 675

oyster bluewater sailing yacht

Join us at our upcoming boat shows to see our stunning new generation bluewater cruisers

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Untitled design 83

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Personalised care, unforgettable experiences and lifelong yacht support, oyster world rally.

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Winner of European Yacht of the Year 2023. She sets a new 50 foot bluewater benchmark, offering a stunning combination of sailing performance, comfort, safety and luxurious living space.

Oyster 495 sailing yacht with man at helm

Heralding a new generation of Oysters, this 60 foot bluewater cruiser is a sailing yacht for all oceans. Practical and well-provisioned for long distance sailing or cruising in coastal waters.

Oyster 565 sailing yacht at sea in med

The much-anticipated Oyster 595 is well-proportioned and extremely versatile. Offering exciting, customised build options with no compromise, she is capable of great things.

Oyster 595 sailing yacht sailing at sea

A versatile sub-70 foot sailboat offering the perfect balance of size and practicality. She can be sailed shorthanded effortlessly or take a full crew and up to eight friends and family.

sailing yacht oyster 675

This long range 75 foot cruising yacht is designed for very big adventures. A joy to sail yourself, she also boasts dedicated crew quarters.

Oyster 745 sailing yacht at sea with mountains 1 v2

Oyster 885SII

An exhilarating 90 foot sailing yacht, delivering comfort and safety with uncompromising performance. She is capable of taking you anywhere in the world effortlessly, in luxury and style.

Oyster 885 sailing yacht with crew

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video & Peacock

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video & Peacock

By Vritti Johar

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 follows Captain Glenn Shephard and his crew, including Gary King, Colin Macrae, and Natasha De Bourg, as they navigate luxury charters and personal dramas aboard Parsifal III. The season combines thrilling sailing adventures with intense interpersonal conflicts and romantic entanglements.

Here’s how you can watch and stream Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video & Peacock.

Is Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 available to watch via streaming?

Yes, Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video & Peacock .

Throughout Season 2, the crew navigates the high seas, manages personal relationships, handles demanding guests, experiences onboard romances, and deals with professional tensions. Notable events include executing high-stakes sailing maneuvers, experiencing a shocking love triangle, and facing escalating conflicts between crew members. The season ends in intense moments that test the crew’s resilience and teamwork as they deliver luxurious experiences to their charter guests.

Season 2 features Glenn Shephard as the Captain, Gary King as the First Officer, Colin Macrae as the Chief Engineer, and Natasha De Bourg as the Chef, each appearing in all 18 episodes.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 streaming via Amazon Prime Video

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 i s available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Prime Video is a streaming service offering a vast library of movies, TV shows, and original content across various genres. Subscribers enjoy unlimited access to high-quality entertainment, including exclusive Amazon Originals.

You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:

  • Go to  Amazon Prime Video
  • Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
  • $14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership
  • $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership

Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 streaming via Peacock

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 i s available to watch on Peacock. Peacock is a streaming service by NBCUniversal, offering a diverse array of movies, TV shows, news, and sports. It features exclusive content, including Peacock Originals, and offers both free and premium subscription options.

You can watch via Peacock by following these steps:

  • Go to PeacockTV.com
  • Click ‘Get Started’
  • $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (premium)
  • $11.99 per month or $119.99 per year (premium plus
  • Create your account
  • Enter your payment details

Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 synopsis is as follows:

“Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The physicality of working on a sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties who are ready to work hard and play harder.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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Vritti Johar

Vritti Johar currently holds the position of an SEO Content Writer at ComingSoon.net, where she combines her passion for cinema with her skills in content creation. Outside of her professional endeavors, Vritti enjoys delving into the realms of art and photography, further nurturing her creative spirit.

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More Beautiful for Having Been Broken Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock


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