A Beginner’s Guide to Chartering a Yacht

By Chrissie McClatchie

Aerial view of Sa Calobra beach in Mallorca

With the pandemic driving a boom in superyacht charters , more and more people are taking to the water for their first yachting experience. But while some superyachts can cost more than a million a week to charter, you don’t need to outlay seven figures for your own yachting vacation.

Wondering what else you need to know before stepping on board for the very first time? We’ve turned to experts in the yachting industry for their insider intel on how to charter a yacht like a pro—from how much it will run you, to where to go, and well beyond. Read on.

Do I need a charter broker, and how do I find one?

It’s a charter broker’s job to match you with the right yacht and crew—and then take the lead in planning the entire experience. Professional bodies such as MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association act as a database of industry-recognized professionals. But the best source for finding a charter broker is often your own network. “Building up a relationship with a charter broker is very important,” says Jacqui Lockhart, a Monaco-based broker at Camper & Nicholsons International . “If possible, look for a recommendation from a friend.”

Once you’ve found the right broker, communication with them will be key. “Take the time to be as detailed with your preferences, such as dietary requirements, likes and dislikes, and preferred activities, as possible,” says London-based broker Charles Crane of Edmiston . “This will give us and the crew the best information to make the charter a success and tailored to perfection.”

How much should I be prepared to spend?

“The entry point is around $40,000 for a week on a yacht 82-feet upwards that can sleep six people," says Lockhart. What can take first time charterers by surprise is that this isn’t an all-inclusive figure. “The charter fee covers the hire, the crew, the insurance—everything that’s linked to the yacht,” Lockhart continues. Anything specifically for the client is extra—including food and beverages, fuel, and dockage. As a rule of thumb, budget for an extra 30 percent on top of the baseline charter figure for these extras, which goes into a fund known as the Advanced Provisioning Allowance (APA). At the end of the charter, it is also customary to tip the crew; between 10 and 20 percent of the charter fee is a guideline figure. There may also be Value Added Tax (VAT) to pay on the charter rate, depending on the country of embarkation.

At the smaller end of the charter fleet, more opportunity exists for single-cabin bookings rather than whole yacht charters. This year in the Caribbean , Sheila Ruffin of Soca Yacht Charters has launched a “Stranger on the Seas” package. Prices start at around $6,000 per person—all-inclusive—on catamarans between 48 and 60 feet. “This allows couples the opportunity to mix and mingle with other couples for an adventurous and social yacht charter on the Caribbean Sea,” says Ruffin.

What destinations are best suited to first-time charterers?

“For first-timers, I wouldn’t recommend a remote destination,” says Captain Kelly Gordon of Freddy , a 106-foot charter yacht based out of the Bahamas . “When it’s hard to get to, that eats up some of your valuable time and can also take some of the fun out of it.”

While yachts are heading towards unchartered waters such as Antarctica with increasing frequency, cruising grounds in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean are classic destinations for a reason. “For the first-time charterer in these locations, there will be more yacht options to choose from, proven cruising grounds with known and safe anchorages, well-connected and easy access hubs to ensure smooth passage to embark and disembark the vessel as well as the ability to source most provisions that guests may want,” says Crane.

The key ingredient? The crew.

Although much of the focus is on securing the right yacht, the secret to the success of a charter is its crew. “Put simply, the crew make the difference between a good charter yacht and a bad one,” says Crane. Today’s crew are increasingly versatile. “They may also be a diving or yoga instructor, personal trainer, fisherman, or sommelier,” he continues.

The crew also knows your cruising area better than anyone else. “Be sure to pick their brain on fun things to do. They often love the opportunity to come up with fun activities and games, whether for kids or adults,” says Lotte Barker-Hahlo, a London-based charter broker at Burgess .

The level of hospitality from crew on most yachts often convert first-time charters into repeat customers. “The attention to detail from the crew is unsurpassed by any other luxury holiday,” says Barker-Hahlo. “From the unpacking of your suitcase to being offered a drink before you’ve even realized you’re thirsty, it’s 24-hour care and service.”

Gordon says that much of the feedback she receives at the end of a first-time charter is why didn’t we do this earlier? “People are always surprised at how we take the time to get to know their needs before they have even arrived. We really do study those preference sheets!”

Think carefully about who else you want on board

Another important factor to a successful yacht vacation? Your fellow travelers. This is a specific type of vacation, which should narrow your list of invitees. “Strongly consider who you vacation with when chartering a yacht,” urges Ruffin. “Unlike other vacation options, yachts are very intimate and exclusive. Choose to share your water adventure with those you like and will enjoy on the water for a week or more.” Maybe, even for veteran yachties, that's the sagest advice of all.

chartering a yacht for the first time

Yacht Chartering 101: What You Need to Know Before Your First Voyage

chartering a yacht for the first time

Embark on a nautical adventure and set sail into the realm of yacht chartering. Navigate through the vast sea of options, carefully selecting your vessel for the ultimate experience. From planning the perfect itinerary to packing essentials, this guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the world of yacht chartering. Discover the ins and outs of crewed yacht charters, ensuring a seamless voyage. Join us as we uncover the safety protocols and etiquette for a truly innovative and unforgettable journey.

Types of Yachts: Exploring Your Options

What are the different types of yachts available for charter and what factors should you consider when choosing the right one for your voyage? When it comes to yacht chartering, there is a wide range of options to consider. Yachts come in various sizes, from small to large, each offering its own advantages and disadvantages. Motor yachts, for example, provide the convenience of speed and power, allowing you to easily explore different destinations . However, they can be more expensive to operate and maintain. On the other hand, sailing yachts offer the allure of wind-powered voyages, providing a more authentic and eco-friendly experience. They may require more skill to operate, but can offer a sense of serenity and connection to nature. Luxury yachts, as the name suggests, offer extravagant amenities and unparalleled comfort. From jacuzzis and helipads to gourmet kitchens and spacious lounges, these yachts are designed to provide the ultimate in indulgence. Lastly, when choosing a yacht design, you must consider whether to opt for a catamaran or a monohull . Catamarans offer stability and spaciousness, while monohulls provide better performance and a traditional sailing experience. Ultimately, the right yacht for your voyage depends on your personal preferences, budget, and desired experience.

Planning Your Itinerary: Destinations and Routes

When planning your yacht charter itinerary, it is essential to carefully consider the destinations and routes you wish to explore. Whether you prefer a leisurely cruise or an adventurous sail, there are endless options to discover hidden gems around the world.

Time management is crucial when planning your itinerary. Research the distance between destinations and factor in travel time to ensure a well-paced journey. It is also important to allocate enough time at each stop to fully experience the local culture and attractions.

Budgeting is another key aspect to consider. Some destinations may have higher docking fees or require additional permits, so it is important to plan accordingly. Keep in mind that some areas offer more affordable options for provisioning and fueling, which can help manage costs.

One of the highlights of yacht chartering is indulging in local cuisine. Explore restaurants, markets, and street food vendors along your chosen route to savor the flavors of the region. Immerse yourself in the local culture by trying traditional dishes and experiencing the vibrant dining scene.

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Respecting the Yacht and Its Facilities

Adhering to proper etiquette is essential when it comes to respecting the yacht and its facilities during your charter experience. Whether you’re a first-time charterer or a seasoned sailor, it’s important to be mindful of the maintenance expectations set by the yacht’s crew. This includes keeping the yacht clean and tidy, and reporting any damages or issues promptly.

When it comes to watersports etiquette, it’s crucial to be respectful of other guests and the marine environment. Avoid excessive noise and be mindful of speed limits and no-wake zones. Additionally, follow eco-friendly practices by not throwing any trash or waste overboard and using designated areas for fueling and waste disposal.

Proper use of onboard amenities is also important. Treat the yacht’s facilities with care and respect. Follow any guidelines provided by the crew for using the swimming pool, hot tub, or gym equipment. Take care not to damage or misuse any equipment or appliances.

Lastly, handling personal belongings is crucial to maintaining a seamless charter experience. Keep personal items organized and avoid leaving them in common areas. Use designated storage spaces and be mindful of others’ personal space.

Following Safety Protocols and Guidelines

  • Ensure compliance with safety protocols and guidelines to maintain a secure and well-organized yacht charter experience. Safety is paramount when it comes to enjoying a yacht charter. To ensure a seamless experience, it is essential to follow all safety protocols and guidelines. Here are some key areas to focus on:
  • Emergency procedures: Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures onboard the yacht. Know the location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. In the event of an emergency, remain calm and follow the instructions of the crew.
  • Evacuation protocols: Understand the evacuation protocols and know where the life rafts are located. Familiarize yourself with the procedures for launching and boarding the life rafts, should the need arise.
  • Life jacket usage: Wear a life jacket whenever you are on the deck or participating in water activities . Ensure that the life jacket fits properly and is fastened securely.
  • Fire safety measures: Follow all fire safety measures and guidelines provided by the crew. This includes not smoking in restricted areas and being cautious when using electrical equipment.
  • Navigation rules: Observe the navigation rules and guidelines to maintain a safe environment for everyone on board. This includes respecting other vessels’ right of way, maintaining a safe distance, and adhering to speed limits.

Being Mindful of Noise Levels and Privacy

When it comes to yacht charter etiquette, it is important to be mindful of noise levels and respect the privacy of others on board. Cabin decorum plays a crucial role in creating a harmonious environment for everyone. Noise restrictions are often in place to ensure a peaceful experience for all passengers. It is essential to adhere to these guidelines and keep noise levels to a minimum, especially during quiet hours.

Respecting privacy boundaries is equally important. Remember that even though you may be sharing a yacht with others, everyone deserves their personal space. Avoid intruding on others’ cabins without permission, and be mindful of their need for solitude. If you need to discuss something important or have a gathering, consider using common areas instead of disturbing others in their private quarters.

To enhance privacy and minimize noise disruption, yacht charters often invest in soundproofing measures. These can include insulated walls and doors to minimize sound transmission between cabins. By being conscious of noise levels and respecting privacy boundaries, you contribute to a more enjoyable and seamless experience for all on board.

Proper Dining and Table Manners

To ensure a seamless yacht charter experience, it is crucial to practice proper dining and table manners, maintaining the same level of mindfulness and respect as demonstrated in previous subtopics. Dining on a yacht requires a certain level of etiquette to create an enjoyable atmosphere for all guests. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Seating arrangements: Follow the guidance of the crew when it comes to seating arrangements. Wait for the host or hostess to indicate where you should sit, and avoid switching seats without permission.
  • Utensil usage: Start with the outermost utensils and work your way in as each course is served. Use the appropriate utensils for each dish, and remember to hold them properly.
  • Napkin etiquette: Place your napkin on your lap as soon as you are seated. Use it to wipe your mouth and hands discreetly, and remember to place it neatly on the table when you leave.
  • Proper use of glassware: Familiarize yourself with the different types of glassware and their purposes. Use the appropriate glass for each beverage, and hold it by the stem to avoid smudging the glass.
  • Polite conversation topics: Engage in pleasant and light-hearted conversation. Avoid controversial or sensitive topics to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

Tipping and Showing Appreciation to the Crew

Showing appreciation to the crew on a yacht charter is best done by generously tipping for their exceptional service. When it comes to gratuity expectations, it is customary to tip between 10-20% of the total charter cost. However, if the crew has gone above and beyond to ensure your comfort and enjoyment, it is perfectly acceptable to tip more.

In addition to monetary gratuity, there are other crew appreciation gestures that can show your gratitude. For example, taking the time to write a thank-you note or providing glowing feedback to the charter company can go a long way in recognizing their hard work.

Handling special requests is another area where the crew’s dedication and professionalism shine. Whether it’s arranging a surprise celebration, accommodating dietary restrictions, or organizing a special excursion, the crew’s ability to fulfill these requests with a smile is truly commendable.

Open and clear communication with the crew is crucial for a seamless experience. From discussing your preferences before the charter to addressing any concerns or needs during the trip, maintaining a respectful and friendly rapport with the crew ensures that they can provide you with the best possible service.

Lastly, recognizing exceptional service is important. If a crew member has gone above and beyond their duties, expressing your appreciation directly to them can make their day. It could be a simple compliment, a small gift, or even a handwritten note to show your gratitude for their outstanding efforts.

In the realm of yacht charters, adhering to proper etiquette is crucial for a seamless and enjoyable experience. By respecting the crew, following safety protocols, and understanding the importance of privacy, guests can create a harmonious environment onboard. Additionally, dressing appropriately, observing table manners, and showing appreciation through tipping are all essential aspects of yacht charter etiquette. By embracing these guidelines, guests can ensure a memorable and refined journey on the open seas.

Get a Quote

Are you ready to let us show you what we can do for you? We can’t wait! This is as exciting for us as it is for you. We began this business because we love putting the perfect yacht charter together for our clients and getting the best of the best at the right price point thanks to our contacts and experience. 

Use our quick contact form to give us the basics about what you’re looking for and we’ll send you ideas and pricing. Don’t worry if it’s not grand enough or should be scaled back; we’ll take care of that too. When you love the plan, we put it into action. All you have to do is show up and enjoy.

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First-Time Yacht Charter Guide Overview

How to charter a yacht.

Whether you’ve chartered before or are new to luxury yacht chartering, our First Time Yacht Charter Guide can help you. It is packed with FAQs , a boat comparison guide , experiences, and infographics; it’s a great way to learn about chartering .

SEA AXIS Newport Boat Charter. First Time Yacht Charter Guide.

Please get started by viewing our yacht charter booking journey below.

Your Yacht Charter Booking Journey​

Preliminary planning.

  • Describe Your Vacation Vision . Think about your dream yacht charter vacation.
  • The Bahamas
  • The Caribbean
  • French Riviera
  • Are your dates firm, or are they flexible?
  • milestone birthdays
  • anniversaries
  • sale of a company
  • any special occasion
  • Number of guests
  • Ages of guests
  • Number of children or teens and their ages
  • Is it a family or a group of friends?
  • The yacht type, size, number of guests
  • The charter destination.
  • Will you be traveling low, high, or peak season?
  • Weekly charter rates can range from $20,000 to $200,000+.
  • Some yachts are plus all expenses, while others have inclusive rates.
  • Gratuities and taxes are additional costs.
  • Scuba diving
  • Kite Surfing
  • Sightseeing
  • History and museums
  • What is the Group’s charter history? First time or some experience?
  • Motor-Yacht
  • Sailing Catamaran
  • Motor-sailer
  • Power Catamaran

What Happens Next in the Booking Process?

  • Your broker checks the availability of yachts in the destination you prefer.
  • The broker sends you a proposal with a selection of available yachts during your desired travel dates.
  • Review the yacht options , then select 2 to 3 yachts you prefer.
  • Discuss these options with your broker. The broker is familiar with the yachts and the crews and will direct you to the yacht best suited to you and your group.
  • Select the yacht that you like best.
  • Broker reserves yacht.
  • The broker prepares the yacht charter contract for your review.
  • All parties sign the contract .
  • Pay the first deposit with signing.
  • Complete Guest Manifest . Include the names of all guests and their contact information.
  • CKIM sends you a Travel Insurance quote. Travel insurance is highly recommended.

Preparing For Your Yacht Charter Vacation

  • Complete preference forms . Everyone in the group fills out a preference form that details their likes, dislikes, interests, allergies, or medical information.
  • Introductory call with the Captain. You’ll feel at ease speaking to the captain and establishing a relationship. This will also give the captain an idea of your needs and expectations. You can discuss your itinerary and any other concerns.
  • Receive the Axus Travel App link. This app lets you have your itinerary at your fingertips throughout your journey.
  • Pre-departure call with CKIM 7-10 days before the trip. Discuss any last-minute questions and confirm all plans, including airline and hotel reservations and transfers.

Arrival at the Port of Embarkation

  • Meet your yacht’s Captain at the port of embarkation.
  • Introduction to your crew and yacht . Your crew will show you to your staterooms, give you a tour of the boat, and make sure you are comfortable.
  • Safety briefing. A safety briefing is required. The captain will explain the use of life jackets and other pertinent information.
  • Welcome Activities. Enjoy your first lunch on board.

What To Expect Onboard Your Charter Yacht?

  • Daily briefings with Captain . Each day you will discuss the sailing area, including the weather, moorings and anchorages, and must-see attractions. The captain and crew have extensive knowledge about your destination and can suggest restaurants and attractions worth visiting.
  • Receive check-in from CKIM Group . Please take this opportunity to let us know how your vacation is going. Is everything just the way you imagined, or is there something we can do to make your experience even better?

Post Yacht Charter Trip

  • Settlement of APA balance , if applicable. The advance provisioning allowance estimates expenses that may arise during your yacht charter, such as mooring fees. Any unused funds are returned to you at the end of the voyage. If you spent more than your APA, you must cover what is missing.
  • Payment of customary tip s. Tips are generally 10% to 15% of the charter cost and are presented to the Captain, who will then divide the tip among the crew.
  • Farewell to the Captain and crew. Make sure you take photos with the captain and crew!
  • Receive and complete your trip survey . Let us know what you liked and did not like.
  • A debrief call with CKIM Group is scheduled at your convenience.
  • Plan your next yacht charter vacation . You may want to travel on the same yacht again or venture to a different location. One thing is certain. After your vacation, you will wonder why you hadn’t chartered before!

First-Time Yacht Charter Guide Resources | How to Charter a Yacht

  • FAQs – Click to discover the answers to the most frequently asked questions about chartering a luxury yacht.
  • Destinations . Click to find out the spectacular destinations you can explore.
  • Yacht Experiences. Learn about yacht charter experiences and benefits such as wellness, gastronomy, and history.

Why Choose Us? | First Time Yacht Charter Guide

History . All about us.

  • Team . Our yacht charter brokers .
  • Mission & Values . What we believe.
  • Testimonials . Here’s what others have to say.

Click to see a yacht charter list . Take a look and discover the incredible selection of yachts available.

Let us deliver on your dream vacation.

Contact us to start a conversation about your dream vacation, and let us show you how we can help bring your vision to life through our exceptional yacht charter services.

a large yacht on the ocean

chartering a yacht for the first time

  • Switzerland


Ultimate Guide to Luxury Yacht Charter Experiences

On 26 February 2024

Wondering how to charter a yacht for an exquisite and personalized vacation? This article cuts through the waves of doubt, guiding you on how to navigate the opulent seas with ease. Learn to select the ideal yacht, pinpoint the most stunning routes and destinations, and plan a journey that perfectly fits your vision of luxury and freedom. This guide is your compass to a seamless yacht charter experience, highlighting what truly matters without setting sail into excessive detail.

Key Takeaways

  • Luxury yacht charters offer a private and customizable experience with an array of amenities and activities, allowing guests to explore remote locations and indulge in gourmet cuisine.
  • A successful yacht charter involves selecting the right type of yacht, destination, planning the trip with the help of experienced charter brokers, and customizing the itinerary to one’s personal tastes.
  • The cost of a yacht charter includes the charter fee and additional expenses, with the Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) covering operational costs during the charter; understanding the charter agreement and insurance options is imperative.

Discovering the World of Yacht Charters

Chartering a luxury yacht offers a unique experience that includes:

  • An intimate and personalized setting on a charter yacht
  • A skilled crew providing professional expertise on charter yachts
  • The flexibility to create your own personalized schedule
  • Exclusive access to remote islands and pristine beaches
  • Indulgent and luxurious all-inclusive itineraries
  • Exquisite cuisine prepared onboard
  • A wide range of water sports activities

This is a far cry from the hustle and bustle of commercial cruise ships.

Whether your dream vacation involves cruising along the idyllic Mediterranean coast, exploring the vibrant Caribbean islands, or venturing into the exotic waters of Southeast Asia, there’s a yacht for every dream. Each yacht, be it a motor yacht, a sailing yacht, or a catamaran, offers a unique way to discover these stunning destinations. You’re not just chartering a yacht; you’re chartering a whole new world of possibilities.

Types of Luxury Yachts

When it comes to luxury yachts, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Each yacht type offers a unique set of characteristics to cater to different preferences and needs. For those who prefer speed and sophistication, motor yachts are a prime choice, boasting high speeds and luxurious interiors. On the other hand, sailing yachts offer a more relaxed cruising experience, often seen as more opulent and romantic. Among these options, classic yachts hold a special charm for enthusiasts who appreciate their timeless elegance and craftsmanship.

For those in search of stability and space, catamaran yachts are a perfect choice. Their robust construction and reduced displacement contribute to improved stability and spaciousness, offering a unique and comfortable experience for guests. In contrast, mega yachts, often surpassing 60 meters in length, offer an unparalleled level of luxury and exclusivity, showcasing their significant dimensions and lavishness.

Charter Destinations Worth Visiting

Choosing the perfect destination is as crucial as selecting the perfect yacht. With luxury yacht charter, the world is your oyster. You could discover the renowned locations such as Greece, Italy, Monaco, St.-Tropez, the French Riviera, and the Caribbean, or venture out to exotic locales like Dubai, The Bahamas, Croatia, San Blas Islands, Galápagos, St. Martin, Turkey, Canary Islands, and Spain.

The Mediterranean, for instance, is a prime destination for yacht charters, offering exquisite beaches, abundant islands for exploration, favorable weather, tideless seas, stunning beauty, and cultural richness, providing an unparalleled charter experience. On the other hand, the Caribbean is a diverse paradise, offering everything from the British Virgin Islands to Antigua & Barbuda, St. Barths, and distinctive natural landmarks like The Baths, Anegada, the Pitons, and Sulphur Springs.

Meanwhile, Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, offers white sand beaches and exotic destinations, making it a premier Asian yacht charter destination.

Planning Your Ideal Yacht Charter Vacation

Once you’ve dipped your toes into the world of yacht charters, it’s time to start planning your ideal yacht charter vacation . This involves selecting the right yacht, working with experienced charter brokers, and customizing your itinerary to create a truly personalized experience.

The journey to your perfect yacht charter vacation begins long before you set sail. It starts with envisioning your dream vacation, understanding what each type of yacht has to offer, and deciding on the perfect charter destination. After all, a yacht charter vacation is much more than just a trip; it’s an experience tailored to your preferences, ensuring privacy, freedom, and a journey like no other.

Choosing the Right Yacht

Choosing the right yacht for your charter experience involves considering various factors such as:

  • The size and layout of the yacht
  • The destination
  • The available amenities and facilities

For example, if you’re planning to explore the Balearic Islands, you’ll want to choose a yacht that is well-suited for the region and offers the desired level of comfort and luxury.

A yacht’s size can have a significant impact on the cost, range of onboard amenities, and the overall seamless nature of the charter. Additionally, the size of the yacht can determine the number, age, and experience level of the crew, which in turn can influence the quality of the service offered.

Working with Experienced Charter Brokers

Working with experienced charter brokers can significantly improve your yacht charter planning process, especially when it comes to charter boats. These professionals offer comprehensive assistance, guiding you through each step of the process, from the initial planning to the final details of the trip.

Charter brokers, also known as charter broker specialists, focus on luxury yacht charters, overseeing the entire process, which includes managing intricate aspects such as taxes, contracts, and negotiations. Their approach involves offering impartial guidance and prioritizing the client’s preferences, safety, and overall well-being.

Customizing Your Itinerary

Your itinerary plays a key role in your yacht charter experience. It determines the destinations to be visited, the activities to be engaged in, and the overall atmosphere of the journey. Moreover, a well-planned itinerary aids in the planning and organization of the trip, allowing you to make the most of your time on board.

Whether you’re an adventurer at heart or a lover of leisure, your itinerary can be completely personalized to suit your preferences. From snorkeling and scuba diving to dining under the stars, the possibilities are endless when you’re on a luxury yacht charter vacation.

Life Onboard a Luxury Yacht

Once you’ve set sail on your luxury yacht charter, it’s time to truly immerse yourself in the experience. Life onboard a luxury yacht is a blend of relaxation, adventure, and luxury. From the moment you step onboard, you’ll be met with stunning interiors, world-class amenities, and a dedicated crew ready to cater to your every need.

The unique allure of a luxury yacht charter lies not only in the stunning destinations it allows you to explore but also in the exclusive experiences that life onboard offers. Some of the highlights include:

  • Lavish accommodations
  • Gourmet dining
  • A plethora of entertainment options
  • Water sports activities

Every moment onboard a luxury yacht, such as a private yacht, is designed to create lasting memories.

Accommodations and Comfort

Luxury yachts offer accommodations that rival the finest hotels in the world. With private and spacious guest suites finished to the highest standards, equipped with the latest entertainment facilities and amenities, you can ensure comfort and luxury during your luxury charter yachts vacation.

Whether you’re lounging in your spacious suite or enjoying the sunset from your private terrace, every detail on a luxury yacht is meticulously designed for comfort and relaxation. Some master suites even extend across the entire width of the yacht, offering private balconies and breathtaking views.

Gourmet Cuisine and Dining

One of the highlights of a luxury yacht charter vacation is the exquisite gourmet cuisine. Crewed yacht charters provide a gourmet experience comparable to that of top-tier restaurants worldwide, with the finest gourmet cuisines meticulously prepared and cooked by highly skilled chefs.

Dining onboard a yacht offers a distinctive experience that emulates the upscale restaurant ambiance within the privacy and seclusion of your own vessel. Whether you prefer a formal dinner in the dining room or a relaxed meal on the deck, your culinary preferences will be catered to in the most luxurious surroundings.

Entertainment and Activities

Onboard a luxury yacht, the entertainment options are as diverse as the guests themselves. From water sports activities like jet-skiing, paddleboarding, and snorkeling to onboard entertainment like dance parties and themed evenings, there’s something for everyone.

Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie looking for thrilling water sports, or a leisure seeker in search of a serene sunbathing spot, your yacht has it all. And with a dedicated crew at your service, you can be sure to enjoy your favorite activities to the fullest. Don’t forget to browse yachts to find the perfect one for your needs.

Understanding Yacht Charter Costs and Agreements

A luxury yacht charter is undeniably a significant investment, but the unparalleled experiences and memories it offers make it worth every penny. Understanding the costs associated with chartering a yacht and the details of the charter agreements is crucial to planning a seamless and stress-free yacht charter vacation.

When it comes to chartering a luxury yacht, there are several factors that contribute to the overall cost. These factors include:

  • The type of yacht
  • The duration of the charter
  • Additional expenses such as crew fees, insurance, taxes, and fuel

Understanding these costs can aid in planning your perfect yacht charter vacation.

Charter Fees and Inclusions

The charter fee is the fundamental cost associated with a yacht charter. This fee typically encompasses the rental of the yacht for the entire duration of the charter, which can range from $10,000 per week for smaller sailing yachts and catamarans to over $150,000 per week for the largest and most high-end motor superyachts.

While the charter fee is a significant part of the total cost, it’s essential to remember that it often does not cover all expenses associated with the charter. Additional costs such as fuel, crew tips, and port fees are typically not included in the base charter fee and must be budgeted for separately.

Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA)

In addition to the charter fee, most yacht charters also require an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) to cover the operational costs incurred during the charter. The APA is typically calculated as a percentage of the charter fee and is used to cover costs such as:

  • port charges

The APA is held by the captain of the yacht and is used to cover the expenses incurred during the charter. At the end of the charter, the captain will provide a detailed breakdown of all expenses, and any funds not used will be refunded to the charterer.

Charter Agreements and Legalities

Before setting sail on your luxury yacht charter vacation, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of chartering a yacht. This includes understanding the charter agreement, which outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the charterer and the yacht owner, as well as the details of the charter such as the duration, cruising area, charter fee, payment terms, and cancellation policies.

In addition to understanding the charter agreement, it’s also important to consider insurance. Comprehensive yacht charter insurance can offer coverage for potential risks and liabilities that may arise during a charter, including yacht damage, passenger injury, and third-party property damage. It’s essential for both yacht owners and charterers to have insurance in place to safeguard against potential financial losses and legal liabilities.

Tips for First-Time Yacht Charterers

Chartering a luxury yacht for the first time can be a thrilling, yet daunting experience. From selecting the perfect yacht and destination to understanding the costs and legalities involved, there’s a lot to consider. But don’t worry, with the right guidance and tips, you can embark on your first yacht charter vacation with confidence and ease.

Being well-prepared can significantly enhance your yacht charter experience. From packing the right items and making necessary travel arrangements to understanding onboard etiquette and making the most of your vacation, we’ve got you covered with our top tips for first-time yacht charterers.

Preparing for Your Trip

Before setting sail on your yacht charter vacation, it’s essential to prepare adequately. This includes:

  • Deciding on the destination
  • Selecting a reputable yacht charter company to assist with itinerary planning and activities
  • Checking travel advisories and weather updates for a seamless journey.

Also, make sure to pack essential documents such as:

  • your passport
  • any required visas
  • bareboat certification if you will be operating the yacht yourself
  • any personal licenses
  • copies of the charter agreements and related documents for your yacht charter vacation.

Onboard Etiquette and Expectations

When onboard a luxury yacht, it’s important to follow certain etiquettes to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone. These may include:

  • Tipping the crew appropriately
  • Adhering to the ‘bare feet rule’ while on board
  • Ensuring that shoes are kept outside the cabin or not worn on deck to uphold cleanliness.

Respect for yacht property and equipment is also crucial. Treat them with the same care as you would your own belongings. Remember, these items are often expensive and should be handled responsibly to maintain their appearance and functionality.

Making the Most of Your Yachting Vacation

To make the most of your yachting vacation, it’s important to strike a balance between relaxation and activity. Select a yacht that offers the amenities and services that align with your interests and preferences, ensuring a personalized and unforgettable experience.

Whether you’re an adventurer at heart or a leisure seeker, there are a plethora of activities to enhance your enjoyment during your yacht trip. Some of these activities include:

  • Stand-up paddleboarding
  • Scuba diving
  • Water skiing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Dining under the stars

The possibilities are endless when you’re on a superyacht charter, experiencing the ultimate luxury yacht charter vacation with a variety of yachts for charter to choose from.

Our journey through the world of luxury yacht charters has shown us the sheer magnitude of experiences and opportunities that await. From the stunning array of luxury yachts and the breathtaking charter destinations to the exquisite onboard amenities and the meticulous planning process, a yacht charter vacation offers a unique blend of luxury, adventure, and personalized experiences.

As we conclude, remember that chartering a luxury yacht is more than just a vacation; it’s an opportunity to create lasting memories, discover new horizons, and experience the world from a unique perspective. So, are you ready to embark on the voyage of a lifetime?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it actually cost to charter a yacht.

Chartering a yacht can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 per week, depending on the type of vessel and duration of the charter. Keep in mind that prices may vary.

What does a yacht charter do?

A yacht charter provides a crew to take care of maintenance, sailing, cooking, cleaning, and navigation, typically with expertise in the chartering region.

Are yacht charters worth it?

Yacht charters are worth it because the benefits outweigh the costs and obligations of yacht ownership, which can be expensive and not always worthwhile unless you spend a significant amount of time on the water.

What types of luxury yachts are available for charter?

You can choose from motor yachts, sailing yachts, catamarans, and motorsailers for luxury yacht charters. These are the primary categories available for charter.

What factors should I consider when selecting a yacht for charter?

When selecting a yacht for charter, consider the size, layout, destination, budget, amenities, crew service, and the reputation of the charter company. Ensure they align with your preferences and requirements.

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How to Charter a Yacht in 10 steps

chartering a yacht for the first time

If you have not chartered a yacht before, here’s a handy-dandy primer, or chartering guide 101, for your first charter experience. The idea of chartering a yacht, whether it be in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean or other exotic destinations,  may seem a little daunting if it’s your first time. Here’s how to make it simple.

For starters, lets’s go by the numbers – there are over 2,000 registered crewed charter yachts world-wide. If you’re looking for a bareboat , with or without a skipper, there is an even greater selection. Not all charter yachts are created equal.

The configuration of each yacht is different. The size or length and the number of cabins are all important factors and the pricing (rates) will depend on all these elements.  Of course, the season and the destination will also influence the rate. Obviously, YOU NEED HELP and the best help will come from an independent charter broker or charter booking agent. This is what we do, so hopefully you will choose us.

chartering a yacht for the first time

1. Discuss your plans with your family or your group of friends and try to get a fix on a destination or cruising ground that everyone can agree on. Get a range of alternative dates that would be most suitable.  Remember that the Mediterranean is a summer-only destination (May through September) and the Caribbean is fine any time of year (like the rum…!!)

Try to get a fix on whether the group would prefer a sailing experience or if they would feel more comfortable on a motor yacht. Catamarans with 2 hulls come in both flavors; some clients prefer cats because they tend to be more stable.

 2. If you want to kick-back and be pampered in 5 star fashion, choose a fully crewed yacht with at least a captain and a chef. If you’re the adventurous type and there are people in your group who are experienced sailors, try a bareboat and save money. Sometimes you can also save money by using a bareboat with a skipper-only option or a crewed yacht with a “captain-only” option. This is especially relevant in the Med where guests usually only take breakfasts and lunches on board and have their evening meal ashore at one of the superb local tavernas or trattorias in each little port or village that you visit. 

3. When you have a broad picture or vision of what you’d like to do, give us a call or email us with as much detail as possible. Even better, please fill out the contact form on our website that has most everything we need to know. The more information we have about your group, the better. It makes it easier for us to match you up with a  yacht or several yachts and specific crews that would be the most compatible with your likes and dislikes. 

chartering a yacht for the first time

5. Based on the pre-selected yacht brochures that we email to you, we would expect you to give us some feedback as to which ones you liked or did not like. In that way we will gradually get a better idea of exactly what you are looking for and, in the same manner your own thoughts about the charter will tend to fall into place.

chartering a yacht for the first time

If the hold is challenged, we usually have about 48 hours to firm up the booking OR to release the yacht.  This HOLD allows us to prepare the paperwork and make payment arrangement with you.

7. We will email you the charter agreement that corresponds to the yacht you have chosen. There are several flavors of contracts and agreements that may depend on the flag of the vessel, the location and the owners preference. It’s our job to know this stuff so we won’t get into the details here. Suffice to say that you need to review and sign the contract, initial the pages and email back to us together with a deposit.

The amount of the deposit will vary with the lead -time. Normally, all funds must be in our or the management company’s escrow account 60 days before the charter date. Bank to Bank wire transfers are a preferred payment method for moving funds around the world. We will provide you with our wiring instructions. Many times we can accept personal checks provided they are in US$ and originate from a US bank. Credit Cards can be used for the deposit as well. 

8. About 30 days before the start of your charter, we will email you a PREFERENCE SHEET that you will need to fill out and return to us. This preference sheet will help the crew to provision the boat according to your wishes.  It will list food and beverage preferences and also give us other valuable information about your group. 

chartering a yacht for the first time

10. Board the yacht at the designated time and date on the contract, there is usually some flexibility that can be discussed with the captain. 

Hope you have found this primer useful and interesting, don’t forget to contact AMERICAN YACHT  for the best vacation or holiday in the world. 

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chartering a yacht for the first time

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A first timer's guide to superyacht charters

Which yacht, where to go and how much to tip the crew? Industry insiders give Risa Merl the lowdown for first time yacht charter clients entering the superyacht world.

Make the most of your broker

You should think of a charter broker as the conduit between yourself and a fabulous holiday.

“Your broker is your central point of contact from the moment you start planning your charter,” explains Annemarie Gathercole, charter director at YPI . “They will ask you about your plans and your guests in order to find the ideal yacht, and they will also put together an unforgettable itinerary that will be enjoyed by everyone on board. Once your charter starts, while your captain can answer any questions you might have, your broker will remain on hand whenever you need them.”

On your side: The broker works for you. “Your broker will work on your behalf to negotiate the best charter rate and guide you through the contractual process,” says Denison Yachting ’s Eva Hiebert. “The charter broker represents the charterer and is there to protect their interests.”

In the know: “A charter broker travels to destinations, inspects the yachts and is familiar with the level of service that the captain and crew offer. This allows the broker  to offer their first-hand findings to the client,” explains Westport Yacht Charters ’ Kim Vickery. This tried and tested formula means the most suitable yacht will be recommended to you. “A senior charter broker will know the yacht’s crew and will have had the chance to sample the chef’s dishes. This means they will be able to make personal recommendations rather than just relying on promotional material,” adds Fraser’s Pierrik Devic.

Charter virgin: First charter? No problem – your charter broker will recommend the best holiday possible. “If someone who has never chartered before asks me where to go, I would first want to know what they like doing,” says Fraser’s Lucy Ritchie. “If they want beaches , start with island-hopping on a 30- to 35-metre in Greece . For experienced charterers, I would recommend Thailand or the Galápagos .”

Plan the details in advance

It might feel as though you are being high maintenance, but providing exact details ahead of your charter will help your broker and crew craft the ideal experience. “A broker gets to know his client and his wishes by gathering as much information as possible at the beginning, not later on,” says Camper & Nicholsons ’ Pierre Hurel. “The more detail you provide, the better a broker can cater to your exact requirements,” adds YPI’s Gathercole.

On form: Your broker will provide you with a preference sheet before you board that will cover every aspect of your charter. “It is essential to complete an advance information sheet noting culinary preferences or any special dietary requirements, beverage preferences, newspapers, flowers or other special requests,” say Ocean Independence brokers. “Details on any medical issues, allergies and special occasions can also be given."

Choose the right yacht

Of course, one of the most important factors in an enjoyable charter is picking the yacht that best fits your preferences.

Family first: Travelling with your brood ? Make sure you choose a yacht with ample space and family-friendly crew.  “I always find out from clients the exact age of their kids and what kind of family holiday they are after. I then glean as much information as possible about what everyone likes to do on board,” says Edmiston’s Matthew Gant. “You want to make sure the crew are completely prepared as they can make or break a family charter.”

Home from home: “When a new client comes on board, I always sit down with them and ask them what their home looks like,” explains Worth Avenue Yachts ’ Graham Sullivan. “I believe that a yacht should be a continuation of your home, at sea, and should enable you to sit back and relax just as if you were in your own living room.”

Set the pace: A good broker will also ascertain if you have a need for speed or prefer to enjoy life at a slower pace. “It would be wrong to offer a fast yacht with high fuel consumption to a client who doesn’t care about speed but will be shocked when they get the fuel bill,” says Katya Grzeszczak of IYC . “Clients who like ample volume and comfort should be offered a full-displacement yacht, whereas those who care about a yacht being sexy, sleek and fast will probably find a full-displacement yacht slow and bulky.”

The yacht that you charter will also influence how much you are able to fit into your itinerary. “A displacement yacht will take five hours to cruise from Monaco to Saint-Tropez, but a fast yacht would take only two and a half hours,” explains Fraser’s Devic. “The broker should highlight the difference  in terms of comfort at sea and at anchor.”

Age before beauty: Don’t overlook an older yacht in the quest for the hot new thing. Many yachts are refreshed and refitted and come out of the shipyard “as good as new”, says Grzeszczak. She also notes that brokers will inspect newly refitted yachts to see how extensive and successful the refit was in order to report back to clients

Create a balanced itinerary

“The perfect itinerary comes down to what the client wants for their trip,” says Worth Avenue Yachts’ Sullivan. “Do they want to float off a private island in clear waters or hear the bustle of Saint-Tropez?”

Don’t overdo it: It can be tempting to pack your charter to the brim with activities but factoring in some downtime is recommended. “Don’t forget, you are on vacation,” says Denison Yachting’s Hiebert. “Give yourself time to enjoy the yacht.”

Be flexible: “One of the best things about a private  yacht charter is being able to change the itinerary,” says Maggie Vale from Churchill Yacht Partners , “so take advantage of the flexibility.”

Time at sea: Ocean Independence’s Saul Varndell-Baxter suggests cruising for six hours or less a day. “We suggest being flexible to change course for weather or more time to enjoy a particular new location,” he adds.

Don’t make a meal of it: Northrop & Johnson ’s Fiona Maureso warns that a common mistake first-time charterers make is booking multiple meals off the boat. “They don’t realise the chefs on board are better than the best on shore,” she says. “It’s okay to enjoy meals  off the yacht, of course, but don’t do it the entire time.”

Think outside the box: “Charter during shoulder season instead of high season – you will get a better deal, the crew are less stressed and marinas are less busy,” advises Yachtzoo’s Splinter Fangman.

Keep onboard etiquette in mind

From the outside, yachting etiquette can seem quite complex but in reality the basics are rooted in common sense. “Etiquette on board is simple: take off your shoes, be respectful to the crew and just enjoy your holiday with family and friends,” says Fraser’s Anthony Baud. “It’s just the same as a luxury hotel; people naturally know how to behave,” adds Edmiston’s Gant. For more details on superyacht charter etiquette, read our handy guide .

Understand tipping protocol

Whether you are rewarding a taxi driver after a journey or a waiter at the end of a meal, tipping can be a confusing custom fraught with the potential to offend. But there is no reason why it should stop you leaving your charter trip on a high. “Crew gratuity is customary, as in any hospitality industry,” says Westport Yacht Charters’ Vickery. “It should be regarded as a gift for a job well done and is based on the satisfaction level of the entire experience.” For further advice, read our handbook on tipping protocol . 

Know your charter basics

Make sure you know the terms and  language of the charter booking process. 

Charter rate: This generally includes the hire of the yacht and crew. The rate will be listed as “priced from”, meaning it can vary depending on the season and location. You’ll also see “plus expenses” by the price, which refers to everything else.

APA: The “plus expenses” note refers to the Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA), which is usually 30 to 35 per cent of the overall charter fee, and covers the cost of food, alcohol, fuel and dockage etc.

Charter contract: Designed to protect both the charterer and yacht owner, this document lays out the terms of the yacht charter. It sets out the details on everything from dates and location to cancellation and insurance.

MYBA: The Worldwide Yachting Association, known as MYBA, specifies the terms of the contract, including the hire of the yacht, wages for the crew, insurance claims, water toys and engine room maintenance.

Other contract terms: You might come across other types of contracts, ranging from the mostly all-inclusive Caribbean Terms Inclusive (CTI) for smaller yachts in the Caribbean to Greek Terms (GT), which includes berthing fees within Greek waters. It can get confusing, so it is vital you talk this through with your charter broker.

This feature is taken from the December 2019 issue of BOAT International. Get this magazine sent straight to your door, or subscribe and never miss an issue.

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Top tips for a first superyacht charter

A superyacht charter is one of the most extraordinary holiday experiences it’s possible to have, but if you’ve never done it before it can be daunting to know where to start. Here are some top tips for first-time yacht charterers.

When you first approach a superyacht, whether by car to a quay or by luxury tender to the middle of a stunning anchorage, there’s nothing quite like the feeling. With a professional crew whose sole focus is your pure enjoyment, and all the facilities of a luxury villa, a seven-star hotel and a watersports resort combined into the most extraordinary piece of design and engineering most of us will ever see, a superyacht holiday with family and friends can deliver the most unique and bespoke of experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime. The adventure and relaxtion a yacht offers can also be your first taste of the superyachting good life – whether you decide to try yacht chartering again or maybe take the plunge into yacht ownership.

“A superyacht charter is like no other holiday you have had,” says Catherine Wilson, a New York-based charter broker for brokerage house Burgess. “Everything is tailored to you and your guests, from food preferences (with your own personal chef) to even the itinerary. Between yourself, the captain and your charter broker you will plan your perfect trip – and if you turn up at a port and the weather isn’t quite what you wanted, well, then you can just move on. A superyacht charter is just like renting a private island, but this island can move.”

That’s not all. “The crew are solely focused on you as guests on board the yacht – you’re not just going to a hotel’s restaurant and ordering from a menu. It’s the ultimate way of being bespoke,” adds Rupert Wakeley, senior charter broker at TJB Super Yachts. “And you see a country in a way you never could from a hotel, and you’re seeing places that are inaccessible by any other means. Finally,” he says, “there’s the privacy a superyacht offers.”

If the idea of chartering a superyacht is tempting but it’s something you’ve never done before – or perhaps you’ve never even set foot on a yacht before – it can be a daunting proposition. How do you choose which yacht, and where should you go? What’s included in the fee and what is extra? Are superyachts safe and, perhaps most importantly, will I feel seasick? Thankfully, for those who want a taste of the superyachting good life there are experts who can help – and who can make the whole process seamless. Here are some tips from charter brokers on how to get started, and some answers to common first-timer questions.

Top tips for a first superyacht charter

Family onboard St David

Do I need a charter broker, and how do I find one?

If you’re not sure where to get started, a charter broker will be able to help with professional advice, because there isn’t always one answer. It depends entirely on the party, and what you’re looking for in a charter holiday and as amenities on the yacht. Remember, a superyacht charter is a tailored experience.

“If there is a particular destination and time you are looking for your charter broker will source a number of suitable yachts for you to choose from,” Wilson advises. “The broker would have handpicked these yachts based on your criteria, taking into account age ranges of the party, activities, whether the yacht is family-friendly or even if you are planning a big celebration. They will also know the crew on each yacht so they can select the best match.

“It all starts with understanding the client or the group of people coming on board,” Says Wakeley. “And thinking about what they are after – are you looking for pure seclusion and going to hidden beaches and coves, or do you want to be on the dock every night? Sometimes you may have a destination in mind already, for which an experienced broker can then recommend the best yachts for your needs. Sometimes for a first-time charter we might recommend particular destinations that serve as a great introduction to what superyacht charter is all about.”

Top tips for a first superyacht charter

How do you know it’s for you?

The idea of spending a week or two on a yacht can also bring with it certain concerns. Will it be comfortable, how much motion is there and will it feel safe? Fortunately, modern superyachts are not only built to the very highest standards of luxury, they are also built to the very highest standards of safety. What’s more, your broker can select only yachts that have stabilizers for you. Which counteract the rolling motion under way and at anchor and can therefore mitigate any potential for seasickness. Further, the total flexibility of a superyacht charter means you can enjoy the yacht in the way that suits you.

For Wakeley, the stabiliser technology that keeps a motor yacht level and more-or-less still in the waves is one aspect, but there are also alternative types of vessel that might suit. “There are some incredible catamarans now,” he advises, “and a catamaran is like being on your own moving villa because they are absolutely huge and they are super stable – they can be a great platform to get started on.”

“A yachting holiday allows the best of both worlds,” adds Wilson. “You can spend all your time onboard or you can island-hop and spend your days ashore. You can use the yacht as your own private beach – sunbathe, and then get the watertoys out before an alfresco lunch on deck, or you can take the yacht’s tender and head into port to explore. The tender will be at your beck and call too.”

What is included in the charter fee?

While charter rates vary from high to low season and from yacht to yacht, they essentially are structured the same way. As Wilson points out, the fee includes the hire of the vessel, all amenities on board including the watertoys, and the crew. VAT or tax will be charted on the charter fee depending on your country of embarkation. There’s also what’s known as the advance provisioning allowance – or APA – which is essentially your onboard expense account. For all operating expenses incurred while on the yacht such as food and drinks, fuel, port and agency fees.

“The APA is collected as between 30-40% of the charter fee, and a crew gratuity is also recommended between 10-20% of the charter fee based on your experience on board,” says Wilson. “If there is a balance remaining in the APA at the end of the charter, most clients put this toward the gratuity. Also, a preference form will be provided prior to your charter. Which covers everything from dietary restrictions to beverage requests and even how you like your coffees in the morning.” The more detail provided, she says, the better prepared the crew will be for your time on board.

“All the food, fuel and any other costs are all charged without mark-up,” adds Wakeley. “The APA is there simply to cover any and all ad hoc expenses. Essentially it’s there to make your holiday as relaxing as possible, because when you’re on board you don’t need to reach into your pocket at all. It’s also a very fair way of setting costs, because if you eat dinner ashore every night, you’re not going to be charged the costs for dinner on board.”

Top tips for a first superyacht charter

How accessible is charter and how important is the broker?

We’ve all seen the headlines of superyachts that reportedly cost hundreds of millions to build and are chartering for millions of dollars. But the truth is that there are only a tiny number of these giants. The vast majority of the superyacht fleet comprises yachts at the smaller end of the scale, starting at around 30 metres in length. This also translates into superyacht charter being a much more accessible proposition than most people realise.

As Wilson points out, chartering a 30 metre yacht can start at around €50,000. Which split between three or four couples, for example, is comparable to many villa rentals or high-end hotel stays. Wakeley adds that entry-level charters on a yacht large enough to give you a taste of the superyachting good life can start from as little as €25,000 per week.

“There are 2,000 superyachts in charter, and it’s our job as brokers to understand what a client’s needs are and which one will work for them.” Says Wakeley, adding that it’s also important not to try to create too intense an itinerary for your first charter, so you can enjoy the complete flexibility a superyacht offers.

“A superyacht charter is an expensive holiday and therefore it is extremely important that it runs smoothly,” Wilson advises. “There are many factors to figure into the experience. By choosing a reputable and knowledgeable broker to assist you through the process can mitigate a lot of potential issues. A broker spends their time researching the yachts spending time with the crew and are experts in negotiating the best deals. And if you are wondering if you will like it, the best thing to do is try it,” she concludes. “Most people never look back!”

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Take the beginner crash course to brush up on the basics of planning a yacht charter vacations. If this is your first time chartering a yacht, the process might seem as foreign as any of the thousands of yachting destinations YACHTICO has to offer. No worry! Planning your charter vacation truly is as easy as booking a hotel room . First you’ll need to establish the travel basics: the where, when, what, who & how. Make sure you have everything organized before your holiday starts. It's easy to manage if you know some details in advance. Find out exactly what to do, and how to organize your yacht holiday. Plan your sailing trip and it will be a Perfect one!

First Time Chartering a Yacht? Start Here!

Travel dates - when do you like to go on sailing vacation.

Travel dates are important to consider in the booking process because some destinations are seasonal. Charters in the Mediterranean Sea are most popular between April and October, whereas Caribbean Sea charters are most popular from November to April. High Season and Low Season for Yacht Charter are weather-based, but this is also reflected in the charter pricing.

Headcount - Passengers on Board

How many passengers will be on the boat?

All yachts have a strict capacity limit. It is always advised to overestimate the total number of passengers, rather than underestimate. Please keep in mind when selecting cabins that hired-crew members are entitled to their own sleeping quarters and access to a restroom facility.

Ready to book your yacht vacation? Here we go!


2. check travel requirements, 3. book your yacht vacation online, 4. organize your sailing trip.

What else do you need for your sailing vacation? If you have any open questions regarding your sailing trip or need some help, check our FAQ or contact us directly. Please let us know what we can do for you to make your yacht vacation perfect!

7 . Check the local climate and weather conditions.  Depends on where you booked your boating holiday, you can find some helpfull tourist informations on our charter destination pages . 

8. Make sure you have packed all the necessary items and documents

9 . When you arrive at the marina, receive all the correct instructions and safety briefings

10 . Look at the compass and... have a great time on board. Set sail!

11. During the trip check water, electricity, fuel and food levels regularly

12. Remember to update your logbook daily

13 . When you return to the marina, confirm that you have returned the b oat in good order and that there are no problems or outstanding costs

You are not sure if we miss something? Check our Yacht Charter Guide!.

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Screengrab from "I'm On A Boat" (ft. T-Pain)" video

The Beckhams do it. Jeff Bezos does it. Leonardo DiCaprio even did it last month. Chartering a yacht has become many celebrities’ favorite way to get away from it all, whether lounging on sunbeds or snorkeling remote atolls. According to Fraser Yacht’s 2021 market report, there are around 2,900 yachts available for charter in the world today. The global charter fleet keeps on growing, which means there is a charter-yacht vacation out there to suit everyone.

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Ranging from 80- to over 450 feet, from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean to the South Pacific, elegant sailing yachts, high-performance motoryachts, explorer yachts with expansive deck spaces and award-winning gigayachts with armadas of water toys are available.

If you’ve never dipped your toe in the charter waters before, let us walk you through the need-to-know details of how to charter a yacht successfully and have the time of your life.

How to charter a superyacht

Your chariot awaits. The welcoming swim platform of the new superyacht Ahpo , available through Moran Yachts.  Courtesy Guillaume Plisson

How to Choose the Right Yacht to Charter

Consult the pros—talk to a broker.

The biggest question for first-time charterers is where to begin. The tried-and-tested method is to engage the help of a reputable charter broker. It’s their job to understand what you would like to get from the charter and then matchmake your preferences with the most suitable yacht.

“Engaging a professional charter broker is free and they are key to ensuring your holiday is stress-free,” Alexandra Groom, charter broker at Worth Avenue Yachts, told Robb Report . “Professional charter brokers have access to exclusive databases with stringent membership, communication and ethics rules, meaning they are most likely to be able to find you the right yacht in the right location, even if what you require is off market.”

“Make sure your broker gets to know you and your family,” adds Nick Trotter, chairman of the charter committee of MYBA The Worldwide Yachting Association. “Finding the right broker is often via word of mouth, so ask your friends, ask people you trust, find out what they’ve done and who they’ve done it with. The communication between you and your broker is paramount because the broker represents you, they’re acting on your behalf, so you need to be able to articulate your vision.”

How to charter a crewed superyacht

The upper-deck pool on the 351-foot Lana chartered via Fraser Yachts .  Courtesy Benetti Yachts

Neal Hornsby, co-founder and CEO of Yomira, advocates finding out about your broker’s eco-credentials, too: “Can they offset your carbon footprint from the charter, teach the kids about the marine environment or perhaps involve you in local conservation projects if you are keen to participate during your time aboard? The right broker for you is the broker that you not only connect with, but most importantly has the credibility to back up their advice.”

You can find a listing of charter brokers and companies that adhere to global guidelines at the  MYBA , the yachting industry’s technical and ethics guide, as well as that of the  International Yacht Brokers Association .

Booking With Apps

For those who feel safer behind a screen, several different online platforms, such as  Ahoy Club , Yotha and Borrow a Boat allow you to scroll and book your yacht. This flexible approach embraces a younger generation of digitally minded charterers. That said, hailing a $10 taxi ride with Uber is much less risky than booking a $500,000 charter on your iPhone. So be sure you have contact info for a live human in case anything goes wrong on your charter vacation.

Finding the Right Crew for Your Needs

Equally as important when choosing a yacht is making sure the crew are a good fit. If you have children in tow, you’ll want a family-friendly crew who can keep them entertained. If you’re traveling with a group of active friends, having crew who double as watersports instructors is a great benefit. Or maybe you’ve been dreaming of a gastronomic itinerary that features a Michelin-caliber chef on board? A broker will go over all your options. June Montagne, charter consultant at IYC, recommends requesting references on the crew prior to making your final decision. “Your crew are far more important than your yacht,” she told Robb Report .

How to Charter A Crewed Superyacht

The 446-foot Flying Fox is the world’s largest charter yacht. Charter guests have multiple decks and interior spaces for privacy. For a sense of scale, note the size of the couple on the upper-deck lounge  Courtesy Imperial Yachts

Picking Your Yachting Destination

An important element of any charter is knowing where you would like to vacation. This will also heavily influence the yacht that you end up chartering. Different yachts are based in different locations and usually move throughout the year, so if you have your heart set on experiencing Lady E ’s brand-new beach club for spring break , you’ll be cruising the Indian Ocean. If you’re more interested in exploring UNESCO World Heritage sites along Croatia’s coastline, then GECO, which cruises the Eastern Mediterranean in summer , would be a smart option.

“Decide on your group’s makeup and whether or not you have a particular destination in mind,” Katya Hall, IYC sales and charter consultant, told Robb Report . “It’s fine if you don’t—your broker will propose yachts in multiple locations and walk you through highlights of every destination.”

The most common migration is the Mediterranean in the summer and the Caribbean in the winter. However, you will also find yachts cruising the waters of Central and South America, Antarctica, the Pacific islands, Northern Europe and even Costa Rica. In 2021, the Amalfi Coast in Italy and the Greek islands were among the most popular summer charter destinations.

How to Charter a Crewed Superyacht

The recently launched 278-foot Victorious is one of the brand-new charter yachts on the water. Available through Burgess .  Courtesy Burgess Yachts

Choose a Vessel That Fits Your Plan—and the Occasion

Most yachts carry the basic water toys and tenders for being towed and simple snorkeling exploration. But some yachts carry specific equipment, from personal submarines, decompression chambers for scuba diving, inflatable slides and even Hammam saunas and snow rooms. Does your charter have a theme? Or maybe you want to celebrate a birthday? Just be sure the yacht caters for your needs, whether planning a party with a DJ or hosting a business meeting.

“A yacht charter opens up destinations in ways that staying in a hotel can’t,” says Groom. “Instead of being restricted by transport links and journey times, you can start at one part of a coastline and end at another, taking in multiple islands, villages or bays in one short week, all from the comfort of your yacht. Even if a particular coastline is new to you, your captain will ensure that your trip focuses on the elements that are most important to you.”

  If you want to keep the yacht on the move, its speed, size, draft depth and flag will determine how many stops you can make. For example, cruising in the Bahamas requires a shallow draft if you want to visit out islands like the Exumas, though plenty of ports have deeper waters.

“A yacht with stabilizers is key for first time charterers if they haven’t experienced the sea before,” advises Lotte Barker-Hahlo, charter broker at Burgess.

How to charter a crewed superyacht

The forward mast of the iconic sailing yacht Maltese Falcon doubles as a nighttime movie screen.  Courtesy Edmiston

Why Yacht Size Matters

The duration of the trip and number of guests is another consideration. One week for family and a second week for friends? Or maybe you’re planning a three-week itinerary to island hop your way around the Florida Keys. Charter brokers usually list pricings per week and most charter yachts are certified to carry 12 guests, plus crew. If you plan to vacation with more than that, you will need a PYC- or SOLAS-class yacht, which is licensed for up to 36 passengers. Yachts such as 278-foot Victorious , an explorer vessel capable of circumnavigating the world, has 12 staterooms for 24 guests plus crew.

Guest cabin configurations tend to be varied and flexible. The principal (person who booked the charter) will typically take the master suite. But yachts with large VIPs, cabins with bunks designed for kids, and twin cabins with a Pullman bed make sleeping arrangements tailored to suit your group easy. Don’t forget to include in your count any personal assistants, babysitters or other security guards. And if anyone in your party has concerns about limited mobility, factoring an elevator or stair-climber into your criteria early on is a must.

How to Charter a Crewed Superyacht

Toys are a major consideration when looking for a superyacht to charter. A lot of fun will be off the boat. Benetti ‘s 11.11 via Y.CO.  Courtesy Benetti Yachts

When to Book 

Once you’ve identified which yacht you prefer in your chosen destination, be sure not to leave booking until the last minute. Just like any other vacation, chartering over the summer holidays, Christmas and popular events such as the Monaco Grand Prix makes for the high-demand season.

“Only book when you’re ready!” says Hornsby. “But as with any holiday periods, July/August and Christmas/New Year are always in high demand so an early conversation with your broker is recommended. There are always some great deals to be done in the quieter months, but lead-in time is key, particularly as we emerge from a Covid world.”

In 2021, Fraser Yachts reported an increase of 56 percent in bookings across their charter fleet compared to the previous year, as well as a slight increase in the number of tandem charters—clients chartering two yachts simultaneously so more of the family could be together. Booking your charter at the last minute could mean you’re unable to secure your first, second or even third preference. If the timing and the yacht are both important, book a year in advance. If you are flexible with both dates and the yacht, most brokers can find a yacht for you.

How to Charter a Crewed Superyacht

Family time aboard the 230-foot Joy, available through Burgess Yachts.  Courtesy Burgess Yachts

Privacy and Personalization

Privacy and discretion form the backbone of yachting. Builders usually don’t share who the owner of a yacht is, nor do the brokers or crew. If you have concerns about the confidentiality of high-profile guests during your charter, requesting your charter broker to sign an NDA is an option. As with all elements of a bespoke yacht charter, the choice is yours, from dietary needs and favorite cocktails to service etiquette and daily activities.

If you or your travel partners are inclined to remain plugged in, most yachts feature high-speed Wi-Fi, allowing you to keep in touch as much or as little as you would like. For those keen to get out and explore, options range from shopping for local artisan goods, taking a cooking class or dropping anchor in one cove all day to dive and fish. It’s up to you how you spend your time, just be sure to give the crew a heads-up so they know what to be prepared for.

How to book a superyacht charter

Pools and Jacuzzis are an expected feature among most superyacht charters. Here, aboard the 136-ft. Ruya.   Courtesy Burgess Yachts

Yacht Charter Costs: What Should You Expect to Pay?

The final step is the contract. Most brokers use the MYBA contract or something similar. All these decisions lead down to the bottom line: How much does it cost?

“Ask for all expenses involved,” says Montagne. “Does the charter fee include expenses or are they are additional? Is there any tax or VAT payable? What percentage is acceptable in the area you will be chartering? What about liability and trip cancellation insurance?” All these points need to be considered.

As an example, for the 2021 summer season, the 160-foot Rossinavi EIV superyacht, with five cabins and nine crew chartered in the Mediterranean from approximately $280,000 per week. The overall price varies with fuel consumption (staying in port or cruising), location (France or Greece), the number of people you are traveling with, food and drink, as well as activities. Adding in food and drink; expenses for docking, fuel and other fees; and tips will tack roughly 30 to 50 percent of the charter rate to your trip. So, if you were on  EIV  for a week last summer, it most likely cost you between $364,000 and $420,000 depending on how often the yacht moved, how many bottles of rosé you went through, and what kind of gratuity you left the crew for your incredible stay on board.

How to Charter a Crewed Superyacht

Superyacht Excellence lives up to its name, as one can see from the indoor/outdoor living spaces.  Courtesy Burgess Yachts

How Yacht Size and Destination Determine Price

When it comes to costs, the size of the yacht matters. A smaller yacht will cost less, while the 446-foot Flying Fox , one of the largest charter yachts on the market accommodating 25 guests and with an unprecedented 4,300-square-foot two-floor spa, charters from around $3,400,000 per week.

Certain destinations, such as Patagonia or Kamchatka, may bring a different set of fees if you intend on heli-skiing, while heavily protected locations like Antarctica and the Galapagos require permits confirmed in advance. Wherever you cruise, you will heavily rely on the knowledge, professionalism and help of the crew, so it goes without saying that the service tip is a crucial fee that should factor into your expenses.

How to Charter a Crewed Superyacht

Spas and massage therapists are standard on most of the larger charter vessels. The spa on Victorious is unusually lavish.  Courtesy Burgess Yachts

How Much to Tip the Crew

MYBA suggests five to 15 percent as customary, though it’s left up to your discretion to reward an exceptional crew with a larger amount if you think that’s fair, or a smaller amount if the service hasn’t been up to par. In terms of how to hand the tip over, standard procedure is to leave the gratuity with the captain at the end of your stay so he or she can divvy among the various crew members you may or may not have seen, based on their duties.

All that’s left is to prepare to have a vacation of your lifetime. “There is nothing that compares to spending time on the water with your family and friends,” says Hall. “It’s about enjoying watersports, having exquisite meals and discovering magical spots of the world along the way.”

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Nicholson Yacht Charters & Services

Chartering a Yacht for the first time

You don’t have to be a sailor to go sailing . . . you don’t have to be a boater to go boating . . . if you love the sea and want to explore the Caribbean islands, the Bahamas, the French/Italian Riviera or the Greek  islands in complete privacy and away from the crowds, then chartering is for you. Exploring  beautiful places, enjoying fine dining created by your personal chef, experiencing water sports galore  and having fun with friends, family and loved ones is what chartering a private yacht is all about! It’s an ideal way to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, engagements or just being with that special someone.


A private charter vacation is one of the most unique and personalized holiday experiences you can imagine. Leave the cruise ships and pre-set schedules behind and experience absolute freedom to explore the destination of your choice at your own pace.

What kind of yacht is ideal for you? There are three main types of yachts available for charter –power yachts, sailing yachts and catamarans or multihulls. Your charter agent will assist you in choosing the yacht that is best suited to you. Cabin layouts include queen, double or twin beds and all cabins have ensuite bathrooms. There are always shaded dining areas outside as well as sun decks and comfortable lounging areas.

On most charter yachts the crew consists of a Captain, chef, hostess and perhaps a deckhand. Power yachts will probably have an engineer while smaller sailing yachts may only have a Captain and chef/hostess. Whichever combination your yacht has, the crew will work with you to plan your itinerary and act as tour guide, activities coordinator, water sports instructor and naturalist, both above and beneath the water. They will be able to make recommendations and help you achieve whatever it is you want from your vacation.


After booking your charter, you will receive detailed activity and food preference forms to be completed and returned to the crew. The yacht will be stocked with food and drinks of your preference and the chef will provide meals that will rival those of the best restaurants ashore. Each meal will be prepared specially for you from fresh local ingredients and the chef will welcome you to be as adventurous as you please or, if you have special dietary requirements, they will be happily accommodated.


What would the itinerary for a normal week-long charter look like? After choosing the destination of your choice, the Captain will provide a suggested itinerary and you will be able to discuss the various options and decide what suits you best. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed on board, shown around the yacht and given an opportunity to sit and discuss your itinerary while being served cool and delicious refreshments. A typical day may include a leisurely breakfast on board followed by a morning swim, or perhaps exploring surrounding islands, coves and bays accessible only by the yacht’s dinghy. Soon after you will set sail or motor to your next destination while enjoying the scenery en-route and then settle at a calm anchorage for the remainder of the day. There you can enjoy a leisurely lunch, try snorkelling, kayaking or waterskiing, go for a hike ashore or do some island shopping. Or perhaps you would prefer to do nothing at all except enjoy your favourite read. You can visit seven or more islands in one week or stay in your new favourite spot for as long as you like. All of this and more is possible while on your charter vacation.


Your crew will know where the safest and calmest anchorages are, the best reefs for snorkeling, the most ideal places for learning to wakeboard or kite surf and the best places from which to watch the sun set while you enjoy a relaxing evening cocktail. If you’re looking for nightlife, they will know where the music is playing and how to get there. And they will arrange transportation for you or go along and keep you company if you prefer. The choices are endless and they’re yours alone!


So if you’re looking for an exciting and different vacation that is designed specifically for you, chartering a private yacht is the answer. Book the yacht that suits you best and let the crew spoil you while you sit back and enjoy everything you ever wanted in a vacation!


Nicholson Yacht Charters & Services is the oldest and most experienced charter agent in the Caribbean  – we know our cruising grounds very well and can help create the holiday of your dreams . . . contact us now to receive information on chartering a private yacht with crew. Its more affordable than you  think!

www.nicholsoncharters.com call: 1 268 460 1530 email: [email protected] Article written by Sarah Sebastian, Nicholson Yacht Charters & Services. Photos courtesy of Nicholson Yacht Charters & Services.

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How to Charter a Superyacht

Navigating the world of yacht charters can be tricky; our guide breaks down what you need to know.

By Kim Ayling

nero yacht aerial view

With privacy and flexibility remaining high on UHNW’s vacation checklist, chartering a superyacht is more appealing than ever. Picture, your own boat, a dedicated crew, a fully customizable route and a select group of your nearest and dearest – what could be better? However, the world of private yacht chartering can be as elusive as it is luxurious, making hiring your own boat a tricky process – especially for first-timers.

From the pros and cons of enlisting the help of a broker and choosing the perfect vessel, to understanding when to book and planning your itinerary – not to mention the all-important question of how much it costs to charter a luxury yacht – there are plenty of hurdles before you reach the water. To help you and your guests enjoy a worry-free vacation out on the ocean, we has compiled a comprehensive guide to chartering a superyacht.

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What is a yacht charter?

If you’re new to the world of yacht chartering, even the language can be alienating. A yacht charter is the process of exclusively hiring a yacht for yourself and your guests.

While most charters are for leisure, be it with friends or family, some individuals and companies choose to hire a yacht for business-related reasons, with the undivided service and uncompromised privacy making boats an excellent place to hold meetings and conferences, while simultaneously impressing clients.

The length of a yacht charter depends entirely on your needs; some choose to book for a long weekend or even just a matter of hours if hosting a meeting, whereas others opt for an extended vacation and may charter a yacht for several weeks or even months. Regardless of duration or motive, privately hiring a yacht is always considered a charter.

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What is a yacht charter broker?

Using a broker to charter a yacht is at your discretion; however, if it is your first time chartering, using a broker is highly recommended – especially when hiring a larger-than-life superyacht. Yacht brokers will draw on a large network of connections and extensive industry knowledge to help find the best vessel for your unique requirements, as well as the best price.

Once you’ve had an initial consultation, a broker will typically offer a selection of yachts that suit your needs and help you make a final decision. From here, the yacht broker will handle the entire booking process, from securing the initial boat booking to planning each element of your onboard itinerary, including docking points. A reputable yacht charter broker will also be available to contact throughout the duration of your time on board, giving you and your guests complete peace of mind.

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Occasionally, first-time charters mistakenly think that booking directly will shave some digits off the total cost, but it actually falls on the yacht owner/charter company to pay the broker fees – not the charterer. In fact, you will often find that a broker will rely on their insider connections to secure the best deal for their clients.

When it comes to choosing a yacht broker you have plenty to choose from, but names like Burgess , Fraser and Northrop & Jonson dominate the superyacht realm. Some people opt for a freelance yacht charter broker, but we’d suggest only heading down this route if you have a pre-existing relationship or they come highly recommended by someone you trust. You should also ensure that any broker you work with is a member of the MYBA Worldwide Yachting Association.

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How to choose a yacht

bold explorer yacht by silver yachts

While your yacht broker will do the hard work when it comes to choosing a yacht, calling upon their wide boat knowledge to present a selection of yachts to you, to be able to do this properly they will need a solid understanding of your preferences, requirements and budget.

The key things you should consider when chartering a superyacht are: the number of guests you want to bring on board (remember the legal limit for most yachts is 12 overnight guests, including personal staff); whether or not the yacht needs to be child-friendly, the amount of indoor/outdoor space you’d like on board; where you’d like to travel; and the onboard amenities you’d like – for example, is an indoor swimming pool a priority or does a dancefloor sound more appealing?

The type of yachting vacation you’re seeking is also important when choosing a boat. For intrepid travelers with a taste for adventure, a sturdier explorer yacht such as Silver Yachts’ Bold or Ragnar by Royal Niestern Sand would be more suitable than a classic yacht, designed for luxury and comfort.

However, if it is your first time chartering a superyacht, don’t feel concerned about going in clueless – your yacht broker will be able to guide you through every step of choosing a vessel.

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Bareboat vs skippered superyacht charter

When chartering a luxury yacht, you will sometimes be given the choice between a ‘bareboat’ or ‘skippered’ charter – bareboat being a crewless charter and skippered including a full complement of staff. However, you will find that when verging into superyacht territory, all charters are skippered for both your safety and comfort.

Typical crew members will include a captain, engineer, second and third officers, bosun, chef, chief stew, and one or more stewards. Your broker can help explain the roles of each, as well as support with hiring additional crew members.

For example, if you have a taste for adventure, ensure that there is a watersports instructor within the crew. Looking for a more relaxing onboard experience? Ask your broker to look into securing a masseuse for your journey.

When to book a superyacht charter

When to begin booking a yacht charter is an important question. Leading charter company Northrop & Johnson recommends reaching out to a broker no later than 10 months in advance if you want to travel during peak times (July and August in the summer season, Christmas and New Year during winter), and three to six months ahead for quieter periods. However, with popular yachts booking up as much as a year in advance, it’s advisable to reach out to a broker at least 12 months ahead of time if you have specific boat or date requirements.

When booking in advance, remember that local events will heavily impact availability. For example, if you’re planning a European tour, take note of events such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Monaco Grand Prix when both vessels and docking spaces will be in high demand.

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latitude yacht for charter

How much does it cost to charter a superyacht?

It’s no secret that yacht charters are expensive, with many first-timers unprepared for the hidden costs. It’s generally accepted that the biggest price indicator of a yacht charter is boat size – so if you’re heading into superyacht territory, expect an impressive fee.

However, other factors will impact the cost of chartering a superyacht , such as crew reputation, ship design and the age of the vessel. For example, Fraser Yachts offer a week on the 298.5-ft Moonlight II which was first built in 2005 from €750,000 (approximately $815,000), but prices for the 278-ft Solandge, which was built in 2013 and refitted in 2019, begin at €1m ($1.1m) per week.

Although some charter costs are inclusive, meaning expenses such as captain and crew, fuel, food and drink are included, you’ll find that a ‘plus expenses’ charter is more common. With such charters, only the crew and ship are included in the price, an ‘Advance Provisioning Allowance’ (APA) is used to cover the necessary extras and is usually around 30% of the weekly charter fee. What the APA doesn’t cover, however, is crew gratuity which, although given at your discretion, is very much expected, with the going rate around 15-20%.

To avoid tarnishing your vacation with unexpected fees and charges, ask your broker for a full price breakdown beforehand, including any potential docking fees and additional taxes.

[See more: These are the 10 Biggest Superyachts in the World]

Photo of Kim Ayling

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How much does it cost to charter a yacht?

There are many things to consider and first time charterers can be left confused, that's why we've created a comprehensive guide to yacht charter prices (with a checklist).

charter cost explained banner

The good news: It’s easy to grasp the basics of yacht charter pricing. And with one of our experts in your corner, we can help you more accurately estimate the cost of your next once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

The cost of a yacht charter is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of yacht, the charter destination, local taxes, and the base cost. (If the yacht has a celebrity owner, well that too, can add to the cost.)

Therefore, yacht charters have a wide range of base prices. That’s why charters can cost from $10,000 per week on smaller sailing yachts and catamarans, up to $150,000+ per week on the most luxurious motor superyachts.

What else can you expect to pay? This overview – a part of our planning resource, the Charter Advice Guide – offers an in-depth look at charter yacht costs.

Yacht Charter Price Structure: “All-Inclusive” vs “Plus Expenses”

In the world of yachting, two types of crewed yacht charters are available to you – “All-Inclusive” and “Plus Expenses” charter experiences. What do these terms mean exactly? Here’s a quick look:

  • All-Inclusive Yacht Charters – Some charters (mainly catamaran and monohull charters in the Virgin Islands) offer all-inclusive rates. That means rates are based on the number of guests, and they include all food and drink, water sports, and fuel costs. Dockage and taxes, though, are usually charged separately.
  • Plus Expenses Charters – Rates for larger motor yachts do not include running expenses, which must be paid separately. For these luxury charters, the base price is for the yacht only. Additional expenses, i.e. food, bar, fuel, dockage, port taxes, and other expenses, are charged separately. Most frequently, the running expenses are paid by an Advance Provisioning Allowance, or APA, which is typically 35% of the base price; this is an amount that’s paid prior to the charter.

Our chart below offers a quick overview of what’s included in both of these types of charters.

charter cost comparison chart

Average Yacht Charter Cost: Base Prices

What can you expect to pay for a catamaran, a sailing vessel, or motored yacht? Here’s a quick overview of the average cost to rent a yacht (not including extra expenses) for the most common types available:

Factors that Affect Yacht Charter Prices

Since charter yachts are privately owned, prices are set by the owner. This can explain, in part, the wide range of differences in price between boats of similar lengths. Yet, several other factors can significantly impact price, including:

  • The Yacht – The year the boat was built, the builder, previous owners, and the boat’s selection of water toys can also increase the cost of a yacht. Boats can also develop a reputation, i.e. the largest or most luxurious, or having a famous builder or previous owner. Reputation can also affect pricing.
  • Season – Prices typically increase in the high season – i.e. high summer in the Mediterranean or winter in the Caribbean – and decrease in low seasons.
  • Destination – Your charter destination also plays a role in charter cost. For example, prices increase in areas without large charter fleets (i.e. the Galapagos), whereas Bahamas yacht charters,   BVI charters , or Mediterranean yacht charter are priced more competitively.

Additional Costs Considerations on Yacht Charter

In addition to the cost associated with running the yacht and provisioning, there are a number of other costs that must be considered. These are the most significant:

Advanced Provisioning Allowance

The APA on Plus Expenses charters equals roughly 35% of the yacht’s base price. This is a fee that’s collected prior to charter, and it’s similar to an expense account the captain can access during the charter. At the end of the charter, you will receive a detailed accounting of your APA account, plus any unused APA funds in cash.

In the case of overages, you may be required to replenish the APA account during the charter. This can be done with cash, although many choose to set up accounts with their charter brokers , which can be accessed if requested by the captain.

Taxes and Value Added Tax (VAT)

Most boats – whether all-inclusive or Plus Expenses – will not include local taxes or a Value Added Tax into their charter rate. The charterer will be responsible for paying those taxes. Taxes range significantly by destination; here’s a look at some of yachting’s most popular destinations:

  • The Bahamas – Tax: 4% plus 10% VAT
  • BVI – Tax: between $6 and $16 per person per day, depending on the flag of the boat
  • Croatia – VAT: 13%
  • Florida – Tax: 6% for Broward County, 7% for Miami-Dade County
  • France – VAT: 20%, however, 10% can be applied when an itinerary includes International Waters
  • Greece – VAT: 12%
  • Italy – VAT: 22%, however 6.6% (over 24m) and 8.8% (under 24m) can be applied when an itinerary includes International Waters
  • Montenegro – NO VAT
  • New England – NO TAX
  • Spain – VAT: 21%
  • Turkey – NO VAT

Charterers can purchase cancellation and curtailment insurance – which is similar to traveler’s insurance. This insurance can help cover costs if a charterer must cancel or shorten the charter. Charter brokers can help you weigh insurance options, and often offer several different options.

Crew Gratuity

While crew gratuity is certainly not mandatory, it is recommended, particularly if you were truly impressed with your charter experience. In general, crew gratuity is roughly 15-20% of the base charter rate, which is handed to the captain at the conclusion of your charter.

Delivery Fees

While these fees do not apply on most charters, you may be asked to pay delivery costs if you are not chartering in the yacht’s normal cruising ground. In most cases, you will only be required to cover the fuel for the trip.

Call Worldwide Boat today to learn more. Our Charter Specialists are here to assist you with every detail and explain all charter costs. Or read our Charter Advice guide for more information and tips for planning your charter vacation.

Showing 1–4 of 287 results

Chakra Profile

282.2ft / 84m

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278.1ft / 83m

titania main

239.6ft / 71m

Yacht Serenity 236

Serenity 236

236.3ft / 70m

Additional Charter Cost FAQs

What are standard private charter yacht prices?

There are a number of factors that affect charter yacht pricing. However, on average, a week-long private yacht charter costs anywhere from $10,000 on luxurious sailing yachts and catamarans, and up to $150,000 for superyachts.

What affects charter yacht prices?

There are several things that influence how much your yacht charter will cost. The type of vessel, charter destination, length of trip, base cost, time of year, and local taxes all make a difference.

How much does it cost for a crewed vessel?

Charter yacht prices do increase when hiring a crew along with the boat. At Worldwide Boat, we offer two types of crewed charter experiences: all-inclusive and plus expenses. An all-inclusive charter yacht includes accommodation for all guests, food and drink, water sport activities, and fuel costs – dockage fees and taxes are charged separately. A plus expenses experience accounts for just the yacht’s base price. Things like food, drinks, fuel, dockages, taxes, and other expenses are charged separately and are usually estimated to be about 35% of the base price.

What’s included in all-inclusive boat charters?

At Worldwide Boat, your all-inclusive charter experience includes a diligent and friendly crew, water toys, food, drinks, fuel, water and electric services, and occasionally diving experiences.

What are some additional charter boat costs to consider?

After finding a base price you’re comfortable with and evaluating your package, you’ll also want to consider delivery fees, crew gratuity, insurance fees, taxes, and Advanced Provisioning Allowance rates. If you are responsible for these fees, your crew will handle the necessary transactions on your behalf.

What does it cost to rent a 100- foot yacht charter?

This depends on what type of vessel you’re looking at and how long you’ll need it for. The average weekly cost of a 100-foot sailing yacht is between $50,000-100,000. A weekly 80-foot catamaran charter runs around $40,000-100,000, and a week-long 100-foot motor yacht rental is anywhere between $50,000-80,000.

Does the price to rent a yacht change depending on what type of boat it is?

Yes. Worldwide Boat offers sailing yachts, catamarans, and motor yachts. All of these vessels have different capabilities, but there are other factors that determine the price beyond what type of boat you choose. The year the boat was built, owner, availability of water toys, onboard amenities, and the ship’s reputation can all change how much the ship is priced at.

When is the high season for yacht charters?

The price of a yacht fluctuates depending on the season. A Mediterranean yacht charter cost rises in the summer and drops in the winter, whereas Caribbean boat charter prices are high during the winter and lower in the summer months.

How does my destination affect charter yacht cost?

The more remote an area is, the more expensive it will be to charter a yacht there. That’s because prices go up in areas that have fewer boats. If you were to travel somewhere like the Galapagos, which isn’t a typical yacht destination, you’d pay more than you would if you were traveling to the Caribbean.

How much do I tip the crew when reviewing my yacht charter expenses?

It’s not required that you tip your crew, but it is recommended and appreciated. If you had an enjoyable experience it’s considered polite to tip your crew anywhere from 15-20% at the end of your charter.

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chartering a yacht for the first time

Chartering Your Own Yacht - The Complete Guide

Thinking about whether you should charter your yacht here's everything you should know about it..

Buying a yacht for private use is a great investment - in your future adventures, in your new lifestyle, in your mental and physical well-being. You get to explore the unexplored, spend quality time with your friends and family, or party like a celebrity. It's an experience of a lifetime and a dream come true for many.

However, even though you try your best to maximize your time on board, there are still weeks or even months when the boat’s unused and the crew ‘underutilized’. When your boat is just sitting in the marina, it’s just costing you money. 

That’s why you should consider putting your yacht in a charter fleet. It can not only offset your expenses but even generate profit. Most importantly, it guarantees that your yacht is fully maintenanced and in top shape for when you decide to set sail on another vacation.

chartering a yacht for the first time

Chartering your own yacht is a great way to earn money off your investment. (Image source: Shutterstock)

The benefits of chartering your yacht

Chartering your yacht is a great strategy for making some money off your yacht when you’re not using it. But there are also a number of other advantages - here are the main ones:

Reduced operational costs & additional income

A busy charter yacht can cover a significant portion of your operating expenses such as dockage, maintenance, insurance, and other incidentals. Additionally, charter yacht ownership produces an income that you otherwise as a private owner wouldn’t have, providing a faster return on the investment.

Increased yacht reputation and value

A yacht that is marketed for charter has a better market profile. On top of that, If the yacht is active and has a proven success record of providing high quality experience to its clients, it will attract both charter guests and potential buyers in the future. In the long run, chartering is a sound strategy for increasing your boat’s value which would otherwise depreciate with time.​

The yacht stays in top-notch condition 

It may sound counterintuitive but yachts that are part of the charter fleet are usually more regularly and better maintained. Frequent cosmetic and mechanical maintenance that chartering requires can extend the life of your yacht and preserve its resale value.

More experienced boat crew

Charter yachts attract the best caliber of crew that will maintain their service at the highest industry standard. That also means you can enjoy the same quality of service whenever you decide to use it for personal plans.

chartering a yacht for the first time

Charter yachts require frequent maintenance. An experienced yacht crew will keep the yacht in top-notch condition. (Image source: Shutterstock)

Earnings and expenses

As a yacht owner, you can definitely earn a profit by chartering your yacht and offset your costs. Here’s the breakdown:

The price of the charter depends on the market, the size, model, condition of your boat, the number of cabins, etc. The expenses which you must take into account as the boat owner include: 

  • registration
  • ship maintenance
  • crew salaries
  • charter equipment (water toys, bed linen, towels, shampoos, etc.)
  • professional photography 

chartering a yacht for the first time

Charter yachts which provide a wide selection of water toys are often booked better.   (Image source: Shutterstock)

Even though there are many factors that influence the boat price, we at Magnum always try to set a competitive price that’ll make you stand out on the yacht charter market.  See the prices for the luxury yachts in our fleet here.

How many weeks can I charter my yacht?

For luxury yachts, you can expect your yacht to be booked for a minimum of 6-12 weeks a year, depending on the season.

The average number of weeks is higher for chartering sailboats and catamarans, usually about 14-20 weeks.

What to expect of a yacht charter management company? 

With the right agency for yacht charter management , you can reap all the benefits of chartering your own yacht - offset operational costs, keep your crew sharp and your boat in top shape, as well as build a brand reputation. 

The role of such a company is to provide consulting, support and help you achieve maximum booking through thoughtful promotion. 

Here’s how that works in the example of Magnum:

Once a yacht owner decides to partner with our agency, we both sign the Central Booking Agreement. It states the rights and obligations of the owner, as well as the rights and obligations of us as a central agency. In it we also define the price list according to which the charter service for a particular vessel will be charged. 

The agreement can be signed for a definite period (1 year) or for an indefinite period and can be terminated via written notice (from either party).

Bookings, promotion & payments

Once we sign the Central Booking Agreement with the boat owner, we focus all our efforts on promotion and positioning the boat on the market. It takes some time for the yacht to become "recognized" on the market but since we have access to a large global booking system through which we receive inquiries (YACHTFOLIO), this process doesn’t take too long.

chartering a yacht for the first time

A central agency for yacht charter management will help you to achieve more bookings through top yacht promotion. (Image source: Shutterstock) 

After receiving an inquiry from a potential client, we send them a detailed offer with the price and presentation materials (brochure, crew profile, etc.), to give them a complete and better impression of the yacht. If the client confirms the booking, we sign the MYBA contract. The contract is signed by all the parties involved in the booking process - the client (charterer), broker, stakeholder and the yacht owner. 

Payment to the yacht owner is made in such a way that half of the amount to be paid to the owner is paid on the day of the boarding, and the remaining amount on the day of unloading (or the first working day, if unloading day is during the weekend).

The responsibilities of the yacht owner 

If you decide to charter your yacht, here’s what’s expected of you as the owner:

  • During the term of the Central Booking Agreement, the yacht owner is not allowed to enter a business partnership with another yacht charter agency and is obliged to refer all agents who may contact him to his central agent.   
  • The yacht owner mustn’t promote his yacht independently or without the consent of his central agent.  
  • The owner must deliver professional photographs of the boat to the agency.   
  • The owner is obliged to invoice his charters in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia.  
  • The yacht owner is obliged to ensure the registration of the vessel and to have valid insurance policies.  
  • The yacht owner must provide other documentation and take actions that precede the provision of accommodation services on board.  
  • The yacht owner is obliged to provide an adequate crew in accordance with the size of the boat and the uniforms for all crew members.  
  • The yacht owner is obliged to sign the charter agreements on time and report any problems or delays to the agency as soon as possible.  
  • The boat must be adequately prepared for chartering - that includes cleaning, equipment procurement, as well as accommodation, uniforms & training for the crew members.  
  • The yacht owner must have a registered company and be able to issue invoices.  

Why choose Magnum as your yacht charter management company?

Since we were founded in 2004, we’ve been recognized as one of the most highly qualified yacht charter companies in Croatia, with the fastest-growing fleet in the country. As members of the Mediterranean Yacht Broker Association, we maintain our business at the highest standards of professionalism and ethics. 

We are well established in the yachting community: our agency is a YACHTFOLIO subscriber and collaborates with a large number of both global and local clients, as well as partner agencies.

Our team of experts have the know-how and the experience to ensure that your yacht reaches its full charter potential - that means maximizing the number of bookings and subsequently, revenue. We fully devote ourselves to each yacht owner and have an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach to supporting you.

If you would like to charter your yacht through our agency, feel free to contact us here . 

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Home » A Beginner’s Guide To Chartering Or Buying Your First Superyacht

A Beginner’s Guide To Chartering Or Buying Your First Superyacht

Tips on buying & renting superyachts.

Superyacht brokerage in Asia

Understanding the Market

  • Research Destinations : Southeast Asia is vast and varied. Do you prefer the secluded beaches of the Andaman Islands or the charismatic city charms of Singapore? It is essential to understand which destination speaks to your needs more and whether the rules and regulations fit your profile well.
  • Yacht Type and Size : Decide on the type and size of yacht required based on your needs. Superyachts come in various forms, including motor and sailing yachts, each offering different experiences. The size of the yacht will also determine where you can go, as some areas have limitations on yacht size due to marina capacities or shallow waters​​.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

  • Registration and Taxes : Yacht registration and taxes can vary significantly from one country to another within Southeast Asia. Understanding the tax implications in your country of registration and the countries you plan to visit is crucial​​.
  • Crewing Requirements : Depending on the size of the yacht and the regions you intend to explore, specific crewing requirements or qualifications may be needed. Some countries also have regulations about hiring local crew​​. For instance, a superyacht charter in Thailand might need a certain percentage of the crew to be Thai nationals, ensuring compliance with local employment laws.
  • Insurance : Adequate insurance is essential for both the yacht and the crew. Ensure you have comprehensive coverage valid in all the countries you plan to visit​​.

Operational Considerations

  • Marina and Berthing Facilities : The availability of marina and berthing facilities varies widely across Southeast Asia. Research the facilities available in your intended destinations, including the services they offer, to ensure they meet your needs​​. For instance, Singapore offers world-class marinas like ONE°15 Marina Sentosa Cove, providing excellent facilities for superyachts, including repair services, upscale dining, and leisure amenities.
  • Maintenance and Repairs : Access to maintenance and repair facilities should also be a consideration, especially for longer journeys or in more remote destinations. Some regions may have limited access to parts and specialised services​​.

Financial Considerations

  • Budgeting : Beyond the purchase or charter cost, consider the ongoing expenses of yacht ownership or charter, including crew salaries, maintenance, fuel, and berthing fees. For example, chartering a superyacht in Southeast Asia can vary widely, from $100,000 to over $500,000 per week, not including expenses like fuel, provisioning, and crew tips.
  • Charter Income : If you're buying a yacht, consider whether you intend to charter it out when you're not using it. This can offset some costs but also involves additional considerations like marketing and management​​.

Personal Preferences and Needs

  • Itineraries and Activities : Your interests will significantly influence where you want to go and what yacht you choose. Whether you're interested in diving, cultural exploration, or simply relaxing in secluded bays, ensure the yacht and your itinerary can accommodate these activities​​​​. For instance, diving enthusiasts might choose a yacht equipped with a dive centre to explore world-class diving sites around Phuket.
  • Amenities and Comfort : The level of luxury and the amenities you desire will also play a significant role in selecting a yacht. Your preferences will impact your choice - whether you want an onboard cinema, jacuzzis, or water sports equipment​​.
  • Environmental Considerations : Eco-conscious yachting is becoming increasingly important. Considering yachts with hybrid propulsion systems can minimise your ecological footprint while cruising delicate ecosystems.

Interior of a superyacht for sale in Thailand

Boat Lagoon Yachting For All Your Superyacht Dreams

Guests enjoying a superyacht charter in Phuket

Choose A Burgess For Your Next Adventure

A Burgess superyacht in Singapore

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With its crystal-clear waters, year-round tropical climate, secluded islets, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant marine life, the Southeast Asia (SEA) region has rightfully earned its reputation as a favoured destination for mega and superyacht aficionados. The SEA market has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, attracting buyers and charterers for everything from sleek superyachts to intricate megayachts, thanks to the region’s offering of thrilling and unique adventures.A superyacht experience in Phuket or Southeast Asia is a unique opportunity, with the area’s rich cultural diversity, stunning views, and superior sailing conditions making for a one-of-a-kind experience.

If you’re considering buying or chartering a yacht for the first time in Southeast Asia, there are various essential factors and insights to consider to ensure the process is as seamless as possible.

The buying or renting process and experience can be as complex as it is exciting. To get you started, here are some detailed tips:

  • Charter Income : If you’re buying a yacht, consider whether you intend to charter it out when you’re not using it. This can offset some costs but also involves additional considerations like marketing and management​​.
  • Itineraries and Activities : Your interests will significantly influence where you want to go and what yacht you choose. Whether you’re interested in diving, cultural exploration, or simply relaxing in secluded bays, ensure the yacht and your itinerary can accommodate these activities​​​​. For instance, diving enthusiasts might choose a yacht equipped with a dive centre to explore world-class diving sites around Phuket.
  • Amenities and Comfort : The level of luxury and the amenities you desire will also play a significant role in selecting a yacht. Your preferences will impact your choice – whether you want an onboard cinema, jacuzzis, or water sports equipment​​.

Understanding all the nuances of buying or chartering a superyacht can be a tall order for those new to the scene. A practical approach to navigating these complexities is partnering with a top-tier yacht brokerage in Southeast Asia, such as Boat Lagoon Yachting, renowned for simplifying the process for novices.

At Boat Lagoon Yachting, we’re all about connecting you with the luxury lifestyle on the water, offering a fleet of the best new and pre-loved yachts across Southeast Asia. With locations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Maldives, and Thailand, we’re your go-to for top-notch yacht selection, comprehensive services, and unforgettable charters.

Our lineup includes prestigious brands like Burgess, ranging from sleek runabout inflatables to majestic superyachts. No matter your nautical ambition, we have the perfect vessel for your next adventure, with a friendly team ready to guide you every step of the way from start to finish.

Thinking of making your yacht work for you? Our charter services offer a smart investment path. Let us manage the nitty-gritty of chartering, from maintenance costs to operational tasks, so you can enjoy the perks without the workload.

Our expertise isn’t just in sales; as Burgess’s exclusive partner in Thailand, we bring 27 years of unmatched experience in yacht and superyacht sales, charters, and after-sales services in Phuket, Singapore, and beyond. Whether it’s a high-octane superyacht or a timeless classic you seek, explore Burgess’s exquisite fleet at Boat Lagoon Yachting. Currently, we have the Wanderlust and Starlust series from Burgess operating charters in the waters of Phuket and the Maldives.

The Wanderlust, an 85.3m Sports Activity Vessel, offers a beautiful blend of performance, luxury, and efficiency. Designed for diving and snorkelling enthusiasts, Wanderlust cruises at 17 knots with a top speed of 23 knots, thanks to its hydrodynamic design and advanced propulsion. Its standout feature, The Loft, is a winter garden that transforms into an open-air terrace. Accommodating up to 12 guests in eight suites, she features a sun deck with a glass-fronted jacuzzi and a secluded outdoor dining area. Charter rates start at USD 960,000 per week.

Starlust, a 68.2m modern motor yacht, combines luxury with entertainment, featuring a spacious interior and extensive deck spaces. The main lounge, ideal for relaxation, includes a large TV and a separate dining area for formal meals. She boasts a dedicated spa with a relaxation area, massage room, and steam room alongside a beach club gym for fitness enthusiasts. The beach club also serves as a hub for various water sports, making her the perfect company for the more adventurous. Starlust can accommodate up to 12 guests in 6 cabins, with charter rates beginning at EUR 700,000 per week.

If you are craving a detour and want to explore beyond Southeast Asia, explore Australia this Easter or French Polynesia in July and August aboard the 52m Amels yacht, Deja Too. For unmatched luxury and adventures on the water, Deja Too offers elegant modern interiors, an array of water toys, and a crew renowned for their exceptional service. Fresh from a 2022 refit, she is now brand new and ready to be taken on adventures. Managed by an experienced owner, she guarantees a top-tier charter experience and can host up to 11 to 12 guests in 6 cabins. Captains Richard and Charles, along with their dedicated crew, are ready to ensure a memorable journey. Charter rates start at USD 245,000 per week. Contact us today for more enquiries.

Vrit Yongsakul, now Burgess’s Chief Representative for Thailand and Group Managing Director of Boat Lagoon Yachting, highlights the collaboration between both entities, aiming to leverage Burgess’s global expertise for the Thai market to foster the potential in Southeast Asia’s large yacht sector. He envisions continuing to offer clients top-tier expertise and advice through this partnership. Additionally, for prospects in Singapore, Alister Brunskill, our Singapore Country Head, is your man on the ground, ready to turn your yachting dreams into reality.

Ready to start your yachting adventure? Let’s make your dream charter or purchase come true. Our experienced team is on standby to offer the guidance you need.

Email us at [email protected] or sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates in the industry. Bon voyage!


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Must-Visit Places in a 5-day Yacht Charter Croatia

C hartering a private yacht for a few days is one of the best ways to whisk away on a luxurious weekend. Suitable for friends, families, and couples, a charter yacht can be the perfect choice if you crave privacy and a mind-blowing trip to amazing islands with breathtaking beaches. One of the world’s most famous destinations for yacht trips is Croatia – with antique towns and enchanting coastlines, Croatia can be your reprieve from reality.

Private yacht charters are made easy with Yacht IN – as a popular yacht chartering company, we offer exclusive packages and comprehensive prices. Visit our site to know more!

5-day yacht charter in Croatia – popular trips

While one-week yacht trips are the most popular in Croatia and surrounding landscapes, short trips for four or five days can also be adventurous and relaxing. Here are some popular options for a 5-day yacht charter trip in and around Croatia.

  • The Adriatic Sea trip

One of the most famous and well-known yacht trips in Croatia is the visit to the Adriatic Sea. This trip covers three popular tourist destinations – Brac Island, Hvar Island, and Pakleni Islands. With a beautiful white pebble beach and traditional architecture, Brac Island is the best place to take a break and get your tan game on. Hvar Island is your go-to for an electric nightlife and enchanting forests. If you are a fan of snorkeling and swimming, then you will love Pakleni Islands. 

These islands are all situated close to one another, making it easy for you to cover all three in a 5-day yacht trip in Croatia. Croatia’s top yacht charters , including Yacht IN, will offer you trips around these islands.

  • 4-night sailing trip from Dubrovnik

Another most-loved choice among tourists for a yacht charter trip in Croatia is cruising around the other side of Dalmatia. If you charter luxury yachts in Dalmatia that offer you spectacular views of Dalmatia and its scenery, you'll be able to enjoy Dubrovnik and Mljet Island, Peljesac Peninsula, and Elaphiti Islands.

This trip is perfect for those who love to stay in the water and enjoy their free time indulging in adventure sports. Filled with blue-green seas and beautiful beaches, the sailing trip can be your escape from reality.

5-day yacht charter in Croatia – factors to consider

Charter yachts are a popular tourist choice in Croatia – while these luxury escapades are totally worth every penny you spend, here are some factors to consider before booking a yacht charter in Croatia.

  • Destination – Croatia undoubtedly boasts beautiful coastlines and architecture, but you should narrow down the places you want to visit.
  • Size of the yacht – Based on the number of people, the size of the yacht has to be decided.
  • Number of days – Charter companies usually rent yachts based on the number of the days of trip, so it is better to decide that beforehand.

Luxury yacht trips are the best way to cruise away your summer – if you are looking for a 5-day yacht charter to Croatia, then hurry up to Yacht In now. Book your favorite trip to Croatia and enjoy the best yacht trip of your life!

The post Must-Visit Places in a 5-day Yacht Charter Croatia appeared first on Malorie's Adventures .

Must-Visit Places in a 5-day Yacht Charter Croatia

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Watch incredible time-lapse video documenting the build of motor yacht Kismet by Lürssen

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By Editorial Team   29 May 2024

In a showcase of German engineering, Lürssen has unveiled their latest masterpiece, the 122-meter superyacht Kismet . Initiated under the codename Project Jag in late 2020, Kismet embodies the convergence of sleek exterior aesthetics and sophisticated interior design, a collaboration between the renowned Nuvolari-Lenard and Reymond Langton Design teams.


Commissioned by a long-standing client of Lürssen, motor yacht Kismet boasts a host of luxurious features tailored to reflect the Owner's distinctive lifestyle. Among the standout amenities is a 7-star spa, which includes a hammam, sauna, and even a cryotherapy chamber. For entertainment, the lower deck houses a Nemo cinema, complete with a 150-inch television and an innovative underwater seating area.


Kismet is a true ‘Made in Germany’ superyacht, from the laying of the keel to her final departure down the Kiel Canal in Germany. Her craftsmanship is further evident in the yacht’s cutting-edge hybrid powertrain, which incorporates a full-electric mode. This advanced technology positions Kismet as one of the world's most powerful and energy-efficient superyachts.


Delivered to her owners in Spring 2024, Kismet has showcased Lürssen's expertise at building very large and complex superyachts when the boundaries of yacht design are pushed to their limits. 

Motor Yacht Kismet is now available for charter, but also be sure to take a look at all other  Lürssen superyachts that are currently for charter.

For more details on renting a luxury yacht, speak to your preferred  yacht charter broker . Alternatively, view all superyachts available for charter .

Largest Lurssen Yachts for charter

Kismet yacht charter

122m Lurssen 2024

Lady Lara yacht charter

91m Lurssen 2015 / 2023

Flying Fox yacht charter

136m Lurssen 2019

Octopus yacht charter

126m Lurssen 2003 / 2021

Ahpo yacht charter

115m Lurssen 2021

Carinthia VII yacht charter

97m Lurssen 2002 / 2023


122m Lürssen superyacht charter KISMET delivered

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Damen Yachting charter yacht LA DATCHA offers new availability for Summer and Winter in French Polynesia, Australia and New Zealand


Damen Yachting charter yacht LA DATCHA offers new availability for Summer and Winter in French Polynesia, Australia and New Zealand

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Featured Luxury Yachts for Charter

This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3624 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from $4,335,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from $2,818,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $973,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,190,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from $1,082,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,514,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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Will Florida schools start later in August 2024? Here’s when new start times will begin

While many students are already off for summer vacation around Florida, some are already dreading the return of snooze alarms and sleepy rides back to school in the early morning.

But is that changing in the near future ?

We get it — the last thing anyone wants to think about is the next school year when you just finished the last one. But you do have something to look forward:  later start times for middle and high schools .

But when do they actually go into effect? Here's what to know.

When is the last day of school in Florida?

While most schools ended on or before May 24, here's when the rest of Florida students get out for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • Alachua : May 31
  • Broward : June 10
  • Citrus : May 29
  • Clay : May 30
  • Collier : May 30
  • Duval : May 31
  • Glades : May 30
  • Hernando : May 31
  • Indian River:  May 31
  • Lee : May 31
  • Levy : May 30
  • Liberty : May 29
  • Miami-Dade : June 5
  • Osceola : May 29
  • Palm Beach:  May 30
  • Pinellas : May 29
  • Polk : May 30
  • Putnam : May 31
  • St. Lucie : May 30
  • Sumter : May 29
  • Suwannee : May 30
  • Taylor : May 30
  • Volusia : May 31
  • Walton : May 29

When does school start in Florida for the 2024-2025 school year?

Almost every Florida school will start the 2024-2025 school year on the first possible date — Aug. 12 — after Aug. 10.

Here's when your county goes back to school:

  • Alachua : Aug. 12
  • Baker : Aug. 12
  • Bay : Aug. 12
  • Bradford : Aug. 12
  • Brevard : Aug. 12
  • Broward : Aug. 14
  • Calhoun : Aug. 12
  • Charlotte : Aug. 12
  • Citrus : Aug. 12
  • Clay : Aug. 13
  • Collier : Aug. 13
  • Columbia : Aug. 12
  • DeSoto : Aug. 12
  • Dixie: Aug. 12
  • Duval : Aug. 12
  • Escambia : Aug. 12
  • Flagler : Aug. 12
  • Franklin : Aug. 12
  • Gadsden: Aug. 12
  • Gilchrist : Aug. 12
  • Glades: Aug. 12
  • Gulf : Aug. 12
  • Hamilton : Aug. 12
  • Hardee : Aug. 12
  • Hendry : Aug. 12
  • Hernando : Aug. 12
  • Highlands : Aug. 12
  • Hillsborough: Aug. 12
  • Holmes : Aug. 12
  • Indian River:  Aug. 12
  • Jackson : Aug. 12
  • Jefferson : Aug. 12
  • Lafayette : Aug. 12
  • Lake : Aug. 12
  • Lee : Aug. 12
  • Leon : Aug. 12
  • Levy : Aug. 12
  • Liberty : Aug. 14
  • Madison: Rolling start between August 12-14
  • Manatee : Aug. 12
  • Marion : Aug. 12
  • Martin : Aug. 12
  • Miami-Dade : Aug. 15
  • Monroe : Aug. 14
  • Nassau : Aug. 12
  • Okaloosa : Aug. 12
  • Okeechobee : Aug. 12
  • Orange : Aug. 12
  • Osceola : Aug. 12
  • Palm Beach : Aug. 12
  • Pasco : Aug. 12
  • Pinellas : Aug. 12
  • Polk : Aug. 12
  • Putnam : Aug. 12
  • Santa Rosa:  Aug. 12
  • Sarasota : Aug. 12
  • Seminole : Aug. 12
  • St. Johns : Aug. 12
  • St. Lucie:  Aug. 12
  • Sumter : Aug. 14
  • Suwannee : Aug. 12
  • Taylor : Aug. 14
  • Union : Aug. 12
  • Volusia : Aug. 12
  • Wakulla : Aug. 12
  • Walton : Aug. 12
  • Washington : Aug. 12

Will Florida see later start times in the 2024-2025 school year? If not, when?

Nope, not this year.

The later start times will be required by the 2026-2027 school year, according to legislation signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis back in May 2023.

What are the new Florida school start times?

The new law signed by DeSantis prevents middle schools from beginning the “instructional day” earlier than 8 a.m., while high schools will be barred from starting the school day before 8:30 a.m.

The law gave school districts three years to develop plans to implement the changes to the earlier times.

The bill requires each district's school board to inform its community — which includes parents, students, teachers, school administrators, athletic coaches — about the health and safety impacts of sleep deprivation on middle and high school students and the benefits of later school start times.

Each district school board must discuss with such groups local strategies to successfully implement the later start times.

Refresh before 2026: Read HB733 in its entirety

Will the new school start times bill affect charter schools.

Yes, the bill does require charter schools to comply with the specified start times.

However, charter schools in the workplace are exempt.

What time do schools start in Florida?

As of 2024, the start times of schools is determined by each school district in Florida.

About 48% of Florida’s public high schools start school before 7:30 a.m., according to the Legislature’s Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability. Another 19% of high schools start between 7:30 a.m. and 7:59 a.m. 

The new law also states the opening day of schools may not be any earlier than Aug. 10.

How many days are kids in school in Florida?

Florida law specifies that in order for a public kindergarten student to be considered a full-time student, he or she must receive a minimum of 720 net hours of instruction or four hours per day, based on 180 school days, according to the  Florida Department of Education.


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  3. First Time Yacht Charter Guide

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  5. How to Charter a Yacht for First-timers by Northrop & Johnson

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    Chartering a Yacht for the first time. ... On most charter yachts the crew consists of a Captain, chef, hostess and perhaps a deckhand. Power yachts will probably have an engineer while smaller sailing yachts may only have a Captain and chef/hostess. Whichever combination your yacht has, the crew will work with you to plan your itinerary and ...

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  17. A Comprehensive Guide To Luxury Superyacht Charter

    Using a broker to charter a yacht is at your discretion; however, if it is your first time chartering, using a broker is highly recommended - especially when hiring a larger-than-life superyacht. Yacht brokers will draw on a large network of connections and extensive industry knowledge to help find the best vessel for your unique requirements ...

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  19. Luxury Yacht Charters & Sailing Vacations

    Why Charter a Yacht with The Moorings? For more than 50 years we've set the standard for Sail charters, Power charters and all-Inclusive Crewed yacht charters in over 20 destinations across the globe.. The Moorings is proud to have one of the newest fleets in the industry, and an array of incredible destinations to explore. Whether you set sail on one of our state-of-the-art catamarans in ...

  20. Chartering Your Own Yacht

    As a yacht owner, you can definitely earn a profit by chartering your yacht and offset your costs. Here's the breakdown: The price of the charter depends on the market, the size, model, condition of your boat, the number of cabins, etc. The expenses which you must take into account as the boat owner include: insurance. registration.


    Project X 88m Golden Yachts from $1,196,000 p/week ♦︎. La Datcha 77m Damen Yachting from $740,000 p/week ♦︎. Andrea 74m CRN from $984,000 p/week ♦︎. Titania 73m Lurssen from $615,000 p/week ♦︎. Search the entire global luxury Yacht Charter Fleet (3,000+ yachts) find the best crewed superyachts & megayachts to rent for your dream ...

  22. A Beginner's Guide To Chartering & Buying Superyachts

    If you're considering buying or chartering a yacht for the first time in Southeast Asia, there are various essential factors and insights to consider to ensure the process is as seamless as possible. ... Budgeting: Beyond the purchase or charter cost, consider the ongoing expenses of yacht ownership or charter, including crew salaries ...

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  24. The Advantages Of A Boat Charter Over Owning A Boat

    Financially, Chartering Is a Great Idea. Renting a boat will not wreck your finances as much as buying a new one will. Of course, the price of a rental will be less than the price of a full ...

  25. 16 Yacht Charters That Make for a Strangely Affordable Family ...

    San Antonio motor yacht. The San Antonio is a luxury motor yacht measuring 146 feet in length that was built in 2018. This huge vessel is capable of accommodating 36 guests in 18 cabins. The cost ...

  26. Must-Visit Places in a 5-day Yacht Charter Croatia

    Here are some popular options for a 5-day yacht charter trip in and around Croatia. Continue reading. The Adriatic Sea trip. One of the most famous and well-known yacht trips in Croatia is the ...

  27. Watch incredible time-lapse video documenting the build of motor yacht

    Watch incredible time-lapse video documenting the build of motor yacht Kismet by Lürssen ; ... First look at 102m Lurssen superyacht JASSJ as she launches in Germany 13th December 2023. ... This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3618 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from ...

  28. Two Rescued After Luxury Yacht Sinks Off St. Augustine

    Published May 27, 2024 11:37 PM by The Maritime Executive. On Saturday, local first responders rescued two people from a sinking luxury yacht off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida. Just after ...

  29. Everyone you know is going on a cruise

    Some 27% of cruise passengers over the past two years have been first-timers, up 12% from the prior two-year period, according to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), a trade group.

  30. First day of school in Florida 2024: Here's when new start times begin

    When does school start in Florida for the 2024-2025 school year? Almost every Florida school will start the 2024-2025 school year on the first possible date — Aug. 12 — after Aug. 10. Here's ...