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[2023] Hydrofoil Catamaran: The Ultimate Guide to Foiling on Water

Review Team

  • November 1, 2023
  • Hydrofoil Basics

Experience the thrill of flying above the water with a hydrofoil catamaran!

Are you ready to take your hydrofoil boarding to the next level? Look no further than the hydrofoil catamaran. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of hydrofoil catamarans, exploring their history, how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to soar above the waves!

Table of Contents

Quick answer, quick tips and facts, how does a hydrofoil catamaran work, benefits of hydrofoil catamarans, drawbacks of hydrofoil catamarans, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, maintenance and care, recommended links, reference links.

A hydrofoil catamaran is a type of watercraft that combines the stability of a catamaran with the lift and speed of hydrofoils. It uses specially designed foils to lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. Hydrofoil catamarans are popular among sailors and water sports enthusiasts for their incredible speed, maneuverability, and thrilling foiling experience.

Shopping Links: Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

  • Hydrofoil catamarans can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (46 mph) or more, depending on the design and conditions.
  • The foils on a hydrofoil catamaran can lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for a smoother and faster ride.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans are used for various purposes, including racing, recreational sailing, and even transportation.
  • Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice, but it’s an exhilarating experience once you get the hang of it.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans come in different sizes and designs, catering to different skill levels and preferences.

Hydrofoil catamarans have a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. The concept of using hydrofoils to lift boats out of the water and reduce drag was first explored by Italian engineer Enrico Forlanini in the late 1800s. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that hydrofoil technology started to gain traction in the boating world.

The first hydrofoil catamaran, known as the “Aquavion,” was developed by the French engineer René Guilbaud in the 1950s. This innovative design combined the stability of a catamaran with the lift of hydrofoils, revolutionizing the world of sailing. Since then, hydrofoil catamarans have evolved and become more advanced, offering incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability on the water.

A hydrofoil catamaran works by utilizing hydrofoils, which are wing-like structures mounted underneath the hulls of the boat. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, lifting the hulls out of the water and reducing drag. This lift allows the hydrofoil catamaran to achieve higher speeds and a smoother ride compared to traditional boats.

The hydrofoils on a catamaran are typically designed with a curved shape, similar to an airplane wing. This shape creates a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the foil, generating lift. The foils are usually adjustable, allowing the sailor to fine-tune the performance of the catamaran based on the sailing conditions.

To control the hydrofoil catamaran, sailors use a combination of steering and sail trim. By adjusting the angle of the foils and the sails, they can optimize the lift and balance of the boat, ensuring a stable and efficient ride. It takes some practice to master the art of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer a range of benefits that make them a popular choice among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. Here are some of the key advantages of hydrofoil catamarans:

Speed : Hydrofoil catamarans are known for their incredible speed. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to glide smoothly above the waves. This enables hydrofoil catamarans to reach impressive speeds, making them a thrilling choice for racing and high-performance sailing.

Maneuverability : The lift generated by hydrofoils enhances the maneuverability of catamarans. With reduced drag, hydrofoil catamarans can make sharp turns and quick maneuvers with ease. This agility is particularly useful in racing scenarios, where every second counts.

Stability : The dual-hull design of catamarans provides inherent stability, even at high speeds. When combined with hydrofoils, the stability of hydrofoil catamarans is further enhanced. This stability makes them suitable for sailors of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.

Efficiency : Hydrofoil catamarans are more efficient than traditional boats. By reducing drag, hydrofoils allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption, making hydrofoil catamarans an environmentally friendly choice.

Versatility : Hydrofoil catamarans are versatile watercraft that can be used for various purposes. Whether you’re looking for a high-performance racing catamaran or a recreational sailboat for family outings, there’s a hydrofoil catamaran to suit your needs. Some models even offer the option to switch between foiling and non-foiling modes, providing flexibility on the water.

While hydrofoil catamarans offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider their drawbacks as well. Here are a few potential downsides to keep in mind:

Cost : Hydrofoil catamarans tend to be more expensive than traditional boats. The advanced technology and materials used in their construction contribute to the higher price tag. Additionally, maintenance and repairs can also be costly, especially if specialized parts or services are required.

Learning Curve : Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice. It can take time to learn how to control the boat effectively and maintain stability while flying above the water. Beginners may find the learning curve steep, but with dedication and proper instruction, anyone can master the art of hydrofoil catamaran sailing.

Weather Conditions : Hydrofoil catamarans are sensitive to weather conditions. While they excel in flat water and moderate winds, rough seas and strong gusts can pose challenges. It’s important to be aware of the weather forecast and choose suitable sailing conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Transportation and Storage : Hydrofoil catamarans can be larger and bulkier than traditional boats, making transportation and storage more challenging. Specialized trailers or racks may be required to transport the catamaran, and adequate storage space is needed to protect it when not in use.

Despite these drawbacks, the thrill and excitement of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran outweigh the challenges for many sailing enthusiasts.

When it comes to choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Skill Level : Consider your skill level and experience as a sailor. Some hydrofoil catamarans are designed for advanced sailors, while others are more beginner-friendly. Choose a catamaran that matches your skill level to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Intended Use : Determine how you plan to use the hydrofoil catamaran. Are you looking for a racing catamaran, a recreational sailboat, or something in between? Different models offer varying features and performance characteristics, so it’s essential to choose a catamaran that aligns with your intended use.

Budget : Set a budget for your hydrofoil catamaran purchase. Prices can vary significantly depending on the brand, model, and features. Consider both the upfront cost and the long-term maintenance expenses when determining your budget.

Brand and Reputation : Research different brands and their reputation in the hydrofoil catamaran industry. Look for brands with a track record of producing high-quality, reliable catamarans. Reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from experienced sailors can also provide valuable insights.

Demo and Test Sails : Whenever possible, try out different hydrofoil catamarans before making a final decision. Many manufacturers and dealers offer demo and test sails, allowing you to experience the performance and handling of the catamaran firsthand. This hands-on experience can help you make an informed choice.

Remember, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran is a personal decision that depends on your individual preferences and needs. Take your time, do your research, and consult with experts to find the perfect catamaran for your hydrofoil adventures.

Proper maintenance and care are essential to keep your hydrofoil catamaran in top shape and ensure its longevity. Here are some maintenance tips to help you keep your catamaran performing at its best:

Rinse with Fresh Water : After each sailing session, rinse your hydrofoil catamaran with fresh water to remove salt and debris. Pay special attention to the foils, as saltwater can cause corrosion over time.

Inspect for Damage : Regularly inspect your catamaran for any signs of damage or wear. Check the foils, hulls, rigging, and sails for any cracks, dents, or loose fittings. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Store Properly : When not in use, store your hydrofoil catamaran in a dry and secure location. If possible, keep it covered to protect it from the elements. Consider using a boat cover or storing it in a boat shed or garage.

Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines : Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and care. Each catamaran may have specific recommendations for cleaning, lubrication, and other maintenance tasks. Adhering to these guidelines will help prolong the life of your catamaran.

Seek Professional Assistance : If you’re unsure about any maintenance tasks or need assistance, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Local boatyards, sailing clubs, or authorized dealers can provide expert advice and services to keep your catamaran in optimal condition.

By following these maintenance tips and caring for your hydrofoil catamaran, you can enjoy many years of thrilling foiling adventures on the water.

Keppel Bay from Above

How fast is the hydrofoil catamaran?

Hydrofoil catamarans can reach impressive speeds, depending on various factors such as the design, wind conditions, and skill of the sailor. Some high-performance hydrofoil catamarans can exceed 40 knots (46 mph) or more. However, the exact speed will vary based on these factors.

How does a foil catamaran work?

A foil catamaran, also known as a hydrofoil catamaran, works by utilizing hydrofoils to lift the hulls out of the water. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. The lift created by the foils enables the catamaran to “fly” above the water, resulting in increased speed and improved performance.

What happened to hydrofoils?

Hydrofoils have a rich history and have been used in various applications, including passenger ferries, military vessels, and recreational boats. While hydrofoils experienced a surge in popularity in the mid-20th century, their use declined in some sectors due to factors such as high costs, maintenance challenges, and the development of alternative technologies. However, hydrofoils continue to be used in niche markets, including high-performance sailing and racing.

Read more about “… What is the World’s Largest Hydrofoil Boat?”

Are hydrofoil boats more efficient?

Yes, hydrofoil boats are generally more efficient than traditional boats. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption. However, it’s important to note that the efficiency gains may vary depending on factors such as the design, sailing conditions, and skill of the sailor.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer an exhilarating and thrilling experience on the water. With their incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability, they have become a favorite among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. While they may come with a higher price tag and require some skill to master, the rewards of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran are well worth it.

When choosing a hydrofoil catamaran, consider factors such as your skill level, intended use, budget, and the reputation of the brand. Take the time to research and test different models to find the perfect catamaran for your needs.

So, are you ready to take flight on a hydrofoil catamaran? Embrace the thrill, experience the freedom, and enjoy the incredible sensation of soaring above the water. Happy foiling!

  • Hydrofoil History
  • Advanced Hydrofoiling Techniques
  • Hydrofoil Equipment Reviews
  • Why do boats not use hydrofoils?
  • iFLY15 – iFLY Razzor Pro – Foiling Catamaran
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

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The Popular Brands Review Team is a collective of seasoned professionals boasting an extensive and varied portfolio in the field of product evaluation. Composed of experts with specialties across a myriad of industries, the team’s collective experience spans across numerous decades, allowing them a unique depth and breadth of understanding when it comes to reviewing different brands and products.

Leaders in their respective fields, the team's expertise ranges from technology and electronics to fashion, luxury goods, outdoor and sports equipment, and even food and beverages. Their years of dedication and acute understanding of their sectors have given them an uncanny ability to discern the most subtle nuances of product design, functionality, and overall quality.

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hydrofoil sailing catamaran

iFLY15 – Technical SPECS

Length 4.63 m, 15 ft..

A Foiling Catamaran for 1-2 person(s) does not need to be any longer than this. The ancient rule that says you need length to achieve speed does not apply, as hulls do not touch the water at most times.

Width 2.50 m.

This width provides plenty of righting moment, still being road legal ato be transported in horizontal position without disassembly.

7.5 m mast / 11.2 sqm mainsail

7.5 m mast with 11.2 sqm deck-sweeper mainsail. – 8.5 m mast on iFLY RAZZOR Pro with bigger rig

Draft: 95 cm

Weight: 90 kg.

90 kg ready to sail. A very light boat, providing nonetheless excellent stability for everyday suitability.

Crew 1-2 - max.180kg

Flysafe® foil control.

T-Foils Main Foils and Rudders FlySafe automatic dynamic foil control Additional Option: Main Foil Differential >>>

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Different - Rig Options


Full Carbon Hulls

Looking for the perfect setup for your foiling sailboat.

We can recommend the best iFLY setup and accessories for your boat. Get in touch for the ultimate sailing experience!


A great number of innovations all over the catamaran and the perfect match of all components allow controlled high-speed foiling experience. iFLY15 is full of innovations, e.g. in hull design, hydrofoils, rudders, automatic flight control system, two-layer wing trampoline, high performance rig…

HULL Design

full carbon – lightweight – performance design: Born to foil

High Performance Rig Options


Two Layer Trampoline


Full Carbon T-Foils 

SCIENTIFICALLY DEVELOPED high-end foils for early take off, high speed and maximum stability.

flySafe® dynamic foil control system

The foils are controlled independently, dynamically and precisely on both sides by the flySafe® foil control system . This enables high performance sailing through stable flight. The unique foil control system of IFLY15 is a 7 years proven system developed by CEC Catamarans.        Know More >>>


MDT FOIL CONTROL – iFLY rake control The sophisticated main foil differential is an active flight assistance – The Rake is adjustable while sailing. Advanced Rake Control is for the experienced, performance-oriented Catamaran sailors / pro sailors and is a feature on the iFLY RAZZOR Pro.      Know More >>>

Innovations and more   >>>

In the hand of the experienced sailor, iFLY15 is a high-performance racing machine. STABILITY IS NOT CONTRADICTORY TO HIGH PERFORMANCE OR SPORTINESS , on the contrary, it is a prerequisite for safe reaching and maintaining constant high speeds. Stable flight allows the sailor to concentrate on the course, on the wind, as well as on opponents and strategy – rather than permanently getting distracted by working on the foiling balance.

EARLY TAKE OFF IN WINDS AS LOW AS 2Bft. / 6 KNOTS , by combining the innovative “KickOff” foil control with a trampoline that provides boost and with the latest generation of rig and foils.

BOAT SPEEDS FAR BEYOND DOUBLE WIND SPEED CAN BE ACHIEVED . Enjoy high speed foiling with top speeds far beyond 25 knots – in ideal conditions up to 30 knots.



FREEDOM ! FLYING SOLO OR OPTIONAL WITH CREW . You have the choice. No manhunt for crew. But still enjoy the opportunity of taking a friend or family to fly with you. Up to 140kg of crew weight. (To keep the boat and especially the mast light, we specified the iFLY15 components intentionally not for double trapeze.)

NO HOISTING AND LOWERING OF DAGGERBOARDS while sailing. (Only for beaching or in shallow waters.)

FREEDOM TO SWITCH BETWEEN FLYING MODE OR SAILING AS A CONVENTIONAL CATAMARAN (with at least the leeward hull touching the water). Within seconds iFLY15 can be switched to Non-Flight mode, even while sailing. In that mode, iFLY15 will not take off, but the foils will still create lift and give an extra agile sailing behavior, which is on the same time very stable as rudder Foils will avoid pitch poling. Non-Flight mode is providing additional security in extreme high wind speeds. It is also useful for less experienced sailors or in all situations, where taking off is undesirable (e.g. in the harbor or while towing…).


EASY BEACHING AND SLIPPING , as simple as with any conventional beach catamaran by using a standard catamaran beach trolley. Foils remain flat under the keel, with the daggerboard lifted as on a conventional catamaran.

SIMPLE TO DISASSEMBLE PLATFORM . Width of 2.50m is also road legal in most countries for horizontal transport without disassembly.

DAGGERBOARDS CAN BE PLUGGED IN FROM ABOVE and Foils securely anchored from below with one central screw.

FAST SET-UP OF THE iFLY15 FROM ROAD TRAILER TO SAILING . Simple rigging the mast, no genacker boom, no foresail, no spi.

SILENT AND CALM PLANING ABOVE THE WAVES . Flight height of up to 90cm, avoiding even high waves below.

EASY TO FOIL THE JIBE (without landing). Stable maneuvers are made easier by the fact that the four T-Foils always remain in the water.

« INTERNATIONAL FORMULA 15 FOIL » Class Association. The new development class for FOILING, SINGLE HANDED on MULTIHULLS. Multi manufacturer class in the tradition of a Formula18, A-Class or international Moth. Enables large regatta fields and evolution of the boats, following the technical progress (which is especially essential in the case in Foiling). Strict regulations to avoid uncontrolled exaggerated development.

Contact : [email protected]

Catamaran Europe Central

The iflysail team, is looking forward to your message, more to know about ifly foiling , interesting tech, high performance rig options >>>, flysafe® dynamic foil control system >>>, ifly main foil differential technology >>>.

MDT FOIL CONTROL – iFLY rake control

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Ifly foiling experience >>>, press articles >>>, events >>>.

Yachting World

  • Digital Edition

Yachting World cover

Foiling: the history of the hydrofoiler

  • Matthew Sheahan
  • December 9, 2021

Foiling has taken the watersports world by storm in recent years, but the history of the hydrofoiler goes back further than you might think

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

The biggest revolution to hit watersports in general has been foiling , and it’s easy to view the use of hydrofoils as a relatively recent phenomenon.

In truth, although foiling has really taken off (if you’ll forgive the pun) in recent years in everything from surfing to sailing, paddleboarding , and beyond, the history of the hydrofoil goes back far further than many might assume.

The world of powered foilers kicked things off early but even sail-powered foiling craft are much older than you may realise.

The history of foiling

The early development of hydrofoils started over 100 years ago when Italian Enrico Forlanini achieved 36.9 knots with his 60hp airscrew-driven boat in 1906. Several engineers took notice, among them the Wright Brothers and Alexander Graham Bell, both of whom experimented with foilborne craft.

Within a few years speeds moved briskly into the 50-knot range for power boats, but it wasn’t until 1938 that a sailing boat got up onto foils with Americans Gilruth and Carl who managed to foil at five knots. Here are some key moments:

1869 – First patent for hydrofoil was for a rowing boat, French application made by Emmanuel Denis Fargot.

First hydrofoil boat built by Enrico Forlanini

First hydrofoil boat built by Enrico Forlanini

1906 – First hydrofoil boat designed and built by Enrico Forlanini. It had a ladder-type construction with multiple struts supporting multiple wings. It achieved 36.9 knots.

Alexander Graham Bell/s HD-4

Alexander Graham Bell’s HD-4

1918 – Alexander Graham Bell and Casey Baldwin launched their HD-4, a five-tonne vessel powered by two liberty aircraft engines of 350hp each and reached 52 knots. The HD-4 Hydrodrome later set a new world record of 61.58 knots.

1938 – First known sailing hydrofoil was produced by Americans R. Gilruth and Bill Carl.

Gordon Baker's Monitor

Gordon Baker’s Monitor

1955 – Monitor clocked at 25 knots. She was designed by Gordon Baker and built by the Baker Manufacturing Company of Evansville, Wisconsin. The US Navy shared part of the cost of construction.

In October 1956 she was recorded at 30.4 knots and was later said to have sailed close to 40 knots.

David Kelper's Williwaw

David Kelper’s Williwaw

1970 – The first hydrofoil cruiser. David Keiper’s Williwaw cruised throughout the South Pacific clocking up 20,000 miles.

1974 – Mayfly foiling cat established world record for A Class in Weymouth at 19.38 knots. In 1977 she set the bar higher at 23 knots.

Icarus, a modified foiling Tornado

Icarus, a modified foiling Tornado Photo: Claude Breton

1976 – Icarus , a modified foiling Tornado (above), set a new world record in B class at 20.70 knots. By 1985 Grogono and Fowler had raised their speed to 28.14 knots.

Offshore foiler Paul Ricard

Offshore foiler Paul Ricard

1980 – Eric Tabarly beat the schooner Atlantic ’s transatlantic record by more than two days in offshore foiler Paul-Ricard .

1990 – Hobie Trifoiler, a twin-sail trimaran with a mainsail on each outrigger, capable of 30 knots, making it the fastest production sailboat in the world. The prototype, Longshot , was developed by Dan and Greg Ketterman with Russell Long.

1992 – Russell Long broke his own world records for the fourth time in the Trifoiler clocking 43.55 knots.

1994 – Alain Thébault’s L’Hydroptère foiling tri launched.

Techniques Avancées, a foilborne proa

Techniques Avancées, a foilborne proa

1997 – Techniques Avancées , a French foilborne proa, set a new world speed record in the D class, at 42.12 knots

2005 – Rohan Veal wins the International Moth World Championship sailing a Moth class dinghy with hydrofoils fitted.

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

L’Hydroptère, former speed record holder. Photo: Christophe Launay

2009 – L’Hydroptère set new outright world speed record over 500m 51.36knots.


SailRocket2 clocked an unprecedented 64.45 knots

2012 – Sailrocket II broke L’Hydroptère ’s record to set new outright world record over 500m of 65.45knots.

2013 – The America’s Cup goes foiling as Oracle Team USA beat Emirates Team New Zealand both sailing foiling 72ft catamarans, the AC72s.


The G4 foiling catamaran

2015 – Gunboat launch the Gunboat G4, a foiling high performance cruising catamaran

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

IMOCA 60 Banque Populaire VIII, sailed by Armel Le Cléac’h wins the 2016/2017 Vendee Globe on a semi-foiling design

2016 – The Vendée Globe sees semi-foiling IMOCA 60 keelboats on the startline for the first time.

2017 – Emirates Team New Zealand win the America’s Cup in a foiling AC50 catamaran

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Emirates Team New Zealand racing in the 2021 America’s Cup in Auckland, New Zealand. Photo: ACE / Studio Borlenghi

2021 – Emirates Team New Zealand defend the 2021 America’s Cup in a brand new foiling monohull, the AC75

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Discover the Magic of Hydrofoil Sailboats

Discover the Magic of Hydrofoil Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

December 11, 2023

‍ Key Takeaways

  • Hydrofoil sailboats blend speed, stability, and innovation for a fun sailing experience.
  • Their design lifts the hull above water, reducing drag and enabling high-speed travel.
  • Advanced control mechanisms maintain stability in varying wind conditions.
  • Sails and hulls are meticulously engineered for optimal aerodynamics and lift.
  • Ongoing innovations in foil technology continue to propel hydrofoils to new heights.

‍ Based on their innovation and nature, the world of hydrofoil sailboats are magical, to say the least. But what exactly makes them so exceptional?

The magic of hydrofoil sailboats lies in their extraordinary speed. They can achieve remarkable speeds that were once thought impossible for sailboats. Their unrivaled stability and cutting-edge technology redefine sailing, offering a thrilling blend of innovation and performance.

Over the years, I've dedicated myself to mastering the intricacies of the yachting world, not just as an observer but as an active participant in the hydrofoil sailing community. My knowledge extends beyond the surface, encompassing the technical aspects of hydrofoil design and the thrill of high-speed sailing. As such, I’ll provide a comprehensive and engaging exploration of what sets hydrofoil sailboats apart, making them truly magical on the waters.

Table of contents

‍ Discover the Magic of Hydrofoil Sailboats

Hydrofoils saw their early development as a concept for enhancing speed and efficiency on the water. From Alexander Graham Bell's experiments to the application of foils on sailboats in the 1950s, the quest has always been for greater speed.

But it wasn't until Russell Long championed these designs with the CEC foiling catamaran and the development of the Hobie Trifoiler that hydrofoils began to carve a distinct niche in the sailing world.

This sailboat operates on a simple yet ingenious principle: as the speed increases, the foils submerged beneath the boat generate lift. This lift thrusts the boat's hull above the water, dramatically reducing drag.

It’s similar to how air flows around the wing of an airplane, only with water's denser environment offering a different dynamic. This revolutionary foiling system allows boats to glide over waves, offering an incredibly smooth ride.

The variety of hydrofoil sailboats is astounding, from the foiling catamarans that have revolutionized the America's Cup to the twin sail trimaran designs. The fastest production sailboat, the Hobie Trifoiler , showcases what hydrofoils are capable of.

Additionally, boats like the innovative Emirates Team New Zealand vessels continue to push the boundaries of technology in competitive sailing. Whether for recreational purposes or high-speed racing, the range of hydrofoil sailboats caters to different sailing experiences and preferences.

Now, let’s explore the various aspects of hydrofoil sailboats that make them truly magical.

The Thrills of Hydrofoil Sailing

When I first stepped onto a hydrofoil sailboat, I knew that sailing would never be the same for me. Harnessing the power of the wind to achieve remarkable speeds while hovering above the water was nothing short of revolutionary.

It's an adrenaline-infused blend of sailing, flying, and innovation that promises high performance and stability with a significant reduction in wetted areas.

The allure of hydrofoiling is not just about the speed; it's the sensation of flying over the waves, defying the conventions of traditional sailing. With each gust, my hydrofoil sailboat becomes a silent, swift car, slicing through the air rather than merely sailing on the water.

When sailing with hydrofoils, you get to experience the following benefits.

  • High Speed: With hydrofoils, I've seen and achieved speeds I never thought possible on water.
  • Less Wetted Area: As the hydrofoils lift the hull out of the water, drag is reduced, further contributing to the craft's efficiency and speed.
  • Stability: Surprisingly, the flying sensation is accompanied by stability once airborne, making the ride smoother.

The America’s Cup Competitive Foiling

Over the years, I've witnessed first-hand how hydrofoil technology has radically altered the landscape of competitive sailing. The introduction of hydrofoils has not only redefined what we consider possible in the sail area but has also brought a fresh surge of excitement to the racing circuit.

The most illustrious event in sailing, the America's Cup , underwent a transformation with the embrace of hydrofoils. Emirates Team New Zealand, a frontrunner in hydrofoil innovation, redefined the America's Cup racing in 2017.

Alongside them, the US team and Luna Rossa played pivotal roles in reshaping the landscape of America's Cup racing.

With their AC50 class catamarans soaring above the waves at top speeds that defy traditional sailing limits, they clinched the title and shifted the focus of competitive racing toward technological prowess.

The spectacle of these vessels racing is not just about the crew's capabilities but equally a testament to engineering marvels.

Also, the advent of hydrofoils in racing has certainly led to a spike in performance metrics. Here's a concise table highlighting the before and after impact of hydrofoiling in competitive Sailing:

This table illustrates just how much the racing landscape has shifted; it's not only sailing anymore.

It’s similar to piloting a high-speed aircraft, with each crew member playing a crucial role in harnessing the raw power of the strong winds in harmony with state-of-the-art technology. Watch this video for a more detailed explanation of hydrofoil sailboats and their magical power.

Technical Aspects of Hydrofoil Sailboats

In diving into the technical aspects of hydrofoil sailboats, I'll give you an insight into the intricate designs that enable these marvels to glide above the water, as well as the cutting-edge foil technology propelling them.

The design of a hydrofoil sailboat revolves around its capability to elevate the hull above the water, reducing drag and enabling high wind-speed travel. Control mechanisms are central in maintaining stability, especially when the sailboat interacts with varying wind conditions or maneuvers through shallow waters.

The hull's length and overall design are calibrated for balancing aerodynamics with hydrodynamics. In designing sails and hulls for foiling, one must carefully balance the need for power with the propensity for lift.

The sails are tailored not only to harness the wind's energy effectively but also to match the unique mechanics of a vessel in flight. Meticulous engineering ensures that the sail configuration works in harmony with the foils to propel the sailboat forward swiftly.

Additionally, the foil technology, which is pivotal to modern hydrofoils, has undergone significant further development over the years . From the materials used to the manufacturing processes, every element incorporates the latest in technology to yield extreme performance.

Advancements have led to foils that can automatically adjust to sailing conditions and speed, which is instrumental for achieving and maintaining high speeds.

Currently, the future of hydrofoil technology seems bound for even further breakthroughs. Customization and refinement of foils for specific water conditions, such as the challenges posed by shallow water, are ongoing.

Each new iteration builds upon the last, consistently advancing the field and informing the next leap in hydrofoil sailing. This persistent innovation in foil and hull technology is a testament to the potential that lies ahead for hydrofoil sailboats.

Are Hydrofoil Sailboats the Right Options for You?

Hydrofoil sailboats offer a unique and thrilling sailing experience, but whether they are the right option depends on your preferences and goals. These high-performance vessels are known for their exceptional speed and stability, making them ideal for thrill-seekers and competitive sailors.

If you're passionate about cutting-edge technology and want to push the boundaries of traditional sailing, hydrofoil sailboats could be a perfect fit.

However, they may require a learning curve for beginners and are typically more expensive than traditional sailboats.

Consider your skill level, budget, and desire for speed and innovation when deciding if hydrofoil sailboats align with your sailing aspirations.

The Future of Hydrofoil Sailboats and Their Transformative Potential

Over the years, I've been captivated by the evolution of sailing and the recent advancements in hydrofoil technology, which promise a thrilling future for these marine crafts.

The technology supporting hydrofoil sailboats is rapidly advancing, bringing us closer to a world where boats gliding above the water's surface is a common sight.

These boats use 'wings' or foils submerged in water to lift the hull above the surface, reducing drag and allowing for greater speeds. This innovation is not just limited to racing but is expected to influence recreational and transport vessels in the future.

Today, we see hydrofoils in action with hydrofoil kiteboards, which have become popular among thrill-seekers. This is due to their ability to harness wind power and achieve impressive acceleration and agility on the water. This same principle is being applied to larger sailing vessels, where performance and sustainability converge.

The further development of hydrofoil technology involves intensive research into materials and design optimizations that can handle the challenges of varied sea conditions.

Electric and solar-powered hydrofoils are on the horizon, poised to significantly impact our world by offering greener alternatives to traditional boats.

Notably, the trends in hydrofoiling indicate a shift towards more sustainable sailing, utilizing advancements in electric propulsion systems to complement the inherent energy efficiency of hydrofoil designs.

The goal is a fleet of sailboats that are not just faster but more eco-friendly, promising an exciting future where the joy of sailing is in harmony with the health of our oceans.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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World's fastest hydrofoil cruising catamarans.

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Foiling technology: everything you need to know about hydrofoils

Fitting foils to powerboats is all the rage, but how do they work and why is foiling back in fashion?

What is foiling?

Foiling refers to the use of hydrofoils attached to the hull of fast boats, which provides additional lift at planing speeds – often enough to lift the hull completely clear of the water.

What is the benefit of this?

Efficiency. The enemy of fast boats is the amount of effort required to push them through the water. Planing boats go some way to addressing this by rising up over their own bow wave and skimming across the surface, but the stern sections are still immersed, creating significant hydrodynamic drag. It follows that if you can lift the boat completely clear of the water, hydrodynamic drag is only acting on the foils themselves and the sterngear that propels and steers it.

Any advantages beyond efficiency?

Lifting the boat clear of the surface can reduce the disturbance of waves, smoothing the ride, but only up to a point. It’s not just about lift though – active foils can also be used to improve stability or handling and in some circumstances, can improve efficiency even without lifting the boat.

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How do foils work.

Foils work in a similar way to aircraft wings. In simple terms, as they move through the water they deflect the flow, which exerts a force on the foil. If that force is upward, the faster they move, the greater the lift.

So why are they so much smaller than aircraft wings?

Because water is much denser than air – almost 800 times, in fact. The foils have far more to push against than aircraft wings, so don’t require the same surface area.

Photo superyacht Oceanco © Guillaume Plisson

Is this new technology?

Far from it. Foiling technology can be traced back to 1898 when Italian inventor Enrico Forlanini began work on a ‘ladder’ foil system, obtaining patents in both the UK and the USA. He had a prototype operating on Lake Maggiore soon after. British boat designer John Thornycroft followed up with a series of scale models featuring stepped hulls and a single foil, and by 1909 had a full-scale 22ft prototype running. During WWII, the German military developed a 17-tonne foiling mine layer that was tested in the Baltic at speeds of up to 47 knots. By the early 1950s, the first commercial hydrofoil ferry was running between Italy and Switzerland and a decade later, a private hydrofoil yacht featured in the Bond movie Thunderball.

Why did they never catch on in production boating?

Traditionally, high-speed hydrofoils used large V-shaped foils that jutted out beyond the boat’s beam. This made berthing tricky and increased the draught. They were also costly to construct, vulnerable to damage and difficult to power, as the propellers of conventional shaftdrives would be clear of the water once foiling. Lastly, although hydrofoils were often more efficient than monohulls, high-speed cats could usually match the efficiency without the drawbacks.

Why are they back in the news?

Foiling technology came back into public focus when the 2013 America’s Cup contenders started to use foil-shaped daggerboards to hit speeds of more than 40 knots. Ben Ainslie’s spectacular last-gasp victory for the Oracle USA team and his subsequent BAR Land Rover Cup Challenger brought foiling to a global audience. More recently, we’ve seen the emergence of several foiling motor boats, including the SEAir RIB and the Sunreef Open 40 Power. More exciting still is the news that Princess will use an advanced Active Foil System on its new R Class superboat .

What has changed?

Technology has overcome many of the shortfalls of older systems. Simon Schofield, chief technology officer at BAR Technologies, told MBY the real game changer has been the adoption of ‘Dalí’ foils. Instead of two fixed V-shape foils, Dalí foils use four independent L-shaped blades that stick out of the hull at an angle before curving up like Salvador Dalí’s famous moustache. They are far more efficient and can be retracted, solving the berthing and draught issues. In addition, computer-controlled active systems allow the foils to be adjusted to suit speed and sea conditions. This doesn’t just improve efficiency, it can enhance the ride and handling too. When cornering, for example, a traditional hydrofoil boat doesn’t lean into the turn, making it uncomfortable for passengers. An active system can adjust each foil to induce the correct degree of lean. Modern materials also reduce drag and cavitation.

How about propulsion?

The Enata Foiler uses twin BMW diesel 320hp engines, but instead of being connected to the propellers with hefty drag-inducing shafts and gearboxes, these generate electric power which can be sent down a thin flexible cable to slender electric motors mounted on the retractable rear foils.

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How Do Hydrofoil Catamarans Work? (The Science Behind It Explained)

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly on the water? Hydrofoil catamarans are designed to do just that, and many people are amazed by the experience of gliding across the water at speeds that are unheard of with traditional boats.

But what are hydrofoil catamarans, and how do they work? In this article, well explain the science behind these revolutionary boats and explore the advantages, design considerations, and safety precautions that come with them.

Well also look at some examples of hydrofoil catamarans to show you just how powerful and advanced they are.

So, if youve ever wanted to know how these boats work and what sets them apart, read on!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Hydrofoil catamarans work by using foil-shaped wings that protrude from the bottom of the boat, below the water line.

The foils are designed to lift the vessel out of the water, reducing the surface area touching the water, and therefore reducing drag.

As the boat moves forward, the airflow on the foils generate lift, causing the boat to rise out of the water and glide along the surface.

The foils act as an air cushion, allowing the boat to travel at higher speeds than a regular catamaran.

What are Hydrofoil Catamarans?

Hydrofoil catamarans are a type of boat that use hydrofoils to lift the hull above the water.

This reduces drag, allowing for faster and smoother sailing than traditional boats.

Hydrofoils are wings that protrude from the hull of the boat and are designed to lift the boat out of the water.

This reduces the amount of water resistance and allows the boat to travel faster.

The hydrofoils are adjustable, allowing the boat to be tuned to the desired speed.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer an efficient and fast way to travel on the water, making them a popular choice for recreational and competitive sailing.

The hydrofoils work by creating lift as the boat moves through the water.

As the boat moves, the water flow pushes against the hydrofoils and creates a pressure differential.

This pressure differential creates lift, which lifts the boat out of the water and reduces drag.

The hydrofoils also reduce the amount of wave resistance, allowing the boat to glide through the water.

The hydrofoils can be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel, allowing the boat to be optimized for maximum performance.

The angle of attack of the hydrofoils is also adjustable, allowing the boat to be tuned to the desired speed.

The fins are designed to keep the boat stable and can be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel.

In conclusion, hydrofoil catamarans are a type of boat that uses hydrofoils to lift the hull above the water.

How Do Hydrofoils Work?

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Hydrofoils are a type of boat that uses a set of wings or fins to lift the hull above the water.

The hydrofoils are attached to the hull and use the water pressure to propel the boat forward.

The wings of the hydrofoils are designed to reduce the amount of wave resistance, allowing the boat to glide through the water with greater efficiency.

The wings are usually made of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber or aluminum and are designed to produce lift when the boat is moving at a certain speed.

The wings can be adjusted to different angles, which can increase or decrease the lift.

When the boat is moving, the hydrofoils create a low-pressure zone underneath the boat.

This low-pressure zone reduces the amount of drag and improves the efficiency of the boat, allowing it to move faster and more smoothly.

The hydrofoils also help to reduce the amount of wave resistance, allowing the boat to glide through the water with less effort.

They are suitable for all kinds of sailing, from racing to cruising.

Hydrofoils can be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel, making them an excellent choice for those who want to sail faster.

Hydrofoils are also a great choice for those who want to reduce their environmental impact.

Hydrofoils reduce drag, which means that they require less fuel to move the boat, resulting in lower emissions.

Hydrofoils are a great way to reduce the environmental impact of sailing while simultaneously enjoying a faster and smoother ride.

Advantages of Hydrofoil Catamarans

Hydrofoil catamarans offer a unique and efficient way to travel on the water.

The hydrofoil design reduces drag, allowing the boat to glide through the water with greater speed and stability than traditional boats.

The hydrofoils are attached to the hull and use the water pressure to propel the boat forward, creating less wave resistance than a traditional boat.

This allows the boat to move faster and smoother, while using less fuel.

Additionally, the fins can be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel, making it easier to control.

The design of the hydrofoil catamaran also allows it to ride high above the water, reducing drag and contact with the water surface.

This allows for a smoother ride, allowing the boat to move faster with less fuel consumption, and less noise and vibration.

Additionally, the hull shape of the hydrofoil catamaran is designed to increase its stability and maneuverability, further reducing drag and allowing for a faster and smoother ride.

The combination of the reduced drag, increased stability, and smoother ride makes hydrofoil catamarans a popular choice for recreational and competitive sailing.

The ability to move quickly and efficiently makes them ideal for racing, and the increased stability and maneuverability makes them well-suited for recreational activities such as sightseeing or fishing.

Additionally, the reduced contact with the water surface can help to protect the hull from damage, making the boat more durable and longer-lasting.

Overall, hydrofoil catamarans offer an efficient and fast way to travel on the water, making them a popular choice for recreational and competitive sailing.

The combination of reduced drag, increased stability, and smoother ride makes them an ideal choice for anyone looking to get the most out of their time on the water.

Factors Affecting Hydrofoil Performance

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

The performance of a hydrofoil catamaran depends on a variety of factors, including the type of hydrofoil, the size and shape of the hull, and the speed and direction of the wind.

The hydrofoil itself is an important factor in determining the performance of a hydrofoil catamaran.

Different types of hydrofoils offer different levels of lift, drag, and stability, so its important to choose the right hydrofoil for the job.

The size and shape of the hull also affects the performance of the hydrofoil catamaran, as the hull is the part of the boat that provides the buoyancy and helps the boat to stay afloat.

The speed and direction of the wind also affects the performance of a hydrofoil catamaran, as a headwind or tailwind can cause the boat to be pushed or pulled in a certain direction.

Finally, the weight of the vessel also affects the performance of a hydrofoil catamaran, as a heavier boat will require more lift from the hydrofoil to remain afloat.

Design Considerations for Hydrofoil Catamarans

Hydrofoil catamarans are a special type of boat that use a unique design to offer efficient and fast travel on the water.

The key component of the design is the hydrofoil, which is a fin-like structure attached to the hull that uses the water pressure to push it forward.

This reduces drag and wave resistance, resulting in a smoother, faster sailing experience than traditional boats.

When designing a hydrofoil catamaran, there are a few important considerations that engineers must take into account.

The hydrofoils must be designed so that they can be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel, as well as provide stability and reduce wave resistance.

Additionally, they must be constructed from durable materials to ensure they can stand up to the elements and provide a reliable ride.

The shape of the hull also plays an important role in the performance of a hydrofoil catamaran.

A rounded hull is ideal for reducing drag, while a flat hull is better suited for stability.

As for the size of the hydrofoils, they should be big enough to lift the boat above the water, but not so large that they create too much drag.

Finally, the placement and size of the hydrofoils must be carefully calculated to ensure the boat can reach its maximum speed while remaining stable.

It is also important to consider the weight of the boat and its passengers when designing a hydrofoil catamaran, as this will affect the performance of the hydrofoils.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, engineers can design hydrofoil catamarans that are both fast and stable, providing an enjoyable and efficient ride.

Examples of Hydrofoil Catamarans

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Hydrofoil catamarans come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them suitable for a variety of applications.

Popular examples of hydrofoil catamarans include the America’s Cup boats, the A-class catamaran, as well as the Nacra and Tornado catamarans.

The America’s Cup boats are the fastest boats in the world and are designed to achieve speeds of up to 50 knots.

The A-class catamarans are lightweight and designed for racing, while the Nacra and Tornado catamarans are designed for recreational sailing.

Each of these boats use hydrofoils to reduce drag and improve performance.

In addition to recreational and competitive sailing, hydrofoil catamarans are also used for transportation.

The Sea Eagle is a high-speed ferry that uses hydrofoils to reduce drag and increase its top speed.

The ferry is capable of carrying up to 250 passengers and can reach speeds of up to 50 knots.

Other examples of hydrofoil catamarans include the hovercraft, which uses a combination of air and water pressure to lift the vessel above the water, and the AirFish, which uses a combination of air and water pressure to fly above the water.

Hydrofoil catamarans are an efficient and fast way to travel on the water, making them popular for recreational and competitive sailing, as well as for transportation applications.

The hydrofoils reduce drag and increase performance, allowing these boats to reach speeds of up to 50 knots.

The design of the hydrofoils can also be adjusted to match the speed of the vessel, allowing for a smoother and more efficient ride.

Safety Precautions for Hydrofoil Catamarans

Hydrofoil catamarans are a popular choice for recreational and competitive sailing due to their efficiency and speed.

However, these vessels require extra caution to ensure the safety of all passengers.

Before operating a hydrofoil catamaran, it is important to understand the safety precautions needed to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.

First, always wear a personal floatation device (PFD) when operating a hydrofoil catamaran.

This will provide a layer of protection if you fall overboard.

Additionally, if the hull of the boat is lifted above the water, it is important to check the area for any debris or objects that may be submerged.

This could cause damage to the boat or injure passengers.

It is also important to check the weather conditions before going out on a hydrofoil catamaran.

Wind, waves, and storms can all be hazardous for these vessels.

They are not suitable for rough water and should be avoided during inclement weather.

Additionally, it is important to check the engine and fuel levels before embarking on any voyage.

Finally, it is important to understand the limitations of the hydrofoil catamaran.

These vessels are designed for speed and maneuverability, not stability.

They are not intended for large groups or for carrying heavy cargo.

The hydrofoil system can also be easily damaged by impacts with rocks and other objects so it is important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid any obstacles.

By taking the proper safety precautions, you can ensure an enjoyable and safe experience while operating a hydrofoil catamaran.

Always wear a PFD, check the weather conditions, and understand the limitations of the vessel before going out on the water.

With the proper preparation, you can enjoy the speed and efficiency of a hydrofoil catamaran for many years to come.

Final Thoughts

Hydrofoil catamarans are a unique type of boat that offers an efficient, fast, and smooth sailing experience.

The hydrofoils lift the hull out of the water, reducing drag and wave resistance, allowing the boat to glide through the water.

With the right design considerations and safety precautions, hydrofoil catamarans can be an enjoyable and safe way to travel on the water.

If youre looking for a fast and efficient way to get out on the water, hydrofoil catamarans may be the perfect option for you.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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The UFO is a simplistic modern hydrofoiling boat, that allows anyone to fly through the air, freeing the hull from draggy water. More stable than the International Moth -or even a child’s pram- with a simple rig, and a set of fully retractable hydrofoils, all for $11,500 USD the UFO makes flying attainable. Thousands less than it’s nearest competition.  Built in the United States in high volume and quality control, the UFO maintains a one-design philosophy, creating close and exciting racing on foils!

hydrofoil sailing catamaran


  • Designed and built in the USA
  • $11,500 USD
  • Compatible and rewarding to all skill levels
  • Lightweight for easy maneuverability
  • Solid, nearly dent-proof, hull
  • Unique patented hull and rig designs
  • Stable on and above the water
  • Small footprint for carefree storage and shipping
  • Takeoff from about 8knts of wind
  • Fast, fun, easy to control foiling

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The wand system controlling the foils, which can be set to fly very high, very low (even ‘no fly mode’) and all points in between. This means you can progressively add challenges to your UFO experience as you feel ready for them, from ‘beginner mode’ all the way to ‘extreme mode’. Additionally, the highly tunable sail can be set up to provide only the amount of power that your body type needs, and no excess. This means that the UFO is accessible and fun for sailors of all sizes, ages and skill levels. Merely set up the boat for your skill level and body type and go play around.

The UFO is very broadly applicable and has flown payloads from 70 pounds -a tiny kid- to 270 pounds -a tall grown man and a teenage boy-. The foil package just needs power to climb. Ultra light sailors have been caught on camera flying in 5 knots of breeze and the baseline for 225 pound sailors to take off is 10 knots. 270 flies in 12 knots of breeze.


While the boat can be left on shore with everything in place, but the sail down, that doesn’t mean the UFO isn’t easy to put together or take apart. Quite the opposite. Simplicity begets simplicity and the boat is a cinch to put together and take apart.


Being small is it’s own reward when it comes to handling the boat through all sailing experiences. When you start to really push yourself learning to foil, there are good odds you’ll manage to capsize it. The UFO is easy to right from capsizes and even full “turtle” inversions. This last part is critical, because when catamarans are too heavy to right from turtle the only option is to make the mast float. This has the unintended downside of making the boat very likely to blow away from you. The UFO is designed to stay right alongside you in the event you are separated from the boat. Additionally, the boat possesses an uncommon “park” mode in which it will hold station of its own accord, apparently indefinitely without external input of any kind. The full benefits of that upside have not begun to be fully exploited.

hydrofoil sailing catamaran


The Fulcrum design team strictly adhered to the axion “if there’s a point of sail (say, upwind or downwind) that it can’t always foil on, you can’t call it a foiler”. The design team achieved their goal and the UFO is a fully flying boat on all points of sail, which drastically increases its fun-factor.

At what points of sail does the UFO foil at?

The UFO fully foils at all points of sail. Upwind, downwind and reaching.  Additionally, you can set it to  not foil when you’re tired and it will do that as well, so you can get home easily. These two factors make the UFO uniquely good for learning to foil.

Who can fly the UFO?

Within reason, anyone.

UFO pilots have ranged from 8 years old to 72, from 90 pounds to 235. Young sailors do well sailing as pairs or with a middleweight to light adult. It’s rare that anyone on the fulcrum team conceives of a boat with a narrow niche in mind. Why bother? It’s a mistake in yacht design to design a boat for a narrow range of users, when for the most part people are diverse and the objective of one-design boats is to garner large fleets. That said, the boat is likely to be most satisfactory in all wind conditions in the hands of teens, small and medium men and all women. At the extreme low end of the weight range, sailors may find themselves overpowered and at the extreme high end, the wind speed required for takeoff is about two knots higher than average. UFOs have been sailed “two up” as well, though the above limits of weight range still apply to the sum of the two sailors weights.

What wind and waves can I fly a UFO in?

The UFO will sail in practically any wind condition. However, it’s important to remember that with all sailboats there are days that are great to sail in and days where you do something else.

While the UFO can at times with a skilled skipper take off in very low wind speeds, the baseline for reliable flight is around eight knots. Trying to squeeze enough power to fly out of too little wind is tiresome and in those circumstances, it’s best to do something else. In 8 knots and above, flying is magical and unforgettable. In under 8 knots, the UFO reverts to being a pleasant displacement catamaran and goes from being exciting and fast to relaxing and tactical. This is another benefit of being a catamaran.

Over the last six years the UFO has proven to be uniquely good at flying safely and consistently in very high windspeeds. In multi-class foiling regattas the UFO has proven to be the only foiler built to date that simply  loves  high windspeeds. In winds above 22 knots when other foiling boats make for shore, the UFO wants to keep playing. The upper wind limit is more a matter of taste and skill. UFOs have been sailed in 36 knots, but that requires a great deal of skill and focus.  The UFO rig having shared DNA with a windsurf rig seems to play a part in the boat’s remarkable ability to get a kick out of big wind. Since the upper wind limit on the UFO is so much higher, this makes the number of optimal days to fly a UFO (if skilled in sailing one) higher per year than with any other production foiling boat.

Most chop and wave conditions present no issue for a UFO set for the days’ conditions. After all, powered hydrofoils were first developed by various leading Navy’s as a means of smoothly flying over challenging sea-states. Choking up the ride height helps the UFO fly smoothly through the bottom of the wave pattern, undeterred. Rolling seas present even less issue, as the UFO will ride along them just like any other. Extremely tight and tall chop can be very annoying, which is not peculiar to the UFO.

Waves do effect baseline windspeeds to achieve takeoff. Imagine getting a plane to take off on a bumpy runway. This is true for all hydrofoil boats. In choppy water, ten to twelve knots can be necessary to achieve fully easy takeoffs. Some UFO sailors use aggressive kinetic techniques to overcome this and take off in choppy water and low wind.

Will I fly my first time out?

Most people do, but bear in mind that flying is a whole new experience and it takes some learning.

Conditions, setup and technique matter and if you use it incorrectly, you are likely to get some degree of incorrect results. That’s the challenge that the UFO is built to address. Over six years on the market and over 500 boats delivered, the UFO has proven to be the best and most reliable platform for ordinary sailors to reliably teach themselves foiling technique on.

What happens when I crash my UFO into something?

You’ll probably do some damage to it.

The UFO is built with durability as a core objective but it’s worth noting that the gulf between “Feather light under engineered ragged-edge high performance craft” and “literally indestructible” is extremely wide. The UFO represents neither of these extremes. Do not attempt your first flight inside a densely packed mooring field. Obstacles only make you better once you’ve mastered the basics.

How easy is it to rig a UFO?

Best in class, vs other foiling boats on the market. With that said, it’s not easier than doing nothing. Doing nothing is very easy! Putting a boat together is worthwhile but obviously involves effort.

The current cartop to launched speed record is roughly 15 minutes. Socket the mast together. Attach the boom and stays in one go. Step the rig. Flip the boat on its side, insert the foils, right the boat, hoist the sail and launch. Complexity is best avoided.

Leaving the UFO on a dock or a beach with the rig in and the foils simply in the “up” position, achieves an ease of daily use on par with any light beach cat. To go foiling all you need to do is hoist the sail with the halyard, clip the sail to the boom and attach the downhaul line and you’re ready to launch. This brings setup and breakdown to a matter of five minutes or less.

How do I launch and land a UFO?

Far far far more easily than any other foiling boat on the market.

Because the UFO is a very small catamaran, while floating the hulls float relatively deep in the water and create lateral resistance, like the hulls on a hobie 16 or hobie wave. This means that it can sail upwind without a daggerboard of any kind in the water. This is not the case with non-catamaran foilers. The rudder is outfitted with a friction brake and a down-halyard to allow its depth to vary and allow steering in shallow water. So from 16 inches of water and beyond, you can sail away from and back to shore reliably.

Because the UFO’s forward foil assembly is located  in front of  the mast, the UFO can tack and gybe while the forward foil is fully withdrawn from the water. This is unique. It allows the UFO to navigate reliably in the period between launching or landing and flying. The benefits for usability and safety cannot be overstated.

Once you’ve got to deep enough water, lower your foils fully and fly away!

That’s if you’re using a dolly.

If you aren’t using a dolly, the UFO has even more party tricks to show off. Since the foils withdraw to above the waterline of the hull, the hull can be beached or slid up onto a dock float or boat deck without any risk to damaging the foils. The UFO is a boat that’s eager to go sailing.

Can I easily cartop a UFO?

At this hull weight, the boat is very easy to put on top of a car, and its flat bottoms allow it to be strapped down hard with no drama. The other components of the boat collapse down to the point of easily fitting in a standard hatchback.

Where can I store my UFO?

Anywhere you can carry it to. Anywhere it fits.

Behind couches, under beds, under porches, in basements, inside larger boats, chained to apartment fire escapes, hanging in garages. Anywhere it can go that’s convenient for your lifestyle is a good place for it to go.

Why does X look like Y? Surely it would be better to make it like Z.

Just trust us.

If you’ve thought of it, we’ve weighed the pros and cons and its been included or excluded for good reason. Creating a boat that can be produced at an affordable price, for a wide range of sailors with a maximum quantity of accessible performance is an extremely hard target to hit. The UFO meets all of its objectives and does so by blatantly ignoring a few conventions and norms. You simply don’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

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hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Designed with a singular vision...To deliver unmatched performance and efficiency!

Introducing the insetta 35ifc  – the bar has been raised.

The Insetta 35IFC was designed with a singular vision… to be the best-performing center console sport fishing catamaran in its class.  Enjoy unmatched performance, range, and efficiency thanks to the 35IFC’s hydrofoil-assisted design.

In addition to being the best High-Performance Fishing Catamaran in its class, it also provides a smoother and dryer ride in the rough stuff!

This boat was designed for people who fish, by people who fish!  From its integrated livewells to its cavernous coffin boxes, level open deck layout, massive insulated storage and so much more, this boat was designed for maximum range and fishability!

Here’s what our customers have to say: “Holy crap do I love my 35 IFC with the Merc 300 V8’s on the back. We ran her down to Key Largo the other day, snorkeled all day, got lunch at Shipwrecks Bar and Grill, and ran back. Cruised between 40 and 45 mph, mostly around 42. So smooth it’s nuts. Burned maaaayyybe 40 gallons for the whole day. As we cruised the dashboard was telling us between 1.7 and 1.8 mpg, but I’m pretty sure we cruised more than 40 miles and burned between 35 and 40 gallons, no more. So… suffice it to say that you guys have absolutely crushed it and changed the game here. Fantastic work”! – Alan, Hull #4

Check out our FAQ’s section below for more about the Insetta 35 with  IFC!


Length Overall

Maximum Beam

Maximum Draft

Fuel Capacity

Cruise Speed

Cruise Miles Per Gallon (MPG)

Over 850 miles*

Cruise Range

Standard Features

Standard “Insetta White” Gelcoat Molded in Diamond Non-Skid Tackle Storage Stbd Side Tackle Storage Port Side 19 Gallon Freshwater Washdown/Shower 5 x In Deck Storage Hatch 2 x In Deck Macerated Fish Boxes 625 Qt Insulated Coffin Box, Split Boxes Walk through Transom Access (Door Optional) Two 36 gallon Integrated Transom Livewells Fresh and Raw Water Washdown 34 Rod Holders (gunnels and coffin box) 7 Stainless Gemlux Pull-Up Cleats LED Navigation Lights Boarding Ladder

Recessed Stainless Bow Rail

Helm / Console

Fiberglass Hardtop with Powder Coated Aluminum Supports Tempered Safety Glass Enclosure for Console 6 Integral Rod Holders Built into Rear Support Molded Fiberglass Leaning Post with Rear Face Seating and cooler 3 Wide Helm Seats 6 S/S Cup Holders Storage Box and Rigging Tray on Rear Facing Seat Storage Drawers Under Helm Seats 165 Qt Leaning Post Ice Box Located Under Rear Face Seats

Base Upholstery

Equipment and Electronics

3 Part Internal Foil System

3 Pump Capacity Sea Chest with Dual Livewell Pumps & Raw Water Feed

4 1100 GPH Bilge Pumps (2 in Each Sponson)

Standard Capacities

490 gallon fuel capacity.

625 Qt Insulated Coffin Box with Divider

165 Qt Leaning Post Ice box

Dual 36 Gallon Livewells

19 Gallon Freshwater

Frequently Asked Questions

IFC is Insetta Boatwork's Internal Foiling System.

You can expect a significant increase in cruise speed; Improved handling and stability in rough conditions; Better acceleration; A boat that is less affected by increased payload; A 20-40% increase in fuel efficiency; and a 20-40% further cruise range! Additionally, the IFC technology will also provide a drier ride in choppy conditions and Provide for more responsiveness when turning at speed!

The system is a fixed setup, there is nothing to operate and there are zero moving parts.

The IFC Technology in effect smooths out rough seas by allowing the boat to run from wave crest to wave crest at a relatively smooth and stable attitude. The IFC System creates lift which help to in effect “Carry” the hull higher in the water. The system acts as a set of wings carrying the boat at speed, keeping the hull from having to follow each wave across its entire contour. In other words the surface of the waves have less effect on the hull as the IFC system is lifting the boat. Additionally, the aerodynamic lift created by the catamaran hulls creates even more lift at the bow of the boat, keeping the nose high and preventing the “slamming” or sneezing found in other catamaran hulls.

No, you don’t. The foils are flush mounted to the bottom of the keels of each sponson (as well as up in the tunnel.) At its centerline the main foil of the IFC system is only slightly lower than the keel line. The boat will easily load onto a standard catamaran trailer. There is no big contraption hanging way down under the boat.

Remember, the foils are INTERNAL to the tunnel. At its lowest point the main foil is only slightly lower than the hull and is higher than the props. Because of this the odds of striking the foils are extremely low. The boat is designed to be lifted by the foil. The structural integrity of the foil system is such that the weight of the boat could be supported many times over by the foil. As such, if you did somehow manage to strike the foil on something EXTREMELY SUBSTANTIAL, like a stone shoal, the likely outcome is that you may (in a very worst case scenario) bend or break a foil wing. If that were to happen, you could still operate the boat to port with the remaining foils. The IFC foils are made from a very high-grade stainless steel and designed to meet or exceed relevant guidelines for impact and strength.

As water travels through the tunnel and around the foil, a tremendous vortex is created. This force keeps most debris from being trapped in the tunnel or around the foil. Between the pressure of the air moving through the tunnel, and the vortex created in the water, the tunnel and foils will stay clean and clear.

The outboards of the 35 IFC are mounted on a slight outward angle to place the propellers properly to maximize the thrust and flow efficiency created as the water travels through the tunnel and around the foils. This mounting also helps the boat to lean into a corner, much like a monohull.

Firstly, we’d ask, “Why would you want to?” But the short answer is no. IFC is an integrated system that is integral to the design of the boat.

The short answer is that boats with technology similar to IFC have been in use for many years, but not in the recreational market. Commercial and Military applications are quite prevalent. The initial design of a hull and system like this is quite complex and can be cost prohibitive. We at Insetta feel the gains in efficiency, speed, range and ride quality far outweigh the initial design and build cost.

Upon deciding to build a foiling Cat, Insetta assembled a team of naval Architects and Marine Engineers to refine an existing and proven design. Using their own state of the art construction techniques, Insetta brought an application specific version to the fiberglass Center Console market.

Optional Features

Customizable Garmin or Simrad Electronics JL Audio 10 Speaker Stereo System Flush Mount Acrylic Helm Bow Shade Custom Gelcoat or Combination of Colors Deluxe Upholstery Third Center Livewell Under Rear Facing Seat 40 gallon Seadek Flooring or Flexiteek Decking Additional Gunnel Rod Holders (18 standard) Recessed Wireless Phone Chargers Swivel Base Rod Holders Outlets for Electric Reels Additional Drink Holders on Leaning Post, Coffin Box, Gunnels and Helm Forward/Rear/Side Spreader Lights T-Top Outrigger Bases/Poles Gemlux Electric Head With 19 Gallon Blackwater Holding Tank Freshwater Sink and Vanity Inside Console Underwater Lights Heavy Duty Dive Ladder LED Under Gunnel Lighting On-Board Battery Charger Windlass Custom Aluminum Trailer Cockpit Table/Bow Table

Why did Insetta Boatworks decide to build a boat with IFC?

For decades, Hydrofoil power boats have proven to be the most efficient craft for a variety of offshore operations.

While pursuing a B.S. in physics in 1960, Victor Insetta was employed doing anti-submarine research that utilized high speed Deep-V patrol boats equipped with hydrofoils. Their ability to pursue submarines at high speed, operate safely offshore, and, being foil borne: allowed their hull to run clear of the water avoiding direct hits from torpedoes. Decades later, Vic and his family rode comfortably on hydrofoil ferries in Italy, flying over white capped waves in the bay of Naples.

In 2017, The Insetta 45 was chosen to be the official chase boat of the America’s cup! Four 45’ Insetta’s catamarans were shipped to Bermuda to assist at various cup events. Sailboats, competing from several countries, were catamarans with hydrofoils ! The Insetta 45’s ran parallel to these “foiling sail cats” to assist with TV coverage. The sailing cats were traveling at speeds approaching 50 mph, 2 ½ times the wind speed . Efficient … you bet . They could also turn on a dime at over 40 mph…

It became obvious: that a foiling cat would make a great offshore outboard power boat… Many foil power boat designs in the past, had wide foils that stuck out the sides, increasing their beam and draft. It made them difficult to dock, and they couldn’t operate in shallow waters. Joel Shine (chief operating officer) of Insetta Boatworks found a catamaran design that had hydrofoils mounted in the tunnel, (that location between the tunnel walls actually improves their efficiency), and does not add to its draft. Further improvements could be added by using our ultra-light high strength infused composite construction.

Joel, Vic and our technical staff reviewed the foiling cat’s initial specifications and performance data, and then sea trialed two foiling cats with internal hydrofoils. Our staff includes a second physicist and pilot… Glen Dobbs. We are all active boaters and we determined we would build our version of a foiling outboard powered cat. We contacted a Naval architect, who designed several successful foiling power cats . He is now a member of our technical staff.

Our 35 “foiling cat” design has set the standard for Foil-Assisted Sportfishing boats. The hull, foils, materials, and engines are synergistically combined, to provide: unrivaled high-speed cruising efficiency , and provide safe offshore handling, with unimpeded shallow water operation, including beaching, without foils or props contacting the bottom.

Insetta 35IFC

The premier internal foiling catamaran.

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

Integrated 36 Gallon Livewells & 625 QT Coffin Box Standard

Designed to fish.

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

850+ Mile Range!

Shows the Internal Foil Catamaran

Best in Class MPG, Smoother/Dryer Ride!


Click the button below to contact or email us for more info!

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The Foiling Press – February 2024

The Foiling Press – February 2024 – February was a busy month for…

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

The Foiling Press – January 2024

We kicked off the year with a full house here at Insetta Boatworks! Three beautiful 35IFC’s in…

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

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The Foiling Press – December 2023 – We’ve wrapped up an incredible year…

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The Foiling Press – April 2024

The Foiling Press – April 2024 – April has been a month full…

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The Foiling Press – March 2024

The Foiling Press – March 2024 – Spring is in the air and…

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Sailboats have been using hydrofoils to fly above the water for over 50 years.  However, with the advances in materials and construction, hydrofoil sailing is becoming more common.  The plan for this site are to have information on many prior hydrofoil boats as well as current and future boats.  There will also be other sections on upcoming events, designs and speed records. 

Last update: February 2008

hydrofoil sailing catamaran

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures

C hoosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision:

1. Sailing Experience:

  • Sailboats: Typically require more skill and experience to handle, especially in adverse weather conditions. Ideal for sailors who enjoy the traditional feel of sailing and are willing to invest time in learning and mastering the art.
  • Catamarans: Easier to handle, making them suitable for beginners. The dual-hull design provides stability, reducing the learning curve for those new to sailing.

2. Space and Comfort:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a narrower beam and less living space. However, some sailboats may offer comfortable cabins and amenities.
  • Catamarans: Wider beam creates more living space. Catamarans often have multiple cabins, spacious saloons, and expansive deck areas, providing a more comfortable living experience.

3. Stability:

  • Sailboats: Monohulls can heel (lean) while sailing, which some sailors enjoy for the thrill but can be discomforting for others.
  • Catamarans: Greater stability due to the dual hulls, providing a more level sailing experience. Reduced heeling makes catamarans suitable for those prone to seasickness.

4. Performance:

  • Sailboats: Known for their upwind performance and ability to sail close to the wind. Some sailors appreciate the challenge of optimizing sail trim for efficiency.
  • Catamarans: Faster on a reach and downwind due to their wide beam. However, they may not point as high into the wind as monohulls.
  • Sailboats: Typically have a deeper draft, limiting access to shallow anchorages and requiring deeper marina berths.
  • Catamarans: Shallow draft allows access to shallower waters and secluded anchorages, providing more flexibility in cruising destinations.
  • Sailboats: Generally more affordable upfront, with a wide range of options available to fit different budgets.
  • Catamarans: Often more expensive upfront due to their size and design. However, maintenance costs may be comparable or even lower in some cases.

7. Mooring and Docking:

  • Sailboats: Easier to find slips and moorings in marinas designed for monohulls.
  • Catamarans: Require wider slips and may have limited availability in certain marinas, especially in crowded anchorages.

8. Intended Use:

  • Sailboats: Ideal for traditional sailors who enjoy the art of sailing, racing enthusiasts, or those on a tighter budget.
  • Catamarans: Suited for those prioritizing comfort, stability, and spacious living areas, especially for long-term cruising and chartering.

9. Resale Value:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a more established resale market, with a wider range of buyers.
  • Catamarans: Growing in popularity, and well-maintained catamarans often retain their value.

10. Personal Preference:

  • Consider your personal preferences, the type of sailing you plan to do, and the kind of lifestyle you want aboard your vessel.

In conclusion, both sailboats and catamarans have their advantages and disadvantages. Your decision should be based on your individual preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. If possible, charter both types of vessels to experience firsthand how they handle and to help make a more informed decision based on your own preferences and needs.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures appeared first on Things That Make People Go Aww .

Choosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision: 1. Sailing Experience: 2. Space and Comfort: 3. Stability: 4. Performance: 5. Draft: 6....

Spectacular footage shows US catamaran flipping over and capsizing during pre-race in Bermuda

Sport Spectacular footage shows US catamaran flipping over and capsizing during pre-race in Bermuda


The crew of a catamaran that flipped during the pre-race at a Bermuda event escaped unharmed, as vision showed the US team being flung through the air.

The F50 capsized during the third and final practice race, and while the crew were unhurt in the spectacular moment, the team was forced to withdraw from the race due to the damage sustained to the catamaran.

Data from the vessel showed that wing trimmer Victor Diaz de Leon pressed a button by accident, which inverted the wing of the boat.

"While operating the wing, I chose the wrong function on my control panel, which caused our boat to flip. It was very scary and I'm thankful all my teammates are safe," Diaz de Leon said after the incident.

Team CEO and strategist Mike Buckley said mistakes can happen.

"We compete as a team and whatever the outcome is — whether it's what we want — we win and lose as a team and we learn from it," he said.


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    Hydrofoil catamarans can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (46 mph) or more, depending on the design and conditions. The foils on a hydrofoil catamaran can lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for a smoother and faster ride. Hydrofoil catamarans are used for various purposes, including racing, recreational sailing, and even ...

  2. Sailing hydrofoil

    Hydrofoiling wingsail catamaran 17. A sailing hydrofoil, hydrofoil sailboat, or hydrosail is a sailboat with wing-like foils mounted under the hull.As the craft increases its speed the hydrofoils lift the hull up and out of the water, greatly reducing wetted area, resulting in decreased drag and increased speed. A sailing hydrofoil can achieve speeds exceeding double and in some cases triple ...

  3. iFLY

    The flight control system, combined with numerous fine-tuned innovations, ensures safe foiling even in strong winds and rough seas.. Stable flight attitude allows pushing hard, so in good conditions, iFLY reaches high boat speed beyond 30 knots in a controllable way. IFLY15 offers freedom to fly alone or in pairs.

  4. Racing the Flying Phantom Hydrofoil Catamaran

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  5. iFLY15

    The foils are controlled independently, dynamically and precisely on both sides by the flySafe® foil control system. This enables high performance sailing through stable flight. The unique foil control system of IFLY15 is a 7 years proven system developed by CEC Catamarans. Know More >>>.

  6. World's Most Advanced Hydrofoil Boats Fly Above Water

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  7. The Flying Phantom: US$40k sailboat levitates two feet above the waves

    The Flying Phantom catamaran seems to levitate above the water as it hydrofoils. "It's like removing the handbrake - suddenly everything gets smoother and faster in pure silence.". This ...

  8. Foiling: the history of the hydrofoiler

    1938 - First known sailing hydrofoil was produced by ... 2013 - The America's Cup goes foiling as Oracle Team USA beat Emirates Team New Zealand both sailing foiling 72ft catamarans, ...

  9. Discover the Magic of Hydrofoil Sailboats

    Hydrofoil sailboats blend speed, stability, and innovation for a fun sailing experience. Their design lifts the hull above water, reducing drag and enabling high-speed travel. Advanced control mechanisms maintain stability in varying wind conditions. Sails and hulls are meticulously engineered for optimal aerodynamics and lift.

  10. Foiling Catamarans

    Foiling catamarans often move so fast that whether they're sailing upwind or downwind, they always look like their close hauled and sheeted in tight. Top Manufacturers Some examples of foiling cats include the NACRA 17 that raced in the 2016 Olympics and a modified version will be in Tokyo 2020. A step up in the series is the NACRA F20, which ...

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  12. Foiling technology: everything you need to know about hydrofoils

    Foiling technology can be traced back to 1898 when Italian inventor Enrico Forlanini began work on a 'ladder' foil system, obtaining patents in both the UK and the USA. He had a prototype operating on Lake Maggiore soon after. British boat designer John Thornycroft followed up with a series of scale models featuring stepped hulls and a ...

  13. How Do Hydrofoil Catamarans Work? (The Science Behind It Explained)

    Hydrofoil catamarans work by using foil-shaped wings that protrude from the bottom of the boat, below the water line. The foils are designed to lift the vessel out of the water, reducing the surface area touching the water, and therefore reducing drag. As the boat moves forward, the airflow on the foils generate lift, causing the boat to rise ...

  14. FoilCat: The Foiling Power Catamarans Elevating Center Console Boats

    The Foil Cat holds 400 gallons of fuel and with twin Mercury 400 Verado engines, has a 600-700-mile range, cruising at an easy 32 mph. That horsepower and speed provides an economical 2 mpg burn. The amidship location of the 28" foils come into play as the boat planes, balancing the amount of boat in the water, both foils and propulsion units ...

  15. Hydrofoil Catamaran

    FLY WITH THE UFO. Designed and built in the USA. $11,500 USD. Compatible and rewarding to all skill levels. Lightweight for easy maneuverability. Solid, nearly dent-proof, hull. Unique patented hull and rig designs. Stable on and above the water. Small footprint for carefree storage and shipping.

  16. Nemesis One Worlds Fastest Luxury Hydrofoil Sailing Super yacht

    WORLD'S FASTEST HYDROFOIL CRUISING CATAMARAN. The 'NEMESIS ONE' will be the World's Fastest Luxury Foiling Sailing Yacht, able to break the 50 knots speed barrier, while flying on computer controlled hydrofoils. Contrary to being a stripped out racing vessel, the all carbon fiber Nemesis One boasts stunning futuristic, yet comfortable ...

  17. The Ultimate 35′ Offshore Power Catamaran

    Enjoy unmatched performance, range, and efficiency thanks to the 35IFC's hydrofoil-assisted design. In addition to being the best High-Performance Fishing Catamaran in its class, it also provides a smoother and dryer ride in the rough stuff! This boat was designed for people who fish, by people who fish! From its integrated livewells to its ...

  18. Welcome

    Welcome. Sailboats have been using hydrofoils to fly above the water for over 50 years. However, with the advances in materials and construction, hydrofoil sailing is becoming more common. The plan for this site are to have information on many prior hydrofoil boats as well as current and future boats. There will also be other sections on ...

  19. The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran ...

    3. Stability: Sailboats: Monohulls can heel (lean) while sailing, which some sailors enjoy for the thrill but can be discomforting for others. Catamarans: Greater stability due to the dual hulls ...

  20. Spectacular footage shows US catamaran flipping over and capsizing

    The crew of a catamaran that flipped during the pre-race at a Bermuda event escaped unharmed, as vision showed the US team being flung through the air. ... which inverted the wing of the boat.

  21. Time in Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunset: 08:22PM. Day length: 15h 50m. Solar noon: 12:27PM. The current local time in Lobnya is 27 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

  22. Lobnya Map

    Lobnya is a town in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 30 kilometres north west of Moscow. Lobnya has about 84,200 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  23. Lobnya, Moscow Oblast, Russia Weather

    Interactive weather map allows you to pan and zoom to get unmatched weather details in your local neighborhood or half a world away from The Weather Channel and Weather.com

  24. Toyo Trans

    Contacts Warehouse and Оffice. Industrial Park Sheremetyevo. 141400, Moscow Oblast, Khimki city, Klyazma area, 1g. Phone: +7 (495) 6519231 Fax: +7 (495) 6519232