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Rolex Yacht-Master

Rolex Yacht-Master 168623

Rolex Yacht-Master I – Maritim & sportlich

Hissen Sie die Segel und legen Sie die Rolex Yacht-Master I an – schon kann die nächste Regatta beginnen. Die elegante Sportuhr begeistert sowohl Männer als auch Frauen dank des stilvollen und zeitlosen Designs. Modelle der Kollektion sind der optimale Begleiter für Tage an Deck sowie Nächten im Hafen. Bei CHRONEXT können Sie eine große Auswahl an Yacht-Master I Modellen online kaufen – zu attraktiven Preisen und mit 24-monatiger CHRONEXT-Garantie.

Ein eleganter Zeitmesser der Meisterklasse

Mit der legendären Rolex Yacht-Master setzt Rolex ein klares Statement und bringt den Markennamen noch enger mit dem Segelsport in Verbindung. Das Schweizer Unternehmen ist schließlich ein renommierter Sponsor von zahlreichen Regatten. Jährlich nehmen die abenteuerlustigen Regattenfahrer an diesen international renommierten Wettkämpfen teil – der Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup ist einer der berühmtesten davon.

Bei Wind und Wellen präsentiert sich die Yacht-Master I, das Schwestermodell der großen Yacht-Master II , mit einer Wasserdichtigkeit von 100 Metern als eine stetig treue Gefährtin der Abenteurer und gehört zu einer optimalen Ausrüstung der Segelsportler. Neben ihrer beeindruckenden Performance auf offener See kann sie aber auch auf dem Festland in einer entspannten Yachtclub-Lounge bezaubern. Die Modelle der Kollektion, welche über ein blaues Zifferblatt verfügen (Ref. 116622), deuten dezent und edel auf die maritime Einsatzfähigkeit dieser Uhren hin. Die Modelle mit dem platinfarbenen Zifferblatt (Ref. 116622) bestechen durch ihre klare Eleganz und sind als Herrenuhren sowie als Damenuhren gleichermaßen beliebt.

Was kostet eine Rolex Yacht-Master?

Die Wertentwicklung der Yacht-Master ist wie bei allen Rolex-Modellen beeindruckend. Auch der Rolex Yacht-Master Preis ist in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen – nicht zuletzt aufgrund der immer weiter steigenden Beliebtheit dieses Modells. Da die Yacht-Master und die Yacht-Master 2 praktisch nicht zu Listenpreisen erhältlich sind, sind die Marktpreise entscheidend. Während die klassische fünfstellige Rolex 16622 für 11.000 bis 14.000 Euro erhältlich ist, kostet die aktuelle Rolex Yacht-Master Rhodium oder die Rolex Yacht-Master Blau (beide Rolex 126622) über 16.000 Euro. Die Rolex Yacht-Master Bicolor liegt bei ungefähr 20.000 Euro. Für Vollgold-Modelle am Oysterflex-Band beträgt der Marktpreis je nach Modell zwischen 30.000 Euro und 40.000 Euro. Rolex Yacht-Master Damen Modelle ab 29 mm sind ab 6.000 Euro erhältlich.

Die Rolex Yacht-Master 2 aus Edelstahl kostet mindestens 20.000 Euro, die Rolex Yacht-Master 2 Gold ist in der Regel nicht unter 40.000 Euro verfügbar.

Die noble Welt der Rolex Yacht-Master

1992 präsentierte die Manufaktur aus Genf eine neue Uhr aus der Familie Oyster Perpetual: Die Rolex Yacht-Master (Ref. 16628). Die Branchenkenner erkannten sofort die Ähnlichkeit zum ewigen Klassike: der Submariner . Im Gegensatz zu diesem Dauer-Bestseller bewegte sich die Rolex Yacht-Master von Beginn an in höheren Preis-Klassen und wurde zunächst ausschließlich mit einem Goldgehäuse gefertigt.

Die beiden Armbanduhren ergänzen sich vorzüglich, denn während sich die Submariner sicher in der Unterwasserwelt zurechtfindet, weiß die Rolex Yacht-Master (Ref. 116622) an Deck einer Regatta und an Land zu überzeugen. Gegensätzlich zu der klassischen Taucheruhr lässt sich die Lünette in beide Richtungen drehen, wodurch eine exakte Fahrtzeitbestimmung auf offener See möglich wird. Teils aus Materialien wie 18 Karat Gelbgold oder Platin 950 gefertigt und mit einer 60-Minuten-Graduierung im Relief, besticht die Lünette durch pure Eleganz und hohe Funktionalität. Des Weiteren begeistern die großen Indizes und Zeiger, die sich auf dem strahlend blauen oder perlmuttfarbenen Zifferblatt präsentieren, mit einer zuverlässigen Ablesbarkeit in allen Einsatzbedingungen. Hergestellt aus demselben kratzfesten Saphirglas, aus dem auch das Uhrglas besteht, garantiert die Zykloplupe mit einer doppelten Antireflexbeschichtung ein noch komfortableres Ablesen des Datums.

Sport und Luxus in einer Uhr

Zuverlässig und präzise: Das aktuelle 40 Millimeter große Modell der Rolex Yacht-Master (Ref. 116622) ist mit dem Manufakturkaliber 3135 ausgestattet, während das kleinere Modell mit dem 35-Millimeter-Gehäuse das Kaliber 2235 enthält. Diese von Rolex entwickelten Automatik-Uhrwerke wurden von der offiziellen schweizerischen Chronometerprüfstelle COSC zertifiziert, sodass sie Ihnen besondere Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit gewährleisten.

Robust und fest wie eine Auster: Wie alle Oyster-Uhren verfügt auch die Yacht-Master über ein verschraubtes, wasserdichtes Gehäuse. Die aus paramagnetischem Stahl gefertigte Parachrom-Breguetspirale im Werkinneren bleibt unbeeinflusst von Magnetfeldern und hält Erschütterungen bis zu zehnmal besser stand als herkömmliche Spiralfedern. Auch das Oyster-Band, ein Produkt aus Funktion, Schönheit und Technik, begeistert durch extreme Widerstandsfähigkeit und Tragekomfort. In der Oyster Kollektion ist das dreireihige Metallarmband mit seinen breiten flachen Elementen am weitesten verbreitet.

Edle Materialien und luxuriöse Verarbeitung

Ein erster Prototyp der Rolex Yacht-Master wurde bereits in den 60er Jahren entwickelt. Doch erst im Jahre 1992 erblickte die erste Version (Ref. 16628) aus 18 Karat Gold und mit einem weißen Zifferblatt das Licht der Welt.

Schließlich wurden im Jahr 1994 auch kleinere Modelle mit einem Gehäusedurchmesser von 35 Millimeter (Ref. 68628) oder Modell mit 29-Millimeter-Durchmesser (Ref. 69628) für Damen oder Herren mit schmaleren Handgelenken lanciert.

Im Jahre 1999 brachte Rolex dann die neue Yacht-Master (Ref. 16622) mit einem luxuriösen Mix aus makellosem Edelstahl und Platin hervor. Bei diesem Modell sind Lünette und Zifferblatt aus bestechendem Platin gefertigt. Seitdem hat sich das von Rolex erfundene Kunstwort „Rolesium“ eingebürgert, das diese außergewöhnliche Kombination aus Edelstahl und Platin bezeichnet.

Das Jahr 2005 brachte das neue Modell der Rolex Yacht-Master (Ref. 16623) mit einem Rolesor-Gehäuse, einem Material-Mix von Gold und Edelstahl. Somit erfreut die Auswahl an neuen und gebrauchten Yacht-Master Modellen mit einer breiten Vielfalt an Gehäusegrößen, Materialien und Zifferblattfarben, was für die Genfer Marke eher ungewöhnlich ist. Ob Damenuhr oder Herrenuhr – die Modelle schmiegen sich erhaben um jedes Handgelenk.

Meister der Materialien

Kaum ein anderes Rolex-Modell ist für eine so große Vielfalt an Materialien bekannt wie die Rolex Yacht-Master. Nachdem der Zeitmesser zunächst als luxuriöse Gelbgold-Uhr (Ref. 16628) im Jahr 1992 auf den Markt kam, stellte die Genfer Manufaktur im Jahr 1999 mit der Rolex 16622 die Weichen für die enorme Vielseitigkeit, die die Yacht-Master im Laufe der Zeit auszeichnen sollte: Diese Referenz verfügte erstmals in der Geschichte von Rolex über einen luxuriösen Material-Mix aus Edelstahl und Platin namens Rolesium. Während das Gehäuse und das Armband dieser Rolex Yacht-Master aus Edelstahl gefertigt waren, verwendete Rolex für die Lünette Platin 950. Seit jeher ist im Zusammenhang mit der Rolex Yacht-Master Platin das bekannteste und charakteristischste Material. Das feine Material kommt auch in der aktuellen Rolex 126622 zu Anwendung – zum Beispiel in der Rolex Yacht-Master Rhodium oder der Rolex Yacht-Master Blau – und verleiht der Lünette einen unverwechselbar lebhaften Glanz.

Rolesium, Gelbgold, Weißgold und Everose-Gold

Ein Highlight der Yacht-Master-Kollektion ist die Verfügbarkeit sämtlicher Gold-Legierungen: Während Professional-Modelle wie die Rolex Submariner oder die Rolex GMT-Master nur in ausgewählten Goldlegierungen erhältlich sind, verwendet Rolex für die Yacht-Master alle Goldlegierungen der Manufaktur: - Rolex Yacht-Master Gelbgold - Rolex Yacht-Master Rosé Gold (Everose-Gold) - Rolex Yacht-Master Weißgold

Gold trifft auf Kautschuk

Auch bei der Wahl der Armbänder gibt sich Rolex als Meister der Materialien: Das sportliche Kautschuk-Armband hört auf den Namen „Oysterflex“ und besteht aus einem elastischen Metallmantel, der von hochwertigen Kautschuk überzogen wird. Die innovative Kombination beider Werkstoffe sorgt für ein unvergleichlichen Tragekomfort und eine hohe Lebensdauer.

Das Oysterflex-Armband wurde im Jahr 2015 präsentiert und zunächst ausschließlich für die Rolex Yacht-Master 37 und die gleichzeitig lancierte Rolex Yacht-Master 40 angeboten. Inzwischen wurden die Rolex Yacht-Master Kautschuk Modelle um die Rolex Yacht-Master 42 erweitert. Bis heute ist das Oysterflex-Armband exklusiv für Vollgold-Modelle erhältlich. Damit bietet Rolex eine avantgardistische Material-Kombination an, die 1980 erstmals von Hublot präsentiert wurde und dem luxuriösen Gold-Look einen sportlich-legeren Akzent verleiht.

Luxuriös und wandelbar

Vielseitig in der Verwendbarkeit, richten sich die aktuellen Modelle der Yacht-Master I bedingt durch das mannigfaltige Angebot an Damen und Herren gleichermaßen. Für Damen eignen sich besonders die Modelle mit einer Größe von 35 Millimetern. Dabei begeistert das Modell mit dem weißen Zifferblatt und der edlen Fertigung aus Edelstahl und Platin (Ref. 168622) oder auch das Modell mit dem goldfarbenen Zifferblatt und den luxuriösen Materialien Edelstahl und Gelbgold (Ref. 168623).

Für Herren sind die Modelle mit einem Gehäusedurchmesser von 40 mm ansprechender. Auch sie überzeugen mit einem wunderschönen weißen oder blauen Zifferblatt und erfreuen entweder mit Edelstahl und Platin (Ref. 116622) oder dem beliebten Mix aus Edelstahl und Gelbgold (Ref. 16623). Aufgrund der Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien wie Platin oder Gold, fällt der Preis der Rolex Yacht-Master höher aus. Solch eine wertvolle Uhr eignet sich auch als Geldanlage und erzielt noch im Wiederverkauf gute Preise. Um in den preiswerteren Genuss einer Yacht-Master zu gelangen, erweist sich der Kauf einer gebrauchten Uhr als vielversprechend. Vintage-Modelle haben meist spannende Geschichten zu erzählen und überzeugen durch ihre nachgewiesene Zeitlosigkeit.

Modellauswahl bei CHRONEXT

  • Yacht-Master 37
  • Yacht-Master 40
  • Yacht-Master 42
  • Yacht-Master in Platin

Rolex Yacht-Master I kaufen und verkaufen

Bei CHRONEXT können Sie nicht nur einfach und sicher Luxusuhren kaufen, sondern auch online verkaufen. Wir stehen Ihnen mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung beratend zur Seite und verhelfen Ihnen zum bestmöglichen Verkaufspreis. Ob Inzahlungnahme, Kommission oder Direktverkauf – kontaktieren Sie uns und wir beraten Sie hinsichtlich Ihrer Optionen. Alternativ können Sie einfach unser kurzes Online-Formular ausfüllen. Wir freuen uns, von Ihnen zu hören und Sie beim Verkauf Ihrer Rolex Yacht-Master I zu unterstützen.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

1) wer trägt eine rolex yacht-master.

Legendäre Sportler weltweit setzen auf die robuste Rolex Yacht-Master. Sowohl David Beckham als auch Cristiano Ronaldo sind große Liebhaber der Kollektion und besitzen beide Modelle aus der II-Kollektion. Bruce Willis trägt ein schönes Yacht-Master 40 Modell aus Rolesium mit rhodiniertem Zifferblatt, während Moderatorin Ellen DeGeneres die 40-Millimeter-Variante der Rolex Yacht-Master aus 18-karätigem Everose Gold und schwarzer Cerachrom-Lünette bevorzugt.

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The Yachtmaster, as we have mentioned in some of our previous coverage , occupies a somewhat particular place in Rolex’s lineup of sports watches; it shares water-resistance and a turning bezel with the Submariner (the latter is water resistant to 300 m while the Yachtmaster standard model is water resistant to 100 m). It is certainly not a tool watch; the Yachtmaster is offered in either platinum and steel, or gold and steel (that’s Rolesium and Rolesor, lest we forget) and is either quietly or unequivocally luxurious depending on what size and metal you go for (Rolex makes the Yachtmaster in both 35 mm and 40 mm sizes). 

The Yachtmaster’s history goes back to the first introduction of the watch in 1992, although the name, interestingly enough, appears on the dial of a prototype Yachtmaster Chronograph from the late 1960s (a watch so legendary I am actually forced to use the word; one of three known is in the collection of Mr. John Goldberger; we covered it – and a host of other remarkable ultra-rare watches from his collection – in a very memorable episode of Talking Watches ).

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The term “Yachtmaster” is also, incidentally, used for a certificate of competency in yachting which is issued by the Royal Yachting Association, although we’re unaware of any specific association between the RYA and the Yachtmaster watch.

Now, this newest version of the Yachtmaster does take a few pages from the existing Yachtmaster playbook: 100-meter water resistance, a bidirectional turning bezel, and a dial and hands that echo the Submariner. There are also a couple of features that may make vintage Sub enthusiasts wonder if Rolex mightn’t have an exceedingly subtle sense of humor; the gilt coronet and “Rolex,” and the red lettering, both features which according to HODINKEE founder Ben Clymer would have, had they appeared on a Rolex dive watch, made it instantly the single most popular watch in the modern Rolex inventory. The case is rose gold – Rolex famously makes their own, called Everose, in their own foundry, with a bit of platinum mixed in to prevent discoloration – and the bezel, rather than being some other precious metal (as is the case in the “standard” Yachtmasters) is in black Cerachrom – a very technical-looking matte black that contrasts sharply with the gold case. Somehow, between the rose gold, the Cerachrom bezel, and the new Oysterflex bracelet this manages to be the most luxurious and at the same time most technical Yachtmaster yet (leaving aside the Yachtmaster II, which we recently reviewed right here , but that is a watch that marches to the beat of a different drummer entirely).

yachtmaster kautschuck

The two different versions of the Everose Yachtmaster (40 mm and 37 mm) sport different movements; the larger uses the caliber 3135 and the smaller, the newer 2236, which sports the “Syloxi” silicon balance spring (first used by Rolex in 2014).

yachtmaster kautschuck

The Oysterflex bracelet is, in a nutshell, quite a piece of work. One of the most endearing traits of Rolex as a company is that it tends to demonstrate what we can only describe as a laudable degree of corporate obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to research and development, and it does so, often, without making any sort of fanfare about it at all. In this case we do know a little bit about the Oysterflex, however – it is basically designed to have the hypoallergenic and comfort properties of a rubber strap and the durability and shape-retention properties of a bracelet. 

At the core of the Oysterflex bracelet are metal inserts made of titanium and nickel, which are used to affix the bracelet to the clasp and watch case; over those is a sheathing of “high-performance black elastomer.” “Elastomer” is a portmanteau word, formed from “elastic” and “polymer” and is a general term for natural and synthetic rubbers. In addition to the materials complexity of the Oysterflex bracelet, it is also shaped in a rather unusual fashion – there are ridges molded into the the wristward face of the bracelet, which are intended to allow the bracelet when worn to better approximate the natural curvature of the wrist.

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They might look a bit odd but in practice, the design works out quite wonderfully; this is easily the most downright comfortable and organic-feeling rubber strap I have ever worn, and like the entire watch manages to be both extremely technical in feel, and very luxurious at the same time; I doubt whether any company has ever taken so much trouble over the design of a strap (for all that Rolex prefers the term “bracelet” in describing the Oysterflex, habit dies hard and you’ll probably find yourself calling it a strap, just as we did). On the wrist, the two stabilizing ridges do exactly what they are supposed to: keep the watch from shifting, as heavier watches on rubber straps are wont to do, without requiring you to have the strap uncomfortably tight. The Everose Oysterlock clasp does a superb job mechanically and also looks fabulous into the bargain; the quality of finish on the clasp and case may not seem terribly elaborate at first, but it is as technically flawless as anything I have ever seen at any price, on any watch.

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What we have here, in other words, is a very Rolex interpretation of luxury. Yes, this is a gold watch, and a gold Rolex, and wearing a gold Rolex always carries with it, shall we say, certain semiotic complexities. However there is also another side to the watch, and to the Rolex approach to luxury in general: the taking of such pains to produce technical perfection that technical perfection becomes a luxury in itself.

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The Everose Rolex Yachtmaster, in Rolex Everose, with Everose Oysterclasp and Oysterflex bracelet, as shown, $22,000 in 37 mm, and $24,950 in 40 mm. For more info, check out Rolex.com.

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Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42

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Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 40

Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 40

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Staying on course

The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 40 in Oystersteel and Everose gold with an Oyster bracelet.

Bidirectional rotatable bezel, timing the distance.

The Yacht-Master’s bidirectional rotatable 60-minute graduated bezel is made entirely from precious metals or fitted with a Cerachrom insert in high-tech ceramic. The raised polished numerals and graduations stand out clearly against a matt, sand-blasted background.

This functional bezel – which allows the wearer to calculate, for example, the sailing time between two buoys – is also a key component in the model’s distinctive visual identity.

Intense black dial

Exceptional legibility.

Like all Rolex Professional watches, the Yacht-Master 40 offers exceptional legibility in all circumstances, and especially in the dark, thanks to its Chromalight display.

The broad hands and hour markers in simple shapes – triangles, circles, rectangles – are filled with a luminescent material emitting a long-lasting glow.

Everose Rolesor

A meeting of two metals.

Gold is coveted for its lustre and nobility. Steel reinforces strength and reliability. Together, they harmoniously combine the best of their properties.

A true Rolex signature, Rolesor has featured on Rolex models since the early 1930s, and was trademarked as a name in 1933. It is one of the prominent pillars of the Oyster collection.

The Oyster bracelet

Alchemy of form and function.

The Oyster bracelet is a perfect alchemy of form and function, aesthetics and technology, designed to be both robust and comfortable. It is equipped with an Oysterlock folding clasp, which prevents accidental opening and the Easylink comfort extension link, also exclusive to Rolex.

This ingenious system allows the wearer to increase the bracelet length by approximately 5 mm, providing additional comfort in any circumstance.

More Yacht-Master technical details

Reference   126621

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Oyster, 40 mm, Oystersteel and Everose gold

Oyster architecture

Monobloc middle case, screw-down case back and winding crown

Everose Rolesor - combination of Oystersteel and Everose gold

Everose gold bidirectional rotatable 60-minute graduated with raised numerals

Winding crown

Screw-down, Triplock triple waterproofness system

Scratch-resistant sapphire, Cyclops lens over the date

Water resistance

Waterproof to 100 metres / 330 feet

Perpetual, mechanical, self-winding

3235, Manufacture Rolex

-2/+2 sec/day, after casing

Centre hour, minute and seconds hands. Instantaneous date with rapid setting. Stop-seconds for precise time setting

Paramagnetic blue Parachrom hairspring. High-performance Paraflex shock absorbers

Bidirectional self-winding via Perpetual rotor

Power reserve

Approximately 70 hours

Oyster, three-piece solid links

Folding Oysterlock safety clasp with Easylink 5 mm comfort extension link

Intense black

Highly legible Chromalight display with long-lasting blue luminescence


Superlative Chronometer (COSC + Rolex certification after casing)

Learn how to set the time and other functions of your Rolex watch by consulting our user guides.

Yacht-Master 40

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Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide

rolex yachtmaster buying guide

As Rolex’s most diverse sports watch collection, the Yacht-Master is not only available in a wide assortment of case metals and sizes but it has also been paired with various bracelet styles and bezel materials. In less than three decades, the Rolex Yacht-Master collection has been home to dozens of references – some of which have been discontinued – and the nautical-inspired sports watch continues to be a mainstay of the Rolex lineup. There are two distinct models that share almost identical names: the Yacht Master and the Yacht Master II.

While the original Rolex Yacht-Master is an ultra-luxurious take on Rolex’s already popular sports watches, the Rolex Yacht-Master II was purpose-built to time out regattas in competitive sailing. Essentially, the Yacht-Master is the kind of watch you wear while lounging on a boat and a Yacht Master II is what you wear if you’re racing one. Nonetheless, both Rolex watches are incredibly popular, sought-after for their sleek designs and impeccable quality.

With that in mind, if you’re in the market for a Rolex Yacht Master, there are some important things you should know about the model (such as its history, pricing, and features) before you make a decision. Here, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about buying Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II watches to make the most informed purchase possible. Ready to get started?

Rolex Yacht-Master

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Rolesium

Yacht-Master Key Features:

– Case Size: 29mm, 35mm, 37mm, 40mm, 42mm – Material Options:  Rolesium, Yellow Rolesor, Everose Rolesor, 18k Yellow Gold, 18k Everose Gold, 18k White Gold – Functions:  Time with running seconds, date display. – Bezel: 60-minute timing (bi-directional) – Water Resistance:  100 meteres / 330 feet. – Strap/Bracelet: Oyster bracelet, Oysterflex bracelet

Click here to learn more about Rolesium: a special metal combination that is only featured on the Rolex Yacht-Master.

Rolex Yacht-Master II

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Stainless Steel Ceramic

Yacht-Master II Key Features:

– Case Size:  44mm – Material Options: Stainless steel, Everose Rolesor, 18k Yellow Gold, 18k White Gold – Functions:  Time with running seconds, adjustable countdown timer with mechanical memory – Bezel: Ring Command Bezel – Water Resistance:  100 meters / 330 feet. – Strap/Bracelet:  Oyster bracelet

Click here to learn how to set the adjustable countdown timer on the Rolex Yacht-Master II.

Quick Look: Rolex Yacht-Master Timeline

Even though the Yachtmaster collection is one of the newest additions to the Rolex lineup, there has been a great amount of innovation over the years. Additionally, while we didn’t see this watch come to life until the early 1990s, Rolex history shows that they had concepts and ideas of a yacht-themed watch long before it was ever brought to market. 1950’s — Rolex joins the prestigious New York Yacht Club 1966 to 1967 — Sir Francis Chichester becomes the first man to circumnavigate the globe single-handedly and he wore a Rolex Oyster watch 1992 — Rolex introduces the Yacht-Master collection 1994 —  Rolex introduces the midsize and ladies’ models 1996 — Rolex introduces the two-tone midsize and ladies’ models 1997 — Rolex releases the Rolesium version (also known as steel and platinum) 2007 — Rolex releases the Yacht-Master II, which is the world’s first watch equipped with a programmable countdown timer and a mechanical memory 2013 — Rolex updates the movement inside the Yacht-Master II collection from the Cal. 4160 to the Cal. 4161. 2019  — Rolex introduces the Yacht-Master 42 to the collection

Rolex Yacht-Master Two-Tone Blue Dial

History of the Rolex Yacht-Master

While we wouldn’t be introduced to the very first Yacht-Master until 1992, Rolex’s history with sailing actually dates back to 1958, the year the Swiss watchmaker partnered with the prestigious New York Yacht Club. By then, Rolex had already garnered a reputation for making great waterproof watches with the invention of their Rolex Oyster case back in 1926. So, the partnership was actually quite a natural next step.

Rolex solidified its relationship with the world of sailing in 1966 when Francis Chichester — one of history’s most exceptional navigators — became the first person to sail around the globe on his yacht, the Gipsy Moth IV, with a Rolex on his wrist. His voyage, which spanned from August 1966 to May 1967, took him 29,600 miles around the world. however, the most impressive part is that he only had a few tools to help him navigate his way, including nautical charts, a sextant, and a Rolex Oyster Perpetual. The Rolex wristwatch chronometer he used was a reliable and steady partner, helping him keep time amidst rough conditions for 226 days at sea.

Despite the brand’s massive success in creating watches that were great for sailing, Rolex continued to hold back its efforts to create a watch specifically for this category. The brand did briefly dabble with the idea in the 1960’s, releasing a prototype dial for the Cosmograph chronograph with the name “Yacht Master” on it, but the idea never took hold. Today, only two known examples of this prototype Daytona Yacht-Master are known to exist — one belonging to Eric Clapton (whose model sold for $125,100 at auction in 2003) and one owned by legendary Rolex collector John Goldberger.

In 1992, we were finally introduced to the modern Yacht Master we know and love today. Its official name, the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master, was the brand’s first ultra-luxury sports watch built for the open seas. To make sure that collectors understood the luxury aspect of this new watch, the very first 40mm model was forged entirely out of solid 18k yellow gold and featured a matching gold bi-directional rotating bezel (marked to 60 minutes for timing) alongside a gold Oyster bracelet. Over the next few decades, Rolex has expanded the collection using a variety of materials as well as adding new sizes to the luxury nautical watch collection.

15 years after the first release of the Yachtmaster, Rolex introduced the regatta chronograph Yacht-Master II specifically made for sportsmen to use while regatta racing. To cater specifically to these athletes, Rolex outfitted the watch with important features like a programmable countdown timer (to measure with reliability how much time until the start of the race) and both flyback and fly-forward functionality (for easy synchronization should the race committee have to restart the race sequence). Another key difference is that the Rolex Yacht-Master II is only available in one size, 44mm with an Oyster case and bracelet. However, there are a variety of alloys available.

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide 18k Yellow Gold Diamond Dial

How Much is a Rolex Yacht-Master?

Because there is such a wide variety of sizes and materials used across the Rolex Yacht-Master collection, the prices tend to vary significantly. For example, you can pick up some of the older or smaller Rolex Yacht-Master models for around $5,000 on the second-hand market. However, newer, larger Yacht-Master models, especially those forged out of precious metals, can sell for well into five-figures.

How much is a Yacht Master II?

Due to its large size, complicated movement, and frequent use of precious metals, the Yacht-Master II is one of the higher-priced Rolex watches you can purchase. In terms of pre-owned prices, a stainless steel reference of the Yacht-Master II starts around $15,000. This may seem steep, considering that this Yacht-Master II is stainless steel and doesn’t feature any diamonds or gems. However, the complexity of the movement is what really makes this watch shine and it is the primary factor behind its high price tag. On the higher end, the yellow gold ref. 116688 costs $43,550 retail and can be bought for around $28,000 on the pre-owned market.

Buying Pre-Owned vs New Yacht-Master Watches

The key difference between buying a pre-owned Rolex Yacht-Master or Yacht-Master II versus a new one is the price. For a retail Rolex model , you will surely pay a premium – especially if you choose one of the precious metal models. On the secondary market, you can get a Yacht-Master for a much lower price, and many collectors find this option a better value for their investment. However, this is still totally dependent on the specifics about the watch which you can get an idea of in the chart above. The price of a pre-owned Yacht-Master will always vary depending on factors like its alloy, the year it was produced, condition, and whether it is a luxury-oriented Yacht-Master or a sporty and purpose-built Yacht-Master II.

Often, many collectors turn to the second-hand market to purchase a Rolex Yacht-Master. Of course, the price is a big factor, but due to the durability and overall build quality, a used Rolex Yacht-Master represents a highly competitive offering. Because these watches are purpose-built to withstand weather and water, they tend to age well even if they have been heavily worn, loved, and used. Another reason that collectors turn to the second-hand market is to get their hands on early models. Since the Yacht-Master has only been around for about 30 years, it is still quite easy to track down some of the early references. This is a great opportunity for collectors who not only love the Yacht-Master as a watch but who also want to make a smart investment for their collection that has great potential to increase in value.

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide 18k Yellow Gold

Rolex Yacht-Master References

While the Yacht-Master is one of the newest Rolex models, only first introduced in 1992, the watch has been given a wide variety of upgrades in sizing, alloys, and bezels over the years. Here, this comprehensive list outlines all of the standard-production Yacht-Master references since its initial introduction. This list is also incredibly important as a reference if you are purchasing a Rolex Yacht-Master on the secondary market, as it will serve as a great quick reference for what models have been produced over the years.


226659 = 42mm, solid 18k white gold with Cerachrom bezel 16622 = 40mm; Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum) 16628 = 40mm; solid 18k yellow gold 166233 = 40mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and yellow gold) 116622 = 40mm; Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum) 116621 : 40mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and Everose gold) 116655 = 40mm; solid 18k Everose gold with Cerachrom bezel 268621 = 37mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and Everose gold) 268655 : 37mm; solid 18k Everose gold with Cerachrom bezel 268622 : 37mm; Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum) 68623 = 35mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and yellow gold) 68628 = 35mm; solid 18k yellow gold 168622 = 35mm; Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum) 168623 = 35mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and yellow gold) 168628 = 35mm; solid 18k yellow gold 169623 = 29mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and yellow gold) 169628 = 29mm; solid 18k yellow gold 169622 = 29mm; Rolesium (stainless steel and platinum) 69628 = 29mm; solid 18k yellow gold 69623 = 29mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and yellow gold)

Yacht-Master II

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Everose Oysterflex

116680 = 44mm; stainless steel with Cerachrom bezel 116689 = 44mm; solid 18k white gold with platinum bezel 116688 = 44mm; solid 18k yellow gold with Cerachrom bezel 116681 = 44mm; Rolesor (two-tone steel and Everose gold) with Cerachrom bezel

Everything You Need To Know About The Rolex Yacht-Master Features & Options

Since the first all-gold Yacht-Master was released in 1992, Rolex has expanded the line with a variety of aesthetic details and mechanical upgrades. Here, we’ll explore the different options available on both the retail and secondary market for the Rolex Yacht-Master collection.

Rolex Yacht-Master materials

Today, Rolex no longer makes yellow gold versions of their standard Yacht-Master model, replacing it with Everose (their proprietary rose gold alloy) and 18k white gold. However, the 42mm version is the only white gold version (which was only just introduced at Baselworld 2019) is the only white gold model, as well as the only 42mm model in the collection. – Yellow Gold (discontinued) – Yellow Rolesor two-tone  (discontinued) – Everose Gold – Everose Rolesor two-tone – White Gold – Rolesium (Oystersteel and platinum)

Rolex Yacht-Master sizes

Rolex has produced this luxury sports watch in a few different sizes to ensure that everyone has a Yacht-Master that fits their wrist perfectly. However, the smaller sized Yacht-Master models, known as the Lady Yacht-Master watches, have been discontinued in favor of the newer 37mm models. Today, women are reaching for more unisex sizes and designs, which could be what lead to the decision by Rolex. But that doesn’t mean women collectors are strapped for choice — as the current retail models are incredibly luxe and sophisticated for enthusiasts of both sexes. Furthermore, the secondary market is a great place to still get your hands on the smaller sized Midsize and Lady Yacht-Master models, and going pre-owned also opens up the doors to now-discontinued models like the solid yellow gold Yacht-Master watches. – 29mm (discontinued) – 35mm (discontinued) – 37mm – 40mm – 42mm

Rolex Yacht-Master bezel

With the Rolex Yacht-Master, the materials and aesthetics of the bezel depend on the material used for the case. With the Yacht-Master, there are bezels that consist of solid 950 platinum or 18k gold with raised, polished numerals. There are also bezels that are matte black Cerachrom ceramic with raised numerals, which are typically only fitted to the various solid 18k gold Yacht Master references. One of the less common and more flashy Yacht-Master bezels is nicknamed the “gummy bear” and it features rainbow-colored sapphires set around the bezel.

Rolex Yacht-Master dial

The dial of the Yacht-Master is quite archetypal of other Rolex sports watches. To ensure the watch is easily readable, the dial layout of the Yacht-Master features Mercedes-style hands, lume-filled hour markers, and a date window over at 3 o’clock. The dial itself is protected by a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal that has a Cyclops magnification lens for easier reading of the date. When it comes to the dial color of the Yacht-Master, there are several colors and materials that have been used over the years, like the beautiful blue dial on the ref. 116622 or the luxe sandblasted platinum dial that can be found on the now-discontinued version of this reference.

Rolex Yacht-Master bracelet

The Rolex Yacht-Master only ever features either an Oyster bracelet or an Oysterflex bracelet. The iconic, three-link bracelet Oyster bracelet is a Rolex staple, and it is featured across nearly the brand’s entire collection — from the Datejust to the Daytona to the Yacht-Master. In 2015, Rolex also introduced the now-famous Oysterflex bracelet on the then-new Everose gold Yacht-Master. This rubber bracelet is far more impressive than it appears at first glance. The rubber strap is actually reinforced by an internal flexible metal blade, making it incredibly durable and sporty, while still having this elevated aesthetic that matches the overall luxury feeling of this timepiece.

Rolex Yacht-Master movement

Depending on the size of the Yacht-Master watch, it will have a different movement to fit the case. Additionally, in 2019, Rolex updated the 40 version of the watch to feature the new-generation Cal. 3235 movement. Below are the sizes Rolex has used in its various Yacht-Master watches over the years.

– 29mm : Caliber 2135; Caliber 2235 – 35mm : Caliber 2135; Caliber 2235 – 37mm : Caliber 2236 – 40mm : Caliber 3135; Caliber 3235 – 42mm : Caliber 3235

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Everose Rolesor

Everything You Need To Know About The Rolex Yacht-Master II Features & Options

Below, we’ll outline the different options available on both the retail and pre-owned market for the Rolex Yacht-Master II collection.

Rolex Yacht-Master II materials

In keeping with the inherently luxurious feel of the Yacht-Master line, the Rolex Yacht-Master II is outfitted in some of the world’s finest alloys. Many collectors love this watch for its combination of precious metals and durable stainless steel — what Rolex calls Rolesor. On the Yacht-Master II, there is the Everose Rolesor which is beloved for the warm pink hue of its 18k Everose gold components. Another great combination is the white gold and platinum Yacht-Master II; however, this is obviously a much more opulent choice at represents the top-of-the-line offering in the Yacht-Master II lineup. Of course, there is also a stainless steel option with a blue ceramic bezel for those who just want sheer practicality and durability. Unlike the standard Yacht-Master, you can get this larger, more complicated timepiece outfitted in solid yellow 18k gold if you really want to go all out. – Yellow Gold – Everose Rolesor two-tone – White Gold and platinum – Oystersteel

Rolex Yacht-Master II sizes

There are a lot of features that separate the Rolex Yacht-Master II from the standard Yacht-Master, and the 44mm size is immediately one of the most noticeable. While the Yacht-Master II case is just 2mm larger than the largest Yacht-Master, this extra-large sizing helps this watch house a more complicated dial and movement.

– 44mm

Rolex Yacht-Master II bezel

Another one of the big differentiators with the Yacht-Master II is that large, beautiful bezel. The bidirectional rotatable ‘Ring Command bezel’ on the Yacht-Master II is specifically designed to help the wearer time out a regatta. Unlike most bezels that operate independently from the internal movement, the ‘Ring Command’ bezel on the Yacht-Master II actually works with the watch’s state-of-the-art movement. Rotating the bezel unlocks access to the programmable countdown timer, enabling quick and easy setting for use during competitions. While the design is incredibly complex, the aesthetics are beautifully simple.

When it comes to the look of the bezel itself, the Yacht-Master II does differ from the standard Yacht-Master. While a two-texture timing bezel defines the original model, the real star of the Rolex Yacht-Master II is that bright, beautiful blue Cerachrom bezel. This blue ceramic bezel is featured on the stainless steel, yellow gold and two-tone Everose Rolesor Yacht-Master II watches; however, the white gold models receive their bezels in sandblasted platinum.

Rolex Yacht-Master II dial

The Rolex Yacht-Master II dial layout is stunning, sophisticated, and totally different than any of the other Rolex dials due to its niche complication. On the dial, you will find a variety of features including the countdown display (which can be programmed anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes) that you can read via the red arrow-tipped hand. You will also notice the central flyback/fly-forward chronograph hand, the center hour and minute hands, and the running seconds sub-dial.

The dial of the Rolex Yacht-Master II is also outfitted with 12 lume-filled hour makers for added readability. Today, the most modern references are outfitted with Rolex’s Chromalight display, which is a luminescent material that emits a blue long-lasting glow.

You will also notice a big difference between the dial of the new generation of Yacht-Master II watches and the first generation, which featured baton-style hands that pointed to square hour markers. It was only in 2017 that Rolex decided to marry the style of the Yacht-Master II with the brand’s famous Mercedes-style hands. Rolex also updated the hour markers to feature a triangular hour marker at 12 and a rectangular hour marker at 6, rather than just square-shaped markers all the way around.

Rolex Yacht-Master II bracelet

Unlike the Yacht-Master which has two bracelets, the Rolex Yacht-Master II is only available with an Oyster bracelet. The sporty, durable 3-piece link bracelet is a staple for the brand’s sports watches, which makes it a perfect choice for this professional regatta watch. Rolex has also outfitted this Oyster bracelet with an Oysterlock folding clasp, built specifically to prevent the wearer from losing the watch due to accidental opening. This is a great feature for this model, which is purpose-built to be used during tough racing conditions.

Rolex Yacht-Master II movement

It’s clear that the Rolex Yacht-Master II is an incredible looking timepiece. But, the most impressive part of this watch is by far its movement. When the watch was first released, the Yacht-Master II was outfitted with the brand’s Caliber 4160, with Caliber 4161 making its debut a few years later in 2013.

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Rolesor Blue Dial

The Rolex Yacht-Master II features one of the brand’s most complicated in-house movements to date — the self-winding mechanical chronograph, caliber 4160/4161. This movement boasts high-tech features like a countdown timer with both flyback and fly-forward functionality and a mechanical memory with on-the-fly chronograph synchronization, making it incredibly sophisticated. Additionally, the bezel (aka the Ring Command Bezel) is actually connected to the mechanism itself, allowing the wearer to adjust and set the countdown feature quickly and easily on the go. Rolex says it took its engineers some 35,000 hours of development to create this mechanism — and we think it was well worth it. – Ref. 116689 : Caliber 4160; Caliber 4161 – Ref. 116688 : Caliber 4160; Caliber 4161 – Ref. 116681 : Caliber 4160; Caliber 4161 – Ref. 116680 : Caliber 4161

Celebrities Who Wear the Rolex Yacht-Master

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that one of Rolex’s most bold and luxurious watches is popular among the world’s most famous celebrities. One of the most well-known A-listers to sport the Yacht-Master is Mark Wahlberg, who is already a really big Rolex fan. We’ve seen him out and about in a solid 18k yellow gold Rolex Yacht-Master II, which totally pops against that blue ceramic bezel. Mark has no trouble making a statement with his watches, and that’s clear with this stunning timepiece.

Tennis champion Roger Federer also famously sports the top-of-the-line 18k white gold and platinum Yacht-Master II, while comedian and host Ellen DeGeneres is often spotted wearing her the 18k Everose gold Yacht-Master 40 with a black Cerachrom bezel and a black Oysterflex bracelet. Other celebrities that have been seen wearing the Yacht-Master include the following list of names, although there are many other stars who proudly have a Rolex Yacht-Master in their collections. – Russell Crowe – Lydia Ko – Sir Robin Knox-Johnston – Mark Wahlberg – Bruce Willis – Connor McGregor – Emeril Lagasse – David Beckham – Guy Fieri – Steven Gerrard – A$AP Rocky – Billy Joe Saunders – Flo Rida – Drake – Manny Pacquiao – Ellen DeGeneres – Ed Sheeran

Rolex Yacht-Master Platinum Rolesium Buying Guide

How to Style The Rolex Yacht-Master

The Yacht-Master was an instant classic when it was introduced by Rolex, which means that it is incredibly easy to work it into your wardrobe. What we love so much about this watch collection — whether we’re talking about the Yacht-Master or the Yacht-Master II — is that it has this incredible balance of luxury and sports-oriented performance. Being able to dress this watch both up and down is what makes the Rolex Yacht-Master so much fun to wear. Here are just three classic ways you can wear this watch.

Yacht-Master with Bracelets

Ladies love this watch for its luxe finishing and superior durability. What woman doesn’t want a watch they can wear to drinks, diving, or lounging in the cabana? Because of that, we love pairing a beautiful two-tone Rolex Yacht-Master with bangles and bracelets that match the gold components on the watch. For example, we love the pairing of the 29mm Lady Yacht Master ref. 169623 with a gold Cartier love bracelet bangle and a linked chain. If you’re feeling really bold, you might as well go all out and pair your gold bracelets with a solid, 18k yellow gold Yacht-Master. Fair warning: you’re going to not be able to stop staring at your wrist. Chances are, no one else will be able to either.

Dressing Up With The Matte Black ref. 268655

We love this unisex 37mm timepiece because it works equally well on both men and women’s wrists. What makes this watch so special is the rubber Oysterflex strap watch that allows it to be sporty and durable. Matching that bracelet with the matte black bezel and dial really elevates the entire watch, which looks handsome and luxurious with the warm 18k Everose gold case. So when evening comes, head to the bar for sundowners wearing this ref. 268655. Of course, it will look good with a dark jacket. But, this watch will really pop if you pair it with a warm-colored shirt that accentuates the natural Everose hue. Finish the outfit off with dark wash jeans and you’ve mastered the elegant-meets-accessible look that defines this modern luxury watch.

Casual Elegance with the Yacht Master II

The two-tone Everose Rolesor Yacht-Master II is the ultimate luxury sports watch. You have luxury elements like the ceramic Cerachrom blue bezel and 18k Everose gold alongside durable Oystersteel and one of Rolex’s most complicated mechanisms to date. Because of this watch’s exclusivity, durability, water resistance, and functionality, there really isn’t a better choice for spending time on the high seas. And while this watch was built to time out a regatta, it is going to look just as good on your wrist while you lounge, swim, and play. We suggest pairing your Two-Tone Everose Rolesor’s blue bezel with a matching blue suit. Alternatively, you can pair it with a white and blue pinstripe shirt, rolling up the sleeves and unbuttoning the top few buttons to make your look feel more casual.

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Rolesium Platinum

Frequently Asked Questions About The Rolex Yacht-Master

What is the difference between the yacht master and the yacht master ii.

The standard Rolex Yacht-Master is a luxury-oriented sport watch that displays the time and date. The Yacht-Master II joined the Rolex lineup in 2007 and offers never before seen functionality thanks to its regatta timer. Powered by the Calibre 4161 — one of the most complicated Rolex movements ever made (second only to the annual calendar found in the Sky-Dweller — the Yacht-Master II has a patented mechanical memory and on-the-fly-synchronization used for the regatta timer. Additionally, the bezel is different on the Yacht-Master II because it controls part of the movement inside the case rather than just working as an external mechanism to help track elapsed time. The Rolex Yacht-Master II also has an entirely different aesthetic and features a larger 44m case with chronograph pushers on either side of the winding crown.

Is a Rolex Yacht Master a good investment?

Yes. The Rolex Yacht-Master is a good investment for collectors for two main reasons. For one, these watches have historically held great value because of their uniqueness and sportiness; however, at the present time, they remain somewhat undervalued compared to their siblings in the Rolex catalog. Consequently, they offer significant potential for appreciation in the future. Secondly, the Rolex Yacht-Master is a luxury watch and is often outfitted in precious metals. These precious metals inherently allow it to hold great value as the years go on, and its premium construction guarantees that it will always be worth something.

What was the Rolex Yacht-Master built to do?

The Rolex Yacht-Master was first created as a luxury sports watch, whereas the Yacht-Master II was built as a professional regatta timer with a luxury flare. Comparatively, the Yacht-Master can time events up to 60 minutes with its rotating bezel and the Yacht-Master II is outfitted with a countdown timer with flyback or fly-forward functionality to use when timing out a regatta race.

How do you use the Yachtmaster II?

While the Yacht-Master II looks quite complicated, Rolex has made sure that using it is actually quite intuitive. After setting the adjustable countdown timer to your desired setting, you start the time. Press the top button to start the countdown timer, then pressing the top button a second time will stop the timer. However, by pressing the bottom button while the chronograph is running, that will adjust the timer forwards or backward to the nearest minute — allowing it to be perfectly synchronized to the official race clock.

How can I spot a fake Rolex Yacht Master?

As with any Rolex watch, the clues are in the details. When it comes to the Yacht-Master, you’re going to want to look at details like the adjustable countdown timer, which is incredibly complicated, making it almost impossible for fake counterfeit watches to replicate. Additionally, Yacht-Master models are luxury sports watches crafted from the world’s best materials and to the highest possible standards. If you notice any defects like dial printing or finishing looks less than perfect, there is a good chance that you are dealing with a fake Rolex Yacht-Master.

Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide Regatta Timer Stainless Steel

About Paul Altieri

Paul Altieri is a vintage and pre-owned Rolex specialist, entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of BobsWatches.com. - the largest and most trusted name in luxury watches. He is widely considered a pioneer in the industry for bringing transparency and innovation to a once-considered stagnant industry. His experience spans over 35 years and he has been published in numerous publications including Forbes, The NY Times, WatchPro, and Fortune Magazine. Paul is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the watch industry and e-commerce, and regularly engages with other professionals in the industry. He is a member of the IWJG, the AWCI and a graduate of the GIA. Alongside running the premier retailer of pre-owned Rolex watches, Paul is a prominent Rolex watch collector himself amassing one of the largest private collections of rare timepieces. In an interview with the WSJ lifestyle/fashion editor Christina Binkley, Paul opened his vault to display his extensive collection of vintage Rolex Submariners and Daytonas. Paul Altieri is a trusted and recognized authority in the watch industry with a proven track record of expertise, professionalism, and commitment to excellence.

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Wir von VELOBANDS lieben Uhren. Alles an ihnen ist sofort erkennbar, von der Schriftart ihres Logos bis zu ihrem charakteristischen stummen Sekundenzeiger. Ihr Stil ist einzigartig, deshalb brauchen sie auch das schönste Armband, und ein VELOBANDS-Band ist das perfekte Produkt: wunderschön, flexibel, bequem, hochwertig, elegant und einfach zu tragen.

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  • Leah Harvey
  • 87 User reviews
  • 13 Critic reviews

Official Trailer

  • Alexander Rostov

Johnny Harris

  • Osip Glebnikov

Leah Harvey

  • Anna Urbanova

Björn Hlynur Haraldsson

  • Alexei Nachevko

Billie Gadsdon

  • The Countess
  • NIna Kulikova
  • All cast & crew
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  • Trivia It is based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Amor Towles.
  • Goofs Before February 1922, a red star on a budenovka (pointy cloth military helmet) was decorated with 5-6 mm black edging.

User reviews 87

  • joel-plotkin
  • Apr 4, 2024
  • How many episodes does A Gentleman in Moscow have? Powered by Alexa
  • March 29, 2024 (United States)
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  • En gentleman i Moskva
  • Bolton Town Hall, Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, UK
  • Vanity Film & TV
  • Popcorn Storm
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  • Dolby Digital

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A Gentleman in Moscow (2024)

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  1. Rolex Yacht-Master kaufen

    Für Vollgold-Modelle am Oysterflex-Band beträgt der Marktpreis je nach Modell zwischen 30.000 Euro und 40.000 Euro. Rolex Yacht-Master Damen Modelle ab 29 mm sind ab 6.000 Euro erhältlich. Die Rolex Yacht-Master 2 aus Edelstahl kostet mindestens 20.000 Euro, die Rolex Yacht-Master 2 Gold ist in der Regel nicht unter 40.000 Euro verfügbar.

  2. Rolex Yacht‑Master

    Kostbar an Land und auf dem Wasser. Mit drei verschiedenen Durchmessern - 37, 40 und 42 mm - und den unterschiedlichen kostbaren Versionen - in 18 Karat Gelb-, Weiß- oder Everose-Gold sowie in Rolesor Everose und Rolesium - sucht die Yacht‑Master in der Welt der Rolex Professional Uhren ihresgleichen. Als elegante Armbanduhr mit ...

  3. Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Ultimate Buying Guide

    At the time of writing, the Oysterflex bracelet is only found on the full 18k Everose gold Yachtmaster 40 and Yacht-Master 37 watches, along with the 18k white gold Yacht-Master 42. Rolex Caliber 3235 Movement. Despite being 2mm larger than the current Yacht-Master 40, the Rolex Yacht-Master 42 is powered by the exact same Caliber 3235 movement.

  4. Rolex Yacht-Master 42 226659

    226659 Yachtmaster 42 18K White Gold with Falcon's Eye Dial $ 47,675 + $50 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master 42. full set 2020 with new card $ 27,436 + $144 for shipping. HK. Promoted. Rolex Yacht-Master 42. NEW 2024 Yacht-Master 42 18KT White Gold 226659 $ 31,999 + $49 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master 42. 226659

  5. A Week On The Wrist The Rolex Yachtmaster 40mm With ...

    The Everose Rolex Yachtmaster, in Rolex Everose, with Everose Oysterclasp and Oysterflex bracelet, as shown, $22,000 in 37 mm, and $24,950 in 40 mm. For more info, check out Rolex.com. Rolex. A-week-on-the-wrist. For the first time, Rolex is delivering a watch on a rubber strap - except in classic Rolex fashion it's not a rubber strap at all.

  6. Rolex Yacht-Master

    Gold, Rolesor and RolesiumPrecious alloys and exclusive combinations. Rolex gold is an intrinsic part of the Yacht-Master's identity: 18 kt ct yellow, white or Everose gold are comprised of 750‰ pure gold and blends of silver, copper and palladium. They are all entirely created and cast in our own foundry.

  7. Yacht-Master 37

    Contact an Official Rolex Retailer. Only official Rolex retailers are allowed to sell and maintain a Rolex watch. With the necessary skills, technical know-how and special equipment, they guarantee the authenticity of each and every part of your Rolex and help you make the choice that will last a lifetime. Contact a retailer.

  8. Rolesium Yacht-Master 116622

    The Rolex ref. 116622 is indeed a Rolesium Yacht-Master model where the 40mm Oyster case and sporty Oyster bracelet are crafted in stainless steel while the bezel is made from platinum. Although steel and platinum are both white metals - thus lend a monochromatic look to the watch - the Yacht-Master offers great contrasting textures.

  9. The new Yacht-Master 42: glowing with brilliance

    The new version of the Yacht-Master 42 is equipped with calibre 3235, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology, enabling it to display the hours, minutes, seconds and date. Like all Rolex watches, the Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42 carries the Superlative Chronometer certification, which ensures excellent performance on the wrist.

  10. Rolex Yacht-Master Roségold

    Rolex Yacht-Master 37. 37mm 268655 Roségold 750 Automatik 18kt Rose Gold Damen Chronometer Oyster Black Dial. 19.490 €. + 40 € Versand. DE. Rolex Yacht-Master 40. Ref.116655. 30.550 €.

  11. Rolex Yacht-Master 40 Ultimate Buying Guide

    Rolex Yacht-Master 40: An Ultra-Modern Design. A line up of the Oyster Perpetual family, Rolex Yacht master 40 collection is a series of watches with a unique design built to withstand the elements. It was originally designed for diving enthusiasts but is refined enough to fit the daily wearer. The Yacht-Master 40 was first introduced in the 90s.

  12. Hands-On Rolex Yacht-Master II Review

    In fact, my Omega Planet Ocean is only 42mm x 15.7mm, and feels much bulkier and heavier than the Yacht-Master II. The case is alternating with polished and satin-finished and features a nautical blue ceramic bezel. The pushers are, as is Rolex's MO, a perfect length. Even though I'm left handed, and therefore wear my watch on my right ...

  13. Prices for New Rolex Yacht-Master

    Rolex Yacht-Master Yellow gold. from $29,762. Rolex Yacht-Master Gold/Steel. from $14,880. Rolex Yacht-Master 35mm. from $13,252. Rolex Yacht-Master 29mm. from $10,024. Rolex Yacht-Master rubber strap.

  14. Owner Review: Rolex Yacht-Master 40 126622

    Before we get to my Rolex Yacht-Master 40 126622 review, we need some background. In 1992 Rolex introduced a watch that shared the silhouette of their beloved Submariner but in solid 18k yellow gold, embossed YG bezel insert soldered to the bezel, funky white dial, and the unusual name "Yacht-Master" written where "Submariner" would normally live.

  15. Yacht-Master 40

    Contact an Official Rolex Jeweler. Only official Rolex jewelers are allowed to sell and maintain a Rolex watch. With the necessary skills, technical know-how and special equipment, they guarantee the authenticity of each and every part of your Rolex and help you make the choice that will last a lifetime. Contact a jeweler.

  16. Kautschuk-Uhrenarmband für Rolex mit Oyster-Schließe

    A-RSP-YM-42-OC-20/16-M. Integriertes Uhrenarmband aus hochdichtem Silikonkautschuk, Cordura geprägt, für Rolex Yacht-Master 40mm und 44mm Uhren. Entwickelt und hergestellt von ABP Paris. Überragende Qualität, nahtlos passend zur Faltschließe Ihres Rolex-Metallarmbandes (Oyster Clasp, Oysterlock Clasp oder Glidelock Clasp).

  17. Rolex Yacht-Master Ultimate Buying Guide

    While the original Rolex Yacht-Master is an ultra-luxurious take on Rolex's already popular sports watches, the Rolex Yacht-Master II was purpose-built to time out regattas in competitive sailing. Essentially, the Yacht-Master is the kind of watch you wear while lounging on a boat and a Yacht Master II is what you wear if you're racing one.

  18. Kautschukbänder für Ihre Rolex

    Winter Sale: Nimm 3, Zahl 2. Schnellansicht. KAUTSCHUKBAND FÜR ROLEX® SUBMARINER. 125,00 €. inkl. MwSt. Winter Sale: Nimm 3, Zahl 2. Extrem flexible, langlebige Kautschukbänder von Velobands für Ihre Rolex® Vulkanisierter Kautschuk mit nahtloser Integration des Bandes in die Uhr.

  19. A Gentleman in Moscow

    The protagonist is the fictional Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov, born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on 24 October 1889. He was raised on his Rostov family's estate "Idlehour" in Nizhny Novgorod. Rostov's godfather was his father's comrade in the cavalry, Grand Duke Demidov. When the Count's parents died of cholera within hours of each other in ...

  20. A Gentleman in Moscow (TV Mini Series 2024- )

    A Gentleman in Moscow: With Ewan McGregor, Daniel Cerqueira, Johnny Harris, Leah Harvey. A Russian aristocrat is spared from death and placed on house arrest while the Bolshevik Revolution plays out before him.

  21. Russian cruiser Moskva

    Moskva, formerly Slava, was a guided missile cruiser of the Russian Navy.Commissioned in 1983, she was the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class, named after the city of Moscow.With a crew of 510, Moskva was the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet and the most powerful warship in the region. The cruiser was deployed during conflicts in Georgia (2008), Crimea (2014), and Syria (2015).

  22. A Gentleman in Moscow (TV series)

    17 May 2024. ( 2024-05-17) A Gentleman in Moscow is a British television limited series consisting of 8 episodes, based on the 2016 novel by Amor Towles. Ben Vanstone is writer, executive producer, and showrunner. The series stars Ewan McGregor in the role of Count Alexander Rostov and premiered on Paramount+ on 29 March 2024.