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Compass-Gutschein 40,00 EUR

  • 40-Euro-Gutschein für Compass
  • Europas größtes Versandhaus für Motorboot- und Segelsport
  • über 30.000 Artikel im Sortiment
  • Einlösbar auf www.compass24.de
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Knoten und Spleißen

  • Orientierung und Begleitung zum üben von Knoten und Spleiflen
  • audiovisuelle Präsentation
  • individuelle Zusammenstellung von Lernprogrammen
  • per QR-Code abrufbare Videos von mehr als 3 Stunden
  • Autor: Egmont Friedl
  • 8. Auflage 2023, 120 Seiten, 188 Farbfotos, Spiralbindung, Format: 15,8 x 23,5 cm
  • Im Wert von 24,90 €

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Stressfrei Segeln kompakt

  • Segelausbilder Duncan Wells stellt in diesem neuen Handbuch das Wichtigste aus seinen Klassikern "Stressfrei Segeln" und "Stressfrei Navigieren" in kompakter Form dar
  • Zusätzliche neue Inhalten ergänzen das Buch
  • Mit Schritt-für-Schritt-Fotos, Diagramme und Zeichnungen
  • 128 Seiten, 273 Abbildungen, 1. Auflage 2022, kartoniert
  • Im Wert von 18,00 €

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  • Das Buch vermittelt meteorologische Grundlagenkenntnisse zum Verständnis von Wellen, Wind und Wolken sowie von Seegang und Gezeiten
  • Entstehung von Wetter: Luftzirkulation, Hochs und Tiefs, typische Wetterlagen in Europa
  • Gefahrenwetterlagen: Entstehung und Ablauf von Unwettern
  • Verhaltensregeln bei Stürmen, Gewittern und starkem Seegang
  • Wetter und Törnplanung: Wetterkarten und Wetterdaten für die Navigation nutzen
  • 2. Auflage 2023
  • Im Wert von 19,90 €

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  • Das kompakte Handbuch fürs Cockpit
  • Praktisch zum schnellen Nachschlagen von wichtigen Themen rund ums Segeln: von Wegerecht und Vorfahrtsregeln bis hin zum Segelmanövern
  • Mit Navigationsgrundlagen sowie Wetter- und Windregeln
  • Informationen zu Funk, Elektrik und Elektronik an Bord
  • Wichtiges zu notwendigen Papieren Zollformalitäten, Lichterführung, Schallsignale, Schifffahrtszeichen und Leuchtfeuer
  • Format: 10,6 x 14,4 cm
  • 22. komplett überarbeitete Auflage, 304 Seiten, kartoniert

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Wetter auf See

  • Die drei praxiserfahrenen Autoren erläutern wie verschiedene Wetterlagen entstehen und wo und wie man zuverlässige Informationen darüber einholen kann
  • Lokale und regionale Wetterereignisse, Hoch- und Tiefdruckgebiete
  • Wetter der Tropen und Polarregionen
  • Seegang und Meeresstrˆmungen
  • Wie das Wettergeschehen bei der Törnplanung und beim Wettsegeln berücksichtigt werden kann
  • Das Buch richtet sich daher an sicherheitsbewusste Fahrtensegler und ambitionierte Regattasegler gleichermaßen
  • 4. überarbeitete Auflage 2021
  • 196 Seiten, gebunden
  • Im Wert von 34,90 €

yacht classic abo

Stressfrei Segeln

  • Autor Duncan Wells erklärt Schritt für Schritt anhand zahlreicher Fotos, Illustrationen und 21 per QR-Code oder Web-URL erreichbarer Videos, wie Sie Ihr Schiff jederzeit bei den unterschiedlichsten Wind- und Strömungsverhältnissen sicher im Griff haben.
  • 160 Seiten, 397 Farbfotos, 21 QR-Codes
  • 6. Auflage 2022, Klappenbroschur

yacht classic abo

  • Ratgeber für den Neu- und Gebrauchtbootkauf
  • wertvolle Informationen zu Kostenfragen, Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Anschaffungsaufwand, erforderliche Voraussetzungen, Risikovermeidung und vieles mehr
  • 2. Auflage 2021
  • 224 Seiten, 13,1 x 19,9 cm, 105 Fotos und Abbildungen, kartoniert
  • Im Wert von 16,90 €

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  • Das Standardwerk behandelt alle Aspekte des Segelns und des Segelsports, wie Theorien des Segelns, Regattasport, Wetter- und Gezeitenkunde usw.
  • Unentbehrlicher Ratgeber, Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk
  • 32. aktualisierte Auflage 2022, 816 Seiten
  • Format: 18,0 x 24,7 cm
  • Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
  • Im Wert von 49,90 €

yacht classic abo

Törnführer Ostseeküste 1

  • Alle Häfen von Travemünde über Heiligenhafen und Kiel bis Flensburg
  • Tipps zur Ansteuerung der Häfen bei Tag und bei Nacht
  • Fotos und Detailpläne zu allen Häfen, Liege- und Ankerplätzen
  • Versorgungsmöglichkeiten und Empfehlungen zu Sehenswürdigkeiten für den Landgang
  • 8. Auflage 2021, broschiert
  • 192 Seiten, 86 farbige Karten und Pläne
  • Im Wert von 39,90 €

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Törnführer Ostseeküste 2

  • Die schönsten Törns an der deutschen Ostseeküste
  • Von der Wismarer Bucht, vorbei an historischen Hansestädten, Seebädern und idyllischen Inseln bis in die Einsamkeit des Stettiner Haffs
  • Mit allen Informationen für eine effektive Törnplanung
  • Informative Tipps zu Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugszielen
  • Detaillierte Hafenbeschreibungen
  • 8. Auflage 2019
  • 232 Seiten, 147 Fotos und Abbildungen, Klappenbroschur

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Zu zweit auf See

  • Atlantiküberquerung einmal anders erzählt
  • Offener und ehrlicher Bericht über das Leben zu zweit an Bord
  • Beste Unterhaltung für Seglerpaare - und alle, die es noch werden wollen
  • Autoren: Johannes und Cati Erdmann, 1. Auflage 2018, 320 Seiten, 57 Fotos und Abbildungen, gebunden
  • Im Wert von 22,90 €

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Sehnsuchtsziele für Segler

  • Ob exotisch oder nah, ambitioniert oder kindertauglich - bei den 24 vorgestellten Traumtörns ist sicher auch Ihr perfektes Ziel dabei.
  • Detaillierte Routenbeschreibung, Infos zu Liege- und Ankerplätzen, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Sehenswürdigkeiten und zur besten Reisezeit
  • 5. Auflage 2022
  • 160 Seiten, 24 Übersichtskarten, gebunden mit Schutzumschlag
  • Im Wert von 26,90 €

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  • Charter und Törnplanung
  • Navigation auf See
  • Tipps zum Hafenmanövertraining
  • Umgang mit der Bordelektrik und Bordinstrumenten inkl. Radar
  • Verhalten bei Nebel, Seegang und Sturm, Entscheiden und Fähren im Notfall
  • 8. Auflage 2020, 192 Seiten, 90 Fotos und Abbildungen, 11 Übersichtskarten, gebunden

yacht classic abo

Perfekt segeln

  • Alles Wissenswerte für Segler auf Jollen und Yachten
  • mit zahlreichen Zeichnungen, Bildern, Fotosequenzen, Tabellen und Checklisten
  • Farbleitsystem für bessere Übersicht
  • Themenspektrum reicht von Jollen- und Yachtsegeln bis Bootswartung und Sicherheit
  • 4. Auflage 2021, 400 Seiten, 14 farbige Karten
  • Format: 20,1 x 25,1 cm, gebunden
  • Im Wert von 29,90 €


The magazine

YACHT classic takes its readers into the magical world of classic yachting. With opulent optics and   skilfully told stories   them in a time when sailboats still existed   made of wood and built by hand.   And as their lines still tallest   had to meet aesthetic requirements. A world of elegance and gentlemen's sport. And a world that is now in full bloom again.   Because everywhere the maritime   cultural monuments repaired today,   and maintains a committed scene and   sails the gems with love and perseverance.

YACHT classic is your magazine -   the largest in the German-speaking region   - and expression of a lifestyle, forum for maritime culture and history,   special view of society,   economy, science and technology.   But above all, it reflects emotions.   Lifeblood and passion for the world   of maritime gems.


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Thea Kohlhoff, Media Sales Manager

The website

Under the heading " Classic " on the YACHT website, users can find all the information about classic yachts.

In addition to presentations of yachts, articles on regattas, events and restorations can be found.​​

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Leser der Yacht Classic Zeitschrift erwartet eine Fülle von Reportagen und Reiseberichten, aber auch technische Details rund um klassische Yacht-Boote. Wer sich für das Segeln, Yachten und hier vor allem für die Oldtimer unter ihnen interessiert, für den ist das Segelmagazin Pflichtlektüre.

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Yvonne Prott

Ob aus Neugier oder ergänzend zu meinen persönlichen Hobbies: Ich habe mit den Jahren eine Vielzahl an Zeitschriften aus dem Segment Freizeit und Sport in der Hand gehabt und kenne mich mit den Vorzügen und Schwerpunkten vieler Titel aus.

Worum geht in der Segelzeitschrift?

Die Zeitschrift lässt ihre Leser mit in die faszinierende Welt der klassischen Boote und des Segelns eintauchen. Tests, Berichte und Reportagen sowie ein umfangreiches Service-Kapitel machen den größten Anteil des Inhalts von Europas größtem Segelmagazin Yacht Classic aus. Spannende Artikel über den Yacht-Sport und klassische Regattas sind ebenso darunter wie Interviews mit Weltumseglern und Reiseberichte der schönsten Segelgebiete der Welt. Leidenschaftliche Fans von Yachten können sich so auf 130 Seiten umfangreich über ihr Hobby informieren und finden jede Menge Inspiration. Die Themen der Ausgaben sind in die folgenden Rubriken unterteilt:

  • Hintergrund
  • Rat & Tat
  • KY-Nachrichten
  • Leserbriefe

In jeder Ausgabe gibt es im Yacht Classic Magazin einen Schwerpunkt. In den vergangenen Zeitungen standen diese Storys im Mittelpunkt:

  • Der Geist des Guten: die wiedergeborenen Klassiker nach legendären Vorbildern
  • Best of Britain: Menschen, Yachten, Abenteuer
  • Auf Tuchfühlung: Essays und Reportagen von den großen Saison-Höhepunkten

Wie ist die Zeitschrift Yacht Classic gestaltet?

Abbildungen historischer Yachten stehen im Vordergrund bei der Gestaltung des Segelmagazins – und diese werden in zum Teil ganzseitigen Fotos, aufgenommen von dem Fotografen und Redakteur Nico Krauss, faszinierend präsentiert. Aber auch die tosende Brandung, das stille Meer und die Schönheit wilder Klippen sind gern verwendete Motive in der Zeitung. Dabei sind Text und Bild sehr ausgewogen. Längere Textpassagen werden gerne durch Infokästen, Grafiken und Einschübe aufgelockert. So ergibt sich ein angenehmes und abwechslungsreiches Leseerlebnis.

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Wer ist der herausgebende Verlag Delius Klasing?

Die Yacht Classic Ausgaben erscheinen bereits seit dem Jahr 1904 in der Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH und ziehen seitdem eine stetig wachsende Leserschaft an. Die verkaufte Auflage beträgt nach Verlagsangaben rund 40.000 Exemplare. Die Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH, mit Hauptsitz in Bielefeld, zählt zu den größten deutschen Verlagshäusern für Special-Interest-Titel. Vor allem die Bereiche Wassersport, Segeln, Rad- und Bergsport sowie Automobil sind wichtige Themen in den Publikationen des Verlags. Neben dem Magazin-Geschäft konzentriert sich der Delius Klasing Verlag auf die Buch-Publikation. Auch hier machen Special-Interest-Titel den Großteil der Veröffentlichungen aus. Das Verlagshaus publiziert neben dem Yacht Classic Magazin folgende Zeitschriften: Surf , EMTB , Gute Fahrt und Boote .

Wo ist das Heft Yacht Classic online zu finden?

Auf der Webseite des Segelmagazins stellt der Delius Klasing Verlag ausgewählte Artikel aus den Ausgaben bereit sowie einen Veranstaltungskalender und viele weitere Informationen aus der Szene der klassischen Yachten und Schiffe. Zudem findet man ein Heft-Archiv, in dem sich die vergangenen Hefte nachbestellen lassen und ein Kleinanzeigenmarkt. Einen Auftritt in den sozialen Medien hat das Magazin nicht.

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Auf unseren Abo-Vergleichsseiten für Zeitschriften, eBooks und Hörbücher vergleichen wir die Angebote verschiedener Anbieter auf einen Blick miteinander. Die günstigsten Angebote finden Sie in unseren Zeitschriften Abo Preisvergleichen immer hervorgehoben an den ersten Positionen. Bei den weiteren Vergleichen sind die Angebote mit dem besten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis in der Tabelle farblich hervorgehoben. Unsere Ergebnisse stützen wir auf einer sorgfältigen Analyse und dem Vergleich von Informationen. Dabei erweisen sich insbesondere Preis, Prämie, Mindestlaufzeit, Aktualität und klare Kündigungsbedigungen als bewährte Kriterien, die einen transparenten und kundenfreundlichen Vergleich ermöglichen. Wir hinterfragen stets die Auswahl der Vergleichsparameter und berücksichtigen nur belastbare Datenpunkte.

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Classic yachts : These are the highlights in the new YACHT classic

Lasse Johannsen

 ·  07.12.2022

We show the highlights from YACHT classic 1/2023

Twice a year, YACHT classic is published, a magazine that is all about classic yachts and their origins, the people behind them and the history of yachting. Now it's time again. With issue 1/2023, we are once again taking our readers into what is perhaps the most beautiful parallel world of sailing.

Colourful variety of classic yacht themes

We focus on the classic yacht scene on Lake Constance and sail with a replica of a traditionally built 8 mR yacht at the Classic Weekend Bodensee. The aft "Starling Burgess" was built at Josef Martin's shipyard according to plans by the American designer whose name it bears. The drawings were reconstructed on the computer by Juliane Hempel.

In Marstal, we accompanied the restoration of the first steel cruiser yacht "Talisman" built by Abeking & Rasmussen in 1920. The ship was completely refurbished with sustainability in mind, from the ropes to the electric drive.

Our author Marc Bielefeld reveals the secret of the bone ships, models made from animal bones by prisoners of war during the Napoleonic Wars.

In a comprehensive biography, we take a closer look at the Swedish designer, shipyard owner and, above all, regatta sailor Tore Holm. To this day, he is Sweden's most successful Olympian in his field.

In the south of England, our correspondent Nic Comption is on board the "Elrhuna", a 1904 sloop inspired by the royal British yacht "Britannia", which also has an exciting history.

Early in the year, the president of the J dinghy association, Manfred Jacob, invited us on board his 100-year-old "Woge". In strong winds, we set off on the steeply gaff-rigged vessel on the Elbe, which was still at winter temperatures. The result was some fast-paced shots and a good impression of the antique J dinghy.

Care and restoration of classic sailing boats

We also present a chapter from the new book by master boat builder Uwe Baykowski in an advance print. It tells you everything you need to know about decks on classic boats. From care and maintenance to restoration and new construction.

Restoration is also the subject of a photo story that was created during work on an old Zees boat. For several months, the Berlin photographer accompanied the rescue of this traditional vessel, which was originally used for fishing under sail.

And finally, in our "New Old Ones" section, we compare a wooden Neptune cruiser with one built from GRP. The standardised class, which is very actively sailed in regattas in Sweden, fits exactly into the dimensions of the 15-berth archipelago cruisers.

How to read YACHT classic

The new YACHT classic is available from today in well-stocked newsagents. You can also order the magazine in the DK shop and subscribe to it digitally and in print.

  • Read YACHT classic

YACHT classic 1/2023

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Classic Boat is the magazine for the world’s most beautiful boats. Packed with stunning images, we have the inside stories of the great classic yachts and motorboats afloat today, as well as fascinating tales from yesteryear and the latest from the wooden boat building scene around the world.

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Admired for their elegance and desired wherever they go, classic yachts attract a large number of owners and charterers. For those wanting a genuine sailing experience or who want to capture the real romance and thrill of yachting, these historic beauties have an enduring appeal. Every classic has a unique story to tell — whether it’s racing with royalty or hosting the Hollywood elite, or perhaps even serving in the war effort.

And each of the yachts featured here defined the glamor of her respective era. But what is it about these storied vessels that makes every generation of owners prepared to sink time and financial resources into their restoration? Here are 10 of the most exquisite classic yachts afloat today, a handful of which are available for the yacht aficionado to charter or even own.

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Kalizma served in the British Royal Navy in both World War I and World War II / ©Morley Yachts

Builder:  Ramage & Ferguson Built:  1906 Refit:  1955, 1991, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2020 LOA:  150.1 ft Number of guests:  10 Crew:  10

One of the finest vintage yachts afloat,  Kalizma  (pictured top) has an iconic past with a tale steeped in history. Originally commissioned by Robert Stewart, vice commodore of the Royal Eastern Yacht Club (whose wealth came from his Scotch whisky distillery and estate),  Minona , as she was named upon her launch, was the first steam-powered yacht to have electric lighting.

Designed by naval architect GL Watson & Co, leading designers of their day, and built by Ramage & Ferguson in Scotland, she is a testament to expert craftsmanship — and has stood the test of time with her classic Edwardian looks and fresh contemporary updates.

As  Minona , she served in the British Royal Navy in both World War I and World War II, serving as an Auxiliary Patrol Vessel between 1914 and 1920, and in 1939 as HMS Minona. During her time as the flagship and base for His Majesty’s Deep Sea Rescue Tug Services in Scotland, she was responsible for saving the lives of crewmen from over 1,100 vessels.

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The classic yacht was fully restored in 2020, rejuvenating her old-world charm / ©Morley Yachts

As a frequent guest of Aristotle Onassis aboard his yacht  Christina O , Burton was inspired to purchase the classic yacht as a congratulatory gift for Taylor after she earned an Academy Award for her performance in  Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? The yacht was subsequently renamed  Kalizma , after the stars’ children Kate, Liza and Maria, and refurbished with all new interiors said to have cost more than twice her asking price. Adorned with an art collection with works by Monet, Van Gogh and Picasso, and an extensive library, she became their floating home for the next decade.

It was on board  Kalizma  while berthed on the River Thames that Burton presented Taylor with the 33-carat Krupp Diamond, also known as the Elizabeth Taylor Diamond. Then, while berthed in Monaco, he gave her the record-breaking $1.5m 69-carat Cartier diamond, which arrived under police escort. Taylor wore the jewel, which became known as the Taylor-Burton Diamond, for the first time on a necklace at Princess Grace’s 40th birthday party.

A number of royalty, including Princess Grace of Monaco and Prince Rainier III, and distinguished personalities such as Rex Harrison and Tennessee Williams, were later guests of the most famous Hollywood couple during their high-profile ownership.

Kalizma  has gone on to have a number of owners since then, including serial classic yacht owner Peter de Savary.  Kalizma  was de Savary’s flagship and floating headquarters for the British team at the 1983 America’s Cup challenge, hosting several spectators in Newport.

Acquired by Indian tycoon Vijay Mallya in 2006, and then by philanthropist Shirish Saraf in 2019, she has since been fully restored, rejuvenating her old-world charm with all the luxuries and amenities expected of a modern superyacht. Today she is available to charter in the Indian Ocean and Asia Pacific with accommodation for 10 guests in five staterooms, including a stunning master suite, two doubles and two twins.

From €90,000 to €100,000 (approx. $101,800 to $113,100) per week. Contact Tim Morley, founder, [email protected], +33 680 863 091, morley-yachts.com

  • Shenandoah of Sark

Shenandoah classic yacht

Shenandoah of Sark is a symbol of one the most glamorous eras in yachting / Courtesy of Burgess Yachts

Builder:  Townsend & Downey Built:  1902 Refit:  1972, 1996, 2018 LOA:  178 ft Number of guests:  10 Crew:  12

Built at the turn of a century for American banker Charles Fahnestock,  Shenandoah , as she was then known, was one of the most high-profile yachts of her age and a symbol of one the most glamorous eras in yachting. Delivered in 1902 by the Townsend & Downey Shipyard in New York, she quickly gained a reputation not only for her celebrated design but for the parties held on board.

During these formative years  Shenandoah  played host to some of the world’s most powerful families and international royalty while in her homeport of Newport, Rhode Island. A few years later, Fahnestock retired and sailed her to the Mediterranean, where her reputation as one of the most elegant sailing yachts on the circuit was solidified, with parties held along the Côte d’Azur and Amalfi Coast becoming the most sought-after ticket for the yachting fraternity.

While cruising the Mediterranean,  Shenandoah  turned the head of German aristocrat Landrat Walter von Bruining, who went on to purchase the three-masted schooner and rechristened her Lasca II. Under Bruining’s ownership, Lasca II spent time in Germany and England, where he enjoyed just one summer in Cowes on the Isle of Wight before World War I broke out.

Commandeered by the British, she subsequently became the property of British shipbuilder Sir John Esplen, who reinstated her previous name and installed two engines on board.  Shenandoah  then went through a number of different names and owners, including an Italian prince and the Danish sculpture philanthropist, Viggo Jarl, between the wars. Jarl endowed a substantial part of his fortune on the renamed Atlantide, updating her with new diesel engines and an electricity plant, and embarking on a series of long passages to the West Indies and through the Panama Canal to South America.

Shenandoah of Sark yacht

Shenandoah of Sark is today a perfectly preserved piece of sailing history / Courtesy of Burgess Yachts

After surviving two World Wars, Atlantide’s run of good fortune was apparently over. During the next few decades she went ‘underground’ and is rumored to have seen her fair share of smugglers and gamblers, cruising throughout the Americas and Caribbean, before ending up in the Mediterranean, where she was seized by the French government in a tax scandal.

Following many years of neglect, she was rescued in 1972 by the inventor of the Bic ballpoint pen, Baron Marcel Bich. Restored to her former splendor and christened  Shenandoah  once again, Bich sailed the yacht back to America as a spectator boat for the America’s Cup — the first time she had been back to her original homeport of Newport for over 70 years.

Shenandoah  spent several years under Bich’s ownership, immaculately maintained, before being purchased by industrialist Philip Bommer. Having witnessed  Shenandoah  sailing when he was just 13, Bommer had spent the ensuing two decades dreaming about owning her, and in 1986 his ambition was fulfilled. Extensively refit and restored once again,  Shenandoah  became a renowned charter yacht, before once again entering years of neglect.

Rescued once again, refit and refurbished,  Shenandoah  was an America’s Cup spectator for the second time, this time in New Zealand in 2000, before competing in the Millennium Cup superyacht regatta. Five circumnavigations later, with a number of successful transatlantic races and classic regattas under her belt, and via a number of owners and award-winning refits, the rechristened  Shenandoah of Sark  is today a perfectly preserved piece of sailing history.

  • Christina O

Christina O yacht

Christina O is arguably the most famous classic yacht still afloat / ©Stef Bravin

Builder:  Canadian Vickers Built:  1943 Refit:  1954, 2001, 2015, 2018 LOA:  325.3 ft Number of guests:  34 Crew:  3

Christina O  is a part of yachting legend. Arguably the most famous classic yacht still afloat, the fabled yacht of Aristotle Socrates Onassis has regularly entertained some of the world’s most powerful and famous people. She may not be a classic beauty like Delphine and Talitha but, thanks to the lavish parties hosted aboard by Onassis, with guest lists full of some of the most well-known names of the time, including Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, Christina (as she was then known) regularly featured in newspapers and on the cover of glossy magazines.

Becoming a part of the zeitgeist of her era — and as famous as some of the Hollywood stars who came aboard — she remains today a visible symbol of the glamorous lifestyle enjoyed by the yachting crowd from the late 1950s throughout the ’60s.

Christina O yacht

As an in-demand charter yacht, her eternal appeal to a modern clientele is proven / ©Stef Bravin

In those days this was a vast sum of money, but the investment paid off. Not only did Christina hugely enhance his status and fortune — as a venue for hosting businessmen and politicians, as well as film stars — but she also served as the backdrop for his famous romantic relationships, including his love affair with the renowned soprano Maria Callas. It was on board the converted frigate that John F. Kennedy met his idol Winston Churchill during a dinner hosted by Onassis, and a decade later where Onassis began his courtship of the widowed Jackie Kennedy. The yacht was even their wedding venue.

Despite seeing some deterioration under the ownership of the Greek government,  Christina O  has been refurbished and refitted; today she retains the fantastic opulence Onassis so extravagantly bestowed on her. In fact, she positively oozes ’50s Hollywood glamor; it could even be said she has only improved with age. As an in-demand charter yacht, her eternal appeal to a modern clientele is proven.

All the modern comforts and luxuries that are expected on a luxury yacht seamlessly blend with her original features. All of the 17 guest suites have been refurbished, yet maintain the pastel decor selected by style icon Jackie O. The original, mosaic-tiled pool that transforms into a dance floor has also been restored, while the famous Ari’s barstools retain their original upholstery, believed to be sperm-whale foreskin — now there’s a conversation starter when you are perched at the bar.

Christina O deck

Christina O is the perfect yacht for large family groups or event charters / ©Stef Bravin

yacht classic abo

The Camper & Nicholsons-built Grace has led many lives during almost a century afloat / ©Classic Charters

Builder:  Camper & Nicholsons Built:  1928 Refit:  1947, 2009, 2013, 2018 LOA:  147 ft Number of guests:  16 Crew:  12

With a unique and historic pedigree, the Camper & Nicholsons-built  Grace  has led many lives during almost a century afloat. Built as a luxury yacht in 1928 and originally christened Monica, she was used by the British as part of the war effort. While serving in the Royal Navy as HMS Rion, she sadly suffered serious damage as part of the Dunkirk evacuation fleet.

Rescued by Aristotle Onassis in 1951 and renamed  Arion , she played host to iconic figures like Winston Churchill and Elizabeth Taylor. On hearing of Prince Rainier’s engagement to Grace Kelly in 1955, Onassis presented the classic motor yacht to them as a gift for their forthcoming 1956 nuptials.

yacht classic abo

Grace is available for charter in the Galápagos Islands for up to 16 guests and 12 crew / ©Classic Charters

Rechristened  Grace , she is available for charter in the Galápagos Islands for up to 16 guests and 12 crew. Great attention to detail has been given to restoring her original features, including the original brass ship’s wheel from 1927, which is still inscribed with the yacht’s original name. The master suite, known as the Grace Kelly Suite, is in the original location, while two further master suites and two twin-bedded cabins are all decorated to the highest standards.

Her communal guest areas feature period-style, custom furniture in keeping with her elegant build. In addition to her alfresco dining and lounging areas and hot tub, the toybox is geared towards exploring the Galápagos National Park and includes kayaks, snorkeling equipment and two Zodiac tenders.

Delphine yacht

Delphine is the largest steam-powered yacht ever to be built in the US / ©SS Delphine Cruises

Builder:  Great Lakes Engineering Works Refit yard:  Scheepswerf Zeebrugge Built:  1921 Refit:  1926, 1997, 2003, 2016 LOA:  258 ft Number of guests:  26, 150 day guests Crew:  26

Commissioned by auto magnate Horace Dodge and named after his only daughter,  Delphine  is the largest steam-powered yacht ever to be built in the US. Sadly, Horace never got to see the launch of this third private yacht he built, as he passed away just a year before her delivery. However, his wife Anna and their family loved and cherished  Delphine , cruising on board her in the Great Lakes and along the East Coast, hosting cocktail parties on board.

With all her luxuries, including 10 magnificent staterooms, a music room, card room, dining room and smoking room, and a crew of 55, she positively defined 1920s East Coast glamor. In 1926, while she was docked on the Hudson River in Manhattan, two cabins caught fire, and with too much water poured in by the fire department,  Delphine  sank. Unwilling to live without her, the Dodge family salvaged her from the deep and restored her faithfully, with some additional renovations to her interior.

yacht classic abo

Delphine the largest luxury classic yacht of her era with her original steam engines still in service / ©SS Delphine Cruises

Reacquired by the Dodge family after the war, she was restored to a private yacht and rechristened  Delphine  once again. Over the next three decades  Delphine  sailed under numerous ownerships and different names, including almost 20 years spent as a training ship for merchant seamen, until finally being sold (for scrap metal prices) in 1997.

Having crossed the Atlantic for the first time and berthed in the Mediterranean, she was towed to Bruges, Belgium, where she underwent a six-year, $60m restoration. Her new Belgian owner scoured museums and archives for  Delphine’s  original blueprints, in an effort to ensure that the engineering and architectural refit was faithful to her original design, right down to the 20-ft-tall quadruple steam engines, six-person Turkish bath and hairdressing salon. Even her bespoke tenders, handmade from Honduran mahogany, remain exactly as they were when she was brand new.

Rechristened in 2003 as  Delphine  by HSH Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, she is today the largest luxury yacht of her era with her original steam engines still in service. To put that into context, her 6-ft-tall propellers are powered by water converted into vapor pressure by diesel fuel. She consumes 600 liters an hour at cruising speeds. When you consider that many modern motor yachts of a similar size use more than 1,000 liters of fuel an hour,  Delphine  could almost be considered environmentally friendly. Full steam ahead.

Haida classic yacht

The iconic Haida has sailed through a succession of adventures / ©Edmiston Yachts

Builder:  Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft Refit yard:  Pendennis Built:  1929 Refit:  2018 LOA:  233 ft Number of guests:  12 Crew:  18

At the time of her launch in 1929, this clipper-bow yacht was christened  Haida , after the native people of Alaska and British Columbia. It is the name for which she is best known, and to which she has recently reverted following a comprehensive refit. However, the iconic  Haida  has sailed through a succession of adventures and has had many different names during her storied life.

Haida’s  original commissioning owner spent over a decade cruising the west coast of America, pursuing his interests in marine science and fishing. In 1940, the oceangoing yacht was commandeered for service in World War II by the US Navy. She had a heroic naval career, saving many lives and protecting key installations while patrolling San Francisco Bay.

yacht classic abo

Haida’s recent, award-winning refit by Pendennis has combined the grandeur of 1930s yachting with state-of-the-art superyacht luxuries / ©Edmiston Yachts

She has resided in the Mediterranean ever since, under various ownerships of dedicated, high-profile owners, including Löel Guinness, becoming one of the world’s most famous superyachts.

Haida’s  recent, award-winning refit by the renowned  Pendennis Shipyard  has combined the grandeur and elegance of 1930s yachting with state-of-the-art superyacht luxuries. Despite replacing over 100 tons of steel within her hull structure,  Haida 1929  (as she is now known) retains the sophisticated and timeless exterior lines originally designed by Cox & Stevens.

Even the original Krupp engines remain, thought to be the oldest working engines of their type. Deck spaces are generous, especially on the recently extended sun deck, which has been split around her iconic funnel. Period furniture and artworks re-create the charm and ambience of her heritage, while a light color palette and modern amenities have been integrated.

Her notable features include a barber shop, spa, hammam, biofuel fireplace, indoor and outdoor cinemas, and stepped pool. Elegant and refined, Haida 1929 is a truly original classic. Refit project management by Edmiston Yachts.

La Sultana yacht at sea

La Sultana has led many lives during her 50-plus years afloat / ©Camper & Nicholsons

Builder:  Georgi Dimitrov Built:  1962 Refit:  2018 LOA:  213ft Number of guests:  12 Crew:  17

She may not hail from the golden era of yachting like other classic yachts her size, but this former Soviet spy ship is certainly not short on history. A true gentleman’s yacht,  La Sultana  has led many lives during her 50-plus years afloat. Originally built in 1962 in Bulgaria for use as a passenger ferry,  Aji-Petri  (as she was then known) was the fifth of a series of 12 ships that carried passengers and cargo through the Black Sea between the ports of Istanbul and Yalta.

La Sultana yacht interior

La Sultana’s striking interior features Art Deco touches that draw inspiration from the stylish vessels of the 1920s / ©Camper & Nicholsons

Some 50 years after her build, she was discovered by a French gentleman. It was during a colossal seven-year, multimillion-dollar restoration in Casablanca that the yard unearthed several espionage instruments, including a radioactivity detector and several electronic devices from the Cold War. With the addition of her raised bow, touch-and-go helipad, machinery, piping and wiring, commercial engine and a huge keel, the rechristened  La Sultana  emerged from the shipyard as a majestic cruising yacht.

Today, her striking interior features Art Deco touches that draw inspiration from the stylish vessels of the 1920s, while the Arabian Nights-inspired decor is both eccentric and exotic. The new layout features an indoor 16-ft counter-current swimming pool and hammam, and seven luxurious staterooms, including a vast master suite on the upper deck, two VIP staterooms on the main deck, and four staterooms on the lower deck, all with en suites — quite a difference from the original build with its 102 cabins.

Her large deck areas include lots of relaxation and entertainment areas, as well as a classically styled spa pool on the foredeck, located forward of the new helipad. With more than a nod to the golden age of yachting, the rebuilt La Sultana is a classic motor yacht for modern times.

yacht classic abo

Malahne is one of just a handful of British-built, pre-war motor yachts to have survived into the 21st century / ©Edmiston

Builder:  Camper & Nicholsons Refit:  Pendennis Built:  1937 Refit:  2015 LOA:  164 ft Number of guests:  10 Crew:  11

Designed by Charles E Nicholson and built by Camper & Nicholsons in 1937,  Malahne  is one of just a handful of British-built, pre-war motor yachts to have survived into the 21st century. Originally commissioned by William Stephenson, head of the British arm of the Woolworth store chain and a passionate yachtsman, this classic 1930s gentleman’s yacht has led a glamorous and colorful life, with many ups and downs. Stephenson owned both the J-Class yacht  Velsheda  and  Malahne , and named them after his daughters Velma, Sheila and Daphne, with the first few letters of their names forming ‘Velsheda’ and the last few letters ‘ Malahne .’

She spent her first few years cruising the Mediterranean, and crossed the Atlantic a number of times before being handed over for military needs during World War II. During her time serving as a patrol cruiser in the English Channel,  Malahne  also participated in the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk.

Malahne deck

A 2015 refit produced a design more faithful to the original / ©Edmiston

A decade later, she was sold to a Saudi sheikh who renamed her  Adel XII  and changed her beyond recognition, with an almost sacrilegious angular new superstructure and modern interior quite out of keeping with her classic past. Twenty years later, she passed into more sympathetic hands, and underwent a hugely ambitious restoration at the British shipyard Pendennis. The restoration experts there sought to bring her back to her original classic yacht form, but with the addition of a few 21st-century comforts.

While Pendennis worked on recreating her original hull form and undoing the damage wrought by the previous owner, classic yacht experts GL Watson & Co were drafted to rework her exterior lines; meanwhile, design experts from Oliver Laws — who designed the Art Deco interiors of the  Connaught hotel and Claridge’s  — set to work on her interior, producing a design more faithful to the original, including a number of original antique 1930s pieces but with a modern Art Deco twist.

Today, thanks to such a comprehensive and sympathetic refit by her devoted British owner,  Malahne  is a tribute to modern engineering and British craftsmanship. One of the finest classic yachts for  charter , she features state-of-the-art equipment and Art Deco interior styling. Were he still alive, there’s no doubt that Sinatra would be delighted to tap his dancing shoes once again on board her stunningly restored teak decks.

yacht classic abo

There couldn’t be a more classic-looking yacht reflecting the golden age of yachting than Talitha / ©Unkown

Builder:  Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft Refit:  Devonport Yachts Built:  1930 Refit:  1993, 2009 LOA:  262 ft Number of guests:  12 Crew:  20

With her flared clipper bow, impressive funnels and traditional counter stern, there couldn’t be a more classic-looking yacht reflecting the golden age of yachting than  Talitha . Originally commissioned by Russell Algar of the Packard Motor Car Company, the originally named  Reveler  was sadly not yet delivered by the German shipyard F. Krupp in Kiel when Algar died.

Sold to Charles McCann of the Woolworth family and renamed Chalena, she was later requisitioned by the US Maritime Commission in 1942, and entered service as a gunboat with new armaments mounted fore and aft. Operating under her new military name of USS Beaumont in the waters between Midway Island and Pearl Harbor, she survived the war without serious incident, and in 1946 was decommissioned and returned to private ownership.

yacht classic abo

Talitha features an all-new Art Deco interior with all of the trappings of a modern classic / ©Unkown

Described by The New York Times as a “floating fantasy,” she featured a re-design of the distinctive clipper bow and new teak decks but, sadly, it wasn’t to last and, following some engine problems, she was laid up once again in the late 1980s. In 1993 she was brought to the attention of her next and current owner Sir John Paul Getty Jr.

Under the guidance of legendary designer Jon Bannenberg, she was painstakingly restored to her former glory, with both exterior and interior redesign and brand new engines. The addition of a pair of funnels and an extended wheelhouse was at the time criticized by many, but Bannenberg’s vision proved them wrong when the renamed  Talitha G  (named after Getty’s second wife) was relaunched to great acclaim, with more than a nod to her 1930s design.

One of the most detailed, distinctive and beautiful classic motor yachts to be relaunched in recent times,  Talitha  is suitably reflective of an incredibly glamorous era of yachting. Featuring an all-new Art Deco interior with all of the trappings of a modern classic, she is a real head-turner, not only for the Hollywood celebrities spotted on board, but for her own stunning looks.

Eros yacht sailing

The classic sailing yacht Eros has led a colorful past, with lords, ladies and royalty all captivated by her charm / ©Classic Charters

Builder:  Brooke Marine Built:  1939 Refit:  1999, 2016, 2019 LOA : 115 ft Number of guests:  8 Crew:  5

Delivered in 1939 by British shipyard Brooks Motor Craft, the classic sailing yacht  Eros  has led a colorful past, with lords, ladies and royalty all captivated by her charm and beautiful lines over her eight decades afloat. Originally christened  Jeanry , she was commissioned for the daughter and son-in-law of a British lord who unfortunately spent very little time on board her before she was requisitioned by the Royal Navy to participate in the evacuation efforts at Dunkirk during World War II.

Following the end of her wartime service she went on to be owned by Greek shipping magnate Stavros Niarchos, second only to Aristotle Onassis in the shipping magnate stakes and also the first man to be called a billionaire. Niarchos rechristened her  Eros  in honor of the Greek god of love and passion, and under his ownership the wooden schooner became a fixture on the Mediterranean yachting circuit, hosting the cream of European society, including King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain.

yacht classic abo

Eros offers charter guests the chance to experience genuine sailing on a stunning classic yacht / ©Classic Charters

Eros  went on to change ownership just one more time before being rescued by her current owner in 1992. Meticulously restored to her original grandeur over the course of 18 years, she was relaunched in 2016 and now offers the refinement of a bygone era combined with the latest superyacht luxuries. Retaining many original details, including the Admiralty bronze fittings of the ship’s bell and restored Burmese teak planks, her complete overhaul involved repairs and replacements to her steel structure, and over 20,000 new bronze bolts, among many other things.

Today,  Eros  offers charter guests the chance to experience genuine sailing on a stunning classic yacht, either cruising in the Caribbean or Mediterranean or racing in classic regattas in the Caribbean and New England. Boasting state-of-the-art technology, 22 hydraulically assisted winches and 9,000 sq ft of sail,  Eros  can reach speeds of up to 10 knots under sail.

And for those looking to simply sit back and relax, her four guest cabins include a master stateroom with private en suite featuring a Jacuzzi bath, a double stateroom with en suite, and two twin cabins with shared bathroom. Out on deck, she boasts numerous seating and lounging areas for socializing, relaxing and alfresco dining.

Eros  also offers plenty of on-the-water entertainment, with a great selection of water toys for her more active guests to enjoy.

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Douglas Hensman


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Her low draft of makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines.

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Cruising the Moskva River: A short guide to boat trips in Russia’s capital

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There’s hardly a better way to absorb Moscow’s atmosphere than on a ship sailing up and down the Moskva River. While complicated ticketing, loud music and chilling winds might dampen the anticipated fun, this checklist will help you to enjoy the scenic views and not fall into common tourist traps.

How to find the right boat?

There are plenty of boats and selecting the right one might be challenging. The size of the boat should be your main criteria.

Plenty of small boats cruise the Moskva River, and the most vivid one is this yellow Lay’s-branded boat. Everyone who has ever visited Moscow probably has seen it.

yacht classic abo

This option might leave a passenger disembarking partially deaf as the merciless Russian pop music blasts onboard. A free spirit, however, will find partying on such a vessel to be an unforgettable and authentic experience that’s almost a metaphor for life in modern Russia: too loud, and sometimes too welcoming. Tickets start at $13 (800 rubles) per person.

Bigger boats offer smoother sailing and tend to attract foreign visitors because of their distinct Soviet aura. Indeed, many of the older vessels must have seen better days. They are still afloat, however, and getting aboard is a unique ‘cultural’ experience. Sometimes the crew might offer lunch or dinner to passengers, but this option must be purchased with the ticket. Here is one such  option  offering dinner for $24 (1,490 rubles).

yacht classic abo

If you want to travel in style, consider Flotilla Radisson. These large, modern vessels are quite posh, with a cozy restaurant and an attentive crew at your service. Even though the selection of wines and food is modest, these vessels are still much better than other boats.

yacht classic abo

Surprisingly, the luxurious boats are priced rather modestly, and a single ticket goes for $17-$32 (1,100-2,000 rubles); also expect a reasonable restaurant bill on top.

How to buy tickets?

Women holding photos of ships promise huge discounts to “the young and beautiful,” and give personal invitations for river tours. They sound and look nice, but there’s a small catch: their ticket prices are usually more than those purchased online.

“We bought tickets from street hawkers for 900 rubles each, only to later discover that the other passengers bought their tickets twice as cheap!”  wrote  (in Russian) a disappointed Rostislav on a travel company website.

Nevertheless, buying from street hawkers has one considerable advantage: they personally escort you to the vessel so that you don’t waste time looking for the boat on your own.

yacht classic abo

Prices start at $13 (800 rubles) for one ride, and for an additional $6.5 (400 rubles) you can purchase an unlimited number of tours on the same boat on any given day.

Flotilla Radisson has official ticket offices at Gorky Park and Hotel Ukraine, but they’re often sold out.

Buying online is an option that might save some cash. Websites such as  this   offer considerable discounts for tickets sold online. On a busy Friday night an online purchase might be the only chance to get a ticket on a Flotilla Radisson boat.

This  website  (in Russian) offers multiple options for short river cruises in and around the city center, including offbeat options such as ‘disco cruises’ and ‘children cruises.’ This other  website  sells tickets online, but doesn’t have an English version. The interface is intuitive, however.

Buying tickets online has its bad points, however. The most common is confusing which pier you should go to and missing your river tour.

yacht classic abo

“I once bought tickets online to save with the discount that the website offered,” said Igor Shvarkin from Moscow. “The pier was initially marked as ‘Park Kultury,’ but when I arrived it wasn’t easy to find my boat because there were too many there. My guests had to walk a considerable distance before I finally found the vessel that accepted my tickets purchased online,” said the man.

There are two main boarding piers in the city center:  Hotel Ukraine  and  Park Kultury . Always take note of your particular berth when buying tickets online.

Where to sit onboard?

Even on a warm day, the headwind might be chilly for passengers on deck. Make sure you have warm clothes, or that the crew has blankets ready upon request.

The glass-encased hold makes the tour much more comfortable, but not at the expense of having an enjoyable experience.

yacht classic abo

Getting off the boat requires preparation as well. Ideally, you should be able to disembark on any pier along the way. In reality, passengers never know where the boat’s captain will make the next stop. Street hawkers often tell passengers in advance where they’ll be able to disembark. If you buy tickets online then you’ll have to research it yourself.

There’s a chance that the captain won’t make any stops at all and will take you back to where the tour began, which is the case with Flotilla Radisson. The safest option is to automatically expect that you’ll return to the pier where you started.

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Kings of Russia

The Comprehensive Guide to Moscow Nightlife

  • Posted on April 14, 2018 July 26, 2018
  • by Kings of Russia
  • 8 minute read

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Moscow’s nightlife scene is thriving, and arguably one of the best the world has to offer – top-notch Russian women, coupled with a never-ending list of venues, Moscow has a little bit of something for everyone’s taste. Moscow nightlife is not for the faint of heart – and if you’re coming, you better be ready to go Friday and Saturday night into the early morning.

This comprehensive guide to Moscow nightlife will run you through the nuts and bolts of all you need to know about Moscow’s nightclubs and give you a solid blueprint to operate with during your time in Moscow.

What you need to know before hitting Moscow nightclubs

Prices in moscow nightlife.

Before you head out and start gaming all the sexy Moscow girls , we have to talk money first. Bring plenty because in Moscow you can never bring a big enough bankroll. Remember, you’re the man so making a fuzz of not paying a drink here or there will not go down well.

Luckily most Moscow clubs don’t do cover fees. Some electro clubs will charge 15-20$, depending on their lineup. There’s the odd club with a minimum spend of 20-30$, which you’ll drop on drinks easily. By and large, you can scope out the venues for free, which is a big plus.

Bottle service is a great deal in Moscow. At top-tier clubs, it starts at 1,000$. That’ll go a long way with premium vodka at 250$, especially if you have three or four guys chipping in. Not to mention that it’s a massive status boost for getting girls, especially at high-end clubs.

Without bottle service, you should estimate a budget of 100-150$ per night. That is if you drink a lot and hit the top clubs with the hottest girls. Scale down for less alcohol and more basic places.

Dress code & Face control

Door policy in Moscow is called “face control” and it’s always the guy behind the two gorillas that gives the green light if you’re in or out.

In Moscow nightlife there’s only one rule when it comes to dress codes:

You can never be underdressed.

People dress A LOT sharper than, say, in the US and that goes for both sexes. For high-end clubs, you definitely want to roll with a sharp blazer and a pocket square, not to mention dress shoes in tip-top condition. Those are the minimum requirements to level the playing field vis a vis with other sharply dressed guys that have a lot more money than you do. Unless you plan to hit explicit electro or underground clubs, which have their own dress code, you are always on the money with that style.

Getting in a Moscow club isn’t as hard as it seems: dress sharp, speak English at the door and look like you’re in the mood to spend all that money that you supposedly have (even if you don’t). That will open almost any door in Moscow’s nightlife for you.

Types of Moscow Nightclubs

In Moscow there are four types of clubs with the accompanying female clientele:

High-end clubs:

These are often crossovers between restaurants and clubs with lots of tables and very little space to dance. Heavy accent on bottle service most of the time but you can work the room from the bar as well. The hottest and most expensive girls in Moscow go there. Bring deep pockets and lots of self-confidence and you have a shot at swooping them.

Regular Mid-level clubs:

They probably resemble more what you’re used to in a nightclub: big dancefloors, stages and more space to roam around. Bottle service will make you stand out more but you can also do well without. You can find all types of girls but most will be in the 6-8 range. Your targets should always be the girls drinking and ideally in pairs. It’s impossible not to swoop if your game is at least half-decent.

Basic clubs/dive bars:

Usually spots with very cheap booze and lax face control. If you’re dressed too sharp and speak no Russian, you might attract the wrong type of attention so be vigilant. If you know the local scene you can swoop 6s and 7s almost at will. Usually students and girls from the suburbs.

Electro/underground clubs:

Home of the hipsters and creatives. Parties there don’t mean meeting girls and getting drunk but doing pills and spacing out to the music. Lots of attractive hipster girls if that is your niche. That is its own scene with a different dress code as well.

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What time to go out in Moscow

Moscow nightlife starts late. Don’t show up at bars and preparty spots before 11pm because you’ll feel fairly alone. Peak time is between 1am and 3am. That is also the time of Moscow nightlife’s biggest nuisance: concerts by artists you won’t know and who only distract your girls from drinking and being gamed. From 4am to 6am the regular clubs are emptying out but plenty of people, women included, still hit up one of the many afterparty clubs. Those last till well past 10am.

As far as days go: Fridays and Saturdays are peak days. Thursday is an OK day, all other days are fairly weak and you have to know the right venues.

The Ultimate Moscow Nightclub List

Short disclaimer: I didn’t add basic and electro clubs since you’re coming for the girls, not for the music. This list will give you more options than you’ll be able to handle on a weekend.

Preparty – start here at 11PM

Classic restaurant club with lots of tables and a smallish bar and dancefloor. Come here between 11pm and 12am when the concert is over and they start with the actual party. Even early in the night tons of sexy women here, who lean slightly older (25 and up).

The second floor of the Ugolek restaurant is an extra bar with dim lights and house music tunes. Very small and cozy with a slight hipster vibe but generally draws plenty of attractive women too. A bit slower vibe than Valenok.

Very cool, spread-out venue that has a modern library theme. Not always full with people but when it is, it’s brimming with top-tier women. Slow vibe here and better for grabbing contacts and moving on.

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High-end: err on the side of being too early rather than too late because of face control.

Secret Room

Probably the top venue at the moment in Moscow . Very small but wildly popular club, which is crammed with tables but always packed. They do parties on Thursdays and Sundays as well. This club has a hip-hop/high-end theme, meaning most girls are gold diggers, IG models, and tattooed hip hop chicks. Very unfavorable logistics because there is almost no room no move inside the club but the party vibe makes it worth it. Strict face control.

Close to Secret Room and with a much more favorable and spacious three-part layout. This place attracts very hot women but also lots of ball busters and fakes that will leave you blue-balled. Come early because after 4am it starts getting empty fast. Electronic music.

A slightly kitsch restaurant club that plays Russian pop and is full of gold diggers, semi-pros, and men from the Caucasus republics. Thursday is the strongest night but that dynamic might be changing since Secret Room opened its doors. You can swoop here but it will be a struggle.

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Mid-level: your sweet spot in terms of ease and attractiveness of girls for an average budget.

Started going downwards in 2018 due to lax face control and this might get even worse with the World Cup. In terms of layout one of the best Moscow nightclubs because it’s very big and bottle service gives you a good edge here. Still attracts lots of cute girls with loose morals but plenty of provincial girls (and guys) as well. Swooping is fairly easy here.

I haven’t been at this place in over a year, ever since it started becoming ground zero for drunken teenagers. Similar clientele to Icon but less chic, younger and drunker. Decent mainstream music that attracts plenty of tourists. Girls are easy here as well.

Sort of a Coyote Ugly (the real one in Moscow sucks) with party music and lots of drunken people licking each others’ faces. Very entertaining with the right amount of alcohol and very easy to pull in there. Don’t think about staying sober in here, you’ll hate it.

Artel Bessonitsa/Shakti Terrace

Electronic music club that is sort of a high-end place with an underground clientele and located between the teenager clubs Icon and Gipsy. Very good music but a bit all over the place with their vibe and their branding. You can swoop almost any type of girl here from high-heeled beauty to coked-up hipsters, provided they’re not too sober.

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Afterparty: if by 5AM  you haven’t pulled, it’s time to move here.

Best afterparty spot in terms of trying to get girls. Pretty much no one is sober in there and savage gorilla game goes a long way. Lots of very hot and slutty-looking girls but it can be hard to tell apart who is looking for dick and who is just on drugs but not interested. If by 9-10am you haven’t pulled, it is probably better to surrender.

The hipster alternative for afterparties, where even more drugs are in play. Plenty of attractive girls there but you have to know how to work this type of club. A nicer atmosphere and better music but if you’re desperate to pull, you’ll probably go to Miks.

Weekday jokers: if you’re on the hunt for some sexy Russian girls during the week, here are two tips to make your life easier.


Ladies night on Wednesdays means this place gets pretty packed with smashed teenagers and 6s and 7s. Don’t pull out the three-piece suit in here because it’s a “simpler” crowd. Definitely your best shot on Wednesdays.

If you haven’t pulled at Chesterfield, you can throw a Hail Mary and hit up Garage’s Black Music Wednesdays. Fills up really late but there are some cute Black Music groupies in here. Very small club. Thursday through Saturday they do afterparties and you have an excellent shot and swooping girls that are probably high.

Shishas Sferum

This is pretty much your only shot on Mondays and Tuesdays because they offer free or almost free drinks for women. A fairly low-class club where you should watch your drinks. As always the case in Moscow, there will be cute girls here on any day of the week but it’s nowhere near as good as on the weekend.

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In a nutshell, that is all you need to know about where to meet Moscow girls in nightlife. There are tons of options, and it all depends on what best fits your style, based on the type of girls that you’re looking for.

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