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Klappfahrrad yachting

Verkaufe ein guten klappfahrrad von yachting

Klapprad Yachting

Sehr wenig gefahren, fast neuwertig. Shimano 6 Gang Schaltung. Wird nur verkauft, wenn es passt...

Gebrauchtes Klapprad Typ Yachting. Zustand siehe Bilder, Bremsen müssten mal nachjustiert...

Klapprad silber der Marke Yachting

Biete hier mein Klapprad an. Es funktioniert super, obwohl es schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel...


Zum Verkauf steht jeweils ein gebrauchtes Klapprad der renommierten Marke NV YACHTING in blau oder...


Hallo, zum Verkauf steht ein Klappfahrrad in einem guten Zustand, das Rad ist in einem sehr guten...

2 Klappfahrräder der Marke „NV Yachting“

Verkaufen hier unsere 2 Klappfahrräder. Für uns war es leider ein Fehlkauf, deswegen geben wir die...

Klapprad der Marke NV Yachting zu verkaufen. Shimano Gangschalt

Klapprad der Marke NV YACHTING zu verkaufen. Shimano Gangschaltung.

Yachting Klapprad Fahrrad Silber Erwachsene 16 Zoll

Klapprad der Marke Yachting zu verkaufen. Privatverkauf, keine Garantie, keine Rücknahme!

  • klappfahrrad
  • klapprad 20 zoll
  • e bike klapprad
  • ddr klapprad
  • peugeot klapprad
  • mifa klapprad

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yachting klapprad

  • Technik/Ausrüstung
  • Schlauchboote
  • WORKS Advanced
  • Coastal CS II
  • AMARA Storm
  • Klassiker Klett


  • X-Advanced 300
  • Classic 165


  • Rettungsring
  • Bergeschlaufe


E-Klapprad Blizzard

Klapprad Vento

  • Kugelfender
  • Spezialfender
  • Repeater MFR-6
  • AIS-Empfänger AIS-6
  • Plotter Nav-6(i)
  • Schalttafeln
  • UKW Hauptschalter
  • Landanschluss


  • Deckenmontage
  • Wandmontage



  • iSUP 300 Koi
  • iSUP 365 Fresh
  • Frostschutz


  • Standard Pro
  • Spachtelmasse

Bordfahrrad BLIZZARD

Im Shop ansehen

Bordfahrrad VENTO

  • Rahmen, Lenker, Sattelstange, Felgen, Bremsen komplett aus Alu
  • 3-Gang Nabenschaltung
  • Speichen aus Edelstahl
  • Lenker und Sattel höhenverstellbar
  • robuster Stahl-Gepäckträger
  • Schutzbleche aus rostfreiem Material
  • bequemer Sattel
  • Felgenbremsen vorne
  • Rücktrittbremse
  • Sicherheits-Schnellverschlüsse
  • anklappbare Pedale
  • Gewicht: ca. 13 kg
  • Packmaße (Tasche): ca. 80 x 33 x 60 cm
  • Packmaße (Karton): ca. 86 x 31 x 63 cm

Falträder an Bord eines Schiffes: Tipps und Erfahrungsberichte

yachting klapprad

Ist es eine gute Idee, Klappfahrräder mit auf das Boot zu nehmen? Welchen Typ sollte man wählen und für welche Zwecke? Ein Erfahrungsbericht nach zwei Jahren Nutzung!

Antoine Willm

An Bord von Schiffen sieht man immer häufiger Klappfahrräder. Bevor man den Sprung ins kalte Wasser wagt, stellen sich dem Bootsfahrer viele Fragen über die Zweckmäßigkeit der Mitnahme und die Handhabung an Bord. Wir teilen unsere Erfahrungen nach zwei Jahren intensiver Nutzung mit Ihnen!

Wo kann man Fahrräder auf dem Schiff aufbewahren?

In einem Boot ist der Platz knapp bemessen ... Zusammengeklappt sind die Fahrräder zwar kleiner, aber immer noch sperrig. Wir beschlossen, ihnen einen Platz im vorderen Teil des Bootes in einem Kofferraum zu verschaffen. Die Nähmaschine diente dazu, den Fahrrädern eine hübsche Hülle zu nähen. Die Vorteile sind nicht zu vernachlässigen: Es ist bequemer, sie im Boot zu transportieren, und es verhindert, dass das Boot zerkratzt und verschmutzt wird. Außerdem verhindert es auch, dass die Kette und die Kabel herumliegen und die Crew denjenigen verflucht, der sich dafür entschieden hat, Fahrräder mit an Bord zu nehmen.

Wir reisen mit einem 9 m langen Boot und unsere beiden Fahrräder passen an Bord. Man muss ein bisschen erfinderisch und ziemlich gut in Tetris sein, aber wir schaffen es. Wir haben Segler gesehen, die ihre Fahrräder an Spieren aufgehängt haben, aber wenn sie aus Stahl sind, müssen Sie damit rechnen, dass in kürzester Zeit ein Haufen Rost an Ihren Spieren hängt. Auf den meisten Segelbooten passt ein Klapprad problemlos in eine Kabine oder einen Kofferraum sec .

Unentbehrlich, um die Zwischenstopps zu genießen

Ohne zu übertreiben, mussten wir auf dem Fahrrad mehr Kilometer zurücklegen als auf unserem Boot. Wir haben sogar Porquerolles auf Schotterwegen umrundet: Es waren nicht die geeignetsten Fahrräder, aber wir waren glücklich über diesen Tag. Fahrräder an Bord zu haben, bietet eine enorme Freiheit, um etwas weiter als den Yachthafen zu erkunden .

Es dauert nur etwa fünf Minuten, um sie vorzubereiten, was ziemlich schnell geht. Wenn wir dann ein paar Tage bleiben, lassen wir sie mit ihrem Vorhängeschloss außerhalb des Bootes hängen und benutzen sie jeden Tag. In Valencia Mar in Spanien lagen wir am Ende dieses riesigen Hafens: Allein der Weg zum Hafenamt zu Fuß dauerte 20 Minuten! Mit dem Fahrrad? 5 Minuten, und das mit einem Lächeln! Wir haben auch Barcelona mit unseren Fahrrädern umrundet, was immer netter ist als mit der U-Bahn.

Escale à Porquerolles à vélo

Für den großen Einkauf mit dem Fahrrad: ein guter Gepäckträger

Um sicherzustellen, dass du das Beste aus deinem Fahrrad herausholst, solltest du dir einen stabilen Gepäckträger zulegen. Wir benutzen ihn ständig: zum Einkaufen, zum Tanken, zum Wasserholen usw. Wir schaffen es ohne große Probleme, 20 kg auf den Gepäckträger zu laden. Das ist sehr praktisch und günstig. Normalerweise sind die Supermärkte am Yachthafen die teuersten in der Stadt. Wer hat schon Lust, 30 Minuten zu Fuß zu gehen, um weiter weg einzukaufen und mit 20 Kilo Einkäufen auf dem Rücken zurückzukehren? Mit einem Fahrrad und Spannern ist das Auftanken ein Kinderspiel.

Idéal pour les colis

Welches Fahrrad sollte man kaufen und was kostet es?

Unsere Fahrräder wurden für weniger als 50 Euro gebraucht gekauft und sind in unseren Augen perfekt. Es gibt natürlich viele verschiedene Arten von Falträdern: Schnelligkeit des Zusammenklappens, Aluminium, Stahl oder Karbon, Radgröße, Gewicht, Kompaktheit, Tragbarkeit... Unserer Meinung nach ist ein gutes Fahrrad eines, das Sie überall hinbringt. Ein sehr modernes Fahrrad mit untypischen Radgrößen wird vielleicht ein paar Kilo weniger wiegen, aber was ist, wenn Sie einen Schlauch wechseln müssen? Werden Sie Ersatzteile finden? In den richtigen Fragen liegen die richtigen Antworten. Dann müssen Sie herausfinden, welcher Fahrradtyp am besten zu Ihrem Schiff passt, je nach Budget, Platz und Programm.

Elektrofahrrad und andere Alternativen

Es gibt natürlich auch die Möglichkeit, ein Elektrofahrrad zu mieten, was eine sehr gute Option sein kann. Normalerweise nutzen wir unsere Fahrräder, wenn wir im Hafen sind, und im Hafen haben wir Strom ohne Ende. Wir haben schon einige Segler getroffen, die mit zusammenklappbaren Elektrofahrrädern ausgestattet waren. Sie schienen sehr glücklich zu sein. Aber ein Fahrrad standard können Sie Ihre Fitness aufrechterhalten und Stromausfälle vermeiden! Für die leichtere Version können Sie sich auch für die Option Roller, elektrisch oder nicht, entscheiden. Der Vorteil ist sein Gewicht und seine Kompaktheit, aber es ist nicht so effizient wie ein Fahrrad. Und wenn Sie Akrobaten sind, können Sie natürlich auch Ihr Skateboard mitnehmen, aber wie beim Roller erlauben die kleinen Räder nicht das gleiche Programm.

yachting klapprad

Die Wartung und das Reparaturset

Sie befinden sich auf einem Boot und haben daher bereits den gesamten Werkzeugkasten dabei: einen Satz Schraubenschlüssel zum Abnehmen der Räder, Schmiermittel, WD 40 und Schraubendreher. Sie müssen dann nur noch eine Fahrradpumpe kaufen. In den zwei Jahren, in denen wir das Fahrrad nutzen, haben wir nur Wartungsarbeiten durchgeführt: Kette schmieren, Reifen wechseln, Flicken auf den Schläuchen und wenn es nötig war, Schlauch wechseln, ein bisschen WD 40, wenn es quietscht, und jung fahren! Der Vorteil eines sparsamen Fahrzeugs ist, dass es sich leicht reparieren lässt.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass wir uns nicht vorstellen können, wie wir in den letzten Jahren auf unsere Fahrräder hätten verzichten können. Um Ausrüstung zu tragen, um die Zwischenstopps zu nutzen, um zu erkunden , um zu bunkern... sie sind sozusagen unser Anhang Nr. 2 oder sogar Nr. 1! Wir haben Orte erkundet, die wir sonst nicht erkundet hätten, und Fahrräder an Bord zu haben, ist auf dieser Kreuzfahrt sehr ergänzend. Anpassungsfähig, umweltfreundlich, reparierbar und mit viel Freiheit: die gleichen Eigenschaften wie ein Segelboot, aber an Land.

yachting klapprad

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  • Klapprad für Boot

Klapprad / City - Look R22 / R22S für Boot für Yacht

Klapprad / City - Look



Dies ist eine automatische Übersetzung.   ( Originaltext auf Englisch anzeigen )

Folding bicycles R22

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Klapprad Test – Welches Faltrad ist am besten für dich?

BLUEWHEEL 20 Zoll klappbares E-Bike, Shimano 7 Gang-Schaltung, Klapprad mit App, 250 W Motor, Batterie abnehmbar, 25 kmh bis zu 150 km

BLUEWHEEL 20 Zoll klappbares E-Bike, Shimano 7 Gang-Schaltung, Klapprad mit App, 250 W Motor, Batterie abnehmbar, 25 kmh bis zu 150 km => bei Amazon ansehen

Besonders in Städten und urbanen Gegenden erfreut sich das Klapprad bzw. Faltrad großer Beliebtheit. Man kann es leicht zusammenklappen und so bequem auch mit Bus und Bahn, im Auto, im Segelboot oder im Flugzeug transportieren. Ein Faltfahrrad ist somit super für Berufs-Pendler, für Camping, den Yachthafen und als Reiserad.

Viele Klappfahrrad Modelle bestehen zu weiten Teilen aus Carbon oder Aluminium, was das Faltrad sehr leicht und handlich macht. Je nach Falt- bzw. Klappmechanismus lässt sich das Rad in einer Tragetasche oder einem Faltrad Koffer verstauen. Die „Zoll“ Größenangaben bei Falträdern beziehen sich nur auf den Rad-Durchmesser und korrespondiert nicht mit der normalen Fahrrad-Körpergrößen Auswahl.

Kleine Rad-Durschmesser bedeutet nicht, dass man schneller treten muss. Durch ein ausgereiftes Übertragungssystem muss man auch bei kleinen Raddurchmesser nicht öfter treten als beim normalen Fahrrad. Außerdem sind hochwertige Klappräder mit 3, 5, 6 oder 8 Gang-Schaltung ausgestattet.

Original MINI Folding Bike Fahrrad Klapprad

Original MINI Folding Bike Fahrrad mit Rücktritt, 8 Gänge Nabenschaltung, 20 Zoll Laufräder ( Infos bei Amazon )

Wie bei „normalen“ Fahrrädern auch, gibt es bei Falträdern große Qualitäts & Preis Unterschiede. Im Klapprad Test wird untersucht welche Marken und Modelle ihren Preis wert sind und welches Faltrad für welchen Anwendungsbereich empfehlenswert ist. Wie hier im Bild zu sehen ist, gibt es sogar von „BMW Mini“ ein Klappfahrrad Modell welches schon für ca. 600€ bei Amazon erhältlich ist.

Wie funktioniert ein Klapprad? Handhabung im Test

Fischer E-Bike Klapprad

Fischer E-Bike Klapprad ( siehe Amazon )

Um das Klapprad zusammen zu falten, gibt es unterschiedliche Methoden und Techniken. Manche Hersteller arbeiten mit einem Scharnier, andere wiederum lassen das Faltrad in der Mitte auseinander bauen. Bei manchen Modellen kann man sogar den Sattel und den Lenker in den Rahmen einschieben, um nochmals Platz zu sparen. So lässt sich das Klapprad einfach überall mit hinnehmen, was nicht nur mobiler macht, sondern auch vor Diebstahl schützt.


Tern Faltrad N-FOLD Klappmechanismus, 16,6 kg, in 10 sek. faltbar ( Infos bei Amazon )

Klappräder haben generell einen kleineren Rahmen und eine kleinere Bereifung. Meist sind die Räder in 20 oder 24 Zoll. Da bei kleinen Rädern das Rollverhalten oft anders ist als bei normalen Fahrrädern, sind Klappräder meist mit einer guten Federung ausgestattet, um diesen Effekt auszugleichen. Auch das Fahrverhalten ist durch die kleinen Räder anders, was für viele gewöhnungsbedürftig. Nach kurzer Zeit hat man sich jedoch daran gewöhnt.

Größe und Maximalgewicht bei Falt-Fahrrädern

Sehr wichtig bei der Faltrad Auswahl ist auf die maximale Fahrer-Größe und das maximale zulässige Gesamtgewicht zu achten. Besonders Personen die über 180 cm groß sind und über 90 kg wiegen sollten hier aufpassen. Mit Kleidung und Rucksack kann das Gewicht dann schnell das zulässige Gewicht überschreiten. Übergewichtige sollten unbedingt auf gute Qualität achten, damit das Klapprad nicht plötzlich während der Fahrt unter ihnen zusammenklappt. Die meisten Klappfahrräder sind zwar in einem sehr großen Bereich einstellbar aber bei sehr großen Personen können die Einstellmöglichkeiten nicht ausreichen und das Fahren mit dem Faltfahrrad unangenehm werden.

Akku-Elektro Klapp-Fahrräder

swemo 20 Zoll Alu Klapp E-Bike Pedelec SW200

Bis ca. 500 Euro: swemo 20 Zoll Alu Klapp E-Bike Pedelec SW200 ( Infos bei Amazon )

Einige Klapprad Modelle sind sogar mit einem Elektromotor ausgestattet und daher quasi ein Faltrad E-Bike oder Klapp-Pedelec. An Bergen und Anhöhen kann man so während dem Fahren auf den Motor zurückgreifen und hat es beim Treten leichter. E-Klappräder sind allerdings um die 10 kg schwerer als Falträder ohne Antrieb. Die hälfte dieses Gewichts macht die Batterie aus. Gleichzeitig sind Falträder mit Motor meist auch für schwere Personen bis 130kg zugelassen. Leider gilt bei Klapprädern und E-Bikes: Qualität hat seinen Preis! Je hochwertiger die Materialien und Technik desto teurer. Dafür hat man dann aber auch ein ganz anderes Fahrgefühl, mehr Leistung und eine längere Haltbarkeit.

Ab ca. 1000 Euro: Fischer E-Bike Klapprad mit Motor und Akku ( siehe Amazon )

Sehr hochwertig sind die Akku-Klappfahrräder von Fischer mit Bafang Max Drive Hinterradmotor mit 25 Nm und starkem 36 V, 8,8 Ah , 317 Wh Lithium Akku. Das Gewicht liegt bei 19,6 kg, davon entfallen 2,3 kg auf den Akku. Die Reichweite von diesen Klapp-Elektrofahrrädern hängt von vielen Faktoren ab und kann nicht pauschal angegeben werden. Sehr Gut ist da bei Fischer Elektro-Falträdern der Reichweiten Assistent. Mit um die 1000 Euro hat diese Qualität vom Markenhersteller auch seinen Preis.

AsVIVA B13 36V Elektro-Klapprad Elektrofahrrad Pedelec

Ab ca. 1500 Euro: AsVIVA B13 36V Elektro-Klapprad Elektrofahrrad Pedelec ( Infos bei AsVIVA )

Sehr empfehlenswert sind die Klapprad Elektrofahrräder der Deutschen Marke AsVIVA. Mit hochwertigem Samsung Cell Akku mit 36V, 15,6Ah und 562Wh hat dieses Klapp-E-Bike eine gute Reichweite. Dieses Klapprad besitzt einen effizienten 250W Bafang Hinterradmotor und eine 7 Gang Shimano Gangschaltung. Ein kleines aber feines wichtiges Detail ist der Selle Royal Gel-Sattel. Viele günstige Klappräder haben einen normalen Sattel bei dem schon nach 5 min Radfahren der Po weh tut. Besonders gut bei AsVIVA ist die 5 Jahre Garantie und die Firma mit Deutschem Firmensitz liegt wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit. ( alle Infos bei AsVIVA )

Klapprad Testkriterien

Beim Kauf und der Auswahl des richtiges Klapprades können folgende Test Kriterien, die wir aus verschiedenen Kundenmeinungen und Bewertungen zusammengestellt haben, nützlich sein:

  • Wie groß ist das Faltrad? Auf welche Größe lässt es sich zusammenklappen?
  • Wie schwer ist das Klapprad? Ist es aus Carbon oder Alu?
  • Lässt sich das Klapprad einfach falten und verstellen?
  • Funktionieren die Schaltung und die Bremsen einwandfrei?
  • Wie lange habe ich Garantie auf das Klapprad?
  • Wie günstig ist das Klapprad?
  • Läuft das Rad rund? Verkantet das Vorderrad leicht?

Klapprad Hersteller im Test

Es gibt viele verschiedene Klapprad Hersteller, die meist auch mit unterschiedlichen Faltmechanismen arbeiten. Leider gibt es von der Stiftung Warentest noch keinen Klapprad Test, in dem die verschiedenen Faltrad Hersteller und Modelle miteinander verglichen werden. Die Faltrad Tipps basieren daher auf Kundenmeinungen und Bewertungen.

Aldi Klapprad

Auch Discounter wie Aldi oder Lidl haben meist im Mai Klappräder im Angebot. Das Faltrad von Aldi, hat im Mai 2014 um die 189,00 Euro gekostet. Es muss allerdings fertig zusammengebaut werden. Leider wurden die Aldi Klappräder keinem unabhängigen Test unterzogen. Im Fachhandel gibt es jedoch keine Falträder unter 200 Euro die gute Kundenbewertungen besitzen. Gute Bewertungen gibt es erst ab ca. 250 Euro. => Klappräder ab 200 Euro mit guten Bewertungen bei Amazon

Faltrad Testsieger & Empfehlungen

Leider gibt es noch keinen großen Klapprad Test von der Stiftung Warentest oder Fahrrad Magazinen. Deshalb stehen meist nur Einzeltests und Kundenbewertungen zur Klappfahrrad Auswahl zur Verfügung. Vom Yachtmagazin gab es jedoch einen Test in dem 11 Faltfahrräder getestet wurden. Viele Segler nutzen Falträder um vom Yachthafen in die Stadt zu fahren.

Tern Verge S27H Faltrad

Tern Verge S27H Faltrad

Einzeltest Testsieger: Tern Verge S27H

Das Tern Faltrad Verge S27H konnte die Tester bei „aktiv Radfahren“ (Heft 9-10/2014) und bei „Radtouren“ (Heft 6/2014) überzeugen. Die dicken reifen bieten eine gute Federung und rollen sehr gut. Auch die Handhabung des Faltmechanismus ist sehr gut. Allerdings ist das Klapprad mit ca. 1650 Euro auch mit das teuerste auf dem Markt. Andere Tern Falträder gibt es bereits ab ca. 470 Euro welche mehrere gute Kundenbewertungen besitzen. => Tern Faltrad Modelle bei Amazon

DAHON Faltrad Vitesse D7 HG 20 Zoll Klapprad, 7Gang, Nabenschaltung, Sattelpumpe

DAHON Faltrad Vitesse D7HG (Infos bei Amazon)

Testsieger: DAHON Faltrad Vitesse D7HG

Beim Yacht Magazin (Heft 25-26/2014) konnte das Klapprad DAHON Vitesse D7 HG von 11 getesteten Falträdern als Testsieger abschneiden. Laut den Testern ist dieses Faltrad auch langstreckentauglich da Sattel und Lenker ausreichend weit auseinander sind. Der Faltmechanismus ist unkompliziert und im zusammengefalteten Zustand lässt sich das DAHON Faltrad selbst auf kleinen Segelbooten verstauen. Mit ca. 700 Euro ist es auch um einiges günstiger als der Tern Testsieger. Andere Dahon Klappfahrrad Modelle gibt es bereits ab ca. 500 Euro. => DAHON Falträder Modelle bei Amazon

BMW Mini Klapprad

BMW Mini Klapprad (Infos bei Amazon)

Empfehlung: BMW Mini Klapprad

Nicht nur BMW und Mini Fahrer werden sich für das stylische Faltrad von BMW-Mini begeistern. Laut Kundenbewertungen hat es außer dem schönen Design auch gute Fahreigenschaften und macht auch Qualitativ einen hochwertigen eindruck. Je nach Händler kann man schon ab ca. 450 Euro BMW fahren. Das Manko ist, dass die Reifen kein Profil besitzen (nichts so sicher) und sich die Bremsen schnell abnutzen, aber echte BMW Fahrer bremsen ja selten. => BMW-Mini Faltrad Modelle bei Amazon

★★★★★ Klapp-Fahrrad Amazon-Kundenbewertungen VERGLEICH ★★★★★

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The No. 1 in the city MADE in GERMANY

The world's most compact folding bike.



locker suitable

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yachting klapprad

yachting klapprad

yachting klapprad

yachting klapprad

Useful Features




It's child's play to transport luggage with the folding bike: Ortlieb &  VAUDE bags  or roll cases are available.   Also backpacks  are comfortably to carry in an upright position.


Folding bike trolley

You don't have to carry the Kwiggle . This folding bike can be conveniently pulled like a trolley and parked anywhere: It is unique in the world.

Buying advice


The only folding bikes that you can perfectly have in the trunk:

For the city trip, the family trip, for shopping. For the city trip, the family trip, for shopping.

Mobility that is simply always and everywhere available.

yachting klapprad

What customers say

As a commuter I have already tried many folding bikes. The Kwiggle is the only one that I don't annoy anyone with on the streetcar because it doesn't get in the way of the aisle, but fits under the seat. The best "commuter bike".

Claudia S. – Köln

The Kwiggle is an all-rounder. I use it in the city in combination with public transport, but also for bike tours, because I do not get back pain with it. .

Hendrik B. – Braunschweig

Have been riding the Kwiggle for 2 years now. Compliments to the developers: The bike has a quality that is second to none. Everything works as at the beginning - and I'm not a lightweight ;-) ...!

Thorsten W. – München

If you consider that a Kwiggle costs about as much as a smartphone, then you have to call this record-breaking bike with its great utility a bargain!

Thomas M. – Berlin

Bought the Kwiggle because of the article in the WELT. Can only confirm the opinion of the author.

Vivien M. – Frankfurt/M.

Since I own the Kwiggle, I usually leave my car and use bus and train. I simply place the bike under the seat. That way it doesn't interfere with anyone in the aisle. And I do not harvest bad looks!

Felix H. – Leipzig

The Kwiggle is the only folding bike that you can easily carry around: It weighs under 10 Kg and when folded is a handy package that can fit anywhere. From my everyday life in the city can no longer be imagined without!

Anja S. – Milano/Italy

The look of the Kwiggle irritated me at first. I doubted the stability. But far from it: This is high engineering art coupled with the best materials. Super price-performance ratio.

Michael M. – Atlanta/USA

The traffic turnaround is here. Kwiggle + train instead of car. The Kwiggle fits in the ICE under each seat!

Mareike M. – Hamburg

More Reviews

Folding bike EXTREME

We make extreme tours with this folding bike, because doctors and physiotherapists tell us: "When kwiggling, all muscles work optimally. You will be able to ride for a very long time without getting tired "

We rode hundreds of miles in one day because of this fact. We participated in road bike races. We have conquered the steepest alpine passes with this folding bike, and have made comparisons between a Kwiggle and a road bike while riding in the mountains.

Learn more about our findings from this new folding bike world.

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Crafted for strength, alpha rudder, fully protected steering.

Kraken Yachts is dedicated to the continued design and development of the ultimate bluewater world cruising yacht. One of the most vulnerable elements of any yacht is its rudder and steering gear.

The loss of steerage poses a very real threat to the yacht and crew safety. We are proud to announce the ALPHA™ rudder system. This comprises four unique features which hugely improve the crews ability to continue steering throughout circumstances that would disable most other yachts.

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Reinforced Full Rudder Skeg

To fully protect the rudder from collision damage from floating debris and accidental grounding the Alpha Rudder™ system incorporates a full-length skeg which is engineered with an internal reinforced stainless steel beam. The skegs leading edge is angled to greatly reduces the risk of lines or debris getting caught around the rudder.

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In-Water Removable Bearing System

The main bearing of the rudder shaft should be removed and serviced yearly but in ALL other yacht steering systems this requires the yacht to be hauled out. When world cruising its likely that facilities to do so may not be available until very much later than is ideal but the Alpha Rudder™ system main rudder bearing is removable from inside the vessel and there is no need to haul out to service or replace this vital bearing, it can even be replaced at sea under way if needed. 

yachting klapprad

Three Bearing System

The Alpha Rudder™ system has three rudder bearings, to provide much better support for the rudder and rudder shaft compared to a rudder and shaft with one or two

The bottom pintle bearing is a simple vasconite bush bearing, the main and central bearing is a Jeffa needle rolling bearing, which requires regular servicing, the top bulkhead bearing is also a simple vasconite bearing which is removable so that the main bearing can be pulled up on the rudder shaft for easy servicing. It can be fully removed over the top of the rudder shaft for replacement. If it is necessary to inspect or replace the main bearing this can be done because the shaft is held straight and secure by the top and bottom bearings while the main bearing is checked or replaced.

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Fast installation Emergency Steering

To prepare for an ocean passage one has to think the unthinkable and have a plan to overcome such extreme problems to ensure ultimate safety on board. The loss of steerage is one of those unthinkable events that has driven many yachtsmen to abandon their otherwise viable yachts. As part of the Alpha Rudder™ steering system have designed the ability to install an emergency tiller very quickly. The emergency tiller can be installed and operated in less than 5 minutes without the need to enter or remove equipment from the stern lazarette.

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  • Length Overall 44 ft
  • Beam Overall 12.54 ft
  • Draft 6.58 ft
  • Sail Area 1099.5 sq.ft

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  • Length Overall 50 ft
  • Beam Overall 14.76 ft
  • Draft 7.54 ft
  • Sail Area 1444.52 sq.ft

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  • Length Overall 58 ft
  • Beam Overall 17.06 ft
  • Sail Area 1946.54 sq.ft

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  • Length Overall 66 ft
  • Beam Overall 18 ft
  • Draft 8.7 ft
  • Sail Area 2322 sq.ft

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Take an exclusive look behind the scenes at what goes into the building of a Kraken yacht, not just the finished article. 

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Kraken Yachts

Kraken design, the zero keel™.

The Zero Keel is part of the hull and it can never come off. There are no bolts used anywhere in the construction of the keel or hull.

Build Structure

All Kraken yachts are built with a substantial interior structure to ensure keel delamination and failure cannot occur.

The Alpha Rudder™

This comprises four unique features which hugely improve the crews ability to continue steering throughout circumstances that would disable most other yachts.

Ocean Sailor

The Ocean Sailor Podcast is a blue water cruising chat show. Our hosts, the two Dicks (Durham and Beaumont), explore blue water sailing topics.

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You can fill our enquiry form for information on prices, delivery dates, options and upgrades. A member of our sales team will be in contact with you shortly.

Alternatively, if you have a general enquiry, head to our contact page .

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Mobilität an Land : Faltrad für die Backskiste

Michael Rinck

 ·  02.06.2022

Mobilität an Land: Faltrad für die Backskiste

Das Wiener Unternehmen Vello bietet mit dem gleichnamigen Faltrad ein sehr vielversprechendes Fortbewegungsmittel für den Landgang. Dabei soll es den Spagat zwischen kleinem Packmaß und guten Fahreigenschaften besonders gut meistern.

  Das Vello-Rad soll durch einen äußerst ausgeklügelten Faltmechanismus besonders wenig Platz in der Backskiste einnehmen

Das Vello gibt es in vier Varianten: das Rocky mit Stahlrahmen und Kettenschaltung, das Rocky Titan mit leichtem Titanrahmen, das Alfine 11 (im Bild) mit Riemenantrieb und Nabenschaltung sowie das Bike + mit Elektroantrieb inklusive Rekuperation. Die Abmessungen des Rahmens und der Faltmechanismus sind bei allen Modellen gleich. Mit 57 mal 79 mal 29 Zentimetern faltet das Vello recht klein. Damit nimmt es in der Backskiste nur wenig mehr Platz ein als das Brompton.

  Weniger Dreck verspricht der optionale Antrieb per Zahnriemen, der zudem wartungsarm sein soll und für das Alfine 11 und Bike + erhältlich ist

Im Gewicht unterscheiden sich die Modelle. Das Einsteigermodell Rocky wiegt 11,9, das Titan 10,9, das Alfine 12,9 und das elektrische Topmodell 13,9 Kilogramm. Letzteres wird von einem 250 Watt leistenden E-Motor mit 40 Newtonmeter Drehmoment angetrieben. Die Preise starten bei 1.590 Euro für das Rocky und reichen bis 3.290 Euro für das Bike +.

Hier geht es zur Seite des Herstellers (klicken)

Elektrische Alternativen aus dem Test in YACHT 12/2021

Ahooga Power+

  Sehr gute Fahreigenschaften, gute elektrische Unterstützung. Die großen Räder vergrößern das Packmaß. Faltmaß 88 mal 30 mal 71 cm. Gewicht 17 kg. Preis 2.789 Euro

Brompton Electric

  Das Brompton ist seit Jahren der Goldstandard in Sachen Packmaß. Der E-Antrieb ist nachgerüstet. Faltmaß 59 mal 32,5 mal 61,5 cm. Gewicht 17 kg. Preis 3.495 Euro

Meistgelesen in der Rubrik Ausrüstung

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Sailing Svalbard: an Arctic education

  • Katy Stickland
  • December 14, 2021

Sam Shrives contends with sea ice and an amorous walrus during a three-month cruise from Norway across the Barents Sea to Svalbard. The article was runner-up in the 2021 Brian Black Memorial Award for marine environmental journalism

Walrus are found in Svalbard all the year round. They are very sociable animals and live in colonies. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Walrus are found in Svalbard all the year round. They are very sociable animals and live in colonies. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Sailing Svalbard: an Arctic education – Runner-up in the 2021 Brian Black Memorial Award for marine environmental journalism

The chill of the freezing air gnawed at my face as I gazed at the jigsaw of ice lying between our dinghy and the shore, the gentle hum of the outboard motor drowning out the normally serene quiet of the high Arctic , writes Sam Shrives .

We were navigating the growlers of Spitsbergen, the largest and only populated island of the Svalbard archipelago. Their sharp edges could easily puncture our dinghy.

Our Sweden 38, Cosmic Dancer V looked unnatural against the rugged snow-covered mountains and flowing glaciers that surrounded us.

We scanned the shore for danger to avoid an unwanted first meeting with the mascot for Glacier Mints, and pressed on.

The ground crunched underfoot as we pulled the dinghy up the beach.

Magdalenefjord inside the Northwest Spitsbergen National Park, Svalbard has many glaciers, including the Waggonway Glacier. Credit: Sam shrives

Magdalenefjord inside the Northwest Spitsbergen National Park in Svalbard has many glaciers, including the Waggonway Glacier. Credit: Sam shrives

The bay was semi-circular, with sporadic rocks and an undulating grassy tundra beyond.

The shrill call of geese honked from just beyond the coarse sand but it was not them we’d come to see.

A whiff of rotting clams, like entering a Victorian fishmonger in July, drifted across the dunes. We turned to see the outline of a two-tonne mass of blubber and tusks basking about 400 metres further along.

As we approached, the stench hit us in waves but the walrus seemed nonplussed by our presence. A quick, apathetic glance was the best we got from the vast majority of these magnificent sea blimps, but the hulking size and large tusks ensured we kept our distance.

Though, as we gazed, one seemed to be transfixed on our skipper . ‘Looks like you’ve got a date for tonight,’ I posited. ‘Shut up,’ was the curt reply.

This flirtatious mammal, however, had clearly been catching up on the TV show Love Island and proceeded to start delicately rubbing her flipper against her stomach. Persisting, I upped the ante with: ‘Ah babes, she totes wants you as her beau, just shoot your shot’ ( Love Island slang for giving up on pride and pursuing the person of your dreams).

Thoroughly unimpressed with my antics and with a mind on our next destination, our skipper curtly turned on his heel and marched back to the dinghy.

A flare gun can be useful for keeping the inquisitive wildlife of Svalbard at bay. Credit: Sam Shrives

A flare gun can be useful for keeping the inquisitive wildlife of Svalbard at bay. Credit: Sam Shrives

Not wanting to risk jousting with a pair of metre-long tusks, I quickly scampered after him.

After launching the dinghy, we once again zig-zagged through the ice, the skipper intent on delivering us safely back on board while I postulated on the beautiful Disney love story it could have been.

Unfortunately, the tension was about to rise. As we had one last look at the beach, our basking bachelorette huffed and puffed to the water’s edge and, gliding in with more grace than a Tom Daley gold-medal winning dive, began to give chase. Now this was no joke.

If our newly acquired friend decided to board us for some impromptu speed-dating it could easily sink the dinghy, and cause serious injury to ourselves.

Grim-faced, I kept track of her bobbing head. Luckily, we reached the yacht’s stern before being intercepted. After almost being trapped in the strangest love triangle in sailing history, I was famished. We all enjoyed a hearty breakfast before planning for our next visit.

After raising the kelp-caked anchor we set sail.

In the land of the midnight sun where it is light for 24 hours a day during the summer months, time becomes almost meaningless.

Like ancient foragers we slept when we were tired, ate when we were hungry and kept track of days rather than hours and minutes.

It was something we became accustomed to during our three-month voyage, which took us from Haugesund in Norway to Spitsbergen, the biggest island in Svalbard before returning to the Norwegian city of Tromsø above the Arctic Circle.

Human impact on Svalbard

A pleasant potter in 8-10 knots of breeze took us round the headland to Isfjord. This expansive fjord is the second biggest in Spitsbergen, framed by jagged rippled peaks on one side and the familiar green of Arctic vegetation on the other.

As we cruised, our destination became ever clearer: a black spot on the untouched landscape. We were heading to the coal mine of Barentsburg.

Even in the era of global warming, I sometimes find it challenging to visualise the environmental impact humans are having on the planet.

This is impossible when gazing upon the sprawl of industrial machinery and slag imprinted on the hillside.

What would normally be a sight barely worth noting had a harsh impact when so far from civilisation.

It struck me as a microcosm of the urgent need for global change and a rethink of traditional practices.

In the summer and autumn, walrus can often be found relaxing on beaches rather than their usual ice floes. Credit: Sam Shrives

In the summer and autumn in Svalbard, walrus can often be found relaxing on beaches rather than their usual ice floes. Credit: Sam Shrives

As we approached, the town loomed above us, the mine on the right in contrast to the mix of flats and more traditional buildings of various colours.

Barentsburg has had an operational mine since 1920. It was originally Dutch controlled before being acquired by Russia in 1932.

From a heyday of over 1,000 people living and working, it was down to 455 in 2020. Both Norway and Russia have mining operations on Spitsbergen, although Norway has announced it will stop coal mining by 2028.

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After securing the boat, we began the ascent up a well-kept wooden staircase leading to the main square, briefly pausing to read ‘Welcome to Hell’ etched into a post.

After huffing up the winding staircase, we were greeted by a stone square with seemingly abandoned wooden huts on the left and a large gym or swimming pool on the right.

A short walk further revealed a large stone bust of Lenin, his piercing gaze seemingly following you at every angle.

A crew member commented it would make a cracking souvenir, but considering we’d never be able to fit it down below, strapping it to the bow was not the most sensible of options.

We wandered amongst the buildings with a slight sense of unease, taking in that quiet atmosphere you find only when a whole town is busy in a single line of work.

Coal has been mined at Barentsburg since 1921. The mine has been owned by the Russian state since 1932. Credit: Sam Shrives

Coal has been mined at Barentsburg since 1921. The mine has been owned by the Russian state since 1932. Credit: Sam Shrives

Past a few more Soviet-era monuments and a tiny wooden church, you quickly come to the far end of the town and the entrance to the mine.

There couldn’t be a bigger contrast with the pristine plastic and pollution-free beach we’d encountered that morning.

It was unsettling to see such an otherwise untouched environment stained by industry.

It seemed so out of place with the surroundings where, despite the harshness of the weather, life is abundant.

A chart of Svalbard

Norway to Svalbard and back. Credit: Maxine Heath

We’d heard about the rapidly receding glaciers and rising temperatures, but this was a literal black-and-white example of the environment being spoiled for human gain.

Looking back I am reminded of the David Attenborough quote: ‘No one will protect what they don’t care about, and no one will care about what they have never experienced.’

Whether it’s a coal mine in Svalbard or pollution in UK rivers , unless we connect people with the natural world, collective action for change is not possible.

Education and access to nature are key to tackling climate change. Wandering back, we discussed plans to push north and try and spot the king of the bears.

The power of nature

At 80° north, I stood on the bow totally engrossed by the sheer power and predatory beauty of a polar bear on a nearby headland.

This serenity proved short-lived, though, as an agitated conversation emitted from the cockpit; my skipper was in a calm, yet panic-tinged discussion with the boat’s co-owner about the engine failing to start.

I gazed at the small, rocky natural harbour we had moored in, as sea ice marched slowly yet menacingly towards our fragile vessel from seaward.

A minute passed, the deadly silence only broken by the sporadic spluttering of the engine and a slow screech as two large sheets of ice ground against each other.

The Peter Norlin-designed Sweden 38, Cosmic Dancer V has been extensively refitted for high latitude sailing. Credit: Sam Shrives

The Peter Norlin-designed Sweden 38, Cosmic Dancer V has been extensively refitted for high latitude sailing. Credit: Sam Shrives

The situation was getting desperate. ‘We need some long poles to fend off the ice,’ said the skipper.

Thankful for something to do, I sprang into action; a short search through the lockers saw me triumphantly return to deck waving a mop and boat hook. I lay on the deck, brandishing my mop in hand like a sword ready to repel boarders.

The minutes ticked by and the ice surrounded us. By now the fourth crew member had joined me but try as we might, we were struggling to contain the full force of nature with just two poles and human strength; it was a David and Goliath contest.

There can’t be many sounds as bad as ice scraping against fibreglass .

The battle continued for a few minutes but we were clearly losing. The skipper continued to shout encouragement as he explored different methods to turn on the engine.

Just when he must have been getting desperate, the splutter seemed to linger for a second; another turn of the key and the engine roared into life.

At 80° north, Svalbard. Credit: Sam Shrives

At 80° north in Svalbard. Credit: Sam Shrives

We pushed ice from the yacht sides as the skipper threw the throttle into reverse. Under full revs, we bulldozed our way to freedom.

As we chugged away I reflected on how quickly seemingly calm situations can turn perilous. I turned and grinned as the engine spluttered to a halt again.

My education in the Arctic went beyond learning to live on a yacht and function in a cold environment.

It taught me how vulnerable we are and the disconnect most of us have with our place in the natural world. Despite planning for every eventuality, a potential disaster may be just around the corner, be that getting stuck in a harbour filling with ice or escaping an aberrant walrus.

Mainly, though, it taught me the responsibility each of us has to protect the natural world, how life for animals in extreme environments is only going to become more challenging.

I just hope we can act fast enough so Wally the Walrus and his offspring can survive and thrive.

Brian Black Memorial Award sponsored by B&G

Brian Black Memorial Award

Brian Black, a television journalist and lifelong sailor and contributor to Yachting Monthly , was as passionate about the marine environment as he was eloquent in his writing and filmmaking about the crises facing fragile Arctic ecosystems.

His wife Lesley was a sailor and author in her own right, becoming Northern Ireland’s first female yacht club commodore.

As a memorial to Brian and Lesley Black, the Black family, in conjunction with YM, established an award to celebrate sailing adventures which shed a fresh light on marine environmental issues through inspiring journalism.

The award aims to recognise the very best writing about the marine environment that brings a new perspective to readers.

B & G logo

The award is sponsored by marine electronics company B&G, which recognises sustainability as one of the pillars of its multi-year strategy.

B&G’s sustainability agenda includes: removing all single- use plastics from its packaging and using only recyclable materials from this year; reducing company air travel by 90%; reducing paper used in their offices by 95%; and decreasing energy consumption for IT equipment from 305,000kWh to 250,000kWh.

It is also working with sister company C-Map to open up their BioBase platform, which processes, maps and stores spatial aquatic data free of charge to government bodies and research institutes, to support aquatic conservation. www.bandg.com

For more details on the Brian Black Memorial Award visit: www.yachtingmonthly.com/brianblack

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Qilak: The super-rugged yacht built for fast, high-latitudes cruising

Yachting World

  • June 6, 2019

Can a design drawing inspiration from IMOCA 60s meet the unforgiving demands of high latitudes cruising? David Glenn sails a yacht that aims to achieve just that


All photos: Paul Wyeth

If there were an award for brutalism in naval architecture Qilak would surely be on the podium. Her stark, purposeful, bare aluminium features look ideally suited to her owner’s plan to seek out high latitudes expedition adventure . But that’s only half the story behind this fascinating yacht.

Qilak will spend the northern hemisphere summer in the Arctic then make a 12,000-mile dash south to Antarctica via the Cape Verde Islands and Montevideo to take advantage of the austral summer. En route she will undergo a refit and bunker the special regulation diesel fuel needed to operate in those waters.

She’ll undertake this programme with up to eight paying guests and four crew including ice pilots and other specialist guides when required. For any yacht it’s quite an ask.


Qilak ’s broad stern and cockpit. The arch carries aerials and engine exhausts

So to complete what owner and skipper Philippe Carlier calls Qilak ’s ‘ice to ice’ delivery, speed is of the essence. And it is the combination of speed and the ability to survive the hazards of high latitudes sailing which presented Qilak ’s designers and owner with the challenges that define this yacht.

The 66ft/20.07m Qilak – her name is Inuit for the sky or celestial sphere – was built by KM Yachtbuilders in Makkum in the Netherlands. The company specialises in tough, uncompromising, custom-designed yachts for long distance cruising and has attracted many experienced clients.

Disciplines unlikely bedfellows

In Qilak ’s case, a compromise was unavoidable. On the face of it, the disciplines needed for a fast, offshore 66-footer and a bulletproof ice expedition yacht are unlikely bedfellows. But Carlier, a 68-year-old retired commercial Boeing 747 pilot and experienced yachtsman with a high-octane spirit of adventure, has taken a pragmatic approach to designing this hybrid.

He has done so in conjunction with naval architect Merfyn Owen of Owen Clarke Design, best known for its high performance IMOCA 60 and Class 40 designs.

In fact, Merfyn Owen is due to be one of Qilak ’s skippers along with his wife, Ashley Perrin, who is currently working as an ice pilot in Antarctica. Two years ago they married on the remote island of South Georgia, surely confirming their commitment to high latitudes!


Qilak ’s naval architect and experienced offshore sailor Merfyn Owen will also be one of the yacht’s skippers

The key influence from Owen Clarke is the genre of IMOCA 60s designed by the studio, offering speed and ease of handling for short-handed, high performance sailing. Qilak ’s underwater sections are relatively flat, she carries her 20.1ft/6.13m beam well aft to a usefully wide cockpit and a powerful transom, there’s a pronounced chine from stem to stern and she is fitted with a lifting keel featuring a T-shaped torpedo-style bulb. She is also designed with twin, toed-out balanced rudders. With her keel up the yacht can safely take the ground, sitting on her bulb and two rudder tips.

On this evidence she might not seem an obvious candidate for high latitudes. When we asked Merfyn Owen about the vulnerability of the rudders to damage by submerged ice, he said he felt confident they were up to the task, equipped as they are with 150mm diameter, high strength aluminium stocks. The rudders are completely independent of each other.

The question of whether the T-shaped bulb might be liable to snagging detritus and, in particular, kelp, which is common in high latitudes, is also open to debate. Owen said: “Kelp entanglement can be mitigated by always approaching anchorages with a watchkeeper at the bow in daylight, with the keel raised to its maximum extent and at reduced speed.

“ Qilak is fitted with the latest forward looking depth sounder, the keel and keel trunk are designed for grounding and the forward end of the bulb is designed as a crumple zone to absorb energy and protect the fin and the keel trunk.”

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Another distinguishing feature is her full, rounded bow profile, which performs an important role in terms of volume. “As we put volume aft to accommodate a 400kg RIB and the stern arch, we need to add volume forward,” said Owen. “We don’t mind this as it helps to provide generous forepeak space,” he added. Although when upright the bow tends to push a lot of water, “at moderate angles of heel that disappears,” explained Owen.

Speed and ice class incompatible

Fully loaded Qilak will displace about 50 tons. Asked whether she was designed to ice class Owen explained it wasn’t an option because the yacht would simply be too heavy to meet her sailing performance targets.

“You can’t really have a decent sailing boat and conform to ice class,” said Owen. “We want to be able to passage plan at nine knots,” he added.


Qilak was built in the Netherlands by KM Yachtbuilders

Qilak ’s hull shell plating for the bottom and for the ‘ice belt’ extending to the level of the chine, is 10mm thick Sealium marine grade aluminium. Four watertight doors separate the interior space into five compartments.

Raceboat thinking for sail plan

Apart from her hull shape, Qilak ’s sail plan has also been influenced by IMOCA 60 thinking with the aim of not only ‘changing gear’ quickly and easily, but also having two of the three headsails – the high-cut J1 or yankee and the staysail-cum-storm jib – set on halyard locks so that once furled they can be lowered to the deck.

A key advantage of this is the ability to reduce windage in the rig by some 25%. While at anchor it will not be uncommon for Qilak to have to ride out sustained wind speeds of 70 knots and more.

With her enormous freeboard and relatively flat forward underwater sections, she could be vulnerable to being blown about in strong winds particularly with the keel in the up position.


Handholds built into the deck saloon coaming with engine room air intakes beneath

Qilak ’s furling working jib can be used in wind strengths of 30 knots plus, and will undoubtedly be the headsail of choice for much of the time. This is set on a fixed stay.

A day aboard Qilak

As we left Qilak ’s Hamble berth on an appropriately cold January day, I was intrigued to see the engine exhaust billowing from an outlet set in the substantial arch carrying aerials, communications and safety equipment.

To restrict the number of through-hull inlets – they can become blocked by brash ice – and keep the damaging effects of salt water on machinery to a minimum, neither the main engine nor generator rely on raw seawater cooling, so the dry exhausts need to outlet well away above the waterline.


Ventilation is critical in all climes. Good access to dorade box, and cowls are protected to prevent rope snagging

The machinery is cooled using a heat exchange system relying on a large reservoir of glycol stored in two 400lt tanks set in the bottom of the hull. They are located well aft where there is less threat to their integrity in the event of a collision.

‘Comfort not luxury’

The same glycol that circulates around the machinery is used in a multi-radiator central heating system running throughout the yacht making for extremely comfortable conditions below.

Philippe Carlier takes a realistic approach to what his customers will expect aboard a modern expedition yacht. “I think we provide comfort, but not luxury,” said Carlier, whose own considerable high latitudes experience in one of his previous yachts, a Dufour 9000A (for aluminium) left him in no doubt about how Qilak should be equipped.


Carlier believes in offering his guests ‘comfort but not luxury’, including a fully functioning sauna, which will undoubtedly be appreciated in high latitudes

In everything he approaches, one can sense his commercial aeronautical training coming into play, with systems thought out in the most minute of detail, back ups in place and nothing left to chance.

Fuel filtration is a case in point, the importance of which was brought home to him in no uncertain terms when he was piloting a Boeing 747 cargo plane. All four engines failed due to fuel contamination. The ability of the fuel system to by-pass the badly blocked filters saved the plane and his crew.

Leaving little to chance

Crouched in Qilak ’s excellent and spotlessly clean engine room, Carlier explains the fuel system which is supplied by four separate diesel tanks which can be linked together, isolated or paired up in any combination. They feed a 200lt ‘day’ tank warmed by the fuel return lines from both the main engine and the generator. In very cold conditions heat is needed to avoid increased viscosity and ‘waxing’.

A series of filters leaves little chance of contaminated fuel reaching the engines but, in the unlikely event of it doing so, you sense Philippe’s complete understanding of the system would get to the bottom of the problem.


Qilak’s immaculate engine room

Qilak ’s main engine is a six-cylinder 150hp Steyr diesel driving a hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller. The engine also incorporates a 4.5kVA glycol cooled flywheel generator, which, alongside a Fischer Panda 8kVA three-cylinder genset, feeds a bank of lithium-ion batteries.

With domestic services including the galley range and the heads’ flushing system plus electro-hydraulic power for the large transom door, the variable pitch propeller and the keel lift mechanism, the need for a reliable and large electrical supply is critical.

Once again, Carlier’s detailed understanding of the electrical set up and his ability to ‘re-build’ the supply in the event of a complete failure – which, incidentally, he and his crew have already practiced – are impressive.

Multi-role deck saloon

Before we moved out on deck Carlier explained the thinking behind the deck saloon with its secondary steering position (via autopilot) and navigation area to port and an observation station to starboard. Both are equipped with excellent fully adjustable, heavily upholstered, heated seats complete with suspension and safety belts. They were sourced from the fishing industry.

Forward and on a lower level is a long, drop-leaf table in bamboo with a large settee seat to port. With its substantial lee-cloth this doubles as an emergency medical first aid berth. The main companionway dimensions are sufficient to get a stretcher below.


The deck saloon looking forward with a watertight door leading to the main accommodation. The portside berth doubles as a first aid station in event of an injury

The large, toughened superstructure windows provide a superb view from all seating and the forward one is angled, commercial vessel style, to keep the water off without the need for a wiper. The windows all have storm boards which, apart from protection from solid water, satisfy Antarctic requirements to avoid bird strikes. Birds are attracted to light and the authorities insist that yachts take measures to avoid what could be fatal accidents to wildlife.

Accommodation comprises crew quarters aft and a large workbench area to starboard with an additional pilot berth above – literally for a pilot. The all-important galley area is set to port with a dining area capable of sitting at least eight in comfort.

We were assured that fiddles for the forward-facing electric range and oven were being fabricated as we spoke, but it surprised us the opportunity to gimbal the entire stove had not been taken.


Guest cabins are well appointed, but not fussy, a decent size and have their own wash basin

Owen defended the fixed, athwartships installation based on his experience in the BT Global Challenge during which thousands of meals were prepared successfully. He also argued that the space for gimballing was difficult to find.

None of the work surfaces had adequate fiddles – again we were told that fiddles set outboard from the worktop edge were on their way. Qilak is still a work in progress.

Working cockpit

With a full complement of 12, it’s hard to see how everyone could fit easily into the cockpit, but that’s an unlikely scenario.

In fact the ‘bench seat’ running across the transom could accommodate at least six and there are two excellent, well-protected ‘off-watch’ webbing seats (to avoid water accumulation) nestling beneath the superstructure overhang. The bench seat, incidentally, doubles as a passarelle.


Carlier (right) casts an eye over the cockpit with the orange line runner winch loaded and the mainsheet winch on a centreline plinth

The steering positions provide an excellent view forward down either side of the deck saloon superstructure. There are some additions to come – foot chocks, a platform to provide the helmsperson with even more elevation and heavy duty netting across the open-ended cockpit to improve security.

An essential bit of kit for high latitudes cruising includes a really robust tender. Qilak ’s main RIB will be stowed in the enormous stern garage accessed via the hydraulically operated stern door.

The opening extends right to the waterline and care will be needed when using this in anything other than flat water.


Right forward is a cavernous forepeak in which sails and the plethora of specialist high latitudes cruising and climbing gear will be stowed

Line drums, for secure, multi-warp mooring to shore in tight anchorages, are essential and these will be fitted either side of the mast and beneath the stern bench seat mentioned earlier.

Anchor handling is key

Although the bow of Qilak was the last feature on our deck tour it was, according to Owen, the starting point for the entire design.

“If you don’t get your anchor specification and handling right in high latitudes you’ve had it,” he said. Gigantic bow rollers hold two oversized 70kg Rocna anchors connected to 100m of oversized 14mm chain handled by two oversized Lewmar windlasses.


Twin 70kg Rocnas stowed on large bow rollers

“You have to remember that you can pick up kelp weighing as much as an anchor on your ground tackle so you must be prepared to lift much more than the anchor weight,” Owen explained.

A remarkably handy yacht

We’d opted for a reef in the main in a northerly breeze blowing in the teens. With around 20 knots over the deck at times, Qilak settled into a nice groove upwind while we got used to the cockpit and trimming controls. On the wheel in these flat-water, upwind conditions she felt totally controllable, tracking well and virtually sailing herself. We had to short tack into Southampton Water and she proved to be remarkably handy.

First impressions suggested an easy to sail, fast and manoeuvrable yacht. She feels lively and rewarding to sail and it will be interesting to see how she behaves in big waves. I expect Qilak has every chance of meeting the passage making targets her owner has set for her and provide a comfortable, safe platform for high latitudes adventure.


LOA: 20.38m LWL: 19.75m Beam: 6.13m AVS at max loaded displacement condition: 13° Maximum operating displacement: 51.7 tonnes Design: Owen Clarke Design Builder: KM Yachtbuilders


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