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Who Owns Which Superyacht? (A Complete Guide)

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Have you ever wondered who owns the most luxurious, extravagant, and expensive superyachts? Or how much these lavish vessels are worth? In this complete guide, we’ll explore who owns these magnificent vessels, what amenities they hold, and the cost of these incredible yachts.

We’ll also take a look at some of the most expensive superyachts in the world and the notable people behind them.

Get ready to explore the world of superyachts and the people who own them!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The ownership of superyachts is generally private, so the exact answer to who owns which superyacht is not always publicly available.

However, there are some notable superyacht owners that are known.

For example, Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, owns the Rising Sun, which is the 11th largest superyacht in the world.

Other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

Overview of Superyachts

The term superyacht refers to a large, expensive recreational boat that is typically owned by the worlds wealthy elite.

These vessels are designed for luxury cruising and typically range in size from 24 meters to over 150 meters, with some even larger.

Superyachts usually feature extensive amenities and creature comforts, such as swimming pools, outdoor bars, movie theaters, helipads, and spas.

Superyachts can range in price from $30 million to an astonishingly high $400 million.

Like most luxury items, the ownership of a superyacht is a status symbol for those who can afford it.

The list of superyacht owners reads like a whos who of billionaires, with names like Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The most expensive superyacht in the world is owned by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

While some superyacht owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye, others have made headlines with their extravagant amenities.

Some of the most famous superyachts feature swimming pools, private beaches, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, and luxurious spas.

In conclusion, owning a superyacht is an exclusive status symbol for the world’s wealthy elite.

These vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from $30 million to over $400 million, and feature some of the most luxurious amenities imaginable.

Notable owners include the Emir of Qatar, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Who are the Owners of Superyachts?

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From Hollywood celebrities to tech billionaires, superyacht owners come from all walks of life.

Many of the most well-known owners are billionaires, including Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Other notable owners include Hollywood stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp.

However, not all superyacht owners are wealthy.

Many are everyday people who have worked hard and saved up to purchase their dream vessel.

Other notable billionaire owners include Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and former US President Donald Trump.

These luxurious vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from $30 million to over $400 million.

For many superyacht owners, their vessels serve as a status symbol of wealth and luxury.

Some owners prefer to keep their yachts out of the public eye, while others have made headlines with their extensive amenities – from swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas.

Many of these yachts are designed to the owner’s exact specifications, ensuring that each one is totally unique and reflects the owner’s individual tastes and personality.

Owning a superyacht is an exclusive club, reserved for those with the means and the desire to experience the ultimate in luxury.

Whether they are billionaires or everyday people, superyacht owners are all united in their love of the sea and their appreciation for the finer things in life.

The Most Expensive Superyacht in the World

When it comes to superyachts, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, certainly knows how to make a statement.

His luxury vessel, the 463-foot Al Mirqab, holds the title of the world’s most expensive superyacht.

Built in 2008 by German shipbuilder Peters Werft, this impressive yacht is complete with 10 luxurious cabins, a conference room, cinema, and all the amenities one would expect from a vessel of this magnitude.

In addition, the Al Mirqab features a helipad, swimming pool, and even an outdoor Jacuzzi.

With a price tag of over $400 million, the Al Mirqab is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

In addition to the Emir of Qatar, there are several other notable owners of superyachts.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos all own luxurious vessels.

Bezos yacht, the aptly named The Flying Fox, is one of the longest superyachts in the world at a staggering 414 feet in length.

The Flying Fox also comes with a host of amenities, such as a helipad, swimming pool, spa, and multiple outdoor entertaining areas.

Bezos also reportedly spent over $400 million on the vessel.

Other notable owners of superyachts include Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns the $200 million Kingdom 5KR, and Oracle founder Larry Ellison, who owns the $200 million Rising Sun.

There are also many lesser-known owners, such as hedge-fund manager Ken Griffin, who owns the $150 million Aviva, and investor Sir Philip Green, who owns the $100 million Lionheart.

No matter who owns them, superyachts are sure to turn heads.

With their impressive size, luxurious amenities, and hefty price tags, these vessels have become a symbol of wealth and prestige.

Whether its the Emir of Qatar or a lesser-known owner, the worlds superyacht owners are sure to make a statement.

Notable Superyacht Owners

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When it comes to the wealthiest and most luxurious owners of superyachts, the list reads like a whos who of the worlds billionaires.

At the top of the list is the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who holds the distinction of owning the most expensive superyacht in the world.

Aside from the Emir, other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

All of these owners have made headlines with their extravagant vessels, which are typically priced between $30 million and $400 million.

The amenities that come with these vessels vary greatly from owner to owner, but they almost always include luxurious swimming pools, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, and spas.

Some owners opt for more extravagant features, such as submarines, personal submarines, and even their own personal submarines! Other owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye, but for those who prefer a more showy approach, they can certainly make a statement with a superyacht.

No matter who owns the vessel, it’s no surprise that these superyachts are a status symbol among the world’s wealthiest.

Whether you’re trying to impress your peers or just looking to enjoy a luxurious outing, owning a superyacht is the ultimate way to show off your wealth.

What Amenities are Included on Superyachts?

Owning a superyacht is a sign of wealth and prestige, and many of the worlds most prominent billionaires have their own vessels.

The most expensive superyacht in the world is owned by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, while other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The cost of a superyacht can range from $30 million to over $400 million, but the price tag doesnt quite capture the sheer extravagance and amenities of these vessels.

Superyachts come with all the comforts of home, and then some.

Many owners will equip their vessels with swimming pools, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, spas, and other luxury amenities.

The interior of a superyacht can be custom-designed to the owners specifications.

Some owners opt for modern, sleek designs, while others prefer a more traditional look.

Many of the most luxurious yachts feature marble floors, walk-in closets, and custom-made furniture.

Some vessels even come with a full-service gym, complete with exercise equipment and trained professionals.

Other amenities may include a library, casino, media room, and private bar.

When it comes to outdoor amenities, superyachts have some of the most impressive features in the world.

Many yachts come with outdoor entertainment areas, complete with full kitchens, dining rooms, and lounge areas.

Some owners even opt for hot tubs or jacuzzis for relaxing afternoons in the sun.

And, of course, there are the jet skis, water slides, and other exciting water activities that come with many of these vessels.

No matter what amenities a superyacht has, it is sure to be an experience like no other.

From the sleek interiors to the luxurious outdoor features, these vessels provide a unique, luxurious experience that is unrivaled on land.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing escape or an exciting adventure, a superyacht is sure to provide.

How Much Do Superyachts Cost?

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When it comes to superyachts, the sky is the limit when it comes to cost.

These luxury vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from anywhere between $30 million to over $400 million.

So, if youre in the market for a superyacht, youre looking at an investment that could easily break the bank.

The cost of a superyacht is driven by a variety of factors, including size, amenities, and customization.

Generally, the larger the yacht, the more expensive it will be.

Superyachts typically range in size from 100 feet to over 200 feet, and they can be as wide as 40 feet.

The bigger the yacht, the more luxurious features and amenities it will have.

Amenities also play a significant role in the cost of a superyacht.

While some owners prefer to keep their yachts out of the public eye, others have made headlines with their extensive amenities.

From swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas, the sky is the limit when it comes to customizing a superyacht.

The more amenities a superyacht has, the more expensive it will be.

Finally, customization is another major factor that will drive up the cost of a superyacht.

Many luxury vessels have custom-designed interiors that are tailored to the owners tastes.

From custom furniture and artwork to lighting and audio systems, the cost of a superyacht can quickly escalate depending on the level of customization.

In short, the cost of a superyacht can vary widely depending on its size, amenities, and customization.

While some may be able to get away with spending a few million dollars, others may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars on their dream yacht.

No matter what your budget is, its important to do your research and find out exactly what youre getting for your money before signing on the dotted line.

Keeping Superyachts Out of the Public Eye

When it comes to owning a superyacht, some owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye.

Understandably, these individuals are concerned with privacy and discretion, and therefore tend to take measures to ensure their yachts are not visible to outsiders.

For instance, some superyacht owners opt to keep their vessels in private marinas, away from the public areas of larger ports.

Additionally, some yacht owners may choose to hire security guards to patrol and protect their vessels while they are moored or sailing.

In addition to physical security, some superyacht owners also use technology to keep their vessels out of the public eye.

For example, a yacht owner may choose to install a satellite-based communications system that allows them to keep their vessel completely off-radar.

This system works by bouncing signals off satellites rather than transmitting them, making it virtually impossible for anyone to track the yachts movements.

Finally, some superyacht owners also choose to limit the number of people who have access to their vessels.

For instance, the owner may only allow family members and close friends to board the yacht.

Additionally, the owner may choose to employ a limited number of staff to help maintain the vessel and keep it running smoothly.

These individuals may be required to sign non-disclosure agreements to ensure they do not disclose any information about the yacht or its owner.

Overall, while some superyacht owners may choose to keep their vessels out of the public eye, there are still plenty of other ways to show off the opulence associated with owning a superyacht.

From swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas, there are many luxurious amenities that can make a superyacht the envy of any jet setter.

Final Thoughts

Superyachts are a symbol of luxury and status, and the list of yacht owners reads like a who’s who of billionaires.

From the Emir of Qatar’s world-record breaking $400 million yacht to Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s vessel with a helicopter pad and on-board spa, the amenities of these luxury vessels are truly stunning.

With prices ranging from $30 million to over $400 million, owning a superyacht is an expensive endeavor.

Whether you’re looking to purchase one or just curious to learn more about the owners and their amenities, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to stay up to date with the superyacht scene.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Who is James Berwind and why is his $85m superyacht in Belfast?

James Berwind (inset), has moored his $85m Scout superyacht in Belfast this week. Picture by Hugh Russell.

Visitors to Belfast’s docks and Titanic Quarter may have been struck by the sight of a superyacht cruising up the Lagan this week.

The Scout is a 63 metre vessel valued at around $85 million (£67m), and has been popping up all around the island of Ireland in recent days.

It arrived in Belfast Lough on Wednesday and raised eyebrows as it sailed into Belfast Lough and docked next to the Odyssey.

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A member of the fifth generation of Berwinds involved in the business, the 59-year-old Florida resident is estimated to be worth around $500m.

His yacht, reportedly named after his dog, is estimated to cost between $5m and $8m per year to run.

The yacht was built by Hakvoort Shipyards in the Netherlands in 2018, with interior and exterior design work carried out by H2 Yacht Design in London.

The Berwind business, which dates back to 1886, was built on coal in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Almost 140 years on, the Berwind Corporation spans a multitude of business interests from pharmaceuticals and chemicals to plastics and resource management.

It also owns the TASI Group, which controls two dozen businesses worldwide, including Dundonald’s Sepha.

The 63-metre superyacht Scout sailed into Belfast on Wednesday. Picture by Hugh Russell

Set up in 1980, Sepha specialise in non-destructive leak test solutions, laboratory scale packaging solutions and deblistering machines for recovery of high value product.

It’s unclear whether James Berwind’s Irish coastal tour included a stop off in Dundonald.

It's understood the millionaire is currently on holiday in Ireland. His vessel remained moored in Belfast on Thursday evening.

Outside his business interests, the Florida resident’s interests include animal welfare and social causes.

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145′ (44.2m) westship 2004/2007 fighting irish yacht sold.


Updated June 20, 2018

Merle Wood & Associates is pleased to announce that the FIGHTING IRISH yacht sold this week after just 56 days on the market. With accommodations for 10 guests in 5 staterooms, she features a full-beam master with his-and-hers en suites. A generous lounging area features a settee, as well as a desk and chair that sit just under the large windows. Guest staterooms on the lower deck include 2 king and 2 twin staterooms, each with its own en suite and generous closet space. With a beam of 28’ (8.5m) and a draft of 6.8’ (2.1m), she is serviced by 8 crew in 4 cabins.

The FIGHTING IRISH yacht sold after only 56 days on the market, a strong testament to the abilities of our yacht brokers here at Merle Wood & Associates.

The FIGHTING IRISH yacht sold featuring large windows that provide abundant light and a connection with the sea. Her main salon offers soft furnishings in neutral tones, with light green carpeting that extends forward to the formal dining area. A full-beam skylounge is well suited for relaxation, and for guests who are keen to stay active, she also features an indoor gym.

Composed of GRP, the FIGHTING IRISH yacht sold to its proud owner, who appreciated its array of amenities, which include walk-around decks, a vast sun deck with a hardtop and Jacuzzi, and a cockpit with easy access to the ocean. All al fresco deck spaces are fitted with full bars, providing an ideal layout for charter or entertainment.

Powered by twin MTU 12V4000 engines, she has a cruising speed of 16 knots and a maximum speed of 20 knots.

We would like to thank the corresponding brokers who assisted in the marketing of this vessel.  And congratulations to our own luxury yacht broker John Cohen who represented the seller.  For more information on motor yachts for sale that are similar to FIGHTING IRISH, please contact Merle Wood & Associates.

  Inquire about the FIGHTING IRISH Yacht

With nearly 3 decades of experience in the yachting industry, John Cohen of Merle Wood & Associates has been all over the world to inspect, purchase, sell, and build yachts of all sizes and types, and is regarded by clients and peers alike as a highly adept luxury yacht broker .

Contact John Cohen  |   1.954.647.8255   |   jcohen(Contact us at)

Interior and Exterior Photos

For additional information, read the full FIGHTING IRISH yacht specs or view the FIGHTING IRISH yacht price and details.

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For information about the FIGHTING IRISH yacht, or for expert knowledge from a qualified yacht charter broker, simply contact the luxury yacht brokerage firm of Merle Wood & Associates for assistance.

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Cruising the Irish Sea: Exploring the North West’s fantastic seascapes

Historic dockyards, picturesque coves and stunning sandy beaches inspire great affection for this unusual corner of the UK

To anyone based down south, the Irish Sea coasts of England and Wales seem a remote, almost foreign prospect; part of the shipping forecast normally glossed over. Yet thousands of boats are based around this compact cruising area, fringed to the west by Anglesey and the Isle of Man. Both islands have hopping-off points for short passages to Ireland, and each is fascinating in its own right, with plenty of enticing anchorages and small harbours.

The range of seascapes is fantastic. North Wales is classic bucket-and-spade holiday country, low and flat in the east but more appealing west of Llandudno where hills start rising towards the Menai Strait . Lancashire is famous for its miles of sandcastle beaches right up to Morecambe, but the key features for boat owners are the wide tidal inlets leading to snug marinas at Preston, Fleetwood and Glasson Basin.

In the crook between Lancashire and Wales, the legendary River Mersey meets the sea in a long tidal estuary lined with drying sands. Liverpool is a popular cruising destination, with a 360-berth marina in its revitalised docklands.


Robert Gasse bases his Nelson 42 at Preston Marina

Preston and the River Ribble

I am starting with Preston because it seems so amazing to find a comfy marina in the heart of this historic Lancashire textile town. Yet here it is, a welcoming yacht harbour in a 40-acre dock which once pioneered roll-on roll-off cargo handling.

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Reached by a lock from the River Ribble, the marina is immediately inside the basin to port, opposite some apartments and a leafy promenade. Baffito’s Italian restaurant is next to the lock with a pleasant terrace. There’s a chandler and boatyard on site.

The wide drying mouth of the Ribble opens into the Irish Sea ten miles north of the Mersey. The entrance looks a bit tricky on the chart but in fair weather, within two hours of high water it’s easy to find the outer perches by plotter and follow the 12-mile channel in past Lytham St Annes. Use Admiralty 1981 and the directions in the latest Reeds Nautical Almanac. If possible, the marina appreciates reasonable notice of arrivals.

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From seaward on a clear day, you’ll see the 158m Blackpool Tower, six miles north of the estuary and one of England’s iconic landmarks. As the channel draws closer to Lytham, the solid Lancashire houses look rather homely, though the distant south bank is wild and marshy, like a scene from the Fens. Above Lytham, the narrowing river runs through largely rural country almost as far as the lock.

MBY reader Robert Gasse berths his Nelson 42 Adelina at Preston Marina. An experienced sailing man turned to power, he knows these waters well and has found that a rugged, all-weather motorboat is the key to visiting offbeat, often spectacular corners of the British Isles in the best conditions. His wife isn’t a keen passagemaker, so old friend Derek Butler is a regular crew aboard Adelina .

Up to Liverpool

The Mersey is one of England’s great historic rivers. Liverpool was once a major slaving port and the prosperous hub for British trade with the Americas. Many legendary ships were built on Merseyside and Cammell Laird now has the polar research vessel Sir David Attenborough on its stocks at Birkenhead.


Liverpool’s Albert Dock is a hive of activity

The outer approach is fringed with sandbanks up to nine miles offshore and Queens Channel leads between the seaward ends of Taylors Bank and Great Burbo Bank to join the Crosby Channel. Commercial traffic arriving off the Mersey makes for the Bar red light float well out, but motor boats can join the channel further in, near Q2 red light float or Formby fairway buoy.

From here it’s about 14 miles up to Liverpool Marina, whose entrance lock on the east bank is not far upstream from the prominent brick buildings around Albert Dock.

Mark Beeston keeps his Sunseeker Manhattan 52 in North Wales at Conwy Quays. He sometimes cruises east to Liverpool and enjoys arriving at the mouth of the Mersey. There are interesting ships to see and you feel the vibes of departure that have always been strong here, particularly for thousands of Britons who emigrated to America, Canada and Australia.


Mark Beeston lives in Cheshire and runs a Sunseeker Manhattan 52 called  Ocean Drive

You enter the river proper between the vast Crosby and Bootle docks on the east bank and New Brighton seaside resort on the west. Further up to port is the Liver Building at Pier Head, where the Mersey ferries land, and then the busy Liverpool cruise terminal. The docklands regeneration around Tate Liverpool has created vibrant new city waterfronts.

The marina lock is not far above Albert Dock. Access times vary from just over two hours each side of HW at springs to about one and a half at neaps, but with nowhere to wait, it’s easiest to arrive an hour before high. The marina occupies two large basins and some sizeable boats are based here.

It has a tranquil atmosphere and the clubhouse restaurant is between the basins on a short pier. Mark told me that a bonus about berthing here is using your tender to potter through the dock canals to the bistros and bars around the Albert.

Less than 30 miles WSW of the Mersey entrance buoys, Great Ormes Head juts out from Llandudno to form the east arm of Conwy Bay. Here, a buoyed channel leads east and then south to Conwy Quays Marina, on the west bank of a picturesque drying estuary with a backdrop of sheltering hills.


James McGoff (left) enjoys the view from his Sunseeeker Moonbeam

The marina entrance is just beyond an expanse of dunes and Conwy golf course. A second marina, Deganwy Quays, is over on the east bank. The stunning towers and massive walls of Conwy Castle command the scene further upstream.

Conwy Quays Marina has a delightful setting and is conveniently placed for both weekend and further-afield cruising. Less than five miles WNW of its outer buoys lies Puffin Island and the north entrance to the Menai Strait, a fascinating 18-mile channel between Anglesey and the Welsh mainland.

Menai Strait

This dramatic stretch of water has been an active boating centre since at least the early 1800s. The Royal Anglesey Yacht Club at Beaumaris dates from 1885 and the Royal Welsh started at Caernarfon 50 years earlier.


The Menai suspension bridge makes a spectacular sight

The north end of Menai looks three miles wide, spreading across acres of drying sands, though the navigable fairway hugs the Anglesey shore. The south end is also littered with sandbanks, and boats entering or leaving here must cross the notorious Caernarfon Bar near HW. The south entrance narrows to two cables at Abermenai Point, where a spit of dunes juts out from Anglesey.

Working north from Abermenai, you soon reach Caernarfon, graced by another medieval castle. Victoria Dock is highly recommended by Conwy berth holder James McGoff and has splendid open views across to Anglesey. The strait then glides past the prominent National Watersports Centre and Port Dinorwic Marina.

The most notorious stretch is the Swellies, a tricky mile between the two Menai bridges which can see the at springs, when up to 8 knots of tide pours over rocky shoals. However, the Swellies are usually no great problem for fast motorboats because transits can easily be timed for high-water slack. On a still day this is a beautiful passage, its calm wooded banks setting off the impressive architecture of both bridges.


Pilot’s Cove off Llanddwyn Island is another idyllic spot

Mark Beeston often brings his Sunseeker through the strait at weekends and told me about two special anchorages. The first is on Anglesey, just outside Caernarfon Bar off the tip of Llanddwyn Island. Here, Pilot’s Cove is a wonderful sandy spot in quiet or northerly weather, looking down towards the Llŷn Peninsula.

The other gem is Porthdinllaen, a dozen miles south of the Bar, inside a sheltering peninsula off a golden beach. Here, the Tŷ Coch Inn has been voted one of the top ten beach bars in the world and on a warm summer day, Porthdinllaen feels like a Caribbean hideaway.

Isle of Man

A Crown Dependency with its own Manx parliament, the Isle of Man is surprisingly large – 26nm long and nine across – and has some of the most spectacular scenery in Britain. The lush rolling country includes significant hills, winding wooded valleys and charming villages. From almost anywhere on the island, you can usually glimpse the sea.


The anchorage at Port Erin on the southern tip of the Isle of Man

In the pubs and shops, the welcome has a traditional northern warmth reminiscent of the most genial Lancashire publicans or seaside landladies. The dialect has the flavour of north-west England. You eat English food and drive on the left, yet somehow Man feels a little bit foreign.

Tucked into the east cliffs, Douglas is the capital and the marina here is an interesting place to winter a boat. On the west coast, Peel Harbour Marina is handy for jumping off for Ireland.

Cruising from Peel

Arriving at this convivial harbour, you pass a fabulous castle to starboard. Peel is a soothing place, with green slopes one side and placid quays on the other. The Peveril Inn is next to the harbour office and life feels easygoing. Local boat owner Ben Corcoran is part of the scene and has been afloat since he was a nipper.


The dramatic entrance to Peel Harbour Marina

Ben’s present boat is a Sealine 42/5 and he described some interesting jaunts from Peel. In quiet or easterly weather, Port Erin Bay is a memorable anchorage, ten miles south of Peel. Facing Ireland and the Mountains of Mourne, this striking inlet is cocooned by hills and partly protected by a rubble breakwater.

On settled weekends, Ben likes to cross to Ardglass in Northern Ireland, a sociable marina in a horseshoe bay 32 miles west of Peel. Doyles excellent bistro is on the north quay. Cumbria is a favourite too, with Whitehaven only 46 miles away north-about the island. This stylish resort has a thriving marina and an elegant Georgian town centre. There are pubs and bistros galore.

Douglas Harbour

Douglas feels pleasantly dated – its seafront has a timeless row of Victorian and Edwardian hotels and guesthouses and children can still have donkey rides on the beach here. The marina is accessible through a swing bridge two hours each side of high water and is an agreeable place to lie, with a green hillside above the south wall and attractive buildings along north quay.

The Little Fish Café is a tasty stop at any time of day. It’s perfectly safe to leave a boat at Douglas, and nearby Ronaldsway airport has frequent flights all around the UK.

This boater got lost in the waterways of rural France

Latitude: owner anil thadani on his 45m globetrotting superyacht, our historic northwest passage adventure on 45m superyacht latitude, latest videos, cormate chase 32 tour: fast, stylish and practical weekender, axopar 29 sea trial: sun top vs cross cabin – which is best, sunseeker ocean 182 – see how this compact superyacht copes in a wet and windy sea trial, delphia 10 boat tour: great value family cruiser.

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By SuperyachtNews 23 May 2018

MY ‘Irisha’ – an owner’s team exclusive

We explore how custom vessels are able to use platform hulls without diluting a designer's original concept….

Image for article MY ‘Irisha’ – an owner’s team exclusive

Following the delivery of 51m Heesen-built MY Irisha , SuperyachtNews speaks exclusively with Stuart King, director of Technical Marine UK, to discuss the processes involved in the development of this particular new build superyacht and consider some of the challenges encountered during the build of Irisha from the perspective of the owner’s team.

“We started the project towards the end of 2014 and the contract with Heesen was not signed until May 2015,’ starts King. “When we [Technical Marine UK] first got involved, the project consisted of the proposal drawings from Harrison Eidsgaard Design. Irisha began as a 55m custom vessel and we became engaged in a number of studies to try and ascertain how we could limit her volume to ensure her tonnage was below the 500gt threshold, which is incredibly difficult at 55m.”

Once Irisha’s 55m sub-500gt design had been validated, King explains that the team then approached a number of shipyards in order to ascertain pricing and the viability of the project from the perspectives of a variety of sources.

“Firstly, you need to make sure that the information that is being provided to yards is consistent and that they are able to quote against it,” continues King. “Before we consider a contract, we create a single coherent package of build information. This package will include a specification, GA and some exterior renderings amongst other things. At this point you are able to approach several yards and what you expect is to receive in return is a series of bids that, when choosing a final yard, become a case of comparing apples with apples.”

If, however, a coherent set of information and documents is not created, invariably the quotes that are received in return will fail to represent the needs of the project and may vary wildly from one another.

“Obviously you choose the yard that you feel is best qualified to build what it is you have set out to achieve. We chose Heesen because, unlike the other yards, it presented us with an opportunity to integrate Harrison Eidsgaard’s beautiful design into one of its platform,” King explains. “The yard has a proved 50m semi-displacement platform that does 23kts, the Satori series hull. The yard has built a number of these over the years.”

It is not uncommon, according to King, for shipyards to incorporate custom designs into their tried and tested hull platforms. One may be forgiven for believing that the desire to do this is a time and cost saving exercise, however, while savings may be a by-product of such a process in some cases, the real benefit to both yard and owner is the mitigation of risk associated with the build.

“The main benefit for the yard is risk. If the platform is already proven, they can be confident that the vessel is going to meet the necessary performance parameters; they know it will be stable, up to speed and they will have a designed and tested engineering packaged,” says King. “The slight inconvenience with Irisha was that Heesen’s existing platform only reached 23kts, but she was required to reach 25kts. The yard therefore worked hard to upgrade the engineering package to meet the owner’s requirements. In the end there was quite a few changes to the platform.”

Importantly, Irisha was required to match Harrison Eidsgaard’s original profile. Irisha’s owner would quite rightly not have accepted amendments to the original design that had diluted his vision that had been made real by the British design studio.

“It was quite an exchange of drawings between ourselves, the owner and Eidsgaard to show the owner that the design would not be compromised by using the platform,” continues King. “The forward third of the vessel is completely different to the platform, as is the transom and the entire superstructure. You can tell just from looking at the images that Irisha appears to be completely fresh and new.”

Once the various combinations of custom and platform had been realised, Irisha became a 51m sub-500gt project that achieved over 26kts during her sea trial. For more details on the design and features of  Irisha , click here .

“Looking back, the final Irisha delivered to the owner by Heesen is remarkably close to the preliminary sketches of the custom boat developed by Harrison Eidsgaard back in late 2014. The work carried out by Heesen to integrate the unique custom design into their well proven 50m engineering platform is very impressive given the increase in speed required and the entirely custom profile and layout. Despite the difficulties in producing the extensive and complex curved exterior glass, the result speaks for itself and the photos of the yacht in recent trials look just like the earliest sketches from Harrison Eidsgaard. She is the impressive result of no compromises being made during the build, by a yard that worked hard to accommodate the requirements of the client,” concludes King.

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Heesen delivers the first yacht of 2024: YN 20255, now named Iris Blue

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Heesen is delighted to announce the delivery of the first yacht of the restyled 55-metre series following intensive tests in the North Sea. During the three-day sea trials, Iris Blue met all the required specifications, and the tests were conducted smoothly and according to plans. During the second day of trials, the yacht was tested in rough sea conditions, with waves up to 1.7 metres from north to northwest and westerly to north-westerly winds with gusts up to 28 knots. Just like her foresisters, Iris Blue proved to be highly responsive, accepting steering commands immediately. The use of large rudders in conjunction with a powerful steering unit makes for a very quick reaction, as does the high pitch of the propellers. The overall effect instils great confidence in the captain when manoeuvring in strong wind conditions.

Frank Laupman of Omega Architects, the original designer of this series, carried out the restyle of the exterior lines. “As much as we love our original design with the vertical windows, we felt it was time to make an evolutionary step,” says Frank. “We opted for a larger expanse of floor-to-ceiling glass, without mullions in the main saloon. Then, we took the opportunity to give a slightly more aggressive look to the profile by using continuous sheets of tinted glass. The horizontal lines stretch the optical length and balance the air draft. The result is beautiful: we retained the family look and feel but gave it an elegant touch.”

The design revisitation lends the yacht a more assertive stance on the water.

The owner’s quarters now feature a veranda on the starboard side, which is a truly transformative innovation. This feature is something truly unique that fundamentally changes the space experience in the 78 sqm stateroom, which now also includes new walk-in wardrobes. The possibility to access an outdoor area in complete privacy is a wonderful addition to this space.”

The layout has also been reconsidered and now features a larger sundeck with a bar around the whirlpool forward. On the main deck, the central atrium has been modernised, with a wider and revised main staircase, while there is an additional companionway from the wheelhouse deck up to the sun deck to ease crew access.

Niels Vaessen, Heesen CEO, comments: “Heesen 55-metre Steel is a unique and very competitive design. We believe in this proven design platform and have worked with Omega and Luca Dini on creating a yacht that meets the refined tastes of clients who appreciate Dutch quality with a shortened delivery time. Iris Blue is a wonderful addition to our fleet, and we wish the Owners and her crew many days of happy sailing”.

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HALF IRISH is a 44.47 m Motor Yacht, built in Italy by Overmarine Group and delivered in 2024. She is one of 7 Mangusta Oceano 44 models.

Her top speed is 16.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 4500.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 staterooms, with 7 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 467.0 GT and a 8.7 m beam.

She was designed by Alberto Mancini , who has designed 98 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database.

The naval architecture was developed by Pierluigi Ausonio PLANA , who has architected 105 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database, and the interior of the yacht was designed by Alberto Mancini (14 other superyacht interiors designed) and Overmarine Group (216 other superyacht interiors designed) - she is built with a Teak deck, a Steel hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

HALF IRISH is in the top 30% by LOA in the world. She is one of 600 motor yachts in the 40-45m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her volume is 83.7 GT above the average.

HALF IRISH is currently sailing under the Cayman Islands flag, the 2nd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1392 yachts registered. She is currently located at the superyacht marina Bahia Mar Resort and Yachting Center, in United States of America, where she has been located for 4 days. For more information regarding HALF IRISH's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .


  • Name: HALF IRISH
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Displacement
  • Model: Mangusta Oceano 44
  • Builder: Overmarine Group
  • Naval Architect: Pierluigi Ausonio PLANA
  • Exterior Designer: Alberto Mancini
  • Interior Designer: Alberto Mancini , Overmarine Group

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Tanzanite Charter Yacht

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Tanzanite (ex: Fighting Irish)

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44.2m  /  145'   westship   2004 / 2023.

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Cabin Configuration

  • 2 Double/Twin

Special Features:

  • Newly extended sundeck
  • Four bars on board
  • Flexible cabin arrangement
  • Elegant interior styling
  • Ample lounging and dining options
Spacious outdoor areas, stylish design and modern entertainment facilities ensure luxury yacht TANZANITE offers unforgettable charter vacations

The 44.2m/145' motor yacht 'Tanzanite' (ex. Fighting Irish) by shipyard Westship offers flexible accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins and features interior styling by Innovative Creations.

Motor yacht Tanzanite boasts a wealth of convivial spaces, perfect for luxury yacht charters with families of friends, offering ample opportunities to kick back and relax, or enjoy the water on the yacht's array of water toys, the choice is yours.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2004, Tanzanite offers guest accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 suites comprising a master suite located on the main deck, two VIP cabins and two cabins that can operate as twins or doubles. There are 5 beds in total, including 3 king. She is also capable of carrying up to 9 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

A charter on Tanzanite is comfortable and convenient thanks to the provided amenities, notably a deck jacuzzi, perfect to enjoy the scenery with your favourite drink in hand.

Tanzanite benefits from some excellent features to improve your charter, notably Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to stay connected at all times, should you wish. Guests will experience complete comfort while chartering thanks to air conditioning.

Performance & Range

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Powered by twin MTU engines, she comfortably cruises at 14 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 21 knots with a range of up to 3,000 nautical miles from her 43,906 litre fuel tanks at cruising speed. An advanced stabilisation system on board reduces the side-to-side roll of the yacht and promises guests exceptional comfort levels at anchor or when underway.

Tanzanite has aboard a plentiful range of water toys and accessories ready to entertain you and your guests whilst on charter. Principle among these is a Flyboard for soaring over the water or swimming like a dolphin. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Another excellent feature are towable toys offering fun and adventure. If that isn't enough Tanzanite also features waterskis, a seabob, wakeboards, fishing equipment and paddleboards. When it comes to Tenders, Tanzanite has you covered - with two tenders, including a 10.67m/35' Intrepid Tender.

Tanzanite offers you and your guests the perfect platform from which to enjoy your next luxury yacht charter. Please enquire for details of her summer and forthcoming winter cruising grounds and availability.

With its superlative combination of luxurious styling and superb amenities, motor yacht Tanzanite has everything you could possibly want for unforgettable yacht charter vacations.


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Tanzanite Yacht 11

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Tanzanite has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Tanzanite is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 10.67m  /  35' Intrepid Tender with 2 x Yamaha
  • 1 x 4.57m  /  15' Walker Bay RIB

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Tanzanite Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2020 Best Refitted Yacht Nomination
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  • Entertainment

Tanzanite is reported to be available to Charter with the following entertainment facilities:

Kaleidascape and new large HDTV screens throughout

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Tanzanite' Charter Rates & Destinations

Summer Season

May - September

$135,000 p/week + expenses

High Season

Cruising Regions

Please enquire .

Winter Season

October - April

$148,500 p/week + expenses

Charter Tanzanite

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4A charter yacht

39m | Sanlorenzo

from $119,000 p/week ♦︎

Ability charter yacht

42m | Codecasa

Agram charter yacht

44m | Heesen

from $168,000 p/week ♦︎

Alalya charter yacht

from $155,000 p/week

Alfa XII charter yacht

from $75,000 p/week

Alta charter yacht

44m | Palmer Johnson

from $185,000 p/week

Always Believe charter yacht

Always Believe

40m | Maiora

from $108,000 p/week ♦︎

Amica Mea charter yacht

46m | Hakvoort

from $200,000 p/week

Amore charter yacht

48m | Christensen

from $175,000 p/week

Annamia charter yacht

43m | Baglietto

from $136,000 p/week ♦︎

Aqua charter yacht

40m | Jordi Puig

from $161,000 p/week

Aquila charter yacht

41m | Baglietto

from $125,000 p/week ♦︎

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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Irish pub owner pays students' lunch debts in honor of his late wife

An Irish pub owner in Oklahoma has helped clear the student lunch debts for thousands of students in honor of his late wife .

Sean Cummings grew up in Kansas City, as the son of Irish parents, who hailed from Co Galway and Co Clare. After moving to Oklahoma, Sean set up the first Irish pub in the city.

His wife, Cathy, was the Former Mayor and City Councilwoman of The Village City. It was her generosity and dedication to the community that inspired Sean’s mission.

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Cathy was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer. In her final days, she and Sean brainstormed about her legacy, and what she could do to leave a positive mark on the world.

Sean told “We really couldn’t come up with anything that could be solved. Rarely, in politics, do you get to do anything that’s monumental.”

When the couple heard from a friend that her son’s high school transcript was being withheld because he owed $2.50 in lunch debt, they were inspired to take action. They realized that if a student's transcript could be withheld over a tiny debt, there were likely more students who owed greater amounts and whose futures could be in jeopardy.

At the same time, both Sean and Cathy were natural born feeders, who as Irish and Italian restaurant owners, dedicated their careers and lives to making sure the bellies around them were full.

“I never thought we’d get this far. I thought maybe like 10 grand - and mostly because people just loved her.”

Cathy sadly passed away on February 11 of this year, and Sean posted the GoFundMe page the following weekend. Instantly, donations began to pour in, ranging from $380 to $5,200.

To date, they have paid off student lunch debt in around 46 schools in the state, which Sean has personally visited to make the donations - accompanied by his and Cathy’s dog who often steals the show.

“As of today we are at a total of $94,500,” Sean said. “We’re trying to increase that number to help a school that was affected by the tornado. They had their entire homes destroyed but still owe lunch debt, which is insane.”

The shame and isolation caused by the inability to afford school lunches lingers after childhood.

“Giving someone a 'shame sandwich' puts a target on their back,” Sean said. “You’re showing their peers that their parents don’t care, you’re proving they can’t take care of themselves and nobody is coming to save them."

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The donations through GoFundMe are helping to eradicate this stigma and build foundations for the students' futures.

“If you haven’t eaten, nothing else matters other than eating,” Sean said. “So it is awful and crucial. But the GoFundMe has been marvelously successful.”

You can learn more about their mission and contribute to the GoFundMe here.

For the latest local news and features on Irish America, visit our homepage here .

Sean Cummings paid the students' lunch debts in honor of his wife Cathy

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Observe Memorial Day with these events in southern Maine

Tons of towns have parades and ceremonies happening Monday.

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Kids and adults gather at a Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer

BATH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and concludes at Library Park and will be followed by a wreath-laying service at 11 a.m.

BERWICK 11 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at Berwick Town Hall/Sullivan Square and proceeds to Lord’s Cemetery by way of Wilson and Allen streets. After a ceremony there, the parade will continue down Saw Mill Hill Street with a pause at the Somersworth-Berwick Bridge for a brief memorial service for those lost at sea. The parade ends at Sullivan Square with a memorial service honoring area veterans.

BIDDEFORD-SACO Opening ceremony at 9:55 a.m. Monday at Saco City Hall. Parade starts at 10 a.m. from Saco City Hall and proceeds along Main Street and down York Hill into Biddeford, continues along Main Street, onto Alfred Street and finishes at Veteran’s Memorial Park with a closing ceremony at 10:45 a.m.

BRUNSWICK-TOPSHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Topsham Town Hall, pauses for observances while crossing the Brunswick-Topsham bridge, and concludes at the Brunswick Mall.

CAPE ELIZABETH 9 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at the middle school parking lot, turns right on Scott Dyer Road, right onto Route 77 and ends at the village green adjacent to the town hall. A brief ceremony and laying of the wreath will be held at the Village Green after the parade.

CUMBERLAND 8 a.m. Monday. Kids run at Greely High School followed by 5K Run and Remember race at 8:30 a.m. Parade starts at 10 a.m. at Mabel I. Wilson School and ends at the veterans’ monument in Moss Side Cemetery in Cumberland Center, where a ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. Advertisement

FALMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from 65 Depot Road (Falmouth American Legion) to Pine Grove Park, where a ceremony will be held.

FREEPORT 9:30 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Holbrook Street, heads north on Main and makes a right onto School Street, then right onto Park Street, ending in Memorial Park. There will be a small ceremony in Memorial Park starting at 10 a.m.

GORHAM 11 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Village School (12 Robie St.) and ends at Eastern Cemetery on Johnson Road.

GRAY 11:30 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves the Russell School (8 Gray Park), proceeds to Shaker Road and continues to the Soldiers Monument at the intersection of Routes 26 and 3 for a wreath-laying ceremony. Parade continues north to the American Legion Post (15 Lewiston Road) for a closing ceremony.

LYMAN 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at Waterhouse Road/Mill Pond in Goodwins Mills and ends at the Lyman Town Hall on South Waterboro Road.

NEW GLOUCESTER 9 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Memorial Elementary School (86 Intervale Road) and heads down Intervale Road to Route 100/202 to Veterans Park for a memorial service. The parade will reconvene and go down Peacock Hill Road, then take a left on Gilmore Road. Advertisement

OLD ORCHARD BEACH 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at the corner of Ballpark Way and E. Emerson Cumming Boulevard and proceeds down Saco Avenue, Old Orchard Beach Street to First Street and ends at Veteran’s Memorial Park.

PORTLAND 2 p.m. Monday. The procession starts at Longfellow School (432 Stevens Ave.) and ends at Evergreen Cemetery for a commemoration ceremony.

SANFORD 10 a.m. Monday. The parade starts at the Sanford Armory (88 William Oscar Emery Drive), proceeds up Gowen Park Drive and ends at Central Park.

SCARBOROUGH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Scarborough High School, turns onto Route 114 and then Route 1, past town offices to the Maine Veterans Home and concludes with a ceremony there.

SOUTH PORTLAND 10:30 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Southern Maine Community College parking lot, proceeds down Broadway to the Veterans Monument for a short Memorial Day recognition service.

WELLS 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Wells High School (200 Sanford Road) and proceeds to Ocean View Cemetery for a ceremony and musical performances. Advertisement

WESTBROOK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds down Main Street and will be followed by a ceremony in Riverbank Park.

WINDHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Windham Town Hall and proceeds onto Route 202 toward Windham High School. At 10 a.m., there will be a ceremony in front of Windham’s Veterans Memorial Flagpole at Windham High School.

YARMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Yarmouth High School (286 West Elm St.) and proceeds to the Memorial Green at Town Hall for a ceremony.

YORK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts near St. Christopher’s Church (4 Barrell Lane) and proceeds down York Street to York Town Hall.

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The Adventure You've Been Waiting For

Welcome to the world of Axopar, a culmination of boating passion and expertise. Crafted by boating enthusiasts, these vessels are designed for quality-conscious adventurers seeking unforgettable experiences. As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features.

We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach.

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Time to redefine your limits with Axopar

The Axopar lineup is a testament to our rich experience and unwavering passion for boating. Meticulously crafted by dedicated boating enthusiasts, it is tailored for discerning boaters who yearn to broaden their horizons. Discover Axopar with Jeff Brown Yachts.

Axopar Configurator

Our Axopar boat configurator is a user-friendly tool that allows you to craft your ideal Axopar boat from the comfort of your own home. It serves as the initial stage in defining your boat's equipment and plays a crucial role in establishing the baseline pricing for all the features and options you desire.

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Our Proven Success

"We had the pleasure of working with Wayne as out-of-town buyers. His service is second-to-none. While impossible to imagine given how much we love this boat, should we decide to upgrade to another boat, Wayne at JBY would be our first and only call!"

– Robert B.

"From the first conversation with Andy and throughout the entire process I couldn’t be happier to have had any other broker other than Andy working my deal for a Robalo R272."

– Shannti H.

"I have known Jeff Brown for well over 20 years and bought 2 boats from him. I have found him to be extremely knowledgeable, service-oriented, and a pleasure to work with."

"I purchased my Pardo 38 from Jeff Brown Yachts. Jeff and his team are excellent! They are always there for me when I need anything. I highly recommend them if you are looking to purchase a yacht. You won’t be disappointed."

– Cassandra D.

"I sold my 2019 Axopar 28c through JBY and then purchased a new 37xc from them. Great group to work with!"

"We purchased a pre-owned Axopar 28 from Jeff, and we had a great experience. He was very knowledgeable and committed to making the purchase process easy."

"We can’t speak highly enough of our experience with Jeff Brown Yachts and the Mari~Time program."

– The Austin Family

"Jeff’s professional and proficient handling of our transaction, and then spending a great deal of time familiarizing and training our family has been invaluable. We recommend him highly to anyone looking to buy or sell."

– Mark & Claire M

"I trust Jeff’s integrity and professional counsel in all boating needs. I recommend him to anyone needing sound and professional advice in buying or selling boats."

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  • Axopar Seattle

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Axopar Destination Transit Guide

Year-round adventure is never far away.

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Easy access to some of the world’s greatest cruising destinations is one of the great benefits of boating on the Salish Sea. And, each Axopar model provides you the room and comfort to share and enjoy those adventures all year long. Hike, fish, camp, bike, kayak, water ski, stay at your favorite hotel, catch a show or grab dinner across the sound, the possibilities are endless. 

With that in mind, we collected transit times from Seattle to some of our favorite area destinations at cruising speed in an Axopar. Enjoy the ride.

@30 knots | Seattle to 

Winslow | Eagle Harbor - 15 minutes Poulsbo - 25 minutes Bremerton - 25 minutes Tacoma - 45 minutes Port Townsend - 1 hour Hoodsport - 1 hour 40 minutes Friday Harbor - 2 hours Anacortes - 2 hours Victoria - 2 hours Bellingham - 2 hours 25 minutes Vancouver - 3 hours 45 minutes Princess Louisa Inlet - 6 hours

Use our Axopar Boat Configurator to build your dream boat.

View our Axopar offerings, including Axopar 28, Axopar 28 Cabin, Axopar 37XC Cross Cabin, used Axopars and more.

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whatever the adventure, we will take you there!

Live your adventure together with us, axopar boats.

Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments.

Brabus Marine Superboats

High-performance Brabus Marine’s Shadow Superboats: 1200 Range 1000 Range 900 Range 500 Range 300 Range

Axopar Models

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 37 Range Axopar 29 Range Axopar 25 Range Axopar 22 Range

Axopar Awards

The brand is honored to be presented with awards from European Power Boat of the Year, Japan’s Boat of the Year, Boat of the Year, Motor Boats Award, Boat of the Year Award in USA, International Best of Boats Winner, Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index Award, and Boat Builder Awards.

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In the world of yacht brokerage, each journey is unique, and mine has been a captivating ride from roads to waters. I am Nate Evans, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in the automotive service industry; I’m excited to share my story and why I chose to embark on the maritime adventure with Jeff Brown Yachts.

From Roads to Waters: The Evolution

Growing up on the water in Wilmington, North Carolina, instilled in me a deep appreciation for the maritime world. With over two decades of experience in the automotive service industry, I found myself yearning for a new challenge. The transition from car engines to marine engines was a natural evolution, guided by a genuine passion for the sea.

Discovering the Axopar Culture

The pivotal moment occurred at the 2020 International Boat Show in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Axopar culture instantly resonated with me, offering not just a boat but a lifestyle. Connecting with Jeff Brown and sharing our enthusiasm for nautical adventures, I knew I had found an amazing team with JBY, Axopar and Brabus Marine.

Client-Centric Approach: More Than Just Transactions

What sets the journey with Jeff Brown Yachts apart is the commitment to clients as individuals. Purchasing a yacht is more than a financial transaction; it’s a lifestyle choice. Understanding this, I take the time to delve into the unique boating desires of each client. The goal is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them through high ethical standards, hard work, and unwavering integrity.

Embark on Your Maritime Journey

For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and you can expect a personalized experience dedicated to making your nautical dreams a reality.

Cheers to new adventures ,

The Ultimate Boating Experience

The axopar range – let your adventure begin.

Axopar’s unique configurations allow you explore a variety of options for each range such as aft deck modules, open aft, wet bar and multi-storage.


Call Nate to start your adventure today!

(910) 612-7651

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Gordon Ramsay Is Turning Up The Heat In Miami With The Opening Of Lucky Cat

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Luxury rules at the moscow yacht show.

by Maria Sapozhnikova

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The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.


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As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features. We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach. ...

Axopar Destination Transit Guide Year-round adventure is never far away . ... Subscribe to the Jeff Brown Yachts Newsletter. San Diego Marina Office 2614 Shelter Island Drive, Suite A San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 619-222-9899. Newport Harbor Office 2507 West Coast Highway, Suite 101

Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range Axopar 28 Cabin Axopar 28 T-Top Axopar 28 Open ... Jeff Brown Yachts San Diego - Main Office 2330 Shelter Island Drive Suite 105 San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 (619) 222-9899 (619) 709-0697

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range ... Jeff Brown Yachts San Francisco 298 Harbor Drive Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 887-9347 Instagram Facebook Youtube LinkedIn.

The all-new Axopar 29 range embodies Axopar's unwavering determination and resilience to continually push the boundaries of innovation in design, efficiency,...

The Axopar 37 Angler is a result of decades of fishing experience from the team at Jeff Brown Yachts. It's loaded with innovative features for the offshore A...

2024 AXOPAR SEASON KICKS OFF WITH 3 BOAT SHOWS~ CHARLESTON, VIRGINIA BEACH, & CHARLOTTE. Here's your chance to get a closer look at the versatile Axopar 28 and 37 models, plus, the BRABUS Shadow 500 Cabin. We'll see you in Charleston, Jan. 26-28, at the Mid-Atlantic Sports & Boat Show, in Virginia Beach, Feb 2-4, and Charlotte Feb 8-11.

Jeff Brown Yachts bespoke brokerage and yacht sales Jeff Brown Yachts is the exclusive West Coast dealer for Axopar, BRABUS Marine, Pardo Yachts, Pearl Yachts, Sirena Yachts ...

Find 197 used Axopar for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from. ... Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts. Contact. Video. 2021 Axopar 37 XC CROSS CABIN. US$379,000* Price Drop: US$20,000 (Jul 19) US $3,227/mo. Sausalito, California. 37ft - 2021. Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts.

24 likes, 0 comments - jeffbrownyachts on March 16, 2024: "Just in time for summer! Available Now - The only "Multi Storage" Axopar 37 BRABUS trim on the West ...

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 45 Cross Top Axopar 45 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Range ... Jeff Brown Yachts JBY Mid-Atlantic Office 6 Marina Street, Suite 1 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 660-1107 Manitowoc Marina 425 Maritime Dr, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA ...

Axopar Boats Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments. ... For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and ...

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn't stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of ...

Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

Jeff Kline DDS. Menu. Our Location; About Dr. Kline; Contact; Blog; Services; Insurance/Financial; Welcome! 208-882-0991. Welcome! Welcome to the office of Jeff Kline! We are so happy you found us! Our entire team is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality dental care in a relaxed, friendly environment.

Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

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Pinellas County officials reminding residents, boat owners to have plan in place with hurricane season on the horizon

PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — With a busier-than-normal hurricane season expected, officials are reminding residents to be prepared. 

Especially when it comes to being on the water. Boat owners will be looking to either remove their boats from marinas or at least tie them down securely.

What You Need To Know

Pinellas county officials are reminding residents to have a plan in place ahead of the upcoming hurricane season boat owners should be looking to either remove their boats from marinas or at least tie them down securely keeping insurance up-to-date is also critical in the case of any damage sustained during severe weather county officials advise signing up for emergency alerts through their mobile app— called  ‘ready pinellas’ — you can download on your smart phone.

Now— they say— is the time to start prepping at boat slips and harbors. In fact, if you can, Pinellas County officials advise boat owners to take their vessels out of water if possible.

But not everyone is able to do just that. And for that, they advise those owners to secure your boat with heavy nylon lines. County officials say, if possible, find a locations that will allow you to secure your boat from all four sides.

They also advise to keep your boat insurance up to date and make a plan. If you do plan to for a marina to haul your boat out of the water it should be done long before the arrival of tropical storm-force winds.

Boats & Hurricane Preparedness 🛥️ With a busier than normal hurricane season expected, Pinellas Co. officials are reminding residents- and boat owners- to be prepared. Now is the time to have a plan in place. @BN9 — Calvin Lewis (@CalvinLewisTV) May 25, 2024

“We definitely don’t want those people who live aboard, staying on board their boat during a hurricane," said Adam Pedzich, Emergency Manager for Pinellas County. "So if they could have that plan, whether to go to family or friends or use one of our available shelters that we open during hurricanes.”

And Pedzich says if you cannot take your boat out of the water be sure to secure your boat in a protected and stable location. Also keep in mind docks can be damaged in a major hurricane.

Along the water’s edge at a boat harbor rests countless sailboats and vessels.

“It’s just something I’ve always been fascinated with since I’d seen the ocean when I was a young child and always wondered what was beyond the horizon.”

One of them belonging to Quinton Alame. He and his wife, Christina, have been living on their boat— ‘Windchime’— for the last year and a half.

“About six months it took us to adjust to it and we wouldn’t have it any other way now,” says Alame.

Living on their boat has required some getting used to. With hurricane season just around the corner, being prepared takes some extra effort.

“We are in a pretty protected area here at the marina," Alame says. "We use double lines for all of our connecting points. I actually put midshaft cleats on the side there because, previously, I didn’t have those installed.”

For right now— officials with Pinellas County say—is the time to start prepping for severe weather. Pinellas County is reminding boat owners, like Alame, that having a plan is critical.

“Whether they keep it at anchor or if it’s at a marina, just having that plan on how they’re going to get their boat to safety when that time comes,” said Pedzich.

Alame says a lot of time and effort have gone into his boat since initially buying it. Outfitting the vessel with all the proper equipment. And developing his own plan in case severe weather hits.

“Another one of my plans is like this bimini cover here and the sails, I’m going to remove those if there’s a storm coming. You want to get all of the windage off of the boat if you can.”

Showing that not only the way he lives has changed but also the way he thinks in times of severe weather.

“It’s definitely not for everybody- the small space and not being able to have room for a bunch of stuff," he says. "Just be prepared to live minimally.”

And being prepared for the changing tides the weather brings.

County officials also advise signing up for emergency alerts. They also have a mobile app— called ‘Ready Pinellas’ — you can download on your smart phone.


‘Too trusting’ former boss of UK Post Office rolls out the ‘know nothing’ defence

Planet business: inter milan’s new owner, the hybrid-working bank boss and openai’s legal skirmishes.

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Paula Vennells, former chief executive of the UK Post Office, arrives to give evidence in the Post Office Horizon IT public inquiry in London. Photograph: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

Laura Slattery's face

Image of the week: Memory issues

Two types of waterworks were on display at the public inquiry into the UK Post Office’s Horizon IT miscarriage of justice scandal this week as the ceiling started dripping on to the inquiry chairman in the middle of an appearance by former Post Office chief executive, Paula Vennells.

An ordained vicar, Vennells had minutes earlier cried after it was put to her that she had been aware as early as 2012 that the prosecutions of hundreds of sub-postmasters for theft and false accounting were flawed.

“Personally, I didn’t know that,” she said of the fact that sub-postmasters had reported a string of bugs and flaws in the Fujitsu Horizon software.

“My memory was not very good at the start of this process,” she also claimed in the course of insisting that nobody had told her anything about anything, she was “disappointed” that information was not shared with her and that she was “too trusting”.

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Texts sent by former Royal Mail chief executive Moya Greene to Vennells earlier this year were read out. “I think you knew,” messaged Greene, coming to a conclusion that many others had reached some years before. Vennells, who broke down in tears on two further occasions during her first day of testimony, stuck to her line that she didn’t.

Earlier she had been asked if she was the “unluckiest CEO” in the UK. Later on Wednesday, however, she became the luckiest former CEO as Rishi Sunak wiped her performance off the front pages.

In numbers: Inter Milan takeover

€395 million

Size of a missed payment from Inter Milan’s majority shareholder, the Chinese conglomerate Suning, to US investment fund Oaktree Capital Management. As the loan was guaranteed by its stake in the football club, Oaktree has now taken control of Inter Milan.

Years since Suning bought its majority stake in the 116-year-old club, marking one of the highest-profile advances by a Chinese business into the world of European football.

€807 million

Total debts at the club as of the end of the 2022/23 financial year, in which it made a loss of €86 million. It has since won its 20th Serie A league title, the second and apparently final such title under the Suning era.

Getting to know: Mike Regnier

Mike Regnier, now two years into his reign as chief executive of Santander UK, took the job when the practice of working-from-home was perhaps more entrenched than it is now. But while other banking bosses have restored their pre-pandemic egos by reinstituting old ways of working, the Spanish lender’s UK office-based workers are only required to be on site twice a week. More unusually, Regnier told the Guardian that he himself continues to work from home once or twice a week – rather than do Monday to Friday commutes to London – and would not have accepted the position if he couldn’t.

“I don’t think it’s absolutely vital that people spend all five days a week in the office as they did pre-Covid,” said Regnier, who moved to Harrogate in Yorkshire with his wife to raise their family 20 years ago.

Although his own father was “amazing” and “not absent”, his daily commutes inevitably led to lost family time. As a result, Regnier didn’t see as much of his father as his two teenage kids see of him now. Time, as they say, is money.

The list: OpenAI’s legal skirmishes

It has not been a vintage May for ChatGPT company OpenAI following the resignation of its co-founder and chief scientist, Ilya Sutskever, who was followed swiftly and tersely out the door by co-team leader Jan Leike. Then things really kicked off, with a high-profile celebrity joining the list of people to lawyer-up in response to the company’s technology.

1. Scarlett Johansson: The actor, who voiced a virtual assistant in Spike Jonze’s 2013 film Her, says she twice turned down an OpenAI offer to do the same for its software, only for OpenAI to release a flirty – ugh – voice assistant called Sky that sounds “eerily similar” to her.

2. The New York Times: The company announced in December that it was suing OpenAI and its backer Microsoft for copyright infringement, saying the existence of ChatGPT threatened its ability to provide the material that has been used to train it.

3. US newspapers: A group of eight other US newspapers, including the New York Daily News and the Chicago Tribune, filed a lawsuit last month saying that OpenAI and Microsoft were “purloining millions” of copyrighted news articles without permission or payment.

4. Sarah Silverman: The comedian is suing OpenAI for allegedly violating the copyright on her memoir The Bedwetter. Other writers with similar complaints have joined her as co-plaintiffs.

5. Authors Guild: George RR Martin, John Grisham and Jonathan Franzen are among well-known writers behind a separate Authors Guild of America lawsuit that accuses OpenAI of “systematic theft on a mass scale”. Time to start forming an orderly queue?

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  1. Simon Cowell Yacht

    irish yacht owners

  2. Pictured: €119 MILLION super-yacht docks in Ireland

    irish yacht owners

  3. Royal Irish Yacht Club Welcomes Round the World Yacht Race Skipper

    irish yacht owners

  4. Irish Billionaire’s Floating Heaven Is a 1930s’ Yacht Replica Sporting

    irish yacht owners

  5. World’s oldest Yacht Club marks 300th birthday

    irish yacht owners

  6. The World's Richest Yacht Owners

    irish yacht owners


  1. IVOR FITZPATRICK: A Luminary of Irish Law and Founder ...

    The Christina O yacht, once a WWII anti-submarine frigate, was transformed into a luxurious superyacht by Aristotle Onassis. Onassis named the yacht in honor of his daughter, Christina. Current owners Ivor and Susan Fitzpatrick have continued to maintain and refurbish the yacht, ensuring it remains an icon of luxury.

  2. Irish Sailing > Cruising > Boat Owners

    Cruising Association of Ireland Photo Competition 11 January, 2024. 125 Years of Howth 17's 13 June, 2023. Making Marker Buoys Safe 24 April, 2023. Orcas - attacking or playing 17 April, 2023. Across Three Oceans 06 April, 2023. From Whales to Windfarms, Orcas to Ocean Adventures 06 April, 2023. Certificate of Identity, Sail Numbers, Irish ...

  3. Who Owns Which Superyacht? (A Complete Guide)

    Short Answer. The ownership of superyachts is generally private, so the exact answer to who owns which superyacht is not always publicly available. However, there are some notable superyacht owners that are known. For example, Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, owns the Rising Sun, which is the 11th largest superyacht in the world.

  4. Irish Sailing Association

    Dún Laoghaire. Co Dublin. Country. Ireland. Chief Executive. Harry Hermon. High Performance Director. James O'Callaghan. The Irish Sailing Association, also known as Irish Sailing, [1] ( Irish: Cumann Seoltóireachta na hÉireann) is the national governing body for sailing, powerboating and windsurfing in Ireland.

  5. Home

    IRBOAIrish Residential Boat Owners AssociationBye-Laws CampaignPhase 2 Open for Public ConsultationPhase 2 of the Public consultation for the Draft Shannon Navigation Bye-laws and Grand & Royal Canal and Barrow Navigation Bye-laws is open until the 26th of February 2024learn more AboutIRBOA is the Irish Residential Boat Owners Association. The Association was established to promote, campaign

  6. Who is James Berwind and why is his $85m superyacht in Belfast?

    James Berwind (inset), has moored his $85m Scout superyacht in Belfast this week. Picture by Hugh Russell. Visitors to Belfast's docks and Titanic Quarter may have been struck by the sight of a ...


    FIGHTING IRISH YACHT SOLD - 145' (44.2m) luxury yacht by Westship Yachts. Interior photos, price, specs, location, yacht crew, sale info. ... Composed of GRP, the FIGHTING IRISH yacht sold to its proud owner, who appreciated its array of amenities, which include walk-around decks, a vast sun deck with a hardtop and Jacuzzi, and a cockpit with ...

  8. Cruising the Irish Sea: Exploring the North ...

    Cruising the Irish Sea: Exploring the North West's fantastic seascapes. Peter Cumberlidge June 21, 2019. Historic dockyards, picturesque coves and stunning sandy beaches inspire great affection for this unusual corner of the UK. To anyone based down south, the Irish Sea coasts of England and Wales seem a remote, almost foreign prospect; part ...

  9. the 51m Heesen built especially for dining

    The yard often starts well-developed series yachts on spec for owners in a hurry but prefers not to put all its eggs in one basket, so to speak. According to Heesen's sales director, Mark Cavendish, the best business plan for the yard is a balance between series and custom orders. The builder appreciates the fresh challenges - and resulting ...

  10. Irish Sailing > About Us

    Irish Sailing is the national governing body for sailing, powerboating and windsurfing. Our aim is to develop, support and promote sailing, through our core values of Inspiration, Representation and Participation. Expertise: We answer over 12,500 enquiries each year on everything from cruising, technical, legal, racing and training questions.

  11. MY 'Irisha'

    MY ‘Irisha' - an owner's team exclusive ... the final Irisha delivered to the owner by Heesen is remarkably close to the preliminary sketches of the custom boat developed by Harrison Eidsgaard back in late 2014. The work carried out by Heesen to integrate the unique custom design into their well proven 50m engineering ...

  12. The Top 40 of the World's Richest Yacht Owners • 2024

    All yacht owners are 'rich', but some are richer than others. For example, when a wealthy person is able to purchase a US$ 10 million yacht. His net worth is probably between US$ 50 million and US$ 100 million. Similar, when you are able to purchase a US$ 50 million yacht. Your net worth will probably be a few hundred million dollar.

  13. Heesen delivers the first yacht of 2024: YN 20255, now named Iris Blue

    The design revisitation lends the yacht a more assertive stance on the water. The owner's quarters now feature a veranda on the starboard side, which is a truly transformative innovation. This feature is something truly unique that fundamentally changes the space experience in the 78 sqm stateroom, which now also includes new walk-in wardrobes.

  14. IRISHA Yacht Review

    IRISHA. Blending impeccable interiors with superb Dutch craftsmanship, the editorial team at YachtCharterFleet were lucky enough to step on board Heesen's 51m/167ft motor yacht IRISHA at the 2018 Monaco Yacht Show. Subject to much reverence ahead of her debut, IRISHA had attracted a cluster of show-goers eager to get on board when the ...

  15. HALF IRISH yacht (Overmarine Group, 44.47m, 2024)

    GUESTS. 12. HALF IRISH is a 44.47 m Motor Yacht, built in Italy by Overmarine Group and delivered in 2024. She is one of 7 Mangusta Oceano 44 models. Her top speed is 16.0 kn and she boasts a maximum range of 4500.0 nm when navigating at cruising speed, with power coming from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 12 guests in 5 ...

  16. TANZANITE Yacht Charter Price (ex. Fighting Irish)

    The 44.2m/145' motor yacht 'Tanzanite' (ex. Fighting Irish) by shipyard Westship offers flexible accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins and features interior styling by Innovative Creations.. Boasting an array of sumptuous living areas laid out invitingly to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere onboard, motor yacht Tanzanite is the perfect luxury charter yacht for friends and family.

  17. Half Irish Yacht

    In the world rankings for largest yachts, the superyacht, Half Irish, is listed at number 1619. She is the 28th-largest yacht built by Overmarine Group SPA. Half Irish's owner is shown in SYT iQ and is exclusively available to subscribers. On SuperYacht Times, we have 6 photos of the yacht, Half Irish, and she is featured in 1 yacht news article.

  18. Irish Boat Shop

    Dave Irish founded Irish Boat Shop. 1937 - 2020. Sue Stewart is the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. Sue keeps the Board and shareholders up to date on company operations. Shae Cross is the President of Irish Boat Shop. He is responsible for the operation of the company as a whole, across locations and departments.

  19. An Inside Look at Jeff Bezos' $500 Million Superyacht and What ...

    Cliché but true, the second-richest man on the planet, according to Forbes, owns the tallest sailing yacht in the world. In fact, the 417-foot Koru is so big, it has its own 250-foot support ...

  20. Irish pub owner pays students' lunch debts in honor of his late wife

    Story by Alana Loftus. • 9m. An Irish pub owner in Oklahoma has helped clear the student lunch debts for thousands of students in honor of his late wife. Sean Cummings grew up in Kansas City, as ...

  21. Irish Boat Shop

    Founded by Dave Irish in 1961, Irish Boat Shop proudly serves our customers from locations in Harbor Springs, Charlevoix and Traverse City. Our mission is to promote recreational boating by delivering quality and value in boats and services while meeting our obligations to our customers, our employees, our communities, and the environment.

  22. Observe Memorial Day with these events in southern Maine

    Kids and adults gather at a Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer. BATH. 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and ...

  23. jeff brown yachts axopar

    Jeff Brown Yachts San Diego - Main Office 2330 Shelter Island Drive Suite 105 San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 (619) 222-9899 (619) 709-0697 Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range ...

  24. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  25. Video shows owner of boat in fatal Biscayne Bay hit-and-run crash

    Ella Riley Adler, 15, was killed in a hit-and-run boat crash off Key Biscayne, Florida, on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Levitt-Weinstein Blasberg-Rubin-Zilbert Memorial Chapel. The Florida Fish and ...

  26. Boat owners getting prepared ahead of hurricane season

    UPDATED 1:29 PM ET May. 25, 2024. PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — With a busier-than-normal hurricane season expected, officials are reminding residents to be prepared. Especially when it comes to being ...

  27. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  28. 'Too trusting' former boss of UK Post Office ...

    Planet Business: Inter Milan's new owner, the hybrid-working bank boss, OpenAI's legal skirmishes and a tearful public inquiry appearance

  29. Renowned scientist owns boat towing girl killed off Key Biscayne

    Miami biotech entrepreneur Jonathan Rothberg's 182-foot yacht, the Gene Chaser (right), is docked at a marina on Watson Island on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Another boat that Rothberg owns, a 42 ...

  30. Cruise ship that inspired 'Love Boat' sinking in California delta

    The Aurora, shown moored in Little Potato Slough in the delta near Stockton in 2020, once inspired the TV hit "The Love Boat.". Now it is sinking and leaking oil. This past week, as an old ...