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KDY, Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub på Sjælland

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Royal Danish Yacht Club

The Royal Danish Yacht club - or Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub as it is called in Danish - was founded in 1866.

The yacht club is situated in Hellerup and has an impressive club house. It was done by architect Thomas Scheel, and was opened in 2007. The Royal Danish Yacht Club is part of bigger renovation project in Hellerup, with the aim to create a modern and attractive marina in Hellerup. The yacht club also offer a restaurant - Club Royal – which is open for everybody.

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Visiting the Royal Danish Yacht Club

  • August 25, 2023

royal danish yacht club

In Copenhagen there was a reunion with the referees Jens Villumsen (IJ, DEN), who were also active in Warnemünde, and Karl Petter Haugen (IJ, NOR), who chaired the jury here.

Jörn-Christoph Jansen used the day off to visit the Royal Danish Yacht Club (KDY). Together with Sven Solgaard Andersen, who was also part of the Yngling Worlds jury team and a member of KDY, we went to Denmark's largest and oldest sailing club with its headquarters in Tuborg Havnepark, Hellerup (Copenhagen). Peter Lübeck was already waiting there Warnemünder Woche Already active race leader (IRO, DEN) and member of the KDY in 2022 and 2023.

On the occasion of the club's 25th anniversary in 1891, King Christian IX. the club the right to call itself 'Kongelig Dansk Yacht Club' in the future. From 1891 and the name change, the previously used white club stand with three red stars gave way to the new stand with a royal crown over three yellow stars. Today the Kongelig Dansk Yacht Club has around 2.200 members. 

royal danish yacht club

Peter Rud Gylden from KYD led the discussion after a warm welcome and exchange Warnemünder Woche, club activities and the ongoing Yngling World Championship through the new clubhouse in Tuborg Harbor, which was only inaugurated by Queen Margrethe II in 2007. The poster for the 86th edition was then created by Peter Lübeck and Jörn-Christoph Jansen. Warnemünder Woche Hanged in the entrance area of ​​the KDY in 2024. A smaller second poster adorns the office of the traditional club. 

The KDY will be the Warnemünder Woche with a race committee led by Peter Lübeck in the future and expand this cooperation. In 2024, among other things, the KDY is planning to take over a 29er regatta course. Peter Lübeck and Jörn-Christoph Jansen already know each other from the world championships for H-boats in Struer and the Zoom8 at Yachtklubben Furesøen. The Zoom8 will compete in their world championship in 2024 Warnemünder Woche kommen.

“In addition to the experience that the KDY has in the Warnemünder Woche “We want to use the cooperation for a German-Danish exchange of race officials,” said Jörn-Christoph Jansen, who is also part of the organizing team Warnemünder Woche is, in conclusion. 

Text + photos: Dr. Jörn-Christoph Jansen 

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All ashore for A Boater’s Rendezvous with Copenhagen and The Royal Danish Yacht Club – Part 1

by Kazaz · August 1, 2023

royal danish yacht club

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes – ABR* – Water. Isn’t it just a siren call for the senses? The comforting rhythm of its waves, the allure of its mood swings, and the morning sun gleaming off its surface like it’s showing off its stash of liquid gold! As a mariner who cruises for pleasure, I’m head over keel for these aquatic charms. If you’re a dry-footed reader, beware – you just might end up with a severe case of sea fever!

My day starts with a simple sip of water in the cozy confines of our boat. Soon, I find myself adrift in a sea of thoughts. Picture this—in an age where land-based commute is an unpoetic ballet of beeps, screeches, police or ambulance sirens, and bumper-kissing traffic. A standard 45-minute drive now takes 2 hours (looking at you, major US cities!) with traffic cameras eagerly waiting to snap your car’s portrait just so they can serve up a speeding ticket, especially in those oh-so-many 25 mph zones that used to be 35-40 mph. Let’s not even get started on the never-ending stop signs, bouts of road rage, and more. Now, contrast this with us boaters who have the whole watery expanse to roam and roam. How can you not fall head over heels for this lifestyle?

For us, traffic jams are merely seagulls swirling over a fat catch, and road rage is an outmoded notion that couldn’t keep up with our wake. And the community—the boating brotherhood is dotted with the most fascinating bunch of folks. Always there to lend a hand, and share stories over the waves. Then, of course, there’s Jim (we’re convinced there’s a Jim in every marina!) and his epic fish tales, the one about wrestling a giant marlin that suspiciously grows by a foot each time he recounts it.

As our devoted readers are aware, we’re destination boaters. We select a spot or two, navigate there with our floating hotel room, “Life’s AOK,” a cabin cruiser, and soak up the local vibe and tales. That includes our trips relating to the Slow Boat to Florida series.

What about voyages to far-flung locations that we wouldn’t dare go to with our boat? Remember, we are fair-weather boaters and must-see land at all times. So the answer is simple. We fly in, rent a boat (with or without a skipper), and enjoy the local waters and camaraderie. And so begins our new series, “A Boater’s Rendezvous*” (ABR*) As for our “ Slow Boat to Florida ” (SBFL) series? Fear not, it will bob along!

This summer, we found ourselves having a rendezvous not with Caribbean catamarans, but with the enchanting city of Copenhagen, Denmark. We just packed our bags and flew there.

In a country flaunting over 4,500 miles of coastline and 406 islands, boating was a no-brainer for us, and we suspect even the most stubborn land-dweller would agree. We discovered Denmark, a delightful country obsessed with bicycling, to be a haven for sailors of all ages and budgets.

Denmark is often ranked among the world’s happiest countries (check out the World Happiness Report for some enlightening data ). However, it’s vital to remember that happiness is a multifaceted and subjective concept.

Rendezvous with Copenhagen 

Welcome to Copenhagen, a city teeming with maritime history and nautical wonders.

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From its scenic canals to its bustling harbors, Copenhagen is a captivating blend of historic charm and contemporary panache. As you sail through its waters and discover this coastal jewel, brace yourself for indulgent hotels, culinary delights, and three must-see spots that will leave you breathless. So, climb aboard with us on this virtual sea voyage through Copenhagen, the home of “The Little Mermaid.”

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A seafaring history and maritime heritage

Copenhagen, a maritime city with Viking roots, has been a crucial maritime hub for centuries, standing proudly along the Oresund Strait connecting the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. With a seafaring legacy stretching from the Viking Age to the present day, it’s home to one of the world’s biggest shipping companies, A.P. Moller-Maersk, founded in 1904.

During the Viking Age, Copenhagen, then known as Havn (meaning “harbor” in Danish), was already a significant trading port and a center for seafaring activities. The Vikings, known for their prowess as sailors and explorers, used the city as a base for their expeditions and trading ventures. As time passed, Copenhagen continued to grow as a maritime city, attracting merchants, sailors, and adventurers from around the world.

royal danish yacht club

Tracing its roots back to the 10th century, the Kingdom of Denmark was established when Harald Bluetooth unified the regions of Denmark into a single kingdom. Known for introducing Christianity to Denmark, Harald Bluetooth turned Denmark into a formidable kingdom with a well-organized central authority. Today, the Kingdom of Denmark includes Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands, with Queen Margrethe II as its reigning monarch. The country remains a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. 

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In the 15th and 16th centuries, Copenhagen’s importance as a maritime power increased with the establishment of the Danish Navy. King Christian IV of Denmark played a pivotal role in developing Copenhagen’s naval prowess, expanding the city’s harbor and fortifications to protect its maritime interests. The naval base at Nyholm, established in the 17th century, remains a significant maritime site in Copenhagen to this day.

Copenhagen’s seafaring history further flourished during the Age of Exploration and the colonial era, with Danish ships voyaging to far-off lands, establishing trade routes, and forming colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

In the modern era, Copenhagen’s maritime influence continued to thrive. The city became a hub for shipbuilding, shipping, and maritime industries. Today, it remains a key port in Northern Europe, accommodating cargo ships, cruise liners, and pleasure boats.

It’s time to become a nautical tourist

Prepare to embark on an epic voyage through the enchanting waters of Copenhagen, where the canals beckon and adventure awaits! Get ready to chart a course for fun, as we navigate this coastal gem from a pleasure boater’s perspective.

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Ah, the sun-kissed canals of Nyhavn! A kaleidoscope of colors and a bustling hub of activity, this picturesque canal district is a boater’s dream come true. As you steer your boat along the cobblestone-lined waterways, you’ll be greeted by charming historic buildings, lively cafes, and street musicians serenading you with merry tunes. 

But wait, there’s more to this nautical wonderland! Drop anchor at the Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, a delightful harborfront retreat fit for the most intrepid sailors. Relax in your cozy quarters with stunning views of the water, or pamper yourself at the spa to ease those sore sea legs. This hotel is the perfect sanctuary after a day of high-sea adventures.

Ready to discover culinary delights that’ll make your taste buds dance a jig? Feast your eyes and your palate at The Standard, a fine establishment nestled in a beautifully renovated warehouse along the harbor. Savor delectable Nordic cuisine. And if you’re a seafood enthusiast, Fiskebaren in the Meatpacking District is a treasure trove of maritime goodness. From plump shrimp to succulent scallops, this place is a seafood lover’s paradise.

If you’re in the mood for something a bit more casual, head over to Kodbyens Mad & Marked, the bustling street food market that’s a mecca for hungry sailors. With tantalizing smells wafting through the air, it’s a treasure trove of global flavors. Whether you crave a juicy burger or spicy Thai, this market has it all!

Now, it’s time to set sail for adventure! First stop, the iconic Little Mermaid statue, perched on a rock like a true sea nymph. You may think she’s petite, but her spirit and charm are larger than life! It’s a must-see sight for every sailor venturing into these waters. She has been attacked several times, with her head and one arm cut off and stolen and then replaced over the years. She endures, still sitting there just like any graceful celebrity. Interestingly, a smaller version of the statue keeps an eye on the trophies of the Royal Yacht Club in their clubhouse. It, too, has had its share of problems (more on that in Part 2).

But don’t be marooned on land for too long! Make your way to Christianshavn, a delightful neighborhood with winding canals and historic buildings. Glide through the waterways like a captain on a grand expedition, and don’t forget to raise a toast at the charming cafes along the shores. And if you’re up for an offbeat adventure, venture into Christiania, a free town known for its unique spirit and bohemian culture. It’s a world of its own, where creativity knows no bounds!

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with a mesmerizing palette of colors, take a moment to savor the magic of Copenhagen from a pleasure boater’s perspective. The canals, the charming neighborhoods, and the vibrant energy of the city create a captivating tapestry that’ll stay with you long after you set sail for new horizons. It certainly has been staying with us.

Bicycles, bicycles, and more bicycles everywhere

If you are on land, at the same spots where you could have been on the waterside and all around the town, one single vehicle will overwhelm you—bicycles.

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Bicycles are vehicles. Bicyclists are authorized users of roadways. However, bicyclists have rights-of-way and the same duty to obey all traffic signals as motorists. But bicycles are less visible, quieter, and don’t have a protective barrier around them. That problem is very much solved in Copenhagen. Just like a school of fish, there are hordes of bicycles either going from one place to another or parked. Dare not to give them the right of way.

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Most everyone is peddling. From ladies with floor-length evening gowns wearing stilettos, to anybody and everybody wearing any type of clothes and carrying almost everything you can think of, including musical instruments like cellos. Bicycles have baby or adult carriages carrying extra passengers, and even FedEx bicycles do deliveries. 

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What else is in Copenhagen?

Well, there is a lot for sure and this is a very walkable city. So plan at least a week to check it out. Central Copenhagen is chock full of places to see. If you want to do more dry-footed touristy things, here are more attractions for you . Would you like to see more? Try these .  Since we are mostly focusing on the nautical side of our experiences, I am going to leave the rest of the city information to the regular tourist resources that you can easily find. But while you’re at it, just don’t miss that Denmark is the home of Lego!

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If you prefer to stay inside of the city rather than on the shores, we recommend Ibsens Hotel or Hotel Kong Arthur. (In full transparency, we have not been compensated for this endorsement.) They are conveniently co-located in a less touristy part of town, have a good strategic location, friendly staff, and serve a very good breakfast. One of our favorite locations is nearby. You can walk down to Torvehallern eKBH, an urban fresh food market. You can shop and eat where the locals do. It is also near a major metro and train station that gives you access to pretty much everywhere. 

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As the sun sets on your maritime adventure in Copenhagen, you’ll leave with a treasure trove of unforgettable memories.

So, set your compass for Copenhagen, and let the winds of excitement carry you to this seafaring paradise! Copenhagen’s nautical wonders await your discovery. Whether you’re cruising along Nyhavn, feasting on delectable seafood, or venturing into charming Christiania, this maritime adventure is one you’ll treasure for a lifetime. 

Well, that’s it for now. Stay well. I hope to say hello to you if you spot my boat, Life’s AOK, in one of the locations that I’m hoping to visit in 2023.

I bid you Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Cover photo: The Little Mermaid (statue) , Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo by Kazaz/

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-ND

6 things I learned

If you have not arrived in copenhagen with your own boat, you can still have a boat there. that is no problem at all. try one of these solutions:.

  •   A platform that connects boat owners with renters. They offer a variety of boats, including powerboats and sailboats.
  • Nettobadene: Offers small motorboat rentals for exploring the Copenhagen canals and waterways.
  • GoBoat Copenhagen :  Offers self-drive motorboat rentals for cruising around Copenhagen’s harbors and canals. Offers self-driving electric boats suitable for group outings.
  • Canal Tours Copenhagen : Provides guided boat tours, but they might also have options for private boat rentals.
  • Three-masted sailing ship with max. 32 passengers, 16 cabins
  • Guided cycling tours, an international group
  • Visit Copenhagen and Malmö, among others
  • Helsingborg and Landskrona, the islands of Ven and Møn
  • Individually controlled air conditioning
  • Cocktail bar/outdoor bar
  • Sail surface 742 m2
  • Covered sundeck
  • For more information
  • Coboat: Offers sailboat charters for exploring the waters around Copenhagen.
  • Click&Boat: An online platform that connects boat owners and renters, providing various boat rental options. It is for private yacht charters and peer-to-peer boat rentals.

Best Hotels for Pleasure Boaters:

  • Hotel d’Angleterre: Located along the Nyhavn Canal, Hotel d’Angleterre exudes luxury and elegance, making it the ideal choice for discerning pleasure boaters. This historic five-star hotel offers stunning views of the waterfront and easy access to the city’s main attractions. After a day on the water, relax in the opulent rooms and pamper yourself with top-notch amenities. The hotel’s exquisite dining options and attentive staff ensure a truly memorable stay.
  • Copenhagen Marriott Hotel: Nestled on the picturesque harbor waterfront, the Copenhagen Marriott Hotel offers comfort and convenience for pleasure boaters. The spacious rooms boast spectacular views of the harbor and beyond, creating a serene retreat after a day of sailing. Take advantage of the hotel’s fitness center and spa facilities to unwind and rejuvenate. With its prime location, you’ll find yourself within walking distance of many of Copenhagen’s iconic spots.
  • Adina Apartment Hotel Copenhagen: For those seeking a home away from home, Adina Apartment Hotel provides a delightful option. Located near the harbor and city center, the hotel offers well-equipped apartments with kitchenettes, allowing you to prepare your favorite meals with ease. The modern and stylish interiors provide a comfortable haven to recharge for the next boating adventure.

Best Restaurants for Pleasure Boaters:

  • The Standard: Nestled in a beautifully renovated warehouse on the harbor, The Standard offers a delectable culinary experience with a stunning waterfront view. Indulge in innovative Nordic cuisine created with locally-sourced ingredients. The restaurant’s sleek design and buzzing atmosphere make it a popular choice for boaters looking to savor modern Danish gastronomy.
  • Fiskebaren: Located in the heart of the Meatpacking District, Fiskebaren is a seafood lover’s paradise. This trendy eatery offers a variety of fresh and sustainable seafood dishes, artfully prepared to tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy a relaxing meal on the outdoor terrace, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of this former industrial area.
  • Kødbyens Mad & Marked: For a more casual and bohemian dining experience, head to Kødbyens Mad & Marked (Meatpacking Food & Market). This lively street food market is a melting pot of culinary delights, featuring an array of food trucks and stalls offering international cuisines. Whether you’re craving Asian, Middle Eastern, or classic Danish dishes, this market has something for every palate.

Three Must-See Spots for Pleasure Boaters:

  • Nyhavn: No trip to Copenhagen is complete without a visit to Nyhavn, the iconic canal district that graces countless postcards. Cruise your pleasure boat along the colorful waterfront, lined with historic buildings, charming cafes, and lively street performers. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, and don’t forget to capture the perfect Instagram-worthy shot of your boat with the stunning backdrop.
  • The Little Mermaid: A short sail from Nyhavn will take you to one of Copenhagen’s most famous landmarks – The Little Mermaid statue. Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale, this iconic sculpture sitting on a rock along the waterfront is a must-see attraction. While the statue itself may be petite, its significance and charm leave a lasting impression.


Discover the enchanting neighborhood of Christianshavn, known for its quaint canals, historic buildings, and alternative community of Christiania. Cruise along the idyllic canals, passing traditional houseboats and charming cafes.

1 thing I recommend

Go there and enjoy yourself.

royal danish yacht club

Marinas where you can stay overnight or longer

  • Tuborg Havn (Tuborg Harbour): Home of the Royal Danish Yacht Club, located in Hellerup, a suburb of Copenhagen, Tuborg Havn is a modern marina with berths for both large and small boats. It is only 15 minutes by taxi from Copenhagen. It offers various amenities, including restaurants, shops, and facilities for sailors.  
  • Skovshoved Havn (Skovshoved Harbour): Situated in Skovshoved, a short distance north of Copenhagen, this marina provides a picturesque setting with a scenic view of the sea. It offers berthing facilities, boat services, and a restaurant.
  • Dragør Lystbådehavn (Dragør Marina): Located in the charming coastal town of Dragør, south of Copenhagen, this marina offers a peaceful atmosphere and a historic backdrop. It has berths for visiting boats and provides access to the charming town with its traditional Danish architecture.
  • Lynetten Havn (Lynetten Marina): Situated on the island of Refshaleøen, Lynetten Havn is a small marina with basic facilities. It’s a great spot for those looking to explore the Refshaleøen area, which has become a hub for cultural events and activities.
  • Svanemøllehavnen (Svanemølle Marina): Located in the northern part of Copenhagen, Svanemøllehavnen is a modern marina with excellent facilities and easy access to the city center. It offers berths for boats of various sizes and is close to public transportation.
  • Nordhavn (North Harbour): Nordhavn is a newly developed harbor area in Copenhagen, offering modern marina facilities for both small boats and superyachts. It’s a vibrant part of the city with restaurants, cafes, and residential areas.
  • Amager Strandpark Bådehavn (Amager Strandpark Marina ): Found on the island of Amager, this marina is part of the Amager Strandpark, a popular beach area. The marina provides easy access to the water and beach facilities.
  • Christianshavn Kanal (Christianshavn Canal): Located in the heart of Copenhagen, Christianshavn Canal offers short-term moorings for visiting boats. It’s an excellent location for exploring the city’s attractions, including the famous free town of Christiania.

Please remember to check with each marina regarding availability, facilities, and services, as well as any specific regulations they may have for visitors or temporary berthing.

*ABR stands for our new series, “A Boater’s Rendezvous.” This series focuses on our voyages to far-flung locations that we wouldn’t dare go to with our boat. Being fair-weather boaters who must see land at all times, we don’t dare to go anywhere and everywhere with our boat, Life’s AOK. So we fly in, rent a boat (with or without a skipper), and enjoy the local waters and camaraderie.

Join us on our journey of discovery of other lands where we fly in and explore the joys of boating. We’re taking you with us, through our blog, “Trips of Discovery.” In this series, we’ll take you to some of the most historic and charming cities of the world and their waters suitable for pleasure boaters like ourselves. Who knows, you might even be inspired to plan your own adventure!

My wife and I hope you’ll be able to join us on the journey, either by boat or by a combination of flying and car. Don’t hesitate to reach out and share your own insights or experiences about the locations we visit. We’d love to hear from you and keep the conversation going! And if not, don’t worry, you can still follow along as armchair travelers! So sit back, relax, and let’s embark on our Trips of Discovery of other waters.

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J/70 European Championship at the Royal Danish Yacht Club - Day 1

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KDY - Royal Danish Yacht Club

Torm, Carlsberg A/S, KDY


COWI A/S Schønherr

Tuborg Havnepark 15, DK-2900 Hellerup

Completed in 2007

Byggeri Magazine, Chosen Construction (2007), World Architecture Festival Awards, Shortlist Pleasure Category (2008)

royal danish yacht club

The Royal Danish Yacht Club is home to the Danish Association of Yachters, founded in 1866. In 2007, the new clubhouse opened in Tuborg Harbour.  With its soft expression inspired by the shapes of the boats and the flowing character of the water, the building forms an integrated part of the harbour architecture in the form of a strong aesthetic with clear references to the maritime setting.  

Tuborg Harbour is a contemporary district with a mix of housing, offices and recreational activities. Whereas the commercial buildings are large, solitary domiciles and the housing features elongated, horizontal buildings.

A common trait is their precise appearance, simple geometry and the average height of five to six storeys.

The Royal Danish Yacht Club enjoys a central location with an extensive water view encircled by a system of walkways, steps and ramps, which convey the transition between the city and the harbour. 

The clubhouse is the harbour headquarters, and at just 1,000 square metres it is of a different scale than the rest of the buildings. The main architectural feature is the folded roof. It closes the building from the residential area to the south, but opens it up towards the harbour and the stunning views of Øresund. 

 With its angled fan shape, the clubhouse divides the harbour into two sections. The angled effect and the northern orientation ensure that the public restaurant offers views of the harbour through floor-to-ceiling windows. The west- and south-facing patios bathe in the late afternoon sun. 

 The fan form creates ideal shade from the southern sun and only cuts the form where entrances are needed. As you arrive through the entrance of the closed southern facade, the design offers a full view of the harbour and a peek at the sea.

 Built and covered in robust materials such as roofing felt, painted steel, glass and timber, the building is  designed to weather in the sunlight. The ‘shell’ is clad with black roofing felt with no indication of joints or  drainage. The white-painted steel profile frames the building with reference to the white-painted steel hulls of big ships. Inside, the form is wood lined similar to wooden boat decks and fittings.

‘The house gives you a sense of being on the water. In the middle of a transition between city and harbour.’

Thomas Scheel, senior partner

royal danish yacht club

The Royal Yacht Dannebrog

The Royal Yacht Dannebrog serves as the official and private residence for HM The King and other members of the Royal Family when they are on summer cruises in home waters or on official visits overseas.

The Royal Yacht Dannebrog was named by Queen Alexandrine in Copenhagen in 1931 and hoisted its flag for the first time on 26 May 1932. Dannebrog now serves as the official and private residence for The King and other members of the Royal Family when they are on summer cruises in home waters or on official visits overseas. The Royal Yacht also takes part in surveillance and sea rescue operations when at sea.

Dannebrog was built in 1931-1932 at the Naval Dockyard in Copenhagen as a replacement for the previous royal vessel, the paddle steamer Dannebrog from 1879. The ship’s hull is a riveted steel construction on transverse frames. The ship has a clipper bow and an elliptic stern. Seen from the outside, the Royal Yacht can be divided into two sections. In front of the funnel, there is space for crew accommodations, cargo and the engine. During visits to Danish and foreign ports, the covered quarterdeck is used for receptions.

The royal compartment includes The King's study, a dining salon, a lounge, the bedrooms and more. The royal compartment contains furniture and fittings from the previous royal vessel from 1879.

royal danish yacht club

The Royal Yacht Dannebrog is an independent command administered by the Chief of HM The King’s Naval Household, who is a member of the Royal Court.

Dannebrog’s full crew consists of 9 officers, 7 sergeants, 2 able seamen, 2nd class and 36-39 conscripts, who are all specially-selected from the Navy. 

Every year in January, a new team of conscripts begin at the Navy’s basic training school in Frederikshavn, where they undergo comprehensive naval training before they meet aboard the Royal Yacht Dannebrog in April.  It is the conscripts who handle all of the practical tasks on board, such as helmsman and lookout duty while sailing, guard service in port as well as cleaning and polishing of the considerable amounts of brass found on the ship, both outside and inside. Also, chefs, bakers and machinists are conscripts with relevant specialized training. After completing service and training aboard the Royal Yacht Dannebrog, a very large proportion of the conscripts continue their careers on the Navy’s other ships.

The officers are normally seconded for periods of two to four years, whereas the conscripts stay for just one summer.

royal danish yacht club

Since the flag was first hoisted in 1932, the yacht has trained approximately 3,300 recruits and travelled more than 800,000 nautical miles. 

The yacht has visited most of the ports of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The yacht has also visited European ports, especially in France, and has been in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean seas as well as the American east coast.

Dimensions of the Royal Yacht:

  • Length (overall): 78.4 m
  • Width: 10.4 m
  • Draught: 3.9 m
  • Mast height: 23 m
  • Main engines: Two diesel engines, B&W Alpha Diesel, type 6T23L-KVO, 870 HP each

An overhaul was done in 1980-1981.

royal danish yacht club

Leading Yacht Clubs • Working Together • Sharing Experiences

How Royal Danish Yacht Club Earned Sustainability Award, and What Comes Next

Nicolai Lassen

Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub/Royal Danish Yacht Club

July 14, 2022

royal danish yacht club

Royal Danish Yacht Club (KDY) was recently awarded a distinguished Platinum Certificate for sustainability in the Nordic Region in 2021, an incredible achievement for the Sustainability Committee. This group, headed by Søren Helmer and known colloquially as the “KDY Green Team” is tasked to deliver, manage, develop and follow up on established sustainability activities, with many more projects to be initiated in 2022.

Søren Helmer is quite clear in presentation: “The Royal Danish Yacht Club must be Denmark’s leading sustainable sailing club. Outwardly, both in the surrounding society, and towards the Danish and foreign sailing clubs and sailors, KDY stands as the beacon that drives the development of sustainability within our sport.”

Sustainability not only helps to strengthen respect for the Club — it also supports a healthy economy. KDY is excited to start the 2022 season with a fleet of four electric self-driving racing buoys that set racecourses via a mobile app. In addition to being able to set and adjust the course more quickly, these devices also represent a significant reduction in the use of fuel-intensive RIB engines. The only potential downside is that future volunteers will have to seek alternative forms of weight training, now that the manual salvage of anchor gear will be a thing of the past.

Taking a position as a frontrunner for sustainability is an enormous undertaking. Some might even say it’s unmanageable, and it is certainly a profound cultural change for the almost 157-year-old the Royal Danish Yacht Club. Søren Helmer says of this, “All tasks and goals are not solved immediately, but it is important to agree on guidelines, priorities and define relevant tasks.”

Sustainability at all Levels at KDY

Helmer clarifies that the goal of the Green Team is to create a structure so that all KDY club activities comply with and support the sustainability goals of the Club. “It is important that all members of KDY, from the youngest Opti sailor to the oldest of old hands, feel like an active part of the KDY Green Team. We owe it to the world’s oceans as they are the very foundation for the enjoyment of sailing.”

To achieve the 2021 Platinum Certificate, KDY infused sustainability across its club activities including a “green” J/70 European Championship and efforts by many KDY volunteers, KDY staff, Skovshoved Harbour and Gentofte Municipality.

In 2022 and beyond, KDY maintains the outlook to continue developing sustainable competitions, and to incorporate sustainability into other daily activities in support of building the ultimate sustainable sailing club. The Green Team’s goals and activities will help ensure that KDY, today and in the future, nationally and internationally, is the leading sustainable sailing club.

The UN’s goals toward sustainability inspired the international and the world’s only marine conservation organization that engages, educates and activates the sailing and boating community toward restoring ocean health: Sailors for the Sea. Their programs are multifaceted and have been used in 63 countries around the world, and are a great starting point for organizations and individuals seeking to adopt green initiatives. Read more on

Practicing Sustainability at KDY

A playbook has been prepared for all upcoming competitions. A list of Green Team-certified partners and suppliers will be available to support the activities performed before, during and after a regatta. Sustainability will be as important in planning as scheduling port berths and judges, and will be a significant factor in considering companion vessels, social events, communications and prizes. The goal is for a minimum of 3 (and preferably all) KDY events to achieve the 2022 Sailors for the Sea Certificate.

Committee Work

The KDY Green Team will integrate sustainability into all KDY’s central committees and activities and prepare a Green Team plan with each committee.


Working with the Green Team, KDY will pursue partnerships that results in energy-efficient and sustainable ports, clubhouses and daily operations. To clearly agree on guidelines, priorities, and relevant tasks, KDY will work on establishing green cooperation between KDY/Tuborg Port, Gentofte Municipality and companies around Tuborg Harbour. Likewise, KDY will establish collaborations with relevant partners for activities in the municipal ports of Skovshoved Harbour and Rungsted Harbour.

Cooperation with Nordic Ocean Watch.

KDY is committed to performing at least three port cleanings with Nordic Ocean Watch and participation from KDY members.


The Green Team is creating the base for a loyal sponsorship network.

Thanks to the 2022 KDY GREEN TEAM!

Søren Helmer, Chairman

Susanne Allerup, Sustainable Regattas

Alessandro Karsfred, Sustainable Fuel

Peter Stephensen Lübeck, Representative of the Board of Directors and Member of the Racing Committee

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Nominee - Jun 21, 2021

Kongelig dansk yachtklub.

royal danish yacht club

Royal Danish Yacht Club (Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub) is the oldest yacht club in Denmark - established 1866. The yacht club has strong traditions with a number of awarded honors.

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royal danish yacht club

  • The Royal Yacht Dannebrog

From 3 February 2023 to 18 February 2024

Watch the opening of the exhibition live 2 February at 1 pm (in Danish)

The Royal Danish Collection invites visitors to Koldinghus abord the Royal Yacht Dannebrog. The exhibition, which gives an impression of life on board for both the Royal Family and the ship’s crew, is set in the four-storey 800-m2 Ruin Hall at Koldinghus.

The Royal Yacht Dannebrog was built in 1931–1932 and serves as the official and private residence for HM The Queen and other members of the Royal Family on summer cruises in home waters or state visits overseas. During cruises, the Royal Yacht also takes part in surveillance, sea rescue operations and training of future naval officers.

royal danish yacht club

The Royal Yacht is more than a ship that forms the setting of the Royal Family’s life at sea and carries them on voyages to meet the Danes. It is a floating palace that serves as a royal residence, a personal home, a training ship and a workplace.

Expanding over the multiple levels of the Ruin Hall, the exhibition gives visitors a sense of being on board the ship itself in a setting of canvas, deck chairs and lifebelts with a view of the approach through the coastal inlet Kolding Fjord and accompanied by the sound of the engine mixed with the voices of the sailors and the cries of seagulls on the upper decks.

royal danish yacht club

Photo: When Queen Margrethe took over the Royal Yacht in 1972, it also came to serve as a holiday home to the young Royal Family. Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Joachim joined their parents on the summer cruises and became accustomed to life at sea. Photograph from 1973. Photographer: unknown

The exhibition presents a wide range of objects associated with the Royal Yacht, including The Queen’s embroidered cushions for the ship, watercolours painted by Her Majesty on board, sailor suits worn by HRH The Crown Prince and HRH Prince Joachim in the 1970s and the spray nozzle that Frederik IX used for his morning shower on the quarterdeck. The story of life on board over three generations is told through the Royal Family’s private films and photographs.

The exhibition is a revised and expanded presentation of the exhibition ‘THE ROYAL YACHT DANNEBROG’, which was shown at M/S Maritime Museum of Denmark in 2022.

  • Upcoming exhibitions
  • Previous Exhibitions
  • Details and history of Dannebrog

royal danish yacht club


Sending a strong message by removing 2,500 kg of plastic from the ocean

A genuine interest in making a change

As an association with more than 2,000 members, ranging from individuals to large corporate memberships, and with the mission of promoting the sport of sailing in Denmark, it is important for the Royal Danish Yacht Club to state their environmental responsibility for the one thing that upholds their existence: The Ocean. Being responsible for removing 2,500 kg of plastic through ReSea Project has been a powerful statement that has generated a lot of positive publicity and attention for their overall strategic focus on sustainability activities.

J70 Agter-web.jpg

See the case story here

A sustainable sailing club


We hope to inspire other businesses to do the same!

Royal Danish Yacht Club is an attractive and sustainable sailing club with maritime heritage from the very beginning. In its work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Royal Danish Yacht club has developed a new sustainability strategy focusing on being a responsible entity in its activities linked to the ocean.

Royal Danish Yacht Club wanted to go one step further and make a tangible difference to the oceans. Removing 2,500 kg of plastic from the ocean has been a powerful statement that has served as a general promotion of its sustainable initiatives.


The one thing that unites us all

For Royal Danish Yacht Club, removing plastic from the ocean in Indonesia is perfectly aligned with its environmental focus. Even though it’s far away from the sea in which they operate, we are all tied to the ocean and it’s the one thing that unites us all. With this message, Royal Danish Yacht Club has made efforts to advertise their commitment through their website and articles, but also with visuals in the harbor area, such as putting the ReSea logo on their boats used for competition.

Emerging opportunities

Despite being responsible for removing a huge amount of plastic from the ocean, Royal Danish Yacht Club’s commitment did not end there. As sailing is what they do, they wanted to go further. That’s why they chose to donate two boats to our fishermen in Indonesia, sending a clear message that they are committed to turning the tide. With the partnership and ongoing efforts to communicate it, Royal Danish Yacht Club hopes to create awareness of plastic pollution and inspire the many people that visit each year and business members to support the fight against ocean plastic pollution.

Read more about Royal Danish Yachtclub here .



Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY Copenhagen, Waterfront Architecture Denmark, DK Building Photos, Architect

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY

Contemporary Danish Waterfront Building design by Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter

post updated 23 May 2024

Contemporary Copenhagen Waterfront Building

Location: KDY Yachting Marina, Tuborg South, Hellerup

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

Unless stated otherwise photos are by VLA

14 Aug 2008

Yachtclub Copenhagen

Tuborg Harbour and Canal are the main elements in VLA’s master plan for Tuborg South.

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

KDY Yachting Marina is placed as the central element in the harbour with a fantastic view over the entire harbour, the canal and Oresund. The central placement of the club house also divides the harbour into two basins.

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

The club house’s main architectural characteristic is the large folding roof that closes the building off towards the housing area in the south but opens out towards the harbour and the beautiful view of Oresund.

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY Copenhagen

KDY Yachting Marina, Tuborg South, by VLA

Nye Bygning i København

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY Copenhagen

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY images from Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter 140808

Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter

Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY Copenhagen

The Royal Danish Yacht Club (RDYC) was founded in 1866 and was originally named the Danish Association for Pleasure Sailing (Dansk Forening for Lystsejlads). The Club works to promote sailing in Denmark and to support its members in their favourite sport.

The first clubhouse was built in 1884 at Pinneberg’s Ravelin on the Langelinie site facing the Copenhagen waterfront. For the first 15 years, the Club rented the house from De Forenede Bryggerier (the United Breweries of Denmark), and the building was replaced by Fritz Koch’s new and bigger pavilion in 1903.

Since World War II, there has hardly been any sailing activity from Langelinie, but the Club still has its beautiful premises and Secretariat on this address; now in Eva & Nils Koppel’s Langelinie Pavillon that was inaugurated in 1958.

Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark Margrethe II inaugurated the new Club House in Tuborg Harbor on the 12th of June 2007. The new clubhouse is built in connection to the new marina in Tuborg, which is also operated by RDYC. The area was until few years ago the headquarter for the world-famous Tuborg brewery.


Location: Copenhagen , Denmark, northern Europe

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Comments / photos for the Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY Copenhagen design by Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter (VLA) page welcome

royal danish yacht club


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  2. Royal Danish Yacht Club

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  3. Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

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  5. Gallery of KDY

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  1. KDY » Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub, Sejlklubben på Sjælland

    KDY er Danmarks største sejlklub. Vi er en stolt klub med lange traditioner, en sund kultur, et stærkt sammenhold og godt sømandsskab »

  2. Royal Danish Yacht Club

    Royal Danish Yacht Club (Danish: Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub; shortened KDY) is a Danish yacht club in Copenhagen that was established 1866 under the name Dansk Forening for Lystsejlads. It is the oldest yacht club in Denmark, and has been under royal patronage since Christian IX's approval in 1891.

  3. Royal Danish Yacht Club

    The Royal Danish Yacht club - or Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub as it is called in Danish - was founded in 1866. The yacht club is situated in Hellerup and has an impressive club house. It was done by architect Thomas Scheel, and was opened in 2007. The Royal Danish Yacht Club is part of bigger renovation project in Hellerup, with the aim to create a ...

  4. Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub

    The Royal Danish Yacht Club (RDYC) was founded on 3 July 1866 after a regatta in Nyborg (Funen), and was originally named the Danish Association for Pleasure Sailing (Dansk Forening for Lystsejlads). Ever since then, the Club has worked to promote sailing in Denmark and to support its members in their favourite sport.

  5. KDY

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  7. Visiting the Royal Danish Yacht Club

    On the occasion of the club's 25th anniversary in 1891, King Christian IX. the club the right to call itself 'Kongelig Dansk Yacht Club' in the future. From 1891 and the name change, the previously used white club stand with three red stars gave way to the new stand with a royal crown over three yellow stars.

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  11. KDY

    The Royal Danish Yacht Club enjoys a central location with an extensive water view encircled by a system of walkways, steps and ramps, which convey the transition between the city and the harbour. The clubhouse is the harbour headquarters, and at just 1,000 square metres it is of a different scale than the rest of the buildings.

  12. Royal Danish Yacht Club

    For members of the International Sailing Centre at the Royal Danish Yacht Club (Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub). Not a member yet? Find out more on

  13. The Royal Yacht Dannebrog

    The yacht has visited most of the ports of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The yacht has also visited European ports, especially in France, and has been in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean seas as well as the American east coast. Dimensions of the Royal Yacht: Length (overall): 78.4 m; Width: 10.4 m; Draught: 3.9 m; Mast height: 23 m

  14. How Royal Danish Yacht Club Earned Sustainability Award, and What Comes

    Royal Danish Yacht Club (KDY) was recently awarded a distinguished Platinum Certificate for sustainability in the Nordic Region in 2021, an incredible achievement for the Sustainability Committee. This group, headed by Søren Helmer and known colloquially as the "KDY Green Team" is tasked to deliver, manage, develop and follow up on established sustainability activities, with many more ...

  15. Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub

    Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub. Checkmate Digitalt Bureau PRO. Royal Danish Yacht Club (Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub) is the oldest yacht club in Denmark - established 1866. The yacht club has strong traditions with a number of awarded honors. This website was built with... Magazine / Newspaper / Blog.

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  17. The Royal Yacht Dannebrog

    The Royal Yacht Dannebrog. From 3 February 2023 to 18 February 2024. Watch the opening of the exhibition live 2 February at 1 pm (in Danish) The Royal Danish Collection invites visitors to Koldinghus abord the Royal Yacht Dannebrog. The exhibition, which gives an impression of life on board for both the Royal Family and the ship's crew, is ...

  18. Case story

    Royal Danish Yacht Club is an attractive and sustainable sailing club with maritime heritage from the very beginning. In its work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Royal Danish Yacht club has developed a new sustainability strategy focusing on being a responsible entity in its activities linked to the ocean.

  19. Royal Danish Yachtclub KDY, Copenhagen

    The Royal Danish Yacht Club (RDYC) was founded in 1866 and was originally named the Danish Association for Pleasure Sailing (Dansk Forening for Lystsejlads). The Club works to promote sailing in Denmark and to support its members in their favourite sport. The first clubhouse was built in 1884 at Pinneberg's Ravelin on the Langelinie site ...

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