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Italian translation of 'motorboat'

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What is the translation of "motor boat" in Italian?

"motor boat" in italian, motor boat {noun}.

  • volume_up barca a motore
  • imbarcazione a motore

motor-boating {noun}

  • volume_up motonautica


  • "fast boat"

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English how to use "motor boat" in a sentence.

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English How to use "barca a motore" in a sentence

English how to use "imbarcazione a motore" in a sentence, english how to use "motoscafo" in a sentence, similar translations, similar translations for "motor boat" in italian.

  • imbarcazione
  • andare in barca
  • automobilistico
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  • andare in macchina
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Translation of "motorboat" into Italian

motoscafo, motobarca, motorboat are the top translations of "motorboat" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: Even I was thinking about rocking a motorboat on those bad boys. ↔ Cioe', perfino io stavo pensando di fare il motoscafo su quelle ragazzacce.

(nautical) Any vessel driven by an engine (either inboard or outboard), but especially a small one. [..]

English-Italian dictionary

A boat that is powered by a motor. [..]

Even I was thinking about rocking a motorboat on those bad boys.

Cioe', perfino io stavo pensando di fare il motoscafo su quelle ragazzacce.

A boat that is powered by a motor.

During the summertime the brothers went out in motorboats on Sundays.

Durante l’estate i fratelli uscivano in motobarca la domenica.

Less frequent translations

  • barca a motore
  • imbarcazione a motore

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motorboat in italian language

Meaning of "motorboat" in the Italian dictionary

Pronunciation of motorboat in italian, grammatical category of motorboat, what does motorboat mean in italian, definition of motorboat in the italian dictionary.

La definizione di motorboat nel dizionario è motoscafo.


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Italian CAR Vocabulary: Words and Verbs to talk about CARS in Italian!

Whether you know it by the name macchina , automobile or simply auto , I am sure that you all know this means of transport on four wheels. But unless you are particularly interested in cars, I doubt you know every single part that make up cars, especially in Italian ! Even if you already know the main components of cars, are you sure you know them all? Either way, in this lesson I will teach you all those words and verbs that have to do with cars: we will see all the parts of a car, but also all those verbs that can come in handy when talking about how it works , and how to drive it!

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In the following list you can find more than 50 extremely useful terms that are related to cars : first, we are going to talk about all the various parts inside and outside the car, then we’re going to see the verbs that you need to know when talking about each and every part, and lastly we’ll talk about the parts you need to know to drive .


Let’s start with the easiest elements that make up the inside of a car (called “ abitacolo “, i.e. the driver and passenger compartment of a car): in most Countries, the person who seats on the left is called CONDUCENTE (literally “the person who leads, who drives – it’s the driver ) and their seat is called SEDILE DEL CONDUCENTE ( driver’s seat ). On the driver’s right there is another seat, called SEDILE DEL PASSEGGERO ( passenger’s seat ) – “passeggero” signifies a person who is seated inside the car but does not drive it.

To drive, what the driver has to do is take the CHIAVE DELLA MACCHINA ( car key ), which makes the car to start. The car key must be inserted inside a part of the car that is found behind the VOLANTE , the usually rounded part of the car that is essential to drive a car – it’s the steering wheel . The part where you have to insert the key is called BLOCCHETTO (the ignition point , a sort of keyhole). To start the car, the key must be inserted and twisted.


Right beside the driver, between the two seats, you can find the CAMBIO ( gear shift ), the part that allows you to change the speed of the car. It can either be MANUALE or AUTOMATICO : if the gear is ‘manuale’ ( manual ) it means that you have to manually select the appropriate gear using the LEVA DEL CAMBIO ( gear stick ) and a friction – it this case, it’s a manual transmission . Whereas if the gear is ‘automatico’ ( automatic ), it provides automatically and autonomously to change the gears, therefore it does not need the driver’s control to work – it’s an automatic transmission .

So, what are MARCE ( gears ) for? They are needed to regulate the car’s pace – depending on the pace, the driver needs to change the engine power, which means that it has to be adjusted to the needs of the vehicle. There are six gears: gears from 1 to 5 (to slow/increase the speed) and the last one, R, is the RETROMARCIA , the gear that makes the car move backwards – in English it’s called reverse gear . At the driver’s feet there are three PEDALI ( pedals ) which make the car move, as well as change the gear ration and brake the car. They are called:

  • (La) FRIZIONE ( clutch ), positioned on the left therefore activated using the left foot. It is used to SWITCH gears, to control the car in situations of low speed and to make it start and stop.
  • (Il) FRENO ( brake ), in between the other two pedals, it’s applied using the right foot. It is used to RALLENTARE, ( slow down ) or FERMARE, frenare, (stop, break) the car.
  • (L’) ACCELERATORE ( accelerator ) is on the right, so the right foot is used to press it. This allows the driver to “accelerare”, meaning that they can make the car go faster – the verb used to indicate the action of moving, driving the car is “MUOVERE”.

Obviously to stop the car after you’ve parked it, you cannot just press the brake: to keep the car anchor it to the ground and make sure it doesn’t move, the driver needs to operate what is known as FRENO A MANO , the parking brake (also known as a  handbrake,  or  emergency brake ). It obviously needs to be applied when the car is parked on even roads, but also on sloping roads.

DASHBOARD and its various parts

The panel that is in front of the driver is called cruscotto and it contains all the instruments and controls. The part of the dashboard that is right behind the steering wheel is called QUADRO STRUMENTI – as you might have understood from the name, it’s the control panel , the group of parts that contain the most important information about the car .

There are two main elements are called:

  • IL TACHIMETRO (the speedometer ), which measures and displays the instantaneous speed of a vehicle.
  • IL CONTAGIRI (the tachometer ), which displays the revolutions per minute (RPM). It can be either a digital display or an analog dial.

There are other elements too, such as…

  • L’INDICATORE DELLA BENZINA ( fuel gauge ) – used to indicate the amount of fuel in a SERBATOIO ( fuel tank ). If it’s VUOTO ( empty ), you need to get gas, while if it’s PIENO ( full ), you have already filled the tank up.
  • L’INDICATORE DEL LIVELLO DI ACQUA ( temperature warning ) – indicates any abnormalities concerning the temperature of the engine.
  • IL CONTACHILOMETRI ( odometer )-  an instrument used for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle.


In the front of the car, there are other instruments, such as buttons, knobs, and switches, as well as a series of instruments that the driver might need – for this reason, they are all close to their seat or in between the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat to their right.

  • LA RADIO ( radio ) – in cars, the radio is usually placed somewhere in between the driver and the passenger. In modern cars, it’s a device that features touchscreen, USB ports and Bluetooth readers. It’s often the same screen as the GPS.
  • GLI INTERRUTTORI PER I FINESTRINI ( window switches ) – these buttons allow the driver to be in charge of all windows (by lowering and raising the windows). This is why they’re either to the driver’s right (near the passenger too) or their left; in the second case, the switches are integrated in the car door.
  • IL PULSANTE PER LE FRECCE DI EMERGENZA ( warning light switch ), also known as “QUATTRO FRECCE” ( four arrows , or hazard lights ) – this switch is frequently placed between driver and passenger. By pushing it, it activates all four turn signals/indicators, placed at the four corners of the car. It’s called “warning light” because it should be turned on only in case of emergency stop, or when you are blocking the roadway. In general, it should you should turn this switch on only when your vehicle is a hazard to other motorists.
  • LA SPIA PER SBRINARE IL PARABREZZA ( windscreen defrost indicator ) – this yellow indicator will turn on when the demisting system or the rear window defroster are working. “Parabrezza” is the windshield/windscreen, while “sbrinare” is a verb that comes from the term “brina” – the atmospheric phenomenon during which dew and water vapor turn into a thin layer of ice. So, the verb “ S+BRINARE ” means “to remove frost”, defrost!
  • L’ACCENDISIGARI ( car cigarette lighter ) is another type of power outlet that can be found in the front of the car. It can be compared to a small burner, a button that heats up when pushed. When it reaches its maximum temperature, it can light cigars (“sigari”) and cigarette…so, it’s like a small portable lighter, but smaller and functioning without the need of gas and so it has a bigger safety margin.

There are other non-essential elements that are near the driver and that are almost always present in cars. In a way, they are essential to the practicality of the car and the well-being of the passengers.

  • LE BOCCHETTE DI AREAZIONE ( air vent )- openings which allow the air to circulate inside the vehicle without having to lowering the windows. Sometimes, they can be found at the centre of the dashboard, and other times they are placed at the sides. Both the diver and the passengers can change their direction manually. They cool or heat the car – if they cool it, it means that the ARIA CONDIZIONATA ( air conditioning, or AC) is on.
  • IL PORTABICCHIERI ( cup holder )- Attachable and removable, or fixed in between the seats, they allow to transport bottles, and cups containing any sort of liquid, inside the car decreasing the probability of accidents. They can be found between the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat, or in the back of the car.
  • IL PORTACENERE ( ashtray ) – Just like the car cigarette lighter, the ashtray can’t be reached from the back seats, for obvious reasons. To avoid any spillage, ashtrays is cars are usually shaped like cups and have a lid, which can be opened and closed easily.
  • IL VANO PORTAOGGETTI ( glove compartment ) – It’s placed in front of the passenger’s seat, in the front of the car, and it takes up most of their part of the dashboard. It’s a sort of “drawer”, a container; because it’s part of the dashboard, it’s suitable for storing everything that has to do with the car: the maintenance booklet, insurance papers, car registration, car manual and all you might need in the event of mechanical problems.


Now that we’ve talked about the elements that make up the interior of the passenger compartment, we can move on to those that make up its exterior .

The outermost part of the car is called CARROZZERRIA ( bodywork ) – generally speaking, this term includes the entire outer cover of the vehicle e.g. hood, doors, bumpers, wheel arches and trunk; its main function is to isolate the isolate the internal environment from the external one , so that better conditions can be guaranteed – such as temperature regulation and the control of air flow that reaches the passengers.

Starting from the front-end of the car, we have already talked about the windshield/windscreen. The front of the car is called COFANO and it’s a hinged cover over the engine – in British English it’s called a ‘ bonnet ‘, while in US English it’s called a ‘ hood ‘. Included in the hood, there’s a GRIGLIA DI AREAZIONE DEL RADIATORE ( grille ) -its purpose is to allow fresh air to flow inside the hood, cooling many parts heated by use and friction, but more specifically the engine and radiator. Both in the front (in front of the hood) and in the rear end we find the PARAURTI ( bumpers ), parts of the body that prevent, limit, or cushion the damage of a low-speed collision. Above the bumper, we find the FARI ( headlights ), also known as FANALI ( lights ), which serve both to signal their car presence on the road, and to make the road visible to the driver.

Among the various mandatory light and light-signalling devices , there are:

  • LE LUCI DI POSIZIONE ( sidelights )- as you can easily guess from the name, these lights are intended to indicate the position of the vehicle during a stop , when the car is parked in a street with poor visibility. When the car is in motion, it is mandatory to keep them on from half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise. The position lights have a very specific color: those placed in the front of the vehicle are yellow or white; as the law stipulates, while the side position lights of the car the law provides that they are orange, those placed behind must be red.
  • LE LUCI (o FARI) ANABBAGLIANTI ( dimming/low beams )- these are the type of headlights are mostly used to see the road better at night ; they are usually white or yellow.
  • LE LUCI (o FARI) ABBAGLIANTI ( bright/high beams )- because they provide a bright, center-weighted distribution of light with no particular control of light directed towards other road users’ eyes , they are only suitable when there are no other cars on the road, and far from residential areas. They’re usually yellow or white.

Moving to the side of the car, the first element we see is the RUOTA ( wheel ), which allows the vehicle to move. It consists of the GOMMA/”copertone” ( tyre/tire ) and the cerchione. The tire is the part that is mounted on the wheels of a vehicle and that allows the grip of the vehicle itself on the road – if you know what “gomma” means, you might have already guessed that rubber is the main component, characterized by its elasticity and resistance. The CERCHIONE ( wheel rim ) is the part that connects the tire to the vehicle.

Continuing our analysis of the car, we find three elements that are closely connected to each other: the door, the handle, and the window.

  • LA PORTIERA ( car door ), also called  sportello  or  portellone , is the door necessary to enter the car. If you remember, earlier I mentioned that the window switches can be embedded in the driver’s door, but usually it also includes a rather thin compartment for storing various objects.
  • LA MANIGLIA ( car door handle ) allows the opening and closing of the door. External ones may have a key patch, if the car opens with a key (and not with a remote control, for example).
  • IL FINESTRINO ( car window ) is the side window (as opposed to the windscreens), the “small window” (finestr-ino); in Italian, the same word can be used when talking about tram windows, bus windows and train windows.

The part that covers the entire car is called the TETTUCCIO ( roof ), the “small roof” (a word that comes from “tetto” + the suffix -uccio, which form the diminutive of the word “roof”) of cars. It can be APRIBILE, meaning that it can be opened to let air in from above ( sunroof ) or PANORAMICO, meaning that a part of the roof can be removed, letting sunlight in (but not air!) – this is what in English is known as a panoramic sunroof . If the roof can be completely removed (even temporarily), the car is called “decapottabile” ( cabriolet ) or “convertibile” ( convertible ).

Last but not least, we have to talk about the back-end , which includes two parts: licence plate/number plate and trunk/boot. The TARGA ( license plate/number plate ) is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle or trailer for official identification purposes; it’s a series of digits and numbers combined together that make each and every one of them unique. The BAGAGLIAIO ( trunk/boot ) is the vehicle’s main storage or cargo compartment, used to transport anything, including a spare wheel and an auxiliary tank.


Being able to drive is a skill that is acquired by studying and practicing; here in Italy, you have to be at least 18 years old to get your driver’s license (“patente di guida”, or just “patente”). Let’s see the most important things you need to remember when you drive!

First of all, you need to keep your hands on the steering wheel, which we have mentioned in the first paragraph. The part of the car that allows the driver to change direction of the wheels by moving the steering wheel is called STERZO ( steering ). Once you are seated in front of the steering wheel, you need to ALLACCIARE ( fasten ) your CINTURA di sicurezza ( seatbelt ), which is designed so that driver and passengers are in a situation where damage, danger and risk are limited. Obviously, it’s mandatory for both front and rear passengers’ seats and should be kept in front of the chest at all times.

After you get the car started, it won’t take long before you need to choose where you want to go, where you want to turn – choosing between two sides, means that you have to either SVOLTARE A DESTRA ( turn right ) or SVOLTARE A SINISTRA ( turn left ). Any time you drive on the road, change lane, or turn in any direction, you have to signal it… which you do by using the light-signaling devices we have already talked about! If you need to maneuver in a way that could be dangerous for others, you must signal it using acoustic signals – during the daytime, you must “suonare il CLACSON ” ( honk the horn ),

Other parts you must know are the internal and external mirrors: the SPECCHIETRO RETROVISORE INTERNO ( interior rear-view mirror ) is installed inside the car so that the driver can see what happens behind them and it can be adjusted manually. The SPECCHIETTI RETROVISORI ESTERNI ( outside rear-view mirror ) are placed on both sides of the front of the car, and they allow the driver and the passenger to see what happens behind them without having to move their whole bodies, therefore avoiding any risk of accidents.

Lastly, we have two parts of the car that aim to counteract the weather – they make sure that the driver can be free from external distraction, and that their driving is safe:

  • I TERGICRISTALLI ( windscreen wiper/windshield wiper ) are devices used to remove rain, snow, and dust from the windscreen/windshield; they are both on the front and back windscreen.
  • L’ALETTA PARASOLE ( sun visor ), conversely, is inside the car and it designed to protect the driver and passenger’s eyes.

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Useful Italian Words: Parts of a car

➡️ Go to the parts of a car in Italian vocabulary builder interactive exercises .

The parts of a car in Italian 1-5

L’automobile The car

La macchina The car The machine (generic)

La targa The license plate

Il cofano The hood

Il faro The headlight

low headlights in a car

The parts of a car in Italian 5-10

La freccia The turn signal

Il paraurti The bumper

Lo specchietto retrovisore The rear-view mirror

Lo specchietto laterale The side mirror

La ruota The wheel

parts of a car in italian - ruota

The parts of a car in Italian 11-17

Lo pneumatico The tire

Il parabrezza The windshield

Il tergicristallo The windshield wiper

Il portabagagli The luggage rack

La portiera The car door

Il bagagliaio The trunk

La cintura di sicurezza The seat belt

parts of a car in italian - cintura di sicurezza

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Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy. Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles , including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set .

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Meaning of motorboat in English

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  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat
  • rubber dinghy
  • While you can take a motorboat, many people prefer to take the original Venetian taxi, the famous gondola.  

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Italian language requirements on product labels: balancing consumer rights and the free movement of goods

Hogan Lovells

Article 9 of the Italian Consumer Code mandates the translation of all information on product labels, including non-mandatory information. This requirement creates a potential hurdle to the free movement of goods within the European Union. EU law, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union, does not allow language restrictions on the free movement of goods unless there are overriding needs, such as consumer protection. Requiring the translation of non-mandatory and non-consumer-oriented information, in addition to creating unjustified burdens for economic operators, could be contrary to the acquis communautaire. However, until the Italian lawmaker clarifies the law, businesses must continue translating all information on the labels to avoid sanctions.

The right to information about the qualities and characteristics of products and services offered is a fundamental principle of consumer protection. To enforce this right, the information must be clear, detailed and easy to understand, reflecting the consumer's legitimate expectation of the safety and quality of the goods. In this context, the use of one language rather than another plays a crucial role in enabling consumers to make informed choices and reduce the risks arising from improper product use.

Indeed, it is undeniable that consumers face difficulties due to deficiencies in the language requirements of labels and that information is more accurate when provided in their native language or otherwise in a language easily understandable. These shortcomings can have serious consequences, sometimes potentially jeopardizing consumers' health or safety, as most consumers lack multilingual experiences. In any case, ambiguous or incomprehensible information, even without severe consequences, can still deter consumers from purchasing the product or service.

In Italy, the use of language for consumer information is regulated by Article 9 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (the so-called “ Italian Consumer Code ”, which is, inter alia , the national transposition of Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety). Article 9 states that “ All the information intended for consumers and users shall be given in Italian, as a minimum requirement ”. This provision must be coordinated with Article 6 of the Italian Consumer Code, which dictates the minimum and mandatory information that must appear on the labels of products intended for consumers and marketed on the national territory (e.g. the materials used and the production methods where these are significant for the quality or characteristics of the product). Article 6 empowers consumers to act rationally in the market by providing them with the necessary information to orientate economic choices consciously. An example of non-mandatory information under Article 6 of the Italian Consumer Code is the statement “ all rights reserved ”.

Reading these provisions together suggests that Article 9 of the Italian Consumer Code, in imposing the obligation to translate all information, makes no distinction between mandatory and supplementary information. It follows that any label information, even non-essential elements, needs to be rendered at least in Italian.

However, such an obligation to use the Italian language, if not balanced by overriding requirements and interests of equal or higher rank, raises concerns regarding its compatibility with Articles 28, 34 and 36 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“ TFEU ”). On closer examination, the Italian language restriction imposes additional labeling costs on foreign manufacturers and importers, a burden not faced by their Italian counterparts. The result is a restriction on the free movement of goods in the EU market, potentially favoring domestic products to the detriment of imported products, in breach of Article 36 TFEU. T he increased costs of production and distribution could make imported goods less competitive or discourage businesses from entering the Italian market altogether.

The inconsistency of Article 9 of the Italian Consumer Code to EU law is particularly evident especially when it requires the translation of information that is not relevant for the protection of consumers. This includes all information beyond the mandatory information outlined in Article 6 of the Italian Consumer Code. In such cases, there is no overriding interest that justifies restricting the free movement of goods under Article 28 TFEU.

Indeed, an analysis of the relevant rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the subject indicates that national measures imposing language requirements are rarely justified, given the particularly restrictive effects of such rules on intra-EU trade. In fact, according to the constant jurisprudential orientation of the EU Court of Justice, any measure that may hinder, directly or indirectly, actual or potential imports between Member States falls under the prohibition of Article 36 TFEU. Therefore, if an economic operator is deterred from introducing or marketing its products in the Member State concerned, it constitutes an obstacle to the free movement of goods.

Building on established case law, Article 34 TFEU promotes non-discrimination and mutual recognition of products lawfully manufactured and marketed in other Member States. This ensures free access to national markets for Union products. Since requirements concerning the presentation of goods, including language, are directly tied to the product itself, they are not considered as selling arrangements but as measures having an equivalent effect within the meaning of Article 34 TFEU.

The issue of the language of non-mandatory information was further clarified by the judgment of 3 June 1999, C-33/97, Colim v. Bigg's Continent Noord (so-called " Colim case "), which set out the criteria within which the Member State can impose language restrictions, i.e. when such national measures: (a) apply without distinction to all national and imported products; (b) are proportionate to the objective of consumer protection that they pursue; (c) are restricted to information deemed mandatory by the Member State ; and (d) relate to information that cannot be conveyed by means other than translation.

As for the principle of proportionality, the judgment states that “ Article 30 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 28 EC) [now Article 36 TFEU] prohibits obstacles to the free movement of goods resulting from rules that lay down requirements to be met by such goods (such as requirements as to designation, form, size, weight, composition, presentation, labelling or packaging), even if those rules apply without distinction to all national and imported products, unless their application can be justified by a public-interest objective taking precedence over the free movement of goods”. It is certain that “information addressed to the purchaser or end-user which can be communicated only by words is of no practical use unless it is given in a language which he can understand”. However it must be considered that “ a national measure imposing such language requirements must, in any event, be proportionate to the aim pursued”.

On mandatory information, “ decisions as to the availability, in the language of the consumer, of information which, in the view of that State, need not be made mandatory must be left to the trader responsible for marketing the product, who may have it translated if he wishes”.

A similar conclusion is also reached by the Advocate General in the Goerres case, which states that “ such an obligation concerns only the compulsory particulars required by the directive and not the additional particulars which may in an appropriate case be affixed to the product. The latter particulars may lawfully be worded in the product's original language”.

Therefore, the EU Court of Justice emphasizes that even language restrictions must be proportionate to the consumer protection objective and limited to the information made mandatory by the Member State. These two requirements are indeed intertwined and can almost be considered consequential. How could the obligation to translate information that the economic operator could have easily omitted be considered a proportionate measure for consumer protection?

Thus, there is a manifest contradiction in the lawmaker’s decision to impose a language burden on information that the law itself considers the consumer can do without. In other words, if it is deemed unnecessary for the consumer to receive a particular piece of information, what is the difference, in terms of consumer protection, between receiving it in a potentially incomprehensible language and not receiving it at all?

It is common ground that an obstacle to the free movement of goods can only be justified by reasons of general interest stated in Article 36 TFEU, or by overriding reasons. In either case, the national measure must be appropriate to ensure the achievement of the objective pursued and must not go beyond what is necessary to achieve it. Therefore, both requirements must be taken into account and balanced – ensuring adequate information and sufficient protection of consumers, while simultaneously promoting the free movement of goods.

In light of what has been said so far, to strike a balance between protecting free movement and safeguarding the health and safety of consumers, it is essential to adopt a balanced approach. This considers the authority of the Member States, the relevant TFEU rules and the EU Court of Justice rulings while upholding consumers’ right to full information about the products and services.

Therefore, if EU law rejects the imposition by Member States of language burdens for additional product labeling information, then Article 9 of the Consumer Code will have to be disapplied. This is because it conflicts with EU principles and EU case law. So dictates, moreover, the principle of the primacy of EU law, according to which where a conflict between a rule of EU law and a rule of national law arises, EU law prevails.

The disapplication of Article 9 of the Consumer Code would have practical consequences. Companies involved in the sale of consumer goods could save on the additional costs of translating additional information. Eliminating this obligation would reduce the economic and logistical burdens on importers by allowing them to adopt multilingual labels in which only essential information is translated into Italian.

In conclusion, until further clarification, businesses must still fully translate even non-mandatory information - under penalty of seizures and the administrative penalty provided for in Article 12 of the Italian Consumer Code.

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  1. Italian translation of 'motorboat'

    Italian Translation of "MOTORBOAT" | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. ... In other languages motorboat. British English: motorboat / ˈməʊtəˌbəʊt / NOUN.

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    motorboat translate: barca a motore, imbarcazione a motore. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary.


    Translation for 'motorboat' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.

  4. Italian translation of 'motorboat'

    Italian Translation of "motorboat" | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases.


    Translation for 'motor boat' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. share ... Please choose different source and target languages. english English swap_horiz spanish Spanish; polish Polish swap_horiz english English;

  6. How to Say Motorboat in Italian

    motorboat in Italian. Learn how to say it and discover more Italian translations on indifferentlanguages.com.

  7. motorboat

    Look up the English to Italian translation of motorboat in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

  8. motorboat translation in Italian

    This motorboat tour is also offered in its evening version.: Questo tour in motoscafo viene anche proposto anche nella sua versione serale.: We stole his motorboat and his suitcase.: Gli abbiamo preso il motoscafo e la valigia!: I'd like to rent a motorboat.: Vorrei noleggiare una barca a motore.: A real must is renting a motorboat.: Un vero must è affittare una barca a motore.

  9. motorboat in Italian

    Translation of "motorboat" into Italian. motoscafo, motobarca, motorboat are the top translations of "motorboat" into Italian. Sample translated sentence: Even I was thinking about rocking a motorboat on those bad boys. ↔ Cioe', perfino io stavo pensando di fare il motoscafo su quelle ragazzacce.

  10. Significato di traduzione e definizione della parola Motorboat in

    1.1 a boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine-una barca azionata da un motore a combustione interna 2.1 ride in a motorboat-cavalcare in motoscafo For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript.

  11. Meaning of "motorboat" in the Italian dictionary

    Meaning of motorboat in the Italian dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for motorboat and translation of motorboat to 25 languages.

  12. English to Italian Meaning of motorboat

    The meaning of motorboat in italian is motoscafo. What is motorboat in italian? See pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, definitions of motorboat in italian

  13. Motorboat in English. Motorboat Meaning and Italian to English Translation

    What does motorboat mean in English? If you want to learn motorboat in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Italian to English. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce motorboat in English and how to read it. We hope this will help you in learning languages.

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

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    motorboat - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.

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    MOTORBOAT meaning: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.

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    motorboat - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: motorboat n (speedboat, powerboat) lancha motora loc nom f: motora nf: The motorboats in the lake annoyed the kayakers.

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  24. Italian language requirements on product labels: balancing consumer

    In Italy, the use of language for consumer information is regulated by Article 9 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (the so-called "Italian Consumer Code", which is, inter alia, the national ...