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The Ultimate Guide to Nautical and Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

If you’re passionate about sailing and Spanish, you’ll love this post filled with useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish. 

Sailing is a beautiful lifestyle that can take you all around the world, so learning its most common terms in another language is a great idea. 

Keep reading to learn what sailing is and why you should try it, what nautical means, and useful sailing vocabulary in Spanish about types of boats, parts of the boat, the sails, and helpful sailing verbs in Spanish. 

What Is Sailing?

Sailing is a sport and a hobby that uses the wind to propel a boat. However, sailing is much more than that, it has become a lifestyle , as sailors around the world enjoy the pleasure of having a day out at the sea or travel the oceans powered by the wind filling their sails. 

Although sailing is a whole universe in itself, learning to sail isn’t as hard as it may seem for the external observer. There are plenty of sailing schools and associations that offer basic sailing courses, which will open new and fulfilling ways to travel the world for you. 

What Does Nautical Mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nautical is an adjective that means “of, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships.” 

In other words, nautical refers to everything related to navigating the sea, it may be nautical skills, or nautical flags, or, as in this case, nautical terms. Nautical doesn’t necessarily refer to sailing, as there are other ways to navigate the sea that don’t rely on the wind, but nautical terms do apply to sailing, as we’ll see in a moment. 

How Do You Say ‘Sailing’ in Spanish?

In Spanish, sailing can be translated as a noun la navegación a vela , although it’s also simply known as navegación , or just vela . 

However, you can also understand sailing as a verb, in which case it means navegar a vela or just navegar . 

In Spanish, sails are velas , and in the world of sailing velas are of the utmost importance, as they differentiate it from all the other ways of navigating the sea and represent a symbol of independence and authenticity. 

Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

It’s time to learn some of the most important sailing words in Spanish. I’ve divided them into six different categories to simplify your learning process. 

Types of Boats

If you plan to go sailing in Spanish, you need to be sure you know the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing. These are a some of the most common ones:

Parts of the Boat

Once you’ve learnt the different types of boats that exist in the world of sailing, it’s a good time to learn sailing vocabulary about the parts of these boats. While some of these words are well-known and of common use, you may find others to be very technical terms about sailing in Spanish. 

Look at the image below and locate the different parts of the boat included in both tables. If you’re a sailing enthusiast as I am, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the exercise to discover the Spanish terms. 

Finally, a few more important parts of a sailing boat that are not included in the two previous tables. If you’ve sailed before, you know that the sailing vocabulary is huge, and trying to learn all of it in Spanish on a single post would be just too much. So, I’m focusing only on the most important sailing terms in Spanish. 

As mentioned before, the sails are the main element of sailing. Sailors take pride in their boats being propelled only by the wind, and not by a mechanical motor. So, you can imagine that there is a specific sailing vocabulary exclusively dedicated to the sails. 

Sailing Verbs in Spanish

Last but not least, it’s important to learn a few Spanish sailing verbs as you’ll need them if you do go water sailing in Spanish. 

Go Sailing and Practice Your Spanish

Sailing is a beautiful sport, and an attractive lifestyle that becomes a passion for those who practice it. Expand your horizons by sailing to Spanish-speaking countries and practice your newly acquired Spanish sailing vocabulary there. 

By learning Spanish, your traveling becomes easier as you’ll be able to communicate with the locals in a better way and make the most of your trips.  

Practice your sailing vocabulary by signing up for a free class with one of our certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. They teach over 24,000 actively enrolled students every month, offer flexible scheduling, and tailored Spanish packages. 

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What is the translation of "sailboat" in Spanish?

"sailboat" in spanish, sailboat {noun}.

  • volume_up barco de vela

Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages

Sailboat noun, translations.

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  • volume_up construir un velero

"sailboat race" in Spanish

  • volume_up regata de velero
  • volume_up carrera de veleros

"small sailboat" in Spanish

  • volume_up velero pequeño
  • volume_up pequeño velero

Synonyms (English) for "sailboat":

  • sailing boat


  • sail straight
  • sail the ocean
  • sail the sea
  • sail the yacht
  • sail through
  • sailboarder
  • sailboarding
  • sailboat race
  • sailing course
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  • sailing event
  • sailing into the wind
  • sailing race

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Translations for „ sailboat “ in the english » spanish dictionary (go to spanish » english ), sailboat [ˈseɪlbəʊt, am -boʊt] n am (sailing boat).

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1 Translation result for sailboat in Spanish

Sailboat noun.


Example sentences of sailboat noun

  • • We were stuck in the sailboat for an hour until the wind came up and we could move again.

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Translation of "sailboat" into Spanish

velero, embarcación a vela, Velero are the top translations of "sailboat" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: He car repair anything from an ocean liner to a sailboat. ↔ Puede reparar todo, desde un crucero hasta un velero.

(slang) a playing card with the rank of four [..]

English-Spanish dictionary

a boat propelled by a sail [..]

He car repair anything from an ocean liner to a sailboat .

Puede reparar todo, desde un crucero hasta un velero .

embarcación a vela

He had this beautiful sailboat , and he took me out on it.

Tenía un velero hermoso y me llevó a dar una vuelta.

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  • barco de vela
  • el barco de vela
  • embarcación de vela
  • yate de vela

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Sailing boat.

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(Translation of sailing boat from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

  • Post author By Matosan314
  • Post date March 27, 2020

Spanish Words for Beginners : Travelling by boat

– essential vocabulary list –.

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about boats. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!



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First American Woman To Solo Race Around the World In a Sailboat Is Under 30

U nsurprisingly, sailing around the world isn’t easy. Doing it alone in a racing capacity? Well, that’s another matter entirely. Cole Brauer did just that, and in doing so, became the first American woman to solo race around the world in a boat driven by wind. 

Cole Brauer, 29, became the first American woman to solo sail around the world

University of Hawaii graduate Cole Brauer took off and returned to the coast of Spain. By the journey’s end, her boat, “First Light,” had covered 30,000 miles and crossed three oceans. However, in the end, Brauer was immortalized as the first American woman to solo race around the world in a sailboat. 

Consequently, Cole Brauer also holds the record for the fastest circumnavigation by a solo woman sailor. That record will stand until another brave soul attempts a continuous race trip around the globe in a racing context. It should be said, that Brauer isn’t the first woman to sail around the world. That title belongs to Polish adventure sailor Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, per Reuters . 

She is, however, the fastest American woman to take on the task. What’s more, at 29, Brauer was the youngest skipper in her race. She’s in top-tier company, as well. Brauer follows in the footsteps of greats like Dame Ellen MacArthur. Dame MacArthur crushed previous records with a 2005 circumnavigation that covered over 27,000 miles in under 72 days.

Brauer’s voyage took 130 days, during which she lived aboard “First Light” and cataloged her life. She started from the Spanish coast and made landfall again A Coruna, Spain. Her route took her south along the African coast, around the southernmost tip of South Africa, and then east toward Australia. From there, endless seas took her past Cape Horn in South America before she crossed the Atlantic Ocean on her way back to Spain.

A Sea-Doo Pontoon Boat Had Me Smiling Like I Was on a Jet Ski

Boat Ramp Blunder Leads To an Underwater Tesla Fire

The post First American Woman To Solo Race Around the World In a Sailboat Is Under 30 appeared first on MotorBiscuit .

Cole Brauer flashes a Shaka hand signal

Spanish Police Arrest Three Over Death of Migrants Thrown From Boat


FILE PHOTO: A boat with migrants sails south of the island of Gran Canaria, Spain February 3, 2024. REUTERS/Borja Suarez/File Photo

MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish police have arrested three people over the deaths of five migrants who were deliberately forced off a speedboat last November, just off an Atlantic ocean beach in Cadiz in southern Spain, the Interior Ministry said on Monday.

The two men and one woman detained in the Algeciras area about 70 km (44 miles) southeast of Cadiz, are accused of forcing the migrants to jump at knife point into the swell with strong currents, despite knowing that many migrants could not swim.

The trio are also suspected of belonging to a criminal organisation, offences against the rights of foreign nationals, injuries and smuggling.

Images published on social media in November showed a black inflatable speedboat circling in heavy tides off the beach and people on board pushing others off the side.

Police, who made the arrests after finding the boat, said there were at least 37 migrants on board who had paid between 3,000 euros and 12,000 euros ($3,270-$13,075) each for the journey between Kenitra in Morocco and Cadiz.

Despite its proximity to Morocco, the Cadiz area is not a common destination for migrants due to rough seas on the Atlantic coast and surveillance around the Strait of Gibraltar nearby.

Photos You Should See

A Maka Indigenous woman puts on make-up before protesting for the recovery of ancestral lands in Asuncion, Paraguay, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024. Leader Mateo Martinez has denounced that the Paraguayan state has built a bridge on their land in El Chaco's Bartolome de las Casas, Presidente Hayes department. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

The number of migrants arriving in Spain by boat in the first two months of this year quadrupled to 13,485 from the same period a year ago, interior ministry data shows.

Rights group Walking Borders said 6,618 people lost their lives during risky sea voyages trying to reach Spain in 2023.

($1 = 0.9178 euros)

(Reporting by Emma Pinedo, editing by Andrei Khalip and Bernadette Baum)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Tags: Africa , Europe , Morocco , Spain

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Spanish police arrest 3 people over the deaths of 5 migrants forced out of a smugglers' boat

FILE - Migrants are rescued by locals on the shore of a beach, close to the southwestern city of Cádiz, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Spanish police say they've arrested three people for the deaths of five migrants who were forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants. A police statement on Monday, March 18, 2024 said the five died late last November off the southern coast of Cádiz. (AP Photo/Jorge Gonzalez Casares, File)

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Spanish police arrest 3 people over the deaths of 5 migrants forced out of a smugglers' boat

Spanish police say they've arrested three people for the deaths of five migrants who were forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants

MADRID -- Spanish police have arrested three people for the deaths last November of five migrants who were threatened with a machete and forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants, authorities said Monday.

According to a police statement, the five died on Nov. 29 off the southern coast of Cádiz. The police said two men and a woman were arrested earlier this month but gave no further details.

The people smugglers had threatened the five with a machete and forced them to jump into the Atlantic Ocean despite the strong currents and cold temperatures.

Thirty-seven migrants had traveled in the boat from Kenitra, Morocco. The statement said the migrants had paid between 3,000 euros ($3,270) and 12,000 euros ($13,000) for a place in the boat.

Video images in November showed many of the other migrants being forced out of the vessel closer to land, before the smugglers sped off in the powerful boat. Police said they found the boat and some documents later, which helped in tracking down the three suspects.

Four of the bodies were recovered within hours and a fifth was found days later. The migrants were identified with the help of DNA samples from a family in Morocco.

Tens of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan countries try to reach Spain each year in large open boats launched from northwest Africa. Most go to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic, while others from Morocco, Algeria and Middle Eastern countries try to cross the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean to mainland Spain.

Several thousands die making the hazardous journey.

Follow AP’s global migration coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/migration

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Spanish police arrest 3 people over the deaths of 5 migrants forced out of a smugglers’ boat

FILE - Migrants are rescued by locals on the shore of a beach, close to the southwestern city of Cádiz, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Spanish police say they've arrested three people for the deaths of five migrants who were forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants. A police statement on Monday, March 18, 2024 said the five died late last November off the southern coast of Cádiz. (AP Photo/Jorge Gonzalez Casares, File)

FILE - Migrants are rescued by locals on the shore of a beach, close to the southwestern city of Cádiz, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Spanish police say they’ve arrested three people for the deaths of five migrants who were forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants. A police statement on Monday, March 18, 2024 said the five died late last November off the southern coast of Cádiz. (AP Photo/Jorge Gonzalez Casares, File)

  • Copy Link copied

MADRID (AP) — Spanish police have arrested three people for the deaths last November of five migrants who were threatened with a machete and forced to jump off the boat they were traveling in with dozens of other migrants, authorities said Monday.

According to a police statement, the five died on Nov. 29 off the southern coast of Cádiz. The police said two men and a woman were arrested earlier this month but gave no further details.

The people smugglers had threatened the five with a machete and forced them to jump into the Atlantic Ocean despite the strong currents and cold temperatures.

Thirty-seven migrants had traveled in the boat from Kenitra, Morocco. The statement said the migrants had paid between 3,000 euros ($3,270) and 12,000 euros ($13,000) for a place in the boat.

Video images in November showed many of the other migrants being forced out of the vessel closer to land, before the smugglers sped off in the powerful boat. Police said they found the boat and some documents later, which helped in tracking down the three suspects.

Four of the bodies were recovered within hours and a fifth was found days later. The migrants were identified with the help of DNA samples from a family in Morocco.

Migrants disembark from the SOS Humanity 1 humanitarian ship in the Italian southern port town of Crotone, Monday, March 4, 2023. German charity SOS Humanity said the Libyan coast guard used violence and fired live bullets as its crew rescued migrants in the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday. The charity said that several migrants aboard three unseaworthy boats had to jump into the water. It said that it rescued 77 people, but that others were forced aboard a coast guard vessel. Some family members were separated and at least one migrant drowned. (Antonino D'Urso/LaPresse via AP )

Tens of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan countries try to reach Spain each year in large open boats launched from northwest Africa. Most go to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic , while others from Morocco, Algeria and Middle Eastern countries try to cross the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean to mainland Spain.

Several thousands die making the hazardous journey.

Follow AP’s global migration coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/migration

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Indonesia ends search for Rohingya refugees after boat capsized


Indonesian rescuers called off the search for Rohingya refugees missing at sea after their boat capsized, despite reports from some of the survivors that dozens of people were swept away.

Friday’s announcement comes a day after authorities staged a dramatic rescue of 69 Rohingya who had been adrift at sea for weeks, with many found clinging to the hull of their overturned vessel. 

The mostly Muslim Rohingya are heavily persecuted in Myanmar, and thousands risk their lives each year on long and expensive sea journeys, often on flimsy boats, to try to reach Malaysia or Indonesia.

“The search ended on Thursday. All Rohingya refugees on top of the boat yesterday have been rescued,” Muhammad Fathur Rachman, an official from the search and rescue agency in Aceh, said through a spokesperson.

The search ended because there was no list of passengers, he added.

Survivors estimated there were “around 150 people on the boat”, West Aceh fishing community secretary-general Pawang Amiruddin told AFP by phone on Wednesday.

Those included the group of 69 who were found off Aceh Province on Thursday and six others who were rescued by fishermen a day earlier.

Survivors indicated many more may be missing, according to local fishermen and officials.

But rescuer Rachman said there was “no additional information that we received about missing persons, and there is no manifest of the boat”.

“Our analysis is the boat cannot hold 150 people.”

A protection associate for the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR), Faisal Rahman, told AFP that one of the survivors said “the boat took 151 people — once the boat capsized, approximately around 50 people (were) maybe missing and passed away”.

– Local anger –

At least eight of the refugees were hospitalised on Thursday evening. The search and rescue agency said they were admitted for dehydration.

The others were taken to a temporary shelter at an old Red Cross building in a village near West Aceh district capital Meulaboh.

Some locals protested their arrival in the ultra-conservative province, including a banner that said they rejected the Rohingya being there.

Many Acehnese, who themselves have memories of decades of bloody conflict, are sympathetic to the plight of their fellow Muslims.

But others say their patience has been tested, claiming the Rohingya consume scarce resources.

From mid-November to late January, 1,752 refugees, mostly women and children, landed in the Indonesian provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, according to the UNHCR.

The UN agency said it was the biggest influx into the Muslim-majority country since 2015.


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Dozens of Rohingya Muslim refugees rescued in Indonesia after night on capsized boat

An Indonesian search and rescue ship on Thursday located a capsized wooden boat that had been carrying dozens of Rohingya Muslim refugees and began pulling survivors who had been standing on its hull to safety.

An AP photographer aboard the rescue ship said 10 people had been taken aboard local fishing boats, and the Indonesian craft was saving another 59.

Men, women and children, weak and soaked from the night’s rain, wept as the rescue operation got underway, and people were taken aboard a rubber dinghy to the rescue boat.

It was unclear how many refugees were aboard the small craft when it capsized off Indonesia’s northernmost coast on Wednesday, with six survivors initially rescued by local fishermen estimated between 60 and 100 people.

It was unclear whether all managed to cling to the capsized craft overnight or whether some had drowned.

Indonesia’s search and rescue team only left Banda Aceh city in the evening on Wednesday, many hours after the boat capsized.

They initially had difficulty locating the boat in the choppy waters off the coast.

It finally found the boat and the survivors about midday on Thursday.

Rohingya refugees board a National Search and Rescue Agency vessel after they were rescued from their capsized boat in waters some 16 nautical miles off west Aceh on March 21, 2024.

Amiruddin, a tribal fishing community leader in Aceh Barat district, said those rescued indicated that the boat was sailing east when it started leaking.

Then, strong currents pushed it toward the west of Aceh. The six said others were still trying to survive on the capsized craft.

About 740,000 Rohingya were resettled in Bangladesh to escape the brutal counterinsurgency campaign by security forces in their homeland of Myanmar .

Thousands have been trying to flee overcrowded camps in Bangladesh to neighboring countries, with Indonesia seeing a spike in refugee numbers since November, which prompted it to call on the international community for help.

Rohingya arriving in Aceh face some hostility from some fellow Muslims.

Indonesia, like Thailand and Malaysia, is not a signatory to the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention outlining their legal protections, and so is not obligated to accept them. However, they have so far provided temporary shelter to refugees in distress.

Last year, nearly 4,500 Rohingya — two-thirds of them women and children — fled their homeland of Myanmar and the refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh by boat, the United Nations refugee agency reported.

Of those, 569 died or went missing while crossing the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, the highest death toll since 2014.

Returning safely to Myanmar is virtually impossible because the military that attacked them overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government in 2021.

No country has offered them any large-scale resettlement opportunities.

The Associated Press

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Rohingya refugees crowded on to the hull of their boat.

Dozens of Rohingya refugees rescued from overturned boat in Indian Ocean

Soaked survivors clung to hull overnight before being taken to safety by Indonesian rescue team

Dozens of Rohingya refugees have been rescued from the Indian Ocean off the coast of Indonesia after spending the night balanced on the hull of their overturned boat.

Seventy-five people were pulled from the stricken vessel, which was spotted on Thursday by an Indonesian search and rescue ship.

Survivors said the boat had capsized on Wednesday. Men, women and children, weak and soaked from the night’s rain, wept as the rescue operation got under way and they were taken onboard a rubber dinghy to the rescue boat.

There were contradictory reports about whether anyone had died, with survivors saying many who had been onboard when their boat left Bangladesh were still unaccounted for, but authorities said everyone had been rescued.

Samira, 17, who was among the refugees from the Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh, who had been travelling to Malaysia, said there had been 146 people onboard, raising the prospect that 71 could be missing at sea.

She said the boat began foundering three days previously and capsized on Wednesday, adding that her nephew was among those unaccounted for. “All of us are very sad,” she said. “We are very hungry and weak.”

When fishing vessels reached the scene on Wednesday, desperate refugees clambered on to one of the boats, overloading it and causing it also to capsize. It was not immediately clear what happened to its crew.

After Indonesian authorities were informed by the fishers about the refugees’ plight, an official search and rescue team set off from Banda Aceh city on Wednesday evening. They reached the area of the accident early the next morning and initially could not find the capsized boat.

Crowds of children with bowls squashed together against a barrier looking distressed

When they came upon it at midday, they found the refugees on its hull. They rescued 42 men, 18 women and nine children and took some to a temporary shelter in the Aceh Besar district and others to a local hospital.

Amiruddin, a tribal fishing community leader in Aceh Barat district, said those rescued indicated that the boat was sailing east when it started leaking and strong currents pushed it toward the west of Aceh.

About 740,000 Rohingya had earlier fled to Bangladesh to escape a brutal counterinsurgency campaign by security forces in their homeland of Myanmar.

However, thousands have since been trying to flee Bangladesh’s overcrowded camps for neighbouring countries, with Indonesia experiencing an increase in refugees since November, which prompted it to call on the international community for help. Some Rohingya arriving in Aceh face hostility from fellow Muslims .

Indonesia, like Thailand and Malaysia, is not a signatory to the 1951 UN refugee convention outlining refugees’ legal protections, and so is not obliged to accept refugees. However, these countries have so far provided temporary shelter to refugees in distress.

Last year, nearly 4,500 Rohingya, two-thirds of them women and children, fled Myanmar and the refugee camps of neighbouring Bangladesh by boat, the UN refugee agency reported. Of those, 569 died or went missing while crossing the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, the highest death toll since 2014.

Returning safely to Myanmar is virtually impossible because the military that attacked them overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government in 2021. No country has offered the Rohingya any large-scale resettlement opportunities.

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Victorian ferry rescues children from boat after fears of fire off Queenscliff

A white ferry with 'Searoad Ferries' on its side.

Victorian school students have been rescued from a boat in Port Phillip this morning after its engine started smoking.

Police said 22 passengers, including school students, were in the boat off Queenscliff when a suspected engine bay fire broke out about 8:30am.

A ferry and a Parks Victoria vessel quickly responded a short time later and all passengers were safely evacuated onto the ferry.

Nobody was injured, a police spokesperson said.

A spokesperson from the school, Hamilton and Alexandra College, said a group of year eight and nine students were attending a two-day outdoor education camp in Queenscliff when the incident occurred.

"This morning, 20 students and two staff members were on board a snorkelling boat when the engine stopped working and a small amount of smoke was detected," the spokesperson said.

"As a precautionary measure, action was taken immediately to have all passengers calmly evacuated onto the Queenscliff-Sorrento Ferry."

The owner of the boat escorting the students, James Murphy, said the evacuation of was a standard procedure following a "very minor incident".

"Shortly after departure the skipper noticed a little bit of smoke coming from the engine room, he's then reverted back to our safety management system procedures," Mr Murphy told ABC.

"Part of those procedures is to ensure everybody on board are safe, so [the skipper] has called the local vessel … and they've collected the passengers while he ascertained what the challenge was.

"He was able to get the boat started again, no challenge, and driven it back to the harbour so we're treating it as a very minor incident."

Police said the exact circumstances surrounding the fire were still being investigated, but it was not being treated as suspicious.

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  1. Sailboat in Spanish

    noun. 1. (nautical) (United States) a. el velero. (M) The sailboat is docked at the pier.El velero está atracado en el muelle. b. el barco de vela. (M) My brother's taking us out on his sailboat on the weekend.Mi hermano va a llevarnos en su barco de vela el fin de semana.

  2. The Ultimate Guide to Nautical and Sailing Vocabulary in Spanish

    el casco. jib. el foque. keel. la quilla. leach. el balumen. Look at the image below and locate the different parts of the boat included in both tables. If you're a sailing enthusiast as I am, I'm sure you'll enjoy the exercise to discover the Spanish terms.

  3. sailboat in Spanish

    sailboat translate: barco de vela, velero [masculine, singular]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  4. sail boat

    sailing boat (UK) n. (yacht, small vessel with a sail) velero nm. barco de vela nm + loc adj. My dad took his new sailing boat out on the lake today for the first time. From our window we watched sailboats in the harbor. Hoy mi papá sacó por primera vez su nuevo velero a navegar por el lago. Desde la ventana observamos los barcos de vela en ...


    sailboat noun. sailboat. volume_up US /ˈseɪlˌboʊt/ • volume_up UK /ˈseɪlbəʊt/ (US) velero (masculine), barco de vela (masculine) Monolingual examples A total of 15 boats participated, including eight monohull and four multihull sailboats, and three powerboats. North American Stinchcomb, who has built more than 100 models, from ...

  6. Translate "SAILBOAT" from English into Spanish

    English-Spanish translation of "SAILBOAT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary with over 100,000 Spanish translations.

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    sailboat translations: velero [masculine, singular]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

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    How to say sailboat in Spanish - Translation of sailboat to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: We were stuck in the sailboat for an hour until the wind came up and we could move again.

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    indemares.es. indemares.es. Many translated example sentences containing "sailboat" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

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    Spanish Translation of "SAILING BOAT" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. ... A sailing boat, really, thin wooden masts and white sails rolled up, the hull hovering against a darkened sea. The Guardian (2015)

  13. sail boat in Spanish

    Translation of "sail boat" into Spanish . bote de vela, velero, yate de vela are the top translations of "sail boat" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: " Daniel used to spend hours sailing boats on georgica pond. " ↔ " Daniel solía pasar horas con botes de velas en el estanco Geórgica ".

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    intransitive verb. 1. (to travel by sea) a. navegar. We spent Sunday sailing along the coast. Pasamos el domingo navegando alrededor de la costa. 2. (to depart by sea) a. zarpar. The cruise will sail at 9 am tomorrow.El crucero zarpará mañana a las 9 am. b. salir.

  15. sailboat in Spanish

    Translation of "sailboat" into Spanish . velero, embarcación a vela, Velero are the top translations of "sailboat" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: He car repair anything from an ocean liner to a sailboat. ↔ Puede reparar todo, desde un crucero hasta un velero.

  16. Sailing in Spanish

    1. (navigation) a. la navegación a vela. (F) Sailing on the open ocean can be a very physical activity.La navegación a vela en mar abierto puede ser una actividad de mucho esfuerzo físico. 2. (sport) a. la vela. (F) I'm taking up sailing as a new hobby.Voy a empezar a practicar la vela. 3. (departure of a ship)

  17. sailing boat in Spanish

    sailing boat translate: barco de vela. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  18. Spanish vocabulary PDF list Travelling by boat

    Here's a complete Spanish vocabulary list about boats. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list! ... a sailing boat, a sailboat: un velero: a yacht: un yate: a beacon: una baliza: a rowboat: una barca: a barge: una barcaza: a canoe: una canoa: a deck chair: una chaise longue:

  19. boat

    sailboat, sail boat (US), sailing boat (UK) n (yacht, small vessel with a sail) velero nm : barco de vela nm + loc adj : My dad took his new sailing boat out on the lake today for the first time. From our window we watched sailboats in the harbor. Hoy mi papá sacó por primera vez su nuevo velero a navegar por el lago.

  20. How to say sailboat in Spanish

    What's the Spanish word for sailboat? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation. velero. More Spanish words for sailboat. el velero noun. sailing ship, sailing boat, yacht, sailer, sailmaker. el barco de vela noun.

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    intransitive verb phrase. 1. (general) a. navegar en un barco. The marine biologists are sailing a boat around the world to study whales.Los biólogos marinos están navegando en un barco alrededor del mundo para estudiar las ballenas. b. navegar un barco. I have sailed a boat in a lake, but not in the ocean.He navegado un barco en un lago ...

  26. Spanish police arrest 3 people over the deaths of 5 migrants forced out

    Thirty-seven migrants had traveled in the boat from Kenitra, Morocco. The statement said the migrants had paid between 3,000 euros ($3,270) and 12,000 euros ($13,000) for a place in the boat. Video images in November showed many of the other migrants being forced out of the vessel closer to land, before the smugglers sped off in the powerful boat.

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    Indonesian rescuers called off the search for Rohingya refugees missing at sea after their boat capsized, despite reports from some of the survivors that dozens of people were swept away.

  28. Dozens of Rohingya Muslim refugees rescued in Indonesia after night on

    Men, women and children, weak and soaked from the night's rain, wept as the rescue operation got underway and people were taken aboard a rubber dinghy to the rescue boat. IE 11 is not supported.

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    Rohingya refugees crowded on to the hull of their boat. Indonesian authorities rescued 75 people but survivors said many others were missing. Photograph: Zainal Abidin/EPA

  30. Victorian ferry rescues children from boat after fears of fire off

    The owner of the boat escorting the students, James Murphy, said the evacuation of was a standard procedure following a "very minor incident". "Shortly after departure the skipper noticed a little ...