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Welcome Aboard

The last 14 years Tiare has been a home and a base to the skipper  (Daniel) and his family Hiromi, Sam, Tom, Taiga and their dog Tango cruising the seas around Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and Southern Japan.

Tiare is a two hulled, twin masted, wood and aluminum constructed, ancient Polynesian inspired, ocean crossing, cruising catamaran designed by James Wharram.

Tiare has now made her home around the beautiful Japanese islands of the Inland Sea and is based in Yuge-jima, Ehime prefecture.

wharram catamaran 55

James Wharram: life and legacy of the iconic designer

Yachting World

  • January 29, 2024

Julien Girardot meets Hanneke Boon in Cornwall to discover the legend and legacy of pioneering catamaran designer James Wharram

wharram catamaran 55

Falmouth, Cornwall, 1955: a legend is born along Customs House Quay. A smartly dressed young man with wild, curly hair has launched a 23ft catamaran, built in just a few months for the modest sum of £200 (the equivalent of around £6,500 today).

Rigged as a ketch with battened junk sails, the aptly named Tangaroa (meaning ‘God of the Sea’ in Polynesian) marked the beginning of the epic Wharram story.

At the time, catamarans were considered dangerous and eccentric, while yachting was a pastime largely reserved for high society. But sailing already has other visionaries. On the deck of Tangaroa, beside James, are two young women: Jutta Schulze-Rhonhof and Ruth Merseburger. In puritanical post-war England, setting off to cross the Atlantic with two young women – and German ones at that – was downright shocking! But these three young people care not a jot about conventional thinking. They dream of adventure and their enterprise is an act of defiance.

For years James Wharram has nurtured a passion for the history of sailing pioneers and the ethnic origins of the multihull. Devouring every book on the subject he could lay his hands on, he discovered the story of Joshua Slocum, the first solo circumnavigator (1895-1898), and the voyage of Kaimiloa by the Frenchman Eric de Bisschop. The tale, published in English in 1940, of de Bisschop’s attempt to prove the seaworthiness of double canoes by making a voyage from Hawaii to France on a catamaran he had built on the beach, became Wharram’s primary source of inspiration.

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Riding out the storm: James Wharram at the helm of Tangaroa in Biscay in 1955. Photo: Julien Girardot

Wharram disagreed with many assumptions of the time, and his first Atlantic crossing was an opportunity to refute Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on the settlement of the Pacific islands. Wharram contested the assertion of the Danish anthropologist who, after his voyage aboard the Kon-Tiki in 1947, affirmed that the boats used were simple rafts. Wharram was convinced that the boats were more akin to double canoes with sails, capable of going upwind and holding a course. These early multihulls, consisting of two hollowed-out tree trunks, were connected by crossbeams bound together with plant fibre. The sails were probably made from what is known as ‘tapa’ in Polynesia, hammered tree bark, which was also used to make clothes.

The three young adventurers left Falmouth on 27 September 1955 on a boat loaded with books, basic foods, and very little else. Despite a fraught passage, encountering storms in the Bay of Biscay and being suspected of being spies by Franco’s Guardia Civil, the trio successfully crossed the Atlantic and reached the island of Trinidad on 2 February 1957.

Without a penny to their name, they adopted a simple island life, and Jutta gave birth to her and James’ first child, Hannes. The unconventional polyamorous family lived aboard a raft inspired by the floating dwellings of the Pacific, nicknamed ‘the paradise island of the South Seas’. Tangaroa, now tired, was abandoned, as Wharram decided to build a new catamaran. By chance, two solo sailors came to anchor in the bay where the Wharram tribe lived afloat, and the legendary Bernard Moitessier and Henry Wakelam helped Wharram build his new design, Rongo.

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Wharram, Merseburger and Schulze-Rhonhof aboard Tangaroa in Falmouth, 1955, before their Atlantic crossing. Photo: Julien Girardot

Thanks to the experience of his first transatlantic voyage, as well as knowledge gathered from Wharram’s endless reading, Rongo was much more accomplished. While Tangaroa was flat-bottomed, Rongo has V-hulls. To prove the design’s seaworthy qualities, Wharram decided to tackle the North Atlantic, sailing from west to east with his two companions. This route was known to strike fear into the hearts of multihull sailors of the time, as the two previous attempts had tragically ended in two deaths.

The crew left La Martinique for New York on 16 April 1959, one year after Rongo’s construction began. The return voyage to Conwy in Wales took 50 days, but the gamble paid off, and Wharram’s new design was the first to achieve what many thought impossible. The curly-haired eccentric became something of a celebrity, and following his great Atlantic adventure, James published his first book, Two girls, Two Catamarans. The years that followed were Wharram’s golden age, with plans released to suit every budget and every dream. Soon there were Wharram designs all over the world, connected by a powerful community spirit.

Drawing a Wharram

My own journey to this remote corner of Cornwall began decades before. After 15 years of travelling the world, inventing and reinventing my life, including many years living in the Pacific islands, I felt the need to capture these experiences by creating the boat of my dreams.

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Illustrations inspired by a visit to the Wharram design office in Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

While living in Tuamotu, I was involved in several incredible projects to build traditional sailing canoes under the directive of talented local Tahitian boatbuilder, Alexandre Genton (now chief of operations at Blue Composite shipyard in Tahiti). At first we launched small single-seat sailing canoes with two outrigger floats. These are the simplest way to sail: a sheet in one hand, a paddle in the other, which you plunge over the side of the canoe into the water, and it makes a perfect rudder. Then we built a larger version, Va’a Motu, for a hotel in Bora Bora, of splendid stripped kauri planking. Finally, we worked with the local population to build an ambitious 30ft Va’a Motu with a single ama, on the atoll of Fakarava in the Tuamotu archipelago.

Curiously, after many experimental trials at building and sailing canoes, my imagined ideal yacht turned out to be something very close to a Wharram design, which I learned as soon as I shared my first cautious sketches with friends. I realised I had to meet James Wharram.

In October 2021, I dialled the number of JW Designs. A woman answered; James’ long-term life and business partner Hanneke Boon. I tell her my ideas to build from one of their plans: the Islander 39. We began an email exchange and when I asked her what James thought of this model, in November 2021, less than a month before he died, she replied: “James is enthusiastic about your project. He’s now 93 years old and nearing the end of his life.

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The Pahi 63 Spirit of Gaia which Wharram and Boon sailed around the world. Image: Benjamin Flao

“He has been looking at the Islander 39 design for several years and often says, ‘I wish I had one myself.’ It’s the only Wharram design that has never been built, so your project is a wish come true for him.”

On 14 December 2021, James Wharram passed away. Out of respect for the bereavement, and due to Covid-related travel restrictions, we decided to postpone our meeting. Some months later on a beautiful spring afternoon, I landed in Plymouth with my friend and artist Benjamin Flao, himself the owner of a Wharram-designed Tiki 28, and headed for Devoran near Truro in Cornwall, the stronghold of the Wharram family.

Hanneke welcomes us into her office. It is a beautiful wooden cabin, warm and bright, overlooking the changing lights of Cornwall. The place looks like a museum telling the story of a life of travel and passion through yacht models, photographs and unusual objects. James is there, you can feel it. A glance at the shelves of the library shows an impressive array of rare and precious books, mostly dealing with navigation and shipbuilding in Oceania, and demonstrates the seriousness with which Wharram and Boon studied the history and technicality of ‘double canoes’.

“I’d like our boats to be called double canoes and not catamarans, which I think is a mistake,” Hanneke explains. The word catamaran, originally pronounced ‘catamaron’, comes from the Tamil dialect of katta ‘to bind’ and maram ‘wood’, as they were actually one-man rafts used to work on the outer hull of ships. The English pirate and adventurer William Dampier, in the 1690s, was the first to describe a two-hulled vessel as a catamaran, but although catamarans might be the commonly accepted word nowadays, it’s actually a mistake.

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oon unfolds the plans of the Islander 39, the only Wharram design that has never been built. Many plans were hand-drawn by Boon. Photo: Julien Girardot

Hanneke unfolds the Islander 39 plan on her drawing board. Like all Wharram plans for half a century, it has been marked with her signature. Despite this unique pencil stroke, she has remained in the shadow of Wharram’s mythology for 50 years. Since 1970, Boon has drawn the majority of the construction plans by hand. They’re works of art and the best way to imagine yourself aboard a Wharram. Without her, JW Designs would not be what it is.

Originally from the Netherlands, Boon grew up in a family of sailing enthusiasts. By the age of 14 she was already building small canoes and at the age of 20 she joined the Wharram team and quickly became his co-designer. They criss-crossed the Atlantic twice in quick succession aboard Tehini, the crab claw-rigged double canoe on which James and several women lived for 10 years. Since then, Hanneke has escaped from her office whenever she can to sail thousands of miles on all the seas of the world, always using a double canoe.

Those radical vessels included the Spirit of Gaia, also built on site, through a sliding door next to Hanneke’s office. It was aboard this 63ft Pahi, Wharram’s flagship, that the Wharrams sailed around the world from 1994 to 1998. James described Spirit of Gaia as “a beautifully shaped woman he was in love with”.

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Boon’s design office is adjacent to the Wharram HQ in Devoran and looks out over one of the River Fal’s many creeks. Photo: Julien Girardot

In Wharram’s wake

James and Hanneke’s home is a former veterinary surgery. The furnishings are basic, with only the essentials, but the doors close by themselves, thanks to an ingenious system of weights, ropes and pulleys. Benjamin and I offer to shop and cook, and in the living room, we put the dishes down and eat on the floor, like on the deck of a Wharram.

Jamie, James and Hanneke’s son, joins us for the meal with his partner Liz. “James has remained the icon of the business, but it’s really Hanneke who has been doing the job for the last 10 years. She is JW Designs,” confides Liz.

Jamie is at first more subdued, but talking to him you soon discover a true character. Given the world he grew up in, it’s surprising to learn that sailing is not really his thing: “I get bored quickly at sea and I’m sick most of the time! I prefer to be underwater. Above the line is not my thing.

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Evocative illustration of the Wharram workshop in Devoran, Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

“I do like the calmness of the ocean though, that parenthesis effect, detached from our hectic lives on land. In fact, I think the best thing about sailing is remembering long voyages, not making them,” Jamie jokes.

But he is keen to preserve Wharram’s legacy and the couple are thinking ahead to when Hanneke can no longer hold the fort. “As long as Hanneke is alive, the business will be run in her own way. But it’s certain that something will be put in place to enable people to continue to acquire the building plans, at the very least, this service will remain guaranteed.”

Back in the office next door, Nicki John answers clients and sends plans around the world. She’s only been with JWD for a couple of years, but that’s long enough for her to fall in love with the company’s story.

“One of the things I loved about James was that he came in every day. He’d knock on the door and jokingly ask, ‘Do you have time for some gossip?’ And then he’d tell me all sorts of stories. His travels, the women he had shared his life with, it was fascinating. When he was 18, he hitchhiked to Europe, smuggling coffee on the black market to finance his adventures. James’ story is just phenomenal.

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Mana 24 is available as a CNC-cut self-build kit boat. Photo: Julien Girardot

“One day James came in, took out a plan, unfolded it as he sat down, and said, ‘Aren’t they beautiful?’ James was deeply convinced of Hanneke’s talent. He never stopped admiring her,” Nicki says fondly.

The community Wharram fosters is unique. Nicki shows us a photo that defines the ‘Wharram spirit’, of the hull of a Wharram being lifted out of the second floor window of a home in England. With no shed to build their Wharram design, they decided to use their living room as a boatyard. “This picture shows that if you really want to build a Wharram, you can do it anywhere,” says Nicki, “During Covid, we sold a lot more plans. Confined, people dreamed of freedom and took time to figure out how they wanted to live their lives.”

Now it’s Hanneke’s turn to shine as the head of JWD. In contrast to the technologically-led path that sailing often follows, James and Hanneke’s ‘low tech’ approach drives those who follow it to reconnect with past knowledge, practices, and philosophical approaches to our relationship with the world and the way we live in it.

Their love of minimalism is also at odds with many trends in modern yachting, but it brings its own luxury. The joy of not having too much of anything allows you to make room for the essentials, and for the beauty that surrounds you.

My dream of building Wharram’s unfulfilled plan, the Islander 39, remains. I’m in no hurry. Like the libertarian vision of James Wharram, it endures.

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Wharram Islander 55 Launched

25 June 2005     Editor    0 Comments.

Wharram Islander 55

GALLERY | Click images to enlarge

Check out the new pics of Wharram’s latest - launched in Indonesia. The yacht will most likely sail to Europe around the Cape of Good Hope, to be used for charter in the Mediterranean and/or Caribbean. It reminds me of a double-hulled Turkish gulet or Arab dhow. James Wharram Designs

  News   Just Launched   Catamarans

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Jump to Wharram Catamarans For Sale

Wharram catamarans are known as strong, seaworthy and simple (…keep it simple, stupid!). Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. Designs from 14’ – 63’ are available for self-building in ply/epoxy.

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Wharram Tiki 38 (Florida)

Wharram Tiki 38

S/V Iko Iko is a Wharram Tiki 38 Catamaran, for sale by owner. She was built in Quebec in 2009 and has had many upgrades in each of the past four years. She has been to Cuba, the Bahamas and up and down the US Atlantic coast. Iko Iko has just completed a 3 month cruise around the Bahamas. She will be hauled out in Fort Pierce, FL for hurricane season on May 28’th and available for inspection and sale at that time.  Iko Iko is a gaff-rigged schooner with a covered wheelhouse, easily handled by a couple and a real pleasure to sail.…

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James Wharram Designs

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Pahi designs, the more evocatively 'female' of the wharram designs.

From the Coastal Trekking Pahi 26 to the impressive 63' flagship of the Wharram fleet 'Spirit of Gaia' - the PAHI shape is more evocatively 'Female' than the Classic Wharram designs. Constructively, they are simpler to build, using epoxy fillets instead of more difficult wood joints . They are designed to use quick growing softwood plys, coated and glassed with epoxy to achieve a durable finish. The PAHI designs were the first to use rope lashings to attach the crossbeams, giving a shock absorbing effect, without the need for metal fittings.

The Pahi 42 'Captain Cook' design set fresh ocean cruising standards when she was designed in 1979. The Pahi 63 was designed in 1986 and launched in 1992 to become the new ocean going flagship for the Wharram family. During the construction of 'Spirit of Gaia' many unique new solutions to plywood and epoxy building methods were developed, which were later incorporated in the larger TIKI and ISLANDER designs.

James Wharram Pahi Designs Building Plans

About Pahi Building Plans

The Pahi Building Plans were drawn in the late 1970 and 1980s. They follow a sequential drawing layout, drawn to scale on large sheets, showing the boat at different building stages and clearly showing which parts are added at each stage. They are very detailed, with many 3D illustrations on the Plan sheets to clearly explain the construction in a very pictorial form, so people with little knowledge of the English language can still understand how to do it. Much thought has gone into reduced boat maintenance through clever design .

See information about building costs .

Pahi 26 - Tikiroa

Yellow and black Pahi 26 with a crabclaw sail, one man aboard and a city in the background

The smallest Pahi design, built in ply/epoxy stitch & glue. It is classed as a coastal trek design and can be trailered behind a car .

On popular demand PAHI 26 is now available with the Wharram Wingsail Rig , eliminating the mastbeam and giving a clearer deck space.

Pahi 31 - Areoi

Pahi 31 sailing, three people on deck

The first of the Pahis, designed in 1979 after the building of a 35ft prototype, which successfully sailed the 1978 Round Britain Race.

The PAHI shape has proven itself in rough weather conditions, in speed potential and ease of motion . At only 31' she is still capable of ocean voyages. Standing headroom is under a large raised hatch.

The original Pahi 31 rig is a Bermudan cutter, with low cut, anti-twist, loose footed mainsail, but now she is also available with the Wharram Wingsail Rig , giving more clear centre deck space as the mast is placed further forward.

Pahi 42 - Captain Cook

Yellow Pahi 42, beached in a harbour

The Pahi 42 is a good size for family long distance cruising .

The deck pod was a new venture for James Wharram Designs in 1980. Not only does it provide shelter for the steering / watch crew, but a sleeping cabin for the skipper or navigator to be on instant call and has been appreciated by the many builders.

Pahi 63 - Gaia

Distant photo of Pahi 63 Spirit of Gaia with all sails up

The Pahi 63 is a tribal boat , suitable for expedition sailing and for larger groups of people to cruise or eco-charter. It is based on traditional Polynesian double canoe principles, and is most suitable for use in warmer climates.

The deck/accommodation layout resembles a village , with a central public area including ‘well’ and (optional) ‘hearth’, surrounded by private cabins. This centre deck and the separate aft and fore deck areas give three large emotionally different spaces, enabling people to have hours in seeming solitude.

This deck layout combined with the 'Flexi Space' hull cabins (all with their own entrance) enables 8-10 people to live peacefully together for weeks at a time.


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  1. Islander 55

    Ocean Cruiser Charter Double Canoe Catamaran The Islander 55 is a smaller version of the islander 65 and is eminently suitable for charter use or as a large ocean cruiser. Her interior can again be simple flexispace, or she can have up to 5 separate double charter cabins. Andy Smith Boatworks are the exclusive builders of the Islander 55 and 65 designs.

  2. Islander 55

    The Islander 55 is a smaller version of the islander 65 and is eminently suitable for charter use or as a large ocean cruiser. Her interior can again be simple flexispace, or she can have up to 5 separate double charter cabins. The first Islander 55 was professionally built in Indonesia, she is now only available professionally built by Andy Smith Boatworks in the Philippines.

  3. James Wharram Designs

    Affordable. Building your own boat with Wharram Designs is the easiest and most cost effective way to fulfil your sailing dreams. Wharram Self-build boat plans start from only £120. Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. They are renowned for their seaworthiness, stability ...

  4. Wharram boats for sale

    Find Wharram boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Wharram boats to choose from. ... 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. US$199,000. ↓ Price Drop. US $1,572/mo. Triton Yacht Sales and Service, LLC. | New Bern, North Carolina. Request Info; New Arrival; 2016 Wharram Tiki 46. US$189,701. US ...

  5. This is ABSOLUTELY NOT a Boat Tour of our Wharram Islander 55 Catamaran

    Todays episode is all about why I haven't done a boat tour yet.And I am getting close to the end of the wiring, sort of.Welcome aboard our sailing catamaran ...

  6. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale

    Offering the best selection of Wharram boats to choose from. ... 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. US$199,000. ↓ Price Drop. US $1,572/mo. Triton Yacht Sales and Service, LLC. | New Bern, North Carolina. Request Info; New Arrival; 2016 Wharram Tiki 46. US$190,633. US $1,506/mo.

  7. New and used technical specifications Islander 55 JAMES WHARRAM DESIGNS

    Specifications. Country Indonesia. Builder JAMES WHARRAM DESIGNS. overall length 16.76m / 54'12''. Beam 8.35m / 27'5''. Naval architect James Wharram Designs.

  8. About us and our 55ft Wharram Catamaran

    Tiare our 55ft Wharram Catamaran. Tiare - Polynesian for Flower- is a Wharram Islander 55 . A 16.7 meter (55 foot) two-masted sailing catamaran, designed by James Wharram and professionally built for extended ocean sailing as well as being the perfect place to relax and enjoy the sea. Tiare has four private cabins, two with shared on-suite.

  9. James Wharram: life and legacy of the iconic designer

    Falmouth, Cornwall, 1955: a legend is born along Customs House Quay. A smartly dressed young man with wild, curly hair has launched a 23ft catamaran, built in just a few months for the modest sum ...

  10. Catamaran Man: James Wharram

    Next time you climb on board a Lagoon in the Caribbean or spy a Prout bobbing in the harbor, spare a thought for James Wharram. Though this somewhat froward Englishman won't thank me for saying so, he is partly responsible for both—and indeed, all the other modern catamarans now sprouting like Sargasso weed among the world's warm-water cruising grounds.

  11. Proa File

    Wharram Islander 55 Launched. 25 June 2005 Editor 0 Comments. Check out the new pics of Wharram's latest - launched in Indonesia. The yacht will most likely sail to Europe around the Cape of Good Hope, to be used for charter in the Mediterranean and/or Caribbean. It reminds me of a double-hulled Turkish gulet or Arab dhow. James Wharram Designs.

  12. James Wharram

    Producer of Polynesian catamaran designs for the home and professional builder. Designed with partner Hanneke Boon. From the designers web site: James Wharram designed his first offshore cruising catamaran, the 23′ 6″ TANGAROA in 1953, before the word catamaran was yet in common use and began sailing with her off the coast of Britain with a two girl crew. Since then, James Wharram ...

  13. James Wharram's First Catamaran Build

    James Wharram's First Catamaran Build. James Wharram. Jul 2, 2021. Ruth aboard Tangaroa shortly after the boat's initial launch. More than just a sailor and designer, James Wharram, originally of Manchester, England, is also both a free-thinker and an individual clearly dedicated to getting as much out of this life as possible.

  14. Wharram sailboats for sale by owner.

    Wharram preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Wharram used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. ... 34' Gemini Catamaran 105Mc Anacortes, Washington Asking $105,000. 22' Bristol 22 Caravel Allegan, Michigan ... 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 (feet LOA) | Multihulls: Catamarans Trimarans.

  15. Classic Designs

    They were the first range of Wharram catamarans, designed in the 1960s and 70s, based on the sea experience of James Wharram's pioneering ocean crossings. They are sturdy, very stable, but relatively basic in design. ... 55.8 sqm: Building Time Estimate: 2000 - 2500 hours:

  16. 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran Catamaran for sale

    2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. Price reduced. Motivated seller. Introducing BAZINGA, a custom, open concept Wharram Ariki catamaran built as if money were no object. Her sensuous lines stop traffic. She is the perfect yacht for sailors who like the open concept catamaran design, and who want to cruise with speed, stability, and comfort in rough ...

  17. Wharram Catamarans For Sale

    Brand: Wharram. Brand: Wharram. Wharram catamarans are known as strong, seaworthy and simple (…keep it simple, stupid!). Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. Designs from 14' - 63' are available for self-building in ply/epoxy. Wharram 38 Tiki.

  18. Gorky Park (Moscow)

    Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure (Russian: Центральный парк культуры и отдыха (ЦПКиО) имени Горького, romanized: Tsentralny park kultury i otdykha imeni Gorkogo, IPA: [tsɨnˈtralʲnɨj ˈpark kʊlʲˈturɨ i ˈodːɨxə ˈimʲɪnʲɪ ˈɡorʲkəvɐ]) is a central park in Moscow, named after Maxim Gorky.

  19. Elena, 55 y.o. Russian Bride from Moscow

    Profile info. In Moscow, as a designer and a mother of two, I balance my creative flair with family responsibilities. German-speaking, I'm a romantic soul who cherishes dancing, traveling, and the beauty of nature. My diverse interests span from classical music to rock, and I stay active with aerobics and fitness, embodying a spirited lifestyle.

  20. Pahi 52

    Ocean cruiser charter Double Canoe / Catamaran, designed by James Wharram and Hanneke Boon. The Pahi 52 can be the ideal ocean cruiser or built to be a perfect charter yacht. Originally designed with a simple 'Flexispace' interior, some have been fitted out with well-appointed cabins and bathrooms. Pahi 52 Study Plan Pahi 52 Photos Pahi 52 Videos The first Pahi 52 built by

  21. A Gentleman in Moscow (TV Mini Series 2024)

    A Gentleman in Moscow: With Ewan McGregor, Johnny Harris, Leah Harvey, John Heffernan. A Russian aristocrat is spared from death and placed on house arrest while the Bolshevik Revolution plays out before him.

  22. Crocus City Hall attack

    Crocus City Hall attack. /  55.82583°N 37.39028°E  / 55.82583; 37.39028. On 22 March 2024, a terrorist attack which was carried out by the Islamic State - Khorasan Province (IS-KP or ISIS-K) occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia. The attack began at around 20:00 MSK ( UTC+3 ), shortly ...

  23. Pahi Designs

    The More Evocatively 'Female' Of The Wharram Designs From the Coastal Trekking Pahi 26 to the impressive 63' flagship of the Wharram fleet 'Spirit of Gaia' - the PAHI shape is more evocatively 'Female' than the Classic Wharram designs. Constructively, they are simpler to build, using epoxy fillets instead of more difficult wood joints. They are designed to use quick growing