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Mission Bay Yacht Club

Mission Bay Yacht Club

The Mission Bay Yacht Club boasts a storied history, steeped in the rich maritime heritage of the region. In its early days, sailboats had to be specially designed with flat bottoms to navigate the shallow waters of Mission Bay. Among the first vessels to grace these waters was the Flapper, a 12-foot catboat that became the pioneering class for racing activities. As the club evolved, a diverse array of boats, including some from the esteemed San Diego Yacht Club, formed a handicap fleet, competing in races timed to coincide with the tides. By 1931, the Skimmer emerged as the premier vessel in the area, capturing the attention of sailing enthusiasts. Each year, the Mission Bay Yacht Club pays homage to its humble beginnings during Opening Day festivities. The commodore takes to the waters aboard “Scanties,” the club’s original Flapper class boat generously donated by its first commodore, Tom Scripps, around 1968. This cherished vessel, meticulously restored over the years, symbolizes the club’s enduring commitment to its heritage. In the Asher Pier Race, a special class established for the occasion, the commodore invariably emerges victorious, further perpetuating the legacy of the club’s founders.

It was the visionary leadership of individuals like Tom Scripps and Leo Carroll, the first handicapper, that laid the groundwork for the club’s remarkable growth. Their innovative ideas for handicap and one-design racing paved the way for the sophisticated programs and facilities enjoyed by members today. Thanks to their foresight and passion, the Mission Bay Yacht Club has nurtured world and national championship sailors across various classes, leaving an indelible mark on the sailing community.

The club’s dedication to Corinthian sailboat racing remains steadfast, evidenced by its robust calendar of regattas throughout the year. Whether seasoned champions or novice sailors, participants converge on Mission Bay to test their skills in spirited competition. Renowned for its idyllic setting, the Mission Bay Yacht Club serves as a coveted venue for national and world championship sailing regattas, earning accolades such as the prestigious title of “One-Design Yacht Club of the Year” from the US Sailing Association—a testament to its enduring legacy of excellence.

The Mission Bay Yacht Club, a significant fixture in maritime history, was officially established in 1927. Its inaugural commodore was Thomas O. Scripps, who played a pivotal role alongside his brother-in-law, Austen T. Brown, in founding the club. The inspiration for the yacht club came unexpectedly in 1925 during a visit to Coronado’s Tent City. There, Brown and Scripps came across a flapper—a type of boat popular at the time and commonly built by Phillips and Stewart, a prominent boat building company in Los Angeles. This particular flapper was moored in a sorry state in front of the San Diego Yacht Club.

mission bay yacht club wind

Upon inquiry, Brown learned that the boat belonged to a widow of a naval officer and was available for sale. Given its dilapidated condition, Brown acquired it for just $50.00, a stark contrast to its original selling price of $150.00. The duo transported the boat to Mission Bay and embarked on a challenging restoration project. They began by clearing out moss and soon realized the extent of the damage; it was nearly beyond repair. Despite the daunting condition, they persevered in their restoration efforts until the flapper was once again fit for the sea, marking the beginning of the Mission Bay Yacht Club’s storied existence.

mission bay yacht club wind

Brown’s passion for sailing was evident in his regular weekend excursions on the waters of Mission Bay. Driven by a competitive spirit, he eagerly sought out opportunities to race against fellow sailors. Despite being the sole owner of a flapper on Mission Bay at that time, Brown faced formidable opponents with much larger vessels. Regardless of the outcome, Brown remained undeterred by the size disparity of his competitors. As Thomas O. Scripps reminisced, Brown’s primary concern was not whether he won the race but rather whether he had improved upon his previous performance, reflecting his unwavering dedication to the sport he loved.

In their endeavor to establish a formal yacht club, Brown and Scripps sought the guidance of Alonzo de Jessop, Scripps’ uncle, who proposed the inclusion of a race committee chairman within the club’s structure. At the time, there was a notable surge in real estate development around Mission Bay, presenting Brown and Scripps with an opportunity to garner financial support for their envisioned yacht club. They devised a plan to enlist real estate investors as financial backers in exchange for lifetime membership privileges within the club.

mission bay yacht club wind

Their efforts involved engaging with various individuals, including members of the San Diego Yacht Club who possessed significant expertise in maritime matters. Additionally, they reached out to residents of Pacific and Mission Beach to rally support for their initiative. With the groundwork laid, Brown and Scripps convened an organizational meeting, which received an enthusiastic response from the community. This overwhelming support culminated in the formal establishment of the Mission Bay Yacht Club, marking the realization of their shared vision.

With the collective effort of its members, the newly formed Mission Bay Yacht Club successfully raised $2,000 in funding. Utilizing these resources, they embarked on the construction of their inaugural clubhouse—a modest structure consisting of four walls and a roof, elevated on stilts. This rudimentary clubhouse was erected on Crown Point, secured through a fifty-year lease agreement with the State of California. This pivotal milestone marked the establishment of a physical hub for the club’s activities, providing a gathering place for members and serving as a symbol of their dedication to fostering a vibrant maritime community on Mission Bay.

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Leo Carroll, employed by the Southern Pacific Railroad, assumed the role of the inaugural race committee chairman for the Mission Bay Yacht Club. In a gesture of support and camaraderie, F. T. Scripps, the father of Tom Scripps, presented Carroll with an old ten-gauge, double-barrel shotgun to fulfill his duties. Initially, Carroll removed the shot from the shells, but to his surprise, the gun failed to produce any sound. It was soon discovered that the shot needed to be reinstated for the firearm to function properly.

Despite these initial setbacks, Carroll diligently discharged the gun into the air as part of the race proceedings. However, much to the bemusement of onlookers, the shotgun seemed to defy conventional expectations, resulting in an unexpected shower of bullets. This amusing anecdote serves as a testament to the early days of the Mission Bay Yacht Club, characterized by camaraderie, resourcefulness, and a healthy dose of humor amidst the challenges of organizing maritime events.

Following the conclusion of World War II, the Mission Bay Yacht Club entered a new chapter in its history by securing a lease for three acres of land and three acres of water at El Carmel Point—the site that remains the club’s present location. Initial plans involved relocating the existing clubhouse from Crown Point to El Carmel Point, but upon closer examination of the lease terms, it became apparent that such a move was not feasible due to restrictions on the relocation of improvements.

mission bay yacht club wind

Undeterred by this setback, the club members collectively resolved to embark on a new endeavor: the construction of a brand-new clubhouse at the designated site on El Carmel Point. This decision marked a significant milestone in the club’s evolution, reflecting its commitment to adapting and expanding in order to better serve its members and the maritime community at large. With determination and unity, the Mission Bay Yacht Club forged ahead, laying the groundwork for a bright future at its new and permanent home.

Amidst this transitional period, Carl and Teddy Ackerman made a significant contribution to the San Diego sailing community by introducing the first Lightning class sailboat, named Tu Tu, to the region. Remarkably, Tu Tu had previously been stationed at Pearl Harbor during the infamous bombing in 1941, adding a layer of historical significance to its arrival in San Diego.

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Recognizing the potential of the Lightning class sailboat, two fleets were organized in the San Diego Bay area under the leadership of Carl and Teddy Ackerman. However, it was not long before the Mission Bay Yacht Club, led by Bill Pirie and other dedicated members, secured a charter for Fleet No. 194 at the club. This marked the official incorporation of Lightning class sailboats into the club’s sailing activities.

Despite these advancements, the introduction of larger boats like the Lightning class sailboats to the Mission Bay area was hindered by the need for dredging. This logistical challenge necessitated careful planning and coordination before these vessels could be fully integrated into the club’s operations, underscoring the club’s commitment to ensuring safe and accessible sailing experiences for its members.

mission bay yacht club wind

Today, with Mission Bay fully dredged and exquisitely developed, the Mission Bay Yacht Club stands as the sole yacht club gracing the bay’s shores. As articulated by Pirie, the essence of the club has long revolved around small boat sailing, although a number of motor boats also find their place among the club’s fleet. Central to its ethos is a strong sense of community and inclusivity, making it a cherished family-oriented institution. Throughout its history, the club has remained steadfast in its commitment to nurturing young sailors, actively encouraging junior participation.

The Mission Bay Yacht Club has earned widespread acclaim for its prowess in small boat sailing, earning respect and recognition on the global stage. Notably, one of the club’s most illustrious members, Earl Elms, has achieved remarkable success as a yachtsman. With an impressive five world championship titles in the Snipe division to his name, Elms stands as a testament to the club’s rich sailing heritage and its enduring legacy of excellence.

Club members take pride in upholding the core vision set forth by the charter members—to establish a Corinthian Yacht Club where individuals from all walks of life can converge on a shared passion: yachting. This egalitarian ethos remains deeply ingrained within the fabric of the Mission Bay Yacht Club, reflecting a commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community centered around the love of sailing.

As articulated by Joe Hill, a respected past commodore of the club, the Mission Bay Yacht Club continues to be comprised of amateur yachtsmen who have joined not for the allure of prestige, but rather for the sheer joy and fulfillment that sailing brings. This collective dedication to the pursuit of sailing for its own sake, rather than for external accolades or status, underscores the genuine camaraderie and sense of kinship that pervades the club’s atmosphere. It is this steadfast devotion to the pure enjoyment of the sport that continues to define and distinguish the Mission Bay Yacht Club as a cherished institution within the sailing community.

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March 7 Mission Bay Yacht Club Short Course Bay Races

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President IAN JOHNSTON  | [email protected] Officer CASSIDY MURRAY  | [email protected]

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The UCSD sailing team is a student-run sports club that exists to represent the school in college regattas throughout the state and across the country, as well as to introduce students to what we believe is the greatest sport in the world: sailboat racing.

As members of the Pacific Coast Collegiate Sailing Conference (PCCSC), we compete in co-ed and women's events about every other weekend during the school year. We sail in CFJs, 14-foot, two-person dinghies that are simple enough for beginners, but still provide a good platform for racers to hone their boathandling and tactics with.

While we are a racing team, a large part of our function is to introduce students to the sport of sailboat racing. Sailing is a sport that is easy to remain involved with after graduation. Many of our alumni continue to race after college, including some who learned with the team.Sailing team is not only a way to learn a new sport, it is a way to meet new people, travel about the state, and get involved with UCSD outside of the lecture hall.

Our team sails in the beautiful Mission Bay, about ten minutes south of campus. We keep our six CFJs at the Mission Bay Yacht Club, a club with a strong emphasis on dinghy sailing. Practice is an integral part of membership on the team. Typically, the team practices two or three times a week from 11:00AM to 2:00PM. Rides are provided for students without transportation. As with any skill, those who practice most will improve faster and be more likely to be selected to compete in regattas. For novice sailors, weekend clinics are held to teach new skills and gain familiarity with our boats.

Whether you are a born and raised racer, or have never seen the ocean before, the UCSD sailing team can make a great addition to your college life. Friends, competition, and excitement await!


mission bay yacht club wind

4/6-4/7/24 - PCCSC Women's Champs

This weekend at the official PCCSC Women's Championships was a blast! While conditions were flat and a little shifty with heavy current on Saturday, we had plenty of sun. Sailors were on the water from 11-3, with RC running 12 races in total throughout the weekend. Read More>>

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4/6-4/7/24 - Anteater Regatta in Alamitos bay Yacht Club!

So grateful to bring up 19 awesome sailors to Long Beach this weekend! At the annual Anteater regatta, UCSD brought up three boats and catered one from UC Irvine. Read More>>

3/23-3/24/24 - South Designates

South Designates was a tough regatta with fierce competition and teams coming from all long the west coast, from San Diego all the way up to Washington. Read More>>

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3/9-3/10/24 - Fun up in San Francisco at St Francis Invite - North Designates

We sent four lovely ladies up to San Francisco this weekend to compete in St. Francis, North Designates! We chartered one boat with SFYC being amazing hosts. Read More>>

3/9-3/10/24 - UCSD sails a Catalina 37 at the Port of Los Angeles Harbor Cup

After driving up just outside the Port of LA Thursday morning, our team of eight crew members set sail for their first day of practice for Harbor cup. Read More>>

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3/2-3/3/24 - UCSD Sailing Team’s First Cactus Cup!

This was Arizona State University's first time hosting a regatta! It was located right above Phoenix and was hosted on this large beautiful lake. Read More>>

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02/24/24 - 02/25/24 - UCSD enjoys a gorgeous sailing weekend at Mustang Open

This weekend we took 22 sailors up to the green rolling hills of San Luis Obispo! We always love coming to Morro Bay as Cal Poly is an amazing host, with a spaghetti dinner Saturday and a pancake breakfast Sunday morning. Read More>>

1/27-1/28/24 - UCSD Hosts Annual Jeff Simon

Was a gorgeous day for sailing on the beautiful mission bay! We had a lot of great teams come to San Diego for this regatta for a total of 29 boats on the Open line. On this warm day the wind was building throughout the races to peak at about 8 knots. Read More>>

01/19 - 01/21/24 - UCSD Sailing enjoys beautiful Hawaii at the 2024 Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite!

Every year, we send 8 sailors who have dedicated significant time and energy into the sailing team, to Hawaii for the PJ Rainbow invite. On the gorgeous island of Oahu, the University of Hawaii were amazing hosts. With shell necklaces, coconut awards, and a BBQ hosted after racing Saturday - we definitely had a blast. Read More>>

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11/19/23 - UCSD Sailing at Fall Pacific Coast Championships

As we look forward to having an amazing time at this regatta every year, this year’s Fall PCCSCs were no different! Camping up in Lake Cachuma, we brought 40 eager sailors to Santa Barbara this past weekend to compete in UCSB’s Fall Pacific Coast Championships. Trailering with 5 boats, everyone was to get up safe and sound to the campsite safe despite the rain. Read More>>

mission bay yacht club wind

10/21-10/22/23 UCSD Sailing Hosts Annual Frosh Soph Event

With a gorgeous venue such as Mission Bay Yacht club, Saturday started off great with the winds filling in so we were able to start on time. We had two lines this weekend, our Varsity/Open line and our Frosh Soph line. Read More>>

10/7-10/8/23 UCSD Sailing Takes the Sea-Nic Route to Stoney Burke

For our first official regatta of the 2023-2024 season, we had some awesome sailors travel up to San Francisco for UC Berkeley’s Stoney Burke event! Read More>>

4/24/23- UCSD Sailing Participates in Races in Texas and Hawaii!

UCSD sailing had the exciting opportunity to compete in the College Sailing National Invitational on April 29th and 30th. On the first day of the competition, we were all eager to get out on the water, but strong winds...  Read More>>

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4/2/23 and 4/9/23- UCSD Sailing Participates in Back to Back Weekend Competitions

This weekend, UCSD Sailing sailed in the South Designate Semi Final.  Hosted by USC out of US Sailing Center Long Beach, our sailors were treated to an excellently-managed regatta and two days of breeze-on conditions of the shores of the LBC. Read More>>

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3/26/23- UCSD Sailing competes in the South Designate Semi Final

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3/12/23- UCSD Sailing travels up north for the St. Francis Invitational

The Tritons recently participated in the St. Francis Invite, which took place in San Francisco Bay and was hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club. The conditions during the regatta were challenging, with strong currents from tides, erratic gusts building to 20 knots, and rain. Read More>>

mission bay yacht club wind

2/26/23- UCSD Sailing braves the cold at the annual Mustang Open

The 2023 Mustang Open was, like every Mustang Open, an experience for the UCSD Sailing Team. Saturday saw challenging conditions for our sailors; seeing hail, rain, light wind, and the occasional “snowball” from fellow competitors. Read More>>

mission bay yacht club wind

2/19/23- UCSD Sailors gave it their all at Stanford

Last weekend, our Triton sailors had the opportunity to showcase their skills and compete against some of the top teams on the West Coast in both women's and coed fleet racing. Read More>>

2/13/23- UCSD Sailing travels up to San Luis Obispo

This past weekend, UCSD sailing sent eight sailors to San Luis Obispo, to sail in the Mustang Team Race. Read More>>

1/28/23- UCSD Sailing Hosts Annual Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta

On January 28 and 29, UCSD Sailing hosted our annual Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta, an event honoring the memory of Jeff Simon, a team alumnus who passed away from cancer a few years after graduating. Read More>>

1/16/23- UCSD Sailing Flies to Hawaii for the Peter Wenner Invitational

This past weekend, UCSD Sailing sent eight sailors across the pacific to compete in the Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite in Hawaii. This regatta was a round robin with every team switching boats each rotation. Read More>>

mission bay yacht club wind

11/13/22- UCSD Sailing Ends the Season with Some Strong Sailing in Santa Barbara

A couple weekends ago, the UCSD Sailing Team went on an adventure to Santa Barbara to compete in the Fall PCC Regatta. With an amazing showing of many sailors and supporters, the team brought immaculate vibes and competitive spirit from the campsite to SBYC both days. Read More>>

10/9/22- UCSD Sailing braves the cold at Stoney Burke

Over this past weekend, UCSD Sailing sent a group of enthusiastic sailors to the Bay Area to compete in Women’s, Co-Ed Varsity, and Junior Varsity divisions at the annual NorCal event. Stoney Burke was graciously hosted at the Treasure Island Sailing Center by its namesake, UC Berkeley. Read More>>

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10/23/22- UCSD Sailing Defends Second Place Title at GLIOR 2022

Last weekend, our very own UCSD sailing team hosted the Frosh/Soph regatta at the Mission Bay Yacht Club. The event was eventful and enjoyable both on and off the water. Read More>>

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9/25/22- UCSD Sailing Defends Second Place Title at GLIOR 2022

To say the least we left our mark on the 2022 Great Lakes intercollegiate offshore regatta. This past weekend we took a team of 7 of our fabulous sailors to lovely Chicago to compete in the J-105 class. Read More>>

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5/1/22- West Coast Sweep at the National Invite

The West Coast sweeps the Podium at the Inaugural Intercollegiate National Regional Invitational held in Newport, Rhode Island! Read More>>

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4/24/22- UCSD Sailing Bravely Takes on the Anteater Open

Ahoy current and future Sailors, this past weekend our beloved UCSD Sailing Team bravely took on the Anteater Open, kindly hosted by UC Irvine in Alamitos Bay Yacht Club in Long Beach, CA. Read More>>

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4/24/22- UCSD Sailing Races for the Rainier Cup

After a delicious bagel breakfast, the team left for the venue around 8:30 in the morning Saturday. When we arrived, we unloaded the boats... Read More>>

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4/17/22- UCSD Sailing at the Hawaii Regatta!

This weekend the sun goddess went to the beautiful land of Hawaii for a competition! The competition was fierce but the hosts were incredibly welcoming. Read More>>

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4/10/22- Sailors brave the challenge of the Conference Championships

Six Triton sailors traveled to Fall PCCs in Santa Barbara from April 8th to 10th to compete in both team racing and fleet racing. On Friday, the wind condition... Read More>>

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4/3/22- Sailing team battles a turning tide at the north designate regatta

The UC San Diego Sailing Team took on North Designate Regatta at Cal Maritime Academy this past weekend. Our Triton sailors finished... Read More>>

3/20/22- Tritons Take on Challenging Conditions in Lovely Long Beach!

This past weekend UCSD’s Sailing Team competed in PCCSC’s South Designate Regatta in Alamitos Bay. Read More>>

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3/6/22- Tritons Make a Mighty Effort at the Mustang Open

The UCSD Sailing Team traveled up to Morro Bay for the 2022 edition of the Mustang Women's and Open Regatta. Read More>>

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2/20/22- Sun Goddesses Send it at Stanford

This past weekend, nine of our fearless sun goddesses made the trek up to San Francisco to sail the Bryson Women’s Regatta at the Stanford Sailing Center. Beginning the day Saturday morning at 9:30, our sailors headed to the PCCSC Women’s Team Race Championship. Read More>>

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2/13/22- UCSD on the Podium at Cal Team Race

On February 12 and 13, UCSD Sailors attended the first team race event of the season. Team racing is a discipline of sailing where 3 boats from one team race 3 boats from another team, with the goal of getting less points than the other team. Read More>>

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1/30/22- Honoring Jeff Simon with Stellar Competition on Mission Bay

This past weekend the UCSD Sailing team hosted the annual Jeff Simon Memorial regatta in the beautiful Mission Bay. Jeff Simon, an alum of the team, passed away in 2007 from cancer shortly after graduating. Since then, the Tritons have hosted an annual regatta in his name to honor him and his zeal for sailing. Read More>>

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1/15/22- UCSD Sailing Heads to Hawaii

Clear skies and a warm, humid breeze greeted the UCSD Sailing Team as they hopped off the plane in Honolulu on Thursday. Read More>>

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1/8/22- UCSD Sailing Welcomes the New Year at the Rose Bowl Regatta

This weekend UC-San Diego Sailing fielded a team of five sailors for the Rose Bowl Interconference Regatta. Read More>>

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11/12/21- UCSD Sailing Sends it in Santa Barbara

After a year away, the UCSD Tritons traveled north for a warm weekend in Santa Barbara for the Fall Pacific Coast Championship. Read More>>

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11/5/21- UCSD Sailing Races Big Boats on the National Stage in Annapolis

From Nov 5-7, the UCSD Sailing Team competed in the 2021 Kennedy Cup regatta, which is the ICSA's big boat national championship. Read More>>

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10/23/21- UCSD Frosh/Soph Regatta

It was a lovely weekend in Mission Bay at the UCSD Frosh Soph Regatta, hosted by the UCSD Sailing Team! Read More>>

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10/8/21- UCSD Sailing Kicks Off Season on SF Bay

Some of our amazing sailors set sail on the seven seas once again at the beautiful Stoney Burke regatta hosted by UC Berkeley at the Treasure Island Sailing Center. Read More>>

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3/7/20 - Clean Sweep of the Anteater Regatta

Here again, we return to the great open sea, ready to set sail. Our beautifully ingenious sailors set out to the great land of Irvine this past Saturday to compete in the Anteater Open Regatta, hosted by UCI. Read More>

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2/28/20 - Cal Poly SLO - Mustang Open Regatta

This past weekend, the UCSD Sailing team partook in the Mustang Open Regatta in Morro Bay, hosted by Cal Poly SLO. Read More>

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2/7/20 - Cal Team Race

This past weekend the UC San Diego Sailing Team took six of our talented and experienced sailors to the San Francisco Bay for the Cal Team Race, hosted by Berkeley, to compete in our first ever team race. Read More>

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Rose Bowl Regatta 2020

Just 4 days after the new year began, the UCSD Sailing Team jumped into competition form in Long Beach for the annual Rose Bowl Regatta, hosted by the USC Sailing Team. Read More>

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UC Santa Barbara Fall PCCSC Championships

For UCSD, the Pacific Coast Collegiate Championships (PCCC) is an annual sailing regatta which draws only the most qualified skippers and crews from Universities all along the west coast… and ASU. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

UCSD Open and Freshman/Sophomore Regatta

This past weekend, teams from up and down the coast, along with friends and family alike, all gathered in Mission Bay with their binoculars to watch and compete in the most anticipated event of the season. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

UC Berkeley's Stoney Burke Regatta

The Triton Sailing team raced in the Stoney Burke Intersectional Regatta hosted by the UC Berkeley Sailing Team at Treasure Island Sailing Center. The weather was 70° and sunny all weekend. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

UCSD Open and UCSD Frosh/Soph Regattas

The PCCSC college sailing teams from 15 universities along the West Coast all traveled to San Diego this past weekend to compete in the 2018 UCSD Frosh/Soph Regatta and the 2018 UCSD Open Regatta. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

The UC San Diego Sailing Team drove up to sunny Santa Barbara this past weekend to race against other colleges in the annual Fall Pacific Coast Conference Championship. The regatta was hosted by UC Santa Barbara with races held both Saturday and Sunday. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

UH Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite Regatta

The UC San Diego Sailing Team was lucky to enjoy a gorgeous weekend in Honolulu, HI, for the annual Rainbow Invite Regatta, hosted by University of Hawaii. The team raced against 17 other teams from across the country. It’s a great chance to race against teams Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta

This past weekend the UCSD Sailing Team hosted and competed in the annual Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta. Jeff Simon used to be on the sailing team, but shortly after his graduation he passed away due to cancer. Read More>

Bryson Women's Regatta

The Bryson women open was held on February 16th and 17th at Stanford Boathouse. Saturday races started off in rain and wind with gusts over 30 knots. Showers throughout the day made for difficult conditions. Read More>

mission bay yacht club wind

UC San Diego Sailing - St. Francis Invite Regatta

For the final weekend of spring break, 4 sailors traveled up to beautiful San Francisco Bay for the St. Francis Invite regatta, hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club.

mission bay yacht club wind

The UCSD Sailing Team was thrilled to spend the long weekend in Honolulu, HI for the annual Rainbow Invite Regatta hosted by the University of Hawaii. Read more>

mission bay yacht club wind

1.25.2020 Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta

This past weekend the UCSD sailing team hosted our annual Jeff Simon Memorial Regatta out of Mission Bay. This regatta honors the memory of a former sailing team captain, Jeff Simon, who tragically passed away from cancer at at 22 years old. Read more>

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mission bay yacht club wind



​ regular registration (march 20th) is for current, renewing (me mber #s starting with '8' or '9') or new junior & sandpiper members. every participant must pay a  member activation fee to enroll in classes . ​.

Cancellation Policy : 30+ days from class start = 100% refund. Less than 30 days from class start = 50% refund.

Register using the buttons below:

Updated junior & sandpiper member information.


Seasonal Activation Fee: $75 per season/quarter

Summer: June, July, August

Fall: September, October, November

Winter: December, January, February

Spring: March, April, May

Monthly Dues: 

Junior Member | Age 12-21 | $23.10/mo

Sandpiper Member | Age 5-11 | $15.95/mo

Membership will be automatically renew at the end of each season/quarter unless you contact us.

You will only pay monthly dues during the activated season.

You may skip seasons and reactivate at any time with no penalty.

To activate or reactivate any Junior/Sandpiper Membership, simply use the link on our Junior Website.

Junior/Sandpiper Members will be assigned a Member Number beginning in either an ‘8’ or’9’ that can be used at the Galley or Office.

More Membership Information

2024 Summer Sailing

June 10th - August 2nd

Summer Sailing is awesome! Please read through the class descriptions below to see what best fits your sailor. If you have any questions, contact the MBYC Junior Sailing Office via email at [email protected] . NOTE: Class dates and fees are subject to change prior to registration opening. ​ ​


Morning Sessions ~ Learn to Sail

Morning classes run from 9 am to noon, Monday - Friday. All morning classes are for students new to the sport of sailing with little to no sailing experience.

Rock Stars (1 week class)

The Rock Stars class is for kids between the ages of 5 to 7. This class focuses on getting the kids comfortable on a boat and having fun on the water and teaches the basics of sailing: the parts of the boat, how t o dock a boat, learning how to trim sails, and steering a boat. Instructors sail with 2 to 4 kids in a boat. This is a great class for introducing kids to the sport of sailing.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Max Class Size is 10.

Week 1 | June 10 - June 14 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375

Week 2 | June 17 - June 21 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375

Week 3 | June 24 - June 28 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375

Week 4 | July 1 - July 3 (No class July 4th & 5th) | Full Member: $180 | Sandpiper or Junior: $225

Week  5 | July 8 - July 12  | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375 SOLD OUT

Week 6 | July 15 - July 19 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375

Week 7 | July 22 - July 26 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375 SOLD OUT

Week 8 | July 29 - August 2 | Full Member: $300 | Sandpiper or Junior: $375

Little Puffs (2 week class)

The Little Puffs class is for kids 6 to 8 years. Students sail boats called Sabots, which is an 8 foot dinghy. The class teaches the fundamentals of sailing, including parts and terminology, how to trim sails, and driving the boat. Early on, kids may double up in boats to get comfortable.  This class also uses smaller sails, making it perfect for younger/smaller kids ready to sail solo.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Max Class size is 10.

Session 1 | June 10 - June 21  | Full Member: $600 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Session 2 | June 24 - July 3 (No class July 4th & 5th)  | Full Member: $480 | Sandpiper or Junior: $600 SOLD OUT!

Session 3 | July 8 - July 19  | Full Member: $600 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750   SOLD OUT!

Session 4 | July 22 - August 2  | Full Member: $600 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750 SOLD OUT!

Beginning Sabots (2 week class)

This class is for first time sailors between the ages of 8 - 12 . This class is focused on fun and learning and is a stepping stone to learning to race sailboats at a young age.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Max Class Size is 16 ​ ​

Session 1 | June 10 - June 21  | Full Member: $6 00 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Session 2 | June 24 - July 3 (No class July 4th & 5th)  | Full Member: $480 | Sandpiper or Junior: $600 SOLD OUT! T

Session 3 | July 8 - July 19  | Full Member: $600 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750 SOLD OUT!

Beginning Double-handed (2 week class)

The Beginning Double-handed sailing course is designed for kids between 12 and 17. This course teaches students how to sail a 15ft two-person boat with two sails. This class teaches the basic fundamentals of sailing, including parts and terminology, how to trim sails and steer both as skipper and crew. This is a great place to start if you're interested in High School Sailing. This class is focused on fun and i ntroduces kids to racing at the end of the course.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Max Class Size is 12.

Session 2 | June 24 - July 3 (No class July 4th & 5th)  | Full Member: $48 0 | Sandpiper or Junior: $600

Session 3 | July 8 - July 19  | Full Member: $6 00 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Session 4 | July 22 - August 2  | Full Member: $6 00 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Afternoon Sessions ~ Learn to Race Classes   + Rec

These classes run from 1 pm to 4 pm, Monday - Friday. Must have prior sailing experience to enroll in learn to race or Adventure sailing classes.

Beginning Sabot Racing (2 week class)

The Beginning Sabot Racing course is designed for students that have sailed and feel comfortable in a Sabot. They will learn how to sail around a course and learn about how to tack and jibe correctly, as well as learn more about the wind and how it shifts. This is a great course for all kids that have an interest in racing and becoming an official Mission Bay Yacht Club Team Member.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Prerequisite: Completion of the Beginning Sabot Class or equivalent.

Laser Sailing (2 week class)

This class is designed for students interested in learning the basic and intermediate techniques of sailing a Laser. This boat is the perfect transition from smaller Sabots to the much bigger Laser. In this class we will instruct the students on all the basics of the boat as well as boat handling, rigging, and an introduction to racing. The MBYC Junior’s have a limited number of charter Lasers available, so having your own boat is recommended.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Intermediate Double-handed Racing/High School Sailing (2 week class)

This course is designed for kids who are interested in learning advanced racing skills. This class is great for experienced sailors (including High School sailors) and is a challenging course . Perfect for TEENS!!

We'll be encouraging students to participate in this Summer's two exciting intermediate events: 

Junior Olympics at NHYC, July 19 - 21 & CFJ Nationals at MBYC, July 26 - 28.​

Classes run Monday - Friday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm. ​

Session 3 | July 8 - July 19 (Junior Olympics, July 19 - 21)  | Full Member: $6 00 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Session 4 | July 22 - August 2 (CFJ Nationals, July 26 - 28)  | Full Member: $6 00 | Sandpiper or Junior: $750

Adventure Sailing (2 week class)

The Adventure Sailing Class is for those sailors who love the water but may not be as interested in competitive racing. This 2 week course will include, group sails, destination sails, swimming, games and much more. SAILORS WILL GET WET! The recommended age for this class is 9 to 14. Students will explore all aspects of good seamanship: sailing, knot tying, navigation and the local marine ecosystems and environment. Classes will fill up quickly so make sure to register early!

Classes run Monday - Friday , 1:00pm to 4:00pm. ​ ​

Afternoon  Rec & Fishing  Program (1 week sessions)

The Afternoon Rec & Fishing Program is for our sailors taking morning classes but needing afternoon care. We'll provide supervision from 12pm to 4pm including games, playtim e, fishing and even some quiet, out-of -the-sun time when needed. Children must be enrolled in a congruent morning class to register for the Afternoon Rec Program.​   ​

Week 1 | June 10 - June 14 | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 2 | June 17 - June 21 | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 3 | June 24 - June 28 | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 4 | July 1 - July 3 (No class July 4th & 5th) | Full Member: $162  | Sandpiper or Junior: $203

Week  5 | July 8 - July 12  | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 6 | July 15 - July 19   | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 7 | July 22 - July 26   | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

Week 8 | July 29 - August 2   | Full Member: $270  | Sandpiper or Junior: $338

MBYC Race Team ~ Training, Campaigns & Enrichments



Lead Coaches: Ryan & Cole

Classes run Monday - Friday | 11:00am to 4:00pm + Regattas​

A/B/C1 Fleeters will also sail C420 & CFJs

Session I | June 10 - June 28​ | 4 weeks | $1200

Includes Summer Gold Cup | June 22 - June 23 | NHYC

Session II | July 8 - Aug 2 | 4 weeks | $1200

Includes Sabot Nationals | July 30 - Aug 2



Lead Coaches: Oakley & Diego

Classes run Monday - Friday | 11:00am to 4:00pm + Regattas

Session I | June 10 - June 30​ | 3 Weeks | $900

Includes US Open Sailing Series | June 29 - June 30 | SDYC

Session II | July 1 - July 21 | 3 Weeks | $900

Includes SDAYC Summer Champs | July 12 - July 14

Olympic Classes Regatta | July 19 - July 21 | ABYC

Session III | July 22 - Aug 11 | 3 Weeks | $1000

Includes ILCA Nationals | BYC | Aug 9 - Aug 11



Lead Coaches: Ryan & Megan

Training Days run Monday - Friday 11am - 4pm + Regattas

CFJ/C420 Race Team 

Session I | June 17 - July 14 | 4 weeks | $1200

​Includes SDAYC Summer Champs | July 12 - July 14 | MBYC

Session II | July 15 - July 28 | 2 weeks | $600  

Includes CFJ Nationals| July 30 - Aug 2 | MBYC



Sears Cup Campaign | June 10 - June 14 & June 17 - June 18 | $420

 3-4 person boats | Age 14+ | 11:00am - 4:00pm

CFJ Nationals ONLY Campaign | July 22 - July 28 | $420

MUST be registered for a Race Team Class or this campaign to reserve an MBYC Club CFJ for Nationals.

Sabot Nationals ONLY Campaign | July 23 - Aug 1 | $420

Prep Week & Regatta Only | 11:00am - 4:00pm

ILCA Nationals ONLY Campaign | Aug 5 - Aug 11 | $600

Training & Coaching with Diego Escobar | 11:00am - 4:00pm


​ We are offering these enrichment classes for our more experienced A/B Sabot and Advanced Race Team (age 13+) sailors to give their mornings some purpose and help build valuable skills that will impact more than just their sailing. These are life skills.

Classes run Monday - Friday, 9am - 11am 

The Prudent Mariner 

Understanding tide charts & wind forecasts

Boat Prep: buffing & waxing

Rigging & Splicing

Trailering: proper tie down, checking equipment, changing a tire and more!

Health & Wellness for Serious Sailors I

Physical and mental strength training to enhance your sailing experience. 

Students will have sailing targeted workouts, discover and make healthy snack recipes, practice skills that build mental strength and more!

Boat Building/Repair 101 

Learn how to build and repair with fiberglass! Works on surfboards too!

Required Equipment: Respirator (~$30-$60 on Amazon) 

Coach Boat Mechanics 101 

Learn the basics on coach boat safety, maintenance, operation and problem-solving.

Prepare for your California Boaters License.

Health & Wellness for Serious Sailors II 

Enrichments Schedule & Pricing

Week 1 | June 10 - June 14 | The Prudent Mariner | $200

Week 2 | June 17 - June 21 | Health & Wellness for Sailors I | $200

Week 3 | June 24 - June 28 | Boatbuilding/Repair I | $200

Week 4 | July 1 - July 3 | Coachboat Mechanics 101 | $120

Week 5 | July 8 - July 12 | Health & Wellness for Sailors II | $200

Week 6 | July 15 - July 19 | The Prudent Mariner | $200

Week 7 | July 22 - July 26 | Boatbuilding/Repair II | $200


*NOTE: We are more than happy to create custom programs for those Race Team families who have summer travel or other plans/reasons and you don’t see anything that quite fits your schedule.


  1. Wind, waves, weather & tide forecast Mission Bay Yacht Club - Detailed wind, waves, weather & tide forecast for Mission Bay Yacht Club / California, United States of America for kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking.

  2. Mission Bay YC

    Our historical wind archives include a wealth of wind graphs & data, going back as far as 30 years in the case of some popular stations. Click the arrows to go backward or forward in time. You can also use the calendar button to select a specific date, or click View Month to see an entire month's worth of archived wind graphs all at once.

  3. Home

    Club Staff; Sitemap; Career Opportunities ; PARADE OF LIGHTS PARTICIPANTS!!!!! Herb Shear Snipe Inv Saturday May 18, 2024 ... 11:00 AM CFJ Nationals Friday July 26, 2024 9:00 AM competitive racing. Regattas. Mission Bay Yacht Club's ideal location makes it a favorite venue for national and world championship sailing regattas, encouraged by Club ...

  4. Marine Wind and Wave chart for Mission Bay Yacht Club

    Individual wave heights vary, so that a statistical description, such as significant wave height, is used to define wave heights over a time period. Marine weather chart for Mission Bay Yacht Club showing wind speed and wave height forecast information on a graph.

  5. Marine weather for Mission Bay Yacht Club

    Marine Weather Marine weather for Mission Bay Yacht Club Lat: 32.77667, Lon: -117.24806 United States of America, Global Marinas

  6. Personal Weather Station Dashboard

    Mission Bay Yacht Club - KCASANDI107. info. Forecast for San Diego, CA . Station Summary. Online (updated 2 minutes ago) Current Conditions . 61.2 ° F. Feels Like 61.2 ° WNW. WIND & GUST .

  7. Mission Bay Yacht Club

    The Mission Bay Yacht Club boasts a storied history, steeped in the rich maritime heritage of the region. In its early days, sailboats had to be specially designed with flat bottoms to navigate the shallow waters of Mission Bay. Among the first vessels to grace these waters was the Flapper, a 12-foot catboat that became the pioneering class for ...

  8. Traditions & Events

    The 4th at MBYC now includes the Parade of Boats (dressed ships) with Dixieland music, children activities, a front dock raft-up, and picnic dinner served by the Galley. The holiday is climaxed with MBYC's major fireworks display in front of Club on Mission Bay. The Luau - The first Luau was given in 1951, under Commode Bill Rice.

  9. Mission Bay Yacht Club

    Mission Bay Yacht Club While our regular site gets updated please join us at Happy Sailing! Front Office 858-488-0501 ext 101 [email protected] John Campbell General Manager 858-488-0501 ext 102 [email protected] Mariam Malikyar-Frejek Membership Director 858-488-0501 ext 103

  10. Mission Bay Yacht Club

    The Mission Bay Yacht Club is a private yacht club located in San Diego, California, on the west side of Mission Bay. [1] [2] The club hosted the Snipe World Championships in 1997 and the club's Snipe fleet won the Commodore Hub E. Isaacks Trophy in 1969, 1971 and 1981.

  11. March 7 Mission Bay Yacht Club Short Course Bay Races

    by Michael Entwistle March 12, 2021 News 0 807. Overcast skies greeted 9-Finn sailors for the March 7 Mission Bay Yacht Club Short Course Bay Races. The wind direction was more out of the south than usual but the race committee was still able to set a nice Windward/Leeward/Windward course. Race 1 got off to a good start with guys taking a hard ...

  12. Juniors Home

    Mission Bay Yacht Club Junior Sailing. C19A3615-6478-470A-879F-1941AE1B97BE. 7AC9352D-0558-417D-B57B-D708881FE77D. 53415024_10155686546497924_9020069858682. ... SCYYRA - Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association; INSA - International Naples Sabot Association; Other News & Information.

  13. Mission Bay Yacht Club

    1215 El Carmel Place San Diego, CA 92109. Latitude: 32° 46' Longitude: 117° 15' T: 858.488.0501 E: [email protected] powered by Ambient Weather

  14. Sailing

    Our team sails in the beautiful Mission Bay, about ten minutes south of campus. We keep our six CFJs at the Mission Bay Yacht Club, a club with a strong emphasis on dinghy sailing. Practice is an integral part of membership on the team. Typically, the team practices two or three times a week from 11:00AM to 2:00PM.


    They will learn how to sail around a course and learn about how to tack and jibe correctly, as well as learn more about the wind and how it shifts. This is a great course for all kids that have an interest in racing and becoming an official Mission Bay Yacht Club Team Member. Classes run Monday - Friday, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

  16. Membership

    We invite you to learn more about Mission Bay Yacht Club by meeting some of our members and touring the facilities. Please contact the club at (858) 488-0501 to make an appointment to visit. FLAG:Must be a Boat owner (or Co-Owner) of a Sailboat or Powerboat deemed seaworthy and able to support Sailing and or Cruising as outlined in MBYC Bylaws.

  17. Contact

    Mission Bay Yacht Club 1215 El Carmel Place San Diego CA 92109. 858-488-0501. [email protected]. Office Hours. Monday -Friday: 9am-5pm. Saturday & Sunday: 8am-4pm