Commodore Perry Yacht Club

Welcome to Commodore Perry Yacht Club (CPYC) — home of the friendliest boaters on Lake Erie. Member-owned, operated and maintained since 1973, CPYC offers both cruisers and sailors a welcoming, affordable boat club. Located just minutes from downtown on Erie’s scenic bayfront, CPYC provides a home-away-from home for over 200 members. Members and visitors can relax at the pool, barbecue at the picnic shelters, or socialize on the floating docks — there’s always something fun going on! CPYC is also surrounded by great bars and restaurants. Plan a visit or consider joining our club. We hope to see you soon!

Find us on the bayfront

664 west bayfront parkway | erie, pa 16507, send us a message.


Perry Yacht Club



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Commodores Cup  2024 

August 31 - September 1 

More than 40 years in the making mark your calendar for what is sure to be the premier sailing event 2024.

The planning has already begun to make sure our members and guest enjoy great racing, social time, and of course plenty of sailors' favorite food and beverage. 

So mark your calendar, start tuning your rig, and adjusting your attitudes to be part of CC2024!

Watch here for updates throughout the season. 

Tina Breedlove, Commodore 

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See you in 2024


2024 Commodores Cup 

Thank you to all those who participated in two wonderful days of racing!  There was great wind and great competition.  

A big thank you to the dozens of volunteers who made sure all our guests were feed, entertained, and those who set the course and kept our racers safe! 

And of courese a special thank you to all those who supported our annual auction in support of PYC programming.  More than $6,500 was raised. 

Congratulations to our official winners, and everyone else who made it a great weekend!

See you next year! 


43nd Annual Commodore’s Cup  Preliminary Schedule of Activities

Friday, August 30

Registration and Opening Party 

Saturday, August 31

Breakfast and Registration 

Skipper's Meeting and Racing

Dinner with Silent and Live Auction 

Sunday, September 1


**No races will start after 2:30 pm**

Awards Presentation following the last race



Contact us: [email protected]

© Copyright 2023 -

commodore perry yacht club

Commodore Perry Yacht Club

Play in the heart of downtown baltimore, marina info.

The club was formed exclusively for pleasure, recreation, and other similar non profitable purposes which are:

  • To encourage the sport of safe boating.
  • To promote the science of seamanship and navigation.
  • To provide and maintain a suitable club house and anchorage for the use and recreation of its members.
  • To provide generally for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment and improvement of its members.

Our visitors have full use of all the facilities including City water and electrical hookup for your boat, Pool, Picnic shelters including gas grills, clubhouse including showers, restrooms, laundry, public telephone and ice for sale.

Location Info

  • Mega Yacht Slips
  • -80.1055259

Guest Dockage is $1.50 per foot per night.

This marina doesn't currently take reservations and cannot hold any position for anyone. Transient dockage is first-come-first-served.

Fuel Prices

Payment types.

commodore perry yacht club

Max Length (ft):

Approach depth (ft): , dock depth (ft):.

Commodore Perry Yachtclub

Premium Yachtmiete

Was gibt es in einem Yachtclub zu essen? Ein kulinarisches Abenteuer auf hoher See

Wenn man das Wort „Yachtclub“ hört, denken viele sofort an das rauschende Meer, das Flattern von Segeltüchern und den Hauch von Luxus und Abenteuer. Doch in der Welt der Yachtclubs gibt es noch ein anderes Element, das oft übersehen wird, obwohl es mindestens genauso wichtig ist – das Essen.

Ein Besuch in einem Yachtclub ist nicht nur ein Erlebnis für Segelbegeisterte, sondern auch für Feinschmecker. Hier treffen kulinarische Traditionen aus allen Ecken der Welt aufeinander und verschmelzen zu einzigartigen Geschmackserlebnissen. Aber was genau kann man in einem Yachtclub zu essen erwarten?

Ein Yachtclub ist mehr als nur ein Hafen für prächtige Boote . Er ist auch ein Treffpunkt für Menschen, die das Meer lieben, und ebenso für solche, die gutes Essen zu schätzen wissen. Das Restaurant eines Yachtclubs ist oft der pulsierende Mittelpunkt des Geschehens. Hier werden Geschichten ausgetauscht, Erfahrungen geteilt und – am wichtigsten – fantastische Gerichte serviert.

Und genau wie das Meer keine Grenzen kennt, kennt auch die Küche eines Yachtclubs keine. Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, Aromen aus der mediterranen Küche mit denen aus Asien oder Südamerika zu kombinieren. Stellen Sie sich ein zartes Stück Thunfisch vor, das in einer leichten Teriyaki-Marinade getränkt und auf einem Bett aus frischem Rucola und sonnengereiften Tomaten serviert wird.

Natürlich gibt es auch für die Fleischliebhaber genügend Auswahl. Von saftigen Steaks, über zarte Lammkoteletts bis hin zu Gourmet-Burgern – die Möglichkeiten sind endlos. Und wer könnte das verführerische Aroma von gegrilltem Fleisch widerstehen, das sich mit der salzigen Meeresbrise mischt?

Aber das Herzstück der meisten Yachtclub-Restaurants sind zweifellos die Meeresfrüchte. Hier werden Austern, Garnelen, Hummer und viele andere Delikatessen in einer Art und Weise zubereitet, die den wahren Geschmack des Ozeans einfängt. Es ist fast so, als ob man die Geschichten der See mit jedem Bissen spürt.

Und was wäre ein Essen ohne Dessert? Auch hier lassen sich die Yachtclubs nicht lumpen. Von frischen Frucht-Tartes über schokoladige Köstlichkeiten bis hin zu exotischen Eiscremesorten – es ist für jeden süßen Zahn etwas dabei.

Das Ambiente eines Yachtclub-Restaurants spielt ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle. Die Kombination aus stilvollem Dekor, dem sanften Plätschern des Wassers und dem Panoramablick auf den Hafen schafft eine Atmosphäre, die zum Verweilen einlädt. Es ist ein Ort, an dem man entspannen, genießen und die Sorgen des Alltags vergessen kann.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass ein Besuch in einem Yachtclub nicht nur für die Augen, sondern auch für den Gaumen ein Genuss ist. Es ist ein Ort, an dem kulinarische Kunst und die Liebe zum Meer aufeinandertreffen. Ein Ort, der sowohl Abenteuerlustige als auch Feinschmecker begeistert. Und obwohl jeder Yachtclub seine eigenen Spezialitäten und kulinarischen Highlights hat, ist eines sicher: In einem Yachtclub zu essen ist immer ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Hochzeit auf dem Meer: Eine Liebeserklärung an die endlose Weite

Es gibt Orte auf dieser Welt, die Geschichten erzählen. Geschichten von Abenteuern, Entdeckungen und unendlichen Horizonten. Doch nur wenige Orte können mit der Magie und der Poesie des Meeres mithalten. Und was gibt es Romantischeres, als sich genau an so einem Ort, dem unendlichen Ozean, das Ja-Wort zu geben? Eine Hochzeit auf dem Meer – eine Liebeserklärung, die so tief und grenzenlos ist wie der Ozean selbst.

Viele Paare träumen von einer Strandhochzeit, bei der die Wellen sanft an den Sandstrand plätschern und der Himmel in den schönsten Farben des Sonnenuntergangs erstrahlt. Doch eine Hochzeit direkt auf dem Meer setzt dem Ganzen noch eines drauf. Stellen Sie sich vor, auf einem prächtigen Schiff, umgeben von den endlosen Weiten des Meeres, mit dem Wind in den Haaren und der Brise des Salzwassers auf den Lippen, das Ja-Wort zu geben. Ein Moment, der nicht nur im Herzen, sondern auch in der Unendlichkeit des Horizonts eingraviert wird.

Die Vorbereitung einer solchen Hochzeit erfordert natürlich besondere Planung. Es geht nicht nur darum, ein Schiff oder eine Yacht zu mieten , sondern auch darum, alle logistischen Herausforderungen zu meistern. Das Wetter, die Gezeiten und die Sicherheit der Gäste müssen berücksichtigt werden. Es ist empfehlenswert, mit einem erfahrenen Hochzeitsplaner zusammenzuarbeiten, der sich auf solche Veranstaltungen spezialisiert hat.

Die Kulisse des Meeres bietet zudem eine einzigartige Atmosphäre für die Hochzeitsfotos. Der Kontrast von elegant gekleideten Gästen gegen das wilde, freie Blau des Ozeans schafft Bilder, die für immer im Gedächtnis bleiben. Dabei sollte man auch den Dresscode bedenken: Elegante, aber bequeme Kleidung, die dem Wind standhält, und flache Schuhe, die sicher auf dem Deck sind, sind ein Muss.

Das Menü kann natürlich von den Schätzen des Meeres inspiriert sein. Frische Meeresfrüchte, delikater Fisch und vielleicht sogar ein Cocktail, der an die Tropen erinnert, runden das Erlebnis ab. Durch die Bewegung des Schiffes kann es allerdings zu Seekrankheit kommen, daher sollten auch Alternativen für empfindliche Gäste bereitstehen.

Musikalisch könnte eine Live-Band mit maritimen Klängen die Stimmung unterstreichen. Das sanfte Plätschern der Wellen, kombiniert mit den Melodien von Gitarre und Gesang, schafft eine Atmosphäre, die man so schnell nicht vergessen wird.

Eine Hochzeit auf dem Meer ist zweifellos ein Abenteuer. Sie erfordert Mut, Planung und das Bewusstsein, dass nicht alles perfekt laufen wird. Doch genau das macht sie so besonders. Es ist die Verbindung von zwei Menschen, die sich trauen, in die Unendlichkeit des Ozeans zu stechen, Hand in Hand, bereit für alle Stürme und Sonnenscheine, die das Leben für sie bereithält. Es ist eine Liebeserklärung, die so tief und grenzenlos ist wie das Meer selbst. Und das ist es wert.

Wie man einen Bootsführerschein in die Hand bekommt: Ein tiefer Tauchgang

Ein Bootsführerschein ist nicht nur ein einfacher Papierfetzen. Er ist ein Ticket zu Sonnenuntergängen auf stillen Seen, ein Wegbereiter für Abenteuer auf den offenen Meeren und ein Beweis dafür, dass man sich die Freiheit erarbeitet hat, die Wellen zu beherrschen. Aber wie macht man diesen begehrten Schein? Tauchen wir gemeinsam in die Fluten dieses Themas ein.

Die Theorie hinter dem Steuer

Bevor man die salzige Meeresluft in den Haaren spürt oder das sanfte Plätschern des Flusswassers am Bug hört, beginnt der Weg zum Bootsführerschein im Klassenzimmer. Der theoretische Teil des Kurses sorgt dafür, dass jeder angehende Kapitän die Grundlagen der Schifffahrt versteht. Hier lernt man alles, von den internationalen Seerechtsvorschriften über Navigation bis hin zu Wetterbedingungen und Sicherheitsverfahren. Egal ob man auf einem ruhigen See oder inmitten stürmischer Meere segelt, das fundierte Wissen, das man hier sammelt, ist von unschätzbarem Wert.

Üben, üben, üben

Es geht darum, die Bewegungen und Reaktionen des Bootes unter verschiedenen Bedingungen zu spüren. Das Gefühl, wenn man zum ersten Mal allein ein Boot steuert und realisiert, dass man die Kontrolle hat, ist unbeschreiblich. Dieser Moment, in dem Selbstvertrauen und Fähigkeiten Hand in Hand gehen, ist ein Meilenstein auf dem Weg zum Bootsführerschein.

Die Prüfung

Der Tag der Prüfung ist da. Jetzt gilt es, alles Gelernte zu zeigen. Der theoretische Test prüft das Wissen über Vorschriften, Navigation und Sicherheit. Hier muss man beweisen, dass man die Regeln des Wassers kennt und versteht. Doch das ist nur die halbe Miete.

Der praktische Test ist das, worauf alles hinausläuft. Hier demonstriert man, dass man nicht nur die Theorie beherrscht, sondern auch das praktische Können besitzt, ein Boot sicher zu führen. Man navigiert durch Bojen, führt vielleicht einen Mann-über-Bord-Manöver durch und zeigt, dass man unter Druck Ruhe bewahren kann.

Freiheit auf dem Wasser

Hat man die Prüfung bestanden, hält man endlich den Bootsführerschein in den Händen. Doch dies ist nicht das Ende der Reise, sondern erst der Anfang. Mit dem Schein in der Tasche öffnet sich eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten. Ob man nun ferne Küsten erkundet, an spannenden Regatten teilnimmt oder einfach nur einen entspannten Tag auf dem Wasser genießt – die Freiheit, die der Bootsführerschein mit sich bringt, ist grenzenlos.

Abschließend lässt sich sagen: Der Weg zum Bootsführerschein mag anstrengend und herausfordernd sein, aber die Belohnungen sind es wert. Es geht nicht nur darum, ein Stück Papier zu erhalten, sondern darum, sich die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen anzueignen, um sicher und selbstbewusst auf dem Wasser zu sein. Und am Ende des Tages ist das das wahre Ziel – die Freiheit und das Abenteuer, das die Ozeane, Seen und Flüsse dieser Welt zu bieten haben, in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

Wie teuer ist es, eine Yacht zu mieten – Eine Reise in die Finanzen

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie gleiten sanft über das tiefblaue Meer, die Sonne glitzert auf der Wasseroberfläche, und ein leichter Wind weht durch Ihre Haare. Ringsum erstreckt sich das endlose Meer, nur hin und wieder durchbrochen von einer entlegenen Insel. Ein Traum, nicht wahr? Dieser Traum kann Wirklichkeit werden, wenn Sie eine Yacht mieten . Aber wie viel muss man für dieses luxuriöse Abenteuer bezahlen?

Das Mieten einer Yacht kann oft als die ultimative Form des Reisens gesehen werden. Es bietet Unabhängigkeit, Luxus und vor allem ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis. Der Preis für eine solche Reise variiert jedoch stark und hängt von vielen Faktoren ab.

Größe und Art der Yacht

Dauer und Saison

Wie bei den meisten Reisebuchungen spielt auch hier die Dauer eine wichtige Rolle. Möchten Sie die Yacht nur für ein Wochenende oder für mehrere Wochen mieten? Natürlich wird der Preis pro Tag tendenziell sinken, je länger Sie die Yacht mieten. Außerdem ist die Saison entscheidend. In der Hochsaison, wenn das Wetter ideal ist und jeder aufs Meer möchte, steigen die Preise, während in der Nebensaison günstigere Angebote möglich sind.

Besatzung und Zusatzleistungen

Während manche Yachten „bareboat“, also ohne Besatzung, gemietet werden können (vorausgesetzt, Sie oder jemand in Ihrer Gruppe hat die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und Lizenzen), kommen viele luxuriöse Yachten mit einer vollständigen Besatzung. Das beinhaltet nicht nur den Kapitän, sondern oft auch Köche, Stewards und Tauchlehrer. Diese zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen erhöhen den Preis, bieten aber auch ein Rundum-sorglos-Paket.

Zusätzlich können Kosten für Verpflegung, Treibstoff, Hafengebühren oder andere Aktivitäten wie Tauchausflüge oder Wassersportgeräte anfallen.

Destination und Route

Der Ort, an dem Sie die Yacht mieten, kann auch einen großen Einfluss auf den Preis haben. Einige Regionen wie die Côte d’Azur in Frankreich, die Amalfiküste in Italien oder die karibischen Inseln sind besonders beliebt und dementsprechend teurer. Das gleiche gilt für spezielle Routen oder Events, wie z.B. das Mieten einer Yacht während des Cannes Filmfestivals.

Die verborgenen Kosten des Yacht-Luxus

Wenn man an die Kosten für die Yachtmiete denkt, wird oft nur der Basispreis betrachtet. Aber wie bei den meisten Luxusreisen gibt es auch hier verborgene Kosten, die man im Blick behalten sollte.

Treibstoff : Dies mag offensichtlich erscheinen, aber der Treibstoffverbrauch, vor allem bei größeren Motorjachten, kann erheblich sein. Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, dass man für einen Tag auf dem Meer mehrere Tausend Euro nur für den Treibstoff ausgibt. Es lohnt sich, im Voraus zu schätzen, wie viel Sie tatsächlich segeln werden und den Treibstoff entsprechend zu budgetieren.

Versicherung : Je nachdem, wo und wie Sie mieten, können Versicherungskosten entweder in den Gesamtpreis einbezogen sein oder separat anfallen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie ausreichend versichert sind – nicht nur für Schäden an der Yacht, sondern auch für eventuelle Haftpflichtansprüche.

Hafengebühren : Wenn Sie in einem Hafen anlegen, werden oft Gebühren für das Anlegen, die Nutzung der Einrichtungen und manchmal sogar für Strom und Wasser erhoben. Diese können, je nach Ort und Jahreszeit, erheblich variieren.

Tipp für die Besatzung : Wenn Ihre Yacht mit einer Besatzung kommt, ist es üblich (und höflich), am Ende der Reise Trinkgeld zu geben. Dies kann zwischen 10% und 20% des Gesamtpreises der Yachtmiete liegen, je nach Zufriedenheit mit dem Service.

Wartung : Obwohl es nicht direkt eine Mietkosten ist, können unerwartete Probleme auftreten, die eine Reparatur erfordern. Ein guter Verleih wird solche Kosten abdecken, aber es ist immer gut, sich im Klaren darüber zu sein.

Die Reise zur Yacht : Abhängig von Ihrem Abfahrtsort kann der Transport zur Yacht selbst – ob mit dem Flugzeug, Zug oder Auto – eine bedeutende Zusatzkosten sein.

Die Erfahrung des Yachtens ist in der Tat luxuriös und erhebend, aber es ist wichtig, mit offenen Augen in dieses Abenteuer zu gehen. Das Budgetieren und die Vorbereitung auf diese Kosten können unangenehme Überraschungen vermeiden und sicherstellen, dass Ihr Erlebnis so sorgenfrei wie möglich ist.

Doch trotz all dieser Kosten und Überlegungen ist das Yachten ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis. Der Luxus, die Freiheit, das tiefe Blau des Meeres und die Sterne in der Nacht, während man sanft von den Wellen gewiegt wird – das sind Momente, die man nicht mit Geld beziffern kann. Und für viele ist genau das den Preis wert.

Das Mieten einer Yacht ist zweifellos eine der exklusivsten Arten zu reisen. Während es möglich ist, mit einem begrenzten Budget eine kleinere Yacht für ein kurzes Abenteuer zu mieten, können die Kosten für größere Yachten mit allen Annehmlichkeiten rasch in die Höhe schnellen. Es ist wichtig, alle Aspekte zu berücksichtigen und sich vorab gut zu informieren, um nicht von versteckten Kosten überrascht zu werden.

Am Ende ist die Erfahrung des Segelns auf dem offenen Meer, umgeben von Luxus und Komfort, für viele jeden Cent wert. Es ist eine Gelegenheit, sich von der Hektik des Alltags zu entfernen, tief durchzuatmen und das Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das mit Sicherheit noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird.

Was für Yachten gibt es? Ein tiefer Einblick in die Welt der Luxusboote

Yachten symbolisieren für viele Menschen den ultimativen Luxus – ein Statussymbol, das für Reichtum, Freiheit und Abenteuer steht. Aber nicht alle Yachten sind gleich. Tauchen wir ein in die faszinierende Welt der Yachten und entdecken die verschiedenen Arten, die es gibt.

  • Segelyachten:
  • Motoryachten:

Für diejenigen, die Geschwindigkeit und Luxus suchen, sind Motoryachten die erste Wahl. Diese Boote sind oft opulent ausgestattet mit allem erdenklichen Luxus – von Helikopter-Landeplätzen über große Schwimmbäder bis hin zu eigenen Unterwasser-Submersibles. Motoryachten können in verschiedene Größenkategorien eingeteilt werden, darunter:

  • Sportfischer-Yachten: Diese sind speziell für Hochseefischen ausgestattet und verfügen über spezielle Angelplattformen und -einrichtungen.
  • Explorer-Yachten: Für die abenteuerlustigeren Seefahrer konzipiert, sind diese Yachten für lange Reisen ausgestattet und oft mit modernster Technologie für schwierige Wetterbedingungen und Gewässer.
  • Megayachten & Superyachten:

Das sind die Königinnen der Meere. Megayachten und Superyachten sind oft mehr als 60 Meter lang und verfügen über alle nur erdenklichen Annehmlichkeiten. Diese schwimmenden Paläste können alles von Kinos, Spas, mehreren Pools und sogar Mini-Submarines enthalten.

  • Katamarane & Trimarane:

Diese Mehrrumpfyachten sind aufgrund ihrer Stabilität und ihres geräumigen Designs besonders bei Familien und Langzeitkreuzern beliebt. Sie bieten einen flachen Tiefgang, wodurch sie ideal für das Erkunden von flachen Gewässern und Lagunen sind.

  • Klassische Yachten:

Für die Nostalgiker unter uns gibt es klassische Yachten – oft wunderschön restaurierte Boote aus vergangenen Zeiten. Sie kombinieren die Eleganz der alten Welt mit moderner Technologie und sind oft bei Regatten und klassischen Yacht-Events zu sehen.

Yachten als Spiegelbild der Persönlichkeit

Die Wahl der richtigen Yacht hängt von vielen Faktoren ab – vom Budget über den Zweck bis hin zum persönlichen Geschmack. Aber eines ist sicher: In der Welt der Yachten gibt es für jeden etwas.

Die Technologie hinter den Yachten

In der heutigen Zeit sind Yachten nicht nur beeindruckende Kunstwerke und Luxussymbole, sondern sie sind auch mit neuester Technologie ausgestattet, die das Segelerlebnis revolutioniert.

  • Öko-Yachten:

Mit einem stetig wachsenden Bewusstsein für Umweltfragen beginnen Yachtbesitzer und -designer, nachhaltige Lösungen für den Bau und Betrieb von Yachten zu suchen. Solarenergie, Elektromotoren und Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen sind nur einige der vielen innovativen Technologien, die auf modernen Öko-Yachten eingesetzt werden.

  • Autonome Yachten:

Die Autonomie-Revolution beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Autos. Es gibt bereits Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich autonomer Yachten. Mit fortschrittlicher GPS-Technologie, Radar und anderen Sensoren können diese Yachten autonom über die Ozeane navigieren.

  • Tauchyachten:

Einige der neueren Designs bieten die Möglichkeit, unter die Wasseroberfläche zu gehen. Diese Yachten verfügen über eingebaute Unterwasser-Kabinen mit Panoramafenstern, durch die die Gäste das Unterwasserleben beobachten können, oder gar über kleine U-Boote, die von der Yacht aus starten können.

Yachten als Gemeinschaftserlebnis

Obwohl Yachten oft mit Alleinreisen und Einsamkeit assoziiert werden, wird das Gemeinschaftserlebnis an Bord immer beliebter.

  • Sharing-Yachten:

In Zeiten, in denen Sharing-Modelle immer populärer werden, gibt es auch eine Zunahme von Yacht-Sharing-Plattformen, die es mehreren Personen ermöglichen, eine Yacht gemeinsam zu besitzen oder zu mieten. Dies ermöglicht vielen Menschen den Luxus eines Yachterlebnisses, ohne die gesamten Kosten alleine tragen zu müssen.

  • Event-Yachten:

Für besondere Anlässe werden Yachten oft als schwimmende Veranstaltungsorte gemietet. Von Hochzeiten über Geschäftstreffen bis hin zu thematischen Partys bieten sie einen einzigartigen und unvergesslichen Rahmen.

Zukunft der Yachten

Wie bei allen Technologien und Trends entwickeln sich auch Yachten ständig weiter. Während wir uns in eine Ära des umweltbewussten Designs, der technologischen Innovation und des gemeinschaftlichen Teilens bewegen, bleibt eines konstant: die tiefe menschliche Sehnsucht nach dem Meer und der Freiheit, die es bietet.


Die Welt der Yachten ist vielfältig und faszinierend. Von den anmutigen Linien einer klassischen Segelyacht bis zu den beeindruckenden Dimensionen einer Superyacht gibt es unendlich viele Möglichkeiten, das Meer zu erleben . Ob Sie davon träumen, eines Tages Ihr eigenes Boot zu besitzen oder einfach nur die Schönheit und Eleganz dieser unglaublichen Schiffe bewundern möchten – die Yachtwelt bietet endlose Inspiration und Abenteuer. Es geht nicht nur um Luxus, sondern auch um das Erlebnis, das Gefühl der Freiheit und die unvergleichliche Verbindung zum Meer.

Was macht eine gute Yachtwerft aus?

Yachten sind nicht nur eine Möglichkeit, sich über Wasser fortzubewegen – sie sind oft auch Ausdruck eines Lebensstils, der Luxus, Abenteuer und den Reiz des Unbekannten in einem kombiniert. Die Auswahl einer Yacht ist ein bedeutendes Unterfangen und genauso entscheidend ist die Wahl der richtigen Werft , welche diese baut oder wartet. Doch was macht eine gute Yachtwerft wirklich aus? Schauen wir uns einige der wichtigsten Kriterien an.

Handwerkskunst und Qualität: Eine herausragende Yacht-Werft zeichnet sich durch handwerkliche Meisterleistungen und höchste Qualitätsansprüche aus. In jedem Schnitt, jeder Naht und jedem Polierstrich sollte die Hingabe zum Detail erkennbar sein. Die Materialauswahl, sei es Holz, Stahl oder Kompositmaterial, sollte von höchster Qualität sein, um nicht nur Schönheit, sondern auch Langlebigkeit und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.

Kundenorientierung: Jede Yacht ist so einzigartig wie ihr Besitzer. Eine erstklassige Werft versteht die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden und bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen an. Ob es um besondere Innenraumgestaltungen, spezifische technische Anforderungen oder besondere Einrichtungen an Bord geht – Flexibilität und Kundenservice sind entscheidend.

Nachhaltigkeit: Mit dem wachsenden Bewusstsein für Umweltfragen gewinnt auch die nachhaltige Produktion an Bedeutung. Top-Werften bemühen sich heute um umweltfreundliche Bauweisen, verwenden recyclebare Materialien und versuchen, ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck so gering wie möglich zu halten.

Erfahrung und Reputation: Die Geschichte und der Ruf einer Werft können viel über ihre Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit aussagen. Werften, die seit Jahrzehnten oder gar Jahrhunderten im Geschäft sind, haben oft einen Schatz an Erfahrungen, den sie in jeden neuen Bau einfließen lassen.

Service nach dem Kauf: Der Bau einer Yacht ist nur der Anfang. Ein gutes Werftunternehmen bietet auch nach der Übergabe Unterstützung an. Von Reparaturen über Wartung bis hin zu Renovierungen sollte die Werft in der Lage sein, ihre Schiffe und ihre Besitzer über die gesamte Lebensdauer der Yacht zu betreuen.

Sicherheit: Last but not least, eine Yacht ist mehr als nur ein Luxusgegenstand. Es ist ein Fahrzeug, das in manchmal rauen Bedingungen sicher funktionieren muss. Eine gute Werft legt daher höchsten Wert auf Sicherheitsstandards und gewährleistet, dass jede von ihr gebaute Yacht diesen gerecht wird.

Netzwerk und Partnerschaften: Eine erstklassige Werft pflegt oft Beziehungen zu anderen Branchenführern, sei es in der Marineelektronik, Innenausstattung oder sogar im Wassersportzubehör. Diese Beziehungen können den Yachtbesitzern einen erheblichen Mehrwert bieten, da sie Zugang zu den besten Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Fachwissen erhalten.

Finanzstabilität: Die Yachtindustrie ist kapitalintensiv, und der Bau von Premium-Yachten erfordert erhebliche Investitionen. Die finanzielle Gesundheit einer Werft ist ein Indikator für ihre Fähigkeit, Projekte termingerecht abzuschließen und Verpflichtungen gegenüber Lieferanten und Kunden zu erfüllen. Eine solvente Werft bietet auch eine größere Sicherheit in Bezug auf Garantieansprüche und Nachverkaufsservices.

Feedback und Testimonials: Empfehlungen von früheren Kunden können ein realistisches Bild von der Arbeitsqualität einer Werft vermitteln. Ein Blick auf Testimonials, Kundenbewertungen oder sogar direktes Gespräch mit anderen Yachteignern kann potenzielle Fallstricke aufzeigen und gleichzeitig die herausragenden Eigenschaften der Werft hervorheben.

Transparenz im Prozess: Gute Werften halten ihre Kunden während des gesamten Bauprozesses auf dem Laufenden. Dies beinhaltet regelmäßige Updates, die Möglichkeit, den Bau vor Ort zu besuchen, und eine offene Kommunikationslinie für Fragen oder Anpassungen.

Ausbildung und Weiterbildung: Die besten Werften legen Wert auf die ständige Weiterbildung ihrer Mitarbeiter. Sie sorgen dafür, dass ihre Teams stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik und Methodik sind, sei es durch interne Schulungen, Partnerschaften mit Bildungseinrichtungen oder den Besuch internationaler Bootsmessen.

Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Während der Preis bei Luxusyachten oft nicht das Hauptanliegen ist, sollte dennoch ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis geboten werden. Die besten Werften bieten exzellente Qualität zu einem fairen Preis, wobei sie den Wert ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen stets im Auge behalten.

Die Wahl der richtigen Yacht-Werft ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, ob Sie eine neue Yacht bauen oder eine bestehende warten lassen möchten. Eine gute Werft verbindet Handwerkskunst mit Technologie, Kundenservice mit Nachhaltigkeit und Tradition mit Innovation. Letztendlich sollte die Werft nicht nur ein Schiff liefern, sondern auch ein Versprechen: das Versprechen von Qualität, Sicherheit und einer unvergesslichen Erfahrung auf dem Wasser.

Die Vielfältige Welt der Yacht-Erlebnisse: Mehr als nur Segeln

Eine luxuriöse Yacht inmitten der schimmernden See oder am Horizont eines malerischen Sonnenuntergangs ist zweifellos ein eindrucksvoller Anblick. Yachten sind jedoch nicht nur für ihre Schönheit und ihren Luxus bekannt, sondern bieten auch eine Vielzahl an Aktivitäten und Erfahrungen. Tatsächlich können sie Ihr Portal zu einer ganz neuen Welt der Abenteuer, Entspannung und sogar Lernen sein. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir erforschen, was man mit einer Yacht alles machen kann.

Wasseraktivitäten und Abenteuer

Wenn es um Abenteuer auf dem Wasser geht, sind die Möglichkeiten mit einer Yacht schier endlos. Nutzen Sie das offene Meer für eine Reihe von Wassersportarten, wie Jet-Ski, Wasserski, Kajakfahren und Paddleboarding. Die meisten modernen Yachten sind mit speziellen Plattformen ausgestattet, die diese Aktivitäten erleichtern.

Für diejenigen, die die Schönheit der Unterwasserwelt lieben, bieten Yachten die perfekte Plattform für Schnorcheln und Tauchen. Das sind zwei der erfüllendsten Aktivitäten, die man auf einer Yacht durchführen kann. Sie ermöglichen es Ihnen, die atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt zu erkunden, von bunten Korallenriffen bis hin zu geheimnisvollen Schiffswracks. Besonders beeindruckend sind Nachttauchgänge, bei denen Sie eine völlig andere Seite des Ozeans entdecken können, beleuchtet von Ihrer Tauchlampe.


Wenn Sie ein Angelfanatiker sind, bietet eine Yacht die perfekte Plattform für Hochseefischen. Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung können Sie exotische Fischarten wie Marlin, Thunfisch und Barrakuda fangen. Einige Yachten sind sogar speziell für das Angeln ausgestattet, mit Angelrutenhaltern und speziellen Kühlboxen, um Ihren Fang frisch zu halten.

Kiteboarding und Windsurfen

Wenn Sie den Nervenkitzel von Geschwindigkeit und Akrobatik lieben, können Sie Kiteboarding oder Windsurfen ausprobieren. Da Yachten Ihnen Zugang zu offenen Gewässern bieten, die weit von der Küste entfernt sind, können Sie Windbedingungen nutzen, die sonst schwer zu erreichen wären.

Tubing und Bananenbootfahren

Für eine lustige und aufregende Gruppenaktivität können Sie Tubing oder Bananenbootfahren ausprobieren. Diese Aktivitäten erfordern wenig bis keine Fähigkeiten und garantieren viel Lachen und unvergessliche Momente.

Wildlife Beobachtung

Schließlich sollten wir nicht vergessen, dass das Meer ein Lebensraum für unzählige Arten von Wildtieren ist. Von Ihrer Yacht aus haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Delfine zu beobachten, die neben Ihnen schwimmen, oder Wale, die in der Ferne auftauchen. In einigen Regionen können Sie sogar Meeresschildkröten, Seelöwen oder Pinguine beobachten.

Kulinarische Reisen und Unterhaltung

Eine Yacht bietet auch die Möglichkeit, kulinarische Erlebnisse auf hoher See zu genießen. Ob Sie sich für einen privaten Chefkoch entscheiden, der exquisite Mahlzeiten direkt an Bord zubereitet, oder selbst den Kochlöffel schwingen, das Essen mit der schier unendlichen Aussicht auf das Meer wird Sie sicherlich begeistern. Genießen Sie einen Grillabend an Deck oder ein elegantes Abendessen unter den Sternen.

Unterhaltung an Bord einer Yacht kann viele Formen annehmen. Sie können Themenabende organisieren, Filmabende unter freiem Himmel veranstalten oder sogar eine Segelregatta mit anderen Yachtbesitzern planen.

Lernen und Wohltätigkeitsarbeit

Yachten können auch als Orte des Lernens und der persönlichen Entwicklung dienen. Sie können Segelkurse belegen, um die Grundlagen des Segelns und der Seefahrt zu erlernen, oder einen Kurs in mariner Biologie absolvieren, um mehr über das marine Leben zu erfahren.

Darüber hinaus könnten Sie Ihre Yacht nutzen, um Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltungen zu organisieren, wie Fundraising-Regatten oder wissenschaftliche Expeditionen, um zum Schutz der Meeresumwelt beizutragen.

Entspannung und Meditation

Last but not least, bieten Yachten einen perfekten Ort für Entspannung und Meditation. Die ruhige und friedliche Atmosphäre auf hoher See kann eine beruhigende Wirkung haben und Ihnen helfen, den Stress des Alltags abzubauen. Sie können Yoga-Sessions auf dem Deck planen, ein Buch lesen oder einfach nur die spektakulären Sonnenauf- und untergänge genießen.

Ob Sie ein Adrenalin-Junkie, ein Feinschmecker, ein Naturliebhaber oder einfach jemand sind, der Frieden und Ruhe sucht, eine Yacht kann eine Fülle von Erfahrungen bieten, die über das bloße Segeln hinausgehen. Sie eröffnet eine Welt voller Abenteuer und Möglichkeiten, die nur darauf warten, entdeckt zu werden. Obwohl eine Yacht zweifellos ein Luxus ist, ist sie auch eine Investition in Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen, die ein Leben lang halten können. Es ist wahr, dass man mit einer Yacht alles machen kann – und das ist es, was sie so besonders macht.

Segel setzen und ablegen: Ein Leitfaden zum Chartern einer Yacht

Die See ruft, die Sonne strahlt, und ein sanfter Wind weht. Du blickst hinaus auf eine atemberaubende Kulisse aus strahlend blauem Wasser und schneeweißen Yachten. Du träumst davon, die Weite des Ozeans zu erobern, und stellst dir vor, wie es wäre, dein eigenes schwimmendes Paradies zu besitzen. Glücklicherweise ist das Chartern einer Yacht einfacher und zugänglicher als du denkst. Hier ist ein umfassender Leitfaden für dich, wie du deinen Traum vom Segeln auf hoher See verwirklichen kannst.

Warum eine Yacht chartern?

Bevor wir ins Detail gehen, lassen Sie uns zuerst die Frage beantworten, warum man überhaupt eine Yacht chartern sollte. Eine Yacht bietet dir ein einzigartiges Erlebnis der Freiheit und Abenteuer. Sie eröffnet dir die Möglichkeit, versteckte Buchten und malerische Inseln zu entdecken, die nur schwer zugänglich sind. Es ist auch eine ausgezeichnete Möglichkeit, in intimer Atmosphäre mit Freunden und Familie zusammenzukommen.

Die Magie der See: Ein tieferer Blick auf das Erlebnis einer Yachttour

Das Meer bietet uns eine Mischung aus Abenteuer, Romantik, Entspannung und Freiheit. Eine Yachttour vereint all diese Elemente zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Doch was macht eine solche Reise wirklich besonders? Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam eintauchen in die faszinierende Welt der Yachttouren und die Magie, die sie umgibt.

Der Ruf des Abenteuers

Wenn Sie eine Yacht chartern, eröffnen sich Ihnen endlose Möglichkeiten für Abenteuer. Sie können faszinierende Küstenlinien entdecken, in unberührten Gewässern schnorcheln, seltene Meeresbewohner beobachten und unentdeckte Inseln erkunden. Jeder Tag bringt neue Erlebnisse und Herausforderungen mit sich, sei es die Planung der perfekten Route, das Manövrieren durch komplexe Wasserwege oder das Meistern der Kunst des Segelns.

Das Gefühl von Freiheit

Eine Yacht bietet das ultimative Gefühl von Freiheit. Weit entfernt von der Hektik und den Zwängen des Alltags, sind Sie der Herr Ihrer eigenen Reise. Sie können spontan entscheiden, wohin Sie fahren, wie lange Sie bleiben und was Sie tun möchten. Sie können den Tag mit einem erfrischenden Sprung ins kristallklare Wasser beginnen, den Sonnenuntergang von Ihrer eigenen privaten Terrasse aus beobachten und nachts den atemberaubenden Sternenhimmel bewundern.

Die Verbindung mit der Natur

Eine Yachttour ermöglicht Ihnen auch, eine tiefere Verbindung mit der Natur zu knüpfen. Die Weite des Ozeans, die frische Meeresluft, das sanfte Plätschern der Wellen – all dies schafft ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Einklang mit der Umwelt. Zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu beobachten, von Delfinen und Walen bis hin zu bunten Fischen und Korallen.

Der Luxus auf See

Eine Yacht steht auch für Luxus und Komfort. Abhängig von der Größe und Ausstattung der Yacht, können Sie Annehmlichkeiten wie geräumige Kabinen, eine voll ausgestattete Küche, einen Whirlpool, eine Sonnenterrasse und sogar einen Fitnessraum genießen. Sie können exklusive Mahlzeiten unter freiem Himmel einnehmen, auf der Sonnenterrasse entspannen und die Aussicht genießen, oder einfach nur den Komfort Ihrer eigenen privaten Suite genießen.

Arten des Yachtcharters

Es gibt grundsätzlich drei Arten des Yachtcharters – Bareboat, Skippered und Crewed Charter. Bei einem Bareboat Charter bist du selbst der Kapitän und die Crew, wobei du die volle Kontrolle über das Schiff hast. Ein Skippered Charter beinhaltet einen professionellen Skipper, der das Schiff für dich steuert. Ein Crewed Charter ist die luxuriöseste Option, bei der eine vollständige Crew inklusive Kapitän, Koch und Bedienung zur Verfügung steht.

Wahl der richtigen Yacht

Die Wahl der richtigen Yacht hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab – der Anzahl der Gäste, deinen Segelfähigkeiten, deinem Budget und natürlich deinen persönlichen Vorlieben. Ein kleineres Segelboot eignet sich perfekt für ein intimes Erlebnis, während eine größere Motoryacht für Gruppenreisen oder luxuriöse Veranstaltungen geeignet ist.

Vorbereitung auf die Charter

Vorbereitung ist der Schlüssel zu einer erfolgreichen Yachtcharter. Stelle sicher, dass du die nötigen Navigations- und Seemannschaftsfähigkeiten besitzt, wenn du dich für ein Bareboat Charter entscheidest. Es ist auch ratsam, eine Vorabbesichtigung durchzuführen, um die Funktionen und Ausstattung der Yacht kennenzulernen.

Packe außerdem angemessen für deine Reise – denke an Badebekleidung, Sonnenschutz, komfortable Kleidung, Seekrankheitsmedikamente und natürlich ausreichend Proviant.

Kosten und Buchung

Die Kosten für das Chartern einer Yacht können stark variieren, abhängig von Größe, Typ, Standort und Saison der Yacht. Es ist empfehlenswert, sich ein Budget zu setzen und sich vorher gründlich über die Kosten zu informieren. Achte bei der Buchung auch auf die Stornierungsbedingungen und Versicherungen.

Das Chartern einer Yacht kann eine unglaublich lohnende Erfahrung sein, die dir ein Gefühl von Abenteuer, Freiheit und Luxus bietet. Es erfordert zwar eine sorgfältige Planung und Vorbereitung, aber der Anblick des endlosen Ozeans und die faszinierenden Entdeckungen entlang der Küste sind es definitiv wert. Also, warum wartest du noch? Setze die Segel und erlebe das Abenteuer deines Lebens!

Zum Schluss noch ein Zitat von Mark Twain, das die Essenz des Segelns perfekt einfängt: „Zwanzig Jahre von jetzt wirst du mehr enttäuscht sein über die Dinge, die du nicht getan hast, als über die Dinge, die du getan hast. Also löse die Knoten, verlasse den sicheren Hafen. Erfasse die Passatwinde in deinen Segeln. Erforsche. Träume. Entdecke.“

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lady lara yacht ibiza

lady lara yacht ibiza

  • Impressions

lady lara yacht ibiza

At 91 meters in length, Lady Lara is an ultramodern superyacht with sweeping curves and an elegantly balanced profile. Dynamic, sculpted features carry through her exterior and interior design, by Reymond Langton Design. Exceptional features include a large waterside beach club, VIP guest suites with fold down balconies and extensive spa and treatment facilities. Her on-board atmosphere is bright, with inviting interior spaces and a subtle selection of light complementary finishes enhancing the open areas. Generous exterior decks offer range of options for guests to enjoy, from sun-drenched, open entertainment areas to more sheltered, intimate formal spaces.

lady lara yacht ibiza

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Lady Lara Mega Yacht

LADY LARA – Lurssen – 91 m – 2015 TOP SPEED 18 kn GUESTS 14 CREW 19 CRUISE SPEED 12 kn BEAM 14.35 m GUEST CABIN 7

Lady Lara Accommodation

Lady Lara’s interior configuration has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 14 guests overnight in 7 cabins. She is also capable of carrying up to 19 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Lady Lara Mega Super Yacht, is a motor yacht built in 2015 by Lürssen in Schacht-Audorf. She is owned by Israeli/Kazakh billionaire Alexander Mashkevitch. With an overall length of 91.00 m (298.56 ft) and a beam of 14.82 m (48.6 ft).

An ultra modern super yacht

Built under codename Orchid, Lady Lara has a full displacement hull, aluminium superstructure and a 14.35 metre beam. Exterior and interior design comes from the boards of Reymond Langton Design, a decision influenced by the desire to create a harmonious balance between spaces inside and out.

Zero speed stabilizers, elevator, beach club, helicopter landing pad on the bow, spa, swimming platform, tender garage with tender, air conditioning, on deck jacuzzi, gym, BBQ, underwater lights.

Her on-board atmosphere is bright, with inviting interior spaces and a subtle selection of light complementary finishes enhancing the open areas. Generous exterior decks offer range of options for guests to enjoy, from sun-drenched, open entertainment areas to more sheltered, intimate formal spaces.

Information about Lady Lara

Sweeping, sculpted curves give Lady Lara a feminine elegance and the interior reportedly flows just as sinuously. Lady Lara is a private yacht and following her maiden voyage to Norway, she headed to Florida, the Bahamas and the Eastern Caribbean islands for the winter season.

Lady Lara features a displacement steel hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. She was built to Lloyds Register classification society rules.

This luxury yacht is also fitted with ‘zero speed stabilizers’ which work at anchor, increasing on-board comfort when the yacht is stationary, particularly in rough waters.

Lady Lara owner information

Who is alexander mashkevitch.

Mashkevich was born in Frunze, Kyrgyz SSR, Soviet Union, in 1954. His father Anton, a doctor born in Lithuania, and his mother, Rakhel Yoffe, a lawyer born in Vitebsk, were evacuated to Kyrgyzstan in 1941. His family background is Lithuanian Jewish.

He is a graduate of Kyrgyz State University where he studied philology. Mashkevich started out an academic career but became a businessman during perestroika. Mashkevich, Patokh Chodiev, and Alijan Ibragimov form “the Trio,” a group of Kazakh businessmen who became billionaires. The Trio gained control of the recently privatized chromium, alumina, and gas operations in Kazakhstan (some of the largest ones in the world).

Mashkevich is one of the owners of Alferon Management. Based in London, Alferon Management has acquired mining operations in different places: Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kosovo, Russia, and other countries.

In 2010 he was on the Forbes list of billionaires at #287. In 2017, he was on the list at #1098, with a worth of $1.9 billions. Now his worth is 3 billion dollars.

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More About LADY LARA


Motoryacht lady lara.

The LADY LARA yacht is a 298.6ft / 91m luxury yacht for sale, built and launched by yacht builder Lurssen . Delivered to a proud yacht owner in 2015 and refit in 2023, this luxury yacht sleeps up to 16 guests in 8 staterooms and has accommodations for 29 crew. She has a beam of 47.1ft / 14.4m, a draft of 13.1ft / 4m, and she measures in at 2,945 gross tons. Her hull is steel and her decks are teak. Her max speed is 17 knots and cruising speed is 14 knots. She is propelled by MTU engines. Her interior design is by Reymond Langton Design with exterior styling by Reymond Langton Design .


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Contact: Merle A. Wood | mwood(Contact us at) | +1-954-525-5111

* - Exclusions include all of Owner's personal effects and artwork - Not offered for sale or charter to U.S. residents while in U.S. waters unless under a boat show bond or in an FTZ.

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When it comes to purchasing a luxury yacht, like the yachts themselves, pricing may vary greatly. When evaluating the LADY LARA yacht price and similar yachts for sale, the industry knowledge of Merle Wood & Associates will help you with everything you need to know in order to make the right decisions when buying a luxury yacht. If you’d like to know the availability of the LADY LARA yacht for charter and the weekly rate, view the LADY LARA yacht charter price and summary .

LADY LARA Amenities & Features

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For more information and expert knowledge about the LADY LARA luxury yacht for sale, from a qualified yacht broker , simply contact the luxury yacht brokerage firm of Merle Wood & Associates for assistance.

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Lady Lara Charter Yacht

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91m  /  298'7   lurssen   2015 / 2023.

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Guest elevator
  • Master cabin with dressing room, his/her en suite and study
  • Impressive 6,000nm range
  • Cutting-edge toy selection
  • Recent refit in 2023
With plenty of onboard entertainment, motor yacht Lady Lara is an exceptional yacht charter choice

The award winning 91m/298'7" motor yacht 'Lady Lara' by the German shipyard Lurssen offers flexible accommodation for up to 12 guests in 8 cabins and features interior styling by British designer Reymond Langton Design.

Built in 2015, Lady Lara is designed for exquisite indoor/outdoor living and boasts voluminous interior and exterior spaces across several decks: ideal for bronzing, lounging or entertaining. She has sensational features such as a dancefloor, beauty salon, movie theatre, spa, elevator, underwater lights, beach club and gym.

Guest Accommodation

Lady Lara offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 8 suites. The master suite incorporates its own study and dressing room as well as a his and her bathroom. There are up to twenty-seven crew members on board to provide outstanding service on your charter.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

On your charter, you'll find plenty to keep you busy and entertained including a dancefloor where you and your guests can celebrate in style. A piano is also present to create a fantastic atmosphere or you can recreate the full cinema experience while at sea with the included movie theatre. Meanwhile the latest beauty and hair treatments are available in the luxurious beauty room and in addition take a break from a busy itinerary in the steam room. Soothe tired limbs and reinvigorate yourself in the sauna and kick back and relax in the well-appointed spa. Take a plunge in the pool under the sun plus head to the beach club and take advantage of indoor-outdoor living and entertaining. Maintain your fitness routine and work out in the well-equipped gym or elsewhere, retreat to the deck jacuzzi and soak up the scenery.

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you including an elevator, making any part of the yacht quickly and easily accessible. Make your evenings more memorable with stunning underwater lights or whether you want to work, use social media or stream movies on board this yacht, you can with Wi-Fi connectivity. Guests will experience complete comfort while chartering thanks to air conditioning.

Performance & Range

Built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, she offers greater on-board space and is more stable when at anchor thanks to her full-displacement hull. Powered by twin MTU engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 17 knots with a range of up to 6,000 nautical miles from her 220,000 litre fuel tanks at cruising speed. Lady Lara features at-anchor stabilizers providing exceptional comfort levels.

Lady Lara knows a thing or two about fun on the water, with an extensive selection of action packed water toys and accessories for you and your guests to enjoy whilst on charter. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Also there are towable toys offering fun and adventure. Additionally, there are waterskis that are hugely entertaining whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro. If that isn't enough Lady Lara also features a seabob, wakeboards, kayaks, wakesurf boards, fishing equipment and much more. Lady Lara features three tenders, but leading the pack is a 9.1m/29'10" Compass Tenders Limo Tender to transport you in style.

Book your next the Caribbean luxury yacht charter aboard Lady Lara this winter. She is already accepting bookings this summer.

Luxury motor yacht Lady Lara is one of a kind, offering world-class onboard amenities coupled with an overflowing toy box full of the latest water sports gear for unforgettable yacht charters wherever you are.


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Lady Lara Photos

Lady Lara Yacht 11

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Lady Lara has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Lady Lara is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x Lift E-foil
  • 1 x 9.1m  /  29'10 Compass Tenders 9.1M Limo Tender
  • 1 x 9.1m  /  29'10 Compass Tenders Open Tender
  • 1 x 11.6m  /  38'1 Compass Tenders 11.6M Limo Tender

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Lady Lara Awards & Nominations

  • Asia Boating Award 2016 Best Yacht Design Winner
  • + shortlist

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Lady Lara' Charter Rates & Destinations

Caribbean Winter Cruising Region

Winter Season

October - April

$1,400,000 p/week + expenses

High Season

Cruising Regions

Caribbean Antigua, Bahamas, Saint Martin, St Barts

HOT SPOTS:   Virgin Islands

Charter Lady Lara

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Air charter yacht

81m | Feadship

from $1,007,000 p/week ♦︎

Amaryllis charter yacht

78m | Abeking & Rasmussen

from $770,000 p/week

Amatasia charter yacht

85m | Lurssen

from $0 p/week ♦︎

Andrea charter yacht

from $991,000 p/week ♦︎

Aquarius charter yacht

92m | Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/week

Aquila charter yacht

86m | Derecktor Shipyards

from $945,000 p/week

Arbema charter yacht

from $600,000 p/week

Arrow charter yacht

75m | Feadship

from $900,000 p/week *

Axioma charter yacht

72m | Dunya Yachts

from $660,000 p/week

Barbara charter yacht

89m | Oceanco

from $1,100,000 p/week

Cocoa Bean charter yacht

74m | Trinity Yachts

from $599,000 p/week ♦︎

Dar charter yacht

90m | Oceanco

from $1,307,000 p/week ♦︎

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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LADY LARA Yacht – Surreal $180M Superyacht

The incredible 91m yacht features interior and exterior design from Reymond Langton Design with sumptuous designs inside and out.

Lürssen delivered her from their Rendsburg shipyard in 2015. The fantastic vessel offers incredible spaces for guests to enjoy the superyacht lifestyle on board.

DJI 0482 2

LADY LARA yacht interior

The incredibly designed LADY LARA yacht features an interior style from Reymond Langton Design .

She has accommodations for 18 guests and 19 crew members on board. The VIP suites have fold-down balconies that add to the grandeur.

The onboard atmosphere is bright and inviting with subtle finishes. The entertainment areas are open to provide more sheltered and intimate formal spaces.

The yacht has an extensive health and beauty center with a spa and an expansive beach club.

The beach club creates the perfect area for guests to enjoy indoor/outdoor living. There is also a swimming platform where guests can leap into the water below.

She has an on-deck jacuzzi to soak up the bubbles and the views. The yacht also has an elevator for convenient access to her different decks and a comprehensive gym onboard. The tender garage is brimming with towable toys and tenders.

DJI 0449 2

Reymond Langton Design also contributed to the exterior design of the LADY LARA yacht. She was built by Lürssen and delivered from their Rendsburg shipyard in 2015. The exterior has sweeping curves and elegant but masculine features.

LADY LARA was code-named project Orchid when she was launched from the Lürssen Shipyard in 2015 and later renamed. She has a full displacement hull which gives her exceptional speeds in the water.

She has a white aluminum superstructure and teak decks throughout. The exterior is accented by underwater lights, which illuminate her at the night.

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The LADY LARA yacht is a 91m superyacht with a beam of 14.82m and a draft of 4m. The vessel reaches a maximum speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots.

She is powered by 2 MTU engines and has a displacement of 2,945 gross tons.

She features an advanced stabilization system that provides guests with the best comfort levels on board by minimizing the rolling motion of the vessel. The $180 million yacht has a $14 – $15 million annual running cost.

She is an award-winning yacht that holds an award from the Asia Boating competition in 2016. LADY LARA has a Lloyd’s Register classification.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is DJI_0506-10-1024x683.jpg

LARA yacht departing Gibraltar

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First Look Ever Inside 'Lady Lara' Megayacht Comes As Billionaire Owner Is Looking To Sell

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Elena has been writing for a living since 2006 and, as a journalist, she has put her double major in English and Spanish to good use. She covers automotive and mobility topics like cars and bicycles, and she always knows the shows worth watching on Netflix and friends. Full profile

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Yacht, IMO 1012311

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The current position of LADY LARA is at Caribbean Sea reported 2 min ago by AIS. The vessel LADY LARA (IMO 1012311, MMSI 319082300) is a Yacht built in 2015 (9 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .


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LADY LARA current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of LADY LARA data.

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A $1.4 Million-Per-Week Yacht Charter Experience

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  • January 9, 2024

Lürssen Lady Lara

Y.CO has just welcomed the 298-foot Lürssen Lady Lara to the charter fleet. The lowest weekly base rate is $1.4 million for bookings this winter in the Caribbean and Bahamas.

The yacht is also listed for sale—at more than $254 million—for the first time since the German shipyard delivered it in 2015. Y.CO’s Max Bulley and Gary Wright, along with Merle Wood of Merle Wood & Associates, represented the yacht at the recent Monaco Yacht Show.

Lürssen Lady Lara

“With Lürssen quality and stunning Reymond Langton design, Lady Lara is an exceptional yacht that was conceived with family living in mind,” Wright stated in a press release. “Her adaptable spaces, variety and flexibility, in addition to all the amazing features like the breathtaking spa area, the beach club and two pools, are ideal for multigenerational groups and put Lady Lara into a league of her own.”

Accommodations are for 12 guests in their choice of eight staterooms (for private use, the yacht is built to accommodate 16 guests). Six of the guest staterooms are on the main deck, with one on the lower deck. The master suite has its own private deck with an exterior terrace, outdoor hot tub, and indoor library. The aft-deck space in the owner’s area is called a “winter garden,” with sliding glass panels that can be closed to shelter diners from the elements.

Lürssen Lady Lara

There also are two cabins for owner’s staff or supernumeraries, in addition to the yacht’s quarters for 27 crew.

Onboard amenities include an aft-deck pool whose floor can be raised to create a dance floor. A sound system on this deck helps to create a discotheque-style environment for parties. There’s another pool up on the sundeck, this one with a swim-up bar.

On the bridge deck, guests have access to the spa, which includes a hammam, massage room, treatment room, beauty salon and gymnasium. Guests who prefer to get their exercise outdoors can do so from the beach club at water level, which has a steam room and a sauna along with a sunbathing area.

Lürssen Lady Lara

For rainy days and relaxing nights, the lower deck aboard Lady Lara includes a cinema. There’s also a touch-and-go helipad on board, if guests want to escape to a different spot up the coast.

How fast can Lady Lara cruise? According to Y.CO, the yacht has a top speed of 17 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots, which is plenty fast for exploring the islands.

How to book a week on board: contact a charter broker at

  • More: Bahamas , Caribbean , Charter , Cruising & Chartering , Lurssen , Superyachts , Y.CO , Yachts for Sale
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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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See properties that include family essentials like in-room conveniences and activities for the kids.

Compare hotels, room rates, hotel reviews and availability. Most hotels are fully refundable.

Stay near popular elektrostal attractions, electrostal history and art museum.

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

Elektrostal Travel Info

Frequently asked questions.

Yes! The majority of room reservations are refundable if you cancel prior to the hotel's cancellation deadline, which is often 24 or 48 hours before your check-in date. If you have a non-refundable reservation, you might still have the option to cancel and receive a refund within 24 hours of booking. Filter your search by fully refundable to find flexible hotel deals in Elektrostal.

To access more information about rescheduling or cancelling your trip to Elektrostal, head over to our customer service page .

Apart Hotel Yantar is one of the top choices for your stay based on our traveler data, and this 3-star hotel offers free parking and free WiFi. It's located 1.9 mi (3 km) from Electrostal History and Art Museum. Another good option is Apartments , located 4.6 mi (7.4 km) away.

Hotel Mys Otdykha Nadezhda : Offers spa services, an indoor pool, and free parking. Park Hotel Yahonty Noginsk and Areal Congress Hotel are a couple of other choices that feature an onsite pool.

Visitors can enjoy all that Elektrostal has to offer including its museums. There are 35 hotels and other accommodations in the surrounding area. Find out more about Elektrostal .

A favorite place to visit is Electrostal History and Art Museum . You'll also find History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum and Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino in the area. Check out what more to see and do in Expedia's Elektrostal guide .

The hottest months are usually July and August with an average temp of 63°F, while the coldest months are January and February with an average of 22°F. The snowiest months in Elektrostal are December, November, February, and January, with each month seeing an average of 38 inches of snowfall.

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Hotels near Elektrostal Airports

  • Bykovo Airport
  • Sheremetyevo Airport
  • Domodedovo Intl. Airport
  • Vnukovo Intl. Airport
  • Chkalovsky Airport Airport
  • Zhukovsky Airport

Other Hotels near Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

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  • Pavlovskiy Posad Hotels

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lady lara yacht ibiza

Ahead of one of the meetings with the owners, the designers carved into a foam model of the yacht with a scalpel and sandpaper to bring out the dramatic details they imagined for Lady Lara's undulating form.To best appreciate the artful exterior, the designers and I stand on the dock and gaze upwards at the 2,945GT yacht that floats before us.

91-meter luxury mega yacht, interior and exterior by Reymond Langton, custom construction by Lürssen, master German shipbuilder with a legacy in motor yachts since 1875. Marked by exceptional features including a large waterside beach club, VIP guest suites with fold down balconies and extensive spa and treatment facilities. Delivered in 2015.

The Lady Lara Yacht is a 92-meter motor yacht built by Lurssen in 2015. Powered by twin MTU engines, she boasts a top speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. The yacht's interior and exterior were designed by Reymond Langton Design, with features such as VIP suites with fold-down balconies and a large beach club. ...

Lady Lara spotted in Ibiza. Lady Lara Mega Super Yacht, is a motor yacht built in 2015 by Lürssen in Schacht-Audorf. She is owned by Israeli/Kazakh billionaire Alexander Mashkevitch. With an overall length of 91.00 m (298.56 ft) and a beam of 14.82 m (48.6 ft).

Lady Lara one of the latest deliveries by Lürssen in Ibiza Port Megayacht berth. #ladylara #luerssen #megayacht #ibiza

The LADY LARA yacht is a 298.6ft / 91m luxury yacht for sale, built and launched by yacht builder Lurssen. Delivered to a proud yacht owner in 2015 and refit in 2023, this luxury yacht sleeps up to 16 guests in 8 staterooms and has accommodations for 29 crew. She has a beam of 47.1ft / 14.4m, a draft of 13.1ft / 4m, and she measures in at 2,945 ...

Impressive 6,000nm range. Vast array of toys. Recent refit in 2023. Lady Lara is spacious and packed with things to do making her fully primed for guests seeking a luxury charter at sea. The award winning 91m/298'7" motor yacht 'Lady Lara' by the German shipyard Lurssen offers flexible accommodation for up to 12 guests in 8 cabins and features ...

The LADY LARA yacht is a 91m superyacht with a beam of 14.82m and a draft of 4m. The vessel reaches a maximum speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. She is powered by 2 MTU engines and has a displacement of 2,945 gross tons. She features an advanced stabilization system that provides guests with the best comfort levels on board by ...

Lady Lara is a motor yacht built in 2015 by Lürssen in Schacht-Audorf. She is owned by Israeli / Kazakh billionaire Alexander Mashkevitch . [3] The vessel has an overall length of 91.00 m (298.56 ft) and a beam of 14.82 m (48.6 ft).

Getting closer to the 2015 M/Y LADY LARA while on anchor in Cap-Martin for the summer.The Lurssen built yacht features an exterior and interior design by Rey...

Lady Lara is a 91m superyacht built by Lürssen which exceeds expectations at every level. With a dedicated wellness area which includes a treatment room, ham...

The 91-metre Lürssen motor yacht Lady Lara has been listed for sale with Max Bulley and Gary Wright of Y.CO and Merle Wood of Merle Wood & Associates and will be one of the largest brokerage boats on display at the Monaco Yacht Show . Lady Lara is offered for sale for the first time since her delivery in 2015 and has been kept under wraps up ...

Lady Lara is powered by twin MTU diesel engines delivering 3,004 hp engines each and taking it to a top speed of 17 knots (19.5 mph/31.5 kph). At a cruising speed of 12 knots (13.8 mph/22.2 kph ...

Yacht, IMO 1012311. VesselFinder. Vessels. Miscellaneous. LADY LARA. The current position of LADY LARA is at Caribbean Sea reported 1 min ago by AIS. The vessel LADY LARA (IMO 1012311, MMSI 319082300) is a Yacht built in 2015 (9 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Cayman Islands .

By Yachting Staff. January 9, 2024. Lady Lara, a 298-foot Lürssen, is chartering in the Caribbean and Bahamas at a weekly base rate of $1.4 million. Courtesy Y.CO. Y.CO has just welcomed the 298-foot Lürssen Lady Lara to the charter fleet. The lowest weekly base rate is $1.4 million for bookings this winter in the Caribbean and Bahamas.

Superyacht LADY LARA docked in Ibiza waiting for owner

English: The Super Yacht Lady Lara in Ibiza Harbour April 2016. Deutsch: Die Mega-Yacht 'Lady Lara' im Hafen von Ibiza, April 2016. Date: 21 April 2016: Source: Own work: Author: JanManu:

Known as the "Motor City of Russia." Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.. Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant. Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Lady Lara super yacht Ibiza 2017 160mln $

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19th Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology

  • Victor Mukhin

Victor Mukhin, Speaker at Chemical Engineering Conferences

Victor M. Mukhin was born in 1946 in the town of Orsk, Russia. In 1970 he graduated the Technological Institute in Leningrad. Victor M. Mukhin was directed to work to the scientific-industrial organization "Neorganika" (Elektrostal, Moscow region) where he is working during 47 years, at present as the head of the laboratory of carbon sorbents.     Victor M. Mukhin defended a Ph. D. thesis and a doctoral thesis at the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (in 1979 and 1997 accordingly). Professor of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Scientific interests: production, investigation and application of active carbons, technological and ecological carbon-adsorptive processes, environmental protection, production of ecologically clean food.   

Title : Active carbons as nanoporous materials for solving of environmental problems

Quick links.

  • Conference Brochure
  • Tentative Program


cal yacht club rowing

Southern California Yachting Association

California Yacht Club (CYC)

by evandiaz | May 19, 2023 | Yacht Club Members

cal yacht club rowing

California Yacht Club (CYC) 4469 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (310) 823-4567 Fax:(310) 822-3658

Total: 950 members – 33% power, 63% sail, 4% rowers.

Facilities: Bar open Wed. thru Sun 1000 to 2400. Dining room open Wed.- Sun for lunch and dinner (breakfast on Sat. & brunch on Sun.) Snack bar open every day from Memorial Day to Labor Day 1000 to 1630. Heated Pool and Paddle Tennis Courts available to members and their guests. 320 member slips (25’ to 120’), 100+ dry storage slips (up to 25’), two 2-ton hoists and launch ramp. Guest docks are first come, first served, but call for reservations. First night free for reciprocal club members. CYC monitors channel 68.

Junior program: Year round. Junior Sailing and Rowing Program. Open to all youths in the community (ages 8-18). Full time Junior staff.

Comments: Active power, sail and rowing fleets. Family friendly Club with a full schedule of races, cruises, and social activities.

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The Rowing Tutor

The 10 Best Rowing Clubs in Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a city with a rich history in rowing. Rowing clubs have been around in Los Angeles since the late 1800s, and many of them are still going strong today. In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 10 rowing clubs in Los Angeles and what makes them so successful. We will also discuss the different types of rowing that these clubs offer and how you can get involved. So if you’re looking for a place to row in Los Angeles , be sure to check out one of these great clubs!

rowing clubs in los angeles

Table of Contents

1: Los Angeles Rowing Club

The Los Angeles Rowing Club was founded in 1994 and is located in Marina del Rey, California. They are a non-profit organization that is open to the public. The LARC was created with the mission to promote the sport of rowing, and they do so by providing quality rowing programs for all levels of experience. They offer both sweep rowing and sculling programs, as well as learn-to-row classes. The LARC is also home to several competitive teams that compete at the local, state, and national level.

Some of their most notable achievements include winning the US Rowing Club National Championship in 2004 and sending two athletes to the Olympic Games in 2008. In addition to their competitive teams, the LARC also has a strong community outreach program that provides free rowing lessons to underserved youth in the Los Angeles area. The LARC is truly a place for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned rower or just looking to try something new.

2: Lions Rowing Club

The Lions Rowing Club in Los Angeles, USA has a beautiful and vastly successful history. The club was established in 1887, making it one of the clubs that paved the way for the newer clubs to arrive in the 1900s. In its early years, the club was based out of a boathouse on the Los Angeles River, but today it is located on Grand Canal in Long Beach. The Lions Rowing Club has produced many national champions and Olympic champions over the years, including Olympic gold medalist John Larissa and world champion rower Sarah Trowbridge.

The club is also linked to several colleges and universities in the area, including UCLA, USC, and Pepperdine. As a result of its successes both on and off the water, the Lions Rowing Club is widely regarded as one of the premier rowing clubs in the United States.

3: Long Beach Rowing Association

The Long Beach Rowing Association Rowing Club in Los Angeles, USA has an extremely interesting history. Founded in 1872, the club started to attract rowers in vast numbers. Throughout its history, the club has been dedicated to promoting the sport of rowing and developing its members into successful athletes. Today, the club is home to a diverse group of rowers of all ages and abilities. The club offers a variety of programs for both beginners and experienced rowers, making it one of the most inclusive rowing clubs in the area.

In addition to its excellent programs, the club is also linked to several colleges and universities, making it a great place for college rowers to train and compete. The Long Beach Rowing Association Rowing Club has a proud tradition of excellence and is committed to continuing to develop world-class rowers.

4: California Yacht Club

The California Yacht Club Rowing Club in Los Angeles is a rowing club with an impressive pedigree. Founded in 1994, the club has been home to many famous and successful rowers over the years. The club is located in Marina del Rey, just a short drive from downtown Los Angeles, and it remains one of the premier rowing clubs in the country.

The club is closely linked to UCLA, which is just down the road, and many of its members are student-athletes who row for the university. In recent years, the club has produced several Olympians and national champions, cementing its place as a top rowing destination in the United States.

The Importance of Hydration When Rowing

5: Metropolitan Rowing Club

The Metropolitan Rowing Club in Los Angeles has an interesting and storied history. The club was originally founded in 1884, making it one of the first rowing clubs to welcome people through their doors. In its early years, the club was based out of a boathouse on the banks of the Los Angeles River. The club quickly gained a reputation for excellence, and in 1886 they won their first National Championship. In the years since, the club has produced numerous national champions and Olympic rowers.

Today, the Metropolitan Rowing Club is based out of a state-of-the-art facility in Marina del Rey. The club is open to rowers of all ages and abilities, and they offer a variety of programs for both recreational and competitive rowers. Whether you’re looking to get fit, compete at the highest level, or just enjoy a day on the water, the Metropolitan Rowing Club is the perfect place for you.

6: Whitehall Spirit

The Whitehall Spirit Club in Los Angeles was founded in 1997. The club has produced many national and international champions, including two Olympic gold medalists. The Whitehall Spirit Club is also linked to several colleges and universities, making it a great place for students to learn and compete. If you’re looking for a top-notch rowing club with a rich history and plenty of success, the Whitehall Spirit Club is the perfect choice.

The Row LA Rowing Club in Los Angeles is a historic rowing club that was founded in 1985. The club is based out of Marina del Rey and is one of the most well-known rowing clubs in Southern California. The club is also linked to several colleges, including the University of Southern California and UCLA. The Row LA Rowing Club is a respected and prestigious rowing club that has a rich history and tradition of success.

8: Rivanna Rowing Club

Rivanna Rowing Club is located in Los Angeles, USA. The club has produced several successful rowers, including Olympians and national champions. The club is also linked to a college nearby, which provides access to facilities and equipment. The club has a strong focus on developing young rowers and providing them with opportunities to compete at the highest level.

The club has a rich history and tradition of winning, and this is reflected in the success of its members. Rivanna Rowing Club is a highly respected and well-known club, and it continues to produce champions and contribute to the sport of rowing.

9: Open Water Rowing Center

The Open Water Rowing Center is located in Los Angeles, USA and is a rowing club that is open to the public. The club has produced several famous and successful rowers, such as Olympian rower Sue Enquist and national champion rower George Plimpton. The club is also linked to several colleges nearby, such as the University of Southern California and UCLA.

The club has been very successful in producing Olympic champions and national champions. In addition, the club has also been successful in developing young athletes into professional rowers. The Open Water Rowing Center is an excellent place for anyone interested in learning how to row or for anyone looking to improve their rowing skills.

10: Duluth Rowing Club

Founded in 1966, the Duluth Rowing Club is a popular club in LA. Located in Los Angeles, the club has produced several national and international champions, including two Olympic gold medalists. The Duluth Rowing Club is also affiliated with the University of California, Los Angeles, one of the top rowing programs in the country. As a result, the Duluth Rowing Club is considered one of the premier rowing clubs in the United States.

The Duluth club has produced numerous national champions and Olympic medalists. In addition to its competitive success, the Duluth Rowing Club is also known for its beautiful rowing facility, which overlooks downtown Los Angeles. The club is open to rowers of all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced athletes. Whether you’re looking to compete at the highest level or simply enjoy a leisurely row on a beautiful day, the Duluth Rowing Club is the perfect place for you.

CYC Rowing


Cyc jr. rowing inquiry form.

We are looking forward to hearing from you

CYC Rowing Participant Information

California Yacht Club is located at: 4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 .

  • If driving, please park in the CYC visitor’s lot adjacent to Admiralty Way and accessed from the driveway which is between Café del Rey and the Warehouse Restaurant.
  • Once parked, proceed by foot and enter the member’s parking lot by passing by the main entry gate.
  • After passing the main entry gate, continue walking, bearing hard left along the chain link fence at the north end of the large parking lot until it ends at a dark green shade cloth covered rowing shed.
  • We meet, at the rowing sheds which are opposite the tall bamboo plants separating the Warehouse Restaurant and CYC.

If you will be late or unable to attend, PLEASE text (and identify yourself) as soon as possible: Craig Leeds 310.948.1456 and/or Anna Wilczek 818.523.2987.

If the main entry gate is locked when you arrive, please text us.

Participants should bring: athletic shoes (running shoes), socks, shorts, shirts, sunscreen, water, a change of clothes,

towel and personal items (hats, sunglasses, orthotics, inhalers, etc).

To keep all the gear organized, a small duffel bag or back pack is recommended.

Clothes should fit reasonably tightly so while rowing, hands won’t get caught in shirts and shorts won’t get caught in the sliding seats.

Dressing in layers and using wicking type fabrics is recommended.

Here are some links that will be helpful (you may need to copy and paste into a browser):

  • This is a video from Concept2 regarding technique on the rowing machine which is where we begin. Please watch the video before the first session.
  • World Rowing
  • This is a great pictorial representation of the rowing stroke as taught at CYC:
  • This is a great video showing Australian world champion scullers and sweep rowers in a beautiful setting.
  • Here’s a link to the US Women winning the quad at the 2015 World Championship:

Please don’t hesitate to ask for more information.

California Yacht Club-Junior Rowing



Peter duncan and relative obscurity return to the podium as j/70 world champion at cal yacht club.

The Ducasse Sailing Team of Santiago, Chile, triumphed in the Corinthian division.


The ducasse sailing team of santiago, chile, triumphed in the corinthian division..



Threatening minors wins one pro..

carousel image


Peter Duncan and Relative Obscurity Return to the Podium as J/70 World Champion at California Yacht Club

Peter Duncan’s Relative Obscurity has prevailed over 60 other teams and challenging wind conditions to capture the 2021 J/70 World Championship title at California Yacht Club, today. In a five-day series that tested the skill and patience of top-notch competitors from 11 nations, Duncan – sailing with Willem van Waay, Morgan Trubovich and Victor Diaz de Leon – secured a top five position in the beginning of the regatta and never let go.

“I’m elated!” said Duncan as he returned to the dock, bustling with activity. “That was a tough day out there. We didn’t start very well but had a bit of a break with a header on the first run of the second race that let us get close to everybody and sail through some folks we need to sail through,” he explained. “We have a lot of fun onboard – joke and laugh and keep it light – and that worked in our favor when we had to grind through. Everybody knows what their job is, and these guys do them exceptionally well.”


Cal Yacht Club is proud to host the 2021 racing of the J/70 Worlds.

cal yacht club rowing


Peter Duncan’s  Relative Obscurity  has prevailed over 60 other teams and challenging wind conditions to capture the 2021 J/70 World Championship title at California Yacht Club, today.

cal yacht club rowing


Threatening Minors  sailed by Jordan Janov, Grant Janov, Ryan Janov, Reddin Kherli and Willie Mcbride, took honors.

cal yacht club rowing


The J/70 is 22.75 feet with an 11 foot long cockpit and deck-stepped carbon mast for easy rigging and stepping.

The crew shall consist of 3 or more persons. The number of crew shall not be changed during an event.

The J/70 Class has been created as a strict one-design Class where the true test when racing is between crews and not boats and equipment.

Well, chances are it will not be like Day 1 of the Pre-Worlds. Maybe more like Day 2. But then again, this is MdR—anything can happen.


The Santa Monica Bay is dominated by an onshore breeze that typically doesn't kick in until around noon. Watch out for the oscillations!


CYC has a long history of excellence in race management. We host everything from Championship-level regattas to more casual weekend random leg races.


"Cal Yacht Club did an awesome job."

Peter Duncan | Relative Obscurity

“It was very cool that there were four boats who could have won this thing in the last race...”


Founded originally in 1922 by yachtsmen including Charles Hathaway and Frank Garbutt, the California Yacht Club's first clubhouse was built in Wilmington, CA in Los Angeles' inner harbor (berths nos. 192 & 193), just opposite Terminal Island. Close by were the yards of renowned yacht builders Wilmington Boat Works and Fellows & Stewart (second location). In the club's inaugural year, member yachtsmen formed the first Star class fleet on the Pacific coast. Involved in all aspect of the sport, the club has encouraged a variety of pleasure boating, first in Los Angeles Harbor, and now in Santa Monica Bay.

Over the years CYC has been the club for numerous prominent yachtsmen including Merritt Adamson, Pierpont Davis, Roy E. Disney, J. Paul Getty, Samuel K. Rindge, William Stewart, James Kilroy and navigator extraodinaire, Ben Mitchell. Movie mogul Cecil B. DeMille once served as a trustee of the club and donated a gold cup for powerboat racing. Comedy film producers Al Christie and Hal Roach were both deeply involved in club activities in the twenties and thirties.

Power boating has always been a part of the club's mission along with sailing and rowing. The first CYC powerboat regatta was run in 1922 and the winner was none less than the famous Gar Wood in his Harmsworth Trophy winner Miss America. CYC's Catalina Challenge race for powerboats has been run annually since 1922.

A fire on Thanksgiving Day, 1930 severely damaged the original clubhouse although the heroic efforts of some members saved all of the trophies.

In 1932, several CYC members figured prominently in the sailing events at the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Owen Churchill, inventor of the SwimFin, won the gold medal in the Eight-Metre Class with Angelita.

Unfortunately, the club was forced to relinquish its key location in the East Basin to the Coast Guard for the war effort in 1941. A dormant period followed.

With the development of the long-awaited Marina Del Rey in the early 1960s, the club reformed in '63 and elected Fritz Overton, Commodore in 1923, as head of the "new" club. In 1966, they opened the modern clubhouse and marina facility that is their home today. The radial design of the building allows sweeping panoramic views of the marina.

The California Yacht Club is owned by the Hathaway family, owners of the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The annual "Great Catalina to Marina del Rey Rowing and Paddling Event" pays tribute to Charles Hathaway's row in 1976 from Catalina Island to the club on his 50th birthday.

The unique combination of private ownership and annually elected flag officers has worked well to establish California Yacht Club as one of the outstanding clubs in the nation.

‘Nothing left’: After California Yacht Club fire, residents mourn loss of a beloved spot

Two firefighters injured fighting a massive overnight fire that destroyed

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In an instant, an overnight seaside blaze engulfed decades’ worth of boating trophies, historical artifacts and cherished memorabilia at the California Yacht Club in Marina del Rey on Monday.

Fire crews attempted to control the blaze as heavy smoke and flames consumed the two-story building. By the time they had subdued the fire two hours later, only the skeletal remnants of the clubhouse were left standing.

John Myers, senior vice president of the club, said the blaze had been reported by an employee working late in the clubhouse Monday night. The fire spared the remainder of the facilities on the ground, including the docks and the yachts moored there. But the clubhouse, and particularly its second floor, was all but wiped out.

“We are working closely with the Los Angeles County Fire Department in their investigation of the cause of the incident and will share those findings when they become available to us,” Myers said.

The three towers that make up the Marina City Club

Members are left mourning, comparing the loss to the death of a loved one.

Jennifer Dakoske Koslu awoke in Rancho Mirage at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, before the sun had risen, to find her phone inundated with text messages from club members.

The first message she read simply stated, “The CYC is gone.”

“As soon as I opened my phone, it went to a link on the Citizen app and saw a video of the club burning. I was shocked,” Dakoske Koslu said.

For the last 24 years, Dakoske Koslu and her family have been dedicated members of the CYC, whose clubhouse is a few miles away from their home in Playa del Rey. She said it is where her children have grown up, familiarizing themselves with every inch.

“I remember taking my son there on the Fourth of July when he was just 3 weeks old. It was the first place we went with him as a newborn,” Dakoske Koslu said.

She and her husband biked to the club in the aftermath of the fire, greeted by the charred remains of the building on Wednesday afternoon.

“The destruction is unbelievable. It’s clear that the fire was burning intensely on the second floor,” Dakoske Koslu said. “There’s nothing left.”

The second floor once housed a collection of the club’s prestigious racing trophies, kept on display for members and visitors. The fire melted all but a single salvageable California Cup. Most notably, the priceless King of Spain Trophy, acquired in 1929 from King Alfonso XIII, was lost.

Additionally, the club lost cherished photographs of every past commodore, a significant position within a yacht club. Members said they didn’t know if anyone had digitized the images of the commodores or of the club’s founders.

“We would tell yachting stories at the bar around lots of memorabilia, and the yachting artifacts behind the bar are all gone now,” Tom Materna said. “The yacht club provided us a facility for the off-the-water celebrations after hard-fought competition on the water.”

Boats on the water with palm trees in the background

The CYC dates to the early 1920s, started by boat owners from the Los Angeles Athletic Club and other yacht clubs. The Board of Harbor Commissioners approved the first clubhouse in 1922, designed by famed architect Edwin Bergstrom, co-designer of the Pentagon.

In 1965, the yacht club submitted a proposal for an all-encompassing $1-million, two-story, 10,000-square-foot clubhouse on four acres off Admiralty Way. Members envisioned a state-of-the-art facility with 170 boat slips, a guest dock, a small boat hoist and a dry land storage facility for boats. The clubhouse that resulted was dedicated on June 10, 1967.

Then-Commodore William A. DeGroot Jr. told The Times that the triangular parcel of land on which the clubhouse still sits is a “perfectly logical place for a club facility, and a commanding view down the main channel of the marina.”

Though the building has historical significance to its members, it does not have a historic designation, according to Linda Dishman, president of the Los Angeles Conservancy.

“We are deeply saddened by this tragedy and so grateful for the outpouring of support from the community and our members,” Myers said. “CYC has been a beacon for the nautical community for the past 101 years.”

Materna, 68, first found out about the fire through Facebook as friends posted videos and photos of the damage Tuesday morning. Then he began receiving calls and text messages from friends.

“Everybody woke up in the morning and realized we’d lost a significant part of the sailing community,” Materna said.

His connection to the club dates back nearly 52 years, to when he was just 16 years old. After spending 30 years sailing professionally with Hobie Cats, mainly racing catamarans — a watercraft with two parallel hulls of equal size — he recently served as a crew member on other club members’ racing yachts.

The CYC is pivotal in the boat racing community, organizing and hosting events such as the Optimist National Championship and Junior Olympic trials, Materna said. He fondly remembers the hundreds of people from across the globe converging on the marina for similar events.

The main topic among members now is what’s next for the club. Dakoske Koslu noted that the club’s ownership changed over the last few years, and many are unsure and concerned about the club’s continuation after the fire.

The club relocated to the marina in 1967, leasing the land it sits on from the county.

“I don’t think the county has really valued the contributions of the California Yacht Club as an important part of the Marina. They value Trader Joe’s because it’s more money for them,” Dakoske Koslu said.

Dakoske Koslu said she’s seen numerous small marine-oriented businesses displaced from the marina, making way for more commercialized developments such as Trader Joe’s and Recreational Equipment Inc.

 View of the Marina del Rey main channel

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cal yacht club rowing

Anthony De Leon is a 2023-24 reporting fellow at the Los Angeles Times. Born in Fresno to a Chicano family, he pursued his higher education in his hometown, earning an associate‘s degree in journalism from Fresno City College and then completing a bachelor’s in media, communications and journalism at Fresno State. He went on to complete his master’s in media innovation at the University of Nevada, Reno.

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Rowing club los angeles: everything you need to know.

If you’re interested in rowing and live in Los Angeles, you’re in luck. Los Angeles has a long history of rowing, and there are many rowing clubs to choose from. Rowing is an excellent way to stay in shape, meet new people, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at rowing clubs in Los Angeles, their history, benefits, and how to join them.

History of Rowing Club in Los Angeles

Rowing has been a popular sport in Los Angeles for over a century, with the first rowing club, the Los Angeles Rowing Club, established in 1908. The club was founded by a group of rowing enthusiasts who wanted to promote the sport in Southern California. The first boathouse was located in the Venice Canals, and the club quickly gained popularity.

Over the years, many other rowing clubs have been established in Los Angeles, including the California Yacht Club, the Long Beach Rowing Association, and the Marina Aquatic Center. These clubs have played a significant role in promoting rowing in Los Angeles, and their members have achieved many successes in local and national competitions. Despite many challenges, including funding, maintenance, and environmental issues, rowing clubs in Los Angeles continue to thrive and attract new members.

Rowing is a low-impact, full-body workout that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Joining a rowing club in Los Angeles offers many benefits, including improving your physical and mental health, socializing with like-minded people, and competing in rowing events.

Health Benefits

Rowing is an excellent way to improve your cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and burn calories. According to a study by Harvard Health Publishing, rowing burns more calories than running or cycling, making it an effective way to lose weight and get in shape. Rowing also helps to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and boost your mood.

Social Benefits

Joining a rowing club in Los Angeles provides an opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and socialize. Rowing clubs often organize social events such as barbecues, parties, and team-building exercises, allowing you to connect with other members outside of the boat. Rowing also promotes teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, which can be applied to other areas of your life.

Next, we will discuss how to join a rowing club in LA and popular rowing clubs in the area.

The Benefits of Joining a Rowing Club in Los Angeles

Rowing is an excellent way to stay active and healthy, but joining a rowing club in Los Angeles offers many additional benefits beyond physical fitness.

Rowing is a low-impact, full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and burns calories. Regular rowing can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Additionally, rowing is an excellent way to improve flexibility and balance, which is essential for maintaining mobility as you age.

Joining a rowing club in Los Angeles provides an opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and develop a sense of community. Rowing clubs often organize social events such as barbecues, parties, and team-building exercises, allowing you to connect with other members outside of the boat. Rowing also promotes teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, which can be applied to other areas of your life.

Competitive Benefits

For those who enjoy competition, joining a rowing club in Los Angeles provides opportunities to participate in local and national rowing events. Rowing clubs often have teams that compete in regattas, races, and other events, giving members a chance to test their skills against other rowers. Participating in rowing competitions can be a fun and rewarding experience, and it can help you set and achieve personal goals.

How to Join a Rowing Club in Los Angeles

Joining a rowing club in Los Angeles is relatively easy, but there are some requirements you need to meet before you can become a member. Here’s what you need to know:

Requirements for Joining

Most rowing clubs in Los Angeles require that you be at least 18 years old and have a basic level of fitness. Some clubs may also require that you have previous rowing experience or complete a rowing class before you can join. Additionally, you may need to pass a swim test to ensure that you can safely navigate the water.

Application Process

To join a rowing club in Los Angeles, you will need to fill out an application form and pay a membership fee. The application form will typically ask for your contact information, rowing experience (if any), and emergency contact information. Once your application is approved, you will be given access to the club’s facilities and equipment. Some clubs may also require that you attend an orientation session to learn about the club’s rules and safety procedures.

Popular Rowing Clubs in LA

There are many rowing clubs to choose from in Los Angeles, each with its unique features, facilities, and programs. Here are some of the most popular rowing clubs in the area:

1. Los Angeles Rowing Club

The Los Angeles Rowing Club is the oldest rowing club in the city, founded in 1908. The club is located in a historic boathouse in the Marina del Rey harbor and offers programs for rowers of all levels, from beginners to advanced. The club has a competitive racing team, a recreational rowing program, and hosts many social events throughout the year.

2. California Yacht Club

The California Yacht Club is located in Marina del Rey and has a dedicated rowing program with a focus on competitive racing. The club has a state-of-the-art boathouse and equipment and offers programs for juniors and adults.

3. Long Beach Rowing Association

The Long Beach Rowing Association is located in Long Beach and offers programs for all levels, including recreational, competitive, and adaptive rowing. The club has a large boathouse and a fleet of boats, including singles, doubles, quads, and eights.

4. Marina Aquatic Center

The Marina Aquatic Center is located in Marina del Rey and is affiliated with the University of Southern California. The center offers rowing programs for USC students and the general public, including recreational and competitive rowing. The center has a large boathouse, a fleet of boats, and a team of experienced coaches.

In conclusion, joining a rowing club in Los Angeles is an excellent way to stay in shape, make new friends, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Rowing offers many health benefits, including improving cardiovascular health, building muscle strength, and reducing stress. By joining a rowing club, you can also develop teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, which can be applied to other areas of your life.

If you’re interested in joining a rowing club in Los Angeles, there are many options to choose from, each with its unique features and programs. We encourage you to check out the clubs we’ve listed and find one that suits your needs and interests. Remember, rowing is a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed at any age and fitness level, so why not give it a try and see what it can do for you? Join a rowing club in Los Angeles today and experience the benefits of this fantastic sport!



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"They fell to the ground with screams": Russian Guards fired at children single near Moscow - there is a casualty


Highlights: In Russia, in the city of Elektrostal (Moscow region), during demonstrations, Rosgvardia soldiers began shooting at spectators with children from machine guns with blank cartridges. One child received serious damage from a rebounded cartridge case. In the video, a child can be heard crying and screaming violently. It is also interesting that Russia recently arranged a solemn farewell to Vladimir Shestakov, convicted for the murder of a child, who became a mercenary of PMC "Wagner" and was liquidated in the war in Ukraine.

cal yacht club rowing

In Russia, in the city of Elektrostal (Moscow region), during demonstrations, Rosgvardia soldiers began shooting at spectators with children from machine guns with blank cartridges.

So far, one injured child is known.

This was reported by the local Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU.

"Small children were clutching their heads screaming and falling to the ground. Not without injuries. The child received serious damage from a rebounded cartridge case," the report said.

One of the witnesses to the incident posted a video. It was her child who was shot by the Russian Guards. In the video, a child can be heard crying and screaming violently.

After the woman realized that her child had been wounded, she called her husband and doctor.

Meanwhile, Russian occupier Ivan Alekseev in the war in Ukraine after a drunken quarrel killed his colleague and tried to cover up the crime, saying it was the work of "Ukrainian saboteurs."

It is also interesting that Russia recently arranged a solemn farewell to Vladimir Shestakov, convicted for the murder of a child, who became a mercenary of PMC "Wagner" and was liquidated in the war in Ukraine.

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Source: tsn

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Dinamo Elektrostal Moscow

Field hockey - Dinamo Elektrostal Moscow


Hockey Club Dinamo Elektrostal is a field hockey team from Russia, based in Moscow. The club was founded in 1994.

Dinamo Elektrostal Moscow - Results

2021/2022 2018/2019 2017/2018 2017 2015/2016 2013/2014 2011/2012 2007/2008

Men's Euro Hockey League - Final Round - 2021/2022

Dinamo elektrostal moscow - identity.

  • Official name : Hockey Club Dinamo Elektrostal
  • Country : Russia
  • Location : Moscow
  • Founded : 1994
  • Wikipedia link :

Dinamo Elektrostal Moscow - Titles, trophies and places of honor

  • Best result : First Round in 2021/2022
  • Best result : 1st
  • 1 times first in 2010
  • 1 times second in 2009
  • 1 times third in 2017

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  • © Info Média Conseil : 419 Rue Lemelin, St-François QC G0A3S0, Canada
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  • Service: 4.5

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cal yacht club rowing

California Yacht Club was established in 1922 and boated its' first competitive rowing team back in the 1930's. In 1977, after a long hiatus, Stan Mullin, Ken Jacobs and Charles Hathaway reactivated rowing at the Club. CYC rowers now number about 60, and represent all abilities, ages and motivations.

Adult Rowing - California Yacht Club CYC is a great place for adults of all ages and skills to row out of Marina Del Rey. We have more than 60 active adult rowers with a wide range of interests and motivations varying from recreational, fitness, social, open water, and racing.

CYC Rowing - California Yacht Club - Rowing About us CYC Junior Rowing CYC offers a range of rowing programs suitable for girls and boys ages 12 - 18. CYC membership is not required to participate. Our junior rowing programs include: a highly successful competitive rowing team, a recreational program and private lessons.

Everyone at the California Yacht Club is devastated by the fire that took place at the structure of our historic club on Monday, December 11, 2023. We want to extend our sincere thanks to the Los Angeles County Fire Department for their rapid response and intensive efforts to extinguish the fire. We are committed to working with the fire ...

Junior Sailing and Rowing Program. Open to all youths in the community (ages 8-18). Full time Junior staff. Comments: Active power, sail and rowing fleets. Family friendly Club with a full schedule of races, cruises, and social activities.

California Yacht Club's Junior Rowing Program runs seasonally from September through June, and extends into Summer with several two week "Learn to Row" camps. The core instruction of the program is sculling. Singles, doubles and quads are the on the water tools for quality learning, and our inventory of ergometers are used for land training.

California Yacht Club, Marina del Rey, California. 4,778 likes · 133 talking about this · 24,313 were here. The California Yacht Club mission is to...

California Yacht Club was established in 1922 and boated its first competitive rowing team back in the 1930's. In 1977, after a long hiatus, Stan Mullin, Ken Jacobs and Charles Hathaway reactivated rowing at the Club and it has grown since then.

The California Yacht Club has a wonderful community of members who enjoy a packed social calendar of over 400 events throughout the year that features water activities, wine tastings, movies...

California Yacht Club is located at: 4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. ... California Yacht Club-Junior Rowing. Craig Leeds [email protected] 310.948.1456. and. Anna Wilczek [email protected] 818.523.2987. CYC offers a variety of summer programs for junior age (13 - 18) boys and girls. CYC membership is not required to enroll.

J/70 Worlds 2021 : Peter Duncan's Relative Obscurity has prevailed over 60 other teams and challenging wind conditions to capture the 2021 J/70 World Championship title at California Yacht Club, today. In a five-day series that tested the skill and patience of top-notch competitors from 11 nations, Duncan - sailing with Willem van Waay, Morgan Trubovich and Victor Diaz de Leon - secured ...

Congratulations to the California Yacht Club Rowing Team on an impressive showing at the Long Beach Christmas regatta! 27 medals is an incredible achievement, and we are so proud of all of your hard...

The California Yacht Club is owned by the Hathaway family, owners of the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The annual "Great Catalina to Marina del Rey Rowing and Paddling Event" pays tribute to Charles Hathaway's row in 1976 from Catalina Island to the club on his 50th birthday.

3,429 Followers, 1,052 Following, 637 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from California Yacht Club (@calyachtclub) 3,429 Followers, 1,052 Following, 637 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from California Yacht Club (@calyachtclub) Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. ...

515 Followers, 265 Following, 67 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from California Yacht Club Rowing (@calyachtclubrowing)

• 1st US Rowing Coach to win back-to-back Gold medals in the Mens Eight (97,98,99) (04,05). ... RC and California Rowing Club • Advisory coach at Cambridge University in England for their annual Boat Race since 1993 • U.S. Men's Olympic Head Coach from 2009-2012 London Olympic Games (Bronze - M4-)

When the California Yacht Club burned in Marina del Rey, prestigious awards, a priceless trophy and cherished photos were lost. Members mourn the club's loss.

The Los Angeles Rowing Club is the oldest rowing club in the city, founded in 1908. The club is located in a historic boathouse in the Marina del Rey harbor and offers programs for rowers of all levels, from beginners to advanced. The club has a competitive racing team, a recreational rowing program, and hosts many social events throughout the ...

Related Articles J/Teams Silver in Southern California Islands Race J/130 1st, J/111 2nd, & J/125 2nd The annual Southern California offshore and coastal racing season kicked off with the 2024 Islands Race, a coastal race co-hosted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club and San Diego Yacht Club since 2010. Posted on 19 Feb BadPak wins 2024 Islands Race Rio100 sets course record The annual Southern ...

The moment of the explosion in Moscow was broadcast on the rowing championship: video. News/Politics 2023-08-11T12:06:55.387Z. 8-Year-Old Boy Killed in Russian Strike on Western Ukraine. News/Politics 2023-08-11T14:26:57.994Z. They were going to reconnaissance the territory: border guards "landed" the occupiers' UAVs near Avdiivka.

Dinamo Elektrostal Moscow - Titles, trophies and places of honor. Men's Euro Hockey League since 2007/2008 (7 participations) . Best result : First Round in 2021/2022; EuroHockey Men's Club Trophy since 2008 . Best result : 1st

Club Risovalshchikov, Moscow: See 7 unbiased reviews of Club Risovalshchikov, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #4,585 of 15,890 restaurants in Moscow.

Yacht Rock: ELLE's February 2024 Shopping Guide From the rowing club to the runway, preppy classics are making a splash. By Rosie Jarman Published: Feb 21, 2024

California, Tomilino: See unbiased reviews of California, one of 16 Tomilino restaurants listed on Tripadvisor.


  1. Home

    Welcome! Welcome to Commodore Perry Yacht Club (CPYC) — home of the friendliest boaters on Lake Erie. Member-owned, operated and maintained since 1973, CPYC offers both cruisers and sailors a welcoming, affordable boat club. Located just minutes from downtown on Erie's scenic bayfront, CPYC provides a home-away-from home for over 200 members.

  2. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club, Erie, Pennsylvania. 536 likes · 4,019 were here. The best Yacht Club on Lake Erie!

  3. Commodores Cup

    Commodores Cup 2024. Commodores Cup. 2024. August 31 - September 1. More than 40 years in the making mark your calendar for what is sure to be the premier sailing event 2024. The planning has already begun to make sure our members and guest enjoy great racing, social time, and of course plenty of sailors' favorite food and beverage.

  4. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club - Chris M. Mar 26, 2014 This club is the best in Erie, PA because of the floating docks, nearby Sloppy Duck restaurant and tavern, the pool, hot tub and membership. There are tons of available 30' dock spaces.

  5. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club is named after U.S. Captain Oliver Hazard Perry, who led a fleet of nine American ships to victory over a squadron of six British warships at the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. The yacht club was formed in 1972 by a group of boaters who lived in […]

  6. Commodore Perry Yacht Club, Erie, PA

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club is Erie, PA's premiere Yacht Club

  7. Commodore Perry Yacht Club Celebrates Anniversary

    The club celebrated its 50th anniversary with a party at the Polish Falcons Club. Commodore Perry Yacht Club Celebrates Anniversary - Erie News Now | WICU and WSEE in Erie, PA News

  8. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    **At this time, Commodore Perry Yacht Club does not accept reservations. Dockage is on a first-come-first-serve basis.** The club was formed exclusively for pleasure, recreation, and other similar non profitable purposes which are: To encourage the sport of safe boating. To promote the science of seamanship and navigation.

  9. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Visible. Anyone can find this group. History

  10. Commodore Perry Yachtclub

    Diese können, je nach Ort und Jahreszeit, erheblich variieren. Tipp für die Besatzung: Wenn Ihre Yacht mit einer Besatzung kommt, ist es üblich (und höflich), am Ende der Reise Trinkgeld zu geben. Dies kann zwischen 10% und 20% des Gesamtpreises der Yachtmiete liegen, je nach Zufriedenheit mit dem Service.

  11. Commodore Perry Yacht Club

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club. 664 West Bayfront Highway, Erie , Pennsylvania; Get Directions; ... The club was formed exclusively for pleasure, recreation, and other similar non profitable purposes which are: To encourage the sport of safe boating.-To promote the science of seamanship and navigation.

  12. Commodore Perry Yacht Club, 664 W Bayfront Pkwy, Erie, PA

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club. Open until 12:00 AM (814) 454-9106. Website. More. Directions Advertisement. 664 W Bayfront Pkwy Erie, PA 16507 Open until 12:00 AM. Hours. Sun 12:00 AM -12:00 AM Mon 12:00 AM - ...

  13. Commodore Perry Yacht Club-PRIVATE

    Commodore Perry Yacht Club-PRIVATE is a marina located in Erie, PA | N 42° 07.758', W 080° 06.170'

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    Impressions; At 91 meters in length, Lady Lara is an ultramodern superyacht with sweeping curves and an elegantly balanced profile. Dynamic, sculpted features carry through her ex

  15. Victor Mukhin

    Catalysis Conference is a networking event covering all topics in catalysis, chemistry, chemical engineering and technology during October 19-21, 2017 in Las Vegas, USA. Well noted as well attended meeting among all other annual catalysis conferences 2018, chemical engineering conferences 2018 and chemistry webinars.

  16. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow.Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ; 152,463 ; 135,000; 123,000; 97,000 ...

  17. cal yacht club rowing

    California Yacht Club was established in 1922 and boated its' first competitive rowing team back in the 1930's. In 1977, after a long hiatus, Stan Mullin, Ken Jacobs and Charles Hathaway reactivated rowing at the Club. CYC rowers now number about 60, and represent all abilities, ages and motivations.... Adult Rowing - California Yacht Club CYC is a great place for adults of all ages and skills ...