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Who Owns Which Superyacht? (A Complete Guide)

who owns superyacht indigo star

Have you ever wondered who owns the most luxurious, extravagant, and expensive superyachts? Or how much these lavish vessels are worth? In this complete guide, we’ll explore who owns these magnificent vessels, what amenities they hold, and the cost of these incredible yachts.

We’ll also take a look at some of the most expensive superyachts in the world and the notable people behind them.

Get ready to explore the world of superyachts and the people who own them!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The ownership of superyachts is generally private, so the exact answer to who owns which superyacht is not always publicly available.

However, there are some notable superyacht owners that are known.

For example, Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, owns the Rising Sun, which is the 11th largest superyacht in the world.

Other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

Overview of Superyachts

The term superyacht refers to a large, expensive recreational boat that is typically owned by the worlds wealthy elite.

These vessels are designed for luxury cruising and typically range in size from 24 meters to over 150 meters, with some even larger.

Superyachts usually feature extensive amenities and creature comforts, such as swimming pools, outdoor bars, movie theaters, helipads, and spas.

Superyachts can range in price from $30 million to an astonishingly high $400 million.

Like most luxury items, the ownership of a superyacht is a status symbol for those who can afford it.

The list of superyacht owners reads like a whos who of billionaires, with names like Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The most expensive superyacht in the world is owned by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

While some superyacht owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye, others have made headlines with their extravagant amenities.

Some of the most famous superyachts feature swimming pools, private beaches, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, and luxurious spas.

In conclusion, owning a superyacht is an exclusive status symbol for the world’s wealthy elite.

These vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from $30 million to over $400 million, and feature some of the most luxurious amenities imaginable.

Notable owners include the Emir of Qatar, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Who are the Owners of Superyachts?

who owns superyacht indigo star

From Hollywood celebrities to tech billionaires, superyacht owners come from all walks of life.

Many of the most well-known owners are billionaires, including Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Other notable owners include Hollywood stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp.

However, not all superyacht owners are wealthy.

Many are everyday people who have worked hard and saved up to purchase their dream vessel.

Other notable billionaire owners include Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, and former US President Donald Trump.

These luxurious vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from $30 million to over $400 million.

For many superyacht owners, their vessels serve as a status symbol of wealth and luxury.

Some owners prefer to keep their yachts out of the public eye, while others have made headlines with their extensive amenities – from swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas.

Many of these yachts are designed to the owner’s exact specifications, ensuring that each one is totally unique and reflects the owner’s individual tastes and personality.

Owning a superyacht is an exclusive club, reserved for those with the means and the desire to experience the ultimate in luxury.

Whether they are billionaires or everyday people, superyacht owners are all united in their love of the sea and their appreciation for the finer things in life.

The Most Expensive Superyacht in the World

When it comes to superyachts, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, certainly knows how to make a statement.

His luxury vessel, the 463-foot Al Mirqab, holds the title of the world’s most expensive superyacht.

Built in 2008 by German shipbuilder Peters Werft, this impressive yacht is complete with 10 luxurious cabins, a conference room, cinema, and all the amenities one would expect from a vessel of this magnitude.

In addition, the Al Mirqab features a helipad, swimming pool, and even an outdoor Jacuzzi.

With a price tag of over $400 million, the Al Mirqab is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

In addition to the Emir of Qatar, there are several other notable owners of superyachts.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos all own luxurious vessels.

Bezos yacht, the aptly named The Flying Fox, is one of the longest superyachts in the world at a staggering 414 feet in length.

The Flying Fox also comes with a host of amenities, such as a helipad, swimming pool, spa, and multiple outdoor entertaining areas.

Bezos also reportedly spent over $400 million on the vessel.

Other notable owners of superyachts include Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns the $200 million Kingdom 5KR, and Oracle founder Larry Ellison, who owns the $200 million Rising Sun.

There are also many lesser-known owners, such as hedge-fund manager Ken Griffin, who owns the $150 million Aviva, and investor Sir Philip Green, who owns the $100 million Lionheart.

No matter who owns them, superyachts are sure to turn heads.

With their impressive size, luxurious amenities, and hefty price tags, these vessels have become a symbol of wealth and prestige.

Whether its the Emir of Qatar or a lesser-known owner, the worlds superyacht owners are sure to make a statement.

Notable Superyacht Owners

who owns superyacht indigo star

When it comes to the wealthiest and most luxurious owners of superyachts, the list reads like a whos who of the worlds billionaires.

At the top of the list is the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, who holds the distinction of owning the most expensive superyacht in the world.

Aside from the Emir, other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

All of these owners have made headlines with their extravagant vessels, which are typically priced between $30 million and $400 million.

The amenities that come with these vessels vary greatly from owner to owner, but they almost always include luxurious swimming pools, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, and spas.

Some owners opt for more extravagant features, such as submarines, personal submarines, and even their own personal submarines! Other owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye, but for those who prefer a more showy approach, they can certainly make a statement with a superyacht.

No matter who owns the vessel, it’s no surprise that these superyachts are a status symbol among the world’s wealthiest.

Whether you’re trying to impress your peers or just looking to enjoy a luxurious outing, owning a superyacht is the ultimate way to show off your wealth.

What Amenities are Included on Superyachts?

Owning a superyacht is a sign of wealth and prestige, and many of the worlds most prominent billionaires have their own vessels.

The most expensive superyacht in the world is owned by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, while other notable owners include Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

The cost of a superyacht can range from $30 million to over $400 million, but the price tag doesnt quite capture the sheer extravagance and amenities of these vessels.

Superyachts come with all the comforts of home, and then some.

Many owners will equip their vessels with swimming pools, helicopter pads, on-board cinemas, spas, and other luxury amenities.

The interior of a superyacht can be custom-designed to the owners specifications.

Some owners opt for modern, sleek designs, while others prefer a more traditional look.

Many of the most luxurious yachts feature marble floors, walk-in closets, and custom-made furniture.

Some vessels even come with a full-service gym, complete with exercise equipment and trained professionals.

Other amenities may include a library, casino, media room, and private bar.

When it comes to outdoor amenities, superyachts have some of the most impressive features in the world.

Many yachts come with outdoor entertainment areas, complete with full kitchens, dining rooms, and lounge areas.

Some owners even opt for hot tubs or jacuzzis for relaxing afternoons in the sun.

And, of course, there are the jet skis, water slides, and other exciting water activities that come with many of these vessels.

No matter what amenities a superyacht has, it is sure to be an experience like no other.

From the sleek interiors to the luxurious outdoor features, these vessels provide a unique, luxurious experience that is unrivaled on land.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing escape or an exciting adventure, a superyacht is sure to provide.

How Much Do Superyachts Cost?

who owns superyacht indigo star

When it comes to superyachts, the sky is the limit when it comes to cost.

These luxury vessels come with hefty price tags that can range from anywhere between $30 million to over $400 million.

So, if youre in the market for a superyacht, youre looking at an investment that could easily break the bank.

The cost of a superyacht is driven by a variety of factors, including size, amenities, and customization.

Generally, the larger the yacht, the more expensive it will be.

Superyachts typically range in size from 100 feet to over 200 feet, and they can be as wide as 40 feet.

The bigger the yacht, the more luxurious features and amenities it will have.

Amenities also play a significant role in the cost of a superyacht.

While some owners prefer to keep their yachts out of the public eye, others have made headlines with their extensive amenities.

From swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas, the sky is the limit when it comes to customizing a superyacht.

The more amenities a superyacht has, the more expensive it will be.

Finally, customization is another major factor that will drive up the cost of a superyacht.

Many luxury vessels have custom-designed interiors that are tailored to the owners tastes.

From custom furniture and artwork to lighting and audio systems, the cost of a superyacht can quickly escalate depending on the level of customization.

In short, the cost of a superyacht can vary widely depending on its size, amenities, and customization.

While some may be able to get away with spending a few million dollars, others may end up spending hundreds of millions of dollars on their dream yacht.

No matter what your budget is, its important to do your research and find out exactly what youre getting for your money before signing on the dotted line.

Keeping Superyachts Out of the Public Eye

When it comes to owning a superyacht, some owners prefer to keep their vessels out of the public eye.

Understandably, these individuals are concerned with privacy and discretion, and therefore tend to take measures to ensure their yachts are not visible to outsiders.

For instance, some superyacht owners opt to keep their vessels in private marinas, away from the public areas of larger ports.

Additionally, some yacht owners may choose to hire security guards to patrol and protect their vessels while they are moored or sailing.

In addition to physical security, some superyacht owners also use technology to keep their vessels out of the public eye.

For example, a yacht owner may choose to install a satellite-based communications system that allows them to keep their vessel completely off-radar.

This system works by bouncing signals off satellites rather than transmitting them, making it virtually impossible for anyone to track the yachts movements.

Finally, some superyacht owners also choose to limit the number of people who have access to their vessels.

For instance, the owner may only allow family members and close friends to board the yacht.

Additionally, the owner may choose to employ a limited number of staff to help maintain the vessel and keep it running smoothly.

These individuals may be required to sign non-disclosure agreements to ensure they do not disclose any information about the yacht or its owner.

Overall, while some superyacht owners may choose to keep their vessels out of the public eye, there are still plenty of other ways to show off the opulence associated with owning a superyacht.

From swimming pools and helicopter pads to on-board cinemas and spas, there are many luxurious amenities that can make a superyacht the envy of any jet setter.

Final Thoughts

Superyachts are a symbol of luxury and status, and the list of yacht owners reads like a who’s who of billionaires.

From the Emir of Qatar’s world-record breaking $400 million yacht to Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s vessel with a helicopter pad and on-board spa, the amenities of these luxury vessels are truly stunning.

With prices ranging from $30 million to over $400 million, owning a superyacht is an expensive endeavor.

Whether you’re looking to purchase one or just curious to learn more about the owners and their amenities, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to stay up to date with the superyacht scene.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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To enquire about INDIGO STAR I, please complete the form

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38.00m (124’8″) | 1995/2018 Siar & Moschini

From €88,000 per week


The 38m Indigo Star I is a tri-deck motor yacht boasting a stylish and carefully considered interior design. Built by Siar & Moschini in 1995, the yacht is in fantastic condition following an extensive 2018 refit.

Why we love this yacht

  • 01 — 03 There are multiple lounging and social spaces aboard. Whether you’re chartering in privacy or wanting to entertain friends, Indigo Star I lends herself to both.
  • 02 — 03 Indigo Star I has one of the biggest saloons for a yacht of her size. We love the deep-cushioned L-shaped sofas.
  • 03 — 03 The master suite is on the main deck. It features an enormous sofa and there’s an owner’s study, too.

Motor Yacht Indigo Star I Running

Seasonal Rates

*Per week plus expenses.


The interior of Indigo Star I optimises the use of space to provide multiple seating and lounge areas. In the main saloon there are two deep-cushioned L-shaped sofas, a coffee table with armchairs to the port side and a glass-topped dining table. The main saloon is also equipped with a large flat-screen TV, surround sound and an extensive movie library.

Indigo Star I has a second, less formal, lounge on her bridge deck and this enjoys direct access to an aft dining area via full height glass doors.

There is accommodation for 10 guests in five suites, with the cabin configuration comprising a master stateroom, VIP, two guest doubles and one twin. The master suite is located on the main deck and benefits from an owner’s study as well as a spacious en suite with a spa bath. All of the accommodation is en suite, with the VIP also able to boast a bathtub, and each cabin is fitted with Satellite TV.

The interior cabinetry, in deep mahogany, has a high gloss finish and upholstery in neutral tones with dark charcoal accents gives the yacht a striking style.

Indigo Star I’s deck spaces are geared towards socialising. There is a large exterior lounge and dining table for 10 on the upper deck, which can be shaded by a retractable awning, and an expanse of cushioned sun pads on the sun deck.

Indigo Star I has a Zodiac RIB tender and a wide selection of water toys, including three SeaBobs, a jet ski, fly board, Aqualung diving sets, water skis for both adults and children and even a seven-metre-high, 12-metre-long, inflatable water slide. A large swim platform to aft and a boarding ladder ensure easy access to and from the water.

An additional Sillinger 9m chase boat can be chartered on request.

Indigo Star I is an extremely capable and seaworthy vessel, with a top speed of 17.5 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. Stabilisers ensure maximum comfort when underway and at anchor.

Indigo Star I is run by a crew of seven.


  • Shipyard Siar & Moschini
  • Year | Refit 1995/2018
  • Length 38.00m (124’8″)
  • Beam 7.70m (25’3″)
  • Draft 2.70m (8′10″)
  • Gross Tonnage 437 Tonnes
  • Top Speed 17.5 Knots
  • Cruise Speed 14 Knots
  • Range 3300nm
  • Fuel Consumption 600lph

who owns superyacht indigo star

Toys & Tenders

  • Zodiac tender YL470DL SHARC RIB white with 100 HP Yamaha
  • 1 x Seadoo Jet ski Rotax 4-TEC with 260 HP
  • Fly board with jetski control
  • Combi, children and slalom waterskis
  • 3 x Seabobs
  • 5 x Aqualung diving sets
  • 2 x Doughnuts and Banana
  • Chase Boat Sillinger, length 9.05 m, width 3,05 m, Mercury Verado engines 2 x 250 hp (available on request and at surcharge of EUR 500 per day plus VAT)

To enquire about INDIGO STAR I, please complete the form:

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Indigo Star I Charter Yacht

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Indigo Star I

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38m  /  124'8   siar & moschini   1995 / 2018.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • Impressive 3,224nm range
  • State-of-the-art cinema
  • Sleeps 10 guests
Luxury yacht Indigo Star I is the perfect charter platform for yachting vacations spent entertaining in style

The 38m/124'8" 'Indigo Star I' motor yacht built by shipyard Siar & Moschini is available for charter for up to 10 guests in 5 cabins. This yacht features interior styling by Giorgio Vafiadis.

Boasting an array of sumptuous living areas laid out invitingly to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere onboard, motor yacht Indigo Star I is the perfect luxury charter yacht for friends and family.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 1995, Indigo Star I offers guest accommodation for up to 10 guests in 5 suites comprising a master suite, three double cabins and one twin cabin. The bed configuration includes 1 king, 2 doubles and 2 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 7 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

On your charter, you'll find plenty to keep you busy and entertained, notably a state-of-the-art movie theatre for movie nights.

Indigo Star I benefits from some excellent features to improve your charter, notably air conditioning to keep your comfortable throughout your charter.

Performance & Range

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Powered by twin MTU engines, she comfortably cruises at 14 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 17 knots with a range of up to 3,224 nautical miles from her 40,000 litre fuel tanks at 10 knots.

Indigo Star I has a good selection of water toys and accessories to entertain you and your guests whilst on charter. Principle among these are waterslides letting guests speed from the sun deck to the water in seconds. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Additionally, there are SEABOBs, offering a truly remarkable experience that lets you skim along the surface or swim with the fishes quietly and safely.

Indigo Star I offers you and your guests the perfect platform from which to enjoy your next luxury yacht charter. Please enquire for details of her summer and forthcoming winter cruising grounds and availability.

Indigo Star I is a unique motor yacht and the ideal platform for an adventure charter that will guarantee unforgettable memories.


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Indigo Star I Photos

Indigo Star I Yacht 11

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Indigo Star I has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Indigo Star I is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

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For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Indigo Star I' Charter Rates & Destinations

Summer Season

May - September

€88,000 p/week + expenses Approx $95,500

High Season

€98,000 p/week + expenses Approx $106,500

Cruising Regions

HOT SPOTS:   Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Winter Season

October - April

Charter Indigo Star I

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38m | Christensen

POA ♦︎

Alcor charter yacht

36m | Heesen

from $75,000 p/week ♦︎

Amadea charter yacht

35m | Benetti

from $103,000 p/week ♦︎

Amadeus charter yacht

34m | Dragos Yachts

from $38,000 p/week ♦︎

Ascente charter yacht

34m | Bradley

from $160,000 p/week

Atlas charter yacht

38m | Ocean Pacifico

from $85,000 p/week ♦︎

Avella charter yacht

34m | Azimut

from $42,000 p/week ♦︎

Axella charter yacht

34m | Eurocraft Cantieri Navali

from $60,000 p/week ♦︎

Bang! charter yacht

from $98,000 p/week ♦︎

Benik charter yacht

34m | Cantieri di Pisa

from $78,000 p/week ♦︎

Brazil charter yacht

40m | Heesen

from $101,000 p/week ♦︎

Carmen Serena charter yacht

Carmen Serena

40m | Marine Industrial Technologies

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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Indigo Star I

  • 38m | Siar & Moschini | 1995 (2018)
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who owns superyacht indigo star

Boasting one of the biggest salons of any yacht her size, Indigo Star I offers a myriad of different lounging areas both inside and on deck, which are perfect for relaxing and entertaining, as well as two al fresco dining options. The yacht also features a bespoke cinema room for laidback film screenings.

Across her four decks, the interior benefits from a unique and funky design with bold animal prints, monochrome tones and black lacquer furniture lending a distinctly boutique hotel vibe to the setting.

Sleeping 10 guests across five comfortable en suite staterooms, the Maltese-flagged Indigo Star I relies on her knowledgeable and experienced crew of seven to ensure that guests will want for nothing and enjoy an idyllic escape from reality.

My Indigo Star 1200x800 4 v2

The Captain

Kicking off his studies at the Marine High School in Zadar, the highly experienced Captain Ante Bazdaric later graduated from the University of Maritime Affairs in Rijeka, Croatia. Spending almost six years as a deck officer on cargo ships and tankers, he later went on to work as chief mate and captain on privately-owned 18m, 36m and 46m motor yachts.

Captain Bazdaric joined Indigo Star I in 2015 for her cruise around the world, and since then he has travelled to many incredible destinations with her owner and his family. Stepping up to captain in March 2022, his organisational skills, team spirit and ability to adapt to different cultural environments are second to none! 

The Experience

If you’re looking for a sleek craft with creature comforts both inside and out, Indigo Star I is sure to fit the bill.

Her highly individual and stylised interior is evident from the moment you arrive, from the indulgent brocade cushions on the deck banquette to the generously proportioned avant-garde main salon with monochrome animal prints and black lacquer furniture contrasting against a white ceiling and large windows.

A rococo style dining room is characterised by opulent velvet seating, a glass dining table and modern artwork while the upper salon is furnished with white sofas and eye-catching purple leather club-style armchairs. A moody-hued and spacious master stateroom features a king size bed, cosy salon sofa seating as well as a dedicated office space and classically designed panelled bathroom.

MY Indigo Star 1200x800 2

Further staterooms include a VIP suite with dark polished wood accents, two snug double staterooms with queen size beds and a generous sized twin stateroom.

An enviable selection of water toys including a Sea Doo jet ski, a fly board with jet ski control, two doughnuts, a banana, water skis, wakeboard, three SeaBobs, five sets of scuba diving gear and a Zodiac tender are at the guests’ disposal.

The Cuisine

Chef Marjan Tomasic heads up the galley on Indigo Star I, where his expertise with Mediterranean cusine - among many others - is sure to impress. 

Discovering his passion at a young age, Marjan held a number of honorary, seasonal and permanent jobs both during and after school where he developed a strong work ethic and positive approach to new challenges. Furthering his culinary skills at a notable restaurant before heading on board, he is always up for creating new recipes, and often discusses his ideas with the rest of the crew to ensure his dishes are world class. 

My Indigo Star 1200x800 v2

A typical dinner menu kicks things off with appetizers of tuna tartare infused with sundried tomatoes and arugola, octopus salad with roasted vegetables, scallops with roasted asparagus or puff pastry rolls with pesto and red peppers.

As for the mains, guests can expect the likes of grilled sea bass with lemon puree, vegan pasta with pulled chunks in white wine and soy sauce, Beef wellington or fettuccine ala fruti di mare. 

Be sure to save room for dessert, though - you won't taste anything much more spectacular than Chef Marjan's lava cake with chesnut semifredo - although his panna cotta with sweet and sour berry sauce comes close. 

10 Luxury Superyachts Owned by Famous People

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Written by Maria Korotaeva

Have you ever wondered who owned the most impressive superyachts in the world? Very popular in the world of celebrities and famous people, superyachts are seen as a “must-do” and “must-have”. Here are the 10 impressive luxury mega and super yachts owned by well-known people around the globe.

Musashi – Larry Ellison

The list starts with mega yacht MUSASHI and her owner Larry Ellison. Ellison is the owner of American software company Oracle and is one of the richest people in the world, as well as a real yacht enthusiast. His yacht Musashi is a breathtaking megayacht launched in 2011 by Feadship . This 88m opulent vessel was designed by De Voogt Naval Architects . Sinot Yacht design took care of the stunning interior decor of Musashi. Her name was taken from a famous Japanese Samurai, which stands for “warrior”.

Musashi. Photo credit @christo303

Musashi. Photo credit @christo303

Lary Ellison is the previous owner of another military style mega yacht – the 138m mega yacht RISING SUN, which was built in 2004 by Lurssen.

Symphony – Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault is the lucky owner of the 101m mega yacht SYMPHONY . A well-known person in the world of luxury goods, Arnault has been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LVMH and the Chairman of Christian Dior S.A. for a long time. With an excellent pedigree, Symphony is a breathtaking vessel built by Feadship in 2015. Her striking exterior is by renowned Tim Heywood , while naval architecture is by Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects.

Superyacht Symphony. Photo credit Feadship

Superyacht Symphony. Photo credit Feadship

He previously owned 70m superyacht AMADEUS , which was commissioned in 2016 but her asking price has not been disclosed until now.

Octopus – Paul Allen

Paul Allen is the co-founder of Microsoft and is another bespoke yacht owner. His motor yachts  OCTOPUS , TATOOSH and MEDUSE are some of the largest and most recognisable luxury yachts in the world. Famous for taking parts in many rescue operations, Octopus is equipped with two helipads, a submarine and tenders. This huge Lurssen explorer superyacht also provides a wide range of lavish facilities and amenities, including a basketball court, swimming pool, Jacuzzis and a movie theatre. Octopus accommodates 26 guests, assisted by a crew of 57.

Octopus. Photo credit Mark O'Connell

Octopus. Photo credit Mark O’Connell

Venus – Steve Jobs’s Family

Motor yacht VENUS was built by Feadship for Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs played a very important role in designing this stylish 78m vessel in collaboration with bespoke yacht designer Philippe Starck . This all-aluminium custom yacht was named after the Roman goddess. Venus now belongs to Steve Job’s family.

Superyacht Venus. photo via @rocabella_yachts

Superyacht Venus. photo via @rocabella_yachts

Seven Seas – Steve Spielberg

Superyacht  SEVEN SEAS  represents a showpiece of Oceanco excellence. She is owned by legendary Hollywood director Steven Spielberg. Bespoke Italian designers Nuvolari Lenard worked on the design of the yacht. At 86m Seven Seas features large interior living spaces. Her outstanding feature is the infinity swimming pool on the aft deck, which can be transformed into a helipad or an entertaining area – amazing! Who wouldn’t want to go on a luxury holiday aboard Steven Spielberg’s luxury yacht?

Seven Seas. Photo credit Julien Hubert

Seven Seas. Photo credit Julien Hubert

Eclipse – Roman Abramovich

The second largest superyacht in the world is owned by Roman Abramovich, Russian billionaire businessman, investor and the owner of Chelsea Football Club. The 162.5m ECLIPSE was launched in 2009 as the world’s largest superyachts. However, in 2013 AZZAM had taken the title of the largest yacht in the world with her imposing 180m LOA. Eclipse’s exterior design is a work of Terence Disdale . Eclipse is believed to have a value of $400 million. Apart from her incredible luxury features onboard, such as two helipads, two large swimming pools and a cinema, Eclipse also has an “anti-paparazzi” photo-protection system.

M:Y Eclipse anchored in the waters of the Caribbean, Photo credit Chip Methvin

M/Y Eclipse anchored in the waters of the Caribbean, Photo credit Chip Methvin

A list of Abramovich’formerrs yachts includes 115m PELORUS , 112m LE GRAND BLEU , 85m ECSTASEA and 115m LUNA .

Amphitrite – JK Rowling

In 2016, Harry Potter author JK Rowling bought the breathtaking 47.6-metre superyacht AMPHITRITE (ex. Vajoliroja). The legendary luxury vessel was previously owned by another famous person, Johny Depp. Amphitrite was designed by Taka Yachts and built by Turquoise Yachts (formerly Proteksan Turquoise) in Anatolia, Turkey . Amphitrite boasts stunning interior design by Redman Whiteley Dixon . It has been reported that JK Rowling put the yacht for sale again at an asking price of €17,800,000.

Amphitrite Vajoliroja. Photo credit @stamp2k1

Amphitrite (ex. Vajoliroja). Photo credit @stamp2k1

Main – Giorgio Armani

Imposing motor yacht MAIN is owned by the fashion guru Giorgio Armani. His magnificent 65m luxury vessel was designed by Codecasa , who took into account all the requirements of Giorgio Armani. Main features a notable dark green painted hull made os steel and aluminium superstructure. Armani trusted Ortelli Architetti on designing the interior styling. At 65m, Main boasts large interior spaces and can accommodate 14 guests.

Main. Photo credit @mueckenpeter

Main. Photo credit @mueckenpeter

Dubai – Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Mega yacht DUBAI is currently the third largest superyacht in the world. Her owner is not a celebrity, nor an actor: Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the ruler of the Emirate of Dubai . The magnificent 163-metre Dubai can carry a party of 115, including her crew of 88. Dubai was designed by Andrew Winch and built by the Emirati shipbuilder Platinum Yachts . This mega yacht features a huge amount of luxury amenities, including a swimming pool, a helicopter pad, cinema and a large gymnasium.

Mega Yacht Dubai. Photo credit Ade Owens

Mega Yacht Dubai. Photo credit Ade Owens

Privacy – Tiger Woods

The golf elite and thousands of fans of Tiger Woods surely know the meaning behind his superyacht’s name. If you were one of the most popular men in the universe, stalked by paparazzi and fans, you would love privacy too. Motor yacht PRIVACY was commissioned to Tiger Woods in 2004 for $20 million. She was designed and built by Christensen Shipyards , while his bride at that time, Elin Nordegren, arrange the interior styling. Privacy can cruise at a speed of 12 knots with a range of 4,000 nm. At 47.24m, this yacht boasts living spaces with a total of 6,500 square metres.

Motor yacht Privacy

Motor yacht Privacy

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North Star: Inside the 63m custom superyacht built for first-time owners

Step on board North Star , the 63 metre custom superyacht designed by Espen Øino and Ozgun Yacht Design , complete with a crow's nest, cinema and golf practice machine

As the world turns, the North Star holds steady over the North Pole. A point of reference in the night sky, it is a literal and symbolic guiding light. A little closer to home, the yacht North Star is a refuge, a place for relaxation and family time. Like the celestial body, for her owners, she is a constant in an ever-changing world.

A custom-built 63-metre, she was designed by Espen Øino with hull and superstructure constructed in Turkey. For the owners, who have had smaller sport boats for day jaunts in the South of France, it is a grand entrance into the world of superyachts.

“The destination of Turkey was chosen because of their reputation for hulls,” says the captain. “The aim was to build their dream yacht.” There they amassed a team of industry professionals to turn their aspiration into reality, including Øino for the general arrangement and design, RWD for the initial interior concepts, Estel Design to complete the interior design and Burness Corlett Three Quays (BCTQ) for project management.

For their dream yacht, the owners dreamt big – it was to be spacious and bright, embrace the outdoors, offer flexible and versatile arrangements and provide plenty of comfortable communal spaces for the family of six to be together, as well as plenty of spots for them to hide away.

As he always does, Øino approached the project from the inside out, conceiving the general arrangement first. With the focus on creating airy and capacious interiors, he stretched the aft part of the upper deck to full beam in order to envelope a generous upper saloon that rivals the main saloon below. Both of these rooms are fringed with full-height windows and boast head heights of 2.2 metres.

They are also incredibly elegant. The director of Estel Design describes the style as “modern deco”, a blend of art deco’s classic elements with contemporary furniture and finishes. Pops of bright colour also modernise the deco- esque palette of silver, black and white. Glass and stainless- steel accents complement rich fabrics, such as bespoke leathers, shagreen and silver leaf, which were chosen to enhance the sense of space, says Estel Design’s director.

Over the formal dining table on the main deck, 16,000 crystal beads make up the chandelier by Ben Robinson of TwentyFourDesign. Each bead is custom tinted and affixed in strands of five to a stainless steel frame. Another of Robinson’s designs shimmers like crystal rainfall in the foyer: a chandelier that descends over two decks inside the winding staircase. Affixed to a skylight above, the piece has no internal structure; instead, 4,000 brilliant cut K9 crystals are strung together using 16,000 bespoke fittings making one homogenous structure. It was a true feat to fabricate and engineer it to withstand heavy seas.

“The owner was keen to source and utilise unusual fabrications so we were challenged to look beyond our normal suppliers and source new collaborations,” says Estel Design’s director. “To meet the owner’s brief we chose a unique array of finishes rarely seen on boats.” This included the woven metal fabric by Sophie Mallebranche that adorns a feature wall at the aft entrance to the main saloon. In addition, “a specialist resin surface, Killon, was sourced from America after the owners fell in love with it. This was used extensively in all the bathrooms, main deck saloon and master suite.”

Also in keeping with the owners’ wishes, the en suites and dayheads – one by each foyer – are ultra-modern, featuring white Thassos marble trimmed in stainless steel. The sinks in the master bath are particularly sculptural, cut from a single piece of marble, and the mirrors above these vanities can slide open to let in natural light through a hidden window.

Incorporating dual-use and transformational spaces was another priority. For instance, the main saloon can be used as a cinema, with a screen and projector concealed in the overhead. In the guest quarters on the lower deck, the wall between the two aft cabins can be moved to create a large VIP with sitting room and cabin.

While the interiors are striking, the outdoor areas demanded just as much attention – perhaps more. “There was a lot of emphasis on the sundeck space,” Øino recalls. “That was the pièce de résistance of the whole boat.” To make this area as large as possible, he extended the deck to full beam and created an indoor/outdoor space with a central interior section whose bi-folding doors open fully forward and aft. “It’s really nice up here when you are at anchor with a 10-knot breeze just trickling through,” says the captain. “It’s the most stunning place on the boat, I think.”

Not surprisingly, it’s where the owners spend most of their time, the captain reports. Dressed in limed oak with pale blue fabrics, the covered midships space features deep sofas to sink into, as well as a full dining area for when leaving this haven for a meal feels like too much effort. Forward is a massive spa pool and sit-down bar , while aft is more lounging space, in the sun or under removable awnings. Above all this is a crow’s nest, a breezy cushion-covered hideaway for anyone seeking solitude.

The beach club and gym at the stern is another area that successfully makes the indoor-outdoor connection the owners desired. The transom opens to reveal a semicircular sofa and coffee table ideally situated for cocktails or coffee at the water’s edge. A starboard-side opening just forward of the beach club exposes the gym, which includes a Technogym treadmill and cross trainer recessed into the floor. And if your idea of fitness is enjoyed on the greens rather than the gym, there’s a golf tee practice machine that can be set up on the platform here or on the sundeck aft. On the opposite side of the yacht, the port shell door opens to launch the Chris-Craft and Williams tenders.

It’s hard to think of a water toy that North Star does not carry. With the transom door unfolded, a substantial four-metre swim platform is created, yet that’s not enough to handle the yacht’s complement of playthings. So the deck crew can erect a string of NautiBuoy inflatable platforms to provide a temporary dock for the WaveRunners, Seabobs, Reverso Air sailing dinghy, foiling and electric jet surfboards, stand-up paddleboards and more. Trailing this, an inflatable jungle gym with slide and bouncy “blob” can be set up. All of this is devised to tire out the family’s four children, but North Star will also cater to charter guests in the future .

Simple, clean lines define the yacht’s sharp- looking exterior, which is typical of Øino’s creations. “Really detailed and complex surfaces, in my view, tend to go out of fashion quickly, whereas simple straight lines generally tend to survive the test of time better,” he says. The full beam-upper deck and sundeck did give Øino a bit of a challenge. “It’s tricky because both of these decks are quite high up,” he says, “hence the importance of playing with tumblehome [the narrowing of a boat’s hull as it ascends above the waterline].” This, he explains, is how the superstructure appears to tuck in as it goes higher, if you’re looking at the boat from head-on or from the stern. “It makes it more dynamic and also alters and defines the way the light falls on the boat,” he says.

In terms of propulsion, North Star is straightforward, with twin screws powered by 2,000hp 12-cylinder MTUs, which allows speeds of up to 16 knots and a range of 4,500 nautical miles.

In the flat, calm seas off Antalya, sea trials were merely procedure, the captain says. It was the journey to Malta last September, then on to Barcelona, that was the true test. Hardly the optimal time of year for favourable weather, they were faced with gales up to Force 8 on the way to Malta, with seas uncomfortably on the beam, and even stronger winds in the tropical storm force range underway to Barcelona. While the weather laid low many crew with seasickness, North Star was rock steady. “She handled it very well; it impressed me really,” says the captain, who previously commanded two Lürssens of considerable size. “I’m quite impressed with the basic construction and the seaworthiness. You like to be able to grab something and notice that it does not flex. I can feel the sturdiness in the hull,” he says.

Of course, no one relishes that kind of passage, and the owners spent their first few weeks on board this past winter enjoying the opposite kind of experience: Caribbean anchorages with all-round protection like Antigua’s Nonsuch Bay and Virgin Gorda’s North Sound, where the still water and sunshine provided an idyllic setting for an escape. It shows just where faithfully following that North Star can get you.

This feature is taken from the July 2020 issue of BOAT International. Get this magazine sent straight to your door, or subscribe and never miss an issue.

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