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How To Make an Origami Boat

how to make an origami boat

Sail the art of origami with our captivating paper boat. Unfold creativity, craft wonders, and set sail on a paper adventure today!

boat origami

Is your favorite childhood memory sailing a boat in your backyard pool? Or is it playing with a paper boat in the bathtub? Either way, you've likely had some experience with origami boats. Good old days, right?

Luckily, the time when you can relive these memories is here! Make an origami boat with your little one and have a joyous boat ride without getting wet. You'll need some colorful origami paper and a special folding technique. It's going to be so much fun.

origami boat instructions

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Is an Origami Craft Too Much for Young Kids?

Not at all! Having young children make origami boats is a great way to introduce them to the art of origami. With some guidance, even the smallest fingers can put together a beautiful boat that will impress everybody. Furthermore, it's a delightful experience for both children and adults alike.

Moreover, folding a rectangular piece of paper into different shapes is an excellent way to practice patience and attention to detail in preschoolers. It'll increase their concentration levels and fine motor skills.

best origami boat paper

What Is the Best Origami Paper for Making a Boat?

Usually, origami boats spend their lives as bath toys, so it's best to choose waterproof origami paper that won't smudge easily. A thin foil paper works best, as it gives the boat a shiny finish and adds extra durability. Moreover, it enhances the overall appearance of the boat.

Can't find it? No worries. Use construction paper. Even an ordinary plain white paper would do.

When I declutter my desk, I give my kids colorful Post-it notes and extra newspapers. It reduces paper waste and eliminates the worries about getting it wrong.

Rember if you are using it in water, air drying the boat at the side of a bath or dry place is best so there isn't growth of bacteria and there is multiple use.

Don't miss our other boat crafts including the Paper Plate Boat , Juice Box Boat , Pirate Ship Craft , and How to Draw a Sailboat .

kids origami boat

Tips and Tricks for Making an Origami Boat

Most origami boat templates are not too complicated; in fact, they are relatively straightforward. You and your kids will soon get them right. Still, here are some helpful tips to make your project even easier:

  • To begin, start with a flat square sheet of paper, as it simplifies the process of folding and makes it easier for kids to understand what they are doing.
  • Use the reverse fold technique when folding the edges of the boat. It will give it a crisp and neat look.
  • To make the boat sturdier, use a few dots of glue when you're done.

how to make a origami boat

Ideas to Decorate the Origami Boat

Where's the fun in a solid-colored boat when you can liven it up with bright colors? Here are some ideas for decorative objects for your boat:

  • Use colorful paper and stickers for endless fun
  • Create tiny flags and sails from paper or fabric to make a boat look like a real one
  • Draw a beautiful scene on the boat to make it artsier

uses for paper boat origami

What Else Can I Do with an Origami Boat?

The first thing that comes to our minds when we think of a boat is sailing. But you can do so much more with these paper creations!

  • Attach strings to hang them as a whimsical mobile
  • Display a tiny origami boat in a terrarium
  • Use them as gift tags for special occasions
  • Make them into keychains to remember the fun you had

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origami boats by kids

Origami Boat Craft Is an Exciting and Creative Activity for All Ages

Not only is origami art suitable for adults, but it's also perfect for children! Engaging in making an origami boat with your little ones, moreover, is a wonderful way to spend quality time together. And, rest assured, it's not hard at all! With the right techniques, you can easily master it. Additionally, I've attached the step-by-step guide for you all below. I hope it helps.

origami boat supplies

Boat Origami Supplies

  • A sheet of craft paper - origami paper
  • Glue (optional).
  • Scissors (optional).
  • Colorful craft paper and or card stock paper (for the flag).

step 1 origami boat

Step 1: Start with a rectangular sheet of craft paper. If the paper has a colored side, make sure it is facing down.

step 2 origami boat

Step 2: Fold the paper in half horizontally to create a crease in the center of the paper.

step 3 how to make a paper boat

Step 3: Fold the paper in half vertically to create another crease in the center.

Origami Boat Triangle

step 4 paper boat

Step 4: Bring the right edge of the paper towards the center crease line, folding it diagonally to create a triangle shape. Crease the fold well.

step 5 paper boats

Step 5: Repeat the previous step for the other edge of the paper, folding it diagonally to create another triangle shape. Crease the fold well.

Bottom of Boat

step 6 How to make paper boat

Step 6: Fold the bottom edge of the paper up. Fold up to the bottom of the diagonal creases you made in the last two steps.

step 8 how to make paper boats

Step 7: Flip it over.

step 8 how to make a paper voat

Step 8: Repeat the step. Fold the bottom edge.

step 9 boat origami

Step 9: Open the gap of the folded triangular-shaped origami pieces.

step 10 how to fold a paper boat

Step 10: Bring the top corners of the paper down.

Bring it toward the center of the paper.

Fold them along the diagonal creases on two sides.

step 11 paper boat instructions

Step 11: This will create a diamond shape.

step 12 how to make an origami boat

Step 12: Fold the top layer of the bottom point of the paper up. This should be folded along the top edge of the paper to create a triangle shape.

step 13 paper boat origami

Step 13: Flip it over.

step 14 how to fold a boat from from paper

Step 14: Repeat the process. It will create a triangle shape.

step 15 oragami boat

Step 15: Similar to step 9 open the gap in the middle.

step 16 how to make a boat out of paper

Step 16: Fold it along the two creases. Fold on to sides to create a diamond shape.

step 17 make a paper boat

Step 17: Gently pull the two sides of the boat apart to create a small opening.

step 18 make boat from paper

Step 18: Pinch the bottom corners of the boat. Then pull them down slightly to make the boat more stable.

step 19 make boat with paper

Step 19: To make the flags cut out triangular colorful craft paper and a thin strip from cardstock paper.

make a boat from paper

Your origami boat is now complete! You can now use it as a decoration or float it in water.

We highlighted these Origami Crafts along with some other fun kid's crafts in our  Summer Crafts for Kids  along with our 101+ Easy Kids Crafts .

You also do not want to miss our 101+ Coloring Pages For Kids  and 101+ Printables full of Crafts and Coloring Pages.

Crafts For Summer

Other Summer Crafts You'll Enjoy

  • Paper Plate Sun
  • Strawberry Painted Rock
  • Squirt Gun Painting
  • Beach Please Hat
  • Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder

Origami Boat

origami boat

  • Origami paper
  • Card Stock Paper (for the flag)
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Glue (optional)


step 1 origami boat


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paper boat origami

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Discover a world of creativity and joy with Alli Ward, the creative mind behind Made with Happy. From DIY crafts to delicious recipes, Alli brings happiness to every project!

Sail Away Blog

Step-by-Step Guide: Make a Sailboat Out Of Paper Effortlessly

Alex Morgan

paper sailboat instructions

Creating a sailboat out of paper is a fun and creative craft activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Paper sailboats are not only easy to make but also provide an opportunity for imagination and play. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to make a paper sailboat, along with tips for building a sturdy boat and ideas for fun activities and games. So, gather your materials and get ready to embark on a paper sailing adventure!

Before we begin with the instructions, let’s gather the materials needed for making a paper sailboat. The type of paper you choose is crucial to ensure that your sailboat stays afloat and withstands the water. there are a few other materials required for the construction process.

Now that we have our materials ready, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide. We will take you through each stage of creating a paper sailboat, from folding the base to adding the mast and sail.

After completing the construction of your paper sailboat, you can add your personal touch by decorating it. This will make your boat unique and reflect your creativity.

Building a sturdy paper sailboat requires some tips and tricks to ensure it stays intact during playtime or races. We will share some techniques that will help strengthen the boat’s structure and enhance its durability.

Besides the construction process, paper sailboats offer various opportunities for interactive and engaging play. We will explore different activities and games that can be enjoyed with your paper sailboat, including how to organize a sailboat race and other creative ideas to make the most out of your sailing experience.

So, let’s gather our materials and get ready to embark on a wonderful journey of making a sailboat out of paper!

1. Making paper sailboats maximizes creativity: With just a few simple folds and materials, you can create a mini sailboat that sparks imagination and fun. 2. Using sturdy paper for sailboat construction is essential: Opt for thicker, heavier paper to ensure a durable sailboat that can withstand floating in water or racing against others. 3. Personalizing your paper sailboat adds charm: Enhance your sailboat by adding colorful decorations, custom designs, and unique details, making it a reflection of your style and personality.

Materials Needed

To make a paper sailboat, you will need the following materials:

  • A sheet of sturdy, lightweight paper
  • Scissors for cutting and adjusting the shape
  • Markers or colored pencils for designs and colors
  • A ruler for straight lines and accurate measurements
  • Glue or tape for securing parts of the sailboat

Pro-tip: Consider using construction paper as it is more durable and less likely to tear, ensuring a longer playtime. Remember to be creative and have fun while making your sailboat!

What type of paper is best for making a paper sailboat?

The type of paper that is best for making a paper sailboat is crucial. When considering what type of paper to use, there are several options to choose from.

Construction paper is a sturdy choice that holds its shape well and can withstand exposure to water. Another option is cardstock , which is thicker and more durable than construction paper. This provides extra strength and reduces the likelihood of tearing or collapsing.

If you prefer a lighter and more delicate sailboat, origami paper is a good choice. It is lightweight and easy to fold.

Last but not least, for water resistance, it is a good idea to use water-resistant paper or coat regular paper with a waterproof sealant. This protects the sailboat from becoming soggy or falling apart when it comes into contact with water.

When choosing the paper for your project, it is important to consider the size and complexity of the sailboat design, as well as your personal preferences. Feel free to experiment with different types of paper to find the one that works best for you. Enjoy the process of creating your paper sailboat and let your creativity set sail!

Other materials required for building a paper sailboat

To build a paper sailboat, you will need various materials in addition to paper. Here is a list of the other materials required for building a paper sailboat:

  • Scissors : Use scissors to cut the paper into the desired shapes.
  • Glue or tape : Secure different parts of the sailboat together.
  • Ruler : Use a ruler to measure and create precise folds and cuts.
  • Pencil or pen : Use a pencil or pen to mark positions for folding and cutting.
  • Decorative materials : Personalize the sailboat using markers, crayons, stickers, or other decorations.
  • Optional : If you want a sturdy base, you can use a small piece of cardboard or foam board.
  • Optional : If you plan to float the sailboat on water, you can use waterproofing materials like wax or clear nail polish.

It’s important to note that these materials are just suggestions. Feel free to be creative and use whatever materials you have available to build your paper sailboat.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Paper Sailboat

Looking to set sail on a creative adventure? Get ready to embark on a step-by-step journey to making your very own paper sailboat. We’ll start by folding the base, then move on to crafting the hull. Next, we’ll add the mast and sail, giving our paper creation that true sailor’s touch . And finally, we’ll let our imagination run wild as we decorate and personalize our paper sailboat, making it a unique vessel of our own. Get your scissors ready, because it’s time to make waves with paper!

Step 1: Folding the base of the sailboat

To fold the base of the sailboat, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with a square piece of paper.

Step 2: Place the paper in front of you with one corner pointing towards you.

Step 3: Fold the paper in half diagonally, bringing one corner to the opposite corner, and crease firmly.

Step 4: Unfold the paper and repeat the previous step with the other two corners, folding them to the opposite corners and creasing firmly.

Step 5: Next, fold the bottom corner up towards the center, aligning it with the middle crease.

Step 6: Fold the top corner down towards the center, overlapping the previous fold, and crease firmly.

Step 7: Flip the paper over and repeat steps 5 and 6 on the other side.

By following these steps, you have successfully folded the base of the sailboat. This forms the hull of the sailboat, providing stability for the rest of the construction process.

Step 2: Creating the hull of the sailboat

To create the hull of the sailboat, follow these steps:

Step 1: Take a rectangular piece of paper and place it in front of you.

Step 2: Fold the paper in half lengthwise, creating a center crease.

Step 3: Unfold the paper and fold the right and left edges towards the center crease.

Step 4: Flip the paper over and repeat the folding process on the other side, folding the right and left edges towards the center crease.

Step 5: Fold the bottom edge of the paper up towards the center, about two-thirds of the way.

Step 6: Flip the paper over and repeat the same folding process on the other side, folding the bottom edge up towards the center.

Step 7: Take the bottom corners of the paper and fold them towards the center, creating a triangular shape at the bottom of the hull.

Step 8: Flip the paper over and repeat the same folding process on the other side, folding the bottom corners towards the center.

Step 9: Gently push the sides of the hull inward, creating a more three-dimensional shape.

Step 10: Your paper sailboat hull is now complete!

Fact: The hull’s shape is crucial for the stability and maneuverability of the sailboat, enabling it to smoothly cut through the water and resist tipping over.

Step 3: Adding the mast and sail

Adding the mast and sail is a crucial step in building a paper sailboat. Follow these steps:

  • Take a 10-12 inch wooden or plastic dowel rod as the mast of your sailboat.
  • Insert one end of the dowel rod into the top of the folded triangle, ensuring it stands upright .
  • For step 3, create the sail by cutting a small square or rectangle out of decorative paper or fabric.
  • Attach the sail to the mast by gluing or taping one edge to the dowel rod.
  • Add extra decorations, like colorful patterns or stickers, to the sail or hull for customization .
  • Once the mast and sail are added, your paper sailboat is complete and ready to sail!

With the mast and sail in place, your paper sailboat is now ready to set sail and bring joy to your paper boat adventures.

Step 4: Decorate and personalize your paper sailboat

Step 4: Decorate and personalize your paper sailboat.

1. Choose colors: Use colorful markers, crayons, or colored pencils to add vibrant designs to your sailboat.

2. Add patterns and shapes: Use your artistic skills to draw patterns like stripes or polka dots, or add shapes such as stars or hearts to make your sailboat unique.

3. Write your name or initials: Personalize your sailboat by writing your name or initials on the hull or sail. This will make it easily identifiable and show ownership.

4. Decorate with stickers or washi tape: Enhance your paper sailboat’s appearance by adding stickers or washi tape with various designs, giving it an extra touch of style.

5. Use glitter or sequins: Add sparkle to your sailboat by gluing on glitter or sequins, creating a dazzling effect and making it stand out.

6. Experiment with different materials: Get creative and try using fabric, ribbons, or feathers to give your sailboat a unique texture or embellishment.

7. Apply a protective spray: If you plan to display or play with your sailboat outdoors, consider using a clear protective spray to prevent smudging or fading.

8. Show off your creation: Once you’ve finished decorating your paper sailboat, proudly display it on a shelf, use it as a centerpiece, or take it for a sail in a nearby water source.

I once decorated a paper sailboat with my younger brother for a school project. We used bright markers to draw colorful stripes and added our initials to the side. We incorporated stickers of sea creatures and small seashells. Our sailboat won the “ Most Creative ” award, and we were proud of our artistic efforts. It was a fun bonding experience that allowed us to express our creativity and showcase our unique style. Decorating and personalizing our paper sailboat made it feel special and added a personal touch to the project.

Tips and Tricks for Building a Sturdy Paper Sailboat

When constructing a sturdy paper sailboat, it’s important to follow these helpful tips and tricks:

  • Choose thick and durable paper such as construction paper or cardstock to ensure durability.
  • Begin by folding the paper in half lengthwise to create a strong foundation .
  • Achieve a pointed bow by folding the top corners of the paper down towards the center crease.
  • Fold the bottom of the paper up, meeting the bottom of the triangle formed.
  • Repeat the previous step on the opposite side for balance .
  • Fold the bottom corners of the paper upwards, meeting the centerline and forming a diamond shape .
  • To create a smaller triangle, fold the top point of the diamond downwards, meeting the bottom edge.
  • Repeat this process on the other side as well.

To enhance the sturdiness of the sailboat:

  • Apply glue or tape along the seams to securely hold them in place.
  • Smooth out any creases or wrinkles in the paper for a clean finish.
  • Allow the boat to fully dry before adding decorations or attempting to sail it.

By implementing these tips and tricks, you will construct a reliable paper sailboat that is ready to set sail!

Fun Activities and Games with Paper Sailboats

Get ready to set sail on a voyage of fun and excitement with paper sailboats ! In this section, we’ll delve into the world of entertaining activities and games you can enjoy with these nautical creations . From thrilling sailboat races to a variety of other games and activities, there’s something for everyone to dive into . So grab your scissors, fold your paper, and let the adventure begin!

How to have a sailboat race

To have a sailboat race with paper sailboats , follow these steps:

  • Prepare multiple paper sailboats using the step-by-step guide in the article.
  • Choose a suitable location with a body of water, such as a pond or a small pool .
  • Mark the starting and finishing points of the race.
  • Gather participants and assign each one a paper sailboat .
  • Ensure the sailboats are evenly spaced at the starting point.
  • Gently blow on the sails of the sailboats to create wind and start the race.
  • Encourage participants to use their breath or a small handheld fan to propel their sailboats forward.
  • Monitor the progress of the sailboats and announce the winner as the first to reach the finishing point.

Pro-tip: To add excitement to the race, create obstacles like floating objects for the sailboats to maneuver around. This will make the race more challenging and enjoyable for participants .

Remember, a sailboat race with paper sailboats is a fun and engaging activity that can be enjoyed by both children and adults .

Other games and activities to enjoy with paper sailboats

Did you know that paper sailboats are not only fun to make, but they can also teach important concepts about physics and engineering ? In addition to creating a paper sailboat fleet and racing them in a nearby stream or pool to observe which sailboat design sails the fastest and farthest, there are other games and activities you can enjoy with paper sailboats. One such game is “Sink the Sailboat.” You can set up targets in the water and use a water shooter to try and sink the paper sailboats . It’s a challenging game that adds an element of competition. Another activity is organizing a paper sailboat regatta . This involves holding a friendly competition among friends or family members to see who can navigate their sailboat through a course the fastest. It’s a great way to have fun and showcase your sailing skills. So, why not try out these other games and activities with your paper sailboats ? You’ll have a blast and learn a lot about physics and engineering at the same time.

Some Facts About How To Make A Sailboat Out Of Paper:

  • ✅ Making a sailboat out of paper is a popular craft activity enjoyed by both children and adults. (Source: Wikihow)
  • ✅ The process of making a paper sailboat involves various folding techniques to create a boat shape that can sail in water. (Source: Little Project)
  • ✅ Using regular printer paper is sufficient for making a paper sailboat, although origami paper can also be used for a more authentic look. (Source: National Geographic Kids)
  • ✅ It is recommended to reinforce the corners and bottom of the paper sailboat with clear tape to ensure its durability and water resistance. (Source: Nat Geo Kids)
  • ✅ Paper sailboats can be customized with colored paper, markers, pencil crayons, and stickers, allowing for creative personalization. (Source: One Little Project)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i make a sailboat out of paper using printer paper.

To make a sailboat out of paper using printer paper, follow these steps:

  • Fold a letter-sized piece of printer paper in half vertically.
  • Unfold the paper and fold it in half again, this time horizontally.
  • Flip the paper so that the fold is facing you, then fold down the top corners towards the middle, leaving space at the bottom.
  • Secure the folds by creasing along the edges.
  • Bring the bottom of the paper up and fold it against both sides, creating a paper hat shape.
  • Fold the bottom corners inward, wrapping them around the edges of the triangle.
  • Fold the bottom flaps around the edges of the triangle and back towards you.
  • Rotate the triangle 45 degrees to make it a square.
  • Open up the bottom of the triangle with your fingers to maintain the square shape.
  • Fold up the bottom flaps by aligning them with the top corners.
  • Rotate the square 45 degrees and open up the bottom again.
  • Pull out the triangles on the side of the square, creasing the bottom to strengthen the boat.
  • Float the paper boat in water and make adjustments to prevent sinking.

What kind of paper do I need to make a sailboat out of paper?

You can use regular printer paper, construction paper, or origami paper to make a sailboat out of paper. Using origami paper may make the folding slightly easier due to its thinner and more flexible nature. Waxed paper or aluminum foil can also be used to make a waterproof sailboat.

Can I put things in the paper boat?

Yes, you can put lightweight objects in the paper boat. Be mindful of the weight and size of the objects to prevent the boat from tipping over or sinking. Avoid putting too many heavy or large items in the paper boat as it may compromise its buoyancy.

How long will the paper boat float in water?

The paper boat will float in water for at least 10 minutes before becoming waterlogged. To make it last longer, you can reinforce the bottom of the boat with a layer of tape to make it more waterproof. Remember that the longevity of the paper boat in water will depend on various factors such as the type and quality of paper used and how well it is folded.

Can I customize the paper boat?

Yes, you can customize the paper boat to make it more visually appealing. You can use brightly colored paper, markers, pencil crayons, and stickers to decorate the boat. Let your creativity shine and make your paper boat unique.

Is making a paper boat a suitable activity for kids?

Yes, making a paper boat is a fun and easy craft project that is suitable for kids. It can be a great summer activity or a low-mess craft idea. It offers an introduction to origami and allows children to improve their fine motor skills and creativity. Adult supervision may be required for younger children, especially when using sharp tools or handling water.

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How to Fold an Origami Sail Boat

Last Updated: April 25, 2024

This article was co-authored by Robert Homayoon . Robert Homayoon is an Origami Expert known for his engaging YouTube videos and accessible instructions. He has been teaching origami on YouTube since 2009. His channel has a following of over 676,000 subscribers, and his videos have garnered over 211 million views. Robert uses his channel to highlight his passion for teaching people origami, crafts, and how to solve puzzles. He graduated from SUNY Albany in 2007 and earned his D.M.D degree from Temple University Dental School in 2013. This article has been viewed 63,228 times.

Origami is fun, and can be a boredom buster. Learn how to make a sailboat with origami.

Expert Q&A

Robert Homayoon

  • You can also use wax paper so it can float on water, or other liquids. Normal paper will get soggy. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Use colored paper to make it look creative. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't get discouraged if you mess up the first time. Nobody is perfect! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

paper sailboat instructions

  • Don't get paper cuts! Thanks Helpful 11 Not Helpful 3
  • Be careful while using scissors. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 4
  • Handle everything with care-or have an elder help you. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 5

Things You'll Need

  • 8 1/2 by 11 sheet copy paper
  • Wax paper (optional)
  • Scissors (for wax paper if needed)

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Expert Interview

paper sailboat instructions

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about origami, check out our in-depth interview with Robert Homayoon .

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Robert Homayoon

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Origami Way

Make a paper boat origami boat instructions and diagram.

Origami Boat

If you've always wanted to play with boats in the tub, but your parents wouldn't get one for you, don't worry. I will show you how to make an origami boat out of paper, and yes it floats...for a little bit, but it's still fun nonetheless. However, I heard that if you color the bottom of the boat with crayon, then it will float longer. Just be careful not to splash too much water on it!

Before we get into how to make an origami boat, let us first discuss where this paper folding originated and where it first appeared. If you're interested in the history of paper folding, continue reading to learn the fundamentals of origami.

Research studies say that origami was first invented about a thousand years ago by the Japanese, but its roots may well be in China. The term refers to the craft of paper folding. The word "origami" is an inclusive term for the folding process of paper. "Ori" means "folding," and "gami" means "paper." The objective of origami is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a fully completed piece of art through folding techniques and cutting methods.

How to Make a Paper Boat Float Longer?

If you're ready to make your paper boat origami, keep these tips in mind to ensure it will last a long time on the water. The most common is that if you color the bottom of the origami boat with crayons, it will float longer but not long enough to reach the finish line. Some people also say that to make the boat last longer when it is on water, try using foil paper or grease-proof paper.

How to Make a Paper Boat?

The origami boat is actually very simple to make. All you need is a rectangular piece of paper, so any 8.5x11 copy or lined paper will do. Then follow the instructions and pictures carefully and you'll be able to make your own origami boat that floats.

With the help of this simple step-by-step lesson, you can quickly and easily create the most well-known origami paper boat.

paper sailboat instructions

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We’ve done quite a few awesome origami tutorials for kids and each of them is a must make!

How to Make a Paper Boat Easy Origami Idea

I loved to make these as a kid (the exact same ones) and I loved to play with them even more – we would sail them in the bathtub, puddles and lakes and when possible even have boat races with other neighbourhood kids.

Origami For Kids - Paper Boats

This time though we took it a step further too see who can make the smallest origami boat – each time working with a smaller piece of paper (cutting the size of the paper to half each time) and I was genuinely surprised with the size of paper we have come down to – and too be honest we could probably do one even smaller if I’d have some tweezers at hand.

How to Make a Paper Boat

All you need is a sheet of paper letter sized or A4. Regular print paper is perfect for this project. Use as many colors as possible.

Paper Boat Folding Instructions

Start off with a sheet of paper and fold it in half downwards.

Fold in half again as shown on the second image (you don’t need to make the crease from top to bottom – you just need to mark the center).

Bring corners to the center so that you get a triangle shape with a rectangle under it.

Fold the rectangle part under the triangle upwards (as shown with the purple spots) – flip your origami and do the same on the other side.

Paper Boat

Grab the center of the triangle shape as indicated on the first image above with the red spot and pull both sides (holding the red spot) out. Flatten.

You’ll get the shape as shown on the second image above (ignore that red spot in the left bottom corner – I have no idea how that one came there haha).

Fold the front layer up (as shown with the green spot) flip the origami boat to be and do the same with the back layer. You’ll get a triangle shape.

Folding Instructions

Slowly pull the top parts outwards and you have your paper boat!

How to Make Paper Boats Tutorial - Origami for Kids

More cool origami for kids you can try:

Origami Christmas Tree

We’ve had a lot of fun creating this shark fortune teller – it’s fun to make and even more fun to play with. You should also give these origami frogs a try!

Paper Boats Tutorial - Origami for Kids

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Origami Guide

Origami Instructions – Learn How To Make Origami

How To Make An Origami Sail Boat

Page 1 of 4.

origami sail boat tutorial 00

Origami Sail Boat

Level: Easy

Copyright: Traditional ?

Time Needed: Approx. 5 Minutes

Tools: None

Supplies: 1 Sheet of Square Paper

Learn how to make a little origami sail boat made from 1 sheet of square paper.  This easy origami boat has 2 sails & can stand up, can be used as a place card at parties!

Origami Sail Boat Instructions

Scroll down to follow the photo tutorial for the Origami Sail Boat .

Made this origami? Leave a comment & submit your photo on the last page here .

1. This is the front of the paper, our origami boat will be this colour on the lower section.

1. This is the front of the paper, our origami boat will be this colour on the lower section.

2. This is the back of the origami paper, the sails will be this colour.

2. This is the back of the origami paper, the sails will be this colour.

3. Fold the bottom point up to the top point.

3. Fold the bottom point up to the top point.

4. Unfold the previous step.

4. Unfold the previous step.

5. Fold the right point over to the left point.

5. Fold the right point over to the left point.

6. Unfold the previous step.

6. Unfold the previous step.

7. Fold the right point over to the central point.

7. Fold the right point over to the central point.

8. Fold the left point over to the central point.

8. Fold the left point over to the central point.

Origami topics: Origami | Origami Instructions | How To Origami | How To Do Origami | Origami Folding | Origami Craft | Origami Tutorial | Origami Step By Step | Origami Lessons | How To Make Origami | Paper Origami | Simple Origami | Easy Origami | Origami For Kids | Origami For Children

What Origami Boats To Fold Next?

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paper sailboat instructions

SailingEurope Blog - Sailing, Yacht Charter and Beyond

Paper boat

How to Make a Paper Boat

We get tons of queries about how to make a paper boat. So this blog post is dedicated to teaching you how to make a boat out of paper. Following our simple step-by-step guide, you will have a floating paper boat in a flash.

In folding a paper boat you will make a step in Origami technique ; a creative and innovative world of paper formatting. Origami is the Japanese name for the art of paper folding, and it has now become a beloved art form for people around the world. Origami has a history; the first use of the word “Origami” in Japan was not for our familiar recreational paper folding, but certificates. In Japan, there is an expression, Origami Tsuki , meaning “certified” or “guaranteed”.

The phrase stems from an ancient custom of folding certain special documents – such as diplomas for Tea Ceremony masters , or masters of swordsmanship – in such a way as to prevent unauthorized copies from being made. However, nowadays origami represents a creative way of spending time and a hobby for both adults and children.

sailing holidays

How to Make a Paper Boat Step by Step

  • Start from a rectangle. Fold in half.

Paperboat instructions - Step 1

  • Fold in half again and unfold.

Paperboat instructions - Step 2

  • Fold to the center.

Paper boat instructions - Step 3

  • Fold the overlapping strip upwards.

Paper boat instructions - Step 4

  • Fold corners backwards. Turn over.

Paper boat instructions - Step 5

  • Fold strip upwards.

Paper boat instructions - Step 6

  • Fold triangle upwards. Repeat behind.

Paper boat instructions - Step 8

  • Open (like in the steps 7 and 8).

Paper boat instructions - Step 9

  • Take upper corners and stretch out.

Paper boat instructions - Step 10

  • Your boat is finished.

Paper boat instructions - Step 11

Now that we’ve taught how to make a paper boat, you’re ready to charter a yacht and enjoy some true sailing on a real boat. We hope you found these instructions useful. We would love to see your own made paper boats in the comments.

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paper sailboat instructions

Origami Boat - How to Make a Paper Boat That Actually Floats


Introduction: Origami Boat - How to Make a Paper Boat That Actually Floats

Origami Boat - How to Make a Paper Boat That Actually Floats

Learn how to make an origami boat by following our step-by-step instructions. Your kids will enjoy making and sailing their paper boats and watching them float in the sink or in the great outdoors!

An A4 piece of paper

paper sailboat instructions

Start off with a sheet of paper and fold it in half downwards.

Fold in half again as shown on the second image (you don’t need to make the crease from top to bottom – you just need to mark the center).

Fold the top right corner into the centre.

Fold the top left corner into the centre.

paper sailboat instructions

Fold the top layer of the bottom rectangle up

Flip your paper over and fold the bottom rectangle up.

Fold the 4 Side Corners Inward

Pick up the paper, holding the flat edge and with the pointed end facing down. Push the left and right side together to open the piece of paper into a diamond shape. Continue to push the opposite sides together until they are flat against each other and a diamond shape is made.

paper sailboat instructions

Fold the bottom point up to the top point on one side. 

Flip the paper over. Fold the bottom point up to the top point.

Pick up the piece of paper by the flat edge, with the pointed end facing down. Push the left and right ends of the paper together as before, to make a diamond shape. Press flat.

Pinch the top two points of the diamond and gently pull them apart. Use your thumb to press along the bottom edge.

paper sailboat instructions

Push the opposite end of your boat to give it shape and use your fingers to form a pyramid shape in the middle.

Your origami boat is now ready to sail! Bring it to the nearest pond. A puddle left over from the next big rain shower will also work fine.

paper sailboat instructions


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Making an Easy Origami Boat

paper sailboat instructions

The Spruce Crafts / Chrissy Pk

  • Total Time: 10 mins

Origami comes from the Japanese. The word means the art of folding paper. " Ori " means "folding," and  kami  means "paper." In modern usage, the word "origami" is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.

Learn how to make the most well-known origami boat with this quick and easy step-by-step tutorial. This origami boat can also float in water .

Watch Now: How to Make an Origami Boat

This origami boat is a great model to teach kids. It is similar to the origami hat that you make with newspaper. Also, origami can be a great math-related activity for kids as your child creates using geometry.

What You'll Need

  • 1 Rectangular sheet of paper


Make the first folds.

Start with your rectangular paper, orient it vertically, with the long edges going up and down. Fold the bottom half up to the top.Fold the bottom right corner over to the left corner and make a small pinch, just enough to crease the paper. Open it back up.

Create a Triangle Shape

Using the crease as a guide, fold the left and right bottom corners up and to the middle. Flatten the folded pieces down. Rotate the paper. Fold one layer from the bottom up along the bottom of the front flaps.

A Boat Begins to Take Shape

Flip the paper over to the other side. Fold the bottom edge up in the same way. Unfold, and then fold the bottom right corner in along the crease you made. Repeat on the bottom left flap.

Form the Bottom of the Boat

Re-fold the bottom edge back up. Open the bottom of the model. Look at the corners. Flatten and then insert the overlapping flap on the left underneath the right section.

Continue Folding

Fold one layer up to the top. Repeat on the back. Open the bottom of the model.

Finalize the Folds

Pull apart the left and right flaps. Flatten it out, in the shape of a boat. Open it slightly. The triangle in the middle resembles a sail.

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The Purple Yarn

How to make a paper boat (step-by-step instructions)

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I think everyone has made a paper boat at least once in their lifetime. Making paper boat is easy as we don’t need many materials to make it.

This is an origami craft, so all you need is a sheet of paper.

And this is a craft that every parent passes onto their kids, right?

Here is the step-by-step way to make a boat out of paper.

Materials required

A4 sheet / Letter size paper/Any rectangular paper

Step-by-step tutorial to make an easy paper boat for kids

how to make a paper boat step-by-step

a. Take an A4 sheet paper. Hold it horizontally as shown in the picture.

b. Fold it from left to right.

c. Make a crease.

d. Now, fold the paper from bottom to top.

how to make a paper boat step-by-step

e. Fold it well and make a crease.

how to make a paper boat step-by-step

f. Unfold the fold we just made in step d.

g&h. Now, fold the right corner towards the centre and make a crease.

i. Similarly, fold the left corner towards the centre.

how to make a paper boat easy

j. Flatten the folded pieces down and now you have the figure as shown in pic j.

k&l. Now, from the bottom, fold one layer upwards along the bottom of the folds we made in j.

m. Make a crease and flatten it well.

how to make a paper boat easy

n. Turn the figure over.

o. Now, like we did in the previous step, fold the bottom layer upwards.

p. Flatten the fold and make a crease again.

how to make a paper boat easy

q&r. Open the bottom of the figure.

s. After opening as shown in pic r, flatten the top corner to the bottom as you can see in pic s.

You can see that the edges of the paper boat are overlapping on each other.

t. Insert one edge into the other (see pic t).

how to make a paper boat for kids

u. You get the figure in u.

v. Now, fold the layer from bottom to the top as shown in pic v.

w. Flatten the fold.

x. Flip the paper over and fold the other layer too. You will get the triangle shape in x.

paper sailboat instructions

y. Open the bottom of the figure again by pulling the flaps apart.

z. Flatten it out and you will get a diamond shape now.

aa. Open the figure by pulling the sides apart from the top to get the shape of the boat.

ab. Flatten it out an open again and your paper boat is ready.

how to build a paper boat

In case you have any doubt regarding any step, feel free to watch the step-by-step video tutorial below. Please make sure you also  subscribe to our Youtube channel  to get more craft ideas for kids every week. 

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Video tutorial to make a paper boat

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  • How to make an easy and beautiful paper flower
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  • Experiments

How To Make An Easy Origami Paper Boat

  • Paper Art Videos

When I as a kid, I used to make paper boats during the rains and float them in a large puddle that collected outside my grandmother’s place. The basic origami boat is another model that many children come across and we forget as adults. Let’s float back down memory lane.

The basic paper boat requires a rectangular sheet of paper, so if you’re using square origami paper, cut off a strip to make it rectangular.

Like most basic models, this is very forgiving and you can get away with using almost any sort of paper. If you plan on actually floating it in water, however, paper that’s too thin will not last very long, so keep that in mind.


Step 01 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

To begin, keep the rectangle in portrait format in front of you, i.e. laid tall rather than wide. Fold the paper down in half, making it half as tall.

Step 02 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Next you should fold it in half again along the width of the sheet. That’s 4 layers of paper, so be careful to make a neat crease.

Step 03 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Open up the last fold and now fold down one half of the top folded edge down towards the central crease. It will form a triangle like this.

Step 04 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Mirror the same fold on the other half and you’ll create this peak or point at the top of your paper.

Step 05 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

The model now has two loose layers of paper towards the bottom. Lift the top layer and fold it upwards. Turn the model over and do the same with the bottom flap of the paper again.

Step 06 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

The model is now almost a perfect triangle except for these extra corners at the bottom. Fold the extra bits over the sides of the thick triangle, and repeat from the other side. Now you have a perfect triangle with a hollow bit at the bottom.

Step 07 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Open up the hollow gap and bring the two side corners of the triangle flat together like this. Fold the rest of it flat to form this small square.

Step 08 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

The square still has a hollow area inside and one end has two free corners. Fold one of them to the opposite corner like this to form a smaller triangular shape.

Step 09 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Turn the model over and repeat with the remaining free corner.

Step 10 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

You now have a smaller triangle with a hollow area inside. Like before, open this up and fold it flat into a smaller square.

Step 11 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

The top end now has two loose triangular corners like you can see here. Pull those apart, and fold the base of the boat flat.

Step 12 - Origami Boat - paper boat steps

Open up the boat model and it should look like this with a triangular shape sticking out from the middle.

That triangular shape is hollow and can be opened up from the bottom. Pull it apart a little to make the boat more stable, It will also help it float on water without tipping over.

Your boat is done. Try it out!

P.S. Please subscribe to Papernautic on YouTube to keep track of the latest videos and tutorials.


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    Finalize the Folds. Pull apart the left and right flaps. Flatten it out, in the shape of a boat. Open it slightly. The triangle in the middle resembles a sail. Make the most well-known origami boat at home. This paper boat can float in water and is a perfect project for kids.

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    x. Flip the paper over and fold the other layer too. You will get the triangle shape in x. y. Open the bottom of the figure again by pulling the flaps apart. z. Flatten it out and you will get a diamond shape now. aa. Open the figure by pulling the sides apart from the top to get the shape of the boat.

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