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What is a Wharram Catamaran? (An In-depth Look)

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Have you ever wondered what a Wharram Catamaran is? A catamaran is a type of sailboat that is unique in its design, stability, and overall performance.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the Wharram Catamaran, from its history and design features to its popularity, benefits of owning, constructing, and maintenance.

We will also explore the joys of sailing a Wharram Catamaran.

Whether youre an experienced sailor or just starting out, learning about the Wharram Catamaran can be a great way to expand your sailing knowledge.

So, lets take a closer look at the Wharram Catamaran and find out why its so popular among sailors.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

A Wharram catamaran is a type of sailboat designed by British naval architect James Wharram.

It is a double-hulled sailing vessel, with two equal-sized hulls connected by a central platform.

Wharram catamarans are renowned for their seaworthiness and ease of construction, and are popular with amateur and professional sailors alike.

They are often used for leisure sailing and racing, as well as for chartering and cruising.

History of the Wharram Catamaran

The Wharram catamaran is a type of sailboat designed by husband and wife James and Anne Wharram in the 1950s.

The design was developed over many years, and soon gained popularity among amateur boat builders due to its simple construction and low maintenance requirements.

The hulls of the Wharram catamaran are typically made of plywood, but can also be made with more durable materials such as fiberglass.

The Wharram catamaran is renowned for its stability and speed, making it an ideal recreational vessel.

It is also a popular choice for long-distance sailing, as it provides plenty of storage space and can easily accommodate multiple passengers.

The design is also well-suited to short trip cruising, allowing it to be used for day sailing and weekend trips.

The Wharram catamaran design has been popular throughout the world, and has been used for recreational sailing, ocean racing, and even long-distance voyages.

The catamarans have been used to cross the Atlantic Ocean, sail around the world, and even circumnavigate the globe.

The Wharram catamaran design has stood the test of time, and is still popular today.

It is a great choice for novice and experienced sailors alike, offering a stable and reliable platform for enjoying the ocean.

Design Features of the Wharram Catamaran

catamaran wharram occasion

The Wharram catamaran is a special type of sailing vessel designed by the legendary boat-building couple, James and Anne Wharram.

It is a two-hulled vessel, typically made of plywood, which makes it both lightweight and strong.

This design is popular among amateur boat builders because it is relatively easy to construct and maintain compared to other sailboats.

It is also renowned for its stability and speed, making it an ideal recreational vessel.

The Wharram catamaran was designed with a number of features that make it an excellent choice for long-distance sailing.

It has a wide beam, allowing for plenty of storage space and easy accommodation for multiple passengers.

It also has a shallow draft, which helps it move quickly and efficiently through the water.

Additionally, its two-hulled design helps to reduce the amount of drag while sailing, allowing it to move more quickly through the water.

The Wharram catamaran also features a self-bailing deck, which helps to keep the interior of the boat dry during rough seas.

Furthermore, its two-hulled design also helps it to be more resistant to waves, making it a safer choice for sailing in choppy waters.

Additionally, the Wharram catamaran is also equipped with a large sail area, which helps it to move quickly and efficiently through the water.

Overall, the Wharram catamaran is an excellent choice for sailing, whether you are an amateur or an experienced sailor.

Its design features make it both lightweight and strong, and its stability and speed make it an ideal recreational vessel.

It is also a great choice for long-distance sailing due to its large storage space and ability to accommodate multiple passengers.

Popularity of the Wharram Catamaran

The Wharram catamaran has long been a popular choice for recreational sailing and long-distance cruising.

The design is renowned for its stability and speed, making it an ideal vessel for both novice and experienced sailors.

The two-hull design, made of lightweight yet strong plywood, makes it easy to construct and maintain, making it particularly attractive to amateur boat builders.

The Wharram catamaran has also become popular among long-distance cruisers due to its spacious interior and ease of maneuverability.

The large storage capacity, combined with a shallow draft and a wide beam that allows it to ride over waves with ease, makes it ideal for extended voyages.

The catamaran’s two hulls also provide a stable platform that allows passengers to move around freely without fear of capsizing.

The Wharram catamaran is also a popular choice for competitive sailing.

The shallow draft and wide beam make it easy to maneuver, while the two hulls provide excellent stability and speed.

The lightweight build of the Wharram catamaran also makes it easier to transport and store, making it a popular choice for competitive racers.

In addition to recreational sailing and competitive racing, the Wharram catamaran is also a popular choice for chartering.

The spacious interior, combined with the shallow draft and wide beam, makes it easy to navigate in shallow waters and provides plenty of space for passengers and crew.

The stability of the two hulls also makes it an ideal vessel for fishing, diving, and other water-based activities.

Overall, the Wharram catamaran is an attractive choice for a variety of water-based activities.

Its lightweight build, combined with its stability and speed, makes it ideal for recreational sailing, competitive racing, and long-distance cruising.

Its design also makes it easy to construct and maintain, making it a popular choice for amateur boat builders.

With its spacious interior and shallow draft, the Wharram catamaran is an excellent choice for a variety of water-based activities.

Benefits of Owning a Wharram Catamaran

catamaran wharram occasion

Owning a Wharram catamaran has many advantages.

The most significant is that the design is relatively easy to construct and maintain, making it a great option for amateur boat builders.

It is also lightweight yet strong, making it an ideal choice for long-distance sailing.

The two-hulled design also makes the vessel incredibly stable, allowing it to handle any type of water conditions.

Additionally, the Wharram catamaran has plenty of storage space, enabling it to accommodate multiple passengers and their gear.

Its speed and agility make it an ideal recreational vessel, and it is renowned for its performance in both calm and rough waters.

The Wharram design also has excellent fuel efficiency, making it an economical choice for those looking to save money on fuel costs.

Finally, the boat is incredibly durable, allowing it to withstand wear and tear over time without any major repairs.

Constructing a Wharram Catamaran

Constructing a Wharram catamaran is a great way to get into boatbuilding and sailing.

The design of this type of vessel is relatively simple, and it can be constructed with a few basic tools and supplies.

The most common material used for a Wharram catamaran is plywood, which is both lightweight and strong.

Plywood is also relatively inexpensive and easy to work with, making it a great option for amateur boatbuilders.

The typical Wharram catamaran is constructed with three main parts: the hulls, the deck, and the rig. The two hulls are made from plywood and are connected by beams, which provide stability and strength. The deck is then attached to the hulls and the rig is attached to the deck. The rig, which consists of a mast, sails, and rigging, is what propels the boat.

When constructing a Wharram catamaran, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and use the proper techniques.

This type of vessel requires a certain amount of precision in order to ensure that it is seaworthy and safe.

Once the construction is complete, it is important to properly maintain the vessel to ensure that it is in good condition and ready for use.

Maintenance of a Wharram Catamaran

catamaran wharram occasion

When it comes to maintaining a Wharram Catamaran, it is important to remember that these vessels are made of plywood, making them lightweight yet strong.

This means that regular inspection and maintenance is vital in order to keep the vessel in good condition and to ensure its longevity.

The most important aspect of maintenance is to inspect the hulls regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

This includes checking for any cracks, splits, or damage to the hulls and ensuring that any repairs are made as soon as possible.

It is also important to check the hulls for signs of moisture, as this can lead to rot and other issues if left unchecked.

The rig should also be checked regularly for any signs of wear and tear.

This includes checking the sails for any tears, checking the rigging for any fraying, and ensuring that all of the lines are in good condition.

It is also important to inspect the deck for any signs of damage or wear, as this is one of the most vulnerable parts of the vessel.

In addition to regular inspections and maintenance, it is important to ensure that the catamaran is stored properly when not in use.

This means keeping it in a dry place and out of direct sunlight, as this can cause damage to the hulls.

It is also important to ensure that the vessel is secured properly when not in use, as this can help to prevent theft or damage.

By following these simple maintenance tips, it is possible to ensure that your Wharram Catamaran remains in good condition for years to come.

Regular inspections and maintenance will help to ensure that the vessel is ready to go whenever you need it, allowing you to enjoy it for many years to come.

Sailing a Wharram Catamaran

Sailing a Wharram Catamaran can be a thrilling and exciting experience.

The vessels two-hulled design and lightweight construction make it incredibly stable and fast, allowing for a smooth and enjoyable ride.

The Wharram design is especially popular among amateur boat builders as it is relatively easy to construct and maintain.

Wharram catamarans also provide plenty of storage space and can easily accommodate multiple passengers, making them a popular choice for long-distance sailing.

This is especially true for smaller catamarans, which are capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 knots and making them great for weekend cruises or extended trips.

When sailing a Wharram Catamaran the most important thing to remember is to maintain balance between the hulls and to keep the center of gravity low.

This will help keep the vessel stable and ensure that it is able to handle any rough seas.

Additionally, the catamaran should be fitted with the appropriate safety equipment, such as life jackets, flares, and a first aid kit, to ensure that everyone onboard is safe and prepared in case of an emergency.

Overall, sailing a Wharram Catamaran can be a rewarding experience.

With its lightweight construction and stability, it is an ideal vessel for both recreational and long-distance sailing.

With the proper safety equipment and preparations, sailing a Wharram Catamaran can be a fun and safe way to explore the open waters.

Final Thoughts

The Wharram catamaran is an incredible vessel that offers unparalleled stability, speed, and storage space.

It is a favorite among amateur builders because of its ease of construction and maintenance, and can easily accommodate multiple passengers for long-distance sailing.

Whether you are looking for a recreational vessel or an ocean-going adventure, a Wharram catamaran is a great choice.

If you are considering building one yourself, the Wharram website provides helpful resources such as design guides, plans, and instructions.

With the right knowledge and resources, you can set sail in a beautiful and reliable sailing vessel of your own.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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James Wharram: life and legacy of the iconic designer

Yachting World

  • January 29, 2024

Julien Girardot meets Hanneke Boon in Cornwall to discover the legend and legacy of pioneering catamaran designer James Wharram

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Falmouth, Cornwall, 1955: a legend is born along Customs House Quay. A smartly dressed young man with wild, curly hair has launched a 23ft catamaran, built in just a few months for the modest sum of £200 (the equivalent of around £6,500 today).

Rigged as a ketch with battened junk sails, the aptly named Tangaroa (meaning ‘God of the Sea’ in Polynesian) marked the beginning of the epic Wharram story.

At the time, catamarans were considered dangerous and eccentric, while yachting was a pastime largely reserved for high society. But sailing already has other visionaries. On the deck of Tangaroa, beside James, are two young women: Jutta Schulze-Rhonhof and Ruth Merseburger. In puritanical post-war England, setting off to cross the Atlantic with two young women – and German ones at that – was downright shocking! But these three young people care not a jot about conventional thinking. They dream of adventure and their enterprise is an act of defiance.

For years James Wharram has nurtured a passion for the history of sailing pioneers and the ethnic origins of the multihull. Devouring every book on the subject he could lay his hands on, he discovered the story of Joshua Slocum, the first solo circumnavigator (1895-1898), and the voyage of Kaimiloa by the Frenchman Eric de Bisschop. The tale, published in English in 1940, of de Bisschop’s attempt to prove the seaworthiness of double canoes by making a voyage from Hawaii to France on a catamaran he had built on the beach, became Wharram’s primary source of inspiration.

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Riding out the storm: James Wharram at the helm of Tangaroa in Biscay in 1955. Photo: Julien Girardot

Wharram disagreed with many assumptions of the time, and his first Atlantic crossing was an opportunity to refute Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on the settlement of the Pacific islands. Wharram contested the assertion of the Danish anthropologist who, after his voyage aboard the Kon-Tiki in 1947, affirmed that the boats used were simple rafts. Wharram was convinced that the boats were more akin to double canoes with sails, capable of going upwind and holding a course. These early multihulls, consisting of two hollowed-out tree trunks, were connected by crossbeams bound together with plant fibre. The sails were probably made from what is known as ‘tapa’ in Polynesia, hammered tree bark, which was also used to make clothes.

The three young adventurers left Falmouth on 27 September 1955 on a boat loaded with books, basic foods, and very little else. Despite a fraught passage, encountering storms in the Bay of Biscay and being suspected of being spies by Franco’s Guardia Civil, the trio successfully crossed the Atlantic and reached the island of Trinidad on 2 February 1957.

Without a penny to their name, they adopted a simple island life, and Jutta gave birth to her and James’ first child, Hannes. The unconventional polyamorous family lived aboard a raft inspired by the floating dwellings of the Pacific, nicknamed ‘the paradise island of the South Seas’. Tangaroa, now tired, was abandoned, as Wharram decided to build a new catamaran. By chance, two solo sailors came to anchor in the bay where the Wharram tribe lived afloat, and the legendary Bernard Moitessier and Henry Wakelam helped Wharram build his new design, Rongo.

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Wharram, Merseburger and Schulze-Rhonhof aboard Tangaroa in Falmouth, 1955, before their Atlantic crossing. Photo: Julien Girardot

Thanks to the experience of his first transatlantic voyage, as well as knowledge gathered from Wharram’s endless reading, Rongo was much more accomplished. While Tangaroa was flat-bottomed, Rongo has V-hulls. To prove the design’s seaworthy qualities, Wharram decided to tackle the North Atlantic, sailing from west to east with his two companions. This route was known to strike fear into the hearts of multihull sailors of the time, as the two previous attempts had tragically ended in two deaths.

The crew left La Martinique for New York on 16 April 1959, one year after Rongo’s construction began. The return voyage to Conwy in Wales took 50 days, but the gamble paid off, and Wharram’s new design was the first to achieve what many thought impossible. The curly-haired eccentric became something of a celebrity, and following his great Atlantic adventure, James published his first book, Two girls, Two Catamarans. The years that followed were Wharram’s golden age, with plans released to suit every budget and every dream. Soon there were Wharram designs all over the world, connected by a powerful community spirit.

Drawing a Wharram

My own journey to this remote corner of Cornwall began decades before. After 15 years of travelling the world, inventing and reinventing my life, including many years living in the Pacific islands, I felt the need to capture these experiences by creating the boat of my dreams.

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Illustrations inspired by a visit to the Wharram design office in Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

While living in Tuamotu, I was involved in several incredible projects to build traditional sailing canoes under the directive of talented local Tahitian boatbuilder, Alexandre Genton (now chief of operations at Blue Composite shipyard in Tahiti). At first we launched small single-seat sailing canoes with two outrigger floats. These are the simplest way to sail: a sheet in one hand, a paddle in the other, which you plunge over the side of the canoe into the water, and it makes a perfect rudder. Then we built a larger version, Va’a Motu, for a hotel in Bora Bora, of splendid stripped kauri planking. Finally, we worked with the local population to build an ambitious 30ft Va’a Motu with a single ama, on the atoll of Fakarava in the Tuamotu archipelago.

Curiously, after many experimental trials at building and sailing canoes, my imagined ideal yacht turned out to be something very close to a Wharram design, which I learned as soon as I shared my first cautious sketches with friends. I realised I had to meet James Wharram.

In October 2021, I dialled the number of JW Designs. A woman answered; James’ long-term life and business partner Hanneke Boon. I tell her my ideas to build from one of their plans: the Islander 39. We began an email exchange and when I asked her what James thought of this model, in November 2021, less than a month before he died, she replied: “James is enthusiastic about your project. He’s now 93 years old and nearing the end of his life.

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The Pahi 63 Spirit of Gaia which Wharram and Boon sailed around the world. Image: Benjamin Flao

“He has been looking at the Islander 39 design for several years and often says, ‘I wish I had one myself.’ It’s the only Wharram design that has never been built, so your project is a wish come true for him.”

On 14 December 2021, James Wharram passed away. Out of respect for the bereavement, and due to Covid-related travel restrictions, we decided to postpone our meeting. Some months later on a beautiful spring afternoon, I landed in Plymouth with my friend and artist Benjamin Flao, himself the owner of a Wharram-designed Tiki 28, and headed for Devoran near Truro in Cornwall, the stronghold of the Wharram family.

Hanneke welcomes us into her office. It is a beautiful wooden cabin, warm and bright, overlooking the changing lights of Cornwall. The place looks like a museum telling the story of a life of travel and passion through yacht models, photographs and unusual objects. James is there, you can feel it. A glance at the shelves of the library shows an impressive array of rare and precious books, mostly dealing with navigation and shipbuilding in Oceania, and demonstrates the seriousness with which Wharram and Boon studied the history and technicality of ‘double canoes’.

“I’d like our boats to be called double canoes and not catamarans, which I think is a mistake,” Hanneke explains. The word catamaran, originally pronounced ‘catamaron’, comes from the Tamil dialect of katta ‘to bind’ and maram ‘wood’, as they were actually one-man rafts used to work on the outer hull of ships. The English pirate and adventurer William Dampier, in the 1690s, was the first to describe a two-hulled vessel as a catamaran, but although catamarans might be the commonly accepted word nowadays, it’s actually a mistake.

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oon unfolds the plans of the Islander 39, the only Wharram design that has never been built. Many plans were hand-drawn by Boon. Photo: Julien Girardot

Hanneke unfolds the Islander 39 plan on her drawing board. Like all Wharram plans for half a century, it has been marked with her signature. Despite this unique pencil stroke, she has remained in the shadow of Wharram’s mythology for 50 years. Since 1970, Boon has drawn the majority of the construction plans by hand. They’re works of art and the best way to imagine yourself aboard a Wharram. Without her, JW Designs would not be what it is.

Originally from the Netherlands, Boon grew up in a family of sailing enthusiasts. By the age of 14 she was already building small canoes and at the age of 20 she joined the Wharram team and quickly became his co-designer. They criss-crossed the Atlantic twice in quick succession aboard Tehini, the crab claw-rigged double canoe on which James and several women lived for 10 years. Since then, Hanneke has escaped from her office whenever she can to sail thousands of miles on all the seas of the world, always using a double canoe.

Those radical vessels included the Spirit of Gaia, also built on site, through a sliding door next to Hanneke’s office. It was aboard this 63ft Pahi, Wharram’s flagship, that the Wharrams sailed around the world from 1994 to 1998. James described Spirit of Gaia as “a beautifully shaped woman he was in love with”.

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Boon’s design office is adjacent to the Wharram HQ in Devoran and looks out over one of the River Fal’s many creeks. Photo: Julien Girardot

In Wharram’s wake

James and Hanneke’s home is a former veterinary surgery. The furnishings are basic, with only the essentials, but the doors close by themselves, thanks to an ingenious system of weights, ropes and pulleys. Benjamin and I offer to shop and cook, and in the living room, we put the dishes down and eat on the floor, like on the deck of a Wharram.

Jamie, James and Hanneke’s son, joins us for the meal with his partner Liz. “James has remained the icon of the business, but it’s really Hanneke who has been doing the job for the last 10 years. She is JW Designs,” confides Liz.

Jamie is at first more subdued, but talking to him you soon discover a true character. Given the world he grew up in, it’s surprising to learn that sailing is not really his thing: “I get bored quickly at sea and I’m sick most of the time! I prefer to be underwater. Above the line is not my thing.

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Evocative illustration of the Wharram workshop in Devoran, Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

“I do like the calmness of the ocean though, that parenthesis effect, detached from our hectic lives on land. In fact, I think the best thing about sailing is remembering long voyages, not making them,” Jamie jokes.

But he is keen to preserve Wharram’s legacy and the couple are thinking ahead to when Hanneke can no longer hold the fort. “As long as Hanneke is alive, the business will be run in her own way. But it’s certain that something will be put in place to enable people to continue to acquire the building plans, at the very least, this service will remain guaranteed.”

Back in the office next door, Nicki John answers clients and sends plans around the world. She’s only been with JWD for a couple of years, but that’s long enough for her to fall in love with the company’s story.

“One of the things I loved about James was that he came in every day. He’d knock on the door and jokingly ask, ‘Do you have time for some gossip?’ And then he’d tell me all sorts of stories. His travels, the women he had shared his life with, it was fascinating. When he was 18, he hitchhiked to Europe, smuggling coffee on the black market to finance his adventures. James’ story is just phenomenal.

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Mana 24 is available as a CNC-cut self-build kit boat. Photo: Julien Girardot

“One day James came in, took out a plan, unfolded it as he sat down, and said, ‘Aren’t they beautiful?’ James was deeply convinced of Hanneke’s talent. He never stopped admiring her,” Nicki says fondly.

The community Wharram fosters is unique. Nicki shows us a photo that defines the ‘Wharram spirit’, of the hull of a Wharram being lifted out of the second floor window of a home in England. With no shed to build their Wharram design, they decided to use their living room as a boatyard. “This picture shows that if you really want to build a Wharram, you can do it anywhere,” says Nicki, “During Covid, we sold a lot more plans. Confined, people dreamed of freedom and took time to figure out how they wanted to live their lives.”

Now it’s Hanneke’s turn to shine as the head of JWD. In contrast to the technologically-led path that sailing often follows, James and Hanneke’s ‘low tech’ approach drives those who follow it to reconnect with past knowledge, practices, and philosophical approaches to our relationship with the world and the way we live in it.

Their love of minimalism is also at odds with many trends in modern yachting, but it brings its own luxury. The joy of not having too much of anything allows you to make room for the essentials, and for the beauty that surrounds you.

My dream of building Wharram’s unfulfilled plan, the Islander 39, remains. I’m in no hurry. Like the libertarian vision of James Wharram, it endures.

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Brand: Wharram

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Wharram catamarans are known as strong, seaworthy and simple (…keep it simple, stupid!). Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. Designs from 14’ – 63’ are available for self-building in ply/epoxy.

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There are no catamarans currently for sale of this brand.

Please see our catamarans for sale page for a full listing of other currently available models.

  • Multicoques

WHARRAM MK IV Multicoques Madagascar


WHARRAM NARAI MK IV : Robustes, simples et très marins, les catamarans Wharram naviguent un peu partout dans le monde. Ces bateaux originaux répondent à une véritable philosophie de la mer, leurs propriétaires forment une communauté soudée. travaux réalisés courant 2020 : état extérieur, quille, safran, pont, cockpit et peinture. (par un pro) travaux a prévoir. liste et devis sur demande. Possible de faire les travaux avant livraison. Pour plus d'infos, photos, visio, n'hésiter pas a nous contacter. QUENTIN: 00261327916308

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James Wharram Designs

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The Pahi 42 is a good size for family long distance cruising. The deck pod was a new venture for James Wharram Designs in 1980. Not only does it provide shelter for the steering/watch crew, but a sleeping cabin for the skipper or navigator to be on instant call and has been appreciated by the many builders.

catamaran wharram occasion


  1. 1994 Wharram Pahi 42 Catamaran for sale

    catamaran wharram occasion


    catamaran wharram occasion

  3. Used Wharram Tiki 46 for Sale

    catamaran wharram occasion

  4. 2015 Used Wharram Ariki Catamaran Sailboat For Sale

    catamaran wharram occasion

  5. 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran Catamaran for sale

    catamaran wharram occasion

  6. Troc Echange TIKI 21 voilier catamaran WHARRAM sur France-Troc.com

    catamaran wharram occasion



  2. Wharram Tehini

  3. wharram hinemoa catamaran

  4. TikiRio

  5. Ep41 Building a Wharram Tiki 21 4K

  6. Wharram Tane sailing


  1. Wharram boats for sale

    Find Wharram boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Wharram boats to choose from. ... 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. US$199,000. ↓ Price Drop. US $1,572/mo. Triton Yacht Sales and Service, LLC. | New Bern, North Carolina. Request Info; New Arrival; 2016 Wharram Tiki 46. US$190,213. US ...

  2. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale

    2016 Wharram Tiki 38. US$108,933. US $860/mo. De Valk Yacht Brokers | Antibes, 06 - Alpes-Maritimes. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price.

  3. Wharram Cats

    Classic Wharrams For Sale. Current list of Tiki's for sale. Tiki 38 Ply/Epoxy Pro built, fantastic Asking €140,000 View Details. ST 39 "T38 style" Ply/Epoxy One of only 2, in UK Asking £62,000 View Details. Tiki 38 Ply/Epoxy Almost new, in Spain Reduced to €89,995 View Details. Tiki 38 Ply/Epoxy Recent build Reduced to US$105,000 View Details.

  4. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale in United States

    2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. US$199,000. ↓ Price Drop. US $1,572/mo. Triton Yacht Sales and Service, LLC. | New Bern, North Carolina. Request Info < 1 > * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those ...

  5. Wharram sailboats for sale by owner.

    Wharram preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Wharram used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 27' Stiletto Stiletto SE Catamaran Friendship, Wisconsin Asking $19,900. 42' Pearson 424 Green Cove Springs, Florida Asking $59,950. 28.5' Hunter Au Gres, Michigan Asking $12,500.

  6. James Wharram Designs

    Affordable. Building your own boat with Wharram Designs is the easiest and most cost effective way to fulfil your sailing dreams. Wharram Self-build boat plans start from only £120. Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. They are renowned for their seaworthiness, stability ...

  7. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale

    2016 Wharram Tiki 38. £85,673. De Valk Yacht Brokers | Antibes, 06 - Alpes-Maritimes. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of ...

  8. Wharram boats for sale

    Wharram boats for sale on YachtWorld are listed for a range of prices from £108,796 on the relatively lower-priced models, with costs up to £199,000 for the most advanced and biggest yachts in the world. Which Wharram model is the best? Some of the most widely-known Wharram models presently listed include the Ariki Catamaran, Tiki 38 and Tiki 46.

  9. Catamarans et trimarans Wharram à vendre

    Boats Group ne garantit pas l'exactitude des taux de conversion et les taux peuvent différer de ceux fournis par les institutions financières au moment de la transaction. Trouvez des catamarans et trimarans Wharram en vente sur YachtWorld. Une vaste gamme de bateaux d'occasion privés et de concessionnaires à vendre près de chez vous.

  10. Catamarans Wharram for sale

    DailyBoats.com offers a selection of catamarans Wharram for sale , with prices ranging from £16,149 for basic models to £317,037 for the most expensive. These yachts come in a range of sizes, ranging from 27.99 ft to 55.12 ft, with the oldest one built in 1979. This page showcases Wharram boats located in Germany, Australia, United States of ...

  11. Wharram Bateaux en vente

    Wharram Ariki Catamaran . New Bern, North Carolina, États-Unis. 2015. €183 072 ... Occasion Wharram 5 Bateaux. Votre recherche Ré-initialiser les filtres. Marque: Wharram Filtrer par. Condition Neufs - Tous (1) Tous en stock -Neufs et d'occasion (6) Occasion (5) Type de bateau Voile (6)

  12. What is a Wharram Catamaran? (An In-depth Look)

    The Wharram catamaran is also a popular choice for competitive sailing. The shallow draft and wide beam make it easy to maneuver, while the two hulls provide excellent stability and speed. The lightweight build of the Wharram catamaran also makes it easier to transport and store, making it a popular choice for competitive racers.

  13. Catamaran Man: James Wharram

    On occasion, he was disappointed by the standard of the debate, and I can well imagine the moderator struggling to keep this belligerent, opinionated Englishman in check. American sailors have remained staunch supporters of Wharram, responsible for around a third of all orders.

  14. James Wharram: life and legacy of the iconic designer

    Falmouth, Cornwall, 1955: a legend is born along Customs House Quay. A smartly dressed young man with wild, curly hair has launched a 23ft catamaran, built in just a few months for the modest sum ...

  15. Sail Wharram boats for sale

    Find Sail Wharram boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Wharram boats to choose from. ... 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. US$199,000. ↓ Price Drop. US $1,572/mo. Triton Yacht Sales and Service, LLC. | New Bern, North Carolina. Request Info; New Arrival; 2016 Wharram Tiki 46. US$189,325. US ...

  16. Wharram Catamarans For Sale

    Brand: Wharram. Brand: Wharram. Wharram catamarans are known as strong, seaworthy and simple (…keep it simple, stupid!). Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. Designs from 14' - 63' are available for self-building in ply/epoxy. Wharram 38 Tiki.

  17. Pahi 31

    The original Pahi 31 rig is a Bermudan cutter, with low cut, anti-twist, loose footed mainsail, but now she is also available with the Wharram Wingsail Rig, giving more clear centre deck space as the mast is placed further forward. The first of the Pahis, designed in 1979 after the building of a 35ft prototype, which successfully sailed the ...

  18. Bateaux Wharram à vendre

    Wharram Tiki 46 1 annonce. Trouvez des Wharram à vendre près de chez vous, y compris des bateaux neufs et d'occasion, des prix de bateaux, des photos et plus encore. Localisez les concessionnaires de bateaux et trouvez votre bateau sur YachtWorld.

  19. Tangaroa Mk IV

    The Tangaroa Mk IV was a design that evolved from the Tangaroa Mk I, James' first design for which he drew Self-building Plans in 1965. The Mk IV has more graceful hull lines, wider hull beam, more freeboard over the bunks and a longer cabin with standing headroom, so is not to be mistaken for the Tangaroa Mk I of which many are still sailing.

  20. 2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran Catamaran for sale

    2015 Wharram Ariki Catamaran. Price reduced. Motivated seller. Introducing BAZINGA, a custom, open concept Wharram Ariki catamaran built as if money were no object. Her sensuous lines stop traffic. She is the perfect yacht for sailors who like the open concept catamaran design, and who want to cruise with speed, stability, and comfort in rough ...

  21. James Wharram Sailed Across the Atlantic on a Home-built Catamaran

    Original: Sep 16, 2016. James Wharram was convinced his home-built Polynesian-style cat was capable of crossing an ocean. A great pioneer of multihull voyaging, James Wharram sailed from Las Palmas toward Trinidad two days before Christmas 1955. His crew consisted of two girls, Ruth and Jutta, and Pepe the dog.


    WHARRAM NARAI MK IV : Robustes, simples et très marins, les catamarans Wharram naviguent un peu partout dans le monde. Ces bateaux originaux répondent à une véritable philosophie de la mer, leurs propriétaires forment une communauté soudée. travaux réalisés courant 2020 : état extérieur, quille, safran, pont, cockpit et peinture.

  23. Pahi 42

    The Pahi 42 is a good size for family long distance cruising. The deck pod was a new venture for James Wharram Designs in 1980. Not only does it provide shelter for the steering/watch crew, but a sleeping cabin for the skipper or navigator to be on instant call and has been appreciated by the many builders. Pahi 42 Building Plans Pahi 42 Study Plan Pahi 42 Videos